Revised 5/98 - University of Colorado Denver

Revised 12/09


1. Personal History:

Name: Stephen Berman

Date and Place of Birth: January 2, 1947, Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania

Present Position: Professor of Pediatrics

Director of Health Policy

Present Address: 1693 E. Cedar Ave., Denver, Colorado 80209

Citizenship: U.S.A.

Marital Status: Married

Wife - Elaine Gantz Berman

Children - Seth Gantz Berman, 4/21/77

Benjamin Richard Berman, 12/27/78

Licensure: Colorado #17416, California #32200

Board Certification: Pediatrics, certified 1979

Languages: Spanish

2. Educational History: September, 1967 - June, 1971 - M.D.

Temple University Medical School

September, 1964 - June, 1967 - B.A.

Wesleyan University, Connecticut

3. Professional Positions: 2001-present

Director, Children's Outcomes Research Program

October, 2000-2001

President, American Academy of Pediatrics

October, 1999-2000

Vice-President, American Academy of Pediatrics


President, Colorado Bright Beginnings

June 1, 1998 - 2007

Head, Section of General Academic Pediatrics

University of Colorado School of Medicine

July 1, 1989 - 1996

Director of Health Policy and State

Medically Indigent Programs

University of Colorado Health Sciences Center

July, 1994 - 1998

National Chairman, American Academy of Pediatrics

Committee on Child Health Financing

July, 1993 - June, 1995

President, Colorado Chapter American Academy of


July, 1992 - Present

Professor of Pediatrics

August, 1989 - Present

Attending Physician, Child Health Clinic

The Children's Hospital, Denver, CO

July, 1982 - June, 1992

Associate Professor of Pediatrics with tenure

January, 1981 - July, 1989

Head, Section of General Pediatrics

January, 1981 - July, 1989

Medical Director, Pediatric Ambulatory Care


September, 1986 - August, 1987 (sabbatical year)

National Academy of Sciences

Pediatric Consultant for International

Collaborative Research on Acute Respiratory Infections

April, 1984 - Present

Consultant to World Health Organization

and Pan American Health Organization on

Control of Acute Respiratory Infections

January, 1980 - July, 1981

Director of Pediatric Housestaff Education

Chairman, Pediatric Housestaff Program Committee

July, 1979 - June, 1991

Director, Pediatric Primary Care Residency

July, 1979 - October, 1982

Coordinator, Applied Clinical Nutrition Project

January, 1979 - September, 1986

Director, Pediatric Group Practice

July, 1978 - June, 1982

Assistant Professor of Pediatrics

Univ. of Colorado Health Sciences Center

Denver, Colorado

September, 1976 - June, 1978

Visiting Professor, Pediatrics

Universidad del Valle, Cali, Colombia

Research Scientist, Tulane University

International Center for Medical Research

July, 1975 - June, 1976

Instructor and Chief Resident, Department

of Pediatrics, Univ. of Colorado Health

Sciences Center, Denver, Colorado

July, 1974 - June, 1975

PL-3, Univ. of Colorado Health Sciences Center

Denver, Colorado

July, 1973 - June, 1974

Pediatrician, Eastside Neighborhood Health Center

Denver, Colorado

July, 1973 - June, 1974

Pediatrician, Salud del Valle, Fort Lupton, Colorado

Migrant Health Clinic

July, 1972 - June, 1973

PL-2, Univ. of Colorado Health Sciences Center,

Denver, Colorado

July, 1971 - June, 1972

PL-1, Univ. of Colorado Health Sciences Center,

Denver, Colorado

4. Honors, Special Recognition, other Awards:


Inaugural holder, The Children's Hospital Chair in General Pediatrics, 2007

Special Recognition Awards:

National Academy of Science, National Research Council, Outstanding Contributions to the Acute Respiratory Infection Studies, 1990

Colorado State Legislature, Commendation for Development of the Case Management for Pneumonia Program in Children of Developing Countries, 1990

Philippine National Pediatric Society Award, 1992

The Children's Hospital, Denver, Colorado, James Strain Golden Apple Award for

Community Service, 1995

Denver City Club Award for Community Service, 1996

Bank One University of Colorado Community Service Award, 1997

Bridge to the Future Innovation in Education Award for development of Internet based clinical training modules in otitis media and acute respiratory infections, University of Colorado Health Sciences Center, Denver, Colorado, May, 1998

Ramon Rodriguez-Torres Lectureship, Miami Children’s Hospital, June, 1999

Colorado Chapter of American Academy of Pediatrics James Strain Community Service Award, May, 2000

Outstanding Alumni Award, Temple University School of Medicine, May, 2001

Special Achievement Award, American Academy of Pediatrics District VIII, May,


Outstanding Child Health Advocate, Summer Scholars Program, 2003

Nominated for 2004 Individual of the Year Award (member of Task Force for Access to Medical Services for Children on Medicaid), Colorado Lawyers Committee, March, 2005

Bonfils-Stanton Community Service Award, April, 2005

Champion for Kids Award, Colorado Children's Campaign, May, 2005

Public Policy and Advocacy Award, Ambulatory Pediatric Association, May, 2007

Career Teaching Scholar Award, Department of Pediatrics, University of Colorado School of Medicine, December, 2008

5. Professional Societies:

Ambulatory Pediatric Association

American Academy of Pediatrics

Colorado Medical Society

Denver Medical Society

Society for Pediatric Research

Western Society for Pediatric Research

American Pediatric Society

6. Committees:

University Hospital Committees:

1982 - 1986 Ambulatory Care Sub Committee

1984 - 1986 Medically Indigent Task Force

1984 - 1986 Prospective Payments Committee

Colorado Medical Services Foundation Committees:

1984 - 1989 Board of Directors

1984 - 1989 Medically Indigent and Legislative Liaison Committee

1985 - 1989 Ambulatory Care Task Force

University of Colorado School of Medicine/Health Sciences Center Committees:

1982 - 1986 Course Director, Pediatric Quarterly Update

1982 - 1985, Faculty Senate


1984 - 1986 Biomedical Research Assistance Committee

1986 Chairman, Search Committee for Chairman of Preventive Medicine and Biometrics

1988 Member, Search Committee for Hospital Director, University Hospital

1989-Present Chairman, Chancellor's Health Policy Committee, University of Colorado Health Sciences Center

1990 Co-Chairman, The Children's Hospital/UCHSC Affiliation Subcommittee on Third Party Payments

1990 Chairman, UCHSC Task Force on Pediatric Ambulatory Care

1994 - 1995 Primary Care Course Task Force

1995-Present School of Medicine Promotions Committee

1994-Present Department of Pediatrics Education Committee

1997 Member, Health Outcomes Program Planning Committee, School of Medicine

International Health Grant Reviews/Committees:

1987 Chairman, Peer Review Committee of the National Academy of Science/AID Program for International Research by Historically Black Colleges and Universities

1988 National Academy of Science/BOSTID grant review

1989-1996 Thrasher Foundation Grants in International Health

1994-Present Cochrane Collaboration on Acute Respiratory Infection

Collaborative Research Study Group

1987 - 1992 Chairman, Pediatric Health Policy Research Committee

International Health Committees:

1987 National Academy of Science/BOSTID working group on ARI pathogenesis

1989. Rockefeller working group on pathogenesis of ARI and vaccine development

2003-present Pan American Health Organization technical advisory group GRUPO


2004- present Chair, Helping the Children International Health Task Force

Community Committees:

1981 - 1986 Board of Directors, Denver Fund for Health and Medical Research

1982 - 1986 Board of Directors, Chrysalis Program for Rehabilitation of Girls Involved in Teenage Prostitution

1982 - 1983 Governor's Task Force on the Medicaid Primary Care Provider Program

1982 - 1983 State Adolescent Task Force

1983 - 1990 Denver Medical Society, Medically Indigent Committee

1986-1997 Founding Board Member, Colorado Children's Campaign (a private statewide child advocacy organization)

1990-Present Member Maternal Child Health Committee, Piton/Rockefeller Project on Persistent Poverty

1990-Present Member Colorado Medical Society Legislative Committee

1993-Present Member Oversight Committee for creation of State Department of Health Care Financing and Policy

1994 Founding member, Colorado Primary Care Coalition

1994-Present Founding member, Colorado Advocates of Child Transportation Safety

1995-Present Board of Directors, Bright Beginnings Statewide Project (President 1999)

1995-Present Member, Legislative Committee, Colorado State Chapter, March of Dimes

1996 Policy Advisory Board, LARASA Policy Center and Hispanic Health Coalition of Colorado

1996-2000 Board of Directors, Community Child Health Foundation

1996-1999 Member, Colorado State Commission on Law and Medicine

1997-2000 Member, Advisory Board, Rocky Mountain Youth

1997-Present Board of Directors, Student Leadership Institute, University of Colorado

1997-2000 Board of Directors, Warren Village

1997-1998 Member, Bright Futures Mental Health Implementation Subgroup

1998-Present Member, Board of Directors, Colorado Mental Health Association

AAP Committees:

1982-2001 Executive Committee, Colorado Chapter, American Academy of Pediatrics

1988-1998 Committee on Child Health Financing (Chairman, 1994 - 1998)

1989-1998 Member American Academy of Pediatrics National Committee on Child Health Financing (Chairman 1992-present)

1993-2000 Chairman, Colorado State Legislative Committee

1994-1998 Council on Pediatric Practice

2003. Access Strategy Group

2004. Member Task force on Reimbursement

2004- present Chair, Private Sector Advocacy Committee

2004- present Chair, Helping the Children International Health Task Force

National Federal Government Committees and Panels:

1984 Physicians Task Force on Hunger in America

Publication: "Hunger in America: the Growing Epidemic." Sponsored by the Harvard School of Public Health. Editor, Larry Brown. Wesleyan University Press. Middletown, Connecticut, 1985.

1992-Present AHCPR National Practice Guidelines Panel on Otitis Media

1993-Present Member Health Resources and Services Administration Residency Training Review Committee

1993-Present National Functional Outcomes of Otitis Media Panel

2004. Chair, Search Committee for AAP Chief Executive Officer

2004. Member of National Academy for State Health Policy Task Force :

“Making Medicaid Work for the 21st Century”

Institute of Medicine Committees:

Committee on Identifying Priority Areas for Quality Improvement, Board on Health Care Services, Institute of Medicine of the National Academies. Priority Areas for National Action - Transforming Health Care Quality (Adams K, Corrigan JM, eds). Washington, DC: The National Academies Press, 2003.

Committee on the Evaluation of Vaccine Purchase Financing in the United States,, Board on Health Care Services, Institute of Medicine of the National Academies. Financing Vaccines in the 21st Century - Assuring Access and Availability. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press, 2003.

