Education - Central Michigan University
Barbara A. KlockoCentral Michigan UniversityEducational Leadership(810) 441-4370KLOCK1BA@CMICH.EDUEducationDoctor of Philosophy (PhD). Oakland University, Rochester, MI. 2009.Major: Educational LeadershipDissertation Title: Superintendents as Sensemakers in the Design of Sustainable SchoolsEducational Specialist (EdS). Oakland University, Rochester, MI. 1998.Major: Educational LeadershipMaster of Arts Degree, Eastern Michigan University, Ypsilanti, MI. 1987.Major: Educational LeadershipSupporting Area of Emphasis: Community EducationBachelor of Arts Degree, Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI. 1976.Major: Studio ArtSupporting Area of Emphasis: Art EducationEmploymentAcademicAssociate Professor, Central Michigan University, Mt. Pleasant, MI (2014 to present)Assistant Professor, Central Michigan University, Mt. Pleasant, MI (2010-2014). Tenure granted in 2014-15 academic year. Adjunct Professor/Research Associate, Oakland University, Rochester, MI (2007 - 2010).Adjunct Professor, Saginaw Valley State University, University Center, MI (1999-2006).ProfessionalTeacher, Administrator, Imlay City Community School, Imlay City, MI (1976 - 2008).PublicationsBooksKlocko, B. A. (2010). Superintendents as sensemakers in the design of sustainable School. Lambert Academic Publishing, A. G. & Co. KG. ISBN No. 3838378105.Book ChaptersMarshall, S., & Klocko, B. A. (2016). Supporting scholar-practitioners toward doctoral degree attainment: Intentional strategies for dissertation completion. In Storey, V. A., & Hesbol, K. A. (Eds.).Contemporary approaches to dissertation development and research methods. Hershey, PA: IGI Global. (In press).Klocko, B. A., Jankens, B., Davidson, J., & Marcincavage, S. (2015). Rigor, relevance, and relationships in online course design for educational leaders. In Vaughn, V., Miller, G., & Oliveras-Ortiz, Y. (Eds.). Preparing Future-Ready Education Leaders through Globalized Online Learning. (pp. 136-154). Ypsilanti, MI: NCPEA Press.Klocko, B. A., & Wells, C. M. (2013). When teachers find their voice. In K. Hewitt, C. Childers-McKee, E. Hodge, & R. Schuler (Eds.), Postcards from the Schoolhouse: Practitioner Scholars Examine Contemporary Issues in Instructional Leadership, (pp. 68-85). Ypsilanti, MI: NCPEA Publications.Wells, C. M., Maxfield, C. R., & Klocko, B. A. (2011). Complexities inherent in the workload of principals: Implications for teacher leadership. In Alford, B. (Ed.), Blazing new trails: Preparing leaders to improve access and equity in today’s School (pp. 29-46). Lancaster, PA: ProActive Publications. Klocko, B. A., Kirby, E. A., Jankens, B., & Hullender, T. L. (2013). Addressing the Charter School Leadership Challenge: Bridging Principal Preparation Programs. In C. A. Mullen, & K. E. Lane (Eds.), Becoming a Global Voice—the 2013 Yearbook of the National Council of Professors of Educational Administration. pp. 147-159. Ypsilanti, MI: NCPEA Publications. Refereed Journal ArticlesKlocko, B. A., Marshall, S., & Davidson, J. (2015). Developing practitioner-scholar doctoral candidates as critical writers. Journal of Higher Education Theory and Practice, 15(4), 21-31.Klocko, B. A., & Wells, C. M. (2015). Workload pressures of principals: A focus on renewal, support and mindfulness. NASSP Bulletin, Published online before print December 7, 2015, doi: 10.1177/0192636515619727Klocko, B. A., Kirby, E., Hoffman, H., & Pehrsson, D. E. (2015). Creating a culture of scholarship in a teaching college. Journal of Higher Education Management, 28(1), 1-12.Klocko, B. A., & Wells, C. M. (2015). Can teacher leadership reduce principal stress? Journal of School Leadership, 25(2), 313-344. Klocko, B. A., & Kirby, E. A. (2014). Resiliency: Essential for superintendents and communities during challenging economic times. Journal of Social