Freight Forwarder Survey
Freight Forwarder Survey
1. Danzas Corporation
120 Blaze Industrial Parkway
Berea , Ohio 44017
2. Date opened at this location: 1984 (as Air Express International)
3. Number of people employed at responding office: 15
Operations: 11
Sales: 1
Administration: 3
4. Name and address of home office:
Danzas AEI
Corporate Headquarters
120 Tokeneke Road
Darien,CT 06820
5. Date company formed:
Danzas traces its history back to 1815. The Danzas Group was acquired by Duetsche Post in 1999. Air Express International was acquired and merged into the Danzas Group in 2000.
6. Is your firm private or publicly held? Public
7. Please state your annual sales volume for your firm in the U.S.: US$7.8 billion worldwide in 2000.
8. Please advise us of your annual tonnage for air and ocean freight:
Danzas AEI is the leading airfreight carrier in the world and fifth largest in ocean freight. Consequently, our tonnage in both modes is significant and varies by trade route.
9. Where do you see future areas of growth?
Given our acquisition of Air Express International we are now the number one airfreight provider in the world and among the top five in ocean freight. Given our worldwide coverage and Duetsche Post ownership we see our growth occurring in supply chain management solutions and software applications moreso than our traditional business lines.
10. Number and location of offices?
Please see our corporate web site for a complete listing of each office worldwide and its staffing and capabilities. ()
11. Are potential customers provided with a financial statement? If yes, please attach.
Yes. Our financial statements are freely available from our corporate web site.
12. Certifications and authorizations:
FMC Licensed Foreign Freight Forwarder License Number: 841
NVOCC (Non-Vessel-Operating Common Carrier) bond number: 58222
Customs House Broker – License Number: Corporate L#3481
Motor Carrier/Drayage Company: Selected Locations.
Export Packaging Facility in-house: Yes.
IATA Approved Cargo Sales Agents: Yes.
Export Management Company: No
International Consultant: Yes
ISO 9002 registered/compliant: Yes
Licensed Customhouse Brokerage Operation: Yes. All U.S. offices are ABI-certified.
13. Please identify which activity listed above, if any, would be considered the primary one for your firm:
For the Cleveland office - freight forwarding and customhouse brokerage.
14. Please identify:
Primary service areas in rank order: (1) IFF, (2) CHB, (3) Air Cargo Sales, (4) NVOCC, (5) Export Packing
% shipped to area: Cleveland office’s business is respectively 39%, 37%, 14%, 8%, and 2%.
Volume shipped to area: Export cargo is the greatest in volume.
15. Please explain your computer/electronic data interchange capability:
Does your firm have a website? Corporate website ()
E-mail capabilities? All Danzas-owned offices have e-mail capabilities.
Tracing and tracking capabilities online? Instant access to the latest shipment information through Danzas owned offices.
16. Insurance Liability Coverage for your firm (please check all that apply to your firm):
Bill of lading liability ___
Errors and omissions __X_
Bailee liability (Warehouse/Motor Truck) ___
Packing liability _X__
Customs liability __X_
Third party liability ___
Other (please list) ___
17. Please identify the name and title of the person responsible for sales activities of this office: William Krabec, District Vice President
18. What is the frequency that sales representatives usually call on customers?
Monthly or bi-monthly depending upon customer volumes and requests to see sales personnel.
19. Are you able to provide customer references for potential customers?
Yes. We are happy to provide such references and are willing to put you in contact with customers shipping to/from similar locations as your firm.
20. Does your firm have an after hours phone number for use in an emergency?
Yes. Customers may call our World Service Center, toll free, 24 hours, 7 days a week.
21. Does your firm file Shipper’s Export Declarations (SED) via the Automated Export System (AES)?
Yes. All of our U.S. offices are fully automated to take advantage of AES.
22. Does your firm have allocations with airlines or ocean liners?
Yes. We have allocations for both air and ocean in all of our major trade lanes (US/Europe; US/China; US/Australasia; Western Europe/Central and Eastern Europe; Europe/Asia; Europe/Africa; Europe/South America)
23. Tonnage per week: This information is not available at this time.
24. Please identify the names and titles of all international operations personnel with 5 years or more international operations experience:
Name Title # of years air # of years ocean
Bill Krabec District Vice President 22 17
Paula Bresky Customs Brokerage Supervisor 8 8
Harry Walton International Air Manager 10 0
25. Which locations have the ability to handle cargo? Please identify below by checking in the appropriate box.
|Location |Fork Lift |Warehouse |Air Container Handling |Ocean Container Handling |
|Cleveland |x |x |x |x |
| | | | | |
| | | | | |
Please see our corporate web site for other locations’ capabilities.
26. Hours of operation by location most likely to serve us:
The Cleveland office has a full operational staff from 8:00 a.m. to 11:00 p.m., Monday-Friday. An “on call” service is available on the weekends.