7. Patents Held or Pending: None

8. Review and Referee Work:

1988 National Academy of Science/BOSTID grant review on ARI research

1988 - 1992 National Academy of Sciences BOSTID ARI Committee

1988 World Health Organization special scientific working group on the ARI program (Geneva, Switzerland)

1988 Agency for International Development Scientific Advisory group on acute respiratory infections (Washington, DC)

1989. Thrasher Foundation Grants in International Health

2002 Consulting Editor for Health Policy, Pediatrics

2006-2009 Editorial Board, Ambulatory Pediatrics

Reviewer for: American Journal of Diseases of Childhood

International Journal of Child Abuse and Neglect

New England Journal of Medicine


Archives of Disease of Children

Pediatric Infectious Disease Journal

Clinical Infectious Diseases

Acta Tropica

Annals of Otology, Rhinology & Laryngology

Journal of American Medical Association

Archives of Pediatrics and Adolescent Medicine

9. Research Grants and Contracts:

Research Grants: (Principal Investigator)


1976-78 NIH to Tulane Univ. Acute Lower Respiratory NA

International Ctr. Infections in Cali Colombia:

for Medical Research A Two Year Ambulatory Study

1980-81 Eli Lilly and Co. A Clinical Trial Comparing $14,914

Cefaclor with Ampicillin in

the Treatment of Acute Otitis

Media in Infants

1982-83 Ross Laboratories Lactose, Sucrose and Fructose $2,500

Containing Formulas: A +CRC

Comparative Study in Dietary Support

Management of Diarrhea

1985-86 Lederle Laboratories An Open Label Study of the $40,000

Efficacy and Safety of Cefixime

in the Treatment of Infections

(Pharyngitis and UTI) with

Susceptible Organisms

1985-86 Lederle Laboratories A Randomized Open Label Study $10,000

to Compare the Safety and

Efficacy of Cefixime with

Amoxicillin in the Treatment

of Acute Otitis Media

1985-89 Pediatric Clinical Medical Management of Chronic $10,000

Research Center Middle Ear Effusion: A Clinical

Trial of Prednisone Combined

with Sulfamethoxazole and


1986-87 Pediatric Clinical Etiology and Epidemiology of $9,500

Research Center Infant Lower Respiratory


1988-89 Pediatric Clinical A randomized trial of continu- $23,645

Research Center ous versus intermittent

prophylaxis in prevention of

acute otitis media in otitis

prone patients

1988-89 Lederle Laboratories Comparative Study of the $102,676

Effectiveness and Safety

of Cefixime and Cefaclor in

the Treatment of Acute Otitis

Media with Effusion

1988-89 Lederle Laboratories Comparative Study of Effective- $69,445

ness and Safety of Cefixime

and Septra in Treatment of Acute

Uncomplicated Urinary Tract


1988 University Academic Determinants of Medicaid $3,300

Enrichment Funds Provider Participation

1989-90 Lilly and Company A comparative study of $30,960

Loracarbef and Augmentin

in acute otitis media

1989-90 World Health Determination of the optimum $14,309

Organization method for obtaining accurate

respiratory rates in children

1990 Private Foundations Reasons for lack of Medicaid $10,000

participation in pregnant women

less than 75% of poverty

enrolled in the Community

Maternity Program

1990 Clinical Research Antibiotic Prophylaxis for $5,000

Center, NIH Recurrent Otitis Media

1990 Lilly and Company A study comparing Loracarbef $94,160

and Augmentin in Acute Otitis


1992 Smith Kline Beecham Augmentin Clinical Trials $60,000

in Otitis Media

1992 Colorado Chapters of Survey of Current OME In-kind

AAP and Family Medicine Management

1992 Agency for Health Care Amoxicillin Prophylaxis for $50,000

Policy and Research Children with Recurrent

Otitis Media

1992 World Health Review of World Wide Burden $3,000

Organization of Illness Caused by Otitis


1993-96 Agency for Health Care Outcomes Associated with $481,075

Policy and Research Therapy for Otitis Media

1994-95 Robert Wood Johnson Reach Out: Physicians' $100,000

Foundation Initiative to Serve the


1995-97 Robert Wood Johnson Reach Out: Physicians' $200,000

Foundation Initiative to Serve the


1996 Rose Foundation Health Policy grant $10,000

1996-2001 Pollak Family Healthy Beginnings $15,000

Foundation (3 grants)

1996-2001 Centers for Disease Academic Medical Center/ $5,138,603

Control Community Health Network

Childhood Immunization

Demonstration Project

1996-2001 Centers for Disease Polio Seroprevalence $300,000


1997 Denver Foundation Mile High Child Care Center $7,500

Healthy Beginnings

1997 March of Dimes Mile High Child Care Center $3,000

Healthy Beginnings

1997 Robert Wood Johnson Healthy Kids $200,000

Project (Dept. of Health

Care Policy and Financing)

1997-2001 Robert Wood Johnson Mile High Child Care Center $109,000

Healthy Beginnings

2001-2003 Centers for Disease Registries: New and $447,537

Control Targeted Vaccine Uptake

2002-2003 Robert Wood Johnson Health Care Services for $101,003

Children Placed in Foster or

Kinship Care

2002-2004 MedImmune A Randomized Clinical Trial of $60,000

Language Power

2003-2005 Centers for Disease Influenza Vaccine for Targeted $280,000

Control and Prevention Groups

2004-2009 Agency for Health Colorado Connecting $4,999,121

Research and Quality Communities - Health Information

Information Collaborative (C3-HIC)

2004-2009 Centers for Disease Provider and Public Health Input $900,000

Control and Prevention for Vaccine Policy Decisions

2007-2008 American Academy of The Cost of Vaccine Administration $30,000

Pediatrics Among Pediatric Practices

2008-2011 Rose Community Colorado Immunization Information $1,000,000

Foundation, Colorado System Expansion

Health Foundation

2008- The Children’s Hospital DPS Training Program $1,000,000

Foundation, for Technology

Morgridge Family Dependent Students


2010-2010 Foundation for Informed

Medical Decision Making Editor for Otitis Media materials $17,947

2010. Colorado Department of Development of a pediatric disaster course $37,994

Health and Environment

Training Grants:

1984-90 Department of Health Primary Care Residency $405,589

and Human Services, Training Program in (1987-89)

Public Health Service General Pediatrics

10. Bibliography

Peer Review Journals

1. Balkany T, Berman S, Simmons M, Jafek B. Middle ear effusions in neonates. Laryngoscope 1978;38(3):398.

2. Berman S, Balkany T, Simmons M. Bacteriology of otitis media in inpatient and outpatient neonatal populations. J Pediatr 1978;93:3.

3. Berman S, Levy A, Reina JC. Bacteremia en urgencies de pediatria en Cali, Colombia. Acta Medica del Valle 1978;9(3-4):153.

4. Berman S, Balkany T, Simmons M. Otitis media in the neonatal intensive care unit. Pediatr 1978;62:198.

5. Balkany T, Berman S, Watson W. Sterile preparation of external auditory canal with povidone-iodine. Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg 1979;87:258.

6. Berman S. Otitis media with effusion: Its relationship to language development, intellectual functioning and academic performance. Adv in Behav Pediatr 1981;2:129.

7. Berman S, Duenas A, Bedoya A, et al. Acute lower respiratory tract illnesses in Cali, Colombia: A two-year ambulatory study. Pediatr 1983;71:2.

8. Villarreal SF, Berman S, Groothuis JR, et al. Telephone encounters in a university pediatric group practice: A two year analysis of after-hour calls. Clin Pediatr 1984;23:456-458.

9. Berman S, Villarreal SF. The use of a seminar as an aid in helping interns care for dying children and their families. Clin Pediatr 1983;22:175-179.

10. Solomons CC, Silverman A, Berman S, et al. A blood platelet model explored for Reye's Syndrome and various metabolic disorders. J Natl Reye's Syndrome Foundation 1981;2:22.

11. Berman S, Lauer BA. A controlled trial of cefaclor versus amoxicillin for treatment of acute otitis media in early infancy. Pediatr Infect Dis 1983;2:30-33.

12. Berman S, Murphy JR. Persistent and recurrent otitis media: A review of the "Otitis-Prone" condition. Primary Care 1984;11:407.

13. Berman S, Bedoya A, Constain V, et al. Etiologia de casos con fiebre mayor de 38.9 C en ninos menors de 5 anos: Un estudio prospectivo en centros de salud de Cali, Colombia. Acta Media del Valle.

14. Berman S, McIntosh K. Selective primary health care: Strategies for control of disease in the developing world. XXI. Acute Respiratory Infections. Rev Infect Dis 1985;7:674.

15. Groothuis JR, Berman S: Effect of carbohydrate ingested on outcome in infants with mild gastroenteritis. J Pediatr 1986;108:903.

16. Paisley JW, Lauer BA, Melinkovich P, Gitterman BA, Feiten DJ, Berman S: Rapid diagnosis of chlamydia trachomatis pneumonia in infants by direct immunofluorescence microscopy of nasopharyngeal secretions. J Pediatr 1986;109:653-657.

17. Berman S, Grose K, Zerbe GO. Medical Management of Chronic Middle Ear Effusion: Results of a Clinical Trial of Prednisone Combined with Trimethoprim Sulfamethoxazole. AJDC 1987;141:6907.

18. Brayden RM, Feiten DJ, Berman S, Lauer BA. Chlamydial pneumonia of infancy in siblings. Sex Trans Dis 1988;Oct-Dec:0043-44.

19. Berman S, Shanks MB, Feiten D, et al. Acute respiratory infections during the first three months of life: Clinical, radiologic and physiologic prediction of etiology. Pediatr Emerg Care 1990;6:179.

20. Berman S, Grose K, Nuss R, et al. Management of Chronic Middle-Ear Effusion. Pediatr Infect Dis J 1990;9:533.

21. Nuss R, Berman S. Medical Management of Persistent Middle Ear Effusion. Am J Asthma and Allergy for Pediatricians 1990;4(1):17-22.

22. Berman S, Simoes E, Lanata C. Respiratory Rate and Pneumonia in Infancy. Annotation for Arch Dis Child 1991;66:81-84.

23. Camp BW, Leff M, Berman S, Gitterman B. Evaluation of Developmental/ Behavioral Training in Primary Care. J Dev Behav Pediatr 1991;12:243-247.

24. Berman S. Epidemiology of Acute Respiratory Infections in Children of Developing Countries. Rev Infect Dis 1991;13(Suppl 6):S454-S462.

25. Berman S, Wasserman S, Grimm S. Participation of Colorado Pediatricians and Family Medicine Physicians in the Medicaid Program. Western J Med 1991;155:649-652.

26. Simoes EAF, Roark R, Berman S, et al. Respiratory Rate: Measurement of Variability Over Time and Accuracy at Different Counting Periods. Arch Dis Child 1991;66:1199-1204.

27. Berman S, Nuss R, Roark R, et al. Effectiveness of Continuous Versus Intermittent Amoxicillin to Prevent Episodes of Otitis Media with Effusion. Pediatr Infect Dis J 1992;11(2):063-067.

28. Berman S, Lee B, Nuss R, et al. Total IgG Subclass Levels in Children With and Without Recurrent Otitis Media. J Pediatr 1992;121:249-251.

29. Berman S, Roark R. Factors Influencing Outcome in Children Treated with Antibiotics for Acute Otitis Media. Pediatr Infect Dis J 1993;12:20-24.

30. Henry R, Berman S, Campbell H (collab). Bronchodilators and other medications for the treatment of wheeze-associated illnesses in young children. Programme for the Control of Acute Respiratory Infections, World Health Organization, Geneva, 1993.

31. Berman S, Roark R, Luckey D. Theoretical Cost Effectiveness of Management Options for Children with Persisting Middle Ear Effusions. Pediatrics 1994;93(3):353-363.