Sciences Research, 1(1), 58-77.Klocko, B., Jankens, B., Umpstead, R., & Harris, K. (2013). Blended learning: Pedagogy across learning platforms. Proceedings of the Lilly Conference on College & University Teaching and Learning, Traverse City, MI, 13-20. Retrieved from , B. A. (2012). Designing sustainable schools: The emergent role of superintendent as sensemaker. American Clearinghouse on Educational Facilities, 3(1), 57-76.Ricks-Doneen, J., Maxfield, C. R., Klocko, B. A., & Sturges, L. (2011). Developing and supporting early childhood teacher leaders: A leadership project connecting university, community and public School resources. International Journal of Educational Leadership Preparation, 6(1). content/m36694/1.2/ Klocko, B. A., & Kirby, E. A. (2010). ISLLC 2008: Websites to promote standards-based principal preparation. International Journal of Educational Leadership Preparation. Wells, C. M., Maxfield, C. R., Klocko, B. A., & Feun, L. (2010). The role of superintendents in supporting teacher leadership: A study of principal perceptions. Journal of School Leadership, 20(5), 669-693. Maxfield, C. R., & Klocko, B. A. (2010). Everybody leads: A model for collaborative leadership. ERS Spectrum, 28(3), 13-24. Maxfield, C. R., Wells, C. M., Keane, W., & Klocko, B. A. (2008). The role of superintendents in supporting teacher leadership. International Journal of Educational Leadership Preparation. content/m18262/1.1/Follo, E., & Klocko, B. A. (2008). ISLLC 2008: Websites to support mastery. International Journal of Educational Leadership Preparation. content/m19564/latest. Non-Refereed Journal ArticlesKlocko, B. A. (2010). Sensemakers leading the way to green schools. The School Administrator, 67(7), 29.Klocko, B. A. (2010). Superintendents as sensemakers in the design of sustainable schools. Lambert Academic Publishing.PresentationsKlocko, B. A. & Jankens, B. (Presenter & Author). NCPEA Summer Conference, “Rigor, Relevance, and Relationships in Online Course Design for Educational Leaders” National Council of Professors of Educational Administration, Arlington, VA (August 4, 2015).Klocko, B. A. (Presenter & Author). Faculty Excellence Exhibition, "Creating a Culture of Scholarship in a Teaching College”, Central Michigan University, Mt. Pleasant, MI (March 25, 2015). Poster.Klocko, B. A., & Wells, C. A. (Presenter & Author). NCPEA Summer Conference, "Increased Stress and Workload Pressure of Principals”, National Council of Professors of Educational Administration, Channel Islands, CA (August 6, 2014).Klocko, B. A., & Marshall, S. (Presenter & Author). NCPEA Summer Conference, "Scholarly Writing for Doctoral Candidates", National Council of Professors of Educational Administration, Channel Islands, CA (August 6, 2014).Klocko, B. A., Pehrsson, D. E., Kirby, E. A., & Hoffman, H. (Presenter & Author). “Creating a Culture of Scholarship in a Teaching College”. American Association of University Administrators, Washington DC (April 25, 2014).Klocko, B. A. (Presenter & Author)."Blended Learning: Pedagogy across Learning Platforms". Lilly Conference International Teaching and Learning Cooperative, Traverse City, MI (October 17, 2013). Published in conference proceedings.Klocko, B. A., & Jankens, B. (Presenter & Author). NCPEA Summer Conference, "Blended Learning: Pedagogy across Learning Platforms", National Council of Professors of Educational Administration, New Jersey (August 7, 2013).Klocko, B. A., Marshall, S. M., Umpstead, R. R., Jankens, B., Harris, F. K., & Partlo, M. A. (Presenter & Author). Great Lakes Conference on Teaching and Learning, "Blended Learning: Pedagogy across Learning Platforms", Central Michigan University (May 10, 2013).Klocko, B. A., & Marshall, S. M., (Presenter & FLC Facilitator). Great Lakes Conference on Teaching and Learning, "Blended Learning" (May 8, 