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Terms and Conditions of the PLUS Relationship Program

This document sets forth terms and conditions of the PLUS Relationship Program (hereinafter – the Program) of JSC Bank of Georgia (hereinafter - the Bank).

1. Definitions

1. Customer - any individual using the service of JSC Bank of Georgia;

2. Program – the PLUS Relationship Program under which customers (hereinafter - the Program Participant) will accrue PLUS points and exchange them for the desired service or/and gift, receive free services or/and other benefits from the provider participating in the Program (hereinafter - the Provider).

3. Program Participant - a Bank customer engaged in the PLUS Relationship Program;

4. The Customer’s PLUS Status – a Program Participant’s Status is defined by the use of the Products of predefined Category(ies). The Customer’s Status stipulates the value of banking and non-banking products which is different from the standard value. According to the Customer's Status there may be different rules for the accrual of points.

5. Product Category - one or more banking products united in one category and by the use of which Customer receives the corresponding status.

6. PLUS Point (hereinafter - the Point) - conditional unit accrued to the Plus Account by the Bank under the Program.

7. Plus Account – non-banking account opened for the Customer in the bank information system to register the Points.

8. Program Participant Provider - a Program partner organization, which provides free and/or preferential services to the Program Participant.

9. Service/Balance of Service - a Service available for the Program Participant in exchange for the accumulated Points (which makes it possible to replenish the travel and the cell phone balances, make utility payments).

10. Nominal Cost of Service/Balance of Service - value of Service in the Points determined by the Bank for each specific Service.

11. PLUS Catalogue - a list of Gifts drawn up by the Bank, which the Program Participant can receive in accordance with the terms and conditions defined by this document and the catalogue.

12. Gift – a Gift available to the Program Participant based on the exchange of the Points accrued by the Program Participant under the Program in accordance with the terms and conditions defined by this document.

13. Nominal Cost of the Gift - value of the Gift in the Points that the Bank determines for each specific Gift at its sole discretion.

14. Order Code - a Gift Order Code issued by the Bank or via the remote service of the Bank – Internet Banking and/or Mobile Banking and/or Relationship Program’s website, which makes it possible for the Program Participant to receive the specified Gift as per the rules defined by this document.

15. Payment Transaction – a Payment Transaction performed by a card at the merchants and service facilities to pay by the Customer the cost of an item and/or service, as well as the household (utility) and other payments made from the Customer's card account through the Internet Banking and/or Mobile Banking (other than payments for games of chance and/or other prize games, including the balance replenishment for the games of chance and/or other prize games and/or electronic wallets associated thereof, as well as payments made in the cases specified by the Bank).

16. Points Exchange Transaction Using POS terminal - payment transaction by a card at the merchants and service facilities, when the Customer paid by points the cost of the item and/or service;

17. Promotional Action - an incentive action organized by the Bank during which specific benefits defined by the Bank as well as additional Points and/or Gifts are provided.

18. Debt - monetary and/or any other obligation originating from various grounds which is not discharged in full and properly pursuant to the Bank’s applicable conditions.

19. Recommendation System - relevant Points awarded to the Program Participant in case the Program Participant provides information to the Bank about any person willing to purchase any category of the banking products (hereinafter - Recommended Person) and thereafter such Recommended Person buys the aforesaid Product Category(ies).

20. Grace Period – a period from the termination of use of the products of definite category(ies) to the Customer’s status reduction.

2. General Description of the Program

1. Within the Program, the Bank gives the opportunity to the Program Participant:

• To earn Points while performing Payment Transactions, as well as to receive the desired Service/Product or Catalogue Gift, as well as under the Recommendation System and through it.

• Also, by owning predefined Products Category, to gain a status ensuring in respect of some banking and non-banking products the value/benefit which is different from the standard.

2. Transactions, number of the Points accrued, the Gift ordering and acceptance rules, as well as other terms of the Program are discussed in subsequent chapters of the document.

3. Becoming a Member of the Program

1. The Program may be joined by the Customers who have no Debt to the Bank

2. The Program membership is granted on the basis of an application as well as automatically upon activation of cards predefined by the Bank.