32. Berman S. Update on the Treatment of Otitis Media with Effusion. Report on Ped Infect Dis 1993;3(10).

33. Berman S. Otitis Media in Developing Countries. Pediatrics 1995;96:126-131.

34. AAP Committee on Child Health Financing (Berman S, Chair). Guiding Principles for Managed Care Arrangements for the Health Care of Infants, Children, Adolescents and Young Adults. Pediatrics 1995;95(4):613-615.

35. Berman S. Current Concepts: Otitis Media in Children. NEJM 1995;332:1560-1565.

36. Roark R, Petrofski J, Berson E, Berman S. Practice Variations Among Pediatricians and Family Physicians in the Management of Otitis Media. Arch Pediatr Adolesc Med 1995;149:839-844.

37. Berman S. Uninsured Children: An Unintended Consequence of Health Care System Reform Efforts. Editorial, JAMA 1995;274(18):1472-1473.

38. Berman S. Management of acute and chronic otitis media in pediatric practice. Current Opinion in Pediatrics 1995;7:513-522.

39. Byrns PJ, Bondy J, Glazner JE, Berman S. Utilization of services for otitis media by children enrolled in Medicaid. Arch Pediatr Adol Med 1997;151:407-413.

40. Roark R, Berman S. Continuous Twice Daily or Once Daily Amoxicillin Prophylaxis Compared with Placebo for Children with Recurrent Otitis Media. Pediatr Infect Dis J 1997;16:376-381.

41. Berman S. A pediatric perspective on medical necessity. Arch Pediatr Adol Med 1997;151:858-9.

42. Berman S, Byrns PJ, Bondy J, et al. Otitis Media-related Antibiotic Prescribing Patterns, Outcomes, and Expenditures in a Pediatric Medicaid Population. Pediatrics 1997;100(4):585-592.

43. American Academy of Pediatrics, Committee on Child Health Financing. Scope of health care benefits for newborns, infants, children, adolescents and young adults through age 21 years. Pediatrics 1997;100:1040-1041.

44. Brayden R, Siegel C, Lowery E, Steiner J, Crane L, Berman S. Barriers to

Immunization in Rural Colorado. Amb Child Health 1997;3(1 pt 2):174-175.

45. American Academy of Pediatrics, Committee on Child Health Financing. Implementation Principles and Strategies for Title XXI (State Children’s Health Insurance Program). Pediatrics 1998;101(5):944-948.

46. Berman S. Training Pediatricians to Become Child Advocates. Pediatrics


47. Berman S. (guest ed). Preface to International Conference on Acute Respiratory

Infections series of papers. Clin Infect Dis 1999;28(2):188.

48. Berman S. Otitis Media with Confusion: Diagnosis and Management Issues. J Irish

Col Phys and Surg 1999;28(2):101-105.

49. Berman S, Bondy J, Lezotte D, et al. The Influence of Having an Assigned Medicaid

Primary Care Physician on Utilization of Otitis Media-related Services. Pediatrics


50. Berman S, Wu, K, Roark R. Management of Otitis Media with Effusion with

Prednisone in Combination with an Antibiotic. Intl Pediatr 1999;14(4):30-33.

51. Berman S. A three step approach to treating otitis media. Letter to editor, Pediatr

Infect Dis J 1999;18(6):571-2.

52. Berman S. Child Health Policymaking. Commentary in Pediatrics 2000;105 (3):


53. Bondy J, Berman S, Glazner G, Lezotte D. Direct Expenditures Related to Otitis

Media Diagnoses: Extrapolations From a Pediatric Medicaid Cohort. Pediatrics


54. Berman S, Bondy J, Byrns PJ, Lezotte D. Surgical Management of Uncomplicated

Otitis Media in a Pediatric Medicaid Population. Ann Otol Rhinol Laryngol


55. Brayden R, Pearson KA, Kempe A, Steiner JF, Berman S. Hepatitis B Vaccine

Administration and Communication Policies in Rural Colorado Hospitals. Clin Pediatr 2000;39:723-726.

56. Berman S. Commentary: The Management of Otitis Media and Functional Outcomes

Related to Language, Behavior and Attention: Is it Time to Change our Approach? Pediatrics 2001;107(5):1175-1177.

57. Kempe A, Lowery NE, Pearson K, Renfrew B, Jones JS, Steiner JF, Berman S.

Immunization recall: Effectiveness and barriers to success in an urban, teaching clinic. J Pediatr 2001;139(5):630-635.

58. Renfrew B, Kempe A, Lowery NE, Chandramouli V, Steiner JF, Berman S. The

Impact of Record Aggregation on Up-to-Date Rates--Implications for Immunization Registries in Rural Areas. J Rural Health 2001;17(2):122-126.

59. Kempe A, Steiner JF, Renfrew BL, Lowery E, Haas K, Berman S. How Much does

a Regional Immunization Registry Increase Documented Immunization Rates at Primary Care Sites in Rural Colorado? Amb Pediatr, 2001;1(4):213-216.

60. Brayden R, Pearson K, Jones J, Renfrew B, Berman S. Effect of thimerosal

recommendations on hospitals' neonatal hepatitis B vaccination policies. J Pediatr 2001; 138:752-755.

61. Glazner JE, Steiner JF, Haas KJ, Renfrew B, Deutchman M, Berman S. Is

Reimbursement for Childhood Immunizations Adequate? Evidence from Two Rural Areas in Colorado. Public Health Rep 2001;116(3):219-25.

62. Berman S. Casselbrant ML, Chonmaitree T, Giebink GS, Grote JJ, Ingvarsson LB,

Linder T, Lous J, Maw AR, Paradise JL, Sando I, Stool SE, Takasaka T. Recent Advances in Otitis Media. 9. Treatment, Complications, and Sequelae (Review). Ann Otol Rhinol Laryngol 2002 188(Suppl):102-24.

63. Glazner JE, Renfrew B, Henderson K, Melinkovich P, Berman S. Welfare to Work:

The Effect of a Health-care Program in Child-care Centers. Amb Pediatr 2002;2(1):17-21.

64. Berman S, Dolins J, Tang SF, Yudkowsky B. Factors that Influence the Willingness of Private Primary Care Pediatricians to Accept more Medicaid Patients. Pediatrics

2002;110(2 Pt 1):239-48.

65. Berman S. Mandated Child Health Insurance: An Approach Whose Time Has Come? (Commentary). Pediatrics 2003;111(4):893-895.

66. Berman S. Are We Ready to Follow the IOM Road Map to Transform Health Care Quality? (Commentary). Amb Pediatr 2003;3(3):117-118.

67. Berman S. Health Care Research on Migrant Farm Worker Children: Why Has It Not Had a Higher Priority? (Commentary). Pediatrics 2003;111(5):1106-1107.

68. Berman S. Is Medicaid, the Largest Insurer of Children with Special Health Care

Needs, in Danger? (Commentary). Pediatrics 2003;112(3):668-669.

69. Berman S. Do We Need a Structural Engineer to Redesign Our Vaccine

Infrastructure? (Commentary). Pediatrics 2003;112(3):671-672.

70. Berman S. Caring for Parents vs. Caring for Children: Is There a Difference? Arch Pediatr Adolesc Med 2003;157(3):221-222.

71. Glazner JE, Beaty BL, Pearson KA, Lowery NE, Berman S. Using an Immunization

Registry: Effect on Practice Costs and Time. Amb Pediatr 2004;4(1):34-40.

72. Daley MF, Barrow J, Pearson K, Crane LA, Gao D, Stevenson JM, Berman S. Kempe A. Identification and Recall of Children with Chronic Medical Conditions for Influenza Vaccination. Pediatrics 2004;113(1):e26-e33.

73. Daley MF, Steiner JF, Kempe A, Beaty BL. Pearson KA, Jones JS, Lowery NE, Berman S. Quality Improvement in Immunization Delivery Following an Unsuccessful Immunization Recall. Amb Pediatr 2004;4(3):217-223.

74. Rosenthal J, Rodewald L, McCauley M, Berman S, Irigoyen M, Sawyer M, Hussein Y, Davis R, Kalton G. Immunization Coverage Levels Among 19- to 35-Month-Old Children in 4 Diverse, Medically Underserved Areas of the United States. Pediatrics 2004;113:e296-e302.

75. Roberts J, Hunter L, Gravel J, Rosenfeld R, Berman S, Haggard M, Hall J, Lannon C, Moore D, Vernon-Feagans L, Wallace I. Otitis Media, Hearing Loss, and Language Learning: Controversies and Current Research. J Dev Behav Pediatr 2004;25(2):110- 122.

76. Berman S. Financing Childhood Health Supervision Services in the 21st Century (Commentary). Pediatrics 2004;113(6):1984-1985.

77. Kempe A, Beaty BL, Steiner JF, Person KA, Lowery JD, Daley MF, Crane LA, Berman S. The Regional Immunization Registry as a Public Health Tool for Improving Clinical Practice and Guiding Immunization Delivery Policy. Am J Public Health 2004;94(6):967-972.

78. Glazner JE, Beaty BL, Pearson KA, Berman S. The Cost of Giving Childhood Vaccinations: Differences Among Provider Types. Pediatrics 2004;113(6):1582-1587.

79. Steiner JF, Kempe A, Davidson AJ, Dickinson WP, Westfall JM, Berman S, Kutner JS, DeGruy FV. The Case for Interdepartmental Research in Primary Care. Acad Med 2004;79(7):617-622.

80. Berman S. The Brave New Bipartisan World of Health Care Reform: How Will Low- Income Families with Children with Special Health Care Needs Fare? (Commentary). Pediatrics 2004;114(2):489-490.

81. Young J, Flores G, Berman S. Providing Life-Saving Health Care to Undocumented Children: Controversies and Ethical Issues. Pediatrics 2004;114:1316-1320.

82. Sloan FA, Berman S, Rosenbaum S, Chalk RA, Giffin, RB. The Fragility of the U.S. Vaccine Supply. N Engl J Med 2004;351(23):2443-2447.

83. Berman S, Giffin RB. Global Perspectives on Vaccine Financing. Expert Rev Vaccines 2004;3(5):557-62.

84. Berman S. Challenge of Transforming our Private and Public Pediatric Health Care Systems to Emphasize Value. Pediatrics 2005;115:1068-1070.

85. Berman S, Rannie M, Moore L, Elias E, Dryer LJ, Jones, Jr MD. Utilization and Costs

for Children who have Special Health Care Needs and are Enrolled in a Hospital-Based

Comprehensive Primary Care Clinic. Pediatrics 2005;115(6):e637-642.

86. Daley MF, Crane LA, Beaty BL, Barrow J, Pearson K, Stevenson JM, Berman S, Kempe A. Provider Adoption of Pneumococcal Conjugate Vaccine and the Impact of Vaccine Shortages. Amb Pediatr 2005;5(3):157-164.

87. Kempe A, Daley MF, Barrow J, Allred N, Hester N, Beaty BL, Crane LA, Pearson K, Berman S. Implementation of Universal Influenza Immunization Recommendations for Healthy Young Children: Results of a Randomized, Controlled Trial with Registry- Based Recall. Pediatrics 2005;115(1):146-154.

88. Daley MF, Beaty BL, Barrow J, Pearson KM Crane LA, Berman S, Kempe A.

Missed Opportunities for Influenza Vaccination in Children with Chronic Medical

Conditions. Arch Pediatr Adolesc Med 2005;159(10):986-991.

89. Berman S, Armon C, Todd J. Impact of a Decline in Colorado Medicaid Managed

Care Enrollment on Access and Quality of Preventive Primary Care Services.

