Communications and Public Relations Committee

Conference Call

June 11, 2010

Present Staff Present

Dr. David A. Tecosky, Chair (1) Rob Pugliese

Dr. Joseph E. Ross, Vice Chair (9) Director of Communications

Dr. John L. Meci (2) Natalie Kinsinger

Dr. Randy R. Nolf (3) Web Content & Graphic Design Manager

Dr. Constance L. Wilson (6) Amber Wickard

Dr. V. Lynne Cochran (10) Communications Coordinator

Dr. William Weaver (8), Trustee-Liaison Rachel Damrauer

Dr. Bruce Terry (2), Editor Communications Coordinator


Dr. Joseph J. Kohler III (9), Associate Editor

Dr. Brian Mark Schwab (4), Associate Editor

Dr. John B. Nase (2), ADA Consultant

Call to Order

Dr. David Tecosky, chair, called the meeting to order at 9:35 a.m.

Conflict of Interest and Financial Policy Forms

Dr. Tecosky confirmed that all council members received and returned the conflict of interest and financial policy forms.

Approval of Minutes

On a Ross/Meci motion, the council unanimously approved the minutes from the

January 8, 2010, meeting.

Old Business

2010 National Children’s Dental Health Month (NCDHM)

Dr. Joseph Ross and Ms. Amber Wickard reported that the NCDHM program was extremely successful again this year, and the coupons offered through the NCDHM Rewards program were well received by members and patients. A report on NCDHM 2010 was distributed and included the following highlights:

• 468 additional kits were sent to 113 schools.

• 86 members ordered lesson plan kits and/or materials.

• 115,000 rewards were distributed to 335 dentists – 30,000 of which were Applebee’s, 5,000 were Hoss’s and 80,000 were Rita’s.

Teachers who returned the lesson plan feedback card were entered into a drawing for a $100 Visa gift card. PDA received 95 feedback cards. Teacher suggestions, such as providing more activity sheets, will be incorporated into the 2011 program if the budget allows.

Election of NCDHM Chair for 2010

The council unanimously elected Dr. Ross to serve as the NCDHM chair for 2011.

News Releases

Ms. Rachel Damrauer reported on news releases distributed this year and asked for suggestions. The committee suggested antibiotic premedication guidelines. She has topics lined up for all releases in 2010.

Pennsylvania Dental Journal

The feature articles highlighting PDA’s districts are wrapping up. Three districts have not published articles – Third, Fifth and Eighth. Dr. Terry reported that Third District has submitted a draft of its article.

Mr. Robert Pugliese has been working with Dr. Andy Gould for an article about Harrisburg Smiles, a coalition reaching out to underserved individuals.

A family themed issue focused on members is planned for a future issue. The committee provided names of members who could be highlighted.

PDA is part of an oral health coalition which is interested in writing an article for the Journal.

Mr. Pugliese has been working with Marisa Swarney, director of government relations, and Monica Costlow of the Pennsylvania Medicaid Policy Center on this article.

Articles on cone beam imaging and amalgam separators are in the works. Dr. Nase has drafted an article on forensic dentistry, and Tom Weber has agreed to write a series of articles on dental practices and practice management.

Future of CCPR

The House of Delegates approved a name change to Communications and Public Relations Committee and the committee can now have up to 10 members.

Spokesperson Training

Spokesperson Training, conducted by Sean Connolly and Mr. Pugliese, was held in Harrisburg on May 21. It was a very successful program, teaching attendees proper interview techniques in a variety of situations. Some members have expressed an interest in holding the program at an upcoming Annual Session or Leadership Conference.

Public Relations Consultant

CPRC discussed ADA’s budget crisis and possible need to discontinue the State Public Affairs Program. CPRC feels Sean Connolly has been an invaluable asset to PDA, and if ADA cannot fund Mr. Connolly or another public relations consultant, that PDA should do so.

On a Ross/Meci motion, by unanimous vote, the following motion was adopted:


06/11/10CCPR1: TO continue to fund the State Public Affairs program.

On a Meci/Tecosky motion, by unanimous vote, the following motion was adopted:

RESOLVED If ADA discontinues its State Public Affairs program, 06/11/10CCPR2: the communications and public relations committee

encourages PDA to fund its own public relations


Social Network

Ms. Kinsinger reported that the PDA Social Network has recently been opened for all members. CPRC is using the forums for committee business and was encouraged to use other parts of the network and post on other forums. CPRC likes the Social Network, but some members expressed frustration with the slowness of the site. Ms. Kinsinger reported that staff has been working with GoLightly on a variety of issues, including slowness.

In an effort to spread the word about the Social Network, ads will be placed in the Journal, Transitions, on the website and other venues. Dr. Terry suggested including an article in the Journal about a group using the network and the benefits it provides.

New Business

Website Redesign

Ms. Kinsinger reported on the progress of the website redesign, explaining the new homepage design and reorganization of information. A prominent button for the Social Network will appear on the homepage and throughout the site, as well as a calendar. The goal is to launch the new design in the next few months.

PDA Twitter and LinkedIn Accounts

Ms. Kinsinger explained that PDA launched a Facebook page in 2009, per the recommendation of the New Dentist Committee. As another way to quickly spread information to members about events and news, staff feels PDA should create Twitter and LinkedIn accounts.

On a Meci/Wilson motion, by majority vote, the following motion was adopted:

RESOLVED That PDA create twitter and linkedin accounts 06/11/10CCPR3: as other avenues for distributing information to



Members discussed the following board resolution:

RESOLVED The Board of Trustees requests that the Council on 01/10BTDA01: Communications and Public Relations consider ways to

expand the description list of advertising opportunities under the Advertisers tab to include web advertising, Annual Session, PDA endorsed products and any other advertising opportunity that PDA currently offers.

Mr. Pugliese believes endorsed vendors should be encouraged to advertise electronically, especially those that don’t advertise in the Journal. Currently, endorsed vendors are permitted to publish one article a year in the Journal as long as they pay for an ad in that issue.

Several advertisers have inquired about online advertising opportunities.

Offering online advertising along with Journal display advertising for a 10 percent price increase was suggested.

Interest was expressed in offering advertising opportunities in the monthly eNews Update.

Mr. Pugliese will reach out to dental associations in states of similar size to see what rates are available to give PDA a base. Ms. Camille Kostelac-Cherry will post the question on a listserv to gather information from state dental associations across the country.

Strategic Planning Retreat

Mr. Pugliese reported there was a focus on increasing the use of the Social Network and increasing electronic communication with members.

PDA is charged with increasing the patient dental I.Q., which will be done through advocacy, patient care, access to care and other avenues.

Patient Bill of Rights

With a vote of 5-4, the Board of Trustees directed CPRC to amend and update the PDA Patient Bill of Rights. Dr. Terry believes CPRC should be given more information and background on this issue from the board before discussing it at the next meeting. Dr. Weaver and Dr. Tecosky will ask the board for clarification.

Other Business

Upcoming Meetings

The next CPRC meeting will be held Friday, October 1, 2010, at 9:30 a.m. at the PDA Central Office. A conference call was set for Friday, January 14, 2011 at 9:30 a.m.


The meeting was adjourned at 11:36 a.m.


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