(Please complete & return to Mercy College, DFKEY:

Finance Department at Beach Road Reception)


Payment of Fees

Each family is issued with an Annual Statement of Account at the beginning of the year.

All fees are due & payable by 30th November each year. Payment may be made by cash, cheque, money order, EFTPOS, Credit Card (excluding American Express and Diners Club), BPAY or by Direct Debit. We offer a range of options:

Option 1 - A single instalment at the beginning of the year.

Option 2 - Two payments at the beginning of each semester.

Option 3 - Four instalments at the beginning of each term.

Option 4 - Monthly payments via direct debit.

Option 5 - Fortnightly payments via direct debit

Option 6 - Weekly payments via direct debit.

Please note Options 4, 5 and 6 are only available via a direct debit arrangement.

Parent Obligations

As a condition of the enrolment of a child at Mercy College, parents undertake to pay all Fees and Charges. The enrolment application is a legally binding agreement which commits parents to the ongoing payment of fees due, in return for the provision of a place in the College. Where any unforseen changes or other circumstances may affect the ability to comply with payment obligations, parents are asked to contact the College at the earliest opportunity to discuss new payment arrangements with the Finance Manager.

Unpaid Fees

While the College is supportive of families who find themselves in difficult circumstances, the College rigorously follows up on all overdue accounts. The College reserves the right to appoint a debt collection agency or to take legal action for the recovery of fees not paid. Any expenses, costs or disbursements incurred by the College in recovering any outstanding monies, including debt collection agency fees, solicitor’s costs and other out of pocket expenses shall be collected, in addition to the outstanding fees and/or charges. This will be done where reminder notices are persistently ignored or arrangements are not made with the College to pay overdue accounts. This is to ensure fairness to families who do pay fees in accordance with the College’s fee policy.

|Name of Female Parent/Guardian | | |

|(please print) | | |

|Signature | |Date / / |

|Name of Male Parent/Guardian | | |

|(please print) | | |

|Signature | |Date / / |


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