Curriculum and Course Descriptions





When you produce much fruit, My Father is honored and glorified; And you

show and prove yourselves to be true followers of mine.

John 15:8

We welcome you to this study of God’s Holy Word, Jesus.

We pray this study will help equip you

For your ministry and walk with the Lord Jesus Christ.

May you be led by the Holy Spirit and glorify the Father.

John 15:8 says,

“When you bear (produce) much fruit,

My Father is honored and glorified;

And you show and prove yourselves to be true followers of mine.”


Our prayer for you:

Ephesians 4:11-16

And he gave some, apostles; and some, prophets; and some, evangelists; and some, pastors and teachers; For the perfecting of the saints, for the work of the ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ: Till we all come in the unity of the faith, and of the knowledge of the Son of God, unto a perfect man, unto the measure of the stature of the fulness of Christ. That we henceforth be no more children, tossed to and fro, and carried about with every wind of doctrine, by the sleight of men, and cunning craftiness, whereby they lie in wait to deceive; But speaking the truth in love, may grow up into him in all things, which is the head, even Christ: From whom the whole body fitly joined together and compacted by that which every joint supplieth, according to the effectual working in the measure of every: part, maketh increase of the body unto the edifying of itself in love.

(King James Version)




Beginning and History 3

Purpose 3

Doctrinal Statement 4

Accreditation and Affiliation 5

Admission Procedures & Requirements 5

Transfer of Credits 5

Practicums 5

Financial Information 5

Graduation 6

Administration 6

Credit Hours Required 7

Grading Policies 8

Letter Prefix’s for Courses 8

Course Divisions 9

Our Doctrinal Statement

We believe that the Bible is the authoritative inspired Word of God, and that it was recorded by holy men of God as they were moved by the Holy Spirit.

We believe there is but one true and living God, who reveals Himself to men in the persons of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. He is omnipotent, omniscient, omnipresent, wise, good, holy, just, loving, self-existent, eternal, and the creator of heaven and earth.

We believe in Jesus Christ the only begotten son of God born of a virgin; His sacrificial death to redeem mankind; His resurrection and ascension; and His second coming in power and glory to rule and reign. He is the head of His church, their Savior, and their Lord.

We believe that there is no other way for salvation than by faith in the shed blood of Jesus. That man was made in the image of God, and is a free moral being who must accept this salvation by faith.

We believe in the person and ministry of the Holy Spirit who is an active participant in our lives and ministry, and empowers us for fruitful service, teaches us truth, guides us, and enables us to live holy lives.

We believe in the resurrection of the living and the dead, either to eternal life and reconciliation with God or eternal damnation and separation from God.

We believe the church is called to proclaim the gospel to an unbelieving world and prepare believers for the Lord, through the power of His Name and the anointing of the Holy Spirit.

We believe that believers should walk in love and endeavor to keep unity and peace in the body of Christ. True love and relationship are foundational to this ministry, first with our Creator and then with His people everywhere.

We believe that God has raised up this ministry to aid the existing church bodies to increase spiritually both in quality and quantity, and to bring unity in the community or the body of Christ.

Beginnings and History

These teachings were born in Africa, out of a walk of faith, and a confirmed vision given by God in 1989. This school is His ministry and His vision to teach and ground as many people as possible in the knowledge of God’s Word. Joan Melrose, the founder was called to mission work in September of 1986. She worked in other parts of the world for two years before following her calling to Kenya Africa in 1988.

In Kenya she worked one year with an orphanage before being lead by the Holy Spirit to Bungoma, which is located in the Western part of Kenya. It was here that God confirmed through many different ways and sources that He desired this school be started. In the fall of 1990 the first school was started in Malakisi, and thirteen students graduated in the spring of 1991. Currently there are many graduates from this college who are continuing on with their education in the Word of God and teaching others. The college originally started with a basic curriculum of many topics. Others topics were later added until it became a one-year diploma course. CLT was given permission to combine their basic course with the courses of Kenya Ministry Training Institute and became a college with enough credits to give bachelor degrees. The college was chartered in 1996 to give degrees under Shalom Bible College and Seminary. We were also given their correspondence courses and other courses from other institutions so that the graduates could continue on for their master’s and doctor’s degrees.