27. Reference materials available to your staff:
|International Trade Reporter, Export Reference Manual, Bureau of National |x |
|Affairs | |
|Exporters Encyclopedia, Dun & Bradstreet | |
|Schedule B Book |x |
|Export Administration Regulations |x |
|The Air Cargo Tariff |x |
|Official Airline Guide |x |
|Journal of Commerce |x |
|Internet |x |
|Shippers Digest |x |
|American Shipper |x |
|Other | |
28. Please identify the training programs that you have in place for your personnel:
Danzas AEI offers a wide variety of internal training programs. Examples include hazmat training for air cargo, training for the ocean certification program, and sales training. Managers also attend outside training seminars as well.
29. What is your rate or % of claims per 1,000 shipments?
Less than 1%.
30. What is your rate of % of shipments shipped on time?
Air: 97.5%; Ocean: 98.5
31. Additional comments regarding service, operations and sales:
Our corporate web site provides a variety of additional information.
32. Please describe your basic or standard charges for air and ocean exports and customhouse brokerage.
Air: Basic document preparation and SED submission: $65 per airway bill
Ocean: Basic document preparation and SED submission: $87.50 per bill of lading
The basic document preparation charges include normal local courier charges. Any express or non-local courier charges are billed out at cost plus a $15 handling fee.
Customhouse brokerage: $95 for standard entry with five or less HTS classifications. Each additional classification is $15.
All other charges depend on the situation. Major clients are often given discounts off these prices.
Freight Forwarder Survey
1. Expeditors International
6950 Engle Rd.
Middleburg Heights, OH 44130-3420
2. Date opened at this location: September 1991
3. Number of people employed at responding office: 31
Operations: 21
Sales: 4
Administration: 6
4. Name and address of home office:
Expeditors International of Washington Inc.
1015 Third Ave
12th Floor
Seattle, WA 98104
5. Date company formed: 1979 – Single office in Seattle, Washington
6. Is your firm private or publicly held? Public
7. Please state your annual sales volume for your firm in the U.S.: Please see our online financials at .
8. Please advise us of your annual tonnage for air and ocean freight:
For competitive reasons we would prefer to not release this information in this format. We will be happy to discuss this with you in person.
9. Where do you see future areas of growth?
Expeditors originally grew out of an import focus on Far East trade with the United States. As we have continually expanded in the past 21 years our commitment to high levels of customer service have not changed. Our recent expansions in China and along the northern and southern borders of the United States is indicative of where we think major opportunities exist.
10. Number and location of offices?
Expeditors currently has 160 offices worldwide. The easiest way to see our office locations is to visit our web site:
11. Are potential customers provided with a financial statement? If yes, please attach.
Potential customers are invited to download our financial statements from our web site:
12. Certifications and authorizations:
FMC Licensed Foreign Freight Forwarder License Number: 309
NVOCC (Non-Vessel-Operating Common Carrier) bond number: 41637
Customs House Broker – License Number: Corporate L#1004
Motor Carrier/Drayage Company: No
Export Packaging Facility in-house: Yes. Capabilities vary by office.
IATA Approved Cargo Sales Agents: Yes. All U.S. locations have IATA approved cargo sales agents.
Export Management Company: No
International Consultant: Yes
ISO 9002 registered/compliant: Thirty-eight offices in North America are currently ISO 9002 compliant. We are continuously working to obtain certification for all of our offices worldwide.
Licensed Customhouse Brokerage Operation: Yes. All U.S. offices offer brokerage services.
13. Please identify which activity listed above, if any, would be considered the primary one for your firm:
Customhouse brokerage
14. Please identify:
Primary service areas in rank order: (1) CHB, (2) IFF, (3) Insurance, (4) NVOCC
% shipped to area: Currently Cleveland receives slightly more imports than exports.
Volume shipped to area: Same as above.
15. Please explain your computer/electronic data interchange capability:
Does your firm have a website? Corporate website is
E-mail capabilities? All Expeditor offices have e-mail capabilities.
Tracing and tracking capabilities online? Expeditor’s proprietary tracking system allows for immediate online tracing and tracking.
16. Insurance Liability Coverage for your firm (please check all that apply to your firm):
Bill of lading liability _X_
Errors and omissions __X_
Bailee liability (Warehouse/Motor Truck) _X_
Packing liability _X_
Customs liability __X_
Third party liability ___
Other (please list) ___
17. Please identify the name and title of the person responsible for sales activities of this office: Chris Lazuka
18. What is the frequency that sales representatives usually call on customers?
Per prearranged agreement with customer.
19. Are you able to provide customer references for potential customers?
Yes. Expeditors is proud of its service record and encourages potential customers to talk with existing Expeditor clients.
20. Does your firm have an after hours phone number for use in an emergency?
Each local office provides an emergency number that can be called during non-business hours.
21. Does your firm file Shipper’s Export Declarations (SED) via the Automated Export System (AES)?
Yes. All of our U.S. offices are fully automated to take advantage of AES.
22. Does your firm have allocations with airlines or ocean liners?
We currently have allocations on several US/Pacific Rim routes.
