Garden History and Design Bibliography

Garden History and Design Bibliography

June 2010

The following Bibliography is intended to help research American gardens and to educate about recent gardening trends. It is divided into the following categories: General; American; American Regional; Landscape Architects and Garden Designers; Woman Landscape Architects/ Garden Designers/Garden Writers; 21st Century Design; Photography; and Dictionaries and Bibliographies. Some of these books can only be found through used book dealers on the internet or through your local library’s interlibrary loan service. In many cases the only information about individual designers (past and present) can be found in local archives, periodicals or general histories. For further additions, please contact: Barbara Kehoe, editor. GHD Vice Chair 2008-2010, Garden Guild of Winnetka, Zone XI.

* following a listing denotes the book is part of the GCA library collection located at New York City headquarters.


Adams, William Howard, Grounds for Change: Major Gardens of the Twentieth Century, 1993.

Adams, William Howard, Nature Perfected, Gardens through History, 1991.

Birnbaum, Charles, ed., Preserving Modern Landscape Architecture II: Making Post War Landscapes Visible, 2004.

Brookes, John, Gardens of Paradise: The History and Design of the Great Islamic Gardens, 1987.

Brown, Jane. The Pursuit of Paradise: A Social History of Gardens and Gardening, 2000.

Browning, Dominique, and the editors of House and Garden, The New Garden Paradise: Great Private Gardens of the World, 2005.

Bye, A. E., Art into Landscape, Landscape into Art, 1983.

Campbell, Katie, Icons of Twentieth-Century Landscape Design, 2007.

Clifford, Derek, A History of Garden Design, 1966.

Conran, Terence, The House Book, 1974.

Crockett, James Underwood, Landscape Gardening, 1971.

Davies, Jennifer, The Victorian Flower Garden, 1991.

De la Tour, Shatoiya and Richard, The Herbalist’s Garden, 2001.

Davis, John, Antique Garden Ornament: 300 Years of Creativity: Artists, Manufacturers and Methods, 1991.

Douglas, William Lake, Susan R. Frey, Norman K. Johnson, Susan Littlefield and Michael Van Valkenburgh, Garden Design, 1984.

Elliott, Brent, Victorian Gardens, 1986.

Favretti, Rudy J. and Joy Putnam Favretti, Landscapes and Gardens for Historic Buildings: a handbook for reproducing and creating authentic landscape settings (2nd edition), 1997.

Geddes-Brown, Leslie, The Walled Garden, 2007.

Goldsmith, Margaret Olthof, Designs for Outdoor Living, 1941.

Goode, Patrick and Michael Lancaster, eds., The Oxford Companion to Gardens, 2001.

Gothein, Marie Luise, translated by Mrs. Archer-Hind, A History of Garden Art, 1928.

Jellicoe, Susan and Geoffrey, Modern Private Gardens, 1968.

Jellicoe, Geoffrey and Susan Jellicoe, The Landscape of Man, 1989.

Johnson, Jory and Felice Frankel, Modern Landscape Architecture, 1991.

Halprin, Lawrence, The RSVP Cycles: Creative Processes in the Human Environment, 1970.

Hayden, Dolores, The Power of Place: Urban Landscapes as Public History, 1997.

Henderson, Paula, The Tudor House and Garden, 2005.

Hitchmough, Wendy, Arts and Crafts Gardens, 2005.

Hobhouse, Penelope, Plants in Garden History, 1997.

Hobhouse, Penelope, The Story of Gardening, 2004.

Hohmuth, Jurgen, Labyrinths and Mazes, 2004.

House and Garden Editors, House and Garden's New Complete Book of Gardens, 1955.

Howland, Joseph E., The House Beautiful Book of Gardens and Outdoor Living, 1958.

Hubbard, Henry Vincent and Theodora Kimball, An Introduction to the Study of Landscape Design, 1917.

Hunt, John Dixon, Greater Perfections: The Practice of Garden Theory, 1999.

Hyams, Edward, A History of Gardens and Gardening, 1971.

Impelluso, Lucia, Gardens in Art, 2007.

Kassler, Elizabeth B., Modern Gardens and the Landscape, 1964.

Kelso, William, M. and Racheal Most, eds., Earth Patterns: Essays in Landscape Archaeology, 1990.

Kirkwood, Norman, The Art of Landscape Detail: Fundamentals, Practices and Case Studies, 1999.

Landsberg, Sylvia, The Medieval Garden, 1998.

Loxton, Howard, History of the Garden: Its Evolution and Design, 1996.

Lynch, Kenneth and Sons, The Book of Garden Ornament, 1994.

Maccubbin, Robert P. and Peter Martin, eds., British and American Gardens in the Eighteen Century, 1984.

Matthews, William Henry, Mazes and Labyrinths: Their History and Development, 2003.

Mawson, The Art and Craft of Garden Making, 1901.

McHarg, Ian L., Design with Nature (new edition), 1995.

Meinig, D. W., ed., The Interpretation of Ordinary Landscapes, 1999.

Mosser, Monique, Georges Teyssot and George Tyssot, eds., The History of Garden Design: The Western Tradition from the Renaissance to the Present Day, 2000.

Mosser, Monique and Georges Teyssot, eds., The Architecture of Western Gardens: A Design History from the Renaissance to the Present Day, 1991.

Newton, Norman T., Designs on the Land: The Development of Landscape Architecture, 1971.

Osmundson, Theodore H., Roof Gardens: History, Design, and Construction, 1997.

Ottewill, David, The Edwardian Garden, 1989.

Outwater, Myra Yellin and Eric B. Outwater, Garden Ornaments and Antiques, 2000.

Pennington, Susan and Ann C. Easterling, Feast Your Eyes: The Unexpected Beauty of Vegetable Gardens, 2002.

Pigeat, Jean-Paul, Gardens of the World: Two Thousand Years of Garden Design, 2003.

Pizzoni, Filippo, The Garden: A History in Landscape and Art, 1997.

Platt, Charles A., Italian Gardens (1994 reprint), 1894.

Plumptre, George, The Garden Makers: The Great Tradition of Garden Design from 1600 to the Present Day, 1993.

Pregill, Philip and Nancy Volkman, Landscapes in History (2nd edition), 1999.

Readers Digest, Practical Guide to Home Landscaping, 1972.

Reed, Peter, Groundswell: Constructing the Contemporary Landscape, 2005.

Reynolds, John S., Courtyards: Aesthetic, Social, and Thermal Delight, 2001.

Rogers, Elizabeth Barlow, Landscape Design, a Cultural and Architectural History, 2001.

Root, Ralph Rodney and Charles Fabiens Kelley, Design in Landscape Gardening, 1914.*

Rose, Graham, The Classic Garden, 1989.

Rose, James, Creative Gardens, 1958.

Rose, James, Gardens Make Me Laugh, 1965.

Ross, Stephanie, What Gardens Mean, 1998.

Ruggles, D. Fairchild, Islamic Gardens and Landscapes, 2008.

Russell, Edith, Edith Wharton's Italian Gardens, 1997.

Saudan, Michael and Sylvia Saudan-Skira, From Folly to Follies: Discovering the World of Gardens, 1988.

Schmidt, Carl F., Fences, Gates and Garden Houses, 1963.*

Sedding, John D., Garden-Craft Old and New, 1890.*

Sherpheard, Peter, Modern Gardens, 1953.

Shoemaker, Candice A., ed., Chicago Botanic Garden Encyclopedia of Garden History and Design, vols. I, II, III, 2001.

Simonds, John Ormsbee, Landscape Architecture: The Shaping of Man’s Natural Environment, 1983.

Steele, Fletcher, Design in the Little Garden, 1924.

Steele, Fletcher, Gardens and People: A Book about the Art of Harmony between Man and his Land, 1964.

Stilgoe, John R., Common Landscape of America, 1580 to 1845, 1982.

Stipe, Robert E., ed., A Richer Heritage: Historic Preservation in the Twenty-First Century, 2003.

Strong, Roy, Gardens Through the Ages, 2000.

Strong, Roy and Sally Hynard, A Small Garden Designer’s Handbook, 1987.

Strong, Roy, Small Period Gardens, 1992.

Stuart, David, Classic Garden Plans, 2004.

Sunset Magazine, Landscaping for Modern Living, 1956.

Tankard, Judith B., Gardens of the Arts and Crafts Movement, 2004.

Taylor, Geoffrey, The Victorian Flower Garden, 1952.

Thatcher, Christopher, The History of Gardens, 1979.

Thomas, Graham Stuart, ed., Recreating the Period Garden, 1984.