In the spring of 1996 God also took Joan back to the USA for a period of time and birthed the vision for expanding this ministry to other parts of the world as well as Kenya. The college was started in the USA and is now being taught in the state of Montana. This school is also continuing to expand to many parts of Kenya. In 2003 we also started a schools in Uganda. There is vision to take CLT to other countries as well (as God opens the doors).


Christian Life Teachings is an Interdenominational Bible College founded to teach foundational truths and ground peoples everywhere in these Biblical truths. Our desire is to take these foundational teachings to all people who desire to know and be richly grounded in the Word of God. We desire to obey the Word and go to the people, as Christ commanded in Matthew 28:19-20. We are an established campus school, but also offer correspondence courses.

Another desire of this ministry is to bring unity in the Body of Christ. We believe the Bible teaches that we are all one body, and as all work together in love, we extend the body of Christ around the world. We believe that regardless of our denomination, race, nationality, tribe, language, intelligence, culture, position, wealth, etc., that we are all a part of the body of Christ. That we are all equal in the eyes of our God, and that we all have a purpose and a calling. Ours is to equip and encourage people to fulfill that purpose or that calling in their lives. We desire that men and women would not be tossed by every wind of doctrine, but will know these Biblical truths, walk in them, and disciple others in these truths. Our goal is to prepare a people for the LORD.

Accreditation and Affiliation

Christian Life Teachings is accredited with the American Accrediting Association of Theological Institutions of Rocky Mount, North Carolina. We are affiliated with Shalom Bible College and Seminary, 4007 High Road, West Des Moines, IA 50265, U.S.A., and YAHshua Bible College and Seminary in Perryville, AR 72126.

Admission Procedures and Requirements

Christian Life Teachings accepts students without regard to race, color, national and ethnic origin, or gender providing all other entrance requirements are met. The applicant is not required to be a form four graduate to be admitted, but should have sufficient maturity to understand course materials and prepare homework assignments.

Upon reporting to the school you will fill out an application form and pay the required registration fee. If you have had previous education and plan to complete a degree you should also include a resume or curriculum vitae (information about your previous education, secular or Christian and church activities or ministry.) Include copies of any documentation, credentials, transcripts or certificates that you might have obtained. These copies will be kept in your personal college file.

Transfer of Credits

Credit may be given for work completed in other institutions, providing they parallel with the advanced courses offered by CLT, and providing that grades in these courses were satisfactory. The CLT basic foundational courses are a requirement to graduate from CLT. Except for twelve credits for practical work, Bible courses are required to graduate with a Bachelor degree. Practical ministry and secular accredited college transcripts can be accepted and credit given towards your master’s and doctor’s degrees. It is the responsibility of the student to have their transcripts come directly to CLT from your transfer school.


To receive credit for your practical work a 10-12 page report must be written and typed in a 12 font on one side of the paper double spaced. You can receive credit for the following practical work:

(1) Door to Door Evangelism (2) Outdoor or Street Evangelism (3) Intercession (4) Children’s Ministry (5) Prison Ministry (6) Ministry to Seniors (7) Praise and Worship (8) Mercy Ministry (9) Seminars or Teaching (10) Others (as God leads you)


Income from Student tuition does not cover the cost of a student’s education at CLT. Substantial amounts must be raised each year by the College to cover the difference between what students pay and the cost of their education. Students will be expected to pay for their course material and must pay this cost in advance of the course. We also recommend that you obtain a good study Bible, a concordance and a Webster’s and Bible dictionary.


All credits must be in order, and all required and assigned classes finished with an acceptable grade point average. A passing grade is 70 or above. All academic fees must be completed before graduation. There will be a graduation fee as agreed upon by all the graduates for each class. This fee must be paid.


- Executive Board and Faculty -

Joan Dell Melrose, D.C.Ed - Chairman and Founder

Kenya Ministry Training Institute, Shalom Bible College and Seminary, YAHshua International Bible College and Seminary, International School of Ministry, Youth With a Mission

Charlotte Bostic, B.C.Ed – Teacher and Administrator

Christian Life Teachings , Shalom Bible College and Seminary

Georgia L. Penniman, M.Ed – Teacher

Whitworth College

Marilyn Theis, B.C.Ed – Teacher

Christian Life Teachings

Neidra Newberry – B.C.Ed – Teacher

Christian Life Teachings

Credit Hours Required


Thirty three credits of the CLT basic curriculum are required for a Diploma in Bible.