Pediatrics 2005;116(6):1474-1479.

90. Berman S. Tax Cuts, Budget Deficits, and Medicaid Cuts: Does "Starving the Beast" Mean that Children's Health Must Take Two Steps Backwards? (Commentary). Pediatrics 2005;116(6):1545-1546.

91. Berman S. Long-Term Sequelae of Ventilating Tubes: Implications for Management of Otitis Media with Effusion. (Commentary). Arch Pediatr Adolesc Med


92. Daley MF, Crane LA, Chandramoulie V, Beaty BL, Barrow J, Allred N, Berman S, Kempe A. Influenza among Healthy Young Children: Changes in Parental Attitudes and Predictors of Immunization during the 2003 to 2004 Influenza Season. Pediatrics 2006;117(2):e268-77.

93. McManus MA, Berman S, McInerny T, Tang SF. Weighing the Risks of Consumer-Driven Health Plans for Families. Pediatrics 2006;117(4):1420-4.

94. Todd J, Armon C, Griggs A, Poole S, Berman S. Increased Rates of Morbidity, Mortality, and Charges for Hospitalized Children with Public or No Health Insurance as Compared with Children with Private Insurance in Colorado and the United States. Pediatrics 2006;118:577-585.

95. McManus MA, Berman S, McInerny T, Tang SF. Consumer-Driven Health Plans: Not All Bad: In Reply. Pediatrics 2006;118:2258a-2259.

96. Daley MF, Liddon N, Crane LA, Beaty BL, Barrow J, Babbel C, Markowitz LE, Dunne EF, Stokley S, Dickinson LM, Berman S, Kempe A. A National Survey of Pediatrician Knowledge and Attitudes Regarding Human Papillomavirus Vaccination. Pediatrics 2006;118(6):2280-2289.

97. Allison MA, Daley MF, Crane LA, Barrow J, Beaty BL, Allred N, Berman S, Kempe A. Influenza Vaccine Effectiveness in Healthy 6-21-Month-Old Children During the 2003-2004 Season. J Pediatr 2006;149(6):755-762.

98. Earnest MA, Adams LJ, Wong S, Berman S, Kamin CS. Leadership Education and Advocacy Development for Medical Students - The CU-Leads Program: Tracking ID #151815. J Gen Intern Med 2006;21(suppl 4):177.

99. Crane LA, Steiner JF, Kempe A, Beaty BL, Pearson KA, Haas K, Lowery NE, Berman S. Organizational Characteristics, Clinic Operations and Delivery of Pediatric Immunizations. Submitted, Ann Fam Med, 2006.

100. Berman S. The End of an Era in Otitis Research. N Engl J Med 2007;356:300-302 (editorial).

101. Simon TD, Eilert R, Dickinson LM, Kempe A, Benefield E, Berman S. Pediatric Hospitalist Co-Management of Spine Fusion Surgery Patients. J Hosp Med 2007;2(1):23-30.

102. Kempe A, Daley MF, Parashar UD, Crane LA, Beaty BL, Stokley S, Barrow J, Babbel C, Dickinson LM, Widdowson M-A, Alexander JP, Berman S. Will Pediatricians Adopt the New Rotavirus Vaccine? Pediatrics 2007;119(1):1-10.

103. Berman S. State Children's Health Insurance Program Reauthorization: Will It Get us Closer to Universal Coverage for America's Children? Pediatrics 2007;119(4):823-25 (commentary).

104. Berman S. Universal Coverage for Children: Alternatives, Key Issues, and Political Opportunities. Health Aff 2007;26(2):394-404.

105. Daley MF, Crane LA, Chandramouli V, Beaty BL, Barrow J, Allred N, Berman S,

Kempe A. Misperceptions about Influenza Vaccination Among Parents of Healthy

Young Children. Clin Pediatr 2007;46(5):408-17.

106. Berman S. Early Placement of Tympanostomy Tubes does not Improve Developmental

Outcomes in Normal Children. J Pediatar 2007;151(1):191.

107. Berman S. Playing Catch in the Park. Ambul Pediatr 2007;7(5):325-7

108. Federico S, Tjoeng H, Berman S. State Strategies to Reduce the Number of Uninsured

Children. J Pediatr 2007;151(5 Suppl):S28-31.

109. Berman S. Continuity, the Medical Home, and Retail-based Clinics. Pediatrics


110. Kempe A, Daley MF, Stokley S, Crane LA, Beaty BL, Barrow J, Babbel C,

Dickenson LM, Steiner JF, Berman S. Impact of a Severe Influenza Vaccine Shortage

on Primary Care Practice. Am J Prev Med 2007;33(6):486-91.

111. Berman S. Otitis Media, Shared Decision Making, and Enhancing Value in Pediatric

Practice. Arch Pediatr Adolesc Med 2008;162(2):186-188.

112. Berman S. Anticipatory Guidance and a Prescription for Analgesic Otic Drops can

Reduce Emergency Department Use. J Pediatr. 2008 Jul;153(1):144-5. [PMID:


113. Berman S. Is our Vaccine System at Risk for a Future Financial "Meltdown?" Pediatrics

2008;122(6):1372-3. [PMID: 19047260]

114. Glazner JE, Beaty B, Berman S. Cost of Vaccine Administration Among Pediatric Practices. Pediatrics 2009;124(Suppl 5):S492-S498.

Non-Peer Review Journals and Publications

1. Berman S, Balkany T. Otitis media in the intensive care nursery. Corti's Organ 1976;1(3):5.

2. Berman S. Antibiotics for Children Hospitalized with ARI. ARI News 1986;V.

3. Berman S. Pathogenesis of Acute Respiratory Infections in the Developing World. BOSTID Developments 1987;7:2.

4. Berman S. Review of: Hoekelman RA, Blatman S, Friedman SB, Nelson NM, Seider HM (eds). Primary Pediatric Care. St. Louis: CV Mosby. In: J Dev Behav Pediatr 1988;9:49.

5. Berman S. Antibiotic therapy for pneumonia: Out-patient treatment. ARI News 1989;15:6.

6. Berman S. Overview of pneumonia in early infancy. In: Gadomski A (ed). Acute Lower Respiratory Infection & Child Survival in Developing Countries: Understanding the Current Status and Directions for the 1990's. The Johns Hopkins University 1990; pp 39-52.

7. Gould M, Berman S. An Analysis of CMP and Baby Care Enrollment. Monograph, Colorado Children's Campaign, Denver, Colorado, 1990.

8. Berman S. Acute Respiratory Infections. Infect Dis Clin North Amer 1991;5(2):319-336.

9. Berman S, Roark R, Simoes EAF. Assessing the accuracy of breathing rate for diagnosis. ARI News 1992;24:5.

10. Berman S. Physicians weigh managed-care risks, benefits. AAP News 1994;10(11):16.

11. AAP Committee on Child Health Financing (Berman S, Chair). Strategies for Managed Care--An Update from the Committee on Child Health Financing. Insert in AAP News 1994;10(11).

12. Berman S. Should Pediatric Subspecialists be Primary Care Providers? AAP News, May, 1997.

13. Berman S. Managed Care Gatekeepers. AAP News, May, 1997, p. 20.

14. Berman S. Allergic Rhinitis and Bacterial Upper Respiratory Infections: Otitis Media, Sinusitis, and Adenoiditis. Concepts for the Redefinition of Allergies in Children, Consensus Conference Proceedings. University of Wisconsin Medical School, May, 1997, pp. 15-17.

15. American Academy of Pediatrics, Committee on Child Health Financing and Committee on State Government Affairs. Medicaid Model Bill. Elk Grove Village, IL: American Academy of Pediatrics;1997.

16. American Academy of Pediatrics, Project Advisory Committee for the Medical Home Program for Children with Special Needs, Committee on Child Health Financing, and Committee on Children with Disabilities. Managed Care and Children with Special Health Care Needs. Elk Grove Village, IL: American Academy of Pediatrics;1997.

17. Berman S. Navigating the Waters of Denial: To Avoid Treatment Denials, Know the Right People. Pediatric News, March, 1999.

18. Berman S. Childhood immunization: Protecting an entire community. Editorial, The Denver Post, October 14, 1999.

19. Berman S. Refocusing on quality furthers AAP access, reimbursement goals. Seen & Heard, AAP News, March, 2000, p. 28.

20. Berman S. A Quality Agenda. AAP News, April, 2000.

21. Berman S. Are we ready to provide leadership to ensure all children's health? Letter from the President, AAP News, November, 2000, p. 192.

22. Berman S. Collaboration will give pediatric organizations a louder voice. Letter from the President, AAP News, December, 2000, p 244.

23. Berman S. Insuring America's children should be Congress' common ground. Letter from the President, AAP News, January, 2001, p. 6.

24. Berman S. Academy should strengthen collaboration with Latin American pediatricians. Letter from the President, AAP News, February, 2001, p.56.

25. Berman S. Daring to think 'outside the box' to boost SCHIP enrollment. Letter from the President, AAP News, March, 2001, p. 104.

26. Berman S. Academy must strive for right balance in business partnerships. Letter from the President, AAP News, April, 2001, p. 149.

27. Berman S. 'Throw-away kids' need medical, mental health services too. Letter from the President, AAP News, May, 2001, p. 202.

28. Berman S. Academy ascends toward goals: MediKids, access, medical quality. Letter from the President, AAP News, June, 2001, p. 250.

29. Berman S. Academy plans to work smarter to free up volunteers' time. Letter from the President, AAP News, July, 2001, p. 6.

30. Berman S. Pediatricians need to help foster early brain development in children. Letter from the President, AAP News, August, 2001, p. 46.

31. Berman S. It's time to discuss how we can bridge cultural gaps with patients. Letteer from the President, AAP News, September, 2001, p. 98.

32. Berman S. Promote pediatricians' value to make case for fair payment. Letter from the President, AAP News, October, 2001, p. 142.

33. Berman S. Governor, legislature must face reality, restore lost tax revenue. Editorial, Rocky Mountain News, March 8, 2003

34. Berman S. Medicaid plan hazardous to your health care. Editorial, The Denver Post, May 18, 2003.


1. Berman S, Bedoya A, Duenas A. Etiology of fever greater than 38.9 C in children under 5 years of age: A prospective study in health centers in Cali, Colombia. Pediatr Res 1980;14:486.

2. Villarreal S, Berman S. Telephone usage in a university pediatric group practice. Pediatr Res 1980;14:518.

3. Berman S, Bedoya A, Duenas A. An outpatient prospective study of lower respiratory tract infections in Cali, Colombia. Pediatr Res 1980;14:487.

4. Berman S, Bedoya A, Duenas A. An outpatient epidemiologic study of respiratory syncytial virus in a tropical climate. Clin Res 1981;29(1):121A.

5. Villarreal SF, Strange VF, Berman S. Implications of off-hours phone call symptomatology for the development of anticipatory guidance protocols. Clin Res 1981;29(1):118A.

6. Solomons CC, Block SM, Berman S. Platelet purine biochemistry in Reyes Syndrome, utilization in diagnosis and evolution. Clin Res 1981;29(1):127A.

7. Berman S, King J, South J. The relationship of age of onset of otitis, allergic history and prematurity to recurrent otitis media. Pediatr Res 1981;15(4):607.