Tilden, Scott J., ed., The Glory of Gardens: 2000 Years of Writings on Garden Design, 2006.

Tobey, G.B., A History of Landscape Architecture, 1973.

Treib, Marc, The Architecture of Landscape 1940-1960, 2002.

Treib, Marc, Modern Landscape Architecture: A Critical Review, 1993.

Tunnard, Christopher, Gardens in the Modern Landscape, 1938.

Turner, Tom, Garden Design: History, Philosophy and Styles, 2004.

Turner, Tom, Garden History: Philosophy and Design 2000 BC—2000 AD, 2005.

Van Sweden, James, Gardening with Nature, 1997.

Verey, Rosemary, Classic Garden Design: How to Adopt and Recreate Garden Features of the Past, 1984.

Von Baeyer, Edwinna, Down the Garden Path: A Guide for Researching the History of a Garden or Landscape, 2007.

Waymark, Janet, Modern Garden Design: Innovations Since 1900, 2005.

Wilkinson, Elizabeth and Marjorie Henderson, House of Boughs, 1985.

Williams, Robin, Readers Digest Garden Design, 1995.

Wilson, Andrew, Influential Gardeners: The Designers Who Shaped 20th Century Garden Style, 2005.

Woods, May and Arete Warren. Glasshouses: The Architecture of Orangeries, Conservatories and Greenhouses, 1988.


Adams, Denise Wiles, Restoring American Gardens; An Encyclopedia of Heirloom Ornamental Plants, 1640-1940, 2004.*

Alanen, Arnold R. and Robert Z. Melnick, eds., Preserving Cultural Landscapes in America, 2000.

Appleton, Marc, Mediterranean in the United States,

Aslet, Clive, The American Country House, 1990.

Bailey, L.H., ed., How to Make a Flower Garden, 1914.

Baker, John Cordis, ed., American Country Homes and Their Gardens, 1906.

Battles, Marjorie Gibbon and Catherine Colt Dickey, Fifty Blooming Years, 1913-1963, 1963.

Birnbaum, Charles A. and Mary Hughes, eds., Design with Culture: Claiming America’s Landscape Heritage, 2005.

Bottomley, Myrl E., The Art of Home Landscape, 1935.

Carr, Ethan, Wilderness by Design: Landscape Architecture and the National Park Service, 1998.

Church, Thomas D., Gardens Are for People: How to Plan for Outdoor Living (1995 edition), 1955.

Church, Thomas D., Your Private World: A Study of Intimate Gardens. 1969.

Coates, Alice, Garden Shrubs and Their Histories, 1970.

Colonial Dames of America, Herbs and Herb Lore of Colonial America, 1995.

Conzen, Michael, ed., The Making of the American Landscape, 1990.

Copeland, Robert Morris, Country Life: A Handbook of Agriculture, Horticulture and Landscape Gardening (ASLA 2000 reprint), 1866.

Cran, Marion, Gardens in America, 1932.

Cutler, Phoebe, The Public Landscapes of the New Deal, 1985.

Dickey, Page, Breaking Ground: Portraits of Ten Garden Designers, 1997.

Dickey, Page, Wayne Winterrowd and John M. Hall, Gardens in the Spirit of Place, 2005.

D’Oench, Nancy with Bonny Martin, Gardens Private and Personal, 2008.*

Downing, Andrew Jackson, Architecture of Country Houses, (1969 edition), 1850.

Downing, Andrew Jackson, Treatise on the Theory and Practice of Landscape Gardening, 1841.

Downing, Andrew Jackson, Victorian Cottage Residences, (1981 edition), 1842.

Dumbarton Oaks Colloquium on the History of Landscape Architecture, 15, Regional Garden Design in the United States.

Duchscherer, Paul and Douglas Keister, Outside the Bungalow, America’s Arts and Crafts Gardens, 1999.

Eckbo, Garrett, The Art of Home Landscaping, 1956.

Eckbo, Garrett, Landscaping for Living, 1950.

Eckbo, Garrett, The Landscape We See, 1969.

Eckbo, Garrett, Urban Landscape Design, 1964.

Elwood, P. H., Jr., American Landscape Architecture, 1924.

Favretti, Rudy and Gordon DeWolf, Colonial Gardens, 1972.

Favretti, Rudy J. and Joy P. Favretti, For Every House a Garden: A Guide for Reproducing Period Gardens, 1990.

Ferree, Barr, American Estates and Gardens, 1904.

Fine Gardening Editors, Great Gardens, vol. I, 1994.

Fine Gardening Editors, Great Gardens, vol. II, 2008.

Fitch, James and F. F. Rockwell, Treasury of American Gardens, 1956.

Fleischmann, Melanie, American Border Gardens, 1993.

Goff, Lee, Tudor Style: Tudor Revival Houses in America from 1890 to the Present, 2002.

Goodman, Ernestine Abercrombie, Garden Club of America: History 1913-1938, 1938.

Grese, Robert E., History and Management Plan for the Grounds of the Edsel and Eleanor Ford House, 1988.

Grese, Robert E., The Prairie Gardens of O. C. Simonds and Jens Jensen, 1995.

Griffith, Lawrence D., Flowers and Herbs of Early America, 2008.

Griswold, Mac and Eleanor Weller, The Golden Age of American Gardens: Proud Owners, Private Estates, 1890-1940, 1991.*

Hayden, Dolores, Building Suburbia: Green Fields and Urban Growth, 1820-2000, 2004.

Hedrick, Ulysses P., A History of Horticulture in America to 1860, 1988.

Hill, May Brawley, Furnishing the Old Fashioned Garden: Three Centuries of American Summerhouses, Dovecotes, Pergolas, Privies, Fences & Birdhouses, 1998.

Hill, May Brawley, Grandmother’s Garden: The Old-Fashioned American Garden, 1865-1915, 1995.

Hill, May Brawley, On Foreign Soil: American Gardeners Abroad, 2005.

Howe, Samuel, American Country Houses of To-Day, 1915.

Hunt, John Dixon and Joachim Wolschke-Bulmahn, eds., The Vernacular Garden, 1993.

Hynes, H. Patricia, A Patch of Eden: America’s Inner City Gardens, 1996.

Israel, Barbara, Antique Garden Ornament: Two Centuries of American Taste, 1999.

Jackson, Kenneth T., Crabgrass Frontier: The Suburbanization of the United States, 1985.

Jackson, Kenneth T. and Camilo Jose Vergara, Silent Cities: The Evolution of the American Cemetery, 1989.

Jenkins, Virginia Scott, The Lawn: A History of an American Obsession, 1994.

Karson, Robin, A Genius for Place: American Landscapes of the Country Place Era, 2007.

Kellaway, Herbert J., How to Lay Out Surburban Home Gardens, 1915.*

Leighton, Ann, American Gardens of the 18th Century, For Use or Delight, 1976.

Leighton, Ann, American Gardens of the 19th Century, For Comfort and Affluence, 1987.

Lockwood, Alice P., The Gardens of Colony and State (2000 reprint), 1930-34.*

Loewer, Peter, American Gardens, A Tour of the Nation’s Finest Private Gardens, 1988.*

Lowell, Guy, American Gardens, 1901.

Lyon, Elizabeth, Campus Heritage Preservation, 2002.

Macrae, Marjorie Knight, ed., The Garden Locater of the Garden Club of America, 1953.*

Marx, Leo, The Machine in the Garden: Technology and the Pastoral Ideal in America, 2000.

Massachusetts Horticultural Society, Keeping Eden, A History of Gardening in America, 1992.

McAlester, Virginia and Lee, A Field Guide to American Houses, 2002.

McClelland, Linda Flint. Building the National Parks: Historic Landscape Design and Construction, 1998.

McGuire, Diane Kostial, Gardens of America, Three Centuries of Design, 1989.

Murray, Pauline, Planning and Planting the Home Garden, 1932.*

Newcomb, Rexford, The Spanish House for America: Its Design, Furnishing and Garden, 1927.

Nolan, Martha A., A Chronicle: The History of the Woman’s National Farm and Garden Association, 1914-1984, 1985.

Nolan, John, New Towns for Old (ASLA 2000 reprint), 1927.

Nygren, Edward J., ed., Views and Visions: American Landscape Before 1830, 1986.

Ockenga, Starr, Earth on her Hands: The American Woman in her Garden, 1998.

Ockenga, Starr, Eden on Their Minds: American Gardeners with Bold Visions, 2001.

Ortlaff, H. Stuart and Henry B. Raymore, New Gardens for Old, How to Remodel the Home Grounds, 1934.*

Otis, Denise, Grounds for Pleasure: Four Centuries of American Gardens, 2005.