23. Tonnage per week: Averages are misleading due to seasonality.
Number of weekly consolidations and cut-off times/days. Three/7:00 p.m. cut-offs/M/W/F
Top three preferred airlines: Singapore Air/Northwest Airlines/Japan Air
Top three preferred ocean carriers: APL/Sealand/COSCO
24. Please identify the names and titles of all international operations personnel with 5 years or more international operations experience:
Name Title # of years air # of years ocean
Robert Gierszal Manager 30 21
25. Which locations have the ability to handle cargo? Please identify below by checking in the appropriate box.
|Location |Fork Lift |Warehouse |Air Container Handling |Ocean Container Handling |
|Cleveland |x |x |x |x |
| | | | | |
| | | | | |
Other U.S. offices have similar capabilities.
26. Hours of operation by location most likely to serve us:
The Cleveland office has a full operational staff from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Monday-Friday.
27. Reference materials available to your staff:
|International Trade Reporter, Export Reference Manual, Bureau of National |x |
|Affairs | |
|Exporters Encyclopedia, Dun & Bradstreet |x |
|Schedule B Book |x |
|Export Administration Regulations |x |
|The Air Cargo Tariff |x |
|Official Airline Guide |x |
|Journal of Commerce |x |
|Internet |x |
|Shippers Digest |x |
|American Shipper |x |
|Other |x |
28. Please identify the training programs that you have in place for your personnel:
We currently require all employees to receive 52 hours of training. This represents an increase over previous training requirements. Also, in an effort to reduce turnover we have instituted a Management Trainee program so career paths can be established for personnel at lower ranks in the company. A number of other certification programs are run internally.
29. What is your rate or % of claims per 1,000 shipments?
Less than 1%.
30. What is your rate of % of shipments shipped on time?
Air: 99%; Ocean: 98% (These figures are for the Cleveland office only.)
31. Additional comments regarding service, operations and sales:
If you have additional, specific questions, please contact our Cleveland office.
32. Please describe your basic or standard charges for air and ocean exports and customhouse brokerage.
Air: Basic document preparation and SED submission: $80 per airway bill
Ocean: Basic document preparation and SED submission: $80 per bill of lading
Other documents are priced according to nature of transaction.
Basic courier charge is $20 per transaction.
Customhouse brokerage: $67.50 for standard entry. Additional HTS classifications are $10.00 per classification.
All other charges depend on the situation. Major clients are often given discounts off these prices.
Freight Forwarder Survey
1. Kuehne & Nagel Inc.
19695 Commerce Parkway
Cleveland, OH 44130-2408
2. Date opened at this location: April 1990
3. Number of people employed at responding office:
Operations: 16
Sales: 2
Administration: 4
4. Name and address of home office:
Kühne & Nagel Management AG
Kühne & Nagel-Haus
CH-8834 Schindellegi Switzerland
5. Date company formed: 1885
6. Is your firm private or publicly held? Private
7. Please state your annual sales volume for your firm in the U.S.: $2.5-$5 Million for Cleveland office
8. Please advise us of your annual tonnage for air and ocean freight:
Our airfreight over the last three years has averaged around 7 million kilos inbound and outbound for the U.S.
Our ocean freight over the last three years has averaged around 32 million kilos inbound and outbound for the U.S.
9. Where do you see future areas of growth? Eastern Europe and selected Pacific Rim lanes (Viet Nam, Thailand, Philippines).
10. Number and location of offices?
Kuehne and Nagel has over 600 offices in approximately 90 countries. Kuehne and Nagel owns and operates all of its offices. We maintain 46 U.S. offices.
11. Are potential customers provided with a financial statement? If yes, please attach.
Please visit our web site for this information. Rest assured that the financial health of Kuehne and Nagel is very good!
12. Certifications and authorizations:
FMC Licensed Foreign Freight Forwarder License Number: 220
NVOCC (Non-Vessel-Operating Common Carrier) bond number: 16833
Export Packaging Facility in-house: Not available in Cleveland but is available at major hubs in Newark, Chicago, Miami, and Los Angeles.
Customs House Broker – License Number: Corporate L#2727
Motor Carrier/Drayage Company: Selected Locations.
IATA Approved Cargo Sales Agents: Yes. All U.S. locations have IATA approved cargo sales agents.
Export Management Company: No
International Consultant: Yes.
ISO 9002 registered/compliant: Yes
Licensed Customhouse Brokerage Operation: Yes. All U.S. offices offer brokerage services.
13. Please identify which activity listed above, if any, would be considered the primary one for your firm:
Freight forwarding and customhouse brokerage.
14. Please identify:
Primary service areas in rank order: 1. IFF 2. CHB 3. NVOCC
% shipped to area: Cleveland office’s business is 50% forwarding, 35% brokerage, 15% NVO.
Volume shipped to area: Not available for the Cleveland office.
15. Please explain your computer/electronic data interchange capability:
Does your firm have a website? Corporate website (kn-)
E-mail capabilities? All Kuehne and Nagel owned offices have e-mail capabilities.
Tracing and tracking capabilities online? Instant access to the latest shipment information through Kuehne and Nagel owned offices.