Bachelor Degrees:

A total of 126 credits are required for the Bachelor’s Degree. A minimum of six extra credits is required to receive a Bachelor of Theology (Th.B.) Degree. A Thesis of 15-20 pages typed in a 12 font on one side of the paper, double spaced is required. It is worth 6 credits.

Bachelor Degrees are Available in the Following Areas:

Bachelor of Christian Education, B.C.Ed.

Bachelor of Ministries, B.Min.

Bachelor of Theology, B.Th.

Bachelor of Divinity, B.D.

Other Bachelor Degrees may be available upon request.

The Master’s and Doctor’s Degree

A student must first have attained their Bachelor’s Degree before they continue on to another degree programs.

The Master’s Degree requires 60 credit hours above the Bachelor level, bringing the required credits for a Master’s Degree to 189 credit hours. A thesis of 25-30 pages typed double space in a 12 font on one side of the paper is required for this degree.

The Doctor’s Degree requires 60 credit hours above the Master’s level, bringing the required credit for a Doctor’s Degree to 249 credit hours. A dissertation of 65-75 pages typed double space is a 12 font on one side of the paper is required for this degree.

In the Master’s and Doctor’s Program, the Degrees available are:

Divinity Ministries

Religious Education Nouthetic Counseling

Christian Education Theology

Music Ministries Other – Specialties

See the Shalom Catalog for other degrees above a Doctor’s Degree.

Grading Policies

A Excellent 94-100 4.0

B Above Average 86 – 93 3.0

C Average 78-85 2.0

D Poor 70-77 1.0

F Fail 0-69 0.0

I Incomplete N/A N/A

Letter Prefix’s for Courses

BF Basic Foundational

NT New Testament

OT Old Testament

CLM Christian Life Ministry

BI Bible

BH Bible History

BT Biblical Theology

NC Nouthetic Counseling

GS General Study

AS Akron Studies

Curriculum and Course Descriptions

Basic Foundational Courses

BF-1 The Word of God, God’s Word and How to Use It, Church Fellowship,

Time Management, God the Father, God the Son, God the Holy Spirit

The objective is to make the student appreciate the meaning, value and how to use the Word of God, and to understand God the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. The importance of church fellowship and good management of time are discussed.

BF-2 Prayer and Hearing the Voice of God, Mediation, Fasting, Creation of

Earth and Man, Heaven, Hell and Paradise, Angels, Satan, Demons,

Spiritual Warfare.

This study ushers one into intimate relationship with God. One also gets to know about creation, heaven, hell, and paradise, and other created beings. Tactics of how to battle the devil are also discussed.

BF-3 Salvation, Water Baptism, Communion, Blood Covenant, Life and Death,

Sin, Fruits of the Flesh

In this study we look at sin and how to handle it, the natural outworking of the sinful nature, and death, both physical and spiritual. We also see the free gift of salvation, two vital ordinances of the church and the biblical concept of the blood covenant.

BF-4 The Gifts and Fruits of the Spirit, Baptism of the Holy Spirit, Health and

Healing, Laying on of Hands, Anointing, Seven Temples of God.

It discusses the manifestations of the Spirit, the natural outworking of the Spirit filled life, the initial infilling of the Spirit, how to receive and minister healing of the whole person (body, soul, and spirit) and the transference of God’s power through laying on of hands. The study also discusses the Old Testament physical temples and the New Testament spiritual temples.

BF-5 Personal Holiness, Sanctification, Relinquishing Rights, Forgiveness, Personal Relationship with God, Holy Matrimony, Submission, Romantic Relationships, Loving Oneself, Family Relationships, Discipleship, Breaking Controlling Powers

This study is about good relationships: with God as we walk in holiness and forgiveness and intimacy with Him; with our spouses and family. It explains how to have self esteem and how to answer the great commission of discipling the nations.

BF-6 Faith, Thanks and Praise, Church History, Finances for Individuals and the

Church, Principles of Prosperity, Personal Money Management

It teaches how to respond to God in faith, express gratitude and glorify Him. It encourages financial stewardship. It also gives an outline of Church History over the ages.

BF-7 Growing up Spiritually, The Church, Ministers and Ministries, Servanthood Leadership, Five Fold Ministry, Law and Grace Compared, Predestination,

End Time Events

This study encourages believers to grow up. It looks at the Church and its servants, the Jesus kind of leadership and the ministry gifts. It compares the Mosaic law and grace, gives a balanced view of predestination and discusses eschatology.

