February 25, 2021 History AssignmentI. Read from your history book pp. 118 – 126.II. THE AMERICAN DREAM writing assignment“Go west young man, go west” was a popular slogan among early Americans. Write a short paragraph in which you share your thoughts on the significance of this slogan. Include in your paragraph an explanation of the following:What was the American Dream?Why did many Americans have this dream?How did the slogan referenced in bold type above relate to this American Dream?III. WESTWARD EXPANSION1. What contributions did Daniel Boone make to the settlement of land west of the Appalachians?Include at least 3 contributions in your response.2. What 2 laws were passed before the Constitution was ratified that paved the way for the addition of new states to come into the union?3. What were the 2 requirements that new areas had to meet before they could apply for statehood? 4. The greatest contribution to westward expansion was the purchase of the Louisiana Territory. From whom did we purchase Louisiana, how much did we pay for it, and why did the sellers accept such a LOW price for such a valuable region?The LP doubled the size of our country. The Louisiana Territory is shown in white on the map above. 5. Make a list of the 14 states that lie totally or partially within the Louisiana Territory. Circle the name of the states through which Lewis and Clark actually passed. Now learn about one of the greatest expeditions in history—the LEWIS AND CLARK EXPEDITION sometimes called the CORPS OF DISCOVERY. IV. WATCH THE FOLLOWING VIDEOS AND READ THE ARTICLES POSTED ON THE HISTORY WEBPAGE. Please complete these tasks in the order in which they are shown below. You may take notes as you watch the videos and use those notes on tests, but it is NOT required. Hint: Watching them a second time, however, will be helpful to most of you.Video: ‘Lewis and Clark: the First American Expedition’ (3 min, 15 sec)Article: ‘Lewis and Clark Expedition Begins’ The Lewis and Clark expedition was incredibly important in that much was learned about the newest area added to the United States. While exploration was the primary goal, however, President Jefferson wanted them to observe and bring back samples of plants and animals encountered on the journey. As a result, the Lewis and Clark Expedition made a great contribution to the world of science. Video: ‘The Science of Lewis and Clark’ (3 min, 3 sec)Article: ‘Lewis and Clark Science Expedition’One of the most important members of the Corps of Discovery was a young Shoshone Indian woman named Sacajawea. Watch the video about her contributions to the L and C Expedition.Video: ‘Sacajawea – Explorer/Biography (2 min, 15 sec) V. Now answer the following questions based on other events of the Jefferson Administration.6. Who were the Barbary Pirates and how did they affect American shipping in the Mediterranean Sea?7. What actions were taken to eliminate America’s problem with the Barbary Pirates? 8. What kind of trouble did America have with England during Jefferson’s Presidency?9. Why were 3 Americans killed on board the ‘Chesapeake’ just off the Virginia coast in 1807?10. In his bid to remain neutral, what peaceful action did Jefferson take to try and stop British harassment of American ships?11. Was Jefferson’s action against England successful? Who was more hurt by the ‘embargo’ than the British? VI. In one sentence identify the following:12. Battle of Fallen Timbers13. Treaty of Greenville14. Aaron Burr15. Robert Livingstone ................

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