Chapter 1 Section 1- Exploration and the Colonial Era

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America Comes of Age (ACOA) Chapter 4- The Expansion of American Industry American Studies

All notes are to be done in proper Cornell format as we went over in class. Notes that do not adhere to the expectations will not receive credit. Cornell notes include

1. Objectives listed at beginning of the notes,

2. Key terms, concepts and questions listed in the left column,

3. In the right column are specific facts and information that address the objectives, key terms, concepts, and answers to the questions from the left column,

4. At the end of your notes are quality summaries that clearly answer/address the objectives for the notes, summaries must be clearly labeled.

Notes must fulfill all 4 requirements to receive credit. There will be no 2nd chance. Do it right.

Chapter 4 Section 1- A Technological Revolution Due: _________________


• Explain how people’s daily lives changed in the decades following the Civil War.

• Describe the effect that advances in transportation, communication, and electric power had on both people and business.

• Explain the effects of the development of the Bessemer process.

|Key terms and Ideas |

|Patent- Contrast between1860 and 1890? |Electric Power |

|Productivity |Thomas Edison |

|Transcontinental Railroad |Power Plants |

|Federal Land Grants |George Westinghouse |

|Central Pacific Railroad |Transformers/ Alternating Current |

|Union Pacific Railroad |Electricity/ Effect on Daily Life |

|Role of Immigrants |Bessemer Process |

|Time Zones |Mass Production |

|Effect on Transportation Costs? |Brooklyn Bridge |

|Communication | |

|Telegraph/ Morse Code | |

|Telephone | |

Chapter 4 Section 2- The Growth of Big Business Due: _________________


• Explain why American industrialists of the late 1800s were called both “robber barons” and “captains of industry”.

• Describe Carnegie’s belief of the “gospel of wealth” and the theory of social Darwinism.

• Summarize the ways industrialists gained a competitive edge over their rivals and the effect big business had on American Society.

|Key terms and Ideas |

|Meaning of “Robber Barons” |Trusts |

|Why? |Standard Oil Trust |

|Meaning of “Captains of Industry” |Sherman Antitrust Act |

|Why? |Effectiveness? Unions? |

|Andrew Carnegie/ Carnegie Steel |Horizontal Consolidation |

|Use of Bessemer Process |Rockefeller- Standard Oil Trust |

|Philanthropist/ “Gospel of Wealth” |Vertical Consolidation |

|Charles Darwin/ Social Darwinism |Carnegie- Carnegie Oil |

|Role of Government |Economies of Scale |

|Monopoly/ Cartels |Effects on American Society |

|Government Response |Overproduction/ Wage Cuts/ Layoffs |

| |Business Cycle |

Chapter 4 Section 3- Industrialization and Workers Due: _________________


• Describe the makeup of America’s growing work force including the role of women and children.

• Describe factory work in the late 1800s.

|Key terms and Ideas |

|Immigration between 1860-1890 |Factory Work |

|Contract Labor Act |Government Regulations? |

|Internal Migration |Piecework |

|Role of farming conditions |Winslow Taylor- The Principles of Scientific Management |

|African Americans? |Farm vs Factory Work |

|Working Families- Why? |Division of Labor |

|Effect on Children |Safety? |

| |Working Women and Children |

| |Role of Women |

| |Role of Children/ Effect on Children |

| |Jacob Riis- Children of the Poor |

Chapter 4 Section 4- The Great Strikes Due: _________________


• Describe the growing gap between the rich business owners and poor workers.

• Explain the role of unions and their activities.

• Describe the causes and outcomes of the major strikes of the late 1800s.

|Key terms and Ideas |

|Gap between the rich and poor |Reaction of Employers |

|Census of 1890? |Measures used to stop Unions? |

|Socialism? |The Great Strikes |

|Karl Marx- Communist Manifesto |Railroad Strike of 1877 |

|Public Response? |Why? |

|Labor Unions |Results? Role of Federal Gov.? |

|Trade Unions |Haymarket (1886) |

|National Trade Unions- Membership? |Goals? |

|Role of unions- Goals? |Scabs? |

|The Knights of Labor |Anarchists? |

|Membership? |Effect of Haymarket Riot/ Public View? |

|Goals? |Homestead (1892) |

|Effects of strikes? |Why? |

|The American Federation of Labor (AFL) |Pinkertons? |

|Membership? African Americans & Women? |Alexander Berkman/ effect on public? |

|Goals? |Result of Homestead Strike? |

|Methods |Pullman (1894) |

|Collective Bargaining? |Why? |

|Closed Shop |Pullman Strike and mail? |

|Industrial Workers of the World (Wobblies) |Role of Sherman Antitrust Act? |

|Leadership and Membership? |Pattern set by Pullman Strike? |

Chapter 6- Politics, Immigration, and Urban Life, 1870-1915

Chapter 6 Section 1- Politics of the Gilded Age Due: _________________


• Describe the political climate of the Gilded Age.

