American funds breakpoint worksheet

[Pages:5]American funds breakpoint worksheet

American funds breakpoint levels. Breakpoint schedule for american funds. American funds breakpoint pricing. American funds breakpoint rules.

Class R shares and unit classes Our Class R shares provide flexibility in retirement plan pricing. The 8 share classes are differentiated by the ways plan sponsors and participants pay for plan services. Class R shares are available to 401(k), 403(b), 457, deferred compensation, defined benefit, money purchase pension and profit-sharing retirement plans that require recordkeeping and administrative services. They are not available in retail accounts or IRAs, SEPs and SIMPLE IRAs. Class R shares do not have an up-front or contingent deferred sales charge. Each R share class has a distinct expense structure. Share classes with lower expenses require plan sponsors to pay for certain services out of pocket, while share classes with higher expenses can cover some or all of the plan service costs. Suggested target markets and average annual expenses for Class R shares Share class Suggested plan size (assets) Plan costs Average expense ratio** R-1 Less than $1 million Plan sponsor pays most recordkeeping costs separately 1.41%, R-2 Less than $3 million Plan sponsor wants all or part of recordkeeping costs to be covered by plan assets 1.43%, R-2E Less than $4 million Plan sponsor wants part of recordkeeping costs to be covered by plan assets 1.14%, R-3 Less than $5 million Plan sponsor wants part of recordkeeping costs to be covered by plan assets 0.99%, R-4 Greater than $5 million Plan sponsor pays most recordkeeping costs separately. 0.69%, R-5E Any size Plan sponsor pays most expenses separately, including financial professional compensation. 0.51%, R-5 Any size Plan sponsor pays most expenses separately, including financial professional compensation 0.43%, R-6 Any size Plan sponsor pays all expenses separately, including financial professional compensation 0.36%, Class R-1 shares are available for sponsors who use a third-party platform. Our 8 unit classes provide flexibility in RecordkeeperDirect?-Multifund plan pricing, which determines how plan sponsors and participants pay for plan services. Unit classes 1 through 6 are for commission-based financial professionals, and four of the unit classes have a higher upfront commission option. Unit classes 7 and 8 are for fee-based financial professionals. Unit classes are available to 401(k), money purchase pension and profit-sharing retirement plans in the American Funds RecordkeeperDirect-Multifund program. RecordkeeperDirect-Multifund is closed to new plans as of February 1, 2017. Unit classes do not have an up-front or contingent deferred sales charge. Each unit class has a distinct expense structure. Unit classes with lower expenses require plan sponsors to pay for certain services out-of-pocket, while unit classes with higher expenses can cover some or all of the plan service costs. You can find expenses for individual funds on the Retirement Planning Center. Unit class average annual expenses Unit class Average expense ratio** 1 1.67%? 2 1.47%? 3 1.37%? 4 1.22%? 5 1.02%? 6 0.82%? 7 0.57%? 8 0.37%? * Investments in a CollegeAmerica account cannot be made if the value of all 529 plans maintained by Virginia529 (CollegeAmerica, Virginia 529 prePAID, Virginia529 inVEST and CollegeWealth) for the same beneficiary is $550,000 or more. A 1% contingent deferred sales charge may be assessed on redemptions within 18 months of purchase. A 0.75% contingent deferred sales charge may be assessed on redemptions within 18 months of purchase. ** Average expense ratios are provided only as examples. The actual average expense ratio depends on the investments selected for the plan and participant allocations. Expense ratios reflect applicable fee waivers and expense reimbursements, without which expenses would be higher. The average expense ratio (including dealer compensation) for each share class is based on the average daily net assets of all American Funds, excluding tax-exempt funds, American Funds College Target Date Series, American Funds Insurance Series, American Funds Target Date Retirement Series and Portfolio Series funds, as of the funds' prospectuses available at the time of publication. Accordingly, more weight is given to funds that are larger in size and less weight to smaller funds. Please see each fund's most recent prospectus for details. For funds that are available to qualified retirement plans, the actual expense ratios range from: 0.38% to 1.93% for R-1; 1.29% to 1.94% for R-2; 1.02% to 1.65% for R-2E; 0.86% to 1.49% for R-3; 0.56% to 1.19% for R-4; 0.36% to 1.00% for R-5E; 0.26% to 0.90% for R-5; and 0.21% to 0.91% for R-6. Average expense ratios are based on the average daily net assets of all American Funds, excluding tax-exempt funds and funds of funds, as of the funds' prospectuses available as of 12/31/2021. Accordingly, more weight is given to funds that are larger in size and less weight to smaller funds. Please see each fund's prospectus for details. ? The average expense ratio shown for each unit