BF-8 Pride and a Lying Tongue, Perspective on Wealth, Cults, Occult and Non-Christian Religions, African Traditional Religions, Breaking the Curse on the Land

The student learns how to avoid the pitfalls of pride and lying and to have a proper view of material wealth. A comparative study of religions helps the student to know and avoid the deception of the devil.

BF-9 Praise and Worship, Motivational Gifts

This study shows how to express praise and adoration to God from the heart. It also discusses the seven gifts of Romans chapter twelve. These gifts determine how we operate in our ministry and manifestational gifts.

BF-10 Cleansing the Leper, Jesus in the Required Feasts, A Jewish Wedding,

Jesus in the Tabernacle

In this study we see Jesus in Old Testament types and shadows. We also see our relationship with Him in the allegory of the Jewish wedding.

BF-11 New Testament Church, Public Communication, Women in Leadership,

Jesus Style Leadership, Understanding Leadership

This study helps believers to appreciate the simplicity and freedom of the early church and how to teach and preach the Word. Women are encouraged to lead and minister alongside men as they sense God’s call. It teaches principles of leadership from the example of Jesus. It discusses vision, goals, authority, power, responsibility, building blocks of relationship and stress management.

BF-12 Twelve Apostles, The Silent Years, Israel a Biblical Perspective

These studies give the students a deeper knowledge of Jewish and Christian History. They cover the time periods before and after Christ and the history and establishment of the State of Israel

BF-13 Conflicts, Balance in the Word, Breaking Intimidation, How to be a Prayer Warrior

These teachings encourage students to be balanced in their walk and teachings and how to resolve areas of conflict. We also encourage students to not walk in fear but follow the leading of the Holy Spirit and become effective intercessors, do warfare, and take their cities for Christ.

BF-14 Personal Responsibility, Benefits of Fearing the Lord, Taking Up of the Saints and the Second Coming of Christ, Subtle Power of Spiritual Abuse, God’s Armor Bearer, Research Methods

The students learn to walk in integrity before the Lord, so they are prepared to meet the Lord at His coming. They also learn how to discern if they abuse their positions and if people have been abused. They learn how to support leadership and how to do a thesis.

Old Testament Courses

The courses in this section deal with the content, intent, and application of the 39 books of the Old Testament.

OT-1 Old Testament Survey

This is a telescopic view of the Old Testament, giving the background, theme and outline of each book.

OT-2 Genesis

This is a study of the book of beginnings. It traces the history of God’s dealings with the human race from creation to the time the chosen people settled in Egypt. Prominent characters include Adam, Noah, Abraham, Isaac, Jacob and Joseph. Many references are made to the New Testament.

OT-3 Moses and the Law

This is a study of Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers and Deuteronomy. It traces the history of the Jewish nation from slavery in Egypt and their wandering in the wilderness for forty years because of disobedience. It shows how Jehovah is a great deliverer. It delves into the aspects of the Law that are: the covenant, the decalogue, the covenant code, the code of Deuteronomy, the holiness code and the priestly code.

OT-4 The Rise of Israel

It is a study of Joshua, Judges, Ruth, l & 2 Samuel and 1 Chronicles. It shows how the nation of Israel grew from the conquest of Canaan through the time of judges to a Kingdom at its zenith.

OT-5 The Decline and Fall of Israel

This is a look at the history of the Jewish nation from its prime time during the reign of Solomon to the divided kingdom, the exile, the return of Judah and the rebuilding of the temple and wall of Jerusalem. The books covered are 1 & 2 Kings, 2 Chronicles, Ezra, Nehemiah and Esther.

OT-6 Psalms and Wisdom Literature

This study looks at the Old Testament poetic literature. The books covered are Job, Psalms, Proverbs, Ecclesiastes and Song of Solomon. Christ is seen in the Psalms in His prophetic priestly and kingly offices. His sufferings, death and resurrection are foretold.

OT-7 Prophets and Their Message – Part 1

This study introduces the prophets as God’s spokesmen and covenant enforcement messengers. They sought God and obeyed Him. It delves into the messages of the writing prophets of the First Period – the time of the decline and fall of the northern kingdom between 934 and 721 BC. The books covered are Joel, Jonah, Amos, Hosea, Isaiah, and Micah.

