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This bulletin covers ambulatory health care, and should be of interest to multidisciplinary staff working in this area. Topics covered can include anaesthesia and analgesia, day surgery, infections, management and service design, minor injuries, outpatient investigations and procedures. The bulletin will be published bi-monthly.

Many of the following articles are available online via the NHS Scotland Knowledge Network. Please use the links where provided and your ATHENS password. A complete list of available online journals and registration for ATHENS can be found at knowledge.scot.nhs.uk/

If the article you require is not available via the NHS Scotland Knowledge Network and you would like to request a print copy, please submit your request online at quest.scot.nhs.uk

This bulletin contains a selection of material gathered from a search of the evidence base, and is not intended to be comprehensive. Professional judgment should be exercised when appraising the material. The Library takes no responsibility for the wording, content and accuracy of the information supplied, which has been extracted in good faith from reputable sources. NHSGGC is not responsible for the content of external internet sites.


• Anaesthesia & Analgesia

• Day Surgery

• Management

• Minor Injuries

• Outpatient Investigations

• Outpatient Procedures

• Rehabilitation

• Service Design & Quality Measures

Compiled by:

Shona MacNeilage, Library Manager – North Sector Tel: 0141 211 5161 or 0141 355 1684 Fax 0141 355 1772 email shona.macneilage@ggc.scot.nhs.uk

Anaesthesia & Analgesia

HARI KEERTHY, P., et al, 2015. Comparitive Evaluation of Propofol and Midazolam as Conscious Sedatives in Minor Oral Surgery. Journal Of Maxillofacial And Oral Surgery, 14(3), pp. 773-783.

JONES, K.A. and LAFERRIERE, K.A., 2015. Intravenous Anesthesia With Bispectral Index Monitoring vs Inhalational Anesthesia for Rhytidoplasty: A Randomized Clinical Trial. JAMA Facial Plastic Surgery, 17(4), pp. 239-244.

KAIN, Z.N., et al, 2015. Web-Based Tailored Intervention for Preparation of Parents and Children for Outpatient Surgery (WebTIPS): Development. Anesthesia and Analgesia, 120(4), pp. 905-914.

O'DONNELL, K., F., 2015. Preoperative Pain Management Education: A Quality Improvement Project. Journal of PeriAnesthesia Nursing, 30(3), pp. 221-227.

PURWAR, B., et al, 2015. General or Spinal Anaesthetic for Vaginal Surgery in Pelvic Floor Disorders (GOSSIP): a feasibility randomised controlled trial. International Urogynecology Journal, 26(8), pp. 1171-1178.

REDDY, V.S.K., et al, 2015. Effect of pain medication choice on emergency room visits for pain after ambulatory laparoscopic cholecystectomy. American Surgeon, 81(8), pp. 826-828.

ROSENBERG, M.B. and PHERO, J.C., 2015. Airway Assessment for Office Sedation/Anesthesia. Anesthesia Progress, 62(2), pp. 74-80.

SHARMA, G., K. and VERMA, S., P., 2015. Is Nebulized Lidocaine Adequate Topical Anesthesia for Diagnostic Transnasal Tracheoscopy? Annals of Otology, Rhinology & Laryngology, 124(7), pp. 545-549.

TOMAR, G.S., et al, 2015. Is dexmedetomidine better than propofol and fentanyl combination in minor day care procedures? A prospective randomised double-blind study. Indian Journal of Anaesthesia, 59(6), pp. 359-364.

ZOING, M., 2015. Perioperative pain management: Enhancing a child's day surgery experience. Dissector, 43(1), pp. 12-13.

Day Surgery

APPLEBY, J., 2015. Day case surgery: a good news story for the NHS. BMJ (Clinical research ed.), 351, pp. h4060-h4060.

AYALA, M.A. and YENCHA, M.W., 2015. Outpatient Thyroid Surgery in a Low-Surgical Volume Hospital. World journal of surgery, 39(9), pp. 2253-2258.

BHALLA, A., et al, 2015. Day-case closure of ileostomy: feasible, safe and efficient. Colorectal Disease: The Official Journal Of The Association Of Coloproctology Of Great Britain And Ireland, 17(9), pp. 820-823.

CURRÒ, G., et al, 2015. Three-Dimensional Versus Two-Dimensional Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy: Is Surgeon Experience Relevant? Journal Of Laparoendoscopic & Advanced Surgical Techniques.Part A, 25(7), pp. 566-570.

HARTOG, Y.M.D., et al, 2015. Total hip arthroplasty in an outpatient setting in 27 selected patients. Acta Orthopaedica, , pp. 1-4.

