Excellence Through Quality | ASQ

Executive Performance ReportJune 30, 2012FINALEXECUTIVE PERFORMANCE REPORT (EPR)TABLE OF CONTENTSINTRODUCTION TO THE EPRPage 3 EXECUTIVE SUMMARYPage 4 BALANCED SCORECARDPage 5ASQ PERFORMANCE – GLOBAL IMPACT DIMENSIONPage 6ASQ PERFORMANCE – COMMUNITY DIMENSIONPage 11ASQ PERFORMANCE – CUSTOMER DIMENSIONPage 14ASQ PERFORMANCE – FINANCIAL DIMENSIONPage 15ASQ PERFORMANCE – PROCESS & OPERATIONS DIMENSIONPage 18ASQ PERFORMANCE – LEARNING & GROWTH DIMENSIONPage 22INTRODUCTION TO THEEXECUTIVE PERFORMANCE REPORT (EPR)ASQ Measurement System (MS)In 2004, ASQ launched a Measurement Improvement Team charged with evaluating the “current state” of the measurement system and making recommendations to improve the effectiveness to support a “fact-based” performance management culture. The improvement cycle represents a third-generation of improvement in the ASQ Measurement System.The need to improve the measurement system was based on two drivers: 1) 2003 and 2004 feedback identified through the Wisconsin Forward Award that indicated ASQ lacked a systematic and consistently deployed measurement system and 2) changing information and data performance needs identified by members of the Executive Council (EC), Chief Executive Officer (CEO), and Management Committee (MC).After flowcharting and validating the steps of the existing measurement system, conducting an audit on the current state of measures, and conducting a needs assessment with the EC, CEO and MC, the cross-functional team determined the key strengths and opportunities for improvement of the current ASQ Measurement System. “ASQ needed to meet information and data needs of the EC, CEO and MC” is one of those opportunities. The team redesigned the measurement system and recommended a number of changes be implemented. “Develop an Executive Performance Report (EPR) that presents performance against the key performance measures and distribute the EPR to the EC, CEO and MC” was one of those recommendations.There are several types of reporting formats typically used at ASQ. The nature varies depending on the purpose and use of the information in the report. Reports may be available on line and/or distributed in paper format. Results may also be communicated via workshops, open forums, staff web sites, display cases, and storyboards located throughout the building.ASQ Executive Performance Report (EPR)The EPR is a summary report that is used by leaders for fact-based performance review, decision making, and prioritization of improvement/innovation opportunities. A report of this nature typically presents 20-25 measures that reflect the health of the organization and are aligned with organizational objectives, strategies, and operational/staff performance. ASQ’s scorecard has 27 measures. ASQ is in the middle stages of deploying a balanced scorecard approach. The Board of Directors (BoD) has determined the dimensions. The EC, CEO, and MC have shared their requirements of the report and the following information represents the current progress against those requirements. The EPR requirements are:Measures are in alignment with ASQ’s Organizational Objectives & StrategiesMeasures and calculations are clearly definedMeasures are a mix of leading and lagging indicatorsData are accurate and reliableFive-year trends are provided (when applicable)Goals, targets and comparative data are included (when available)Stoplight indicators are used to highlight progress against goals and targetsPerformance analysis is providedCorrective actions are provided (when in red condition)The report continues to evolve. It has been used by the EC beginning FY 2006 and has been shared with the BoD since November 2006. It is now made available monthly.Executive Summary – for June 30, 2012DimensionOrganizational ObjectivePerformance SummaryImpact1 – Increase Global ImpactThe total number of non-US/Canada individual dues paying members and non-US/Canada organization members is flat, is above prior year and target.The total number of LMCs is flat, is above prior year and below target.Total non-US/Canada revenue is above prior year and below munity2 – Grow CommunityThe total number of ind/org members of the community, ind/org non-dues paying members, ind/org dues paying members, individual dues paying members, new individual dues paying members, renewing ind are below prior year and target.The total number of org members new org members and org members is above prior year and below target.Customer3 – Increase Customer LoyaltyThe percent of customers loyal to ASQ and customer satisfied with key products and services decreased and is below prior year and target.Means4 – Grow MeansTotal consolidated operating revenue is favorable to prior year and below target.Total consolidated operating surplus is above prior year and target.The