Inside E Street Program Descriptions 2001-2022

INES 2001

Hanging Up the Keys

As the Baby Boom generation begins turning 65 this year, one of the many issues it faces is driving: When is it time to hang up the keys? While 65 is, in most cases, a little young for most to seriously consider giving up driving, millions of Americans over 50 have parents in their 70s, 80s, and 90s, and for them the issue is front and center.

Host: Lark McCarthy

Guests include: Deborah Hersman-Chairman, National Transportation Safety Board, Dr. Carl Soderstrom, MD Motor Vehicle Administration, Ron Reagan, author of, “My Father at 100”.

(SHORT) How to talk to your parents about hanging up the car keys. 

INES 2002

Global Graying

The world is growing older.  By the year 2030, one billion people on the planet will be over the age of 65.  Plus, for the first time in history, the number of those who are older than 50 will be greater than those under 17.  What will be the consequence of an aging global population?  How will it affect demographics, immigration, the work force and government programs? 

Host: Lark McCarthy

Guests include: Ted Fishman, author of, “Shock of Gray”, Phillip Longman, author of, “Empty Cradle” and David S. Ferriero, 10th Archivist of the United States

(SHORT) What will be the consequence of an aging population as the world is growing older?

INES 2003

When I’m 65

The first splash of the baby boomer wave hits the symbolic retirement age of 65 this year (2011), and we look into what that means for boomers individually, as a generation, and for the broader society as well.  Selfish navel-gazers or generous optimistic activists?  In the first of a series on Inside E Street: An overview of America’s post-war baby boomers unleashed into their golden age.

Host: Lark McCarthy

Guests include: Ellen Goodman, former syndicated columnist, Ken Dychtwald, author, “A New Purpose” and Amy Dickinson, Ask Amy columnist.

(SHORT) An overview of America’s post-war baby boomers unleashed into their golden age.

INES 2004

Diagnosis: Scam

A recent survey found that 1 in 5 Americans aged 71 and older have been taken in some kind of financial con and about half of respondents said they had experienced an attempted fraud such as being pitched foreign lottery tickets or unsuitable investment.  Now a coalition of financial and medical professionals is teaming up to try to protect people vulnerable to exploitation. Doctors in 22 states are becoming the front line in assessing who has been stung by a scam and who may be vulnerable. It's an attempt to thwart a problem that causes$2.6 billion in financial losses a year.

Host: Lark McCarthy

Guests include: Dr. Bob Roush (from the Huffington Center on Aging at Baylor College of Medicine,) Pennsylvania Securities Commissioner Steve Irwin, and Deputy Assistant Director of the FBI’s Cyber Division Steve Chabinsky, Anna Deavere Smith actress, and playwright.

(SHORT) A new pilot program recruits doctors to help elderly patients from becoming victims of financial scams. 

INES 2005

Gray Matters

Now that you’re over 50, do you misplace your car keys more often; walk into a room and wonder why you’re there; search for your eyeglasses only to find them on top of your head? When these mental slips happen with increasing frequency, many aging baby boomers wonder if they’re starting to “lose it”. Inside E Street looks at what happens to the brain as it ages, the promise of memory pills, and what you can do to boost your brainpower.

Host: Lark McCarthy

Guests include: Dr. Marilyn Albert, Johns Hopkins University, Dr. Scott Small, Columbia University Medical Center, Dr. Richard Restak, George Washington University Medical Center, Dr. Paul Rosenberg, Johns Hopkins School of Medicine.

(SHORT) Inside E Street explores the aging brain. What can you do to stay sharp as your brain ages?

INES 2006

Medicare Chief

His critics paint him as an advocate of health care rationing. But Dr. Donald Berwick, who heads up the Federal Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS), begs to differ. In a wide-ranging conversation with Inside E Street’s Lark McCarthy, Berwick discusses the health care reform law and why he’s been able to ignore the noise emanating from his critics. President Obama re-nominated him in January after Berwick became a lightning rod following his recess appointment last summer.

Host: Lark McCarthy

Guest: Dr. Donald Berwick, Administrator, Federal Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services

(SHORT) Dr. Donald Berwick, the controversial Chief of Medicare & Medicaid Services, offers a defense of the Obama Administration’s health care reform

INES 2007

When I’m 65 – Change Agents

Boomers are proud that their support for civil rights propelled America into a more color-blind society. Their demand for Women’s Rights in the seventies led to a radically changed workplace in one generation. Gay rights and immigrant rights movements are inspired and energized by Boomer’s support of equal rights. There is a lot to be proud of, but what about the dream vs. the reality? How will the Generation’s devotion to personal freedom play out in their old-age? Will they only fight on age issues, or will they be a change-agent for their children and grandchildren at the expense of their own comforts. Will they wake up to their natures and change the world as they cross the symbolic birthday of 65?

Host: Lark McCarthy

Guests include: Idabel Jones, Mother & her son Michael Jones (Michael was one of the first four African-American students who integrated Arlington County, Virginia schools in 1959),Judy Richardson, co-editor of Hands on the Freedom Plow and associate producer of the PBS documentary series Eyes on the Prize, Lynn Sherr, former broadcast journalist and Amy Dickinson, Ask Amy columnist.