8. Groothuis JR, Berman S, Thompson J, Wright PF. Nasopharyngeal Cultures: Correlation with Middle Ear Fluid Cultures in Children with Acute Otitis Media. Presented at poster session, Society for Pediatric Research, San Francisco, February, 1984.

9. Groothuis JR, Berman S. Does type of sugar ingested affect outcome in infants with mild acute gastroenteritis? Clin Res 1985;33(1):116A.

10. Butler P, Littlefield C, Berman S. Colorado's sick and uninsured children: Report of the Colorado Task Force on the Medically indigent. Clin Res 1985;33(1):120A.

11. Berman S, Grose K. The role of steroid plus TMP/SMZ in the treatment of persistent middle ear effusion. Clin Res 1985;33(1):125A.

12. Groothuis JR, Berman S. Does type of sugar ingested affect outcome in infants with mild acute gastroenteritis? Presented at APA-SPR Meetings, Washington, DC, May, 1985.

13. Berman S, Grose K. Medical management of chronic middle ear effusion: Results of a clinical trial of prednisone combined with TMP/SMZ. Presented at APA/SPR Plenary Session, Washington, DC, May, 1986.

14. Berman S, Shanks MB, Fieten JD, Lauer BA. Clinical diagnosis of chlamydia pneumonia in infancy. Pediatr Res 1987;890:21,322A.

15. Brayden RM, Feiten JD, Berman S, Lauer BA. Chlamydial pneumonia of infancy in siblings. Pediatr res 1987;893:21, 322A.

16. Berman S, Grose K. Medical management of chronic middle ear effusion: Results of a clinical trial of prednisone combined with TMP/SMZ. Presented at SENTAC, Denver, CO, December, 1987.

17. Berman S, Shanks MB, Feiten D, Horgan G, Rumack C. Predictors of pneumonia in infants less than 12 weeks of age with acute respiratory infection. AJDC 1989;143(4).

18. Berman S, Shanks MB, Feiten D, Horgan G, Rumack C. Correlation of etiology with chest radiography in infants less than 12 weeks of age with acute respiratory infection. Pediatr Res 1989;25(4):129A.

19. Berman S, Nuss R, Huber C. Bacteriology of acute otitis media: effect of amoxicillin prophylaxis. Pediatr Res 1989;25(4):129A.

20. Berman S, Grimes S, Wasserman S: Medicaid participation by pediatricians and family practitioners in Colorado. Submitted to Ambulatory Pediatric Association, 1989.

21. Rigel L, Berman S, Grose K. Language assessment in children with recurrent acute otitis media. Submitted to Ambulatory Pediatric Association, 1989.

22. Berman S, Nuss R, Huber C. Clinical characteristics associated with acute otitis media in patients with recurrent acute otitis media. Submitted to Ambulatory Pediatric Association, 1989.

23. Nuss R, Berman S, Roark R, et al. Prophylaxis for Recurrent Acute Otitis Media: Continuous versus Intermittent Amoxicillin. Submitted to Ambulatory Pediatric Association, 1990.

24. Berman S, Grose K, Nuss R, et al. Medical Management of Chronic Middle-Ear Effusion. Submitted and accepted for presentation, 1990.

25. Berman S, Simoes EAF, Lanata C. Respiratory Rate and Pneumonia in Infancy. Accepted by Clinical Digest Series, 1991.

26. Berman S, Nuss R, Roark R, Huber-Navin C, Grose K, Herrera M. Intermittent Versus Continuous Amoxicillin Prophylaxis for Infants and Children with Recurrent Otitis Media with Effusion. Presented before the Ambulatory Pediatric Association, New Orleans, LA, May, 1991.

27. Berman S, Shanks MB, Feiten D, et al. Acute Respiratory Infections During the First Three Months of Life: Clinical, Radiologic, and Physiologic Predictors of Etiology. Resp Dis Digest 1991;5:9-11.

28. Berman S, Roark R. Cost Effectiveness of Management of Middle Ear Effusions. Clin Res 1993;41(1):74A.

29. Berman S, Byrns P, Roark R, Bondy J. The Effect of Having a Medicaid Primary Care Provider on the Utilization of Otitis Related Services. Presented before the Society for Pediatric Research, San Diego, CA, May, 1995.

30. Berman S, Byrns P, Roark R, Bondy J. The Effect of Discontinuous Versus Continuous Medicaid Enrollment on the Availability of Primary Care Services. Arch Pediatr Adolesc Med 1995;149:86. Presented before the Ambulatory Pediatric Association, San Diego, CA, May, 1995.

31. Roark R, Berman S. Amoxicillin Prophylaxis for Recurrent Otitis Media. Arch Pediatr Adolesc Med (Suppl) 1996;150:P19. Presented at poster session of Ambulatory Pediatric Association Annual Meeting, Washington, DC, May, 1996.

32. Medellin G, Roark R, Berman S. The Correlation Between Tympanometry and Pneumo-Otoscopy. Arch Pediatr Adolesc Med (Suppl) 1996;150:P20. Presented at poster session of Ambulatory Pediatric Association Meeting, Washington, DC, May, 1996.

33. Medellin G, Roark R, Berman S. The Usefulness of Symptoms to Identify Otitis Media. Arch Pediatr Adolesc Med (Suppl) 1996;150:P98. Presented at Ambulatory Pediatric Association Annual Meeting, Washington, DC, May, 1996.

34. Westrick MC, Norris JM, Lezotte D, Berman S. Factors Influencing the Immunization Status of Children in Child Care Centers. Arch Pediatr Adolesc Med (Suppl) 1996;150:P110. Presented at Ambulatory Pediatric Association Annual Meeting, Washington, DC, May, 1996.

35. Berman S, Roark R, Roe MH. The Influence of Amoxicillin Prophylaxis on Nasopharyngeal Colonization with Otitis Pathogens. Arch Pediatr Adolesc Med (Suppl) 1996;150:P111. Presented at Ambulatory Pediatric Association Annual Meeting, Washington, DC, May, 1996.

36. Brayden R, Siegel C, Lowery E, Steiner J, Crane L, Berman S. Barriers to Immunization in Rural Colorado. Amb Child Health 1997;3(1, pt 2):174-175.

37. Lowery E, Siegel C, Beaty B, Steiner J, Berman S. Relationship of Immunization Practices to Rates in Publicly Funded Rural Clinics. Presented at 32nd National Immunization Conference, Atlanta, GA, July, 1998.

38. Glazner J, Haas K, Brayden R, Berman S. Variable Costs of Vaccine Administration in Rural Colorado. Presented at 32nd National Immunization Conference, Atlanta, GA, July, 1998.

39. Glazner J, Haas K, Brayden R, Berman S. Costs for VaccineAdministration in Rural Colorado. Presented at 38th Annual Meeting of Ambulatory Pediatric Association, New Orleans, LA, May, 1998.

40. Lowery E, Siegel C, Beaty B, Brayden R, Berman S. Vaccination Delivery Practices in Rural Publicly Funded Immunization Clinics. Presented at 32nd Annual National Immunization Conference, Atlanta, GA, July, 1998.

41. Pearson K, Brayden R, Haas K, Berman S. Rural Hospital Policy Regarding Neonatal Hepatitis B Vaccine. Presented at Ambulatory Pediatric Association Annual Meeting, New Orleans, LA, December, 1998.

42. Brayden R, Lowery E, Siegel C, Steiner J, Berman S. Physician Perceptions of Immunization Reimbursement in Urban and Rural Colorado. Presented at 32nd National Immunization Conference, Atlanta, GA, July, 1998.

43. Siegel C, Lowery E, Beaty B, Hester N, Deutchman M, Steiner J, Berman S. Immunization Referral Practices in Urban and Rural Settings. Presented at 32nd National Immunization Conference, Atlanta, GA, July, 1998.

44. Brayden R, Beaty B, Crane L, Siegel C, Steiner J, Berman S. Physician Identification of Barriers to the Delivery of Immunizations in Urban and Rural Areas of Colorado. Presented at 32nd National Immunization Conference, Atlanta, GA, July, 1998.

45. Lowery E, Siegel C, Beaty B, Brayden R, Berman S. Vaccination Delivery Practices in Rural Publicly Funded Immunization Clinics. Presented at 32nd National Immunization Conference, Atlanta, GA, July, 1998.

46. Brayden R, Beaty B, Siegel C, Berman S, Lowery E, Crane L, Steiner J. Use of Immunization Tracking Systems in Colorado Rural and Urban Private Practices. Presented at 32nd National Immunization Conference, Atlanta, GA, July, 1998.

47. Crane L, Deutchman M, Siegel C, Beaty B, Hester N, Brayden R, Berman S. Immunization Practices Among Rural and Urban Clinicians. Presented at 32nd National Immunization Conference, Atlanta, GA, July, 1998.

48. Berman S, Bondy J, Byrns PJ, Lezotte D. Management of Otitis Media in a Pediatric Medicaid Population. Ambulatory Pediatric Association Program and Abstracts 1999, Abstract #109, p. 51. Presented at APA Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA, May, 1999.

49. Berman S, Bondy J, Lezotte D, Stone B, Byrns PJ. The Influence of a Primary Care Provider on Utilization of Otitis Media-Related Services. Ambulatory Pediatric Association Program and Abstracts 1999, Abstract #108, p. 50. Presented at APA Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA, May, 1999.

50. Berman S, Melinkovich P, Henderson K, Johnson S. Evaluation of a Model to Provide On Site Health Care Services to Children Enrolled in Child Care Centers. Ambulatory Pediatric Association Program and Abstracts 1999, Abstract #348, p. 128. Presented at APA Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA, May, 1999.

51. Beaty B, Brayden R, Lowery E, Steiner J, Kempe A, Berman S. The impact of Combining Primary Care and Public Health Department Immunization Data on Immunization Rates. Presented at 33rd Annual National Immunization Conference, Dallas, TX, June, 1999.

52. Berman S, Brayden R, Beaty B, Haas K, Kempe A, Lowery E, Pearson K, Steiner J. Rural Hospital Policy Regarding Neonatal Hepatitis B Vaccine. Presented at 33rd Annual National Immunization Conference, Dallas, TX, June, 1999.

53. Berman S, Lowery E, Haas K, Brayden R, Beaty B, Kempe A, Pearson K, Steiner J. Effect of AFIX Intervention in Rural Private Primary Care Practices. Presented at 33rd Annual National Immunization Conference, Dallas, TX, June, 1999.

54. Brayden RM, Pearson KA, Haas K, Berman S. Rural Hospital Policy Regarding Neonatal Hepatitis B Vaccine. Presented at 10th International Symposium on Viral Hepatitis and Liver Disease, Atlanta, GA, April, 2000.

55. Berman S. The Usefulness of Reviewing Records from Both Primary Care Physicians and Surgical Specialists for Surgical Decision Making. Presented at Pediatric Academic Societies/American Academy of Pediatrics Annual Meeting, Boston, MA, May, 2000.

56. Rosenthal J, Rodewald L, Berman S, Davis R, Irigoyen M, Sawyer M, Hussain Y. High Vaccination Coverage in 4 Health Professional Shortage Areas (HPSA). Presented at Pediatric Academic Societies/American Academy of Pediatrics Annual Meeting, Boston, MA, May, 2000.

