ACFA Membership Application - RAG

ACFA Membership Application

Please accept my membership in ACFA. I agree to abide by all the terms of membership as set forth in the rules and regulations of the Association. NOTE: Regular membership entitles me, IF A MEMBER IN GOOD STANDING, to: receive a Parade of Royalty and the ACFA Bulletin; vote to elect Officers, Directors, and Committee Members; vote on proposed amendments to the Bylaws, Show Rules and Registration Rules. ( Family Members are entitled to vote.) I am only eligible to vote on Breed Standard revisions if I qualify for Regular Member status in my breed section. ( Must own and be actively breeding and exhibiting the specific breed represented. Member is required to show proof of breeding and exhibiting the specific breed within 24 months prior to application or renewal of Breed Section Membership.)

Regular or Foreign Regular Membership in ACFA

(All memberships expire 12/31)

Name____________________________________ Member No. & Region_____________________

Address __________________________________________________________________________

Phone___________________________ Email______________

City ________________________State _________ Zip Code __________ Country________________

Breed Section(s): Last Litter Reg. No. Last Show Exhibited: Date:

Signature ___________________________________________ Date _____________________

Family or Foreign Family Membership in ACFA

(All memberships expire 12/31)

Name_______________________________ Member No. & Region____________________

Breed Section(s): Last Litter Reg. No. Last Show Exhibited: Date:

Signature _______________________________________ Date ___________________

Regular Member (includes 1 breed section) - 1/2 Price from July 1 to Dec 31, just $ 25.00 $50.00

Regular Canadian Member (includes 1 breed section) - 1/2 Price from July 1 to Dec 31, just $ 20.00 $40.00

Regular Foreign Member (includes 1 breed section) - 1/2 Price from July 1 to Dec 31, just $ 30.00 $60.00

Family Member / Foreign Family Member (must reside in same household) $15.00

Junior Member (under age 18) Name:____________________________________ $5.00

Additional Breed section(s) @ $5.00 per additional section per member $5.00

Membership 1/2 price - $25 from July 1 thru Dec 31. ( no POR ) - $30 Foreign

TOTAL Amount Enclosed  

Check Visa/MC/Discover Exp. Date

For more Information:

American Cat Fanciers Association, Inc,

P.O. Box 1949; Nixa, MO 65714-1949

Ph: 417-725-1530 • Fax: 417-725-1533 • Email: mailto:acfa@


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