(SHORT) Inside E Street’s Lark McCarthy looks into the legacy of the Civil Rights Movement, where we are today.

INES 2008

Pensions in Peril

States and cities around the nation are facing huge budget pressures to keep services running while maintaining promises to pay their employees’ retirement benefits. In some places, the crisis is so acute that serious cuts both in programs and pensions are necessary just to stay solvent.

Host: Lark McCarthy

Guests include: Gov. Earl Ray Tomblin, (D) West Virginia, Elizabeth McNichol, Senior Fellow, Center on Budget and Policy Priorities, Ryan Ellis, Tax Policy Director, Americans for Tax Reform and Gary Kaye, Technology Reporter.

(SHORT) Inside E Street’s Lark McCarthy looks at the serious issue states and cities around the nation have to keep services running while maintaining promises to pay their employees’ retirement benefits.

INES 2009

Hoarder Disorder

Hoarding is a growing phenomenon that particularly affects older adults. It’s a mental illness manifested behind closed doors but is increasingly getting more public attention. Cities and towns are increasing burden by this public health issue that poses a danger to the hoarder, firefighters and community. Treatment is difficult and there is no cure. We all enjoy having stuff, but when is it too much?

Host: Lark McCarthy

Guests include: Randy Frost, Professor of Psychology at Smith College, co-author of Stuff: Compulsive Hoarding and the Meaning of Things, Cynthia Lester, Documentary Filmmaker and Director of My Mother's Garden

(SHORT) Inside E Street’s Lark McCarthy discusses the growing phenomenon of hoarding.

INES 2010

Sex, Seniors, and STD’s

While there are no definitive figures available, there is no question that sexual activity among older Americans has risen dramatically over the past decade, and with it, a rise in STDs in the same group. The combination of Viagra and internet dating, which both came into vogue around 1998, gave seniors two necessary ingredients for continuing their sex lives: Ability and opportunity.

Host: Lark McCarthy

Guests include: Debra Herbenick, PhD, Associate Director of the Center for Sexual Health Promotion at Indiana University & Member of the faculty at the Kinsey Institute, Anupam Jena, MD of Harvard Medical School and Massachusetts General Hospital

(SHORT) Inside E Street’s Lark McCarthy covers the trend of sexually active seniors.

INES 2011

Never Say Die

Is living longer a good thing if you’re not living better? Popular culture has sold boomers the notion that old age can be defied if they exercise and diet. While a healthy life-style can promote good health, it cannot stop the ravages of age and disease.

Host: Lark McCarthy

Guests include: Susan Jacoby, author of Never Say Die: The Myth and Marketing of the New Old Age, Dr. Muriel Gillick, Professor in the Department of Population Medicine at Harvard Medical School

(SHORT) Inside E Street’s Lark McCarthy looks at quality of life issues as boomers age.

INES 2012

Boomer Consumers

Youth worship continues to be a marketing mantra, and it rankles people over 55, who feel largely ignored by advertisers except when it comes to products that play into decrepitude old age as a disease that must be cured. But fortunes have been made by astute manufacturers who have catered to Boomer consumers throughout their lives with products from the Band-Aid to the mini-van. Inside E Street experiences the cutting-edge research at MIT’s AgeLab, where age-friendly systems are tested by Dr. Joe Coughlin and his staff. Later, a discussion with two Advertising Insiders about whether boomer consumers can expect more or the same from mainstream advertisers.

Host: Lark McCarthy

Guests include: Barbara Lippert, former AdWeek Columnist, Tom Burrell, founder of Burrell Communications and Inductee in the Advertising Hall of Fame

(SHORT) Inside E Street’s Lark McCarthy discusses the boomer consumers and a visit to MIT’s AgeLab.

INES 2013

Retirement Breakdown

Millions of boomers are eligible to retire this year but many won’t be able to because they are unprepared or unaware of what they need in the bank in order to retire comfortably. Many lost money in the stock market, others are saving but just not enough, and 34% of American workers have saved nothing.

Host: Lark McCarthy

Guests include: Jack VanDerhei, Research Director, Employee Benefit Research Institute, Joy Kenefick & Marcia Tillotson – Wells Fargo Advisors - aka the Boot Camp Ladies

(SHORT) Inside E Street’s Lark McCarthy discusses the information you need to know to retire comfortably.

INES 2014

Prostate Puzzle

One in six American men will get prostate cancer in his lifetime. More than 30,000 die of prostate cancer every year. It is the second leading cause of cancer deaths after breast cancer. Detection and treatment of the disease have made significant advances, yet confusion reigns among many patients and their doctors in both areas.

Host: Lark McCarthy

Guests include: Peter Pinto, MD, Urologic Oncologist, Principal Investigator, National Cancer Institute, Jonathan Hwang, MD, Urologic Oncologist, Washington Hospital Center, Calvin Lawrence, Editor at , who was days away from a prostate surgery he didn’t need.