• Explain how the government attempted to reform the Spoils System and regulate railroads.

• Explain the goals of and the government’s response to Coxey’s army.

|Key terms and Ideas |

|Define Gilded Age |Reform of the Spoils System |

|Business/ Government |Civil Service |

|Laissez-Faire |Rutherford B. Hayes reforms? |

|Tariff & Subsidy |Republican Split- Factions? |

|The Spoils System |Fate of Garfield- Why? |

|Effect on Politics? |Pendleton Civil Service Act |

|Republican Party- Supporters? |Regulating the Railroads |

|Political Views and Policies |Complaints about the railroads? |

|Blue Laws |Munn v. Illinois- problem? |

|Democratic Party- Supporters? |Interstate Commerce Act? Results? |

|Political Views and Policies |Coxey’s Army |

| |Goals |

| |Government Response |

Chapter 6 Section 2- People on the Move Due: _________________


• Describe the experiences of immigrants in the late 1800s.

• Compare the experience of immigrants from Europe, Asia, and Mexico.

|Key terms and Ideas |

|Reasons for immigrating? |Asian Immigrants |

|Steerage |Cultural Differences- Impact? |

|Birds of Passage |Railroads and Chinese |

|Origin of Immigrants 1865-1890 (Region) |Labor Unions- wages? |

|Origin of Immigrants 1890-1920 (Region) |Chinese Exclusion Act |

|European Immigrants |Angel Island |

|Main immigration port/ The Golden Door? |Japanese Immigrants- Employment |

|Ellis Island |Schooling and Segregation |

|Physical Exams/ Quarantine |Gentlemen’s Agreement |

|Immigrant Communities |Web Alien Act |

|Settlement in North vs. South? |Mexican Immigrants |

|Treatment by Employers? |Newlands National Reclamation Act |

| |Mexican Employment |

| |Effect of Mexican Revolution/ WWI |

| |Immigration Restriction Act of 1921 |

Chapter 6 Section 3- Challenge of the Cities Due: _________________


• Explain why people left farms for cities in the late 1800s and early 1900s.

• Describe the new developments that helped cities to grow in size (area).

• Describe the urban living conditions and the result of city growth.

|Key terms and Ideas |

|Motives for moving to cities |Results of Urban Growth |

|Farmers/ African Americans |Flight of the upper and middle class |

|Growth of Cities |Political division |

|Pre Civil War |Political Machines |

|Post Civil War- Why Change? |Graft |

|Suburbs |Immigrants role |

|Types of Transportation |Tammany Hall |

|New Buildings |Thomas Nast/ Methods/ Results |

|Urban Conditions | |

|Tenements | |

|Conditions of Slums | |

|Fire/ Contagious Disease | |

|Ghettos | |

|Restrictive Covenants | |

|Jacob Riis/ Results | |

Chapter 6 Section 4- Ideas for Reform Due: _________________


• Describe efforts in the late 1800s to control immigration and personal behavior

• Explain how different movements helped the needy.

|Key terms and Ideas |

|Americans attitude toward immigrants |Purity Crusaders |

|Nativism |Vice? |

|Chinese Exclusion Act |Anthony Comstock? / Comstock Law |

|Nativist Goals |Goals? |

|Repeal of the Contract Labor Act |Helping the Needy |

|The Immigration Restriction League |Josephine Shaw Lowell/ Charity Organization Society (COS)/ Goals? |

|Literacy Tests |Social Gospel Movement/ Goals? |

|Groups Targeted? Why? |Settlement House Movement |

|Prohibition |Jane Addams/ Ellen Gates Starr/ Hull House? |

|Temperance Movement | |

|Membership Groups? | |

|Prohibition- Why? | |


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