PHS 398 (Rev. 9/04), Biographical Sketch Format Page


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|Beverly Beth Green |Affiliate Investigator, Group Heath Research Institute Family Physician, Group|

| |Health Cooperative |

|greebb1 | |

|EDUCATION/TRAINING (Begin with baccalaureate or other initial professional education, such as nursing, and include postdoctoral training.) |


| |(if applicable) | | |

|University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI |BA |1969-73 |American Studies |

|Medical College of Ohio, Toledo, OH |MD |1973-76 |Medicine |

|University of Oregon, Portland, OR | |1977-80 |Family Practice Resident |

|University of Washington, Seattle, WA | |1982-84 |Robert Wood Johnson Fellow & Preventive Medicine |

| | | |Resident, Dept of Family Medicine |

|University of Washington, Seattle, WA |MPH |1985 |Epidemiology |

A. Personal Statement

I am a practicing family doctor and preventive medicine specialist at Group Health in Seattle and an investigator at Group Health Research Institute, conducting health services research with a focus on prevention of cancer and cardiovascular disease. I am also an associate clinical professor at the University of Washington in the Department of Family Medicine. I am currently the associate editor for Practice for the American Journal of Preventive Medicine. I completed a Robert Wood Johnson Faculty Development Fellowship and Masters in Public Health in epidemiology at University of Washington in 1983. I was the previous associate director of Group Health’s Department of Preventive Care and in this role I had a leadership role in developing and implementing evidence based preventive care guidelines. In this stage of my career I am primarily a health services researcher, nurtured and informed by guidance of my mentors (Ed Wagner ─ applying the Chronic Care Model framework to preventive care, and Robert S Thompson ─ who pioneered systems approaches to breast cancer screening, tobacco cessation, and safety programs). My research is based on applying public health principles to primary care, leveraging automated data, electronic communications, and systems approaches in order to equitably improve healthcare outcomes and efficiency.

B. Positions and Honors.

|1981-82 |Clinical Associate Professor, University of Oregon Dept of Family Medicine, Portland, OR |

|1983-84 |Research Assistant, Fred Hutchinson Cancer Institute, Seattle, WA |

|1984-present |Family Physician, Group Health Cooperative |

|1992- present |Clinical Assistant Professor, University of WA Medical School |

|1992- 2006 |Associate Director, Department of Preventive Medicine, Group Health |

|2001-2006 |Chair, Group Health Committee on Prevention |

|2003-present |Affiliate Investigator, Group Health Research Institute |

Honors: College: Class Honors, Angell Scholar, Magna Cum Laude, Honors Degree in American Studies.

Medical School: Alpha Omega Alpha Medical Honor Society. American Academy of Family Physician’s recognition Award, 1980. Glenn Hartquist award for Clinical Quality, GHC, 1999. Finalist for the Group Health Permanente Annual Lifetime Achievement Award, 2005. Institute for Healthcare Improvement and Journal of American Medical Association, Author in the Room, August 20, 2008. British Medical Journal Group Awards for Research Paper of the Year: Short List Nominee 2008. Top 10% of reviewers Journal of the Board of Family Medicine 2009. Inducted as a Fellow of the American Society of Hypertension, May 2, 2010 “Individuals who have excelled in and led the efforts for high blood pressure control.”

Recent Professional Activities And Consultative Appointments:

2003 – present: Editorial Review Board Journal of the American Board of Family Practice

2009 – present: Associate Editor American Journal of Preventive Medicine

2008 – present: Reviewer: NHLBI contract proposals for SPRINT (9/24/2008 Washington DC): Clinical Center Networks, NIH Challenge Grants, NHLBI Grand Opportunity Grants (7/8/2009 Washington DC), AHRQ R18 Demonstration and Dissemination Projects (6/21/2010 Washington DC)

2010 – American Cancer Society Round Table on Colorectal Cancer Screening and the Medical Home.