HELSETH, Ø., et al, 2015. Outpatient Cervical and Lumbar Spine Surgery is Feasible and Safe: A Consecutive Single Center Series of 1449 Patients. Neurosurgery, 76(6), pp. 728-737.

HSU, Y. and DAMROSE, E.J., 2015. Safety of outpatient airway dilation for adult laryngotracheal stenosis. The Annals of Otology, Rhinology, and Laryngology, 124(6), pp. 452-457.

HUDAK, E.M. and PERRY, M.W., 2015. Outpatient minimally invasive spine surgery using endoscopy for the treatment of lumbar spinal stenosis among obese patients. Journal of Orthopaedics, 12(3), pp. 156-159.

JAOUA, H., et al, 2015. Evaluation of a new supraglottic airway device in ambulatory surgery: The i-gel. Tunisie Medicale, 92(4), pp. 239-244.

KIM, C.W., et al, 2015. Comparison of sequential same-day middle ear surgeries: bilateral mastoidectomy, unilateral mastoidectomy with contralateral tympanoplasty, and bilateral tympanoplasty. European Archives Of Oto-Rhino-Laryngology: Official Journal Of The European Federation Of Oto-Rhino-Laryngological Societies (EUFOS): Affiliated With The German Society For Oto-Rhino-Laryngology - Head And Neck Surgery, 272(6), pp. 1395-1402.

KORT, N.P., et al, 2015. Outpatient surgery for unicompartmental knee arthroplasty is effective and safe. Knee Surgery, Sports Traumatology, Arthroscopy: Official Journal Of The ESSKA,

MCGIRT, M.J., et al, 2015. ACDF in the Outpatient Ambulatory Surgery Setting: Analysis of 1000 Consecutive Cases and Comparison to Hospital Inpatient ACDF. 165 Neurosurgery, 62 Suppl 1, pp. 220-220.

MCISAAC, D.I., et al, 2015. Impact of ambulatory surgery day of the week on postoperative outcomes: a population-based cohort study. Canadian Journal of Anesthesia, 62(8), pp. 857-865.

MOUTON, A., et al, 2015. Patient's satisfaction after outpatient forefoot surgery: Study of 619 cases. Orthopaedics & Traumatology, Surgery & Research: OTSR,

RHONDALI, O., et al, 2015. Fast-track recovery after day case surgery. Paediatric anaesthesia,

ROBINS, H. and WARNER, B., 2015. Implementation of Mass Transfusion Protocol in the Outpatient Operating Room Setting: A Case Study. AANA Journal, 83(3), pp. 196-199.

SOBEL, S.I., et al, 2015. Safety and Efficacy of a Peri-Operative Protocol for Patients with Diabetes Treated with Continuous Subcutaneous Insulin Infusion Who are Admitted to Same Day Surgery. Endocrine Practice: Official Journal Of The American College Of Endocrinology And The American Association Of Clinical Endocrinologists,

SOHN, H.S., et al, 2015. Patient factors affecting frequent potential unnecessary injection use in outpatient care setting. Archives of Pharmacal Research, 38(7), pp. 1389-1396.

STANKIEWICZ, M., et al, 2015. Incidence and Predictors of Lower Limb Split-Skin Graft Failure and Primary Closure Dehiscence in Day-Case Surgical Patients. Dermatologic Surgery: Official Publication For American Society For Dermatologic Surgery [Et Al.], 41(7), pp. 775-783.

TANG, H., et al, 2015. Day surgery versus overnight stay laparoscopic cholecystectomy: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Digestive And Liver Disease: Official Journal Of The Italian Society Of Gastroenterology And The Italian Association For The Study Of The Liver, 47(7), pp. 556-561.

WESTERMAN, M.E., et al, 2015. Ventral Slit Scrotal Flap: A New Outpatient Surgical Option for Reconstruction of Adult Buried Penis Syndrome. Urology, 85(6), pp. 1501-1504.

Infections & Antibiotic Therapy

Antibiotic clinics provide ‘incredible’ community care. 2015. Nursing Standard, 29(40), pp. 10-10.

DHOLAKIA, S., et al, 2015. The association of noise and surgical-site infection in day-case hernia repairs. Surgery, 157(6), pp. 1153-1156.

WATERHOUSE, D. and ATKINSON, D., 2015. Outpatient antimicrobial therapy services. British Journal of Nursing, , pp. S14-S14.


Are your wound management choices costing you money? 2015. Journal of Community Nursing, 29(4), pp. 17-20; 3p.

ABBOTT, A., ANN, et al, 2015. A Qualitative Case Study Exploring Nurse Engagement With Electronic Health Records and E-Prescribing. Western journal of nursing research, 37(7), pp. 935-951.