16. Insurance Liability Coverage for your firm (please check all that apply to your firm):
Bill of lading liability ___
Errors and omissions __X_
Bailee liability (Warehouse/Motor Truck) ___
Packing liability ___
Customs liability __X_
Third party liability ___
Other (please list) ___
17. Please identify the name and title of the person responsible for sales activities of this office: Juergen Habner, Manager
18. What is the frequency that sales representatives usually call on customers?
19. Are you able to provide customer references for potential customers?
Yes. We are happy to provide such references and are willing to put you in contact with customers shipping to/from similar locations as your firm.
20. Does your firm have an after hours phone number for use in an emergency?
There is a 24-hour staffed corporate hotline number available. The Cleveland office does not have an after hours phone but Cleveland staff can be contacted, if necessary, by the corporate staff.
21. Does your firm file Shipper’s Export Declarations (SED) via the Automated Export System (AES)?
Yes. All of our U.S. offices are fully automated to take advantage of AES.
22. Does your firm have allocations with airlines or ocean liners?
Both. Allocations are currently negotiated on a country-wide basis, not office by office.
23. Tonnage per week: Varies so this is difficult to answer.
Number of weekly consolidations and cut-off times/days. The Cleveland office has four consols, 2 each to the west coast and east coast. West bound consols are Tuesday and Friday, 8:00 p.m. and east bound consols are Monday and Thursday, 5:00 p.m.
Top three preferred airlines: Lufthansa to Europe; Continental/Northwest to Pacific; American to Central and South America.
Top three preferred ocean carriers: Hapag-Lloyd, Sealand, Evergreen
24. Please identify the names and titles of all international operations personnel with 5 years or more international operations experience:
Name Title # of years air # of years ocean
Juergen Habner Manager 15 12
Johan Zick Air Manager 13 0
Celeste Brown Ocean Manager 2 8
Bill Lackey Ocean Specialist 0 14
Jan Owens Air Consol Coordinator 6 1
25. Which locations have the ability to handle cargo? Please identify below by checking in the appropriate box.
|Location |Fork Lift |Warehouse |Air Container Handling |Ocean Container Handling |
|Cleveland |x |x |x |x |
| | | | | |
| | | | | |
Other U.S. offices have similar capabilities.
26. Hours of operation by location most likely to serve us:
The Cleveland office has a full operational staff from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Monday-Friday. Our air consol night crew works until 10:00 p.m, Monday-Friday. Normally we do not have weekend hours.
27. Reference materials available to your staff:
|International Trade Reporter, Export Reference Manual, Bureau of National |x |
|Affairs | |
|Exporters Encyclopedia, Dun & Bradstreet | |
|Schedule B Book |x |
|Export Administration Regulations |x |
|The Air Cargo Tariff |x |
|Official Airline Guide |x |
|Journal of Commerce |x |
|Internet |x |
|Shippers Digest | |
|American Shipper | |
|Other | |
28. Please identify the training programs that you have in place for your personnel:
(1) Corporate manager training program; (2) Air cargo hazmat training program; (3) Ocean certification training program.
29. What is your rate or % of claims per 1,000 shipments? Less than 1%.
30. What is your rate of % of shipments shipped on time?
Air: 95%; Ocean: 99% In the case of air shipments most missed shipments are the result of insufficient documentation provided by the customer.
31. Additional comments regarding service, operations and sales:
32. Please describe your basic or standard charges for air and ocean exports and customhouse brokerage.
Air: Basic document preparation and SED submission: $85 per airway bill
Ocean: Basic document preparation and SED submission: $95 per bill of lading
Consularized invoices - $50; Certificate of origin - $40; Letters of credit - $75
The basic document preparation charges include normal local courier charges. Any express or non-local courier charges are billed out at cost plus a $10 handling fee.
Customhouse brokerage: $80 for standard entry with three or less HTS classifications. Each additional classification is $7.50.
All other charges depend on the situation. Major clients are often given discounts off these prices.
Freight Forwarder Survey
1. Fritz Companies
18685 Sheldon Rd.
Middleburg Heights, OH 44130-2471
2. Date opened at this location: 1999
3. Number of people employed at responding office: 9
Operations: 6
Sales: 1
Administration: 2
4. Name and address of home office:
Global Headquarters
Fritz Companies, Inc.
706 Mission Street, Suite 900
San Francisco, CA 94103 USA
5. Date company formed: 1933
6. Is your firm private or publicly held? Private until 1992 when public offering was made. Acquired in 2001 by UPS. Fritz is a wholly owned subsidiary of UPS which is a publicly traded corporation.
7. Please state your annual sales volume for your firm in the U.S.: Over US$1 Billion in worldwide revenues in 2000.
8. Please advise us of your annual tonnage for air and ocean freight:
These figures are currently not available to the public due to our recent acquisition. However, it is anticipated that our already strong position in both air and ocean will remain that way with air increasing as we integrate our service offerings with our parent organization, UPS.
9. Where do you see future areas of growth?
Fritz will gain easier access to global supply chain management, service parts logistics and financial offerings through UPS.
10. Number and location of offices?
Over 400 offices worldwide. Please consult our web site for complete list of locations.
11. Are potential customers provided with a financial statement? If yes, please attach.
This can be arranged if necessary. Our previous years’ SEC filings are publicly available.