Recent Invited Presentations:

2008 American Society of Hypertension annual meeting, Late breaking studies: "Effect of Home Blood Pressure Monitoring, Web Communications, and Pharmacist Care on Hypertension Control: The Randomized Controlled e-BP Trial", New Orleans Louisiana, May 16, 2008.

2009 Invited Speaker, University of California San Diego, Department of Family and Preventive Medicine, “Primary and Secondary Prevention Research in clinical care” July 24, 2009 San Diego, California

2010 Agency for Heath Research and Quality Innovations Exchange. “Innovative Roles of Pharmacists in Health Service Delivery” Webinar May 11, 2010.

C. Selected peer-reviewed publications.

| |Published |

|1985 |Soman MP, Green BB, Daling JR. Risk factors for early neonatal sepsis. Epidemiol 1985; 121:712-719. |

|1986 |Green BB, Daling JR, Weiss NS, Liff JM, Koepsell T. Exercise as a risk factor for infertility with ovulatory infertility. Am J Publ Health 1986;|

| |76:1432-1436. PMCID: PMC1646979. |

|1988 |Green BB, Weiss NS, Daling JR. Risk of ovulatory infertility in relation to body weight. Fertil Steril. 1988 Nov;50(5):721-6. |

|2002 |Green BB, McAfee T, Madsen L, Caplow M, Buist D. Effectiveness of telephone support in increasing physical activity levels in primary care |

| |patients. Am J Prev Med 2002; 22:177. |

|2003 |Green BB, Kaplan RC, Psaty BM. How minor changes in the definition of blood pressure control affect the reported success of hypertension |

| |treatment? Am J Man Care 2003; 9:219-224. |

|2003 |Green BB, Taplin S. Breast cancer screening controversies. J Am Board Fam Pract 2003;16:233. |

|2003 |Green BB. Commentary on: Effect of individual counseling on physical activity fitness and health: a randomized controlled trial in a workplace |

| |setting. Evidence-based Healthcare. 2003; 7:138-9. |

|2005 |Green BB. MyBP: improving care of high blood pressure. Am J Hypertens. 2005;18, 263A |

|2006 |Scholes D, Grothaus L, McClure J, Reid R, Fishman P, Sisk C, Lindenbaum JE, Green BB, Grafton J, Thompson RS. A randomized trial of strategies |

| |to increase Chlamydia screening in young women. Prev Med. 2006;43(4):343-50. Epub 2006 Jun 19. |

|2007 |Green BB, Cheadle A, Pellegrini AS, Harris JR. Active for Life: a work-based physical activity program. Prev Chronic Dis [serial online] 2007 |

| |Jul. PMC1955394 |

|2007 |Glasgow RE, Nelson CC, Kearney MA, Reid R, Ritzwoller DP, Strecher VJ, Couper M, Green BB, Wildenhaus K. Reach, Engagement, and Retention in an |

| |Internet-Based Weight Loss Program in a multi-site RCT. Journal of Internet Medical Research. 2007 May 9;9(2):e11. |

|2007 |Green BB, Ralston JD, Fishman PA, Catz SL, Cook A, Carlson J, Tyll L, Carrell D, Thompson RS. Electronic communications and home blood pressure |

| |monitoring (e-BP) study: design, delivery, and evaluation framework. Contemp Clin Trials. 2008 May;29(3):376-95. Epub 2007 Sep 26. PMC2645352. |

|2008 |Green BB, Cook AJ, Ralston JD, Fishman PA, Catz SL, Carlson J, Carrell D, Tyll L, Larson EB, Thompson RS. Effectiveness of home blood pressure |

| |monitoring, Web communication, and pharmacist care on hypertension control: the e-BP randomized controlled trial. JAMA. 2008 Jun |

| |25;299(24):2857-67. PMC2715866. |

|2009 |Green BB, Cook AJ, Ralston JD, Carlson J. Patient use of and satisfaction with a Web-based pharmacist intervention (the e-BP trial) to improve |