Pack, Charles Lathrop, The War Garden Victorious, 1919.

Parsons, Samuel Jr., The Art of Landscape Architecture (ASLA 2000 reprint), 1915.

Parsons, Samuel Jr., How to Plant the Home Grounds, 1899.

Parsons, Samuel Jr., Landscape Gardening, 1900.*

Pratt, Richard, A Treasury of Early American Homes, 1949.

Reveal, James C., Gentle Conquest: The Botanical Discovery of North America with Illustrations from the Library of Congress, 1992.

Richardson, Tim, Great Gardens of America, 2009.

Roberts, Edith A., and Elsa Rehmann, American Plants for American Gardens, (1996 reprint), 1929.

Schuler, Stanley, America’s Great Private Gardens, 1967.

Scott, Frank, Art of Beautifying Suburban Home Grounds of A Small Extent, 1870.

Simo, Melaine, 100 Years of Landscape Architecture, 1999.

Simonds, O.C., Landscape Gardening (ASLA 2000 reprint), 1920.

Stilgoe, John R., Borderland: Origins of the American Suburb, 1820-1939, 1988.

Taylor, Raymond, L., Plants of Colonial Days, 1996.

Tishler, William H., American Landscape Architecture: Designers and Places, 1989.

Tucker, David M., Kitchen Gardening in America, 1993.

Turner, Paul Venable, Campus: An American Planning Tradition, 1995.

Verey, Rosemary and Ellen Samuels, The American Woman’s Garden, 1984.

Walker, Peter and Melanie Simo, Invisible Gardens: The Search for Modernism in the American Landscape, 1996.

Waugh, Frank, Book of Landscape Gardening (ASLA 2000 reprint), 1926.

Waugh, Frank, The Natural Style in Landscape Gardening, 1917.

Weidenmann, Jacob, Beautifying Country Homes, 1870.

Weishan, Michael, The New Traditional Garden: A Practical Guide to Creating and Restoring Authentic American Gardens for Homes of all Ages, 1999.

Weishan, Michael, Cristina Roig and Susan Seubert, From a Victorian Garden: Creating the Romance of a Bygone Age Right in Your Own Backyard, 2004.

Weiss, Elaine F., Fruits of Victory: The Woman’s Land Army in the Great War, 2008.


O’Malley, Therese and Marc Treib, eds., Regional Garden Design in the United States, 1995.

Watters, Sam, ed., American Gardens, 1890-1930: Northeast, Mid-Atlantic and Midwest Regions, 2006.

New England:

Ahern, Jack, A Guide to the Landscape Architecture of Boston, 1999.

Baldwin, Letitia S., Asticou Azalea Garden: The Work of Charles K. Savage, 2008.

Baldwin, Letitia S., Thuya Garden: Asticou Terraces and Thuya Lodge, 2008.

Beacon Hill Garden Club, Hidden Gardens of Beacon Hill, 1999.*

Blackburn, Roderick, Great Houses of New England, 2008.

Booker, Margaret Moore, Rose Gonnella and Patricia Egan, Sea Captains’ Houses and Rose Covered Cottages, The Architectural Heritage of Nantucket Island, 2007.

Brechlin, Earl, Bygone Bar Harbor, 2002.

Brockway, Lucinda A. and Linsay H. Cavanagh, Gardens of the New Republic: Fashioning The Landscapes of the High Street, Newburyport, Massachusetts, 2003.

Campanella, Thomas J., Republic of Shade: New England and the American Elm, 2003.

Cronon, William, Changes in the Land: Indians, Colonists, and the Ecology of New England, 2003.

Earls, William D., The Harvard Five in New Canaan: Midcentury Modern Houses by Marcel Breuer, Landis Gores, John Johansen, Philip Johnson, Eliot Noyes, and Others, 2006.

Emmet, Alan, So Fine A Prospect: Historic New England Gardens, 1996.

Fox, Pamela W. and Jonathan Winthrop, North Shore Boston, Houses of Essex County, 1865-1930, 2005.

Fox, Pamela W. and Sarah B. Gilman, Farm Town to Suburb: The History and Architecture of Weston, Massachusetts, 1830-1980, 2002.

Friends of the Public Garden and Common, Inc., The Public Garden, Boston, 1988.*

Farr, Judith, The Gardens of Emily Dickinson, 2004.

Gilbert, Alma M. and Judith B. Tankard, A Place of Beauty: The Artists and Gardens of the Cornish Colony, 2000.

Haglund, Karl, Inventing the Charles River, 2003.

Helfrich, G. W. and Gladys O’Neill, Lost Bar Harbor, 1982.

Jackson, Richard S., Jr., Cornelia Brook Gilder and Samuel G. White, Houses of the Berkshires, 1870-1930, 2006.

King, Louisa Yeomans, The Little Garden, 1921.

Ipswich Historical Society, The John Wipple House in Ipswich, Mass.: And the People Who Owned and Lived in It, 1915.

Leighton, Ann, Early American Gardens, For Meate or Medicine, 1970.

Linden, Blanche M., Silent City on a Hill: Picturesque Landscape of Memory and Boston’s Mount Auburn Cemetery, 2007.

Massachusetts Heritage Landscape Inventory Program, Reading the Land, Massachusetts Heritage Landscapes: A Guide to Identification and Protection.

Mattor, Theresa, Designing the Maine Landscape, 2009.

Moskow, Keith, The Houses of Martha’s Vineyard, 2005.

Nylander, Jane C., Windows on the Past: Four Centuries of New England Homes, 2000.

Owens, Carole, The Berkshire Cottages, A Vanishing Era, 1984.*

Pardee, Bettie Bearden, Private Newport, At Home and in the Garden, 2004.

Phelps, Harriet, Newport in Flower, 1979.

Preservation Society of Newport County, Newport Landscapes, 2000.

Rhode Island Historical Preservation and Heritage Commission, The Rhode Island Landscape Survey.

Small, Virginia, Great Gardens of the Berkshires, 2008.

Thaxter, Celia, Child Hassam and Tasha Tudor, An Island Garden, 2002.

Thornton, T., Cultivating Gentlemen: The Meaning of Country Life among the Boston Elite, 1785-1860, 1989.

Van Valkenburgh, Michael, ed., Built Landscapes: Gardens in the Northeast: Gardens by Beatrix Farrand, Fletcher Steele, James Rose, A. E. Bye, Dan Kiley, 1984.


Battery Conservancy, Gardens of Remembrance: A Garden Guide.

Berner, Nancy and Susan Lowry, Garden Guide: New York City, 2002.

Bush-Brown, James and Louise Bush-Brown, Portraits of Philadelphia Gardens, 1929.

Collins, Lester, Innisfree: An American Garden, 1994.

Davis, Alexander J., Pleasure Grounds: Andrew Jackson Downing and Montgomery Place, 1988.

Dwyer, Micheal Middleton and Mark Rockefeller, Great Houses of the Hudson River, 2001.

Ecker, Grace Dunlap, A Portrait of Old George Town, 1933.*

Edelson, Elizabeth, ed., The Gardens of Wave Hill, 2004.

Esten, John, Hamptons Gardens, A 350 Year Legacy, 2004.

Farrand, Beatrix and Diane Kostial McGuire, Beautrix Farrand’s Plant Book for Dumbarton Oaks, 1980.

Garmey, Stephen, Gramercy Park, 1984.

Green, Louise Tuthill, Shelter Island, NY, 1997.

Hamptons Cottages and Gardens Magazine, Hamptons Havens: The Best of Hamptons Cottages and Gardens, 2005.

Hays, Helen Ashe, A Little Maryland Garden, 1909.*

Higgins, Adrian, Secret Gardens of Georgetown, 1994.

Joyce, Henry, Tour of Kykuit: The House and Gardens of the Rockefeller Family, 1994.

Kaiser, Harvey H., Great Camps of the Adirondacks, 1982.

Kane, Mark, The Beckoning Path: Lessons of a Lifelong Garden, The Photographs and Garden of Ted Nierenberg, 1993.

Klaus, Susan L., A Modern Arcadia: Frederick Law Olmsted Jr. and the Plan for Forest Hills Gardens, 2004.

Klein, William M., Jr., Gardens of Philadelphia and the Delaware Valley, 1995.

Klim-Doell, M. Christine, Gardens of the Gilded Age: Nineteenth Century Gardens and Homegrounds of New York State, 1986.

Lanier, Gabrielle M. and Bernard Letterman, Everyday Architecture of the Mid-Atlantic: Looking at Buildings and Landscapes, 1997.