12. Certifications and authorizations:
FMC Licensed Foreign Freight Forwarder License Number: 034
NVOCC (Non-Vessel-Operating Common Carrier) bond number: 10019
Export Packaging Facility in-house: Available throughout the Fritz network.
Customs House Broker – License Number: Corporate L#0188
Motor Carrier/Drayage Company: Yes. Also available through UPS network.
IATA Approved Cargo Sales Agents: Yes. All U.S. locations have IATA approved cargo sales agents.
Export Management Company: No
International Consultant: Yes – Fritz Logistics
ISO 9002 registered/compliant: Operations in 24 countries are currently ISO 9002 compliant.
Licensed Customhouse Brokerage Operation: Yes. All U.S. offices offer brokerage services.
13. Please identify which activity listed above, if any, would be considered the primary one for your firm:
Freight forwarding.
14. Please identify:
Primary service areas in rank order: Approximately 28% of Fritz's net revenue was generated from air freight forwarding; 21% from ocean freight forwarding; 30% from customs brokerage operations, and 21% from logistics services.
% shipped to area: Cleveland office’s business reflects the above distributions.
Volume shipped to area: Same.
15. Please explain your computer/electronic data interchange capability:
Does your firm have a website? Corporate website is
E-mail capabilities? All Fritz offices have e-mail capabilities.
Tracing and tracking capabilities online? Fritz has consistently been an innovator in custom tracing and tracking software. Our proprietary FLEX system enables our customers to track and trace their shipments.
16. Insurance Liability Coverage for your firm (please check all that apply to your firm):
Bill of lading liability __X_
Errors and omissions __X_
Bailee liability (Warehouse/Motor Truck) _X_
Packing liability __X_
Customs liability __X_
Third party liability ___
Other (please list) ___
17. Please identify the name and title of the person responsible for sales activities of this office:
Joanne Shine – Fritz Worldwide Sales Representative
18. What is the frequency that sales representatives usually call on customers?
19. Are you able to provide customer references for potential customers? Yes, upon request.
20. Does your firm have an after hours phone number for use in an emergency?
Each office has an emergency number that can be called. Additionally, through our FLEX system customers can notify our corporate staff of problems during non-business hours.
21. Does your firm file Shipper’s Export Declarations (SED) via the Automated Export System (AES)?
22. Does your firm have allocations with airlines or ocean liners?
As one of the leading forwarders we have allocations with several different airlines and ocean liners. These allocations are negotiated quarterly and occasionally change as our customers shift business.
23. Tonnage per week: Not available.
Number of weekly consolidations and cut-off times/days. Cleveland offers two consols per week on Monday and Friday. Cut-off times are 3:00 p.m. both days.
Top three preferred airlines: UPS/Lufthansa/Korean Air
Top three preferred ocean carriers: Sealand/Maersk/APL
24. Please identify the names and titles of all international operations personnel with 5 years or more international operations experience:
Name Title # of years air # of years ocean
Curt Leffingwell Branch Manager 7 0
Larry Lallensach Assistant Manager 9 6
25. Which locations have the ability to handle cargo? Please identify below by checking in the appropriate box.
|Location |Fork Lift |Warehouse |Air Container Handling |Ocean Container Handling |
|Cleveland |x |x | | |
| | | | | |
| | | | | |
Capabilities vary according to location and customer needs.
26. Hours of operation by location most likely to serve us:
8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. (Air cargo personnel are available during evening hours.)
27. Reference materials available to your staff:
|International Trade Reporter, Export Reference Manual, Bureau of National | |
|Affairs | |
|Exporters Encyclopedia, Dun & Bradstreet | |
|Schedule B Book |x |
|Export Administration Regulations |x |
|The Air Cargo Tariff |x |
|Official Airline Guide |x |
|Journal of Commerce |x |
|Internet |x |
|Shippers Digest | |
|American Shipper |x |
|Other | |
28. Please identify the training programs that you have in place for your personnel:
The local Cleveland office currently does not have any formal training programs.
29. What is your rate or % of claims per 1,000 shipments?
Less than 2.5%.
30. What is your rate of % of shipments shipped on time?
Air: 98%; Ocean: 98%
31. Additional comments regarding service, operations and sales:
32. Please describe your basic or standard charges for air and ocean exports and customhouse brokerage.
Air: Basic document preparation and SED submission: $85 per airway bill
Ocean: Basic document preparation and SED submission: $105 per bill of lading
Letters of credit and banking - $75
Any ocean shipment requiring express delivery of documentation is assessed a $45 courier fee.
Customhouse brokerage: $85 for standard entry with two or fewer HTS classifications. Each additional classification is $5.50. Each entry is billed an electronic submission charge of $3.00. Additional fees may apply.
Freight Forwarder Survey
1. NNR Air Cargo
18001 Englewood Dr. #R&S
Middleburg Heights, OH 44130-3476
2. Date opened at this location: January 1984
3. Number of people employed at responding office: 18
Operations: 14
Sales: 1
Administration: 3
4. Name and address of home office:
NNR Aircargo Service (USA) Inc.