class is the sum of (1) the weighted average operating expense for all funded investments (excluding the Fixed Account) in the program as of 12/31/2021, and (2) the variable asset charge ("program charge"), which ranges from 0.14% to 1.44%, depending on the unit class, and is for administrative, service and other fees on the variable assets. Actual expense ratios of all investments (excluding the Fixed Account), which are as of each fund's prospectus available at the time of publication, range from 1.47% to 2.69% for unit class 1; 1.27% to 2.49% for unit class 2; 1.17% to 2.39% for unit class 3; 1.02% to 2.24% for unit class 4; 0.82% to 2.04% for unit class 5; 0.62% to 1.84% for unit class 6; 0.37% to 1.59% for unit class 7; and 0.17% to 1.39% for unit class 8. Investments are not FDIC-insured, nor are they deposits of or guaranteed by a bank or any other entity, so they may lose value. Investors should carefully consider investment objectives, risks, charges and expenses. This and other important information is contained in the fund prospectuses and summary prospectuses, which can be obtained from a financial professional and should be read carefully before investing. Similar information is contained in the CollegeAmerica Program Description and ABLEAmerica Program Description, which can be obtained from a financial professional and should be read carefully before investing. CollegeAmerica and ABLEAmerica are distributed by American Funds Distributors, Inc. and sold through unaffiliated intermediaries. Depending on your state of residence, there may be an in-state plan that provides state tax and other state benefits not available through CollegeAmerica (such as financial aid, scholarship funds and protection from creditors) or ABLEAmerica. Before investing in any state's 529 plan, investors should consult a tax advisor. CollegeAmerica and ABLEAmerica are nationwide plans sponsored by Virginia529. All Capital Group trademarks mentioned are owned by The Capital Group Companies, Inc., an affiliated company or fund. All other company and product names mentioned are the property of their respective companies. Use of this website is intended for U.S. residents only. American Funds Distributors, Inc., member FINRA. This content, developed by Capital Group, home of American Funds, should not be used as a primary basis for investment decisions and is not intended to serve as impartial investment or fiduciary advice. Skip to headerSkip to main contentSkip to footerGood news. Capital Research and Management, sponsor of the American funds-- in my view, the best large shop for actively managed funds--just opened its doors for the first time to individuals who prefer to invest on their own and want to avoid sales charges. "They've been very good for a very long time," says Alec Lucas, a Morningstar analyst who covers 18 American funds.Since the American funds began operations in the early 1930s, the firm has sold its funds exclusively through investment advisers and brokers. Individual investors were turned away, and those who bought American funds through an intermediary often paid front-end sales charges of up to 5.75%.That's all changed. The F1 share class of all American funds is now available commission-free on the Fidelity and Schwab online brokerage sites. Presumably, American will eventually offer its funds through other discount brokerages.This is a big deal. The American funds offer a wide lineup of good funds. What's more, their expense ratios tend to be lower than almost any other large fund firm's except Vanguard's. Those low expense ratios should bring added pressure on other fund companies to lower their prices to remain competitive.The American funds' assets under management total $1.3 trillion, second only to Vanguard's $2.7 trillion.The American funds move comes as most traditional fund firms have been losing assets to Vanguard's low-cost index and actively managed funds and, increasingly, to low-cost exchange-traded funds from Vanguard, BlackRock (sponsor of iShares ETFs) and other firms.In contrast, more than half of the American funds' assets are in mutual funds that charge up-front commissions. Those sales loads will likely soon be history thanks to the Labor Department's new fiduciary rule, which will require advisers and brokers to put the interest of retirement-account clients first. The rule will make it difficult to justify buying funds that levy sales charges or high annual fees when cheaper funds are available.Many investors have barely heard of the American funds. That's because the funds have been targeted solely at advisers, brokers, institutional investors and other third parties, such as 401(k) plans and 529 college-savings plans. Until I became an adviser a decade ago, I never heard from the American funds. Since becoming an adviser, I hear from them all the time.What's to like about the American funds? Consider.Solid long-term results. Most of the American funds boast first-rate longterm returns. The average returns of 15 American stock and hybrid (stock and bond) F1 share-class funds with records of at least five years topped the average return of the benchmark