SUBJECT: Ecology

Grade: 11/12


The Ecology course is designed for students who anticipate post secondary study in higher learning institutions. The course includes some of the same objectives as the Applied Ecology curriculum; however, the program expands upon these objectives to include a more critical analysis. Major areas of concentration are: population ecology, relationships between species, study of ecosystems with an emphasis on Pennsylvania streams and forests, Pennsylvania wildlife, cycles in nature, and current environmental issues

Note: Prior recommendations for the course are successful completion of Earth Science and Biology. The course can be taken to meet the school requirement as one of four science credits necessary for graduation. Students in the applied curriculum will elect Applied Ecology and students enrolled in the preparation for higher learning curriculum will elect Ecology.


Class Periods: 6 per 6-day cycle

Length of Class Periods (minutes): 56

Length of Course: One (1) year

Unit of Credit: 1.00

Updated: June 2014

|COURSE: Ecology |GRADE(S): 11/12 |

|STRAND: Forestry |TIME FRAME: Full Year |


|Reading, Writing, Speaking & Listening: 1.1, 1.2, 1.4, 1.6, 1.8 |

|Mathematics: 2.3, 2.6 |

|Science & Technology: 3.1, 3.4 |

|Environment & Ecology: 4.1, 4.3, 4.5 |

|Geography: 7.4 |

|History: 8.2 |

|Career Education and Work: 13.1 |

|Student Interpersonal Skills: 16.2, 16.3 |


|BIO.A.2.1, BIO.B.4.1, BIO.B.4.2 |


|Diagrams, Charts |

|Forestry Lab materials (indoor and outdoor) |

|Slides, Photos |

|Videos |

|Specimens (indoor and outdoor) |


|The learner will analyze various aspects of Pennsylvania forests and forest management practices. |


|Identify the major species of Pennsylvania trees. |

|Analyze the ecological, marketable and commercial value of trees. |

|Calculate board feet of lumber obtainable from a tree. |

|Compare the harvesting methods of clear-cut, seed-tree, selective and shelter wood of the resulting forest. |

|Analyze a forest stand in terms of wildlife habitat. |

|Compare the Pennsylvania virgin forest with the forests of today. |

|Recognize the need and reasons for removing timber from a forest stand. |

|Classify native Pennsylvania trees according to their commercial values and ecological uses. |

|Compare regeneration in a forest to determine the stage of succession. |

|Identify numerous major representatives of herbaceous plants common to the Pocono region. |

|Identify the major parts of a hardwood tree. |

|Prepare herbarium sheets for twenty-five (25) native Pennsylvania trees and match. |

|Determine the ecological, marketable and commercial value of at least one (1) tree. |

|Measure merchantable height of a tree using a clinometer. |

|Analyze growth patterns in a tree by extracting a core sample. |


|Collect and prepare herbarium sheets for preselected species of native Pennsylvania trees. |

|Display slides of Pennsylvania hardwood forests. |

|Lab -- identify unknown species of trees using a dichotomous key. |

|View historical pictures of Pennsylvania forestry practices. |

|View a videotape on forests of the world for comparison with the Northern Hardwood Forest. |

|Complete a teacher-designed crossword puzzle on forestry for review of terms. |

|Collect preselected herbaceous plants. |

|Use an increment borer to obtain a core sample from a tree. |

|Age a tree, using a core sample. |

|Portfolio entry. |


|Teacher designed tests and quizzes |

|Worksheets designed to demonstrate knowledge of the concepts taught. |

|Laboratory work. |

|Homework. |

|Class participation. |

|Portfolios. |

|Leaf project. |


|Correctives: |

|Extra practice on slide I.D. of tree species. |

|Cooperative learning for review of daily lesson. |

|Share/pair -- match top level student with lower level student for group work. |

|After school help from the teacher. |

| |

|Extensions: |

|Student may collect and I.D. extra species beyond requirements of course. |

|Extra enrichment reading on forestry related topics. |

|Student will call and interview a forestry professional. |

|Predict future forest composition by completing a regeneration study. |

|Analyze forest composition by identifying trees in a quadrat utilizing a forestry prism. |

|COURSE: Ecology |GRADE(S): 11/12 |

|STRAND: PA Wildlife |TIME FRAME: Full Year |


|Reading, Writing, Speaking & Listening: 1.1, 1.2, 1.4, 1.6, 1.8 |

|Mathematics: 2.3, 2.6 |

|Science & Technology: 3.1, 3.4 |

|Environment & Ecology: 4.1, 4.3, 4.5 |

|Geography: 7.4 |

|History: 8.2 |

|Career Education and Work: 13.1 |

|Student Interpersonal Skills: 16.2, 16.3 |


|BIO.A.2.1, BIO.B.4.1, BIO.B.4.2 |


|Critter parts lab, specimens, tracks |

|Owl pellet dissection |

|Guest speaker -- Game Commission/local, rehabilitation center |

|Videos, PGC and magazine articles |

|Power point presentations |


|The learner will recognize how wildlife plays a role in the environment. |


|Discuss the geological history of the Kittatinny Ridge and Hawk Mountain. |

|Discuss and compare the morphology and characteristics of Pennsylvania raptors, mammals, amphibians, fish reptiles and songbirds. |