Corporate Offices
450 East Devon, Suite #260
Itasca, IL 60143
5. Date company formed: 1956
6. Is your firm private or publicly held? Private
7. Please state your annual sales volume for your firm in the U.S.: Proprietary.
8. Please advise us of your annual tonnage for air and ocean freight:
9. Where do you see future areas of growth? We see continuing growth in the US/Pacific Rim trade lanes as China’s infrastructure develops and countries such as Viet Nam, Laos, and Cambodia attract more international investment.
10. Number and location of offices?
We have approximately 20 offices in the United States. Not all of the offices offer the same services. Please check the following web site for our worldwide network of company-owned and agent offices:
11. Are potential customers provided with a financial statement? If yes, please attach.
Our credit rating is listed as “very good.” Requests for complete financial statements must be made in writing to our corporate office.
12. Certifications and authorizations:
FMC Licensed Foreign Freight Forwarder License Number: 557
NVOCC (Non-Vessel-Operating Common Carrier) bond number: 70336
Export Packaging Facility in-house: Limited to certain locations. Cleveland offers export packaging.
Customs House Broker – License Number: Corporate L#3466
Motor Carrier/Drayage Company: Yes.
IATA Approved Cargo Sales Agents: Yes. All U.S. locations have IATA approved cargo sales agents.
Export Management Company: No
International Consultant: Informal services available.
ISO 9002 registered/compliant: Yes
Licensed Customhouse Brokerage Operation: Some U.S. offices have brokerage services. Please check the map for the nearest office offering such services.
13. Please identify which activity listed above, if any, would be considered the primary one for your firm:
Freight forwarding and air cargo.
14. Please identify:
Primary service areas in rank order: Freight forwarding.
% shipped to area: Cleveland office’s business is 85%.
Volume shipped to area: Not certain what you are asking for with this question.
15. Please explain your computer/electronic data interchange capability:
Does your firm have a website?
E-mail capabilities? PowerFreight Network system incorporates e-mail, freight tracking, etc.
Tracing and tracking capabilities online? PowerFreight Network.
16. Insurance Liability Coverage for your firm (please check all that apply to your firm):
Bill of lading liability ___
Errors and omissions __X_
Bailee liability (Warehouse/Motor Truck) ___
Packing liability ___
Customs liability __X_
Third party liability ___
Other (please list) ___
17. Please identify the name and title of the person responsible for sales activities of this office: Mark Matoba - Manager
18. What is the frequency that sales representatives usually call on customers?
Every six to eight weeks.
19. Are you able to provide customer references for potential customers?
20. Does your firm have an after hours phone number for use in an emergency?
21. Does your firm file Shipper’s Export Declarations (SED) via the Automated Export System (AES)?
Yes. Please see our website for a complete description:
22. Does your firm have allocations with airlines or ocean liners?
23. Tonnage per week: Approximately 20,000 pounds per week out of Cleveland.
Number of weekly consolidations and cut-off times/days. Nightly consols on Monday, Wednesday, Friday.
Top three preferred airlines: Japan Air
Top three preferred ocean carriers: None
24. Please identify the names and titles of all international operations personnel with 5 years or more international operations experience:
Name Title # of years air # of years ocean
Mark Matoba Manager 28 9
25. Which locations have the ability to handle cargo? Please identify below by checking in the appropriate box.
|Location |Fork Lift |Warehouse |Air Container Handling |Ocean Container Handling |
|Cleveland |x |x |x | |
| | | | | |
| | | | | |
26. Hours of operation by location most likely to serve us:
8:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m.
27. Reference materials available to your staff:
|International Trade Reporter, Export Reference Manual, Bureau of National | |
|Affairs | |
|Exporters Encyclopedia, Dun & Bradstreet | |
|Schedule B Book |x |
|Export Administration Regulations |x |
|The Air Cargo Tariff |x |
|Official Airline Guide |x |
|Journal of Commerce |x |
|Internet |x |
|Shippers Digest | |
|American Shipper | |
|Other | |
28. Please identify the training programs that you have in place for your personnel:
Each employee receives 20 hours of training yearly.
29. What is your rate or % of claims per 1,000 shipments?
Less than 2%.
30. What is your rate of % of shipments shipped on time?
Air: 99%; Ocean: 93%
31. Additional comments regarding service, operations and sales:
Please see web site for expanded information.
32. Please describe your basic or standard charges for air and ocean exports and customhouse brokerage.
Air: Basic document preparation and SED submission: $75 per airway bill
Ocean: Basic document preparation and SED submission: $98 per bill of lading
Other fees may apply.
Customhouse brokerage: $80 for standard entry with three or less HTS classifications. Each additional classification is $7.50.
All other charges depend on the situation. Major clients are often given discounts off these prices.
Freight Forwarder Survey
1. Phoenix International Freight
6920 Engle Rd.
Cleveland, OH 44130-3420
2. Date opened at this location: June 1994
3. Number of people employed at responding office: 17
Operations: 14
Sales: 1
Administration: 2
4. Name and address of home office:
Phoenix International Freight Services, Ltd.