Lawrance, Gary and Anne Surchin, Houses of the Hamptons, 1880-1930, 2007.

Long, Gregory, Historic Houses of the Hudson River Valley, 2004.

Longwood Gardens, Longwood Gardens: The Ultimate Garden Treasure, 1987.

Longwood Gardens, 100 Years of Garden Splendor, 2006.*

Magnani, Denise, The Winterthur Garden: Henry Francis du Pont's Romance with the Land, 1995.

Mateyunas, Paul J., North Shore Long Island: Country Houses, 1890-1950, 2007.

McEwan, Barbara, White House Landscapes, Horticultural Achievements of American Presidents, 1992.

Miller, Donald, The Architecture of Benno Janssen, 1999.

Miller, Sara Cedar, Central Park, An American Masterpiece: A Comprehensive History of the Nation’s First Urban Park, 2003.

Morgan, Eloise L, ed., and Bob Marshall, Building a Suburban Village: Bronxville, New York, 1898-1998, 1998.

Morrison, William, The Main Line, Country Houses, 1870-1930, 2002.

Olmstead, Frederick Law, The Papers of Frederick Law Olmstead: III Creating Central Park, 1857-1861, 1983.

Petrow, Steven, with Richard Barons, The Lost Hamptons, 2004.

Pierson, Mary Louise and Ann Rockefeller Roberts, The Rockefeller Family Home: Kykuit, 1998.

Pool, Mary Jane, Betsy Pinorer Schiff and David Rockefeller, Gardens in the City: New York in Bloom, 1999.

Randall, Monica, The Mansions of Long Island’s Gold Coast, 2004.

Rinaldi, Thomas E., Hudson Valley Ruins: forgotten landmarks of an American landscape, 2006.

Rosenzweig, Royand and Elizabeth Blackmar, The Park and the People: A History of Central Park, 1998.

Russo, Jean B., William Pacca: House and Garden, 1990.

Seale, William, The White House Garden, 1996.*

Shackel, Paul A. and Barbara J. Little, Historical Archaeology of the Chesapeake, 1994.

Spinzia, Raymond E., Long Island’s Prominent North Shore Families: Their Estates and Their Country Homes, vols. I and II, 2006.

Surchin, Anne, Houses of the Hamptons, 1880-1930, 2007.

Tamulerich, Susan, Ping Amranand and Philip Johnson, Dumbarton Oaks: Garden into Art, 2002.

University of Pennsylvania, Firmly Planted: The Story of the Morris Arboretum, 2001.

Weeks, Christopher, The Life and Gardens of Harvey Ladew, 1999.

Weeks, Christopher, Where Land and Water Intertwine, An Architectural History of Talbot Country, Maryland, 1984.

Zaitzevsky, Cynthia, Long Island Landscapes and the Women Who Designed Them, 2009.

Zwicker, Charles G., Edward C. Zwicker and Springfield Township Historical Society, Whitemarsh Hall: The Estate of Edward T. Stotesbury, 2004.


Alexander, Bill, The Biltmore Nursery: A Botanical Legacy, Featuring the 1912 Biltmore Nursery Catalog Reproduced in its Entirety, 2007.

Armes, Ethel, Stratford Hall, The Great House of the Lees, 1936.

Baron, Robert, ed., The Garden and Farm Books of Thomas Jefferson.

Beiswanger, William L., Peter J. Hatch, Lucia Stanton and Susan R. Stein, Thomas Jefferson’s Monticello, 2001.

Bemiss, Margaret Page, Historic Gardens of Virginia, 2009.

Bender, Steve, ed., Southern Living Landscape Book, 2000.

Briggs, Loutrel, Charleston Gardens, 1951.

Bryan, John M., Biltmore Estate: The Most Distinguished Private Place, 1994.

Burke, Nina, Plantations of St. Bartholomew’s Parish, South Carolina.

Brinkley, M. Kent and Chappell, Gordon W, The Gardens of Colonial Williamsburg, 1996.

Cameron, Louisa Pringle, The Charleston Gardener, 2001.

Cameron, Louisa Pringle, Private Gardens of Charleston, 1992.

Ceo, Rocco and Joanna Lombard, Historic Landscapes of Florida, 2002.

Chambers, S. Allen, Jr., Popular Forest and Thomas Jefferson, 1993.

Colonial Williamsburg Foundation, Legacy from the Past: A Portfolio of Eighty-eight Original Williamsburg Buildings, 1971.

Cothran, James R., Gardens of Historic Charleston, 1995.

Cothran, James R., Gardens and Historic Plants of the Antebellum South, 2003.

Creek, Richard, Gardens and Landscapes of Virginia, 1993.

De Forest, Elizabeth Kellam, The Gardens and Grounds of Mount Vernon: How George Washington Planned and Planted Them, 1982.

Douglas, Lake and Jeanette Hardy, Gardens of New Orleans: Exquisite Excess, 2001.

Farrar, Emmie Ferguson, Old Virginia Houses, The Mobjack Bay County and Along the James,1955

Fisher, T. J. and Roy F. Guste, Jr., Orleans Embrace with the Secret Gardens of the Vieux Carre, 2006.

Fonseca, Mary, Louisiana Gardens, 1999.*

Gleason, David King, Plantation Homes of Louisiana and the Natchez Area, 1983.

Garden Club of North Carolina, Old Homes and Gardens of North Carolina, 1939.

Garden Club of Virginia, Descriptive Guide Book of Virginia’s Old Gardens.*

Garden Club of Virginia, Homes and Gardens in Old Virginia, 1962.*

Garden Study Club of Nashville, History of Homes and Gardens of Tennessee, 1936.

Gleason, David King, Virginia Plantation Homes, 1989.

Griswold. Mac, Washington's Gardens at Mount Vernon, 1999.

Gros, Steve and Sue Daley, Creole Houses: Traditional Homes of Old Louisiana, 2007.

Halfacre, R. Gordon and Anne R. Shawcroft, Landscape Plants of the Southeast, 1971.

Hatch, Peter, The Fruits and Fruit Trees of Monticello, 2007.

Hatch, Peter J., The Gardens of Thomas Jefferson’s Monticello, 1992.

Hatch, Peter and Hazelhurst Bolton Perkins, Thomas Jefferson’s Flower Garden at Monticello, 1986.

Helsley, Alexia Jones, Beaufort, South Carolina: A History, 2005.

Howard, Hugh and Roger Strauss III, Natchez: The Houses and History of the Jewel of the Mississippi, 2003.

Howett, Catherine, A World of Her Own Making: Katharine Smith Reynolds and the Landscape of Reynolda, 2007.

Isley, N. Jane, Middleton Place, 1976.

Johnson, Shirley, Palm Beach Houses, 1991.

Kelso, William M., Kingsmill Plantation 1619-1800, Archaeology of Country Life in Colonial Virginia, 1984.

Krusen, Jesse Ball Thompson, Tuckahoe Plantation, 1975.

Lane, Mills, Architecture of the Old South, 1993.

Lawrence, Elizabeth, A Southern Garden, 1942.

Ledet, Michael and Joanne Amort, eds., Capturing Oak Alley: Visions of a Louisiana Great River Road Plantation, 2002.

Lews, Albert Addison, Boxwood Gardens, Old and New, 1924.*

Lewis, A. Jefferson III, Historic, Heritage and Heirloom Plants of Georgia, 2004.

Littlefield, Doris Bayley and Steven Brooke, Vizcaya: Museum and Garden, 1984.

Longshore, Lydia, The Southern Garden, 2006.

Lounsbury, Carl A., An Illustrated Glossary of Early Southern Architecture and Landscape, 1994.

Magnolia Plantation, The Story of the Historic Magnolia Plantation and Its Gardens: Their First 300 Years, 1990.

Malone, Lee, Louisiana Plantation Homes: A Return to Splendor, 1986.

Martin, Laura, Southern Gardens, 1993.

Martin, Peter, The Pleasure Gardens of Virginia: From Jamestown to Jefferson, 1991.

Mattox, Polly McLeod and Helen Mattox Bost, Private Gardens of Georgia, 2008.

Mitchell, William, and Richard Moore, Gardens of Georgia, 1989.

Miller, Mary Carol, Lost Mansions of Mississippi, 1996.

Miller, Mary Warren, Ronald W. Miller and David King Gleason, The Great Houses of Natchez, 1998.

Peachtree Garden Club, Garden History of Georgia, 1733-1933, 1933.*

Phillips, Charles, The Hermitage: Home of Andrew Jackson, Hermitage, Tennessee, 1997.

