Penne RestadDepartment of HistoryUniversity of TexasAustin, TX 78712512-475-7233restad@austin.utexas.edu______________________________________________________________________Employment Distinguished Senior Lecturer, Department of History, University of Texas at Austin, 2010 to present.Senior Lecturer, Department of History, University of Texas, 2003-2010.Lecturer, Department of History, University of Texas, 1995-2002. EducationPh.D. American Studies, University of Texas, 1993.M.A. History, University of Oregon, 1979.B.S. Honors, Montana State University, at Billings, 1972.Research InterestsLate nineteenth and twentieth-century American cultural and social history, history of American holidays and family rituals, history of twentieth-century consumer culture, history and practice of pedagogy of American history, digital humanities relating to American history. Teaching Fields American history survey, pre- and post-1865.American cultural and social history. Recent seminars: History of Teaching American History Consuming: A Social History of American Consumerism The Construction of American Identity Thinking Like a Historian Experience teaching Gateway Program, Connexus Program, Longhorn Scholars, Liberal Arts Honors Program, as well as large lectures and seminars in the Department of History. PublicationsBook Christmas in America: A History, New York: Oxford University Press, 1995; Oxford Paperback, 1996. Other Published Work“The Third Sex: Historians, Consumer Society, and the Idea of the American Consumer.” Journal of Social History, Spring 2014 (forthcoming). “American History Learned, Argued, and Agreed Upon,” in M. Sweet, and L.K. Michaelsen, eds., Critical Thinking and Engagement: Team-Based Learning in the Social Sciences and Humanities. ?Sterling, VA: ?Stylus Publishing, 2012. Introduction, Saint Nicholas of Bari. Body and Image Between East and West. Castello Svevo, Bari, May-September, 2006, curated by Michele Bacci (University of Siena) and Fabio Marcelli (University of Perugia) Skira, 2006. “Christmas,” in Len Travers, ed. American Holidays and National Days, 2 vols. Greenwood Press, 2006. “The Burden of Ritual,” pp. 21-34, in Lorenzo Buj, ed., Ritual Economies, University of Windsor, 2004. "Christmas," Encarta (encyclopedia article), 1999. "Christmas in Nineteenth-Century America,” History Today, 45 (December, 1995): 13-20. Book Reviews Perry, Joe, Christmas in Germany: A Cultural History (Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 2010), in Journal of Interdisciplinary History, 42/3 (2012), 466-67. Haverty-Stacke, Donna T., America’s Forgotten Holiday: May Day and Nationalism, 1867-1960 (NYU Press, 2008), in Journal of Interdisciplinary History, 40 (Spring, 2010), 625-26. Daehnke, Joel, In the Work of Their Hands is Their Prayer: Cultural Narrative and Redemption on the American Frontiers, 1830-193 (Univ. of Ohio Press, 2003), in American Historical Review, 110 (02/2005) 142-43.Matthews, Dennis, Red, White, and Blue Letter Days (Cornell Univ. Press, 2002), in The Register of the Kentucky Historical Society, 101(Spring 2003), 230-31. Alexis McCrossen, Holy Day, Holiday: The American Sunday (Cornell Univ. Press, 2000), in Journal of Interdisciplinary History, 33(Summer, 2002), 140-4.Karal Anne Marling, Merry Christmas! Celebrating America's Greatest Holiday (Harvard Univ. Press, 2000), in American Historical Review, 107(February, 2002), 182. Invited Lectures and Presentations Relating to Social and Cultural History “Christmas Now,” at the invitation of Allen Public Library, Allen, TX . December 13, 2012. "Christmas: An Illustrated History,” University of Texas at Austin, December 2010. Accessed November 11, 2012. “The Burden of Ritual: Alexander Graham Bell’s Critique of Christmas Giving,” Humanities Resources Group, University of Windsor, Windsor, ON, Dec. 2003."Christmas in the American South," McFadden-Ward House, Beaumont, TX, Dec. 1997. "Christmas in the Antebellum Era," The Hermitage, home of Andrew Jackson, Nashville, TN, Dec. 1996.Numerous talks, radio and television interviews, in addition to guest lectures at schools, libraries, churches, and service organizations. Relating to Consumer History“The Third Sex: Historians and the Concept of the American Consumer,” presented to Institute for Historical Studies, University of Texas, Austin, Texas, April 16, 2012. Relating To Pedagogical Reform“I Don’t Like This One Little Bit: Tales from the Flipped Classroom,” Faculty Focus, July 22, 2013, Accessed 10.20.13.“In the Trenches: Advice and Strategies for Using TBL in the Classroom,” Workshop, Center for Social Studies Education, University of Texas at Arlington, December 1, 2012.Restad, P., Onion, R., & Sweet, M. “Doing History” with Team-Based Learning in a Large Survey U.S. History Course.” Poster session presentation, Annual meeting of Team Based Learning Collaborative, New Orleans, Louisiana March, 2010.______________________________________________________________________ServiceChair, American Area, Department of History, Fall 2013-Faculty Coordinator, Faculty Teaching Community, 2011-13. ______________________________________________________________________Fellowships and GrantsProvost Teaching Fellow, 2013-2015. History Course Transformation Project (described above), sponsored by UT Center for Teaching and Learning, Fall 2013-Fall 2014, $150,000. Co-director, Karl Hagstrom Miller.Fellow, Institute for Historical Studies, University of Texas, Austin, 2011-12.University of Texas System Grant, “Substantively Redesigning the Large American History Survey,” Transforming Undergraduate Education, a three-year project, funded at $236,000, extended to July 31, 2013. Dora Bonham Research Grant, 2001, 2002.______________________________________________________________________Teaching AwardsThe Eyes of Texas Excellence Award, Spring 2013Alcalde Top Ten (Named one of “Alcalde magazine's yearly list of the 10 best and most inspiring UT professors, nominated by University of Texas alumni”), 2013.Regents’ Outstanding Teacher Award, 2009Ransom Teaching Award, 2005Dads’ Teaching Fellowship, Fall 2004Distinguished Faculty, Honorable Mention, Gateway Program, University of Texas, 1995.______________________________________________________________________Professional AffiliationsAmerican Historical AssociationOrganization of American HistoriansTeam-Based Learning Collaborative ................

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