Kenwood Academy High School

The Importance of Being Earnest WebquestUse the following websites to answer the questions about Oscar Wilde (the author of The Importance of Being Earnest), background information about the time period (Victorian Age), and the genre of the play (satire/farce). Answer each question in a complete sentence in order to receive full credit.. What date was Oscar Wilde born?2. Where was Oscar Wilde born?3. How many sons did Oscar Wilde have?4. What were their names?5. Where did Oscar Wilde attend High School?6. Where did Oscar Wilde attend college? (Go to Family)1. What were Oscar Wilde's parents’ names?2. What were their occupations?3. Who did Oscar Wilde first propose to?4. Who did Oscar Wilde marry?5. What did his wife and his sons change their names to after Wilde's arrest?6. What happened to his eldest son? (Go to Literary works)1. What was Oscar Wilde's most famous collection of fairy tales called?2. What was his next collection called?3. What was his only novel?4. What play began his success as a play writer?5. What was the name of the "masterpiece" that appeared at St. James Theater?. When was the Victorian Era?2. Why did people adhere to Victorian rules?3. What are two social basics for young ladies?4. What are two social basics for gentlemen?5. What are two rules for dinner?6. What are two rules for courting?7. What is the “Comedy of Manners”?8. What is the “Aesthetic Movement”?. What is satire? 2. What is its purpose? 3. Give one example of a modern instance of satire in literature, film, television or music, and describe how it fits your definition.?. What is the definition of farce?. What is irony? 2. What is wit? 3. Give one modern instance of both irony and wit.?. Define “earnest.” 2. Do you think that being earnest is a valuable or invaluable trait??Why?. What is a gentleman? 2. How did the Victorians define the word? 3. Do you think that gentlemen in the Victorian sense still exist today? Why or why not? ................

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