Lifeline Systems Inc

| | This is a FOLLOW-UP Install; Number of pages |Program Name |Program Phone Number |

|This is a PARTIAL Install |included: |LIFELINE OF NEGMC      |770-219-8899      |

|(Must complete all |1 or 2 | | |

|fields outlined in bold) | | | |

|Program Code |Model Type |Unit # |Household Phone # |Installation Date |

|GA037      | | |(       ) | |

| |      |      | |      |

|Salutation |Subscriber Last Name |First Name |Middle |Suffix |

| | | | | |

|      |      |      |      |      |

|Preferred Name |Last Name Sounds Like |Language Need? |Gender |Date Of Birth |

| | | | | |

|      |      |Spanish Other       |Male Female |      |

|Household Information |Emergency Phone Numbers (Do not list 911 or 800 #’s) |

|Residential Street Address/Apt.# |CENTRAL DISPATCH (       ) |

| | |

| |POLICE (       ) |

|City |State |Zip Code |FIRE (       ) |

|Township/Municipality |County | AMBULANCE Check if Private ALTERNATE AMBULANCE |

| | |(       ) (       ) |

|Household Hidden Key Location |Directions To Home (Must Be Provided If PO Box Listed) |Additional Services |

|      |      | Healthcare Directives |

| | |Inactivity Alarm Service |

| | |Special Instructions |

| | | State Funded |

| | |Lifeline Smoke Detector |

|Drug Allergies |Medical Conditions and/or Diseases |Household Warning |

|      |      |      |      |

| |      |      | |

|Responder One |Responder Two |Responder Three |

|Name (First/Last) |Name (First/Last) |Name (First/Last) |

|Language Need? |Language Need? |Language Need? |

|Spanish Other       |Spanish Other       |Spanish Other       |

|Street Address |Street Address |Street Address |

|City, State, Zip Code |City, State, Zip Code |City, State, Zip Code |

|      |      |      |

|Family Relation | Have Key |Family Relation | Have Key |Family Relation | Have Key |

|      |Family Caregiver |      |Family Caregiver |      |Family Caregiver |

| |Notify | |Notify | |Notify |

| |Reminder Contact | |Reminder Contact | |Reminder Contact |

|Phone Home Work Cell |Phone Home Work Cell |Phone Home Work Cell |

| | | |

|(       ) |(       ) |(       ) |

|Phone Home Work Cell |Phone Home Work Cell |Phone Home Work Cell |

| | | |

|(       ) |(       ) |(       ) |

|Phone Home Work Cell |Phone Home Work Cell |Phone Home Work Cell |

| | | |

|(       ) |(       ) |(       ) |

|Program Code |Subscriber Last Name |First Name |Household Phone # |Program Name |

| | | | | |

|GA037 | | |( ) |LIFELINE OF NEGMC |

|Notify |Notify |

|Name (First/Last) |Family Relation |Name (First/Last) |Family Relation |

| | | | |

| |Family Caregiver | |Family Caregiver |

| |Reminder Contact | |Reminder Contact |

|Phone Home Work Cell |Phone Home Work Cell |Phone Home Work Cell |Phone Home Work Cell |

|(       ) |(       ) |(       ) |(       ) |

|Primary Physician |Third Party Notify |

|Name (First/Last) |Name (First/Last) |Fax Number |

| | | |

| | |(       ) |

|Phone |Name (First/Last) |Fax Number |

|(       ) | | |

| | |(       ) |

|Preferred Hospital |Referral Source |

|Hospital Name |Name (First/Last) |Phone |

| | | |

| | |(       ) |

|City, State |Phone (REQUIRED) |Organization/Agency Name |Position/Title |

|      | | | |

| |(       ) | | |

| Multiple Subscriber Household |Street Address |City, State, Zip Code |

|(You must complete a separate Care Plan Agreement for each Subscriber) | |      |

| | | |

|Name of Additional Subscriber | | |

| | | |

|      | | |

| |Coupon Code |      | |

| | – |

| | |

| |Referral Source Code Promotion Code |

|Subscriber Notes |

|Payer Information |

|First Name (If applicable organization name) |Last Name |Home Phone # |

| | | |

| | |(       ) |

| | | |

|Street Address | |Work phone # |

| | | |

| | |(       ) |

| | | |

|City |State |Zip Code |Social Security Number |Medicaid Number |

| |      |      |XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX | |

|Monthly Fee(s) | |One Time Fee(s) | |Payment Frequency |Payment Method |

|Monitoring Service |$XXXX |Enrollment Fee |$No Charge |X Monthly |X Invoice |

|Inactivity Service |$XXXX | |$XXXX |Quarterly |Credit Card |

| |$      |Shipping & Handling | |Yearly |Debit Card |

|Card Type |Name (as it appears on Card) |Card Number |Expiration Date |

|X Visa | | | |


|X American Express | | | |

|X Discover | | | |

|For Program Use Only (Not to be Entered by Data Entry) |

| |

|Signature Of Subscriber Date |Signature Of Payer (If Different) Date |

| | |

|      |      |


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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