|Explain the role of raptor in the food web. |

|Identify the major fur bearers and game animals in Pennsylvania. |

|Describe the morphology, habits and habitats of various Pennsylvania mammals, raptors, reptiles, amphibians and fish. |

|Demonstrate knowledge of the game laws and function of game protectors in Pennsylvania. |

|Discuss the effects of humans on the ecology of Pennsylvania fauna. |

|Identify and recognize representatives of Pennsylvania songbirds, fish, reptiles and amphibians. |

|Identify wildlife signs and tracks. |

|Discuss various methods used by wildlife conservation officer to manage Pennsylvania wildlife populations. |

|Explain the habitat and niches of various Pennsylvania mammals. |

|Analyze the controversy surrounding hunting. |

|Analyze and compare bears at a Pennsylvania Game Commission bear check station. |

|Name at least one (1) Monroe County wildlife conservation officer. |

|Compare the current ecology of Pennsylvania with that of the 1800's and 1900's and explain the role humans played in this |

|ecological change. |

|List the major factors that must be considered when deciding upon a game management plan. |

|Identify bird calls of selected species of raptors, songbirds and amphibians. |

|Name three (3) advantages and three (3) disadvantages of hunting. |


|View slides of Pennsylvania mammals, raptors, amphibians, songbirds, reptiles and fish. |

|View science department videotapes on various Pennsylvania mammals to augment lecture. |

|Students match selected lab-critter parts: skulls, feathers, etc. with the name of the animal. |

|Complete a teacher-designed crossword puzzle for review of terms. |

|Conduct a survey of songbirds in PV Nature Sanctuary. |

|Rearticulate at least one disarticulated skeleton removed from an owl pellet. |

|Debate the controversy of hunting after viewing a nonbiased videotape that examines both sides of the hunting issue. |


|Teacher designed tests and quizzes |

|Worksheets designed to demonstrate knowledge of the concepts taught. |

|Laboratory work. |

|Homework. |

|Class participation. |

|Portfolios. |


|Correctives: |

|Extra practice on slide I.D. of raptors. |

|Extra computer time on CD-ROM Birds of Prey. |

|Make audiotape of raptor calls for I.D. |

|Make flash cards of raptor silhouettes. |

|Share/pair - match top level student with lower level student for group work. |

| |

|Extensions: |

|Student will return to Hawk Mountain on an individual basis and conduct a migration count on their own. |

|Visit a raptor rehabilitation center. |

|Help with chores at a raptor rehabilitation center. |

|Create a local “Field Guide” using technology resources |

|COURSE: Ecology |GRADE(S): 11/12 |

|STRAND: Aquatics |TIME FRAME: Full Year |


|Reading, Writing, Speaking & Listening: 1.1, 1.2, 1.4, 1.6, 1.8 |

|Mathematics: 2.3, 2.6 |

|Science & Technology: 3.1, 3.4 |

|Environment & Ecology: 4.1, 4.3, 4.5 |

|Geography: 7.4 |

|History: 8.2 |

|Career Education and Work: 13.1 |

|Student Interpersonal Skills: 16.2, 16.3 |


|BIO.A.2.1, BIO.B.4.1, BIO.B.4.2 |


|McCafferty textbook |

|Pond Guide |

|Various videos |

|Equipment for DCNR stream monitoring |

|Aquatic specimens |

|Reading articles, charts, diagrams |


|The learner will be able to discuss the importance of water as a necessary component in our global environment. |


|Draw and explain the pH scale. |

|Use litmus paper to determine pH of unknown liquids. |

|List three (3) effects of acid rain upon the environment. |

|Determine the quantity of water used each day by the average American student. |

|List the major sources of water pollution in PA waterways |

|List three (3) consequences of water pollution. |

|Diagram and explain the hydrologic cycle. |

|List five (5) way to prevent water pollution. |

|Use various chemical test kits to analyze water and interpret results. |

|Use various equipment to collect physical data on a stream. |

|Collect aquatic insects utilizing a kick seine. |

|Draw conclusions from data on stream analysis. |

|List and discuss three major watersheds in Pennsylvania. |

|Identify eight orders of aquatic insect specimens using keys. |

|Identify the stages of Aquatic Succession |

|Describe the chemistry of PA water resources |


|Use litmus paper to test pH of well water. |

|As a laboratory activity, students will determine the pH of unknown liquids. |

|Complete a teacher-designed crossword puzzle for review. |

|Perform different chemical tests on water utilizing Hach or LaMotte test kits. |

|Examine the role of micro-organisms in waste water treatment by visiting a sewage treatment plant. |

|Indoor Aquatic entomology lab |


|Teacher designed tests and quizzes |

|Worksheets designed to demonstrate knowledge of the concepts taught. |

|Laboratory work. |

|Homework. |

|Class participation. |

|Portfolios. |


|Correctives: |

|Extra time using microscopes to I.D. aquatic macro invertebrates. |

|CL group review of daily lessons. |

|Share/pair -- match high level student with lower student for review and group work. |

| |

|Extensions: |

|Student will help an aquatic biologist for the day. |


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