American with Disabilities Act at Creighton University

American with Disabilities Act at Creighton University

Survey conducted Fall 2009-Spring 2010

Total number of responses collected: 499 (as of 2/21/2010)

I am familiar with the Americans with Disabilities Act.

(Respondents could only choose a single response)

|Response |Chart |Frequency |Count |

|Yes | | |91.1% |441 |

|No | | |8.9% |43 |

|Not Answered | | |15 |

Do you know who to contact if you or a person you work with needs accommodations due to a disability?

(Respondents could only choose a single response)

|Response |Chart |Frequency |Count |

|Yes | | |53.7% |262 |

|No | | |46.3% |226 |

|Not Answered | | |11 |

Do you know who to contact if a student approaches you and tells you they need an accommodation due to a disability?

(Respondents could only choose a single response)

|Response |Chart |Frequency |Count |

|Yes | | |51.2% |219 |

|No | | |48.8% |209 |

|Not Answered | | |10 |

Could you explain to an employee or a student what a "reasonable accommodation" is?

(Respondents could only choose a single response)

|Response |Chart |Frequency |Count |

|Yes | | |51.3% |210 |

|No | | |48.7% |199 |

|Not Answered | | |12 |

Do you know who to contact to report an environmental barrier?

(Respondents could only choose a single response)

|Response |Chart |Frequency |Count |

|Yes | | |41.0% |165 |

|No | | |59.0% |237 |

|Not Answered | | |11 |

If you had or have a disability do you feel comfortable reporting your disability and receiving accommodations?

(Respondents could only choose a single response)

|Response |Chart |Frequency |Count |

|Yes | | |29.1% |117 |

|No | | |10.2% |41 |

|Not Applicable to Me | | |60.7% |244 |

|Not Answered | | |7 |

Another way to look at the responses to this question is that nearly 26% of the individuals had or have had a disability do not feel comfortable reporting their disability and receiving accommodations.

Do you supervise employees in any capacity?

(Respondents could only choose a single response)

|Response |Chart |Frequency |Count |

|Yes | | |37.8% |151 |

|No | | |62.3% |249 |

|Not Answered | | |9 |

(if “Yes” to supervising employees)

Have you ever been asked to make an accommodation for an employee due to a disability?

(Respondents could only choose a single response)

|Response |Chart |Frequency |Count |

|Yes | | |31.6% |48 |

|No | | |68.4% |104 |

|Not Answered | | |7 |

(if “Yes” to being asked to make an accommodation)

Did you involve human resources in the process of deciding whether to make an accommodation?

(Respondents could only choose a single response)

|Response |Chart |Frequency |Count |

|Yes | | |43.8% |21 |

|No | | |56.3% |27 |

|Not Answered | | |7 |

(if “Yes” to being asked to make an accommodation)

Have you ever made an accommodation for an employee due to a disability?

(Respondents could only choose a single response)

|Response |Chart |Frequency |Count |

|Yes | | |87.2% |41 |

|No | | |12.8% |6 |

|Not Answered | | |8 |

(if “Yes” to having made an accommodation)

Did you involve human resources in the process of formulating a reasonable accommodation?

(Respondents could only choose a single response)

|Response |Chart |Frequency |Count |

|Yes | | |52.5% |21 |

|No | | |47.5% |19 |

|Not Answered | | |8 |

Do you teach students?

(Respondents could only choose a single response)

|Response |Chart |Frequency |Count |

|Yes | | |36.1% |144 |

|No | | |63.9% |255 |

|Not Answered | | |8 |

(if “Yes” to teaching students)

Have you ever been asked to make an accommodation for a student due to a disability?

(Respondents could only choose a single response)

|Response |Chart |Frequency |Count |

|Yes | | |76.6% |111 |

|No | | |23.4% |34 |

|Not Answered | | |7 |

(if “Yes” to being asked to make an accommodation)

Did you involve the Office of Disability Accommodations in the process of deciding whether to make an accommodation?

(Respondents could only choose a single response)

|Response |Chart |Frequency |Count |

|Yes | | |61.3% |68 |

|No | | |38.7% |43 |

|Not Answered | | |5 |

(if “Yes” to being asked to make an accommodation)

Have you ever made an accommodation for a student due to a disability?