712 N. Central Ave.
Wood Dale, IL 60191 USA
5. Date company formed: 1979
6. Is your firm private or publicly held? Private
7. Please state your annual sales volume for your firm in the U.S.: Over $300 Million worldwide in 2000.
8. Please advise us of your annual tonnage for air and ocean freight:
50,000 import TEUs, 10,000 export TEUs in 2000
9. Where do you see future areas of growth? Pacific Rim
10. Number and location of offices?
has complete listing. However, in general, Phoenix International has 39 company-owned offices (24 in USA, 14 in Pacific, 1 in Ireland) and a network of agents worldwide.
11. Are potential customers provided with a financial statement? If yes, please attach.
If so desired it can be provided.
12. Certifications and authorizations:
FMC Licensed Foreign Freight Forwarder License Number: 753
NVOCC (Non-Vessel-Operating Common Carrier) bond number: 22889
Export Packaging Facility in-house: Not available in Cleveland but is available at major hubs with distribution facilities.
Customs House Broker – License Number: Corporate L#7492
Motor Carrier/Drayage Company: No
IATA Approved Cargo Sales Agents: Yes. All U.S. locations have IATA approved cargo sales agents.
Export Management Company: No
International Consultant: Yes
ISO 9002 registered/compliant: No
Licensed Customhouse Brokerage Operation: Yes.
13. Please identify which activity listed above, if any, would be considered the primary one for your firm:
Customhouse brokerage
14. Please identify:
Primary service areas in rank order: Customhouse brokerage, NVOCC, Consulting
% shipped to area: Cleveland office’s business is 55% import/45% export
Volume shipped to area: 740 TEUs
15. Please explain your computer/electronic data interchange capability:
Does your firm have a website? Corporate website ()
E-mail capabilities? Yes.
Tracing and tracking capabilities online? Yes, recently revised and upgraded for easier online use.
16. Insurance Liability Coverage for your firm (please check all that apply to your firm):
Bill of lading liability ___
Errors and omissions __X_
Bailee liability (Warehouse/Motor Truck) ___
Packing liability __X_
Customs liability __X_
Third party liability _X_
Other (please list) ___
17. Please identify the name and title of the person responsible for sales activities of this office: Rick Mettetal, Manager
18. What is the frequency that sales representatives usually call on customers?
As requested after initial service is started.
19. Are you able to provide customer references for potential customers?
20. Does your firm have an after hours phone number for use in an emergency?
Corporate number provides 24 hour coverage.
21. Does your firm file Shipper’s Export Declarations (SED) via the Automated Export System (AES)?
22. Does your firm have allocations with airlines or ocean liners?
We have allocations with steamship lines for the Pacific Rim/US lanes.
23. Tonnage per week: This is difficult to answer as it is highly variable due to seasonal conditions.
Number of weekly consolidations and cut-off times/days. Offer weekly inbound consols from the Pacific Rim. Usually loads on Tuesdays and Saturdays with afternoon cut-offs to make night departures.
Top three preferred airlines: No preferences.
Top three preferred ocean carriers: Evergreen, NOL, APL
24. Please identify the names and titles of all international operations personnel with 5 years or more international operations experience:
Name Title # of years air # of years ocean
Rick Mettetal Manager 12 4
25. Which locations have the ability to handle cargo? Please identify below by checking in the appropriate box.
|Location |Fork Lift |Warehouse |Air Container Handling |Ocean Container Handling |
|Cleveland | | | | |
| | | | | |
| | | | | |
We have a working agreement with an NVOCC’s terminal operations if necessary.
26. Hours of operation by location most likely to serve us:
7:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.
27. Reference materials available to your staff:
|International Trade Reporter, Export Reference Manual, Bureau of National |x |
|Affairs | |
|Exporters Encyclopedia, Dun & Bradstreet | |
|Schedule B Book |x |
|Export Administration Regulations |x |
|The Air Cargo Tariff |x |
|Official Airline Guide |x |
|Journal of Commerce |x |
|Internet |x |
|Shippers Digest |x |
|American Shipper |x |
|Other |x |
28. Please identify the training programs that you have in place for your personnel:
All clerical employees initially receive in-house training. As their skill level rises we send them as well as managers to outside training programs. If we find a program that we think is particularly effective and useful we hire the program to present in-house to our staff.
29. What is your rate or % of claims per 1,000 shipments?
Slightly less than ½ of 1%
30. What is your rate of % of shipments shipped on time?
Air: 98.5%; Ocean: 98.75%
31. Additional comments regarding service, operations and sales:
For a complete history of our company, our services and our commitment to our customers please see our corporate web page. Thank you for the opportunity to be involved in your RFI process.
32. Please describe your basic or standard charges for air and ocean exports and customhouse brokerage.
Air: Basic document preparation and SED submission: $70 per airway bill
Ocean: Basic document preparation and SED submission: $90 per bill of lading
Banking services: $40 per L/C and/or draft.
Courier fees apply to each shipment and are assessed at $7.50.
Customhouse brokerage: $80 for standard entry with three or less HTS classifications. Each additional classification is $5.00.