FLAKE, Z.A., et al, 2015. Practical selection of antiemetics in the ambulatory setting. American Family Physician, 91(5), pp. 293-296.

KAUNONEN, M., et al, 2015. Database nurse staffing indicators: explaining risks of staff job dissatisfaction in outpatient care. Journal of nursing management, 23(5), pp. 546-556.

LUTHER, S.L., et al, 2015. Improving identification of fall-related injuries in ambulatory care using statistical text mining. American Journal of Public Health, 105(6), pp. 1168-1173.

NEEMAN, N. and SEHGAL, N.L., 2015. Meaningful Utilization of After-visit Summaries in the Ambulatory Setting. American Journal of Medicine, 128(8), pp. 828-830.

ROSENBAUM, A.J., et al, 2015. Third Place: Do rates and risk factors for limited musculoskeletal health literacy differ between patients in the emergency department and patients in an outpatient orthopaedic surgery practice?. Current Orthopaedic Practice, 26(4), pp. 343-348.

Minor Injuries

ABDULAZIZ, K., et al, 2015. National Survey of Emergency Physicians to Define Functional Decline in Elderly Patients with Minor Trauma. CJEM, , pp. 1-9.

LEE, J., et al, 2015. Return to the ED and hospitalisation following minor injuries among older persons treated in the emergency department: Predictors among independent seniors within 6 months. Age and Ageing, 44(4) (pp 624-629), pp. Arte Number: af054

OLIVIERI, P., et al, 2015. Foot pain and swelling after minor traumatic injury. American Journal of Emergency Medicine, 33(7), pp. 991.e1-2.

Outpatient Investigations

KIRKHAM, K.R., et al, 2015. Preoperative testing before low-risk surgical procedures. CMAJ: Canadian Medical Association Journal = Journal De L'association Medicale Canadienne, 187(11), pp. E349-E358.

THOMPSON, A. and WENNIKE, N., 2015. Testing the AMB score - can it distinguish patients who are suitable for ambulatory care? Clinical Medicine, 15(3), pp. 222-224.

Outpatient Procedures

CLARK, T.J., et al, 2015. A randomised controlled trial of outpatient versus inpatient polyp treatment (OPT) for abnormal uterine bleeding. Health technology assessment, 19(61), pp. 1-194.

GUPTA, V., et al, 2015. Evaluation of Differences in Percentage of International Normalized Ratios in Range Between Pharmacist-Led and Physician-Led Anticoagulation Management Services. Journal of Pharmacy Practice, 28(3), pp. 249-255.

HAMERLYNCK, T.W.O., et al, 2015. Removal of endometrial polyps: hysteroscopic morcellation vs bipolar resectoscopy, a randomized trial(a). Journal Of Minimally Invasive Gynecology,

HOO, G.W.S., 2015. The Role of Noninvasive Ventilation in the Hospital and Outpatient Management of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease. Seminars in Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine, 36(4) (pp 616-629), pp. Arte Number: 01139.

KOSZEWSKI, I.J., et al, 2015. Office-Based Photoangiolytic Laser Treatment of Reinke's Edema: Safety and Voice Outcomes. Otolaryngology--Head And Neck Surgery: Official Journal Of American Academy Of Otolaryngology-Head And Neck Surgery, 152(6), pp. 1075-1081.

LELOUP, P., et al, 2015. Outpatient home-based wet wrap dressings with topical steroids with children with severe recalcitrant atopic dermatitis: A feasibility pilot study. Pediatric dermatology, 32(4), pp. e177-e178.

MUSSER, J.E., et al, 2015. Ambulatory Extended Recovery: Safely Transitioning to Overnight Observation for Minimally Invasive Prostatectomy. Urology Practice, 2(3), pp. 121-125.

TAN, P.W., et al, 2015. Outpatient combined intracavitary and interstitial cervical brachytherapy: Barriers and solutions to implementation of a successful programme - A single institutional experience. Journal of Contemporary Brachytherapy, 7(3), pp. 259-263.

TSUCHIYA, T. and SANO, A., 2015. Outpatient Treatment of Pneumothorax with a Thoracic Vent: Economic Benefit. Respiration, 90(1), pp. 33-39.

TSUDA, A. and KANAOKA, Y., 2015. Outpatient transcervical microwave myolysis assisted by transabdominal ultrasonic guidance for menorrhagia caused by submucosal myomas. International Journal Of Hyperthermia: The Official Journal Of European Society For Hyperthermic Oncology, North American Hyperthermia Group, , pp. 1-5.


AKERBLOM, S., et al, 2015. The Mediating Role of Acceptance in Multidisciplinary Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy for Chronic Pain. Journal of Pain, 16(7) (pp 606-615), pp. Arte Number: 3066.

