August 3, 1999

May 25, 2005

|In the Matter of the Commission’s Inquiry into the Provision and |*** | |

|Regulation of Electric Service. |* |Case No. 8738 |

|* * * * * * * |

To All Parties of Record and Interested Persons:

In Order No. 75121 issued on April 8, 1999, the Public Service Commission (“Commission”) established the Consumer Education Advisory Board (“CEAB”). The Commission recognized the importance of creating an education program to help consumers transition from a regulated electric environment to a competitive electric market. The order determined that the CEAB should consist of eight members with one representative each from the Office of People’s Counsel, the Maryland Association of Community Action Agencies, the American Association of Retired Persons, the Maryland Retailers Association, Maryland’s investor-owned electric utilities, Maryland’s municipal electric utilities, Maryland’s electric cooperatives and competitive electric suppliers who were parties to Case No. 8738.[1]

Now that transition period rate caps are expiring and customers are being moved to market-based pricing, the Commission believes it would be beneficial to expand the membership of the CEAB. Funding for consumer education is no longer provided from a special fund of the State but as part of the Commission’s budget. The Commission wishes to maximize its dollars with a comprehensive, broad, integrated educational effort that encompasses the diversity of the State’s consumer base. An expanded advisory group will assist the Commission in this effort. Accordingly, the current membership of the CEAB will be supplemented with representatives of State, county and municipal governments as well as an increased number of utility, supplier and business and residential customer representatives. The new members of the CEAB will be recommended by the Commission’s Office of External Relations.

Individuals wishing to become involved in the CEAB or any questions regarding this matter may be directed to Ms. Christine E. Nizer, Manager, External Relations, at 410-767-8047.

By Direction of the Commission,

O. Ray Bourland

Executive Secretary


[1] This is the last correspondence concerning the CEAB that will be included in this docket.


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