57. Kempe A, Steiner JF, Beaty B, Lowery E, Haas K, Berman S, Brayden RM. How Much Does a Regional Immunization Registry Increase Documented Immunization Rates in a Rural Private Practice? Presented at Pediatric Academic Societies/American Academy of Pediatrics Annual Meeting, Boston, MA, May, 2000.

58. Lowery E, Kempe A, Pearson K, Beaty B, Jones J, Steiner J, Berman S. Immunization

Recall: Helpful But Not Sufficient. Presented at Pediatric Academic Societies/American

Academy of Pediatrics Annual Meeting, Boston, MA, May, 2000 and at 34th National

Immunization Conference, Atlanta, GA, May, 2000.

59. Brayden R, Pearson K, Jones J, Beaty B, Berman S. Effect of Thimerosal Recommendations on Neonatal Hepatitis B Vaccination Policies. Presented at 34th National Immunization Conference, Atlanta, GA, May, 2000.

60. Beaty B, Kempe A, Steiner JF, Lowery E, Haas K, Brayden R, Berman S. How much Does a Regional Immunization Registry Increase Documented Immunization Rates at Primary Care Sites in Rural Colorado? Presented at 34th National Immunization Conference, Atlanta, GA, May, 2000.

61. Beaty B, Brayden R, Lowery E, Steiner J, Kempe A, Berman S. The Impact of Combining Primary Care and Public Health Department Immunization Data on Immunization Rates. Presented at National Immunization Conference, Newport, RI, June, 2000.

62. Beaty B, Kempe A, Steiner JF, Lowery E. Haas K, Brayden R, Berman S. How Much Does a Regional Immunization Registry Increase Documented Immunization Rates at Primary Care Sites in Rural Colorado? Presented at 34th National Immunization Conference, Atlanta, GA, July, 2000.

63. Daley MF, Kempe A, Brayden R, Steiner JF, Berman S. Immunization Registry Based Recall for a New Vaccine. Presented at Pediatric Academic Societies' Annual Meeting, Baltimore, MD, April, 2001.

64. Crane LA, Haas K, Kempe A, Steiner JF, Berman S, Sharp M. Practice Characteristics

and Delivery of Pediatric Immunizations. Presented at Pediatric Academic Societies'

Annual Meeting, Baltimore, MD, April, 2001 and 35th National Immunization

Conference, Atlanta, GA, May, 2001.

65. Pearson K, Crane LA, Haas K, Steiner J, Kempe A, Berman S. Practice Characteristics

Affect Delivery and Documentation of Pediatric Immunizations. Presented to 36th

National Immunization Conference, Denver, CO, April, 2002.

66. Berman S, Camp BW. Tools to Promote Language Development from 12-24 Months of Age: An Assessment of the Bright Beginnings Moving On Program Materials. Presented at Pediatric Academic Societies' Annual Meeting, Baltimore, MD, April, 2002. Pediatric Research 2002;51(4):18A, #104.

67. Daley MF, Crane LA, Barrow J, Pearson K, Stevenson JM, Berman S, Kempe A. Providing Pneumococcal Conjugate Vaccine in a Time of Shortages: A Survey Rural and Urban Practitioners. Presented at Pediatric Academic Societies' Annual Meeting, Baltimore, MD, May, 2002.

68. Daley MF, Barrow J, Pearson K, Crane LA, Stevenson JM, Berman S, Kempe A. Linking an Immunization Registry to Billing Data to Identify Children Needing Annual Influenza Immunization. Presented at Pediatric Academic Societies' Annual Meeting, Baltimore, MD, May, 2002.

69. Kempe A, Steiner JF, Renfrew B, Lowery E, Haas K, Reyes R, Daley M, Berman S. Predictors of Late Entry Into Well Child Care (WCC). Presented at Pediatric Academic Societies' Annual Meeting, Baltimore, MD, May, 2002. Pediatric Research 2002;51(4):154A, #893.

70. Daley MF, Crane LA, Barrow J, Pearson K, Stevenson JM, Berman S, Kempe A. Providing Pneumococcal Conjugate Vaccine in a Time of Shortages: A Survey of Rural and Urban Practitioners. Presented at Pediatric Academic Societies' Annual Meeting, Seattle, WA, May, 2003. Pediatric Research 2003;53(4, pt 2):233A.

71. Daley MF, Barrow J, Pearson K, Crane LA, Stevenson JM, Berman S, Kempe A. Linking an Immunization Registry to Billing Data to Identify Children Needing Annual Influenza Immunization. Presented at 37th National Immunization Conference, Chicago, IL, March, 2003 and Pediatric Academic Societies' Annual Meeting, Seattle, WA, May, 2003. Pediatric Research 2003;53(4, pt 2):306A.

72. Carpenter SC, Clyman R, Moore L, Xu S, Berman S. Are Children in Kinship Care at Greater Risk Than Those in Traditional Foster Care? Presented at Pediatric Academic Societies' Annual Meeting, Seattle, WA, May, 2003. Pediatric Research 2003;53(4, pt 2):193A.

73. Berman S, Tang S-F, Dolins J, Yudkowsky B. Does Increasing State Medicaid Payment Rates for Physician Services Reduce Per Enrollee Medicaid Expenditures? Experiences in North Carolina and Mississippi. Presented at Pediatric Academic Societies' Annual Meeting, Seattle, WA, May, 2003. Pediatric Research 2003;53(4, pt 2):263A.

74. Carpenter SC, Clyman R, Moore L, Xu S, Berman S. The Association of Informal Kinship Care with Poor Health Status and Lack of Health Insurance. Presented at Pediatric Academic Societies' Annual Meeting, Seattle, WA, May, 2003. Pediatric Research 2003;53(4, pt 2):579A.

75. Daley MF, Barrow J, Pearson K, Crane LA, Stevenson J, Berman S, Kempe A. Identification and Recall of Children with Chronic Medical Conditions for Influenza Vaccination. Presented at Fourth Annual Immunization Registry Conference, Atlanta, GA, October, 2003.

76. Kempe A, Steiner JF, Lowery NE, Crane LA, Beaty BL, Pearson K, Daley MF, Berman S. Use of a Regional Registry to Identify Patterns of Immunization Documentation and Effect of UTD Rates. Presented at Fourth Annual Immunization Registry Conference, Atlanta, GA, October, 2003.

77. Pearson K, Lowery NE, Stucky M, Peters K, Kuiper A, Berman S. Development of a Train-the-Trainer Model for Expanding an Immunization Registry. Presented at Fourth Annual Immunization Registry Conference, Atlanta, GA, October, 2003.

78. Kempe A, Daley MF, Crane LA, Barrow J, Hester N, Beaty BL, Allred NJ, Pearson K, Berman S. Parental Knowledge of Influenza Vaccine Recommendations and the Safety of Vaccination in Different High-Risk Populations. Presented at Pediatric Academic Societies' Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA, May, 2004.

79. Kempe A, Daley M, Barrow J, Hester N, Beaty BL, Allred N, Pearson K, Crane L, Berman S. Can High Rates of Influenza Immunization be Achieved in Healthy Young Children? Results of a Randomized Controlled Trial Using Registry-based Recall. Presented at Pediatric Academic Societies' Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA, May, 2004.

80. Daley MF, Crane LA, Barrow J, Hester N, Beaty BL, Pearson K, Allred NJ, Berman S, Kempe A. Parental Knowledge, Attitudes, and Beliefs (KABs) Regarding Influenza Immunization in Healthy Young Children. Presented at Pediatric Academic Societies' Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA, May, 2004.

81. Daley MF, Crane LA, Barrow J, Pearson K, Stevenson JM, Berman S, Kempe A. Parental Decision-Making Regarding New and Targeted Vaccines. Presented at Pediatric Academic Societies' Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA, May, 2004.

82. Daley MF, Barrow J, Stevenson JM, Pearson K, Crane LA, Berman S, Kempe A. Missed Opportunities for Influenza Immunization in Children with Chronic Medical Conditions. Presented at Pediatric Academic Societies' Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA, May, 2004.

83. Sills M, Berman S, Kempe A. Expenditures for Pediatric Patients with Mental Health Diagnoses. Presented at Pediatric Academic Societies' Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA, May, 2004.

84. Kempe A, Daley MF, Barrow J, Hester N, Beaty BL, Allred N, Pearson K, Crane LA, Berman S. Can High Rates of Influenza Immunization be Achieved in Healthy Young Children? Results of a RCT Using Registry-based Recall. Presented at National Immunization Conference, Nashville, TN, May, 2004.

85. Kempe A, Daley MF, Crane L, Barrow J, Hester N, Beaty BL, Allred N, Pearson K, Berman S. Parental Knowledge of Influenza Vaccine Recommendations and the Safety of Vaccination in Different High-Risk Populations. Presented at National Immunization Conference, Nashville, TN, May, 2004.

86. Daley MF, Barrow J, Stevenson JM, Beaty BL, Pearson K, Crane L, Berman S, Kempe A. Missed Opportunities for Influenza Immunization in Children with Chronic Medical Conditions. Presented at National Immunization Conference, Nashville, TN, May, 2004.

87. Daley MF, Crane LA, Barrow J, Chandramouli V, Pearson K, Stevenson JM, Berman S, Kempe A. Parental Decision-making Regarding New and Targeted Vaccines. Presented at National Immunization Conference, Nashville, TN, May, 2004.

88. Daley MF, Crane LA, Barrow J, Hester N, Beaty BL, Pearson K, Allred N, Berman S, Kempe A. Parental Knowledge, Attitudes, and Beliefs (KABs) Regarding Influenza Immunization in Healthy Young Children. Presented at National Immunization Conference, Nashville, TN, May, 2004.

89. Carpenter SC, Berman S, Clyman R, Moore LA, Xu S. Are Children in Kinship Care Getting the Mental Health Services they Need? Presented at Pediatric Academic Societies' Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA, May, 2004.

90. Berman S, Rannie M, Elias E, Dryer L, Jones MD. Utilization of Ambulatory and Inpatient Services by Children with Special Health Care Needs (CSHCN) Enrolled in a Hospital-Based Comprehensive Primary Care Clinic. Presented at Pediatric Academic Societies' Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA, May, 2004.

91. Berman S, Cunningham M, Pratte KA, Camp BW. Promoting Language Development During Well Child Care Visits. Presented at Pediatric Academic Societies' Annual Meeting, Washington, DC, May, 2005.

92. Barron J, Cunningham M, Pratte K, Camp BW, Berman S. Effectiveness of Anticipatory Guidance to Reduce the Risk of Preventable Childhood Injury. Presented at Pediatric Academic Societies' Annual Meeting, Washington, DC, May, 2005.

93. Todd JK, Armon C, Berman S. Significantly Greater Rates of Admission, Morbidity, Mortality, and Charges for Hospitalized Children in Colorado with Medicaid/SCHIP or No Insurance as Compared to Children with Private Insurance. Presented at Pediatric Academic Societies' Annual Meeting, Washington, DC, May, 2005.

94. Daley MF, Crane LA, Chandramouli V, Beaty BL, Barrow J, Allred NJ, Berman S, Kempe A. Influenza Immunization in Healthy Young Children: Changes in Parental Perceptions and Predictors of Immunization During the 2003-2004 Influenza Season. Presented at Pediatric Academic Societies' Annual Meeting, Washington, DC, May, 2005.

95. Daley MF, Crane LA, Barrow J, Chandramouli V, Beaty BL, Allred NJ, Berman S, Kempe A. Organizational Characteristics, Vaccination Strategies, and Implementation of Universal Influenza Immunization in Young Children. Presented at Pediatric Academic Societies' Annual Meeting, Washington, DC, May, 2005.