| |hypertension control. J of Clin Hypertens. 2009:11(4s). A58. PMC Journal-In Process |

| |Selected Other Publications |

|2003 |McAfee TA, Green BB. Current Care of Women: Diagnosis and Treatment: Second Edition – Chapter 7: Health Promotion. McGraw Hill, 2003. |

|2004 |Green BB, Harris J. Reasons for Incomplete Follow-up after a Positive Hemoccult Test. Presented at the American Society of Prevention annual |

| |meeting. Abstract Published. |

|2004 |Comprehensive Cancer Control Partnership (including Green BB). Washington State Comprehensive Cancer Control Plan. Washington State Department|

| |of Health, 2004. |

|2005 |Green BB. Not taking hypertension pills can make you suddenly sick. Seattle Times, Thursday, July 14, 2005 (Guest Editorial). |

|2008 |Patel TV. An intervention involving pharmacist care via the Web improved blood pressure control in uncontrolled hypertension. ACP J Club. 2008 |

| |Nov-Dec;149(4):11. |

|2008 |Green BB. Web-based care: a new paradigm in hypertension management? Therapy, November 2008, Vol. 5, No. 6, Pages 735-737. |

D. Research Support


Grant#   5R01CA121125-02 (Green) 07/1/2007-05/31/2012

Agency National Cancer Institute

Title Systems of Support (SOS) to Increase Colon Cancer Screening and Follow-up

Major Goals: This randomized controlled study uses the Chronic Care and Preventive Health models to design systems of care interventions to increase colorectal cancer screening rates and follow-up after a positive screening test. Subjects are randomized to one of four interventions increasing intensity of support: (1) usual care; (2) Automated (mailed interventions); (3) Assisted (mail + telephone assistance); and;(4) Nurse Care Management (automated + assisted + care management). Patients with a positive screening test (colonoscopy needed) are randomized to (A) UC or (B) Nurse Care Management. Our study hypotheses are that: 1. increasing levels of SOS wil increase CRCS rates and 2. care management will increase follow-up rates after a positive test. We will also determine the cost-effectiveness of the screening interventions.

Role: Principal Investigator

Grant# 3R01CA121125-03S1 (Green) 08/1/2009-07/31/2011

Agency: National Cancer Institute

Title: Short and Long-Term Effects of a Positive CRCS Test and Longitudinal Survival Analysis of CRCS Screening Rates - Administrative Supplement

Major Goals: Sub-aim #1: To investigate time-to event analyses of CRCS between usual care and the 3 SOS intervention groups. Sub-aim #2: To determine the adherence and positive predictive value rates (PPV) of a high-sensitivity guaiac-based fecal occult blood test (SENSA) to two validated fecal immunochemical tests. Sub-aim #3: To measure potential short and long-term psychological consequences of positive fecal screening.

Grant # 2R01HL075263-05 (Green) 12/01/2009-11/30/2012

Agency: National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute

Title: Long-Term Outcomes and Costs of Web-Based Hypertension Care (e-BPLT)

Major Goals: Hypertension (HTN) is a common chronic condition in the United States, affecting almost 1 in 3 adults; however, it remains inadequately treated in most. The e-BP study showed that HTN control could be improved by providing patients with home blood pressure monitors, Web-based resources to communicate with their health care team, and pharmacist assistance with medications. However it is unknown whether HTN control persisted and health care costs decreased after the study ended. We will study the long-term effects of a Web-based HTN intervention on blood pressure and health care costs.

Role: Principal Investigator

Grant#   1RC1HL100590-01 (Green) 09/30/2009-07/31/2011

Agency National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute

Title Collaborative Behavioral e-Care to Decrease Cardiovascular Risk

Major Goals: We propose using Health Information Technology systems to identify asymptomatic patients at moderate risk for CVD and invite them to participate in a theory-based behavioral intervention that uses the Chronic Care Model as its planning foundation. We hypothesize that a dietitian-delivered behavioral intervention, that uses a patient shared EMR and e-communications, can be integrated into routine healthcare and will result in improved control of modifiable CVD risk.