4. Product category

I. Category - Bank Accounts: an accounts package (paid accounts package) or a standard or universal account, for which the monthly service commission fee is paid by the Customer, or a card issued under the payroll project or American Express Rewards Card;

II. Category - Deposits: Term Deposit/Saving Deposit, balance >= GEL 300;

III. Category - Credit Cards: any credit card;

IV. Category - any type of customer or auto loan, installment plan, active overdraft, pawnshop loan, business loan issued to a natural person;

V. Category - Mortgage Loan.

5. Status of the Program Participant

1. Program Participants’ Statuses include:

Classic + - a Customer who owns the products of 2 different categories and participates in the Program.

Silver+ - a Customer who owns the products of 3 different categories and participates in the Program.

Gold + - a Customer who owns the products of minimum 4 different categories.

Express + - a Customer who participates in the Program and does not as yet meet the requirements of Classic+, Silver +, Gold+ statuses.

2. The Program Participant’s Status change for the higher status is carried out on the next banking day following the beginning of use of the banking product(s), while the change for the lower status is carried out after the termination of use of the respective banking product(s) and following the grace period termination.

3. The Grace Period for Classic+ Status Customers constitutes 3 months, while for the Customers with Silver+ and Gold+ statuses - 6 months.

6. Accrual of the Points

1. While the PLUS Points accrual, the Bank takes into consideration only those Payment Transactions, which meet all the following requirements:

1. The Payment Transaction is carried out by any payment card of the Bank of Georgia, as well as by the Pay Sticker, Тskapp application and Apple Pay, except the American Express Cards.

2. The Payment Transaction is carried out within the automatic utility payments service;

3. The Payment Transaction is carried out and recorded in the banking system after joining the Program and before the Program termination/deactivation date.

2. The PLUS Points are accrued to the Plus Account in accordance with the Payment Transactions in the following manner:

1. Customer PLUS status Express +: GEL 1 = 1 PLUS point;

2. Customer PLUS status Classic+: GEL 1 = 1.25 PLUS points;

3. Customer PLUS status Silver+: GEL 1 = 1.5 PLUS points;

4. Customer PLUS status Gold+: GEL 1 = 1.75 PLUS points.

5. The Points are accrued to the Plus Account on the next banking day after the Payment Transaction is reflected in the banking system.

3. When accruing the PLUS Points within the Recommendation System, the Bank takes into consideration only those recommendations received from the Program Participants that satisfy all the following requirements:

1. The Program Participant has specified: the name and surname of the Recommended Person, personal number, phone number and additionally the Product Category to be purchased by the subject of recommendation;

2. Only one active Recommendation shall be effective in respect of a Recommended Person; if more than one Recommendation is made in respect of any Recommended Person, the firstly received Recommendation will prevail and other Recommendations will not participate in the PLUS Points accrual;

3. Validity of the Recommendation constitutes 3 (three) months;

4. The Program Participant may in parallel give 10 (ten) effective Recommendations;

5. The Bank may use the Recommended Person’s data provided by the Customer within the Recommendation System for communicating with such person whereby the latter is notified that this information (Recommendation) has been received from the Recommender;

6. The Recommended Person has purchased during the effectiveness of the Recommendation the Product Category or Categories indicated in the Recommendation;

7. The Recommended Person shall be the Program Participant when purchasing the Category of Product mentioned in his/her Recommendation;

8. The Program Participant agrees that if there is the Recommendation within the Recommendation System regarding him/her and he/she purchases the relevant Product Category, the respective information is provided to the recommender.

9. In case the Recommended Person purchases under the Recommendation System and during the effectiveness of the Recommendation the Product and/or Product Categories indicated in the Recommendation (the Points will be accrued only on 1 (one) purchase of a product and/or Product Category) the number of the Points to be awarded to the recommender shall be determined in accordance with the Product:

• Deposits category: Term/Savings deposit (balance >= 300) 500 PLUS points

• Credit Card category 1,000 PLUS points

• Consumer or auto loan category (balance >= 300) 500 PLUS points

• Mortgage Loan category 5,000 PLUS points

4. The rule for accruing Points to the PLUS account in case of a cash Payment Transaction:

1. The Program Participant collects 1 PLUS Point for every GEL 1 paid in cash at the merchant and/or service facilities defined by the Bank: GEL 1 = 1 PLUS Point;

2. The Program Participant shall, when performing the cash Payment Transaction, record the Payment Transaction by using the Bank’s active card (except American Express Cards) on the POS terminal, which is then reflected by accrual of the Points on the Program Participant's PLUS Account.