96. Berman S, Armon C, Todd JK. Impact of a Decline in Colorado Medicaid Managed Care Enrollment on Access and Quality of Preventive Primary Care Services. Presented at Pediatric Academic Societies' Annual Meeting, Washington, DC, May, 2005.

97. Allison MA, Daley MF, Crane LA, Barrow J, Beaty B, Berman S, Kempe A. Influenza Vaccine Effectiveness in Healthy 6 to 21 Month Old Children. Presented at Pediatric Academic Societies' Annual Meeting, Washington, DC, May, 2005.

98. Wong SL, Federico SG, Earnest MA, Kamin C, Adams LJ, Berman S. An Online Educational Module Teaching Legislative Advocacy to Medical Students: The CU- LEADS Program. Presented at Pediatric Academic Societies' Annual Meeting, Toronto, Canada, May, 2007.

99. Todd J, Armon C, Berman S. Widening Disparity in Hospital Outcomes for Children with Public or No Health Insurance as Compared to Those with Private Insurance. Presented at Pediataric Academic Societies' Annual Meeting, Toronto, Canada, May, 2007.

100. Kempe A, Daley MF, Parashar UD, Crane LA, Beaty BL, Stokley S, Barrow J, Babbel C, Widdowson MA, Alexander JP, Berman S. Characteristics of Pediatricians Who Plan to Be Early Adopters of Rotavirus Vaccine. Presented at Pediatric Academic Societies' Annual Meeting, Toronto, Canada, May, 2007.

101. Kempe A, Francis AB, Daley MF, Crane LA, Beaty BL, Babbel C, Barrow J, Berman S. How Likely are Pediatricians to Give Vaccines in the Face of Inadequate Reimbursement? Presented at Pediatric Academic Societies' Annual Meeting, Toronto, Canada, May, 2007.


1. Schmitt BD, Berman S. Ear, Nose and Throat. In: Kempe, Silver, O'Brien (eds). Current Pediatric Diagnosis and Treatment. Los Altos: Lange Medical Publications, 1982.

2. Schmitt BD, Berman S: Ear, Nose and Throat. In: Kempe, Silver, O'Brien (eds). Current Pediatric Diagnosis and Treatment. Los Altos: Lange Medical Publications, 1984.

3. Berman S, McIntosh K. Acute Respiratory Infections in Strategies for Primary Health Care. In: Walsh and Warren, (eds). Technologies Appropriate for the Control of Disease in the Developing World. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1986.

4. Berman S. Ear, Nose and Throat. In: Merenstein, Kaplan, Rosenberg and Silver (eds). Handbook of Pediatrics. Los Altos: Appleton and Lange, 1990.

5. Berman S, Schmitt BD. Ear, Nose and Throat. In: Hathaway, Hay, Groothuis, Paisley (eds). Current Pediatric Diagnosis and Treatment. Los Altos: Appleton and Lange, 1990.

6. Berman S. 12 chapters. In: Callahan. Decision Making in Emergency Medicine. Philadelphia: BC Decker & Company, 1990.

7. Berman S. Viral Respiratory Infections. In: Dyson J (ed). Hunter's Tropical Medicine (7th ed). Philadelphia: WB Saunders Co., 1991, pp 170-174.

8. Berman S. Burden of Disease - Otitis Media - by Age and Sex. In: The World Bank. World Development Report, 1993 - Investing in Health. New York: Oxford University Press, 1993, pp 215-225.

9. Berman S. Ear, Nose and Throat. In: Merenstein GB, Kaplan DW, Rosenberg AA. Handbook of Pediatrics (17th ed). Norwalk: Appleton & Lange, 1994, pp 434-477.

10. Berman S, Schmitt BD. Ear, Nose, Throat. In: Hay WW, Groothuis JR, Hayward AR, Levin MJ. Current Pediatric Diagnosis & Treatment (12th ed). Norwalk: Appleton & Lange, 1994, pp 454-492.

11. Roark R, Berman S. Otitis Media. In: Northern J (ed). Hearing Disorders (3rd ed). Needham Heights, MA: Allyn and Bacon, 1996, pp 127-137.

12. Berman S, Chan K. Ear, Nose, Throat. In: Hay WW, Groothuis JR, Hayward AR, Levin MJ. Current Pediatric Diagnosis & Treatment (13th ed). Norwalk: Appleton & Lange, 1996.

13. Berman S. Ear, Nose and Throat. In: Merenstein, Kaplan, Rosenberg and Silver (eds). Handbook of Pediatrics. Los Altos: Appleton and Lange, 1996.

14. Berman S. Acute Respiratory Infections, Otitis Media, Sinusitis, and Croup. In: Green M, Haggerty RJ, Weitzman M, eds. Ambulatory Pediatrics (5th ed.). Philadelphia: WB Saunders Co., 1999, pp 163-170.

15. Berman S, Johnson C, Chan K, Kelley P. Ear, Nose & Throat. In: Hay WW, Hayward AR, Levin MJ, Sondheimer JM, eds. Current Pediatric Diagnosis & Treatment (15th ed). New York: McGraw-Hill, 2001.


1. Berman S, ed. Pediatric Decision Making. Philadelphia: BC Decker & Co., 1985.

2. Berman S, ed. Pediatric Decision Making. 2nd edition. Philadelphia: BC Decker & Co., 1991.

3. Committee on Child Health Financing, American Academy of Pediatrics. A Pediatrician's Guide to Managed Care (Berman S, Gross RD, Lewak N, eds). Elk Grove Village, IL: American Academy of Pediatrics, 1995.

4. Berman S, ed. Pediatric Decision Making. 3rd edition. Philadelphia: Mosby-Year Book, Inc., 1996.

5. Berman S, ed. Pediatric Decision Making. 4th edition. Philadelphia: Mosby, 2003.

6. Committee on Identifying Priority Areas for Quality Improvement, Board on Health Care Services, Institute of Medicine of the National Academies. Priority Areas for National Action - Transforming Health Care Quality (Adams K, Corrigan JM, eds). Washington, DC: The National Academies Press, 2003.

7. Committee on the Evaluation of Vaccine Purchase Financing in the United States,, Board on Health Care Services, Institute of Medicine of the National Academies. Financing Vaccines in the 21st Century - Assuring Access and Availability. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press, 2003.

8. Berman S. Getting it Right for Children - Stories of Pediatric Care and Advocacy. Elk Grove Village, IL: American Academy of Pediatrics, 2008.

Training and Educational Materials

1. Berman S. Penicillin Allergy. World Health Organization Press, 1988.

2. World Health Organization Training Manuals. Contributor with Shann F, King F, CDC Staff, WHO Staff.

World Health Organization: Programme of Acute Respiratory Infections

Supervisory Skills: Management of the Child with an Ear, Nose or Throat Infection

Supervisory Skills: Course Facilitator Guidelines for Acute Respiratory Infections Modules

Respiratory Infections in Children: Management at Small Hospitals. WHO/RSD/86.26

3. Berman S (ed). University of Colorado Department of Pediatrics Handbook. Published by Ross Laboratories, 1986, 1987, 1988.

4. Physician training manual for the Philippines ARI Program.

5. Berman S. Bronchodilator therapy: Background paper for WHO program in ARI, June, 1989.

6. WHO ARI Program background materials:

- Administration of oxygen

- Administration of salbutamol

- Fever in acute respiratory infections

- Relationship of bacterial and viral infection to bronchospasm

- Equipment and skills needed to manage severe ARI

- Pneumatic otoscopy

7. Brayden R, Berman S. Interactive Immunization Instruction Module. Internet access via: . April, 1997.

8. Brayden R, Stucky M, Melinkovich P, Berman S. The Colorado Immunization Resource Book. Mountain Financial Printers, Denver, CO

Berman S. Pediatrics in Disasters training manual and course materials. Elk Grove

Village, IL: American Academy of Pediatrics, 2008.

11. Visiting Professorships:

1982 University of Uppsala


1985 Post-graduate Institute

Department of Pediatrics

Chandigarh, India

1985 Barbados College of Medicine

Department of Pediatrics

1986, 1988 Children's Health Center at

St. Joseph's Hospital

Phoenix, Arizona

1991 Grand Rounds

East Carolina University

Greenville, North Carolina

1997 CATCH Visiting Professor

Department of Pediatrics

University of Washington

Seattle, Washington

12. International Consultant Visits:

Date Sponsor Site Purpose

1985 WHO Post-graduate Institute ARI training course

Department of Pediatrics

Chandigarh, India

1985 WHO Barbados College of Medicine ARI training course

Department of Pediatrics


1987 BOSTID University of Buenos Aires ARI site visit

Buenos Aires, Argentina

1987 BOSTID Instituto Fernandes Figueira ARI site visit

Rio de Janiero, Brazil

1987 BOSTID Ministry of Public Health ARI site visit

Montevideo, Uruguay

1987 BOSTID Cyaetano Heredia Hospital ARI site visit

Lima, Peru

1987 BOSTID Valle University School of ARI site visit


Cali, Colombia

1987 BOSTID Christian Medical College ARI site visit

Vellore, India

1987 BOSTID National Research Center ARI site visit

Rangoon, Burma

1987 BOSTID Int'l Centre for Diarrhoel ARI site visit

Disease Research

Dhaka, Bangladesh

1987 BOSTID Research in Tropical Disease Epidemiology site visit

Center ARI site visit

Chang Mai, Thailand

1987 BOSTID Department of Pediatrics ARI site visit

Ramathibodi Hospital

Bangkok, Thailand

1987 BOSTID Faculty of Public Health ARI site visit

Mahidol University

Bangkok, Thailand

1988 NIH Egyptian Ministry of Health ARI seminar and consultant

and Child Survival Program

Cairo, Egypt

1989 WHO Ministry of Health Visit to develop national

Manila, Philippines ARI training unit

1989 WHO Ministry of Health Conduct first training course

Manila, Philippines

1990 WHO Ministry of Health Visit to develop national

Rio de Janeiro, Brazil ARI Management Guidelines

1995 WHO Children's Hospital ARI Seminar

Ministry of Health

Mexico City, Mexico

2003. Helping the MesoAmerican Pediatric

Children Congress, Guatemala City

13. Presentations at International Meetings:

Congreso Colombiano de Pediatria, Cali, Colombia, November, 1977.

Congreso Colombiano de Pediatria, Medellin, Colombia, November, 1979.

Pan American Health Organization conference on Acute Respiratory Infections, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, October, 1984.

Review of ARI Clinical Research, WHO International Donors Meeting, Geneva, Switzerland, June, 1990.

Congresso Brasileiro de Pediatria, Porto Alegre, Brazil, October, 1991.

International Consultation on Control of Acute Respiratory Infections, Washington, DC, December, 1991.

Philippine Pediatric Society Convention, April, 1992.

International Symposium on Acute Respiratory Infections, Mexico City Children's Hospital, 1995.

International Conference on Acute Respiratory Infections, Canberra, Australia, July,


Eighth International Congress on Infectious Diseases, Boston MA, “Acute Otitis Media in the Developed and Developing Worlds,” May, 1998.

Spanish Pediatric Association, Bilbao, Spain, "Improving Quality of Care with Outcomes Research," June, 2002.