liquidity ratio decreased is favorable to target.The reserve fund percent increased below prior year but above target.Process & Operations5 – Improve Process & Operations PerformanceThe customer experience index decreased, is above prior year and target.The total number of new products, percent of new products launched on time and percent of marcom tactics executed on time is ahead of prior year and target.The percent of new product revenue decreased, is below prior year and target.Learning & Growth6 – Improve WorkforceStaff retention is flat, is below prior year and target.Revenue per staff decreased, is above prior year and below target.Staff compensation as a percent of revenue increased, is favorable to prior year and target.Executive SummaryScorecard-91059077851000ASQ Performance – Global Impact DimensionTotal Number of Non-US/Canada Individual Dues Paying Members9296406731000Meeting Goal? JanFebMarAprMayJuneJulyAugSepOctNovDecYTDGreen = At plan or ahead of last year Yellow = Behind plan, but ahead of last year Red = Behind plan and behind last yearGGGGGGGIndividual membership numbers are over the projection by 3% and ahead of last year's June numbers. Growth continues in India, Mexico, and China as well as LMC countries: Brazil, UAE, Malaysia. ASQ Performance – Global Impact DimensionTotal Number of Non-US/Canada Global Organizational MembersMeeting Goal? JanFebMarAprMayJuneJulyAugSepOctNovDecYTDGreen = At plan or ahead of last year Yellow = Behind plan, but ahead of last year Red = Behind plan and behind last yearRRGGGGGOrganization member numbers have remained the same and are ahead of the projection by 10%. The number has decreased from March and efforts are being made to capture additional Site members in Qatar and UAE to bring the total back up. ASQ Performance – Global Impact DimensionTotal Number of Local Member Communities9074994332400Meeting Goal?Q1Q2Q3Q4YTDGreen = At plan or ahead of last year Yellow = Behind plan, but ahead of last year Red = Behind plan and behind last yearYYTBDTBDYAt the end of June the LMC total was below the projected goal of 26 total LMCs. Three core teams have organized and submitted LMC proposals to the GAC in July. It is anticipated that the LMC total will reach 26 by July 23, 2012. ASQ Performance – Global RevenueTotal Non-US/Canada Revenue762000-39560500Meeting Goal? JanFebMarAprMayJuneJulyAugSepOctNovDecYTDGreen = At plan or ahead of last year Yellow = Behind plan, but ahead of last year Red = Behind plan and behind last yearYGRRGYYRevenue of $572K was 2% below plan but 30% over that of last year. Considerable onsite training revenue is expected in July and August. Two new RSPs and one new book and magazine distributor are at final stages of signing up. That will contribute to the LO and KO revenue for the balance of the year. Certification marketing has started to create interest for October and December exams.ASQ Performance – Community DimensionTotal Ind/Org Members of the Community Total Ind/Org Non-Dues Paying Members of the CommunityMeeting Goal? JanFebMarAprMayJuneJulyAugSepOctNovDecYTDGreen = At plan or ahead of last year Yellow = Behind plan, but ahead of last year Red = Behind plan and behind last yearGGGRRRRGGGGRRRFor June 2012, the Total Members of the Community was148,467. This is a decrease of 12,810 over June 2011. Members of the Community Analysis/Corrective Action:Total membership is up from previous month, though 2,500 behind last year. This is primarily due to Senior member non-renewals and fewer new full members. Corrective actions are in place.Total non-members are up compared to previous month and also behind last year by nearly 3,000. Individuals registered to the Port, ASQ's social network tool, continues to increase.Registered visitors shows a decrease over last month (-4,300) and last year (-16,458). A team has been assembled to brainstorm ways to increase growth in this area. The team is prioritizing the greatest opportunities for Member of the Community growth.ASQ Performance – Community DimensionTotal Number of Individual Dues Paying MembersMeeting Goal? JanFebMarAprMayJuneJulyAugSepOctNovDecYTDGreen = At plan or ahead of last year Yellow = Behind plan, but ahead of last year Red = Behind plan and behind last yearRYRRRRRTotal individual membership as of June 30, 2012 was 76,730 compared with 79,320 at June 30, 2011 (-2,590). Membership Analysis:Total membership shows a significant decrease year-over-year, with June 30th numbers reporting 2,590 less individuals. This attrition is from non-renewing Senior members (-2,000 YOY) and fewer new Full members (-500 YOY).Corrective Action:Work is being done to improve the online new membership application to improve conversions. Data shows that visits to the application are up significantly year-over-year, yet conversions are down. Improving the