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Kindergarten Registration

Perry Hall Elementary will hold Kindergarten Registration for the 2018-2019 school year on Thursday, April 12, 2018. Pre-K registration will be on Thursday, April 26, 2018. Contact Mrs. Bragg at 410-887-5105 for more information. We will send out registration materials later this month. Please pass this information on to any neighbors or friends who may be attending Pre-K or K next school year.  It is important to have as many of our new Kindergarten students register as early as possible. This allows our school to plan and prepare for the next school year in a more efficient manner. It also provides families with the assurance that their students are registered to begin school on time.

Spanish Notes

¡Hola! ¡Saludos de la clase de español! It’s hard to believe we’re already more than halfway through the school year! Students have learned so much in Spanish and continue to make such great progress. In fourth grade, students are learning different locations to do activities and different professions. They will learn to describe what they want to be when they grow up and why.

In fifth grade, students are learning all about school. They know how to describe what school supplies you need for class, what you do in each class, and which class is their favorite. They will learn about the different people working in a school and how to describe their school schedule. They also did a fun escape room activity; if you have a fifth grader, ask them about it!

Are you looking to practice some Spanish at home? Ask your child to teach you what they learned in Spanish class each week! Also, here are some Spanish phrases you can practice at home during March.

|La frase en español |English sentence |

|¿Cuántos años tienes? |How old are you? |

|Yo tengo ___ años. |I’m __ years old. |

|¡Feliz día de San Patricio! |Happy St. Patrick’s Day! |

|¡El día de Maryland es el 25 de marzo! |Maryland Day is March 25! |

|¡Feliz primavera! |Happy spring! |


¡Hasta luego!

Senorita Kaiser

Señorita Kaiser

News from Mrs. Battista, our Art Teacher

Two of our Perry Hall Gators have their works of art in a special Youth Art Month Exhibit at the Walters Art Museum!  Congratulations to Mya Abt and Krista McCarthy!  Their artwork is impressive, and they have done a wonderful job representing Perry Hall Elementary.  If any students and parents are able to get to the museum to see this exhibit, it will be on display from February 28th to March 11th.  Remember, admission to the Walters is always free and always an awesome experience.  Be prepared to be amazed!

Pennies for Patients

What is this?

In collaboration with the American Leukemia and Lymphoma Society, we are going to be having a “Penny Drive” in which students collect pennies at home and bring them to school to raise money for this society.

When is this?

March 5-23

How do I show support?

Each child will bring home a collection box that they can use to collect spare change at home. They can bring this box in when it gets full and empty it into the teacher’s class collection box.

What is our goal?

We are trying to have each student raise at least $5.00 in change.

Information is coming home in Thursday folders!

|Monday |Tuesday |Wednesday |Thursday |Friday |

| | | | | |

|Pajama |Neon Nickels Day- |Dazzling Dines Day- |Crazy Quarters Day- |Team Up for Leukemia- |

|Penny Day- |Wear your brightest neon and | | | |

|Put your pennies in the |bring in nickels! |Wear something shiny and bring|Wear a crazy hat and socks |Wear your favorite team |

|pockets of you favorite PJs| |in |to school and drop off some|jersey and collect whatever|

|and bring them in to | | |QUARTERS! |money you can. |

|school! | |some dazzling dimes! | | |


Perry Hall Elementary Library

PHES Library


The Living American Flag Essay Contest

◆ “What the Words in the Pledge of Allegiance Mean to Me.”

◆ Research the topic.

◆ Support the opinions you expressed in your composition with your research.

◆ Turn in your original—hand written—by March 16, 2018

◆ Your composition should have a Title at the top and your name, grade, and school name and address at the bottom.

Title: ___________________________________________________________



Name: __________________________________________

Grade: __________________________________________

School: _________________________________________________

School Address: _________________________________________________________________[pic][pic][pic][pic]


Important Dates:

Tuesday, March 6th-PTA Restaurant Night: Chik Fil-A Night 4pm-8pm

Wednesday, March 7th-O-Mazing Math Night 6:00pm-7:30pm

Friday, March 9th-St. Patrick’s Day Dance: 6:30pm-8:00pm

Wednesday, March 21st-PTA Restaurant Night: Ledo Pizza 4pm-9pm

Wednesday, March 28th-PTA Meeting 6:30pm-8:00pm

Thursday, March 29th- End of the Third Quarter-Schools close 3 hours early at 12:50pm

Friday, March 30th-Monday April 2nd-Spring Break -Schools Closed

Tuesday, April 3rd-Schools Reopen

***Kindergarten Registration, Thursday, April 12th***

***Pre-Kindergarten Registration, Thursday, April 26th***

Our Vision:

Perry Hall Elementary School is committed to creating a safe and structured learning environment where students, staff, parents, and community members work cooperatively to develop 21st century life-long learners and leaders.

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Perry Hall Elementary

Perry Hall Elementary PTA

Contact Us

Perry Hall Elementary

9021 Belair Rd.

Nottingham, MD 21236


Office: (410) 887-5105

Fax: (410) 887-5106




News from the Administration

There is always something exciting happening at Perry Hall Elementary School! During the month of February, there was the third grade choral and recorder concert, “All You Need is Love”, the Multicultural Fair, and the 1st Annual PTA Paint Night. It was wonderful to have so many families represented at all of these great events.

This month, we encourage you to participate in the O-Mazing Math Night on Wednesday, March 7th and the St. Patrick’s Day Dance on the Friday, May 9th. These are two opportunities for our families to enjoy with their children. The Math Night will also assist you with helping your children with the upcoming math concepts.

Please provide your input on the BCPS Stakeholder’s Survey at . The deadline for participation has been extended to Wednesday, March 7th. Please share your thoughts about all the wonderful things happening at our school.


Donna Bergin, Principal

Caroline Neary, Asst. Principal Ronesha Thompson, Asst. Principal

March 2018 Volume 4, Issue 8

Donna Bergin, Principal

Caroline Neary, Assistant Principal

Ronesha Thompson, Assistant Principal


Perry Hall Elementary School


Gator News

Page 3

The Living American Flag Essay Contest

On May 29th the American Flag Foundation will host an assembly here at Perry Hall Elementary. 3rd, 4th, and 5th graders will attend a dedication assembly in the morning followed by the entire school heading out to the ball field to create the Living American Flag.

Part of the assembly will be the presentation of flags for the first 15 states that entered the union. The MD Nation Guard will present the colors. The 4th Grade chorus will lead us in patriotic song, and the Philip F. Haxel Patriotism Honor Roll award will be presented to the winner of The Living American Flag Essay Contest.

Ms. Martinelli, Librarian


Main Office Phone


Library Office Phone



The Living American Flag Essay Contest

3rd, 4th, and 5th Grades

Topic: “What the Words in the Pledge of Allegiance Mean to Me.”

*Research the creation and meaning of the pledge.

*Write a personal opinion about what the words in the pledge mean to you.

*Essays must be handwritten with a title at the top and the writer’s name, grade level, school name and address at the bottom.

*The contest committee will evaluate submissions based on content, spelling, grammar, punctuation, and handwriting.

*One student from each grade level will be awarded the Philip F. Haxel, Sr. Patriotism Honor Roll Certificate recognizing their achievement.

*One “over-all” student will be chosen as the “Baton of Patriotism” winner, and awarded a unique plaque acknowledging their accomplishment, as well as public recognition on the American Flag Foundation’s website.

**Entry form is included in this newsletter or can be picked up in the library.

All Entries are due to Ms. Martinelli by March 16, 2018. No late entries will be accepted.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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