
QuickVoice Requirements ChecklistCompany details:Company Name: Enter company pany Legal Entity Name: Enter legal entity name.Main Business Contact: Name and email address.Main Technical Contact: Name and email address.What is your target go live date? Click here to enter a date.Which payment solution(s) would you like to implement??Card payment solution.Are payments being made to more than one business??No?Yes. Please specify the name of each business below.Enter a business name.Will you have more than one account accepting card payments??No?Yes. Please specify the name and purpose of each settlement account.Enter account name and purpose.What type of card transactions will you accept??Card payments?Card refunds.Which cards will you accept??Visa?Mastercard?Union Pay?American Express?Japan Credit Bureau?Diners ClubIf you wish to accept Amex or JCB card payments:?I am aware I need to obtain a merchant number from Amex.?I have contacted Amex to obtain a merchant number.?I will link my Amex merchant(s) in Quickstream Portal.If you wish to accept Diners card payments:?I am aware I need to obtain a merchant number from Diners.?I have contacted Diners to obtain a merchant number.?I will link my Diners merchant(s) in Quickstream Portal.I have organised a 1300 phone number.?Yes. I will link the QuickVoice phone number to a 1300 number for my customers. Will QuickVoice will transfer to your call centre or helpdesk??No.?Yes. I will provide the 1800 phone number for call transfers.Voice prompt re-recordingThe following are prompts that may be re-recorded during your implementation. Update and highlight the prompt text in red that you wish to be re-recorded. The prompts that are most often re-recorded are highlighted already.Main_Welcome(0001) Welcome to the <Customer Name> Payments system.Main_WelcomeContinue(0002) At any time during this call you can access our help menu by pressing the star key. If you're ready to begin press 1 now.CRN_EnterBillerNumber(1001) Please enter your customer reference number, followed by the hash key. Your customer reference number is located in the top left corner of your Tax Invoice.CRN_EnterSubBillerNumber(1004) Please enter your invoice number, followed by the hash key.CRN_TxnOpenItems_PleaseHold(1002) Please wait while I look up your account details.CRN_NumberConfirmed(0003) Thank you that number is correct.Error_9004(9004) You have entered an invalid number.Error_9003(9003) Please try again.PayAmount_EnterAmount(2001) Please enter the transaction amount in dollars and cents, followed by the hash key.PayAmount_EnterAmountExample(2002) For example to enter 25 dollars and 65 cents, press 2 5 6 5 followed by the hash key.PayAmount_AmountOwing(2007) You are paying …PayAmount_SelectFullorPartialPayment(2008) If this amount is correct please press Info_EnterCreditCardNumber(3001) Please enter your credit card number followed by the hash Info_EnterExpiryDate(3002) Please enter your 4 digit expiry date, followed by the hash Info_EnterCCV3(3003) For security purposes, please turn your card over and locate the number printed on the signature panel. Please enter the last 3 digits, followed by the hash Info_EnterCCV4(3004) Please enter your 4 digit security code found on the front of your card, followed by the hash keyMain_ConfCreditCardNumber(0004) Confirming your payment by credit card number ...Main_ConfInAmount(0039) ... in the amount of ...Main_ConfirmCreditCardPayDetails(0005) If this is correct press 1. To change the amount press 2. To change the payment details press 3.MP_TransAppPay_Please_hold(0006) Please hold the line while your transaction is being processed and to receive your receipt number.MP_TxnCompleted(0007) Your payment has been accepted.MP_RecptNumberIs(0008) Your receipt number is ...MP_AnotherPaymentMenu(0010) To make another payment press 1. To repeat the receipt number press 2. To end the call press 9 or simply hang up. Or to talk to an operator, press 0.Error_9005(9005) I'm sorry that number is still not recognised.Help_Menu(0014) Help menu. To repeat the last message, press 1. To restart your current request, press 2. To end the call press 9 or to talk to an operator, press 0.Main_Goodbye(0017) Thank you for choosing to pay your account using the <Customer Name> payment system. Good bye.Transfer_FailedIntroduction(0030) I’m sorry you’re having difficulty with this service. This process cannot proceed any further.Transfer_ForcedIntroduction(0031) Your transaction cannot be completed using this service.Transfer_PleaseHold(0032) Please hold while I transfer you to a customer service representative.Transfer_TransferringPrompt(0033) To talk to a customer service representative, please call during normal business hours.MP_TxnError_4001(4001) Your credit card payment has been declined. MakePayment_ZeroBalMenu(0041) If this is correct, press 1, or to change the payment details, press 3, if you do not wish to continue, press 9 or simply hang up.Receiving payment details from QuickVoiceI will receive a Cash Applied File:?No.?Yes. If you receive a Cash Applied File, the format is:?Cash Applied File CSV ?A custom file format. I understand custom file formats may incur additional fees and increase project time-frames.If you receive a Cash Applied File, the method is:?Manually using Quickstream Portal.?Manually using iLink.?Automatically using WIBS. If you selected WIBS, what type of file transfer will you set up??HTTPS?sFTP?SOAPI will receive a server to server response for each payment:?No.?Yes. I have configured my whitelisted domains and server to server notifications in Quickstream Portal.TestingThe following card payment tests have been performed in TEST.?Approved payments (for each merchant settlement account and card scheme)?Declined payments.?Approved refunds.?Declined refunds.?Duplicate payments.?Invalid payment details.?Upper and lower limit transaction amount tests.The following connectivity tests have been performed in TEST:?Receiving sever to server response.?Retrieving Cash Applied Files.?Processing response files in your system or process.The following administrative tasks have been performed in TEST:?Creating users and assigning roles.?Searching for a transaction.?Link Amex or Diners merchants.?Updating my company details.?Viewing the activity log.?Reviewing my linked settlement accounts.?Updating my profile.?Reading about transaction settlement.?Reading about response codes.Sign offPlease confirm:?User acceptance testing has been completed successfully. ?A sign off email has been sent to your Qvalent Implementation Manager.If you are accepting Amex or JCB card payments:?I have received a merchant number from American Express for each of my Westpac Merchant facilities.?I will link the Amex merchant number in Quickstream Portal.?I understand it may take up to 5 business days to have the linkage confirmed by American Express.If you are accepting Diners card payments:?I have received a merchant number from Diners Club for each of my Westpac Merchant facilities.?I will link the Diners merchant number in Quickstream Portal.?I understand it may take up to 5 business days to have the linkage confirmed by Diners Club.Production lodgementPlease confirm:?I have received my sign in details for Quickstream Portal in PRODUCTION.If you are accepting Amex, JCB or Diners card payments:?I have linked the Amex or Diners merchant number(s) in Quickstream Portal.?I understand it may take up to 5 business days to have the linkage confirmed by American Express or Diners Club.If you are sending or retrieving files automatically using WIBS:?I have updated my system to send request files to Production.?I have updated my system to retrieve response files from Production.If you are accepting card payments:?I have completed low value live testing for card payments.Go livePlease confirm:?Your staff have been advised to contact the Westpac implementation manager if they have any concerns during the two week monitoring phase.Post implementationPlease confirm:?Your staff have been advised to contact the Qvalent Technical Support Team if they have any concerns during the two week monitoring phase. ................

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