Audience & Purpose

Essay 1: “The Elements of Character” – storyResearch?? proposal (1 page, 1 pt.) dueTuesday, February 27?? 10+ interview questions (1/2 page, 1 pt.) dueThursday, March 1?? interview responses/notes (2+ pages, 1 pt.) dueTuesday, March 6?? outline (2 pages, 1 pt.) dueTuesday, March 13?? rough draft (4 pages, 2 pts.) dueThursday, March 15?? meet with a tutor, SI, or me byThursday, March 22?? final draft (4+ pages, 10 pts.) due at Friday, March 23All of these must be typed using MLA format, except for the interview responses/notes (optional to type)TOPICIn the epigraph to Viet Thanh Nguyen’s The Sympathizer: A Novel, is placed a quote from Friedrich Nietzsche’s, On the Genealogy of Morals: “Let us not become gloomy as soon as we hear the word “torture”: in this particular case there is plenty to offset and mitigate that word—even something to laugh at.” And at the end of The Sympathizer, the unnamed narrator states: “Surely we cannot be the only ones awake, even if we are the only ones with a single lamp lit. No, we cannot be alone! Thousands more must be staring into darkness like us, gripped by scandalous thoughts, extravagant hopes, and forbidden plots. We lie in wait for the right moment and the just cause, which, at this moment, is simply wanting to live. And even as we write this final sentence, the sentence that will not be revised, we confess to being certain of one and only one thing—we swear to keep, on penalty of death, this one promise: We will live!”In the context of events unfolding during the past few years in America and the world, how are these statements by Viet Thanh Nguyen prophetic. He wants the stories of immigrants, of refugees, to be heard. He wants to present these stories as they are, not distorted but stark and candid. Honest. And hopeful. In your essay, you too will try to capture and share your story as it connects with the story, the characters, the themes; explore how this novel resonates with you personally. Or you may also choose to write about someone you know well, who has moved (physically, intellectually, emotionally, spiritually) from one culture to another, in order to survive. The primary source is the narrative, and the integrated secondary source is the novel. Interview your family member or relative and possibly one other family member (or close family friend), and write a descriptive, narrative essay (2,000+ words) telling that person’s story.Possible topics include a turning point, military service, a journey, an obstacle overcome, a personal challenge, an interesting event, an adventure, or a story of immigration. You might even focus on a moment or day that significantly changed that person’s life; you can also connect the person’s personal history to the broader social history. The event should have made a significant impact on him/her and might relate to idea of the American dream. Include direct quotations from the people whom you interview in your essay; you should take notes and possibly record the interviews.Audience & PurposeAssume that your reader is not familiar with your family’s story or the novel. The goal of your essay is to tell your family member’s story in an interesting way.Structure & Content Checklist Write an informative yet creative title for your essay; write an inventive hook as well. Identify yourself (or your family member) in the introduction. Make sure your narrative thesis statement previews your essay’s significance or theme. Organize your supporting paragraphs carefully. Include clear topic sentences and transitions. You must incorporate quotations and descriptive details from your interview (or personal diary) in every supporting paragraph. It is acceptable to use first person in this essay. You should add your own commentary or feelings also. Write a strong conclusion that wraps up the essay. You should mention the effect of the story on you as well. Edit and proofread your sentences so that they are as clear and correct as possible. Include a properly formatted works cited page with the interviews listed. Format your paper properly: double-spaced, one-inch margins, 12-point font such as Times New Roman.Required Reading AssignmentsAn Introduction to Literature 16eA Short Guide to Writing about Literature 10eProcess – You must complete and submit all of the following with the final draft: typed final draft & works cited page WRC tutoring receipt or my comments** typed rough draft(s) & works cited page peer review comments typed outline interview responses & notes typed interview questions typed proposal & any other prewriting notes** You must meet with WRC tutor for this essay, or visit me during office hours (TTH 10-11am).Bring this assignment sheet, your notes, your drafts, and outline with you when you see a WRC tutor.Please feel free to email me ( at any point in your writing process.90805015367000Proposal Questions – 1 page, typed, due Tuesday, February 27Whom do you plan to write about? Why have you chosen this family member?What do you already know about this person? What do you need to find about him or her?What do you want your reader to learn or understand from your essay?What obstacles or challenges might you face as you write? How will you overcome those?When & where will you write the essay?929640112395Students’ Advice for Essay 1“When you receive your essay prompt, start early. Being well organized will help you get through this class.”“Pick someone who is convenient, and write a lot. It’s like writing a short story.”“Do not be scared to let your emotions show in your work!”“Stop believing that you’re not a good writer. Put on your writer’s hat, follow all the dates, and you’ll do fine.”00Students’ Advice for Essay 1“When you receive your essay prompt, start early. Being well organized will help you get through this class.”“Pick someone who is convenient, and write a lot. It’s like writing a short story.”“Do not be scared to let your emotions show in your work!”“Stop believing that you’re not a good writer. Put on your writer’s hat, follow all the dates, and you’ll do fine.” ................

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