10th grade Honors English - Ms Johnson's Class Weblog

11th grade American Literature

Unit Outline for Realism, Naturalism, and Regionalism

Essential Questions: What were the effects of the Civil War on Literature? What are the identifying characteristics of Realism and Naturalism? What is Regionalism? What is the history of American literary humor in the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries? What are the conventions of American literary humor? How do different literary movements connect across time?

You need your literature book every day in class

*Note that agenda is subject to change*

|Day/ Date |In Class |Homework |

|DGP sentence for this week (16): herman melville who wrote the novel moby dick once lived with cannibals in the south seas his first novel typee was written |

|about this experience |

|Monday |Teacher Workday | |

|1/5/09 | | |

|Tuesday |Pass back Bartleby Essays; students review comments and write reflections on how to |Ongoing Homework: |

|1/6/09 |improve essay-writing; |Review vocab- all quizzes are cumulative;|

| |Take notes on background of Realism, Naturalism, and Regionalism from Lit book |DGP Daily Grammar Practice |

|Wednesday |Assign CP’s – collaborative pairs/ partners; |Finish reading through |

|1/7/09 |Notes on Realism, Naturalism, & Regionalism |p. 616 of “To Build a Fire” |

| |Powerpoint background material | |

| |Setting the scene – photographs & impressions | |

| |Background on p. 606-7 | |

| |Begin reading Jack London’s “To Build a Fire” | |

|Thursday |Quick write: What has happened thus far in the story? |Knowledge of Man – extension assignment |

|1/8/09 |Finish reading “To Build a Fire” aloud and discuss | |

| |Character Analysis questions with CP | |

| |The Man & his Environment discussion | |

|Friday |Discuss Knowledge of Man extension assignment and effect of 3rd person omniscient |Finish reading excerpt of Into the Wild |

|1/9/09 |narrator |and review/ prepare for in-class |

| |Graphic Organizer: Knowledge vs. Instinct with CP |mini-essay Monday |

| |Read chapters 1 & 2 of Jon Krakauer’s Into the Wild | |

| |Exit slip: How is this piece representative of both Transcendentalism and Naturalism? | |

|DGP sentence for the week (17): if youre planning to go to college this would be a good time to start looking for scholarships |

|Monday |Hand out syllabus revisions & new hall passes | |

|1/12/09 |Hand out vocab packet – flash cards due Thursday | |

| |In D-107: In-class Mini-Essay on Into the Wild | |

| |How is this piece representative of both Transcendentalism and Naturalism? (one-two | |

| |pages, formal language/ format) | |

|Tuesday |Go over vocabulary words for list 1 | |

|1/13/09 |Quick Write: “news flashes” that would change your life | |

| |Discuss types of irony: situational (example: “Escape” Pina Colada song), verbal | |

| |(example: “duck”), and dramatic | |

| |Read/ discuss bio & Kate Chopin’s “The Story of an Hour” | |

|Wednesday |New seating chart – in CP’s (collaborative pairs) |Vocabulary flash cards due tomorrow; |

|1/14/09 |Hand out unit outline |Finish reading “Jumping Frog”; Get |

| |Grammar review: commas |permission slip signed for Into the Wild |

| |Quick write: List every (school-appropriate) southernism/ slang you can think of |film (we will get to watch IF you focus |

| |Discuss Regionalism, local color, dialect |on all our work between now and then!) |

| |Background info on Mark Twain | |

| |Read “Jumping Frog of Calaveras County” | |

|Thursday |Hand out DGP packet for semester |Finish reading “Outcasts of Poker Flat,” |

|1/15/09 |Vocabulary flash cards for list 1 due |Study for vocab quiz; Must return signed |

| |Discuss “Jumping Frog of Calaveras County” |film permission slip |

| |Discuss westward expansion | |

| |Background info | |

| |Read “Outcasts of Poker Flat” | |

|Friday |Vocabulary Quiz 1 | |

|1/16/09 |Go over vocabulary words for list 2 | |

| |Discuss “Outcasts of Poker Flat” | |

|DGP sentence for next week (18): i wish that I were old enough to vote because im very concerned about some of the issues in this presidential election |

|Monday |MLK Day Holiday | |

|1/19/09 | | |

|Tuesday |Grammar Review: Commas | |

|1/20/09 |Begin film Into the Wild – relate back to Transcendentalism and to Naturalism – answer | |

| |questions | |

|Wednesday |Grammar Review: Commas |Study for grammar quiz – focus on commas |

|1/21/09 |Film Into the Wild – relate back to Transcendentalism and to Naturalism – answer | |

| |questions | |

|Thursday |Vocabulary flash cards for list 2 due |Finish question packet on Into the Wild |

|1/22/09 |Grammar Quiz 1: commas | |

| |Film Into the Wild – relate back to Transcendentalism and to Naturalism – answer | |

| |questions | |

|Friday |Audio play of Willa Cather’s “A Wagner Matinee” |Study for Unit Test Monday: Realism, |

|1/23/09 |Written reflection |Naturalism, & Regionalism |

| |Review for Unit Test Monday: Realism, Naturalism, and Regionalism | |

|DGP sentence for next week (19): richard wright who left the south when he was seventeen wrote native son a novel that earned him wide recognition in 1940 |

|Monday |Unit Test: Realism, Naturalism, & Regionalism | |

|1/26/09 | | |

|Tuesday |Assign & introduce research paper on 1920’s | |

|1/27/09 |Discuss how to pick a topic and take a stance | |

|Wednesday |Vocabulary Quiz 2 | |

|1/28/09 |Hand out MLA packet and go over MLA format | |

| |Discuss how to conduct research – books and internet | |

| |Source sheets and website evaluation form | |

|Thursday |D-107 | |

|1/29/09 |Research paper | |

|Friday |D-105 | |

|1/30/09 |Research paper | |

|DGP sentence for next week (20): which of those authors has written his plays in both english and french |


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