TESOL 2007


Carole Adams

Rochester City School District

Rochester, NY USA

Rachel Adams

Elmira City School District

Elmira, NY USA


Activities with worksheets


Homograph Activity

Homograph Worksheet

25 Sentences

Rebus Worksheet

Homograph & Homophone Activity

Homograph & Homophone Worksheet


Lexical Bundle Activity

Lexical Bundle Worksheet


Phrasal Verb Activity

Phrasal Verb Worksheet



Homographs as Different Parts of Speech


Produce1 = v. to bring forth, manufacture, yield

Produce2 = n. agriculture such as fruits and vegetables

Object1 = v. to express dislike or disapproval

Object2 = a thing to which thought or action is directed

Present1 = n. a gift (birthday present)

Present2 = v. to offer or give (present an award)

Present3 = adj. occurring at this time (present ruler)

Present4 = adj. being here (everyone is present)


1. The farm was used to yield fruits and vegetables.

2. I disapprove of that thing in class because a cell phone is distracting.

3. Right now, it is the perfect time to five the gift because everyone is here.


Rewrite the sentences above using the vocabulary homographs.

1. The farm was used to produce1 produce2.

2. I object1 to that object2 in class because a cell phone is distracting.

3. Presently3, it is the perfect time to present2 the present1 because everyone is




Dictionary work: Check the words below. Determine: A. part of speech

B. meaning

C. pronunciation

1. _________________________

A. _____________________________________________________

B. _____________________________________________________


2. ____________________________

A. _____________________________________________________

B. _____________________________________________________

C. _____________________________________________________

3. __________________________________________________________

A. _____________________________________________________

B. _____________________________________________________

C. _____________________________________________________


(Teacher supplies paraphrase sentences of those she wants written)

1. ___________________________________________________________

2. ___________________________________________________________

3. ___________________________________________________________


Rewrite the sentences above using homographs.

1. ___________________________________________________________

2. ___________________________________________________________

3. ___________________________________________________________


25 Sentences for Your Classroom

1. The bandage was wound around the wound.

1. The dump was so full, it had to refuse more refuse.

1. We must polish the Polish furniture.

1. He could lead if he could get the lead out.

1. The soldier decided to desert his dessert in the desert.

1. The bass player sang a song about catching bass.

1. The insurance was invalid because it didn’t cover the invalid’s wheelchair.

1. The band will record a new record.

1. When startled the dove dove into the bush.

1. I will be second in line if I wait one more second.

1. My peer told me to peer through the window at our supervisor.

1. Please excuse my bad behavior, for which I have no excuse.

1. The flower will flower if you move it.

1. The shoes were too close to the door for it to close completely.

1. She has tears in her eyes as she tears old photos.

1. Please lower the shade lower than the window sill.

1. The tower towers over the city.

1. I hope I finish refinishing the new finish on the table.

1. She will resort to taking her vacation at the cheaper resort.

1. The gamblers were upset over the upset of the big game!

1. We need a transfer to transfer to the other bus.

1. The couple will separate after ten years and live in separate homes.

1. How long will the live fish live without food?

1. The jury was deliberate when they agreed to deliberate another day.

1. Because the wedding had to b perfect, Sue spent hours to perfect the dress.


Draw pictures & write words to make a sentence.

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Draw pictures for each sentence

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|I pare a pair of pears. |I hit the bat with a bat |

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|My son plays in the sun. |The dove dove into its nest. |


Draw pictures for each sentence

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Lexical bundle patterns can be dictated to students who write them in a grid. Students then complete the sentences. The activity can be extended by using the sentences in a skit.

| A |B |C |D |E |F |G |H | |1

| |don’t |know |if | | | | | |2

| |don’t |know |what | | | | | |3

| |don’t |know |why | | | | | |4

| |don’t |know |how | | | | | |5

| |don’t |know |weather | | | | | |


Write the dictated words in the proper squares.

Complete the sentences with words of your own.

| A |B |C |D |E |F |G |H | |1

| | | | | | | | | |2

| | | | | | | | | |3

| | | | | | | | | |4

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Multiple Meaning or Parts of Speech

Combine the verbs on the left with the prepositions to the right to make phrasal verbs. Write sentences with multiple meanings or multiple parts of speech. Number one is done for you.


1. work a. up

2. go b. on

3. put c. out

4. get d. in

5. think e. off

6. run f. in

7. turn g. down

Multiple Meaning Sentences

1. work (1) and out (c)

a. Solve a problem: Work out your math.

b. Be all right: Don’t worry! Everything will work out in the end.

c. Exercise: I’ll workout tomorrow. (Verb)

My workout was great. (Noun)

I had a great workout session. (Adjective)

2. ____________________

a. __________________________________________________

b. __________________________________________________

c. ___________________________________________________

3. ____________________________

a. _____________________________________________________

b. _____________________________________________________

c. _____________________________________________________


Combine the verbs on the left with the prepositions to the right to make phrasal verbs. Write sentences with multiple meanings or multiple parts of speech.


1. ________________ a. _______________

2. _______________ b. _______________

3. ________________ c. _______________

4. ________________ d. _______________

5._________________ e ________________

Multiple Meaning Sentences

1. __________________


b. ______________________________________________________

c. ______________________________________________________

2. _________________

a. ______________________________________________________

b. ______________________________________________________

c. ______________________________________________________

3. _________________

a. ______________________________________________________

b. ______________________________________________________

c. __________________________________________________


Biber, Douglas, et al. Longman Student Grammar of Spoken and Written English. Essex: Pearson Education Limited, 2002.

Biber, Douglas, et al. Longman Grammar of Spoken and Written English. Essex: Peason Education Limited, 1999.

Conrad, Susan, Biber, Douglas, and Leach, Geoffrey. Longman Student Grammar of Spoken and Written English Workbook, Essex: Pearson Education Limited, 2002

Firsten, Richard. The ELT Grammar Book. Burlingame, California: Alta Center Publishers, 2002.

Folse, Keith. Beginning Reading Practices. Ann Arbor: The University of Michigan Press, 1993.

------ Intermediate Reading Practices. Ann Arbor, Michigan Press, 1993.

Fowler, John. Phrasal Verb Organizer with Mini-Dictionary. Sussex: Language Teach Publications, 1993.

Fowler, John, et al. American Vocabulary Program 1 Lower Intermediate. Sussex: Language Teaching Publications,1995.

------- American Vocabulary Program 1 Intermediate. Sussex: Language Teaching Publications, 1995.

------- American Vocabulary Program 1 Upper Intermediate. Sussex: Language Teaching Publications, 1995.

Gordon, Deborah. Longman Dictionary of American English. White Plains, NY: Addison Wesley Longman, 1997.

Gough, Chris. English Vocabulary Organizer. Sussex: Language Teaching Publications, 1995.

Kress, Jacqueline E. The ESL Book of Lists. West Nyack, NY: The Center for applied Research in Education, 1993.

Hill, Jimmy and Lewis, Michael (Eds.). LTP Dictionary of Selected Collocations. Sussex: Language Teaching Publications, 1997.

Lewis, Michael and Jimmie Hill. Practical Techniques for Language Teaching. Sussex: Language Teaching Publications, 1992.

Lewis, Michael, editor. Teaching Collocations. Sussex: Language Teaching Publications, 2000.

Lewis, Michael, Teaching Collocations Further Development in Lexical Approach. Sussex: Language Teaching Publications, 1995.

McCarthy, Michael. Vocabulary. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1990

Wright, Jon. Idioms Organizer. Hove: Language Teaching Publications, 2000.

Wooland, George. Lessons with Laughter. Sussex: Language Teaching Publications, 1999.


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