(Respondents could only choose a single response)

|Response |Chart |Frequency |Count |

|Yes | | |95.5% |106 |

|No | | |4.5% |5 |

|Not Answered | | |5 |

(if “Yes” to having made an accommodation)

Did you involve the Office of Disability Accommodations in the process of formulating a reasonable accommodation?

(Respondents could only choose a single response)

|Response |Chart |Frequency |Count |

|Yes | | |67.9% |72 |

|No | | |32.1% |34 |

|Not Answered | | |5 |

Open-ended responses as to who they would contact if a person they work with needed accommodations for a disability:

|V4 |

| |Frequency |Percent |Valid Percent |Cumulative Percent |

|Valid |

| |Frequency |Percent |Valid Percent |Cumulative Percent |

|Valid |

| |Frequency |Percent |Valid Percent |Cumulative Percent |

|Valid |

| |Frequency |Percent |Valid Percent |Cumulative Percent |

Valid |NO RESPONSE |359 |71.8 |71.8 |71.8 | | |? I'd just see what was offered. |1 |.2 |.2 |72.0 | | |"Amended ADA that references ""thinking disabilities""--- what they are, how to accomodate, etc." |1 |.2 |.2 |72.2 | | |"Your survey should read ""whom to contact"" not who." |1 |.2 |.2 |72.4 | | |A general overview would be nice. |1 |.2 |.2 |72.6 | | |A general seminar of various disabilities would be interesting to give more people knowledge. Show people with different disabilities, such as a mobile disability so that people know what that disabled person has to go through in daily life. Also, show something about a learning disabled person and about how a supervisor can |1 |.2 |.2 |72.8 | | |A review of the general ADA Recommendations as they apply to a student you are teaching in Lab or clssroom setting. Most students I have provided an accomodation to have already seen someone and they need to make sure I will comply. I reply by signifying through filling out the appropriate form the student gives me. So |1 |.2 |.2 |73.0 | | |Accessibility would be good for a general topic so that various departments could learn how to make themselves more accessible. Also, the questions on who to contact if we or someone we know has a disability is skewed to suggesting people either know exactly who to contact or have no clue. From Employee Orientation, th |1 |.2 |.2 |73.2 | | |Accomodations for current employees who become disabled. |1 |.2 |.2 |73.4 | | |accomodations for MS |1 |.2 |.2 |73.6 | | |ADD, ADHD |1 |.2 |.2 |73.8 | | |All! |1 |.2 |.2 |74.0 | | |All. Everything we interact with has an impact to rather or not we meet the guidelines set by the ADA organization. |1 |.2 |.2 |74.2 | | |An overall overview of the general information that we should all know so that if asked we could answer questions. |1 |.2 |.2 |74.4 | | |Any. |1 |.2 |.2 |74.6 | | |As far as I know, hearing loss has never been addressed. It is the invisible disability and people don't know how to be sensitive to it. Many people treat the hearing impaired as stupid. People are often very impatient with the hearing impaired. Also I recently had an accident and needed to use crutches and I also used a wheel |1 |.2 |.2 |74.8 | | |Asperger's and other social disorders |1 |.2 |.2 |75.0 | | |Aspergers Universal design |1 |.2 |.2 |75.2 | | |Basically all of the questions I answered no to. I am not familiar with the act other than it tries to protect the rights of the individuals involved so that they aren't discriminated against. I am not sure what is reasonable accommodation. I would like to know more about what I should do as a staff member to help individuals. |1 |.2 |.2 |75.4 | | |better communication, more administrator training and faculty education. |1 |.2 |.2 |75.6 | | |blindness |1 |.2 |.2 |75.8 | | |blindness, asthma, wheelchair assesibility |1 |.2 |.2 |76.0 | | |computers for the blind |1 |.2 |.2 |76.2 | | |Disabilities and the work place. |1 |.2 |.2 |76.4 | | |easy access for mobility impaired in all campus buildings. |1 |.2 |.2 |76.6 | | |Elminating access barriers across the campus |1 |.2 |.2 |76.8 | | |Emotional/Mental disabilities |1 |.2 |.2 |77.0 | | |Environmental |1 |.2 |.2 |77.2 | | |environmental barriers reasonable accommodations |1 |.2 |.2 |77.4 | | |Environmental-related access issues, especially as we are asking more and more patients to come to labs for student learning purposes. |1 |.2 |.2 |77.6 | | |fyi, Office of disability accomodations didn't exist when I had to make accommodations years ago. |1 |.2 |.2 |77.8 | | |General background and who/how to help those that request/need help. |1 |.2 |.2 |78.0 | | |General information conceerning reasonable accommodations. Also Creighton-specific info--who to contact, etc. |1 |.2 |.2 |78.2 | | |Handling students with disabilities. |1 |.2 |.2 |78.4 | | |hearing impairment |1 |.2 |.2 |78.6 | | |helping students |1 |.2 |.2 |78.8 | | |Housing |1 |.2 |.2 |79.0 | | |Housing-related |1 |.2 |.2 |79.2 | | |How are disabilities for employees accommodated. |1 |.2 |.2 |79.4 | | |How do we apply for long term disibility if we need to receive it from Creighton |1 |.2 |.2 |79.6 | | |How extensive the accommadations need to be. |1 |.2 |.2 |79.8 | | |How is CU doing with ADA accommodations? What have we done? |1 |.2 |.2 |80.0 | | |How to direct someone to the correct department for help and how to help someone in that situation. |1 |.2 |.2 |80.2 | | |How to make it work at Creighton and exactly what reasonable is. |1 |.2 |.2 |80.4 | | |How to spot a student with a potential learning disability, when and where to refer them for testing, how to create an atmosphere that encourages disclosure of a disability |1 |.2 |.2 |80.6 | | |I am interested in making reasonable accommodations for students and staff with diabetes and those returning from maternity leave who are pumping breast milk |1 |.2 |.2 |80.8 | | |I believe disability parking is still too limited. I have a permit and often am unable to locate a spot. |1 |.2 |.2 |81.0 | | |I believe the resources are available on our HR website and we have had required training, so in my opinion I know where to go to find the contacts I may need. |1 |.2 |.2 |81.2 | | |I believe this campus has made improvements on disability access, but the West campus buildings can still be problematic. The key issue is the brick walkway between the Boyne building and the Health Sciences Library. A seminar on what the campus is planning to do to enhance accessibility for mobility-impaired faculty, staff, |1 |.2 |.2 |81.4 | | |I don't have time for more seminars. Thanks anyway. |1 |.2 |.2 |81.6 | | |I don't necessarily need seminars on this due to the nature of what I teach - I cover a lot of disabilities and HR policy-related topics in my classes so hopefully I am aware of various issues. I am always interested in what is being offered in general though and am always happy working with Denise and others (athletic adviso |1 |.2 |.2 |81.8 | | |I guess that I need to know more about the Office of Disabilities Accommodation. |1 |.2 |.2 |82.0 | | |I think a class or seminar helping people to know how best to talk with and assist individuals with disabilities would be helpful. Most people want to help someone with a disability, but they don't know how best to offer that help. They don't want to offend, but at the same time, they don't want to seem indifferent to someon |1 |.2 |.2 |82.2 | | |I think a place to start would be a one-stop phone number for people to find it on the phone listing. |1 |.2 |.2 |82.4 | | |I think faculty/staff need sensitivity training for dealing with students who have ADA (learning, physical, etc) type disabilities. |1 |.2 |.2 |82.6 | | |I think it would be good to share some common accomodations so that people can better understand options available. |1 |.2 |.2 |82.8 | | |i would like to know more about the law's expansion to temporary disabilities and what is needed if you treat someone as if they had a disability -- what are the legal implications? |1 |.2 |.2 |83.0 | | |I would like to know more about the testing process for learning disabilities. |1 |.2 |.2 |83.2 | | |I would like to know who to report too when I run across