Henrymakow.com - Exposing Feminism and The New World …

March 28, 2011

Via Facsimile to 202-616-9881

Office of the Inspector General

U.S. Department of Justice

950 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW, Rm. 4706

Washington, DC 20530-0001

Via Facsimile to 202-224-1152 Via Facsimile to 202-228-2186

U.S. Senator Al Franken Senator Amy Klobuchar

309 Hart Senate Office Building 302 Hart Senate Office Building

Washington, DC 20510 Washington, DC 20510

Via Facsimile to (952) 808-1261 Via Facsimile to 312-814-3806

Congressman John Kline Illinois Attorney General Lisa Madigan

101 West Burnsville Parkway, Suite 201 100 West Randolph Street

Burnsville, MN 55337 Chicago, IL 60601

Dear Honorable U.S. Inspector General, U.S. Senators Franken and Klobuchar, Congressman Kline and Illinois Attorney General Madigan:

I am reporting a crime of fraud and racketeering. I believe that the evidence is sufficient to warrant abolishing the FDA, halting all law enforcement activities related to Cannabis and legalizing Cannabis NOW. If your office is not the proper office to receive this complaint please forward this complaint to the proper office. My statement is as follows:

The evidence in the public domain, including the recent admission by the National Institutes of Health that Cannaboids kill cancer cells, supports my assertion that the prohibition of use, possession of and commerce in cannabis by the American citizen, is a high level conspiracy perpetrated against the American people by a criminal enterprise made up of certain members of a secret society strategically placed throughout government in Congress, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), the courts, the executive branch, the pharmaceutical industry, lobbyists, the U.S. Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA), and state and local law enforcement who, acting in concert as a corrupt criminal enterprise, and under color of official right, have engaged in a criminal conspiracy through pattern of racketeering activity over a period of more than seventy-four (74) years in violation of the RACKETEER INFLUENCED AND CORRUPT ORGANIZATIONS ACT.

The pattern of racketeering activity has included sending false and misleading information through the use of electronic transmissions over radio and television as well as through the mail.

The goal and purpose of the conspiracy is to increase the profits of pharmaceutical companies and to satisfy the secret aim of the society to which the conspirators and co-conspirators belong; which is to significantly decrease the human population as mankind undergoes significant changes to our DNA from the radiation effects of the Sun and the Photon Belt. NASA has already admitted that the sun is altering our DNA. It is a fact that increased radiation causes cancer. It is now a published fact that the active ingredient in Cannabis kills cancer cells.

The conspirators and co-conspirators have engaged in a pattern of wrongful conduct in engineering the prohibition of cannabis over a period of seventy-four (74) years. The organizers of the conspiracy are a group of men who swear an allegiance to secret societies by taking secret oaths known only to high-level initiates of their societies many of whom hold positions of power in federal, state and local government, the pharmaceutical industry and law enforcement. The stated aims of their secret are borne out by the results of their actions. The co-conspirators include both men and women. These societies include but are not limited too the illuminati and free masons. The conspiracy is not only a criminal violation of RICO that robs the American farmers of a cash crop, interferes with interstate commerce in cannabis (that was once legal in this nation prior to the implementation of this conspiracy) and robs the American citizens of a low cost medicine. But the actions of the criminal enterprise are a violation of the constitutional right to have free and unfettered access to a plant, not made by the hand of man but by God, that “promotes the general welfare” by killing cancer cells and a violation of the constitutional right to freedom of religion as Cannabis changes vibration at the cellular level which is key to surviving the alterations to our DNA as earth passes through the Photon Belt, an end-time event taught by many religions as the time of transition and change in the “twinkling of an eye“.

The first step in the conspiracy was to device a scheme to discredit Cannabis by renaming Cannabis to Marijuana so that the medical establishment would be caught off guard by not readily recognizing that the substance known as marijuana was actually the age old legal crop and medicine used in the United States of America since its founding as a nation. The scheme was advanced by payments to corrupt scientists and media owners to remain willfully ignorant of the facts about Cannabis and promote the false and misleading statements about Cannabis under the new name of Marijuana via electronic transmission over television waves and via print and mail in “campaigns” designed to “educate the masses” and law enforcement to the evils of marijuana, which was actually the life saving herb commonly known as Cannabis.

Throughout the 74-year pattern of wrongful conduct, the conspirators of enterprise, acting through congress, under the color of official right, accepted bribes in the form of campaign contributions from lobbyists representing the pharmaceutical companies and stock ownership in these same companies funneled to their family members and held in trusts, as well as monies in off shore accounts, in exchange for their willful and wanton ignorance of the medicinal benefits of cannabis when voting on issues pertaining to the use, possession and commerce of cannabis, thereby interfering with commerce related to cannabis, robbing the American Farmers of a viable cash crop business and robbing the American citizen of a low cost effective cancer treatment. These conspirators can be identified by their votes and discovery of their financial records and the records of their family members.

The scheme to defraud was advanced by using violent incarceration and the threat of incarceration against any who resisted the illegal legislation crafted in allegiance to the secret oath to defraud, enriching the entire criminal enterprise, including conspirators, co-conspirators and the Pharmaceutical companies in whose behalf they voted. In addition to some member of congress, some members of the judiciary and even the executive branch have accepted funds in exchange for their willful and wanton ignorance of the medicinal benefits of Cannabis in the performance of their official duties as legislators, judges and administrators. Many of the ill-gotten gains of the conspirators and co-conspirators have been placed in off-shore accounts and some of these accounts have been made public on the internet.

