A Raisin in the Sun Final Essay : DUE MONDAY MARCH 9Throughout A Raisin in the Sun, we have discussed the theme of the American Dream in accordance to the play and the Langston Hughes poem “A Dream Deferred”. We have analyzed how each of the major characters in Raisin has a dream of their own and somehow this dream is deferred and how each one of them deals with it in their own ways. We have charted the growth and development of the dream throughout our reading of the play. Now, it’s your turn… TASK: Choose a character in the play A Raisin in the Sun. Write an essay where you relate that character back to the Langston Hughes poem “A Dream Deferred” and analyze how this poem was a basis for the play. You’re essay should answer these five questions: What is the character’s dream? How is your characters’ dream being deferred?What metaphor from the poem is each character dealing with? Why?How do they eventually overcome it?You should use your Character Influences worksheet and your Name Analysis chart, as well as any notes you took when we discussed the poem to help you begin. Use examples from the play to analyze how the character you chose is dealing with the deferment of their dreamsRUBRIC:YOUR ESSAY MUST Be turned in to by Monday, March 9th by 8 am. See me if you need the class details, don’t wait until the last minute. YOU MUST USE AT LEAST TWO QUOTES FROM THE PLAY AND ONE QUOTE FROM THE POEM TO SUPPORT YOUR ANALYSIS! It also must have a strong thesis, be organized effectively, and have proper spelling and grammar. Thesis example: (Character)’s dream is to (whatever the dream is) but it is deferred when (example).Exceptional (A)Meeting Expectations (B)Beginning (C)Needs Improvement (D)Thesis _________/5Contains a precise and strong thesis and statement of orderContains a thesis and statement of orderContains a vague or unclear thesis and statement of orderAttempts a thesis and statement of order or is missing one of the componentsIntroduction_________/10Introduction paragraph includes a captivating hook, author and title of the novel, while clearly explaining the importance of the promptIntroduction paragraph includes a hook, author and title of the novel, and makes satisfactory connections to the promptIntroduction paragraph includes a uninspiring hook, author and title of the novel, and makes a basic connection to the promptIntroduction paragraph is missing a hook, author and title of the novel, and lacks connection to the promptAnalysis (Body Paragraphs)_________/35Essay thoroughly analyzes the essay prompt and is based on original analysis over summary, making connections between paragraphsEssay analyzes the essay prompt, but could contain further details and examples Essay somewhat analyzes the essay prompt, but contains plot summaryEssay does not analyze the prompt or the essay contains little analysis and mostly plot summaryQuotes_________/20Quotes chosen are extremely relevant to the thesis and are introduced and cited correctly Quotes are introduced with a claim and properly cited in MLA formatSome quotes are not relevant to the thesis and/or claims are weak and need to be developedQuotes are not relevant to the thesis and/or not properly citedConclusion_________/10Conclusion goes past restating and tells the reader why the character was a driving force behind the play. Conclusion paragraph reiterates thesis and main ideas exhibited throughout the body paragraphs and wraps up the essayConclusion paragraph reiterates main ideas from body paragraphs, but does not wrap up the essayConclusion paragraph attempts to reiterate the thesis and main points or is lacking one or more of the componentsMechanics_________/20Essay is typed in Times New Roman 12pt font, is free of grammatical errors (words/names spelled correctly, sentence variation, proper punctuation, etc.), and contains a proper headingEssay is typed in Times New Roman 12pt font, is mostly free of grammatical errors and contains a proper headingContains several mechanical errors and further editing is neededEssay does not appear to have been edited and a large number of errors distracts from meaning ................

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