(SHORT) Inside E Street’s Lark McCarthy cuts through the confusion with detection and treatment of prostate cancer.

INES 2015

Grandparents on a Mission

Grandparents champion causes to improve their lives and those of their grandchildren. Learning from their own challenges over the welfare of their grandkids, grandparents are advocating for new laws that benefit everyone.

Host: Lark McCarthy

Guests include: Amy Goyer, AARP Family Expert, Jaia Peterson Lent, Deputy Executive Director Generations United

(SHORT) Grandparents are taking matters into their own hands by becoming advocates for their grandchildren.

INES 2016

Gimme Shelter

Inside E Street looks at housing as you age through the lens of the huge baby boom cohort beginning to cross the 65-year milestone this year. Will the Boomers re-invent how they retire and where, as they have so many other phases in life? Will this huge potential market of home buyers and renters demand housing to fit their needs: for community, for easy physical access, for beauty in the most functional areas of their homes?

Host: Lark McCarthy

Guests include: Mary Jo Peterson, interior design consultant and Andrew Carle, Director of George Mason University, Assisted Living/Senior Housing Administration

(SHORT) Inside E Street’s Lark McCarthy discusses housing trends that may become more popular and available in the near future.

INES 2017

The Big Shift

Author Marc Freedman talks about his new book – The Big Shift – and a movement that attempts to redefine our notions of what comes after middle-age and when we will retire.

Host: Lark McCarthy

Guests include: Marc Freedman, author The Big Shift and Tim Will, 2009 Purpose Prize Winner

(SHORT) Lark McCarthy discusses the topic of people entering their 40s, 50s, and 60s repurposing their lives.

INES 2018

Who Can You Trust?

Summary of Department of Health and Human Services’ Office of Inspector General report, Nursing Facilities’ Employment of Individuals With Criminal Convictions, shows that 92% of nursing homes in the U.S. employ at least one individual with at least one criminal conviction. One facility that employed 164 employees had 34 with criminal convictions. This occurs in the context of widespread abuse of nursing home patients by staff and fellow patients alike, both of which boil down to a management issue. Federal law does not require that nursing facilities conduct FBI or statewide criminal background checks. The issue is left for the states to decide.

Host: Lark McCarthy

Guests include: Senator Richard Blumenthal, D-Connecticut and Former Kansas Governor Mark Parkinson, and CEO of the American Health Care Association

(SHORT) Lark McCarthy asks if you can trust a nursing home to take care of your loved ones.

INES 2019

Loan of Last Resort

Are reverse mortgages a good fit for seniors? And how cash poor seniors aged 62 and older, who have equity in their homes, can stay in their homes.

Host: Lark McCarthy

Guests include: Peter Bell, National Reverse Mortgage Lenders Association and Susanna Montezemolo,VP Center for Responsible Lending

(SHORT) Lark McCarthy - Is a reverse mortgage right for you?

INES 2020

Shared Sacrifices

As the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan continue and more troops than ever are surviving critical injuries, many wounded warriors are returning home needing enormous financial, medical and emotional support. Many times, family members are the ones to offer care as the returning soldier deals with traumatic brain injury; missing limbs; and/or PTSD. Thousands of military families throughout the country are struggling in their role as full-time caregivers because they face a lack of time, financial resources and emotional support. Now there are new benefits available to help the caregivers of our injured warriors.

Host: Lark McCarthy

Guests include: Department of Veterans Affairs Assistant Secretary L. Tammy Duckworth, Senator Patty Murray - Chairman of Senate Committee on Veterans’ Affairs.

(SHORT) Lark McCarthy discusses the new benefits for the caregivers of wounded vets.

INES 2021

Medicare’s Most Wanted

Inside E Street updates the progress on fighting Medicare fraud, new Health Care Reform and funding.  There are scams that could be robbing the system 60 billion dollars a year, like the mental health clinics in Miami.  Now that Office of Inspector General has a larger budget and a direct partnership with Department of Justice, are they seeing a difference? 

Host: Lark McCarthy

Guests include: Dr. Peter Budetti - Director of Program Integrity for CMS, Deputy Assistant Attorney General Greg Andres, and Jay Weaver- Miami Herald.

(SHORT) Inside E Street’s Lark McCarthy updates on new busts of Medicare fraudsters.

INES 2022

The Brain Doctors

In 2009, Cleveland Clinic Lou Ruvo Center for Brain Health was established to perform pioneering brain research. Lark McCarthy visits Lou Ruvo Center for Brain Health in Las Vegas to look into their innovative research. In the studio, Jill Eikenberry and Michael Tucker join Lark McCarthy to talk about their roles as caregivers to Jill's mother who has Alzheimer’s. 

Host: Lark McCarthy

Guests include: Jill Eikenberry and Michael Tucker

(SHORT) Lark McCarthy profiles the Lou Ruvo Brain Center in Las Vegas and talks to Jill Eikenberry and Michael Tucker about caring for Jill’s mother who has


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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