GOLDSTEIN, J.E., et al, 2015. Clinically meaningful rehabilitation outcomes of low vision patients served by outpatient clinical centers. JAMA Ophthalmology, 133(7), pp. 762-769

LEGGETT, L.E., et al, 2015. Optimizing Value from Cardiac Rehabilitation A Cost-Utility Analysis Comparing Age, Sex, and Clinical Subgroups. Mayo Clinic proceedings, 90(8), pp. 1011-1020.

PIOTROWICZ, E., et al, 2015. Quality of life in heart failure patients undergoing home-based telerehabilitation versus outpatient rehabilitation – a randomized controlled study. European Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing, 14(3), pp. 256-263.

VISSER, M.M., et al, 2015. Coping, Problem Solving, Depression, and Health-Related Quality of Life in Patients Receiving Outpatient Stroke Rehabilitation. Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, 96(8), pp. 1492-1498.

Service Design & Quality Measures

New eating disorders program offers in-home alternative. 2015. Mental Health Weekly, 25(30), pp. 5-6.

ARMSTRONG, K.A., et al, 2015. The effect of mobile app home monitoring on number of in-person visits following ambulatory surgery: protocol for a randomized controlled trial. JMIR Research Protocols, 4(2), pp. e65-e65.

BICKHAUS, J.A., et al, 2015. The feasibility of clean intermittent self-catheterization teaching in an outpatient setting. Female Pelvic Medicine and Reconstructive Surgery, 21(4), pp. 220-224.

BURKE, A.L.J., et al, 2015. An analysis of multidisciplinary staffing levels and clinical activity in australian tertiary persistent pain services. Pain Medicine, 16(6), pp. 1221-1237.

CASALINO, L.P., et al, 2015. Physician Networks and Ambulatory Care-sensitive Admissions. Medical care, 53(6), pp. 534-541.

CHANG, J.E., et al, 2015. Convenient Ambulatory Care--Promise, Pitfalls, and Policy. The New England journal of medicine, 373(4), pp. 382-388.

DAVIS, A., et al, 2015. Strategies to Identify and Stratify Children with Special Health Care Needs in Outpatient General Pediatrics Settings. Maternal & Child Health Journal, 19(6), pp. 1384-1392.

EKDAHL, A., W., et al, 2015. Costs and Effects of an Ambulatory Geriatric Unit (the AGe-FIT Study): A Randomized Controlled Trial. Journal of the American Medical Directors Association, 16(6), pp. 497-503.

JOSEPH, J.M., et al, 2015. Assessing diabetes care disparities with ambulatory care quality measures. Health services research, 50(4), pp. 1250-1264.

MCGEORGE, N.M., et al, 2015. Studying the impact of interoperable electronic health records on workflow in ambulatory care. International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics, 49, pp. 144-155.

OROSCO, R.K., et al, 2015. Ambulatory thyroidectomy: a multistate study of revisits and complications. Otolaryngology--Head And Neck Surgery: Official Journal Of American Academy Of Otolaryngology-Head And Neck Surgery, 152(6), pp. 1017-1023.

REDDY, A., et al, 2015. The effect of primary care provider turnover on patient experience of care and ambulatory quality of care. JAMA Internal Medicine, 175(7), pp. 1157-1162.

TAAFFE, K., et al, 2015. Computer Simulation Shows the Effect of Communication on Day of Surgery Patient Flow. AORN Journal, 102(1), pp. 60.e1-60.e14.

THEODORE, B., R., et al, 2015. Transaction Cost Analysis of In-Clinic Versus Telehealth Consultations for Chronic Pain: Preliminary Evidence for Rapid and Affordable Access to Interdisciplinary Collaborative Consultation. Pain Medicine, 16(6), pp. 1045-1056.

TOURIGNY, J. and CHARTRAND, J., 2015. Partnering with parents in a pediatric ambulatory care setting: a new model. Issues in comprehensive pediatric nursing, 38(2), pp. 105-117.

VORTHERMS, J., et al, 2015. From Evidence to Practice: Developing an Outpatient Acuity-Based Stafing Model. Clinical journal of oncology nursing, 19(3), pp. 332-337.

WISEMAN, J.T., et al, 2015. Conceptualizing smartphone use in outpatient wound assessment: Patients' and caregivers' willingness to use technology. Journal of Surgical Research, 198(1), pp. 245-251.

WOO, Y.S., et al, 2015. A Real-Time Computer Simulation Program for Reducing Outpatients Phlebotomy Wait Time. Journal of clinical laboratory analysis, 29(4), pp. 255-258.

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Sources used for this bulletin: CINAHL, Embase, Medline


Ambulatory Care

Current Awareness Bulletin

August 2015




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