Pinckney, Elise, Thomas and Elizabeth Lamboll: Early Charleston Gardeners, 1969.

Proceedings of the Tenth Conference on Restoring Southern Gardens and Landscapes, The Influence of Women on the Southern Landscape, 1997.

Ravenel, Beatrice St. Julien, Architects of Charleston, 1945.

Reinhart, Theodore R., The Archaeology of Shirley Plantation, 1984.

Rickman, Ellen Erwin, Biltmore Estate: Images of America, 2005.

Rion, Mary C., Ladies’ Southern Florist (Facsimile of 1860 edition), 2001.

Roberts, Bruce, Plantation Homes of the James River, 1990.

Robinson, Blackwell P., Three Decades of Devotion: The Story of the Tryon Palace Commission and The Tryon Palace Restoration, 1978.

Rowland, Lawrence S., Alexander Moore and George C. Rogers, The History of Beaufort Country, South Carolina: 1514-1861, 1996.

Rybczynski, Witold and Laurie Olin, Vizcaya: An American Villa and Its Makers, 2006.

Sale, Edith Tunis, ed., (James River Garden Club) Historic Gardens of Virginia, 1923.

Sargent, Charles Sprague, The Trees at Mount Vernon, 1926.

Shafter, Edward Terry Hendrie, Carolina Gardens, 1937.

Silver, Timothy, A New Face on the Countryside: Indians, Colonists, and Slaves in South Atlantic Forests, 1500-1800, 1900.

Smith, J. Frazer, Plantation Houses and Mansions of the Old South, 1993.

Spencer, Darrell, The Gardens of Salem, The Landscape History of a Moravian Town in North Carolina, 1977.*

Spicer, Cindy, Carolina Edens, 1995.

Spicer, Cindy, Peach State Paradise: A Guide to Gardens and Natural Areas of Georgia, 1997.

Starr, S.Frederick, Southern Comfort: The Garden District of New Orleans, 1800-1900, 1998.

Steadman, Todd A., Southern Living Courtyards to Country Gardens, 1992.

Steele, John Carson Hay, Sr. and Robert Pinckney Rhett, Charleston, Then and Now, 1996.

Stoney, Samuel Gaillard, Plantations of the Carolina Low Country, 1990.

Sullivan, Barbara, Garden Perennials for the Coastal Carolinas, 2002.

Tankard, Judith, A Legacy in Bloom: Celebrating a Century of Gardens at The Cummer, 2008.

Taylor, Raymond, Plants of Colonial Days, 1996.

Trimble, Genevieve Munson, Longue Vue, 1988.

Turner, Susan, The Gardens of Louisiana: Places of Work and Wonder, 1997.

Wait, Lucita H., Fairchild, Tropical Garden—The First Ten Years, 1948.*

Wedda, John, Gardens of the American South, 1971.

Welch, William and Greg Grant, The Southern Heirloom Garden, 1995.

Westmacott, Richard, African-American Gardens and Yards in the Rural South, 1992.

Whaley, Emily and William Baldwin, Mrs. Whaley and Her Charleston Garden, 1998.

Williams, Dorothy Hunt, Historic Virginia Gardens: Preservations by The Garden Club of Virginia, 1975.

Williamson, Pamula Sparrow, The Restoration of the Gardens of Guston Hall, 1969.

Wills, Ridley W. II, The History of Belle Meade: Mansion, Plantation, and Studies, 1991.


Adams, Denise Wells and Janet Oberliesen, A Visitor Guide to: Ohio’s Garden Path—the Flowering of Our Landscape, 2007.

Alanen, Arnold R., Plats, parks, playgrounds, and plants: Warren H. Manning’s landscape designs for the mining districts of Michigan’s Upper Peninsula, 1899-1932, 1998.

Bergmann, Craig, Sunset Midwestern Landscaping Book, 2001.

Chicago Historical Society, Prairie in the City: Naturalism in Chicago’s Parks, 1870-1940, 1991.

Cleveland, H.W.S., Landscape Architecture as Applied to the Wants of the West (ASLA 2000 reprint), 1873.

Cleveland, H.W.S., Suggestions for a System of Parks and Parkways for the City of Minneapolis, 1883.

Cohen, Stuart Earl and Susan Benjamin, North Shore Chicago, Houses of the Lakefront Suburbs, 1890-1940, 2005.

Coventry, Kim, Daniel Meyer and Arthur Miller, Classic Country Estates of Lake Forest: Architecture and Landscape Design, 1856-1940, 2003.

Ebner, Michael H., Creating Chicago’s North Shore, 1989.

Eckert, Kathryn Eckert, The Campus Guide: Cranbrook, 2001.

Egan, W.C., Making a Garden of Perennials, 1912.

Ehrlich, George, Kansas City, Missouri: An Architectural History, 1826-1990, 1992.

Grese, Robert E., History and Management Plan for the Grounds of the Edsel and Eleanor Ford House, 1988.

Grese, Robert E., The Prairie Gardens of O. C. Simonds and Jens Jensen, 1995.

Grove, Carol, Henry Shaw’s Victorian Landscapes: The Missouri Botanical Garden and Tower Garden Park, 2005.

Highland Park Historic Preservation Commission, Highland Park, Illinois: Historic Landscape Survey, Final Report, 1988.

Hutchinson, Frances Kinsley, Our Country Home, 1907.

Karson, Robin, The Muses of Gwinn: Art and Nature in a Garden designed by Warren H. Manning, Charles Platt and Ellen Biddle Shipman, 1995.

Lanctot, Barbara, A Walk through Graceland Cemetery, 1977.

Lumsden, Sharon Lappin, Green Byways: Garden Discoveries in the Great Lakes States, 1993.

Maloney, Cathy Jean, Chicago Gardens, The Early History, 2008.

Maloney, Cathy Jean, The Gardener’s Cottage in Riverside, Illinois, 2010.

Maloney, Cathy Jean, The Prairie Club of Chicago, 2001.

Martin, Frank Edgerton, Valued Places: Landscape Architecture in Minnesota, 2001.

Martin, Laura C., Gardens of the Heartland, 1996.

McClure, Susan, Midwest Landscape Design, 1999.

McCormick, Harriet Hammond, Landscape Art, Past and Present, 1923.*

Miller, Wilhelm, The Prairie Spirit in Landscape Gardening (ASLA 2002 reprint), 1915.

Pellet, Kent, Pioneers in Iowa Horticulture, 1941.

Pepoon, H.S., Flora of the Chicago Region, 1927.

Price, Susan Davis, Minnesota Gardens, An Illustrated History, 1995.

Ranny, Victoria Post, Olmsted in Chicago, 1972.

Root, Ralph Rodney and Charles Fabens Kelley, Landscape Gardening, 1914.

Simon, Andreas, Chicago: The Garden City, 1894.

Tishler, William H., ed., Midwestern Landscape Architecture, 2000.

Truesdell, Carol, The Garden’s of Chicago’s Gold Coast, 1999.

Voigts, Madelyn, Mission Hills: Reflections on the Past and Present, 1987.

Worley, William S., J. C. Nichols and the Shaping of Kansas City, 1990.

Yeomans, Alfred, City Residential Land Development: Studies in Planning: Competitive Plans for Subdividing a Typical Quarter Section of Land in the Outskirts of Chicago, 1916.

Zimmermann, H. Russell, River Hills: As It Is and As It Once Was, 2003.


Belstering, Mrs. Edward B., Dallas Planting Manual, (13th edition). 1998.

Dallas Arboretum and Botanical Garden: A Place for All Seasons, 1999.

Dennis, Lisi and Landt Dennis, Behind Adobe Walls: The Hidden Homes and Gardens of Santa Fe and Taos, 1997.

Forum of Civics, A Garden Book for Houston, 1929.

Fox, Stephen, The Country Houses of John F. Staub, 2007.

Holder, Fred W., Bellingrath Garden and Home.

Houghton, Dorothy Knox Howe, Barrie Scardino, Sadie Gwin Blackburn, and Katherine S. Howe, Houston’s Forgotten Heritage: Landscapes, Houses, Interiors, 1824-1914, 1991.

Lambert Landscape Company, Lambert Gardens, 1938.

Leblanc, Sydney, Secret Gardens of Santa Fe, 2004.

Paul, Linda Leigh, Desert Retreats: Sedona Style, 2003.

Savage, Candace, Prairie: A Natural History, 2006.

Warren, David B., Bayou Bend Gardens: A Southern Oasis, 2006.

Welch, William, The Southern Heirloom Garden, 1995.

Wilson, Chris, Facing Southwest: The Life and Houses of John Gaw Meem, 2001.


