The American Civil War, Part II – Unit Test

The American Civil War, Part II – Unit Test

1. _______ seceded from the Union on __________ to begin the Civil War.

a. North Carolina; November 20, 1861

b. South Carolina; December 20, 1865

c. Virginia; November 1960

d. South Carolina; 1860

2. The war tentatively began when Confederate troops attacked the Union ______ in South Carolina in January 1861.

a. ship called the Monitor

b. capital of Washington DC

c. fort called Fort Sumter

d. armory at Harper’s Ferry

3. The South’s primary goal in the Civil War was to:

a. become an independent nation apart from the United States

b. maintain the Union at all costs

c. keep slavery alive in the West

d. open new trade with countries such as India and Great Britain

4. Richmond, Virginia was ________:

a. the capital of the North during the Civil War

b. the capital of the South during the Civil War

c. the capital of the West during the Civil War

d. the sight of the largest battle in the Civil War

5. The North’s primary goal in the Civil War was to:

a. punish the South for leaving

b. encourage the countries of Europe to lower their tariffs

c. to preserve the Union at all costs

d. to make slavery illegal in all fifty states

6. During the Civil War, Washington DC served as:

a. the capital of the North

b. the capital of the South

c. the headquarters for Native Americans seeking to stay out of the war

d. the site of the signing of the peace treaty that ended the war

7. The North’s strategy of surrounding and smothering the Confederacy was commonly called:

a. a war of attrition

b. the Anaconda Plan

c. the Lincoln Plan

d. The Federalist Campaign

8. The vast majority of battles fought during the Civil War:

a. were fought in the territories North of the Ohio River

b. fought on the oceans of the Atlantic

c. fought in the Western territories still unoccupied

d. fought in the lands of the Southern states

9. Which of the following was not a Union advantage prior to the war:

a. larger population of potential soldiers

b. educated and trained generals

c. railroad transportation

d. financial wealth

10. Which of the following was a Confederate advantage prior to the war:

a. higher population of soldiers

b. more food crops to feed an army

c. bigger guns and more supplies

d. knowing the terrain and fighting in their backyards

11. A war of attrition is:

a. fighting small battles and inflicting a low amount of damage on your enemies

b. fighting large, pitched battles on open fields and losing many men

c. making a war as long and as brutal as possible so that your enemy eventually gives in

d. not fighting at all; its negotiating a peace without a war actually occurring

12. An advantage of the North during the Civil War was:

a. it had the most amount of money to spend on soldiers and supplies

b. they had the military support of Great Britain and the South did not

c. the war was fought mainly in the North and therefore they knew the layout of the land

d. that most of the tobacco was raised in the North and therefore could be sold for profits

13. Factories:

a. where mostly found in the West and they provided supplies to both sides during war

b. provided the South with the supplies they needed to defeat the North

c. in England where used to provided needed supplies to the South during the war

d. were located mainly in the North and provided them with supplies to win the war

14. How did the North win the war if they lost almost 100,000 more men than the South:

a. the North also relied on military aid from other countries to add to their troop totals

b. a fatal flu epidemic swept through the North at the start of the war and killed soldiers

c. they had a larger population than the South and could replace soldiers quicker

d. the soldiers came from one of seven military colleges in the North and were smarter

15. The effect of rifling in a gun barrel causes a bullet to:

a. come out straighter b. come out faster

c. both a and b d. none of the above

16. During the battle of New Orleans:

a. the Confederates took control of the Mississippi River

b. the Union lost over 25,000 men in the bloodiest day of the war

c. Lincoln was assassinated after the battle ended

d. the Union navy took control of the entrance to the Mississippi River

17. Which of the following battles finally secured the Mississippi River region?

a. Gettysburg

b. Vicksburg

c. Shiloh

d. Seven Pines

18. Antietam:

a. was the single bloodiest day of the Civil War

b. was a key Union victory as Sherman marched to the sea in the South

c. was a key Confederate victory in Pennsylvania that blocked railroad traffic

d. end the Civil War in 1865

19. The purpose of the Emancipation Proclamation was to:

a. free slaves in the North

b. free slaves in the South and in rebellious states

c. allow slavery to continue everywhere in the country

d. allow slave catchers to recapture escaped slaves throughout the country

20. At Gettysburg:

a. the North lost a key battle and allowed the South into their territories

b. the South failed to achieve victory and from then on fought a defensive war

c. the West won a victory against the East and achieved independence

d. proved to Europe that the South could win the war and encouraged them to enter

21. Over the course of three days at Gettysburg:

a. the Confederacy surrendered after heavy losses

b. the North fell back to New York and waited for a second attack

c. the Union turned the South’s advance away and pushed southward

d. the Gray took control of Union railroads in the North

22. The Gettysburg address:

a. effectively freed all slaves in the United States

b. re-affirmed the principles of freedom and integrity as war goals

c. led directly to the assassination of Abraham Lincoln

d. officially announced the Union’s victory in the Civil War

23. To cut off supplies to the Confederate capital, the Union needed a victory at:

a. Petersburg b. Antietam c. Vicksburg d. Seven Pines

24. The “March to the Sea” to surround the South was led by General:

a. Grant b. Lee c. Hooker d. Sherman

25. The official surrender of the Confederacy took place in:

a. Washington D.C. b. Appomattox Court House, Virginia

c. Salem, North Carolina d. Atlanta, Georgia

26. Terms of the Confederate surrender included which of the following:

a. execution for the generals and political leaders

b. leaving their guns behind

c. the taking of all uniforms and supplies

d. the burning of all Confederate monies

27. Due to the destructions of war, Southern lands:

a. raised in value over the four years due to their historical significance

b. cotton was easier to grow in the rougher terrain

c. property values dropped over 70%

d. plantations grew larger as the poorer people lost their homes

28. Though more Union soldiers died than did Confederate, they were able to win due to:

a. a higher population of soldiers to draw from

b. the help of European reinforcements

c. a homefield advantage in knowing the terrain

d. having better generals than the South to lead them to victory

29. Andersonville was:

a. the site of the bloodiest battle of the Civil War

b. the capital of the Confederacy

c. where Lincoln was assassinated

d. a prisoner of war camp for captured Union soldiers

30. Typical Civil War battlefield medicine included:

a. unsterilized equipment

b. bloody and used sponges and doctors coats

c. amputations

d. all of the above


A. What was the name of the Union plan for attacking and defeating the South? Describe the four main attack points and their purpose in the overall plan.


B. List and explain three Northern advantages prior to the Civil War. List and explain two Southern advantages prior to the Civil War.


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