3. The Bank is authorized to limit the number of accrual Points and set a limit on the Payment Transactions performed in cash during a calendar day in certain merchant and/or service facilities. In such a case, no Points will be accrued on the Payment Transactions performed above the limit.

4. Points may not be accrued to the PLUS Account of the Program Participant if the merchant and/or service facility has limited ability to reflect the Points accrued during the cash Payment Transaction for technical or other reasons independent of the Bank.

5. A list of merchants and/or service facilities where the Bank permits to perform a cash Payment Transaction is posted on the website

5. PLUS Points accrued to the PLUS Account in accordance with the status are of the certain maturity, after which the Bank is authorized to cancel the Points in full without the additional consent and acceptance of the Customer:

1. Customer PLUS status Express +: 1 year after accruing the PLUS Point;

2. Customer PLUS status Classic+: 3 years after accruing the PLUS Point;

3. Customer PLUS status Silver+: 5 years after accruing the PLUS Point;

4. Customer PLUS status Gold+: with no fixed term.

7. Use of the Points for the Purpose of Getting the Service/Balance of Service

1. The Program Participant is entitled to use the Points existing on his/her Plus Account in order to get the Service/Balance of Service.

2. The Program Participant is not entitled to sell the Points existing on his/her Plus Account.

3. The Program Participant is entitled to exchange the Points for the desired Service if the following necessary conditions are met:

1. The Program Participant has no Debt.

2. The Program Participant has a sufficient number of the Points on the Plus Account to exchange for the Service.

4. The Bank solely defines the list of the Services for which the Program Participant can exchange the Points.

5. The Bank solely defines the Nominal Cost of each Service.

6. The list of the Services and their Nominal Costs are given on the website of the Bank of Georgia, the Program’s website at, in the paybox of the Bank of Georgia, remote service of Internet Banking and Mobile Banking. The Bank is authorized to change any time the list of the Services and their Nominal Costs without notifying the Customer.

7. If the list of the Services and their Nominal Costs specified in printed materials do not match with the lists/nominal costs existing in the Bank of Georgia’s paybox, the Program website at, remote service of Internet Banking and Mobile Banking, the Bank and the Program Participant shall be guided by the lists in the paybox of the Bank of Georgia,, as well as those of the remote service of Internet Banking and Mobile Banking.

8. The Bank is entitled to provide the Customer with information about the Services and their Nominal Costs using one or several means at a time acceptable to the Bank, such as:

1. E-mail;

2. SMS;

3. Paybox of the Bank of Georgia;


5. Remote service of Internet Banking and/or Mobile Banking.

9. If the Program Participant topped up the travel balance by exchanging Points available on the PLUS Account and the card with the travel balance on it expired, was cancelled or withdrawn, or the Program Participant's universal current account to which the above card is linked was closed (or converted to a standard current account for any other reason), and within 30 (thirty) calendar days after the occurrence of such circumstances, no new card has been issued or the Program Participant has no another card with the Bank on which the travel balance can be transferred, the Program Participant will get back to the PLUS Account the Nominal Cost of the remaining travel balance in accordance with the Nominal Cost existing at the Bank on the day of its returning; and if a new card is not issued to the person concerned within the same period and this person is no longer a Program Participant by the expiration of the said period, the Bank is entitled, without the additional consent and acceptance of the person, to cancel the travel balance purchased for the Points.

8. Use of the Points at the Merchants and Service Facilities through the POS Terminal

1. The Program Participant is entitled to use the Points available on the Plus Account though the POS Terminal to get Products or Services at the merchants and service facilities.