Bissell, Ervana Bowen, Glimpses of Santa Barbara Gardens and Montecito Gardens, 1926.

Burton, Pamela and Marie Botnick, Private Landscapes, Modernist Gardens in Southern California, 2002.

Clary, Raymond H., The Making of Golden Gate Park, The Early Years, 1865-1906, 1980.

Clary, Raymond H., The Making of Golden Gate Park, The Growing Years, 1906-1950, 1987.

Crawford, Sharon, Gardens of Santa Barbara, 2000.

Cygelman, Adele, Palm Springs Modern: Houses in the California Desert, 1999.

Cygelman, Adele, Secret Gardens of Hollywood and Private Oases in Los Angeles, 2003.

Dobyn, Winfred Starr, California Gardens, 1931.

Eckbo, Garrett, Landscape for Living, California Architecture and Architects, No. 23.

Eyre, Florence Atheron (San Francisco Garden Club), Reminiscences of Peninsula Gardens, 1933.

French, Jere Stuart, The California Garden and the Landscape Architects Who Shaped It, 1993.

Gallagher, Timmy and Christopher McMahon, The Gardens at Filoli, 1999.

Gallagher, Timmy, ed., Filoli, 1991.

Garnett, Porter, Stately Homes of California, 1915.

Gebhard, Patricia, George Washington Smith: Architect of the Spanish Colonial Revival, 2005.

Halprin, Lawrence, Sea Ranch…Diary of an Idea.

Hess, Alan, Forgotten Modern: California Houses 1940-1970. 2007.

Kastner, Victoria, Hearst Castle: The Biography of a Country House, 2000.

Kastner, Victoria, Hearst’s San Simeon, The Gardens and the Land, 2009.

Keeler, Charles, The Simple Home, 1904.

Kennedy, Helen Weber and Veronica K. Kinzi (San Francisco Garden Club). Vignettes of the Gardens of Jose de Guadalupe, 1938.

Levick, Melba and Marc Appleton, California Mediterranean, 2007.

Levick, Melba and Karen Dardick, Great Gardens in Small Spaces, California Havens, 2003.

McGee, Bell M. (San Francisco Garden Club), Reminiscences of East Bay Gardens from 1860-1890, 1933.

McLaren, John, Gardening in California: Landscape and Flower, 1909.

Mitchell, Sydney B., Your California Garden and Mine, 1947.*

Mullgardt, L. C., The Architecture and Landscape Gardening of the Exposition, 1915.

Murmann, Eugene O., California Gardens of the Arts and Crafts Period, (2008 reprint) 1914.

Newcomb, Rexford, The Old Mission Churches and Historic Houses of California: Their History, Architecture, Art and Lore, 1925.

Palmer, Mrs. Silas (San Francisco Garden Club), Vignettes of Early San Francisco Homes and Gardens, 1933.

Padilla, Victoria, Southern California Gardens: An Illustrated History, 1961.

Paul, Linda Leigh, Coastal Retreats: The Pacific Northwest and the Architecture of Adventure, 2002.

Paul, Linda Leigh, Cottages by the Sea, The Handmade Homes of Carmel, America’s First Artist Community, 2000.

Payne, Graham and Hugh Johnson, Garden Plants for Mediterranean Climates, 2007.

Poett, A. Dibblee, Rancho San Julian: The Story of a California Ranch and Its People, 1991.

Power, Nancy Goslee, The Gardens of California: Four Centuries of Design from Mission to Modern, 1995.

Prentice, Helaine Kaplan, The Gardens of Southern California, 1990.

Ringler, Donald P., Filoli: The Builder, the Architect, the Mansion, the Gardens, 1978.

Saladino, John, Villa, 2009.

Seavey, Kent, Carmel: A History in Architecture, 2007.

Serraino, Pierluigi, NorCalMod: Icons of Northern California Modernism, 2006.

Smith, Maureen K., Plant List for Filoli Gardens: January 1980, 1980.

Streatfield, David, California Gardens: Creating a New Eden, 1994.

Stern, Michael, Julius Shulman: Palm Springs, 2008.

Sunset Publications, California Missions, 1979.

Treib, Marc, The Donnell and Eckbo Gardens: Modern California Masterworks, 2005.

Yenne, Bill, The Missions of California, 2004.

Wyatt, David, Fall into Eden: Landscape and Imagination in California, 1986.

Zahid, Sardar, New Garden Design: Inspiring Private Paradises, 2008.

Landscape Architects/Garden Designers

Please note that information on some designers is now available online in the E-Newsletter of The Cultural Landscape Foundation (info@).

Alex, William, Calvert Vaux, Architect and Planner, 1994.

Amidon, Jane, Ken Smith Landscape Architect: Urban Projects, 2006.

Architecture and Design 5 (September 1941) and 17 (November 1953). Thomas W. Sears, Landscape Architect.

Bennett, Paul, Gardens for the New Country Place: The Landscape Architecture of Edmund Hollander and Maryanne Connelly, 2003.

Bennett, Paul, M. Paul Friedberg: Social Force, Projects 1988-2000, 1999.

Beveridge, Charles G. and Paul Rocheleau, Frederick Law Olmstead: Designing the American Landscape, 1995.

Birnbaum, Charles A., and Robin Karson, Nation Park Service Historic Landscape Initiative, Pioneers of American Landscape Design, 2000.

Birnbaum, Charles A. and Stephanie Foell, eds., Shaping the American Landscape, New Profiles from the Pioneers of American Landscape Design Project, 2009.

Brown, Jane, Lanning Roper and His Gardens, 1988.

Cardwell, K., Bernard Maybeck: Artisan, Architect, Artist, 1983.

Chanzit, Gwen F., Herbert Bayer and Modernist Design in America, 1987.

Cohen, Arthur A., Herbert Bayer: the Complete Work, 1984.

Domer, Dennis, ed., Alfred Caldwell: The Life and Work of a Prairie School Landscape Architect, 1997.

Eliot, Charles W., Charles Eliot, Landscape Architect (ASLA 2000 reprint), 1902.

Fabos, Julius G., Gordon T. Fabos and Milde Fabos, Frederick Law Olmstead, Sr.: Founder of Landscape Architecture, 1988.

Favretti, Rudy J., Jacob Weidenmann: Pioneer Landscape Architect, 2007.

Fell, Derek, The Gardens of Frank Lloyd Wright, 2009.

Grese, Robert E., Jens Jensen: Maker of Natural Parks and Gardens, 1992.

Hanson, A. E., An Arcadian Landscape: The California Gardens of A. E. Hanson, 1985.

Hilderbranch, Gary R., ed., Making a Landscape of Continuity: The Practice of Innocenti and Webel, 1997.*

Hines, Thomas S., Burnham of Chicago: Architect and Planner, 1979.

Hobbs, Thomas, Shocking Beauty: Thomas Hobb’s Innovative Garden Vision, 1999.

Karson, Robin, Fletcher Steele, Landscape Architect: An Account of the Gardenmaker’s Life, 1885-1971, 2003.

Kiley, Dan and Jane Amidon, Dan Kiley: The Complete Works of America's Master Landscape Architect, 2005.

Kowsky, Francis R., Country, Park and City: The Architecture and Life of Calvert Vaux, 1998.

Lawliss, Lucy, Caroline Loughlin and Lauren Meier, The Master List of Design Projects of the Olmstead Firm, 1857-1979, 2008.

Little, George and David Lewis, Garden Gallery: The Plants, Art, and Hardscape of Little and Lewis, 2005.

Longest, George, Genius in the Garden: Charles F. Gillette and Landscape Architecture in Virginia, 1992.

Major, Judith K., To Live in a New World: A.J. Downing and American Landscape Gardening, 1997.

McKee, Bradford, The Civilized Jungle: Residential Landscapes of Sanchez and Maddux, 2009.

Montero, Marta Iris, Burle Marx: The Lyrical Landscape, 2001.

Morgan, Keith N, Shaping an American Landscape: The Art and Architecture of Charles A. Platt, 1995.

Nichols, Frederick Doveton and Ralph E. Griswold, Thomas Jefferson, Landscape Architect, 1978.

Oehme, Wolfgang and James van Sweden, Bold Romantic Gardens: The New World Landscape of Oehme and van Sweden, 1991.

Olin, Laurie, Dennis C. McGlade, Robert J. Bedell, Lucinda R. Sanders, Susan K. Weiler and David A. Rubin, Olin: Placemaking, 2008.

Pennypacker, Eliza, Kristi A. Wormhoudt and Catherine Howett, Abstracting the Landscape: The Artistry of Landscape Architect A. E. Bye, 1990.