OT-8 Prophets and Their Message – Part 2

It is a study of the messages of the writing prophets of the second period (decline and fall of Judah), third period (Babylonian captivity) and fourth period (return and restoration of Judah). They cover the period between 612 – 432 BC. The books studied are Zephaniah, Nahum, Jeremiah, Habakkuk, Ezekiel, Daniel, Lamentations, Obadiah, Haggai and Malachi.

New Testament Courses

Courses in this section deal with the content, intent, and application of the 27 books of the New Testament.

NT-1 New Testament Survey

This is a telescopic view of the New Testament, giving the background, theme and outline of each book.

NT-2 The Life and Ministry of Christ

It is a study of the birth, life, works, death and resurrection of Jesus. It is a harmonized study of the Gospels: Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. The six points of the Kerygma (proclamation message) are emphasized.

NT-3 Acts

This is an account of the Acts of the Holy Spirit in the early church. It demonstrates the gradual growth of the church from a small Jewish group to the whole world. Peter is the central focus of the first twelve chapters. Paul is the focus of the rest of it.

NT-4 The Life and Ministry of Paul

This study traces Paul’s life and ministry in the book of Acts and in his Epistles. There is much to learn from a man who was a committed, zealous, humble yet strong advocate of the gospel – a man who was called to suffer for the sake of the name he had tried to destroy, and taught that we must suffer many things in order to enter the Kingdom.

NT-5 Early Pauline

It deals with Paul’s stereological epistles namely Galatians, 1 & 2 Corinthians and Romans; and eschatological epistles namely 1 & 2 Thessalonians.

NT-6 Late Pauline Epistles

It looks at Paul’s Christological epistles, namely Colossians, Ephesians, Philippians, Philemon, and Pastoral epistles namely 1 & 2 Timothy and Titus.

NT-7 Hebrews and General Epistles

The books covered are Hebrews, James, 1 & 2 Peter, 1, 2, 3 John and Jude. We see the superiority of Jesus, the life of faith, how to handle false teachers, and exhortations in suffering, among other things.

NT-8 Revelation

This apocalyptic, eschatological, New Testament prophecy is studied with an open mind to the different methods of interpretation and the different schools of thought on the rapture and the millennial reign.

Christian Life and Ministry Courses

CLM-1 Basic Christian Discipleship

This study deals with the meaning of the Kingdom of God, Inspiration of the Word, Bible interpretation, and the nature, life and mission of the church.

CLM-2 God and Covenant History

This is a study of God, creation and fall of man, effects of the fall and the meaning of the covenant. God reveals Himself as a relentless redeemer throughout history in the lives of Adam, Noah, Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Moses, David and in the person of Jesus.

CLM-3 God’s Provisions in Christ

The study portrays Jesus as God’s incarnate Gift, High Priest, and King over us. It shows His humiliation and exaltation. Christ paid for our sins by His substitutionary death on the cross. Through Him we are called, chosen and justified. Other benefits in Him are regeneration, healing, union with Christ and our adoption.

CLM-4 Christ’s Kingdom in Me

This study explains how to enter the Kingdom through repentance and faith; and how to respond to water and Spirit baptisms and the gifts. The New Covenant is the basis for Christ’s Kingdom. We are called to obey and worship Christ the King and pray through Him. As we learn to hear His voice we discover our place in God’s Kingdom. We are to be ambassadors of God’s character and love as we live in Christ’s victory.

CLM-5 Christ’s Kingdom in the Family

It deals with God’s ideal design for a family. Manhood, womanhood and the single person in God’s Kingdom are also looked at. It compares the family with the church.

CLM-6 Christ’s Kingdom and the Church

It is a study of God’s Kingdom in the gospels and in the church. The nature and life of the church, its membership, ministries, government, discipline, economics, mission, and growth, among other things are discussed.

CLM-7 Christ’s Kingdom in the Market Place

This study looks at the delegation of the earth to man and the commission to labor. The family is seen as an economic unit. The value of work is emphasized. We are called to excellence and faithfulness in money and apprenticeship. It explores the Biblical model of productivity, the deception of debt, process and product, sowing and reaping, and balancing between rest and work, among other things.

CLM-8 Christ’s Kingdom in the World

This study looks at God’s eternal purpose and Christ’s mission to the world. As Christ’s ambassadors to the world we are to demonstrate authentic faith through signs and wonders. Finally it delves into eschatological issues.