2. The Program Participant is not entitled to sell the Points available on his/her Plus Account.

3. The Program Participant is entitled to exchange the Points for the desired product or service if the following necessary conditions are met:

1. The Program Participant has no Debt.

2. The Program Participant has a sufficient number of the Points on the Plus Account for the exchange.

4. The Bank solely defines the list of merchants and service facilities where the Program Participant can exchange the Points by the use of the POS Terminal.

5. The Bank solely defines the Nominal Cost of the Points for Exchange Transaction at the merchants and service facilities.

6. The list of the Services and their Nominal Costs is given on the website of the Bank of Georgia, the Program website at

7. The Bank is entitled to change at any time the list of available Services and their Nominal Costs without notifying the Customer.

9. Use of the Points to Get the PLUS Catalogue Gifts

1. The Program Participant is entitled to use the Points available on the Plus Account to get the Gift from the PLUS Catalogue in accordance with the terms and conditions set forth in this document.

2. The Program Participant is entitled to exchange the Points for the desired Gift from the PLUS Catalogue if the Program Participant has a sufficient number of the Points on the Plus Account to order the Gift.

3. The Bank solely defines the list of the Gifts available to the Program Participant by means of the PLUS Points Order Code.

4. The Bank solely defines the Nominal Cost of each Gift.

5. The list of the Gifts and their Nominal Costs is given in the PLUS Catalogue. The Bank is entitled to unilaterally change at any time the list of the Gifts available on the PLUS Catalogue, their Nominal Costs or/and number of the Gifts to be purchased during the period specified by the Bank without notifying the Program Participant.

6. If the list of the Gifts indicated in the printed catalogue or/and Nominal Costs of the Gifts do not match with the list of the internet catalogue or/and Nominal costs of the Gifts, the Bank and the Program Participant shall be guided by the internet catalogue.

7. The Bank is entitled to provide the Program Participant with information about the Gifts or/and Nominal Costs of the Gifts by use of one or several means at a time acceptable to the Bank, such as:

1. E-mail;

2. SMS;

3. The remote service of the Bank - Internet Banking and/or Mobile Banking;

4. The Program’s website:

8. Each Gift in the Catalogue is assigned unique identification code distinguishing it from other Gifts.

10. Ordering a Gift from the PLUS Catalogue

1. Ordering a Gift from the PLUS Catalogue is possible by the following channels:

1. On the basis of a relevant application submitted by the Program Participant to any service center of the Bank - the Program Participant receives the Gift order application printout and an SMS notification, specifying the Gift selected by the Program Participant and the Order Code required to receive the aforesaid Gift.

2. The Program Participant can order the desired Gift via the remote service of the Bank - Internet Banking and/or Mobile Banking. Upon ordering the Gift through the aforesaid means, the Program Participant receives SMS notification specifying the Gift and Order Code. The Program Participant can additionally apply to any service center of the Bank and request to print out the Gift order application.

3. The Program Participant can order the desired Gift by the Bank’s Program website at:

2. The Gift can be ordered only subject to the fulfilment of the condition defined by paragraph 9.2 of article 9 of this document.

3. At the moment of ordering the Gift the Points corresponding to the Nominal Cost of the Gift shall be blocked on the respective Plus Account.

4. The Gift Order Code is effective during 30 (thirty) calendar days after placing the order. In case the Program Participant fails to use the Order Code to get the respective Gift, his/her corresponding Points on the Plus Account will be automatically unblocked.

5. The Gift order application contains the following information:

1. The Program Participant’s name and surname;

2. The Program Participant’s personal number;

3. The Program Participant’s code at the Bank;

4. The Order Code;

5. Name of the Gift;

6. Code of the Gift;

7. The Point necessary to get the Gift;

8. The name of the merchants/service facilities granting a Gift to the Program Participant on the basis of the presented Gift Order Code;

9. Date of ordering the Gift;

10. Validity of the Order Code.

6. To get the Gift, the Program Participant has to visit merchant/service facility specified in the Catalogue, the Gift order application as well as in SMS notification sent to the Program Participant.

7. The Gift will be handed over at the merchant/service facility only after a person submitting the Order Code presents an identity document.

