Black History in the Last Frontier - NPS

Black History in the Last Frontier

by Ian C. Hartman

With a Foreword by Ed Wesley

Black History in the Last Frontier

by Ian C. Hartman With a Foreword by Ed Wesley

National Park Service University of Alaska Anchorage


Hartman, Ian C. Black History in the Last Frontier ISBN 9780996583787 National Park Service University of Alaska Anchorage HIS056000 History / African American Printed in the United States of America Edited by Kaylene Johnson Design by David Freeman, Anchorage, Alaska. Portions of chapter 4 have appeared as "`A Bonanza for Blacks?': Limits and Opportunities for African Americans in Southcentral Alaska," in Imagining Anchorage: Te Making of America's Northernmost Metropolis, ed. James K. Barnett and Ian C. Hartman (Fairbanks: University of Alaska Press, 2018). Any opinions, fndings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author and do not necessarily refect the views of the Department of the Interior or the University of Alaska.



Living through History: A Foreword and Refections by Ed Wesley ....................................5

Introduction Black History in Unlikely Places ...................................................11

Chapter One Black Exploration and Arrival in the Icy Northwest .................19

Chapter Two Black Life in the Gold Rush Era .....................................................35

Chapter Tree World Wars and a Changing Alaska..............................................53

Chapter Four Statehood and the Cold War...........................................................73

Chapter Five Civil Rights Under the Northern Lights.......................................93

Conclusion Black History in Alaska at Century's End..................................117

150 Years of Black History in Alaska: A Timeline....................126

Biographical Sketches ....................................................................130

Sources by Chapter ........................................................................177

Selected Bibliography ....................................................................189

Index ..................................................................................................192


Utqiagvik (Barrow)

Kotzebue Nome




Anchorage Seward

Skagway Juneau



In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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