index assigned to each fund by Morningstar over the five-, 10- and 15-year periods through September 30. The average amount by which those funds outpaced their benchmarks was 0.6, 0.4 and 0.8 percentage point per year over the past five, 10 and 15 years, respectively.The American funds, for the most part, also exhibit relatively low volatility. All of its stock funds lost substantially less than Standard & Poor's 500-stock index in the 2007-09 bear market. Consequently, Morningstar analysts have awarded gold, silver or bronze medals--the firm's qualitative rating for superior funds--to 22 of the 27 American funds its analysts cover.Low expenses. Compared with other actively managed funds, the American funds are a bargain. American Funds American Mutual F1 (more on this fund below), for instance, charges 0.66% annually. That's no bargain compared with a Vanguard index fund or most ETFs, of course. Nor compared with the 0.41% annual expense ratio for the fund's F2 share class, which advisers can tap. But it's a lot cheaper than the average expense ratio of 1.15% for actively managed diversified domestic stock funds.Exceptional corporate culture. The American funds are head and shoulders above most fund firms on this qualitative measure. Most fund managers and analysts hired by the American funds stay their entire careers. Fund managers typically invest heavily in their funds--a move that tends to go hand in hand with strong returns. Like other fund firms with admirable corporate cultures, such as T. Rowe Price and Vanguard, the American funds are steady, never flashy. American rarely introduces funds to benefit from the hot investment fad du jour.The culture is so unique that Charles Ellis, best known as a proponent of indexing, in 2004 published a book about the firm called Capital: The Story of Long-Term Investment Excellence. Capital Research and Management firm has a collaborative culture in which decisions are arrived at by consensus, no one has a title, and no one has a corner office.The multi-manager system. Asset bloat is a huge problem for actively managed funds. As funds put up strong numbers, they tend to attract huge inflows of cash. As funds get bigger, it becomes harder for them to duplicate the results they achieved when they were relative runts. The American funds solution: Assign multiple managers to each run a slice of a fund, and base most of each manager's pay on how that slice performs relative to a fund's benchmark over long periods of time. The system doesn't always work. For example, I think the firm's biggest fund, American Funds Growth Fund of America, with assets of $144 billion, is so enormous that even splitting the portfolio among 12 managers can't overcome bloat. But for the most part, the multi-manager approach works well.The company is far from perfect. It's too big to do a good job with small-capitalization stocks--indeed, American doesn't offer any pure small-cap funds. And it hasn't done all that well with bonds. To the firm's credit, it recently hired several senior bond fund managers from other firms in an effort to improve its fixed-income product line.But for large-company stocks in the U.S. and overseas, Capital Research offers some terrific funds. Below are brief descriptions of my favorites:American Funds American Mutual F1 (symbol AMFFX) is a moderately conservative fund. Over the past 10 years through October 13, it returned an annualized 6.6%. That trailed the S%P 500 slightly, by an average of 0.2 percentage point per year.. But the fund, by investing in steady dividend payers that trade at relatively low priceearnings ratios, was 17% less volatile than the S&P 500 over that stretch. It lost 48.3% in the 2007-09 bear market--compared with a 55.3% loss for the S&P.American Funds New Perspective F1 (NPFFX) is a perfect vehicle for investors who want to stick a toe into foreign stocks--which are cheap based on such measures as P/Es but face big economic and political headwinds. New Perspective invests in both U.S. and foreign stocks; currently, its assets are about evenly split between domestic and foreign stocks. The managers focus on growing companies, trying to buy them when they're underpriced. Over the past 10 years, the fund returned 6.3% annualized--an average of 4.6 percentage points per year better than the MSCI All-Country World index.American Funds New World F1 (NWFFX) is my favorite emerging-markets stock fund that is open to new investors. The fund divides its investments roughly evenly between companies domiciled in emerging markets and firms that are based in developed lands but do a lot of business in emerging nations. Managers stretch that definition to the extreme: Holdings include Alphabet, the parent of Google, and Domino's Pizza. The fund provides a much smoother ride than pure emerging-markets offerings. The fund returned 4.5% annualized over the past 10 years.Steve Goldberg is an investment adviser in the Washington, D.C., area.10 Facts You Must Know About RecessionsMarketsFears of an economic downturn are once again on the rise, but what is a recession, exactly? 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