XIII Latin American Pediatric Congress, Panama City, Panama, "Promoting Language Development in the Pediatric Office" and "Caring for Children with Special Health Care Needs," November, 2003.

XV Congreso Federacion Centro Occidente de Pediatria and XII Congreso del Colegio de Pediatras de Michoacan, Morelia, Mexico, "Promoting Child Development During the First Three Years of Life," February, 2005.

1 er. Congreso Mesoamericano y del Caribe de Pediatria El Niño en Situación de Crisis y Desastres, Guatemala City, Guatemala, presentation on Helping the Children pilot program, July, 2005.

XIV Congreso LatinoAmericano de Pediatria, Punta Cana, Dominican Republic, "Lo(a)s nino(a)s ante el desastre," November, 2006.

Hospital Baca Ortiz, Quito, Ecuador, "Pediatria en Disastres," October, 2007.

XIII Journada Nacional de Pediatria, Ica, Peru, "Triage en disastres," El Arte de la Tomu de Decisiones en Pediatria," and "Los Disastres y sus Efectos Sobre Poblaciones," November, 2007.

Coordinator, Programa de Disastres, Reunion Pediatrica de las Americas, “Ante lo Imprevisto, Capacitation y Prevencion,” Ciudad de Mexico, Mexico, February, 2008.

Speaker, Peruvian Pediatric Society,“Preventive Medicine in Disasters,” “Care of Children with Special Health Care Needs,” and “Case Conferences,” Lima, Peru, July, 2008.

Course Director, “Pediatrics in Disasters” training course, Panama City, Panama, September, 2008.

Course Director, IX Curso Internacional de Pediatria, “Medicina Preventiva en Situaciones de Disastres,” Hospital Baca Ortiz, Quito, Ecuador, October, 2008.

Course Director, “Pediatrics in Disasters” training course for public health pediatricians from all provinces in China, Bejing, China, October, 2008.

Course Director, “Pediatrics in Disasters” training course, Children’s Hospital No. 1, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam, March, 2009.

14. Presentations at National or Regional Conferences:

"Tubes, Time and Steroids," 34th Annual Pediatric Program, Aspen, Colorado, August, 1991.

"The Medicaid Game," 8th Western Perinatal Leadership Conference, September, 1991.

"Improving Access to Health Care: Incremental vs Fundamental Change," National Council on Family Relations 53rd Annual Conference Program, "Families and Poverty," Denver, Colorado, November, 1991.

"Tubes, Time and Steroids," Utah Academy of Family Physicians, February, 1992.

"Medicaid and Medical Economics," Pediatric Update, St. Mary's Hospital, Grand Junction, Colorado, May, 1992.

Otitis Media Workshop, Spring Session American Academy of Pediatrics, Denver, Colorado, April, 1994.

Health Care Reform Workshop, Spring Session American Academy of Pediatrics, Denver, Colorado, April, 1994.

"Otitis Media: A Current Perspective," presentation at State Audiologic Conference, Portland Center for Hearing and Speech, Portland, Oregon, May, 1994.

"Have You Heard?--Current Management of Otitis Media," presentation at 3rd Annual Pediatric Nursing Conference, Englewood, Colorado, April, 1995.

"Otitis Media," Pediatric Lecture Series, Fitzsimons Army Medical Center, Denver, Colorado, May, 1995.

"Changes in Paying for Health Care: How will the Maltreated Child's Doctors and Treatments be Funded?," presentation at 23rd National Child Abuse and Neglect Symposium, Keystone, Colorado, May, 1995.

"Otitis Media," presentation at Continuing Medical Education program at Valley View Hospital, Glenwood Springs, Colorado, August, 1995.

"Sinusitis," presentation at 10th Annual Conference of the Community Health Association of Mountains/Plains States (CHAMPS), Denver, Colorado, October, 1995.

"A Call to Action: Impacting the Legislative Process," panel discussion at Health Care Legislation conference at The Children's Hospital, Denver, Colorado, October, 1995.

"Capitated Managed Medical Considerations and Economic Calculations," presentation at AAP National Meeting, Chicago, Illinois, April, 1996.

"Managed Care and Special Needs Children," seminar at Pennsylvania Chapter of American Academy of Pediatrics, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, May, 1996.

"Managed Care," presentation at Annual Meeting of Montana Chapter, American Academy of Pediatrics, Polson, Montana, September, 1996.

"Managed Care: The Pediatrician's Role," presentation at AAP National Meeting, Boston, MA, October, 1996.

Presenter at Pharmaceutical Outcomes Therapy Investigator Meeting, sponsored by Agency for Health Care Policy and Research, Washington, DC, May, 1997.

"Legislative Initiatives to Improve Adolescent Health Care," presentation at Adolescent Health Symposium, The Children's Hospital, Denver, CO, May, 1997.

"Getting the Incentives Right," work group participant at Association for Health Services Research National Invitational Conference on Improving the Quality of Health Care for Children: An Agenda for Research, Washington, DC, May, 1997.

"Medicaid Managed Care," presentation at AAP National Meeting, San Diego, May, 1997.

"Medicaid Managed Care and Children," presentation at Children and Managed Care 1997 Research Symposium, Department of Pediatrics, University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio, San Antonio, TX, October, 1997.

"Medicaid Managed Care," presentation at 29th Ross Roundtable on Critical Approaches to Common Pediatric Problems: Improving Child Health in a Managed Care Environment, Washington, DC, October, 1997.

"Assuring adequate networks of primary and specialty care; structural and organizational issues; access and utilization of specialists," presentation at Tri-Regional Meeting of Bureau of Maternal and Child Health, Seattle WA, November, 1997.

"Medical Management of Otitis Media," presentation at conference, "Otitis Media: Current Medical/Surgical Management and Developmental Sequelae," sponsored by Colorado Hearing Foundation, Colorado Educational Audiology Group and Colorado Academy of Audiology, Arvada, CO, January, 1998.

"Working Together for Children's Mental Health," keynote address at Mental Health Association of Colorado Legislative Education Luncheon, Denver, CO, February, 1998.

"Building Healthy Environments," workshop at Crossroads Conference on Children and Adolescents with Emotional Disorders, Vail, CO, April, 1998.

“Pediatric Decision Making,” presentation at Fall Meeting of Georgia Chapter, American Academy of Pediatrics, Atlanta, GA, November, 1998.

“Otitis Media with Confusion,” Ramon Rodriquez-Torres Lectureship, Miami Children’s Hospital, Miami, FL, June, 1999.

Presentation on Adolescent Health, SCHIP HCFA Conference on Adolescent Health, Chicago, IL, October, 1999.

“Access to Health Care,” presentation at Pediatric Update, Centre Community Hospital, State College, PA, December, 1999.

“Access to Health Care,” presentation at North Carolina Chapter AAP, Raleigh, NC, February, 2000.

“Access Quality and Expense,” presentation at Neonatology Conference, Scottsdale, AZ, April, 2000.

“Quality Access and Expense,” presentation at Spring Meeting of Georgia Chapter, American Academy of Pediatrics, Sea Island, GA, June, 2000.

“Social Pediatrics: Developing a Resident Advocacy Program,” keynote address at First Northeast Regional Pediatric Advocacy Conference, Hasbro Children’s Hospital, Providence, RI, September, 2000.

"Children's Health Care in Colorado," presentation at Leadership Denver Poverty Day seminar, Denver Health and Hospitals, Denver, CO, March, 2001.

"Toys, Health Policy and Change," grand rounds presentation at Children's Medical Center, the Medical College of George, Augusta, GA, March, 2001.

"The Role of Organized Medicine and the Future Health of Hispanic Families," speaker at National Hispanic Medical Association's Fifth Annual Conference, "Healthy Hispanic Families," Washington, DC, March, 2001.

"Toys, Health Policy and Change," grand rounds presentation at Children's Hospital and keynote speech at Central Texas Pediatric Physicians Alliance meeting, Austin, TX, April, 2001.

"Toys, Health Policy and Change," presentation at New Hampshire Pediatric Society Spring Meeting, Manchester, NH, May, 2001.

"Advocacy, Policy and Politics," grand rounds presentation at Children's Hospital, Los Angeles, Los Angeles, CA, July, 2001.

"Advocacy, Policy and Politics," grand rounds presentation at Mattel Children's Hospital at UCLA, Los Angeles, CA, July, 2001.

"Hiking Up A Fourteener: Reflections on an AAP Presidency," keynote address, National Medical Association Annual Pediatric Luncheon, Nashville, TN, August, 2001.

Keynote address, Distinguished Fellows Induction Dinner, Toledo Children's Hospital, Toledo, OH, November, 2001.

"Toys, Health Policy and Change," presentation at Citizens for Lakewood's Future Forum, Lakewood, CO, February, 2002.

"Life After the AAP Presidency: An Ongoing Commitment," presentation at Workshop on Perinatal Practice Strategies: Your Practice, sponsored by AAP Section on Perinatal Pediatrics and American Academy of Pediatrics, Scottsdale, AZ, April, 2002.

"Life After the AAP Presidency," presentation at Annual Pediatric Symposium, Kansas Chapter American Academy of Pediatrics, Kansas City, KS, April, 2002.

"Child Advocacy," presentation at Pediatrics in the Red Rocks Conference, Arizona Chapter American Academy of Pediatrics, Sedona, AZ, June, 2002.

"Health Care Access: The Academy, Pediatricians, and Reimbursement," plenary session at AAP National Conference and Exhibition, New Orleans, LA, November, 2003.

"Child Health Supervision in the 21st Century" and "Principles of Pediatric Decision-Making," Annual Meeting of Alabama Chapter American Academy of Pediatrics, Destin, FL, September, 2005.

"The Future of Medicaid and SCHIP: An Opportunity to Improve the Quality of Care for Children by Translating Research into Policy and Practice," meeting of National Initiative for Children's Healthcare Quality, Washington, DC, August, 2006.

"Universal Health Insurance Coverage for Children," Jimmy Simon Lecture, Wake Forest University School of Medicine, October, 2007.

"Otitis Media, Shared Clinical Decision Making, and Enhancing Value in Pediatric Practice," Pediatric Symposium, University of Iowa Children's Hospital, October, 2007.

"Caring for Children with Special Health Care Needs," Pediatric Grand Rounds presentation at University of Texas Health Science Center, San Antonio, TX, November, 2008.

Participant, APA debate, Pediatric Academic Societies Annual Meeting, Baltimore, MD, May, 2009.

Course Director, “Pediatrics in Disasters” training course, The Children’s Hospital, Denver, August, 2009.

“Help Me, A Child’s Silent Cry,” keynote speech at Healthy Learning Paths conference, “A Prescription for Healthy Learning, A Call for Action to Empower Children,” Northglenn, CO, September, 2009.

“Respiratory Disease in the Developing World,” participant in Second Annual Global Health Symposium, “Continuing the Global Conversation,” Aurora, CO, October, 2009.

“Health Care in the New Millennium: Improved Health Care for Children?,” keynote address at plenary session of American Academy of Pediatrics National Conference and Exhibition, Washington, DC, October, 2009.

“Health Care in the New Millennium: Improved Health Care for Children?,” Jack Robinson Lecture, MassGeneral Hospital, Boston, MA, October, 2009.

Participant, Septima Reunion del Grupo Asesor Tecnico de AIEPI (GATA), Texas Children’s Hospital, Houston, TX, November, 2009.


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