people needing assistance. Although, I think I would be able to find it easily if I looked. |1 |.2 |.2 |83.4 | | |I wouldn't mind knowing some of these even if it is just reading the answers on Jay Net News. |1 |.2 |.2 |83.6 | | |I'm interested in learning about guidelines that are in place for issuing handicap parking stickers. It seems like doctors give them too easily which prevents people who really are handicapped from parking. |1 |.2 |.2 |83.8 | | |I'm not sure. |1 |.2 |.2 |84.0 | | |I've attended many. Refresher courses from time to time would be helpful on changes in laws (updates), HR policies governing those with special needs; more information on psychological issues & accommodations. |1 |.2 |.2 |84.2 | | |If disabled, who all do I need to alert of my disability? Who do I contact if I need help or care with a disabled family member? If needing to find a care facility for a disabled family member, what is the best way to do so? How do I know I can trust that facility to give my loved one proper, good care? |1 |.2 |.2 |84.4 | | |Information on understanding and making reasonable accommodations for employees in the event that we need to make those provisions. |1 |.2 |.2 |84.6 | | |learning |1 |.2 |.2 |84.8 | | |Learning and Physical Disabilities |1 |.2 |.2 |85.0 | | |Learning Disabilities Mental Disabilities |1 |.2 |.2 |85.2 | | |Legal implications; accommodations; financial considerations |1 |.2 |.2 |85.4 | | |Legal issues surrounding this issue |1 |.2 |.2 |85.6 | | |legal responsibilities regarding student accommodations |1 |.2 |.2 |85.8 | | |Look at my responses to this quesitonnaire, and you will realize that I am not very knowledgeable nor have I consulted the Office of Disabilities when solving a problem. I do not know where the office is, and I do not know how to contact that office. This is a good place to start!! |1 |.2 |.2 |86.0 | | |Mandatory education on ADA accommodations for faculty, dept chairs, and deans |1 |.2 |.2 |86.2 | | |Mental health and learning disabilities |1 |.2 |.2 |86.4 | | |mental illness accommodations and just what the meaning of reasonable is. |1 |.2 |.2 |86.6 | | |Mobility Impaired |1 |.2 |.2 |86.8 | | |Most of the topics, I would like to be more informed about disabilities and what to do. |1 |.2 |.2 |87.0 | | |n/a |2 |.4 |.4 |87.4 | | |N/A |1 |.2 |.2 |87.6 | | |Need to know contact people at Creighton for ADA questions. Personal opinion, none of us need one more seminar to attend. Why not send information by email or put it on the web site. Perhaps it already is. |1 |.2 |.2 |87.8 | | |no time |1 |.2 |.2 |88.0 | | |none |3 |.6 |.6 |88.6 | | |None |5 |1.0 |1.0 |89.6 | | |none at this time |2 |.4 |.4 |90.0 | | |None at this time |1 |.2 |.2 |90.2 | | |None at this time. |3 |.6 |.6 |90.8 | | |None right now. |1 |.2 |.2 |91.0 | | |NONE. WE HAVE PEOPLE FOR THIS. LET THEM DO THEIR JOB. |1 |.2 |.2 |91.2 | | |Not applicable |1 |.2 |.2 |91.4 | | |Not at this time. |1 |.2 |.2 |91.6 | | |Not pending legisaltion but actual implemented laws and how they are applicable to Nebraska from an access to buildings and property. |1 |.2 |.2 |91.8 | | |Nothing at this time |1 |.2 |.2 |92.0 | | |Nothing in particular |1 |.2 |.2 |92.2 | | |Obviously from my answers on this survey, details on the how to, practical issues here at Creighton would be very helpful. |1 |.2 |.2 |92.4 | | |Office furniture and ergonomics. |1 |.2 |.2 |92.6 | | |Online tutorial that cleared up some of my previously displayed ignorance on this topic and how to properly handle it in the workplace would be nice. |1 |.2 |.2 |92.8 | | |Overall procedures and how to help a student or visitor to campus that has a disability |1 |.2 |.2 |93.0 | | |Perhaps how the need for accommodations are assessed, particularly in terms of students who feel the need for certain accommodations during testing sessions (i.e., time and a half, isolation, etc.) |1 |.2 |.2 |93.2 | | |Possible mental concerns with my employees. Depression, ADD, Etc |1 |.2 |.2 |93.4 | | |Pyschological disorders |1 |.2 |.2 |93.6 | | |Q17 |1 |.2 |.2 |93.8 | | |Reasonable accommodation and the law |1 |.2 |.2 |94.0 | | |reasonable accomodation |1 |.2 |.2 |94.2 | | |reasonable accomodations |1 |.2 |.2 |94.4 | | |regulations to deal with buildings. Employee required accomidation verses guest if there a difference. clarification on who and department you report situations to. |1 |.2 |.2 |94.6 | | |Since I was confused, in answering this questionnaire, as to whether the ADA language applies to special needs students whose needs are addressed through the office in Markoe Hall, I would like that cleared up. |1 |.2 |.2 |94.8 | | |Something that explains the basics implied in some of the questions given in this survey. |1 |.2 |.2 |95.0 | | |Student disabilities/reasonable accommodations |1 |.2 |.2 |95.2 | | |Students with ADD, girls in particular. |1 |.2 |.2 |95.4 | | |Teaching strategies that would really help students with learning disabilities of various sorts but that would also be good for students without documented disabilities. |1 |.2 |.2 |95.6 | | |Test taking and tutoring accommodations for students with learning disabilities. |1 |.2 |.2 |95.8 | | |Thank you for your offer to help. I am concerned about points of inconvenience in traveling between buildings for people using wheelchairs and especially those using crutches or canes -- even a temporary disability means several weeks of new challenges in fulfilling one's responsibilities. |1 |.2 |.2 |96.0 | | |The implications of the reauthorization of ADA for Creighton Universy. Accommodating indivduals with documented mental health disorders. |1 |.2 |.2 |96.2 | | |The updated Act....what it entails and how it impacts us. |1 |.2 |.2 |96.4 | | |The very basic as to what is considered a disability at Creighton University |1 |.2 |.2 |96.6 | | |There are so many disabilities. Learning disabilities, physical disabilities, emotional disabilities, etc. I guess all of them at some time or other. |1 |.2 |.2 |96.8 | | |took the online course already |1 |.2 |.2 |97.0 | | |Types of disabilities that may require accomodation |1 |.2 |.2 |97.2 | | |Unsure at this time. |1 |.2 |.2 |97.4 | | |Well, I did notice that there were some things on the survey that I couldn't answer that I knew the appropriate person to contact. I can only assume it would be someone up the chain from myself, however a workshop to introduce employees to whom they should talk to about that would be a good thing. I don't know what the |1 |.2 |.2 |97.6 | | |What changes Creighton is making to accomodate disabilities |1 |.2 |.2 |97.8 | | |What if you suspect someone is claiming to have a disability but you think they are fabricating it? |1 |.2 |.2 |98.0 | | |What is a reasonable accommodation if you are apporached with the question? |1 |.2 |.2 |98.2 | | |what medical conditons meet the criteria |1 |.2 |.2 |98.4 | | |What technologies exist to assist the disabled. |1 |.2 |.2 |98.6 | | |Where is the line between reasonable and unreasonable accommodations? What do we do if students take advantage because of their disability? |1 |.2 |.2 |98.8 | | |who to contact and what is available |1 |.2 |.2 |99.0 | | |Who to contact for assistance - we have had students in the DHHC building who have had difficulties with access. Also, noticed this morning that a trash can is blocking rampway in front of Gallager's front doors. (I was pulling a cart). |1 |.2 |.2 |99.2 | | |Who to contact for non-student accommodation |1 |.2 |.2 |99.4 | | |Why many buildings on campus are difficult to access. Why there are no where near enough CLOSELY located disabled parking spaces. I've contacted Public Safety about it and gotten only a rude run around. I've been tempted to complain to the federal government. you really need to get your act together, or you'll get sued. |1 |.2 |.2 |99.6 | | |Yes |1 |.2 |.2 |99.8 | | |You have probably already offered this but possibly explaining the ADA and reasonable accommodations. |1 |.2 |.2 |100.0 | | |Total |500 |100.0 |100.0 | | |


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