Aim: Did reform movements improve American society in the ...

Aim: Did reform movements improve American society in the 1800’s?

Topic: Reform movements of the 1800’s

Document #1: Introduction:

The Antebellum Era in American History (1815-1861) was the time period when the Southern States played a major role in America especially economically, with King Cotton being one of the major factors for America’s growing wealth and power. However, during this period people began to notice problems in American society as well. People who wanted to bring change to and improve the problems in society were known as Reformers (people who want to reform) and Activists (people who are active in solving problems). The reformers and activists who worked for change came from a wide variety of backgrounds: rich and poor, black and white, men and women. Most reformers were actually women. Women were not allowed to vote and they were not allowed to work so they spent a lot of their time trying to improve society. Even though they were different they all had the common desire to create a better America. During this time period in America, people were becoming very religious (and part of this time period was also known as The Second Great Awakening). Many people used their religion to say they wanted to improve things in America. There were five major reform movements occurring at this time:

The Temperance Movement: Trying to get people to stop drinking so much alcohol.

Abolitionism: Trying to end slavery

Women’s Rights: Trying to give women more rights and freedoms, live the right to vote

Education Reform: Trying to improve schools for all Americans

Prison Reforms: Trying to make prisons more clean and safe

1) What is a reformer?

2) Who were reformers?

3) Why were women mostly reformers?

4) Why were their so many reform movements in America during the Antebellum era?

5) If you were alive during this time and you could only choose one reform movement to join, which one would you choose? Why?

Class Task: Gallery Walk of Reform Movements

Go around the room individually or in pairs and complete the reform chart. Then answer the aim in 4-5 sentences using examples from the gallery walk.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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