Freight Forwarder Survey
1. Yusen Air and Sea Service USA Inc.
6930 Engle Rd. #P&Q
Middleburg Heights, OH 44130-8459
2. Date opened at this location: October 1986
3. Number of people employed at responding office: 8
Operations: 6
Sales: 1
Administration: 1
4. Name and address of home office:
Yusen Air and Sea Service USA Inc. (USA Headquarters)
377 Oak Street
Garden City, NY 11530
5. Date company formed: February 28, 1955
6. Is your firm private or publicly held? Public (Japan)
7. Please state your annual sales volume for your firm in the U.S.: Cleveland office generates between $500,000 and $1 Million per year.
8. Please advise us of your annual tonnage for air and ocean freight:
85,000 lbs. airfreight / 40,000 M/T ocean freight
9. Where do you see future areas of growth? US/Pacific Rim corridor
10. Number and location of offices?
See detail at ().
11. Are potential customers provided with a financial statement? If yes, please attach.
Financials also available at our web site.
12. Certifications and authorizations:
FMC Licensed Foreign Freight Forwarder License Number: 724
NVOCC (Non-Vessel-Operating Common Carrier) bond number: 26893
Export Packaging Facility in-house: Not in Cleveland.
Customs House Broker – License Number: Corporate L#8308
Motor Carrier/Drayage Company: Selected Locations.
IATA Approved Cargo Sales Agents: Yes. All U.S. locations have IATA approved cargo sales agents.
Export Management Company: No
International Consultant: Available through YAS Group.
ISO 9002 registered/compliant: Yes
Licensed Customhouse Brokerage Operation: Yes. All U.S. offices offer brokerage services.
13. Please identify which activity listed above, if any, would be considered the primary one for your firm:
Freight forwarding and air cargo service.
14. Please identify:
Primary service areas in rank order: 1. IFF 2. Air cargo service.
% shipped to area: Cleveland office’s business is 50/50.
Volume shipped to area: Seasonal variations make this difficult to generalize.
15. Please explain your computer/electronic data interchange capability:
Does your firm have a website? Corporate website ()
E-mail capabilities? Yes.
Tracing and tracking capabilities online? Yes. ICSS (Integrated Customer Service System).
16. Insurance Liability Coverage for your firm (please check all that apply to your firm):
Bill of lading liability ___
Errors and omissions __X_
Bailee liability (Warehouse/Motor Truck) ___
Packing liability _X_
Customs liability __ _
Third party liability ___
Other (please list) ___
17. Please identify the name and title of the person responsible for sales activities of this office: George Schuster, Manager
18. What is the frequency that sales representatives usually call on customers?
19. Are you able to provide customer references for potential customers?
Yes. We can provide customers that use similar trade lanes as yours.
20. Does your firm have an after hours phone number for use in an emergency?
21. Does your firm file Shipper’s Export Declarations (SED) via the Automated Export System (AES)?
22. Does your firm have allocations with airlines or ocean liners?
23. Tonnage per week:
Number of weekly consolidations and cut-off times/days. Outbound consols on Wednesdays with an 8:00 p.m. cut-off.
Top three preferred airlines: Japan Air and Korean Airlines
Top three preferred ocean carriers: COSCO, APL, Evergreen
24. Please identify the names and titles of all international operations personnel with 5 years or more international operations experience:
Name Title # of years air # of years ocean
George Schuster Manager 25 17
Bill Wegman Air Cargo Manager 7 5
25. Which locations have the ability to handle cargo? Please identify below by checking in the appropriate box.
|Location |Fork Lift |Warehouse |Air Container Handling |Ocean Container Handling |
|Cleveland |x |x |x | |
| | | | | |
| | | | | |
26. Hours of operation by location most likely to serve us:
8:00 a.m. – 8:00 p.m. M-F.
27. Reference materials available to your staff:
|International Trade Reporter, Export Reference Manual, Bureau of National | |
|Affairs | |
|Exporters Encyclopedia, Dun & Bradstreet | |
|Schedule B Book |x |
|Export Administration Regulations |x |
|The Air Cargo Tariff |x |
|Official Airline Guide |x |
|Journal of Commerce |x |
|Internet |x |
|Shippers Digest | |
|American Shipper | |
|Other |x |
28. Please identify the training programs that you have in place for your personnel:
In-house training provided to each new hire.
29. What is your rate or % of claims per 1,000 shipments?
Less than 1%.
30. What is your rate of % of shipments shipped on time?
Air: 99.5%; Ocean: 96%
31. Additional comments regarding service, operations and sales:
Yusen Air offers a broad variety of services. Please see our web site for complete details on the fine services our firm can offer your business.
32. Please describe your basic or standard charges for air and ocean exports and customhouse brokerage.
Air: Basic document preparation and SED submission: $85 per airway bill
Ocean: Basic document preparation and SED submission: $95 per bill of lading
Consularized invoices - $35; Certificate of origin - $25; Letters of credit - $50
The basic document preparation charges include normal local courier charges. Any express or non-local courier charges are billed out at cost plus a $12.50 handling fee.
Customhouse brokerage: $80 for standard entry with three or less HTS classifications. Each additional classification is $7.50.
All other charges depend on the situation. Major clients are often given discounts off these prices.
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