Shalom Correspondence Courses

To complete credits for your Bachelor’s and towards your Master’s and Doctor’s degrees

Bible History

BH-1 Church History, “The Story of Christianity,” Part 1

Church History, Part 1, studies the days of the Apostles to the Eve of the Reformation, covering the first 15 centuries of the Church’s life and thought.

BH-2 Church History, “The Story of Christianity,” Part 2

Church History, Part 2, begins with the Protestant Reformation of the 16th century, and continues to the present, ending with a discussion of the major issues and debates involving Christians today.

BH-3 Introduction to the Prophets

This study begins with the history of the Prophets. It is a synopsis of every Prophet in the Word of God, including the false prophets and non-writing Prophets.

BH-4 The Major Prophets

Get acquainted with Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel and Daniel. The study will include their general message, its permanent value and a general outline of each book and the Prophet’s Ministry in relation to Israel and the other contemporary nations.

BH-5 The Minor Prophets

This study includes the writings of Hosea, through Malachi. It will cover the same areas as the Major Prophets, their Message and their Ministry in relation to Israel and the surrounding nations.

BH-6 Acts of the Apostles

This is a powerful study of the beginning of the New Testament Church as it is formed by the Holy Ghost. We see the believers of Christ called Christians for the first time

BH-7 Acts of the Missionaries

This explains the beginning of today’s Missionary endeavors; and reveals the price of being a True Disciple of Jesus Christ

BH-8 Old Testament History

A study of the history of Israel from the time of her entrance into Canaan until the birth of Jesus. Periods of history include the conquering and dividing of Canaan, the Judges, King David’s reign, the division of Israel into Judah and Israel, the Babylonian captivity, and the Restoration.

BH-9 Tribes of Israel

This is a powerful study of the Tribes of Israel, using Dr. Gwen Shaw’s book as a textbook. As you work through this study, you will find yourself identifying with the Tribes and the call of God upon your life; and having an understanding of the Blessings and words of caution given to all of the Tribes.

BH–10 Christianity and Its Jewish Roots

There will be special emphasis on Jewish history as it relates to Christ and Christianity. Consideration will be given to the development and mutual influence of Jewish religion and culture on Western civilization. This course seeks to interpret the message of Christ and the New Testament to the Jewish people.


BI-1-3 Life of Christ, Parts 1-3

This study thrusts us into a Spirit-filled journey as we follow the footsteps of Christ. The journey begins at His birth and continues through His arrest, trial, crucifixion and concludes with Jesus victorious over death, hell and the grave.

BI-4 Pentateuch

This course comprises a careful study of the first five books of the Bible. Particular emphasis is given to authorship, beginning of time, and the founding Patriarchs’ major contributions of each book. The importance in each book is seen in relationship with the plan of the whole Bible.

BI-5 General Epistles

A study of James, I and 2 Peter, 1,2,3 John, and Jude. Their Message is to the New Testament Church. A practical application for today’s world is presented. These are the Pastoral and Prison Epistles.

BI-6 Poetic Books and Wisdom Literature

This study will cover the books of Proverbs, Ecclesiastics and Song of Solomon. In these books are wisdom. In Proverbs-Life; in Ecclesiastics-Expressions of Life; in Song of Solomon- the Wisdom of Love. In the book of Job we will study the most ancient manuscript written in poetry. In the Psalms we will study the Poetic songs of Scripture.

BI-7 Jesus Teaches Character

This course looks at the life of Peter, and shows how God can take a person, even someone with a heart of stone, and change their life to be used for the Glory of the Lord.

BI-8 John the Beloved

This study shows John, the Disciple whom the Lord Loved! It will help you to understand afresh who John really was and the depth of his Love for Jesus. As you see John’s Love for the Lord, you will find your own heart being drawn to Love the Lord too!

BI-9 The Revelation of Jesus Christ

The book of Revelation will give the Student a basis for understanding the events of the End-Time. You will study the Book of Revelation chapter-by-chapter, and search out its Prophetic nature. Golden nuggets of truth will be harvested.

BI-10 – The Book of Hebrews

An in-depth, chapter-by-chapter study on the “Better Covenant,” Jesus Christ being the “Better Covenant.”