2013). Poster.Klocko, B. A. (Presenter & Author). Becoming a Global Voice, "Charter School Leadership: Preparation and Promise" National Council of Professors of Educational Administration, Kansas City, MO (August 9, 2012).Klocko, B. A., & Hullender, T. L. (Presenter & FLC Facilitator). Great Lakes Conference on Teaching and Learning, "Reaching higher: Transforming teaching and learning through peer-to-peer collaboration" Central Michigan University, Mt. Pleasant, MI (May 9, 2012). Poster.Klocko, B. A. (Presenter & Author), Kirby, E. A. (Presenter & Author), American Association of School Administrators/ National Council of Professors of Educational Administration Conference within a Conference, "Superintendent Resiliency during Challenging Economic Times" NCPEA Conference within a Conference, Houston, Texas (February 19, 2012).Klocko, B. A., Wells, C. M. (Presenter & Author), American Association of School Administrators/NCPEA Conference within a Conference, "What Principals Want from Teacher Leaders" NCPEA Conference within a Conference, Houston, Texas (February 18, 2012).Klocko, B. A., Blazing New Trails: Preparing Leaders for Improving Access and Equity in Today’s School, "Designing Sustainable School: The Emergent Role of Superintendent as Sensemaker" National Council of Professors of Educational Administration, Portland, OR (August 3, 2011).Klocko, B. A., Blazing New Trails: Preparing Leaders for Improving Access and Equity in Today’s School, "Faculty Service: Marketing Educational Programs through Outreach" National Council of Professors of Educational Administration, National Association of Elementary School Principals, Portland, OR (August 3, 2011).Klocko, B. A., NCPEA-NAESP Conference within a Conference, "Teacher Leaders: Rescuing the Principalship?" National Council of Professors of Educational Administration, National Association of Elementary School Principals, Tampa, FL (April 8, 2011).Klocko, B. A. (Presenter & Author), Maxfield, C. R. (Presenter & Author), Summit 2010: Promoting "Capitol" ideas of leadership, culture, and diversity, "Building a Connected System: Voices in the Intersection of Early Childhood and K-12 Education" National Council of Professors of Educational Administration, Washington, DC (August 5, 2010).Maxfield, C. R. (Presenter & Author), Wells, C. M. (Presenter & Author), Klocko, B. A. (Presenter & Author), Summit 2010: Promoting "Capitol" ideas of leadership, culture, and diversity, "Complexities Inherent in the Workload of Principals: Implications for Teacher Leadership" National Council of Professors o Educational Administration, Washington, DC (August 4, 2010).Maxfield, C. R. (Presenter & Author), Klocko, B. A. (Presenter & Author), Summit 2010: Promoting "Capitol" ideas of leadership, culture, and diversity, "Everybody Leads: A Model for Collaborative Leadership" National Council of Professors of Educational Administration, Washington, DC (August 4, 2010).Invited PresentationsKlocko, B. A., Seminar for New Principals, "Effective Communications and Time Management" MEMSPA, Mason, MI (October 23, 2010).Klocko, B. A. (Presenter & Author), Seminar for New Principals, "Effective Faculty Meetings and Planning for Professional Development" MEMSPA, Mason, MI (October 23, 2010).Contracts, Grants and Sponsored ResearchExternal SubcontractAmpaw, F. D., & Klocko, B. A., "Teaching from a Social Justice Perspective in Advancing Student Achievement" Sponsored by UM/National Academy of Education, Private Grant, $24,996.00 (February 1, 2013 - January 31, 2014). Not FundedInvited PresentationsKlocko, B. A., Seminar for New Principals, "Effective Communications and Time Management" MEMSPA, Mason, MI (October 23, 2010).Klocko, B. A. (Presenter & Author), Seminar for New Principals, "Effective Faculty Meetings and Planning for Professional Development" MEMSPA, Mason, MI (October 23, 2010).Courses