Ranney, Victoria Post, Olmsted in Chicago, 1972.

Roper, Laura Wood, FLO: A Biography of Frederick Law Olmsted, 1973.

Rybczynski, Witold, A Clearing in the Distance: Frederick Law Olmsted and America in the Nineteenth Century, 1999.

Saunders, William, ed., Daniel Urban Kiley: The Early Gardens, Landscape Views, 1999.

Schinz, Marina and Gabrielle van Zuylen, The Gardens of Russell Page, 1991.

Schnadelbach, Terry R., Ferruccio Vitale: Landscape Architect of the Country Place Era, 2001.

Schuyler, David, Apostle of Taste: Andrew Jackson Downing, 1815-1852: Creating the American Landscape, 1999.

Shulman, Nicola, A Rage for Rock Gardening: The Story of Reginald Farrar: Garden Writer and Plant Collector, 2004.

Shurcliff, Arthur A., Autobiography of Arthur A. Shurcliff, 1981.

Simms, Barbara, John Brookes, Garden and Landscape Designer, 2007.

Snow, Marc, Modern American Gardens—Designed by James Rose, 1967.

Stern, Robert A. M., Robert A. M. Stern: Houses and Gardens, 2005.

Stevenson, Elizabeth, Park Maker: A Life of Frederick Law Olmsted, 1977.

Tatum, George B. and Elizabeth Blair MacDougall, eds., Prophet with Honor: The Career of Andrew Jackson Downing, 1989.

Treib, Marc and Dorothee Imbert, Garrett Eckbo: Modern Landscapes for Living, 2005.

Treib, Marc, ed., Thomas Church, Landscape Architect: Designing a Modern California Landscape, 2004.

Walker, Peter, Peter Walker and Partners Landscape Architecture: Defining the Craft, 2005.

Zeitzevsky, Cynthia, Frederick Law Olmsted and the Boston Park System, 1982.


Amidon, Jane and Aaron Betsky, Moving Horizons: The Landscape Architecture of Kathryn Gustafson and Partners, 2005.

Balmori, Diana, Diane Kostial McGuire and Eleanor M. McPeck, Beatrix Farrand’s American Landscapes: Her Gardens and Campuses, 1985.

Beardsley, John, Beatrix: The Gardening Life of Beatrix Jones Farrand, 1872-1959, 1996.

Brewster, Kate L., The Little Garden for Little Money, 1934.

Dean, Ruth Bramley, The Liveable House, Its Garden, 1917.

Earle, Alice Morse, Old Time Gardens: A Book of the Sweet o’ the Year, 1901.

Earle, Anne Morse, Sun-Dials and Roses of Yesterday, 1902 (1971 reprint).*

Ely, Helena Rutherfurd, A Woman’s Hardy Garden, 1903.

Farrand, Beatrix, Roof Point Gardens Bulletin, 1963.*

Fleming, Nancy, Money, Manure and Maintenance (Marion Cruger Coffin), 1995.

Frischkorn, Rebecca T. and Rainey, Reuben M., Half My World: The Garden of Anne Spencer: A History and Guide, 2003.

Hawthorne, Hildegarde, The Lure of the Garden, 1911.

Henderson, Edith, Edith Henderson’s Home Landscape Companion, 1993.

Helfrich, Kurt G. F, Isabelle Greene, Shaping Place in the Landscape, 2005.

Hutcheson, Martha Brooks, The Spirit of the Garden (ASLA 2000 reprint), 1923.

King, Louisa Yeomans, The Well Considered Garden, 1915.

Lawrence, Elizabeth, Beautiful at All Seasons: Southern Gardening and Beyond with Elizabeth Lawrence, 2007

Mandel, Norma H., Beyond the Garden Gate: The Life of Celia Laighton Thaxter, 2004.

Mccauley, Lena May, The Joy of Gardens, 1911.

McGuire, D. K. and L. Fern, Beatrix Jones Farrand: Fifty Years of American Landscape Architecture, 1985.

Myers, Mary, Andrea Cochran: Landscapes, 2009.

Nichols, Rose Standish and Judith B. Tankard, English Pleasure Gardens, 2003.

Nichols, Rose Standish, Italian Pleasure Gardens, 1931.

Nichols, Rose Standish, Spanish and Portuguese Gardens, 1924.

Rehmann, Elsa, Garden Making, 1926.*

Richardson, Tim, ed., The Vanguard Landscapes and Gardens of Martha Schwartz, 2004.

Rowntree, Lester, Hardy Californians: A Woman’s Life with Native Plants (2006 reprint), 1936.

Shelton, Louise, Beautiful Gardens in America, 1915.*

Shelton, Louise, Continuous Bloom in America, Where, When, What to Plant with Other Gardening Successions, 1915.*

Shelton, Louise, The Seasons in the Flower Garden, A Handbook of Information and Instruction for the Amateur, 1906.*

Tabor, Grace, Come Into My Garden, 1921.

Tabor, Grace, The Garden Primer, A Practical Handbook on the Elements of Gardening for Beginners, 1911.*

Tabor, Grace, The Landscape Gardening Book, 1916.*

Tabor, Grace, Old-fashioned Gardening, A History and Reconstruction, 1913.*

Tankard, Judith B., Beatrix-Farrand: Private Gardens, Public Landscapes, 2009.

Tankard, Judith B., The Gardens of Ellen Biddle Shipman, 1996.

Thaxter, Rosamond, Sandpiper: The Life and Letters of Celia Thaxter, 1999.

Truelove, James Grayson, Ten Landscapes, Topher Delaney, 2001.

Van Rennsselaer, Mrs. Schuyler (Marianna Griswold), Art Out-of-Doors; hints on Good Taste in Gardening, 1903.

Way, Thaisa, Unbound Practice: Women and Landscape Architecture in the Early Twentieth Century, 2009.

Wilson, Emily Herring, No One Gardens Alone: A Life of Elizabeth Lawrence, 2004.

Wright, Mabel Osgood, The Garden of a Commuter’s Wife, 1901.

Yoch, James J., Landscaping the American Dream: The Gardens and Film Sets of Florence Yoch, 1890-1972, 1989.

Zaitzevsky, Cynthia, Noted Woman Landscape Architects, 2004.


Alexander, Rosemary, The Essential Garden Design Workbook, 2004.

Amidon, Jane and Kathryn Gustafson, Radical Landscapes: Reinventing Outdoor Space, 2004.

Anderson, Stephen, Urban Sanctuaries, Peaceful Havens for the City Gardener, 2003.

Bahamon, Alejandro, Landscape Architecture: Water Features, 2007.

Bartley, Jeniffer, Designing the New Kitchen Garden: An American Potager Handbook, 2006.

Beazley, Mitchell, Gardens Without Boundaries, 2003.

Berry, Susan and Val Bradley, Gardening on Balconies and Terraces, 2001.

Blanc, Patrick, The Vertical Garden: From Nature to the City, 2008.

Bonet, Lorene, Urban Landscape Architecture, 2007.

Bourne, Val, The Winter Garden: Create a Garden that Shines through the Winter Season, 2006.

Bradley-Hole, Christopher, Making the Modern Garden, 2007.

Bradley-Hole, Christopher, The Minimalist Garden, 2005.

Brookes, John, Garden Design, 2001.

Brookes, John, Garden Masterclass, 2002.

Brookes, John, Natural Landscapes, 2002.

Brookes, John, Room Outside: A New Approach to Garden Design, 2007.

Brookes, John, Small Gardens, 2006.

Brookes, John, The Essentials of Garden Design, 2008.

Brown, Jane, The Modern Garden, 2000.

Cali, Joseph, The New Zen Garden: Designing Quiet Spaces, 2004.

Cantor, Steven L., Green Roofs in Sustainable Landscape Design, 2008.

Carter, George and Marianne Majerus, Garden Spaces: Simple Solutions for Planting and Design, 2008.

Clifton, Joan, Courtyard and Terrace Gardens: Inspirational Designs for Outdoor Living, 2002.

Coltart, Douglas, Designing and Renovating Larger Gardens, 2007.

Cooper, Guy and Gordon Rattray Taylor, Gardens for the Future: Gestures Against the Wind, 2000.

Cooper, Guy, Paradise Transformed: The Private Garden for the Twenty-First Century, 1997.

Cooper, Paul, Interiorscapes: Gardens within Buildings, 2003.

Cooper, Paul, The New Tech Garden, 2007.

Dargan, Hugh and Mary Palmer Dargan, Timeless Landscape Design: The Four-Part Master Plan, 2007.