8. After the Program Participant receives the Gift, the Points corresponding to the Nominal cost of the Gift will be withdrawn from the Plus Account.

9. An order can be cancelled at any service center, through the call center and/or, in cases defined by the Bank, through the website of the Program: only during the period of effectiveness of the order.

10. If the Program Participant wants to cancel the order and the condition stipulated by paragraph 10.9 of article 10 of this document is observed, the Program Participant shall visit any service center of the Bank and fill in the order cancellation application or call the call center and upon undergoing identification, record the request on cancellation of the ordered Gift, or, in cases defined by the Bank, cancel the order through the website of the Program: The Points corresponding to the Nominal cost of the Gift will be unblocked on the Program Participant’s Plus Account in accordance with the conditions established by the Bank.

11. Transfer of the PLUS Points

1. The Program Participant is entitled to transfer the Points to another participant of the Program through the remote service of the Bank - Internet Banking and/or Mobile Banking, if the Program Participant has sufficient Points on the Plus Account to make a transfer.

2. The Program Participant indicates in the relevant section of the remote service of the Bank - Internet Banking and/or Mobile Banking personal number of the recipient of the Points.

12. Accrual of the PLUS Points under the Promotional Action

1. The Bank is authorized to conduct Promotional Actions (including with the participation of third parties) within the scope of which the Points will be accrued in the manner different from the scheme described in article 6.

2. According to the Bank’s decision, all participants of the Program or their specific groups will participate in the Promotional Actions.

3. The Bank solely defines:

1. Duration of the Promotional Action;

2. Groups participating in the Promotional Action;

3. Additional criteria of the Payment Transaction;

4. Number of the Points to be accrued under the Promotional Action;

5. Other conditions of conducting the Promotional Action.

13. Unilateral Right of Deducting the PLUS Points

1. The Bank is entitled to deduct the Points from the Program Participant’s corresponding Plus Account, if:

1. The Bank erroneously accrued the Points to the Program Participant’s Plus Account;

2. The Customer appealed under the procedure established by the Bank the Payment Transaction performed by the payment card to which the Points were accrued;

3. The Payment Transaction does not meet any of the conditions specified in paragraph 6.1;

4. The Program Participant or/and additional card holder returned (refused to accept) the item/service purchased at merchants/service facilities, for which the Payment Transaction earned the Points.

2. When the cases described in paragraph 13.1 occur, the deduction of the Points shall not be appealed.

14. Information on the Points Available on the Plus Account

1. Information about the Points available on the Plus Account can be obtained:

• at any service center of the Bank;

• through the call center;

• on the Program’s website at;

• via the remote service of the Bank - Internet Banking and/or Mobile Banking;

• as well as by sending SMS text PLUS to number 4444.

15. Suspension of the PLUS Program

1. From the moment of detecting the Debt, the Program is deemed suspended, which implies that:

1. it is impossible to order a Gift;

2. no Points shall be accrued.

2. The Program will be activated on the next banking day after the Debt is repaid in full.

3. The use of banking and non-banking benefits of the Program shall be suspended for those Program Participants who have current Debt more than 90 days.

16. Special Conditions

1. The list of banking and non-banking benefits is specified in the Annex No. 1.

2. The Program Participant is entitled to transfer the right to use the Service/Product exchanged for the Points/the right to request/receive a Gift to a third party.

3. The Bank bears no responsibility for the quality of Service provided to the Program Participant. The Program Participant shall raise claims in respect of the Service quality to the Service provider.

4. The Bank bears no responsibility if the provider fails to deliver the Service.

5. The Bank is entitled to give personal data about the Customer to the Program Participant Provider. Such data include: name, surname, ID details, cell phone number and Program Participant status.

6. The Bank and the Program Participant agree that payment and administration of the income tax resultant from the accrual of Points by the Program Participant will be carried out by the Bank in accordance with the procedure established by the legislation.

7. The Bank bears no responsibility for the quality, completeness and any defect of the Gift received by the Program Participant. The Program Participant shall raise a claim concerning the Gift quality to the Gift-provider merchant/service facility.