Role: Principal Investigator

Grant# Institute of Translational Health Services (Baldwin, Green) 06/1/2010-05/31/2011

Agency: Institute of Translational Health

Title: Using Electronic Communications to Improve Hypertension in the Community (eCHIP)

Major Goals: This proposal develops partnerships with 2 small town community-based practices in Idaho and Eastern Washington to translate a successful Web-based pharmacist care model for improving blood pressure control into community settings. We will gather qualitative data from practices and patients.

Role: Co-Principal Investigator

Grant # 1 R01HL089444-01A1 (Patrick) 07/25/2008-12/31/2013

Agency National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute

Title: Planned CORR: Planned Care for Obesity and Risk Reduction

Major Goals: To integrate interventions based on behavioral theory with a health delivery strategy (The

Chronic Care Model). The aim of this project is to improve the way primary care providers provide services to their patients who are overweight and who also have other important medical conditions or health risks such as hypertension, smoking or high cholesterol. Because these patients require a complicated treatment course that includes regular use of medications and individual or group health behavior counseling, their needs are often poorly addressed. This study will explore the use of a systems-based approach to improve these services.

Role: Consultant

Grant # 1U48DP001911-01REV (Harris) 09/30/2009-09/29/2014

Agency: CDC

Title: SIP 16-04 PRC Cancer Control and Prevention Network

Major Goals: To participate in meetings and workgroups (colon cancer and worksite interventions) and some national networking functions. To work with Group Health and the Group Health Research Institute to find collaborative opportunities to improve cancer prevention and control and in particular to implement findings form the Community Task Force, related to cancer. My role is to participate in planning for grant writing and grant submission in collaboration with other members.

COMPLETED (in the last three years):

Grant # 5U48DP000050 (Taylor) 09/30/2004-09/29/2009

Agency: CDC

Title: SIP 16-04 PRC Cancer Control and Prevention Network

Major Goals: To participate in meetings and workgroups (colon cancer and worksite interventions) and some national networking functions. To work with Group Health and Group Health Research Institute to find collaborative opportunities to improve cancer prevention and control and in particular to implement findings from the Community Task Force, related to cancer.

Role: Site Principal Investigator

Grant # 5 R01 HL075263-02 (Green) 08/1/2004-02/28/2009

Agency: National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute

Title: Electronic Communications & Home BP Monitoring

Major Goals: To test the use of the Chronic Care Model to improve hypertension control. To test the use of home blood pressure monitoring and the use of Web based communication to improve hypertension control. To test the use of home blood pressure monitoring and use of Web based communication with the health care team with the addition of proactive and interactive pharmaceutical care and self-management support to improve hypertension control. To determine utilization and incremental cost-effectiveness of each intervention.

Grant # None (Green) 10/1/2007-01/31/2008

Agency: Group Health CHS Directors Project Resource Fund

Title: Executive Director's Project Resource Fund-Asian American CRC Screening

Major Goals: Collect baseline quantitative data on colorectal cancer (CRC) screening by Asian American enrollees (Chinese, Vietnamese, Korean, Japanese, and Filipino ethnicities) at Group Health.

Role: Principal Investigator

Grant # None (Glasgow) 09/30/2003-08/30/2007

Agency: Robert Wood Johnson

Title: TheME: Effectiveness of Web-based Tailored Weight Mgmt Program

Major Goals: Test effectiveness of tailored web based weight management program with and without nutrition and goal setting support.

Role: Investigator

Grant # 5 U48 DP000050-03 (Baldwin) 11/1/2006-09/29/2007

Agency: CDC

Title: Colorectal Cancer Screening Provider Practices Interview Study: CC Screening-Data Pull

Major Goals: Describe provider's colorectal cancer screening motivators and barriers. Identify components for discussion that are associated with high screening practices.

Role: Investigator


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