Since 1937, when Congress passed the Marijuana tax, against the advice of the American Medical Association, certain members of Congress, the Courts, the Executive branch, the FDA and law enforcement have conducted their official duties regarding Cannabis with willful and wonton ignorance of its medicinal value in order to advance the scheme to defraud the American Farmers and American Citizens. During this same period of time the wealth and size of the corporations that make up the pharmaceutical industry exploded in profits as a result of the wrongful conduct of the corrupt criminal enterprise. Certain members of congress, the judiciary and the executive branch along with their families have grown wealthy in stock from these same pharmaceutical companies on whose behalf they have engaged in this criminal conspiracy.

For seventy-four (74) years, the records show that certain members of congress, the FDA, the executive branch and the courts, acting in concert as conspirators and co-conspirators of the corrupt enterprise, have shown willful and wanton ignorance of the pre-existing federal program that provides 300 marijuana(cannabis) cigarettes to a select group of individuals for medicinal purposes. They have shown willful and wanton ignorance of the many scientific studies of cannabis that prove Cannabis offers significant medicinal benefit for many ailments and medical conditions. They have shown willful and wanton ignorance that many states have allowed the medicinal use of cannabis. They have shown willful and wanton ignorance that scientist have discovered that man was created with a receptor in his brain with the single purpose of accepting the active ingredient of cannabis proving that it was the intent of the Creator that man would consume Cannabis. Certain employees of the FDA, acting as co-conspirators of the criminal enterprise, have shown willful and wanton negligence in devising proper placebo tests for Cannabis. Certain employees of the FDA, acting as co-conspirators of the criminal enterprise, have shown malice and willful intent to suppress key scientific findings supporting the medicinal value to Cannabis.

Under the color of official right, the conspirators and co-conspirators of the corrupt criminal enterprise use violent incarceration, confiscation of land and property, and the threat of violence to advance the scheme and terrorize those who resist their plans and actions, disproportionately terrorizing minority groups as statistics clearly show that the incarceration rates for minorities for “so called” crimes related to cannabis is six (6) times higher than non-minorities based upon the percentage of the minority to non-minority population numbers.

Under the color of official right the conspirators and co-conspirators of the corrupt criminal enterprise, acting through law enforcement and DEA agents, have stolen untold number of cannabis crops depriving American farmers of a viable cash crop, interfering with lawful interstate commerce and depriving the American citizen of cheap effective cancer medicine by forcing them to purchase expensive concoctions created through the use of alchemy by those who control the pharmaceutical industry.

Under the color of official right, the conspirators and co-conspirators acting through congress and the FDA suppress scientific studies showing that cannabis reduces the need for more than 90% of all pharmaceutical products. A finding that would decimate the ill-gotten gains of the criminal enterprise.

The conspirators and co-conspirators at the FDA have formed a revolving door policy with the same pharmaceutical companies that profit from the wrongful and unlawful activities of the corrupt criminal enterprise.

And now after seventy-four (74) years of conditioning the American public to believe their false and misleading statements regarding the medicinal value of cannabis, the conspirators and co-conspirators have moved to increase their profits from Cannabis by first having the NIH admit to value of Cannabis at fighting cancer while the FDA moves to reclassify cannabis so that pharmaceutical companies can now process Cannabis for its THC and sell it to Americans at a huge profit while state legislatures around the country introduce legislation aimed at increasing the agricultural production of cannabis while continuing to tightly control the use and possession of cannabis by the average American Citizen and Farmer to protect the unlawful market share of the pharmaceutical companies.

In a newly added section to the National Institutes of Health's website, entitled ‘Cannabis and Cannabinoids,’ the Institute states:

"Cannabinoids may cause anti-tumor effects by various mechanisms, including induction of cell death, inhibition of cell growth, and inhibition of tumor angiogenesis and metastasis. Cannabinoids appear to kill tumor cells but do not affect their nontransformed counterparts and may even protect them from cell death.”

…The potential benefits of medicinal cannabis for people living with cancer include anti-emetic effects, appetite stimulation, pain relief, and improved sleep. In the practice of integrative oncology, the health care provider may recommend medicinal cannabis not only for symptom management but also for its possible direct anti-tumor effect.”

Radiation causes cancer. This is a fact. Cannabis kills cancer cells. This is a fact.

What NASA has not told the populace is that these alterations in our DNA will give us powers of telepathy, telekinesis as well as other powers. In order to survive this period of alteration to our DNA, our pineal glands must be cleared and the human vibration at the cellular level must sufficiently rise to be in tune with the accelerated increase of activity beaming to the earth from the sun. The pineal gland is located between our eyes in our forehead. What many in eastern religions call our "third eye". Cannabis has been scientifically proven to clear the pineal gland and change vibration at the cellular level.

The earth changes are in full swing and the criminal enterprise refuses to stop their racketeering. In fact, they continue to engage in other criminal enterprises that have brought the financial system of the United States of America to collapse while realizing huge profits from the collapse by betting against the performance of instruments that they created and collecting profits on the failure of the same.

At a minimum, the participants of this 74 year criminal enterprise, as well as the participants in the conspiracy to collapse our financial system, should be tried for their criminal behavior and banished from the United States of America and all of its territories. They, nor their descendants for seventy-four (74) generations, must not ever again be allowed to participate in government. They must disgorge all profits illegally obtained from the operation of the criminal enterprise, conspiracy, and schemes immediately. And as payment of punitive damages, American citizens must be provided the land and seeds required to grow their own cannabis, free and unfettered by interference from the law or pharmaceutical companies.

The prohibition against Cannabis is a violation of the laws of God and Man. I am deeply ashamed that I supported the prohibition of Cannabis for the first 44 years of my life without ever questioning the government’s propaganda or examining the facts.

Abolish the FDA, halt all law enforcement activities related to Cannabis and legalize Cannabis NOW.

Mrs. Charlotte Smith


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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