American Association of Critical-Care Nurses

American Association of Critical-Care Nurses

Greater Akron Area Chapter

PO Box 3122

Akron, Ohio 44309-3122



August 1, 2013

Dear GAAC Members,

It’s that time again – annual membership renewal for the Greater Akron Area Chapter of the American Association of Critical-Care Nurses. All chapter memberships expire at the beginning of September. Dues are $25.00 for 9/1/13 - 9/1/14. We appreciate your support of the chapter during the past year and we encourage you to renew your chapter membership. In order to keep our costs down, we only will be sending this one renewal reminder.

As a member of the local chapter of AACN you receive free admission to 4 evening CE dinner programs on a variety of topics relevant to critical care nursing. These meetings provide nursing professionals and students with the opportunity to network, discuss important issues and trends in practice and participate in community activities. In addition, as a member of national AACN, you will now be able to access ALL of the CE articles for FREE! You will get your results immediately after taking the post test. Check out the options at (Education).

Return this to the PO Box number or bring it to the September meeting with a check for $25 payable to the Greater Akron Area Chapter of AACN.

Any question that you have can be asked via chapter email greaterakronareachapter@ or e-mail:

President: Michele Manning mlmanning@

Treasurer: Donna Guyette donnaguyette@

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Please provide the information requested below. Mail your check for $25 payable to Greater Akron Area Chapter of AACN to the address at the top of the page (or bring to the September meeting.).

Name____________________________________ Phone (home) ________________

Street____________________________________ (work) ________________

City/State/Zip_____________________________ E-Mail ______________________

Employer_________________________________ Position _____________________

AACN # ___________________________ AACN Expiration Date_________

(Current membership in National AACN is a requirement for membership in a local chapter)

Certification? Circle: CCRN CCNS PCCN OTHER_______________________

Chapter Interest: ____Board Member ____Chapter Liason


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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