Nouthetic Counseling

NC-1,2,3 Basic Nouthetic Counseling, Sessions 1,2,3

Nouthetic Counseling is lovingly confronting with the Word of God, believing that the solutions to all man’s problems can be found in the Word. These courses will lay a foundation and develop solutions for problems. It is a course to help people to change. The student will cover 25 basic counseling principles and problems frequently faced.

NC- 4,5,6,7 Advanced Nouthetic Counseling, Sessions 4,5,6,7

The student begins to learn to apply practical applications of counseling. The responsibility of being a “Shepherd” of God’s people. One learns how to connect Biblical Doctrine and instruction with practical living.

Other Shalom Courses Available

BT-1 Doctrines of the Bible

“As a man thinketh in his heart, so is he. All of man’s life turns into what he thinks, and most of what he thinks of God. An introductory study of the great doctrines of the Christian faith are presented in this study.

BT-2 The Prophetical Spirit in Ministry

This course is an in-depth study, teaching us the working of the Holy Ghost in the midst of the Church. We see Him manifesting His presence through the gifts and working in our life, producing the fruit of His Spirit.

BT-3-4 Throughly Furnished, 1 and 2

Basic Course required by Shalom Bible College and Seminary. It is a basic foundational course.

BT-5 Let’s Weigh the Evidence

This is a study on reasons for using the King James Version of the Bible for study.

BT-6 Sealed With Covenental Blood

A study on the covenant between God and his people.

BT-7 Gods Holy Word

The object of this course is to inspire a love “in your heart” for the Word of God, to proclaim the authenticity of the Authorized King James Bible of God’s Word, and to incite within the Student’s spirit the necessity to live and move and have their being in Him.

Other Courses Offered for Credit for your Degree’s

GS-1 Native American Religion

This is a study on the religions of the native tribes of North America. We go into the different ways the tribes worshipped and their different beliefs in God and the spiritual world.

GS-2 Jesus Last Will and Testament, John 17

Authored by Dr. Ramona Jolly this course reveals how Jesus’ prayer provides us with His last will and testament. In it He not only verifies His preexistent nature and His purpose of coming to this earth, but He also reveals the glorious destination for Himself and those who are His heirs. You will find the place and purpose of prayer as we explore the depths of this most awesome portion of Scripture.

GS-3 Pageantry in Worship

This is a teaching by Dr. Carol Crook on praising God through the dance. It also includes a study on the use if flags/standards in our worship times.

GS-4 Christianity Portrayed in Judaism

A teaching by Dr. Carol Crook which covers the Magen David, the Tallit, the Prophetic Tabernacles, Garments of the Priests, Shofars and Trumpets, the Feasts of the Lord, the Prophetic Wedding and the Sabbath.

GS-5 Gods Guidance, Being Led by the Spirit

A teaching by Dr. Carol Crook on how to hear the voice of the Spirit and follow His leading in your life.

GS-6 How to grow a Church

A teaching by Dr. Carol Crook on what is the church and it’s purpose and structure. Who are the members and what are their responsibilities. It also covers the five-fold ministry and their responsibilities. How the church multiplies and grows.

GS-7 The Redemption and Romance of Ruth

An in depth study on the book of Ruth by Judith Moore.

GS-8 Teaching - Jesus Style

A teaching by Dr. Marilyn Hargis which is a course on Christian educational methods, using Jesus, the Master Teacher as the standard. Those who have never had a formal training in teaching will benefit from this course.

GS-9 Spiritual Warfare

An in depth study on how we are in a spiritual battle and how to battle the enemies of our soul.

GS-10 Spirit, Soul, Body

A teaching by Dr. James Crook on how God has made and equipped us and how to battle Satan, the enemy of our souls.

GS-11 Song of Solomon

A study on the book of the Song of Solomon.

GS-12 Proverbs

This study is about what Proverbs has to say about righteousness, lying, and wealth or money.

Other courses may also be available. If interested please check for new additions.

Akron - Shalom Bible College and Seminary Courses Available

AS-1 The Blessed Life

AS-2 The Crucified Life

AS-3 The King is Koming

AS-4 60 Things the Holy Spirit Wants to Do for You

AS-5 Keys to Opening God’s Treasure Chest

AS-6 Wake Up Call to the Church

AS-7 God’s Revelation of the Future


That the man of God

may be perfect, throughly

furnished unto all good works.

2 Timothy 3:17


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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