8. The Bank bears no responsibility if the merchant/service facility fails to ensure the Gift handover. If the merchant/service facility fails to ensure the Gift handover and the corresponding Order Code has not expired, based on the Program Participant’s application or, in cases defined by the Bank, after cancellation of the Gift purchased through the Program website: the Bank will return the Points corresponding to the Nominal Cost of the Gift to the participant’s Plus Account provided that the non-transfer of the Gift by merchant/service facility is confirmed by the corresponding bank program.

9. The Bank is entitled to give personal information about the Program Participant to merchant/service facility providing Gifts if such information is needed to identify the Program Participant.

10. This document shall enter into force upon the Customer signs the application for participation in the Program and submits it to the Bank.

11. The Bank is entitled to unilaterally, at any time, through posting relevant information on the website and/or in other form acceptable for the Bank, without prior or additional acceptance and consent of the Program Participant change and/or cancel any rules and/or conditions defined by this document in full and/or partially. Such a change shall be binding upon the Program Participant from the next banking day of its posting unless otherwise defined by the Bank.

12. The Customer participating in the Program is authorized to cancel these Terms and Conditions along with the corresponding application by sending a written notice to the Bank at any time. Furthermore, in the event of revocation of these Terms and Conditions together with the application in accordance with the provisions set forth in this article, the Program will be immediately deactivated and the Bank will be authorized to cancel the Points in full.

13. The Bank is entitled to unilaterally, at any time, through posting relevant information on the website 30 (thirty) calendar days prior and/or serving a notice to the Program Participant and/or in other form acceptable for the Bank, without prior or additional acceptance and consent of the Program Participant, cancel the Program. In case of cancellation of the Program by the Bank any rules and/or conditions defined by this document including the Points accumulated by the Program Participant under the Program will be cancelled in full.

14. The Program Participant acknowledges and agrees that these Terms and Conditions apply until the Program Participant discharges in full the obligations assumed under these Terms and Conditions.

15. Words used in this document in singular imply the plural and vice versa.

Annex No. 1

Banking and non-banking benefits which will be provided to the Program Participant by the Bank or/and the Program Participant Provider:

| | | |Classic + |Silver + |Gold + |

|Banking advantages| |Discount on the annual cost of a Credit Card |10% |25% |50% |

| | |Card delivery service |- |- |Free |

| | |Daily card withdrawal limit* |- |3 000 |5 000 |

| | |Card Security Service |- |“Standard” - Free |“Standard +” |

| | | | | |- Free |

|Program |Insurance Company |Third Party Property Liability Insurance – Free* |1 000 |5 000 |10 000 |

|Participant |“Aldagi” | | | | |

|Provider | | | | | |

|Program | |Co-financing for consultation with any specialist, | | | |

|Participant |EVEX Polyclinic** |any laboratory examination, any high-tech |20% |25% |30% |

|Provider | |examination | | | |

* Limits are given in national currency

** Addresses of EVEX Polyclinics are given in Annex No. 2

Annex No. 2

Addresses of EVEX Polyclinics

• Saburtalo polyclinic, 40, Vazha-Pshavela avenue

• Saburtalo polyclinic, 1, Tavkhelidze str.

• Varketili polyclinic, 30, Javakhetti str. (adjacent to Metro)

• Gldani polyclinic, Gldani 1 micro district, adjacent to cartography factory

• Isani polyclinic, 69, Ketevan Tsamebuli avenue (former Police building, across from Metro)

• Mtatsminda polyclinic, 3, I.Vekua str. (former Pirimze)

• Didube polyclinic, 141, Tsereteli avenue (crossing of Eristavi str.)

• Didi Dighomi polyclinic, 16, I. Petritsi str.

• Batumi polyclinic, 20, Selim Khimshiashvili str.

• Zugdidi polyclinic, 1, M. Kostava str.

• Kutaisi polyclinic, 9/11, P. Iashvili str.

• Chakvi polyclinic, adjacent to 40, T. Mepe str.

• Telavi polyclinic, 15, Gia Arsenishvili str.

• Poti polyclinic, 6, Gamsakhurdia str.

• Marneuli polyclinic, 53, Rustaveli str.


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