Darke, Rick, In Harmony with Nature: Lessons from the Arts and Crafts Garden, 2001.

Darke, Rick, The American Woodland Garden: Capturing the Spirit of the Deciduous Forest, 2002.

Davitt, Keith, Beyond the Lawn: Unique Outdoor Spaces for Modern Living, 2003.

Davitt, Keith, Small Spaces, Beautiful Gardens, 2001.

Davitt, Keith, Water Features for Small Gardens: From Concept to Construction, 2003.

Denk, Barbara J. and Debra Prinzing, The Abundant Garden, 2005.

Diekelmann, John and Robert M. Schuster, Natural Landscaping: Designing with Native Plant Communities (2nd edition), 2003.

Dreiseitl, Herbert and Dieter Grau, New Waterscapes: Planning, Building and Developing with Water, 2005.

Druse, Ken, The Collector’s Garden: Designing with Extraordinary Plants, 1996.*

Druse, Ken, The Natural Habitat Garden, 1994.

Dunnett, Nigel and Andy Clayden, Rain Gardens: Bringing Water to Life in the Designed Landscape, 2007.

Dunnett, Nigel and Noel Kingsbury, Planting Green Roofs and Living Walls, 2004.

Dunnett, Nigel, Rain Gardens: Managing Water Sustainability in the Garden and Designed Landscapes, 2007.

Durie, Jamie, Patio: Garden Design and Inspiration, 2003.

Earth Pledge Foundation, Green Roofs, Ecological Design and Construction, 2004.

Fell, Derek, Garden Design and Structure: Ideas and Inspiration for Your Garden, 2005.

Fine Gardening Editors, Gardening in Small Spaces: Creative Ideas from America’s Best Gardeners, 2002.

Forsyth, Ann, Laura R. Musacchio and Frank Fitzgerald, Designing Small Parks: A Manual for Addressing Social and Ecological Concerns, 2005.

Gavin, Diarmuid and Terence Conran, Outdoors: The Garden Design Book for the Twenty-First Century, 2007.

Gertley, Jan, The Art of the Kitchen Garden, 1999.

Gildemeister, Heidi, Gardening the Mediterranean Way: How to Create a Waterwise, Drought-Tolerant Garden, 2004.

Greenlee, John, The American Meadow Garden: Creating a Natural Alternative to the Traditional Lawn, 2009.

Gustafson, Kathryn, Sculpting the Land, 1998.

Halpa, Anne, Homescaping, 2005.

Harpur, Jerry, Gardens in Perspective, 2005.

Hayward, Gordon, The Welcoming Garden, 2006.

Hayward, Gordon, Your House, Your Garden, 2003.

Hobbs, Thomas, The Jewel Box Garden, 2004.

Holmes, Caroline, The Romantic Herb Garden, 2007.

Horovitz, Marc and Pat Hayward, Gorgeous Garden Railways, 2006.

Keister, Douglas, Courtyards: Intimate Outdoor Spaces, 2005.

Kingsbury, Noel, Designing Borders, 2003.

Kingsbury, Noel, Natural Gardening for Small Spaces, 2003.

Kingsbury, Noel, Gardens by Design, 2005.

Lambertini, Anna, Vertical Gardens, Bringing the City to Life, 2007.

Lloyd, Christopher, Erica Hunningher and Jonathan Buckley, Succession Planting for Year-Round Pleasure, 2005.

Margolis, Liat and Alexander Robinson, Living Systems: Innovative Materials and Technologies for Landscape Architecture, 2007.

Messervy, Julie Moir, Home Outside: Creating the Landscape You Love, 2009.

Messervy, Julie Moir, The Inward Garden, 1995.

Messervy, Julie Moir and Sarah Susanka, Outside the Not So Big House: Creating the Landscape of Home, 2006.

Miller, Lyndon, Parks, Plants, and People: Beautifying the Urban Landscape, 2009.

Nielsen, Signe, Sky Gardens: Rooftops, Balconies, and Terraces, 2004.

Ogden, Scott and Lauren Springer Ogden, Plant-Driven Design: Creating Gardens that Honor Plants, Place, and Spirit, 2008.

Osborne, Michele, Creative Garden Lighting, 2005.

Osborne, Michele, Gardens in the Sky, 2004.

Oudolf, Piet and Heak Gerritsen, Planting the Natural Garden, 2003.

Oudolf, Piet and Noel Kingsbury, Designing with Plants, 2008.

Oudolf, Piet and Noel Kingsbury, Planting Design: Gardens in Time and Space, 2005.

Pope, Nori and Sandra Pope, Color by Design: Planting the Contemporary Garden, 1998.

Powell, Ann-Marie, Urban Gardens, Plans and Planting Designs, 2005.

Primeau, Liz, Front Yard Gardens: Growing More Than Grass, 2003.

Richardson, Tim, Avant Gardeners:50 Visionaries of the Contemporary Landscape, 2008.

Robinson, Peter, The American Horticultural Society: Water Gardens, 2006.

Rogers, Ray, Pots in the Garden, 2007.

Sardar, Zahid, New Garden Design, 2008.

Saward, Jeff, Magical Paths: Labyrinths and Mazes in the 21st Century, 2002.

Sawyers, Claire E., The Authentic Garden: Five Principles for Cultivating a Sense of Place, 2007.

Schenk, George, Gardening on Pavement, Tables, and Hard Surfaces, 2003.

Smith, Mary Riley, The Front Garden: New Approaches to Landscape Design, 2001.

Smithen, Jan, Sun-Drenched Gardens: The Mediterranean Style, 2002.

Stevens, David, Backyard Blueprints: Style, Design and Details for Outdoor Living, 2008.

Stevens, David, Small Space Gardens, 2006.

Stevens, David, The Room Outside: Designing Your Perfect Outdoor Living Space, 2007.

Strong, Roy, Ornament in the Small Garden, 2002.

Swindells, Philip, The Water Garden Encyclopedia, 2003.

Turner, Roger, Design in the Plant Collector’s Garden: From Chaos to Beauty, 2005.

van Sweden, James and Tom Christopher, Architecture in the Garden, 2002.

van Sweden, James, Gardening with Water, 2003.

Verducci, Jack, How to Design and Build Your Garden Railroad, 2006.

Wasowski, Sally, Gardening with Prairie Plants: How to Create Beautiful Natural Landscapes, 2002.

Weistein, Gayle, Xeriscape Handbook: A How-To Guide to Natural Resource-Wise Gardening, 1999.

Westcott-Gratton, Stephan and Patty Wales, Creating a Cottage Garden in North America, 2000.

Wiley, Keith, On the Wild Side, Experiments in New Naturalism, 2004.

Zimmerman, Ann and Scot Zimmerman, The Comfortable Garden: Designs for Harmonious Living, 2002.


Adams, Ian, The Art of Garden Photography, 2005.

Bjurstrom, David, Photographing Your Garden, 2003.

Canfield, Jon, The Digital SLR Guide, 2007.

Canfield, Jon, Print Like a Pro, A Digital Photographers Guide, 2006.

Dickman, Jan and Jay Kinghorn, Perfect Digital Photography, 2005.

Fell, Derek, Flower and Garden Photography, 2000.

Frost, Lee, Teach Yourself Photography, 2004.

King, Julie Adair, Shoot Like a Pro, Digital Photography Techniques, 2003.

London, Barbara and John Upton, Photography, 2007.

Long, Ben, Complete Digital Photography, 2004.

National Geographic, The Ultimate Field Guide to Photography, 2006.

Patterson, Freeman, Photography and the Art of Seeing, 2004.

Peterson, Brian, Understanding Exposure, 2004.

Plants and Gardens, Brooklyn Botanic Garden Record, Garden Photography, Summer 1989.

Rokach, Allen and Anne Millman, Focus on Flowers, 1990.

Simon and Schuster, John Hedgecoe’s Complete Photography Course, 1979.

Smith, Bill, Designing a Photograph, 1985.

Sweet, Tony, Fine Art Nature Photography, 2002.


Birnbaum, Charles A. ed., Pioneers of American Landscape Design: An Annotated Bibliography, 1993.

Ching, Francis D. K., A Visual Dictionary of Architecture, 1995.

Fleming, John, Hugh Honour and Nikolaus Pevsner, The Penguin Dictionary of Architecture and Landscape Architecture (5th edition), 1998.

Harris, Cyril M., Illustrated Dictionary of Historic Architecture, 1977.

Miller, Philip, The Gardener’s Dictionary, 1731.

Morrow, Baker H., A Dictionary of Landscape Architecture, 1946.

Symes, Michael, A Glossary of Garden History, 2006.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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