TaughtEDL 600, Research for Educational Leadership EDL 650, The Reflective Practitioner EDL 656, Public School LawEDL 658, Teacher LeadershipEDL 670, School-Site AdministrationEDL 690, Administration of School CurriculumEDL 699, Leadership InternshipEDL 745, Administration of the School District EDL 773, Instructional Supervision Education Leaders EDL 797, Field Study EDL 899, Doctoral SeminarEDL 830, Educational Philosophy Awards and HonorsCMU Excellence in Teaching Award, Central Michigan University (March 2016). Nominee.Alan B. Watson Award for Excellence in Professional Scholarly Presentation, American Association of University Administrators (June 2015).CMU Woman of the Year, Central Michigan University (March 2014). Nominee.CEHS Best Practice in Pedagogy Grant, Central Michigan University (January, 2013). Awarded $2000.Premiere Display Award, Faculty Research and Creative Endeavors, Central Michigan University (March 2012). Awarded $1000.Dissertation of the Year, Oakland University (December 11, 2009). Awarded $500.ServiceDepartment ServiceCommittee Chair, Program Prioritization Task ForceCommittee Member, TEAC Accreditation Proposal CommitteeCommittee Chair, Curriculum Committee (August 2010 - May 2012).Committee Member, Principal Certification Task Force (December 2010 - December 2011).Committee Member, Central Office Certification Task Force (November 2010 - May 2011).College ServiceCommittee Member, 2023 Teacher Preparation Task Force (September 19, 2013 - September 2015).Committee Chair, Scholarship Support Office Task Force (August 2012 - February 2013).University ServiceMember, Professional Education Executive Board (PEEB) (September 2012-present).Chair, Professional Education Curriculum Committee (PECC) (September 2012 - present).Recording Secretary-2013-2014, Faculty Research and Creative Endeavors (FRCE) (August 2011-2014).Committee Chair, Faculty Learning Committee-Reaching Higher (October 2011 - May 2013).Committee Chair, Faculty Learning Committee (September 20, 2012 - April 30, 2013).Professional ServiceOfficer, President, Michigan Association of Professors of Educational Administration, Lansing, MI (August 2015-June 2017).Officer, President-Elect, Michigan Association of Professors of Educational Administration, Lansing, MI (August 2013 - June 2015).Officer, Secretary, Michigan Association of Professors of Educational Administration, Lansing, MI (August 2011 - June 2013). Reviewer, Book Reviews, School Administrator (2013-present).Klocko, B. A. (February, 2013). Well Said! Presentations and Conversations That Get Results by Price, D. 70(2).Klocko, B. A. (November, 2013). Intelligent Leadership: What You Need To Know to Unlock Your Full Potential by Mattone, J. , 70(10).Klocko, B. A. (February, 2014). Leverage Leadership: A Practical Guide to Building Exceptional Schools by Bambrick-Santoyo, P. 71(2).Klocko, B. A. (February, 2016). Never Send a Human to Do a Machine’s Job by Zhao, Y., Zhang, G., Lei, J., & Qiu, W. , Journal Articles, International Journal of Leadership in Education: Theory and Practice (June 2, 2011 - present).Reviewer, Journal Articles, NASSP Bulletin (2015).Public ServiceBoard Member, Michigan Council for Arts and Cultural Affairs, Lansing, MI (2010 - 2012).Board Member, Michigan Education Trust, Lansing, MI (2009-2012).Program Coordinator, Michigan Council for Social Studies, Ann Arbor, MI (1995-2012).Committee Member, Michigan Youth Arts, Kalamazoo, MI (January 2012 - May 2012).Professional MembershipsAmerican Educational Research Association, AERAResearch Committee Chair, Delta Kappa Gamma Sorority, DKGPresident (2015-2017)-Michigan Association of Professors of Educational Administration, MAPEA.National Council of Professors of Educational Administration, NCPEA.Michigan ASCD.ASCD. ................
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