conversion rate presents the greatest opportunity to improve results.Additionally, a calling program targeted at the large July renewal group will be expanded to other groups (April, May, June Senior members) if proven successful.ASQ Performance – Community DimensionTotal Number of New Individual MembersMeeting Goal? JanFebMarAprMayJuneJulyAugSepOctNovDecYTDGreen = At plan or ahead of last year Yellow = Behind plan, but ahead of last year Red = Behind plan and behind last yearYYYRRRRTotal new individual members to join the dues paying community in May were 1,665 compared with 2,004 last year. Corrective Action:Two opportunities are being addressed. (1) Work is being done to improve the online new membership application to improve conversions. Data shows that visits to the application are up significantly year-over-year, yet conversions are down. Improving the conversion rate presents the greatest opportunity to improve results. (2) Monthly promotions to registered visitors in the ASQ database has excluded over 30,000 individuals for the past six months. List selection criteria has been improved and promotions to these individuals began in June and will continue monthly.ASQ Performance – Community DimensionTotal Number of Renewing Individual MembersMeeting Goal? JanFebMarAprMayJuneJulyAugSepOctNovDecYTDGreen = At plan or ahead of last year Yellow = Behind plan, but ahead of last year Red = Behind plan and behind last yearGGGGRRRThe 12-month rolling retention rate is approximately 72.10% for renewal groups through December 2011, whereas last year it was 72.55% (-0.45%).Corrective Actions:The significant decrease in renewal orders received in May has begun to correct itself in June, as more than usual numbers of renewals were received. ASQ remains about 3,000 renewals behind, although first two weeks of July are showing continued progress. To support further correction and return to trend, ASQ is partnering with a telemarketing firm on a renewal calling program that will target the large number of July non-renewals in an attempt to recover additional renewals. If successful, the calling program will be expanded to other renewal groups (April, May, and June) which have seen significant declines in the number of Senior members not renewing.ASQ Performance – Community DimensionTotal Number of Organizational MembersMeeting Goal? JanFebMarAprMayJuneJulyAugSepOctNovDecYTDGreen = At plan or ahead of last year Yellow = Behind plan, but ahead of last year Red = Behind plan and behind last yearRYYYYYYTotal new site, K-12, and enterprise members to join in the month were 13 compared to 20 for the prior year.ASQ Performance – Customer DimensionPercent of Customers Satisfied with Key Products & Services (composite)Meeting Goal?Q1Q2Q3Q4YTDGreen = At plan or ahead of last year Yellow = Behind plan, but ahead of last year Red = Behind plan and behind last yearGRTBDTBDRThis quarter 49.4% of individuals were very satisfied with the products and services that were offered. A few things to keep in mind is that due to changes at DC, we were not able to include a satisfaction score from our Quality Check cards. Another thing to make note is that we have recently noticed there has been less and less respondents for the Quality Progress website satisfaction survey. Due to the low number of respondents for the Quality Progress website satisfaction survey, satisfaction percentages are not as accurate and representative of the overall product itself. To address this and to better define the satisfaction of the product we have made changes to the survey and the survey is now available through the website, QP Live newsletter and the print issue.Unfortunately we were not able to meet our goal this quarter, however, Certification, KO, and our Virtual Course satisfaction scores showed an increase. The differences between Q1 and Q2 with the 3 groups mentioned were: 1.8%, 4.9%, 12.6%, respectively. Onsite Courses continued to meet their goal this quarter with 67.1% satisfaction ratings. In terms of the loyalty score, 72% showed a positive loyalty in ASQ (32.3% were Loyal and 39.7 were Positive).NO EXTERNAL ACCESS - Contact Ethel Parnell at eparnell@ for more information – More information on satisfaction ratings can be found here: P:\Measurement Council\EPR\EPR Data\Customer\Market Research\Product Composite FY12.xlsASQ Performance – Financial DimensionTotal Consolidated Operating Revenue (Does not include investments)Meeting Goal? JanFebMarAprMayJuneJulyAugSepOctNovDecYTDGreen = At plan or ahead of last year Yellow = Behind plan, but ahead of last year Red = Behind plan and behind last yearRGRRYGYAll Funds Revenue is under budget by $848K YTD (-4.3%) and higher than 2011 by $458K (2.5%).? The driver from budgeted revenue relates primarily to Training. YTD Investment gains are $716K.ASQ Performance – Financial DimensionTotal Consolidated Operating Surplus/Deficit (Does not include investments)Meeting Goal? JanFebMarAprMayJuneJulyAugSepOctNovDecYTDGreen = At plan or ahead of last year Yellow = Behind plan, but ahead of last year Red = Behind plan and behind last yearRGGRRGGRevenue is under budget by $848K YTD (-4.3%) and higher than 2011 by $458K (2.5%).? The primary driver from YTD budgeted revenue relates to Training. YTD operating surplus of $122K was greater than budget by 147.7% and greater than prior year by 143.4%. YTD Investment gains are $716K.ASQ Performance – Financial DimensionReserve Fund as Percent of Operating ExpensesMeeting Goal? JanFebMarAprMayJuneJulyAugSepOctNovDecYTDGreen = At plan or ahead of last year Yellow = Behind plan, but ahead of last year Red = Behind plan and behind last yearRRGGGGGThis graph shows ASQ’s Reserve Fund as a percent of annual operating expenses. The goal is to have at least 25% of operating expenses set aside in reserves. The Reserve Fund increased in June by $1.1 million to reflect the transfer of excess funds from the General Fund.ASQ Performance – Process DimensionCustomer Experience IndexMeeting Goal? JanFebMarAprMayJuneJulyAugSepOctNovDecYTDGreen = At plan or ahead of last year Yellow = Behind plan, but ahead of last year Red = Behind plan and behind last yearRGYGGGGThe service quality index (SQI) score for June 2012 is 4.40, compared to 4.57 in May 2011 and 4.70 in May 2012.? This is a 3.7% decrease from prior year and a 6.4% decrease from prior month.? Mail Order Response Time, Abandoned Calls, Email Quality, Course Run Rates, Unplanned Backorders, Periodical Fulfillment and Website Availability performance is excellent (5).? Mail Order Quality Accuracy and Call Quality are very good (4).? Email Response Time was the driver of declined performance.Corrective Actions:The Customer Care team will continue its training and coaching aimed at improving the quality of mail transaction and call processing. ?Additional staff time has been allocated in order to improve email response times.? We expect performance to improve in July and back to meeting performance standards in August.ASQ Performance – Process DimensionPercent of New Products Launched on Time(Chart includes Learning Offerings & Knowledge Offerings only)Meeting Goal? JanFebMarAprMayJuneJulyAugSepOctNovDecYTDGreen = At plan or ahead of last year Yellow = Behind plan, but ahead of last year Red = Behind plan and behind last yearGGGGGGGLearning Offerings No scheduled products delivered but 14 New Courses added to catalog below Centauri Business Group (new provider)Social Responsibility and ISO 26000:2010Sustainable Development through Quality ManagementThe Quality Group5SChangeover ReductionCurrent State Value Stream MappingEight WastesError ProofingFlow and Pull SystemsFuture State Value Stream MappingKaizen EventStandard workTotal Productive MaintenanceVisual ManagementWorkplace Design and LayoutKnowledge OfferingsKO published four new books in May - Quality Risk Management in the FDA-Regulated Industry, Product Safety Excellence: The Seven Elements Essential for Product Liability, Auditing Beyond Compliance: Using the Portable Universal Quality Lean Audit Model, and Achieving a Safe and Reliable Product: A Guide to Liability Prevention.Certification Offerings N/ANO EXTERNAL ACCESS - Contact Ethel Parnell eparnell@ for more information - A list of all of the planned new products (known as of this month) can be found here: P:\Measurement Council\EPR\EPR Stakeholder Folder\Process & Operations\New Product Timeliness.xlsASQ Performance – Process DimensionPercent of Revenue from New ProductsMeeting Goal? JanFebMarAprMayJuneJulyAugSepOctNovDecYTDGreen = At plan or ahead of last year Yellow = Behind plan, but ahead of last year Red = Behind plan and behind last yearRRRRRRRThis chart presents the percent of revenue from new products comprised of revenue from Certification, Conferences, Courses, and Knowledge Offerings products that were created and offered to ASQ’s customers within the past 12 months (July 2011 - June 2012).There was $373,155 in revenue from new products over that period of time. This represents 1.1% of ASQ’s revenue over that same 12-month time frame. The change from last month was primarily due to Knowledge Offerings. Overall, revenue from KO products has been the primary driver of this metric with approximately 68% of the new product revenue coming from this area in June. The significant drop in November 2009 was due to the fact that item T860 “ANSI/ISO/ASQ Q9001-2008: Quality management systems – Requirements” was no longer being counted as “new” since it was created in early November of 2008.ASQ Performance – Process DimensionPercent of MARCOM Tactics Executed On TimeMeeting Goal? JanFebMarAprMayJuneJulyAugSepOctNovDecYTDGreen = At plan or ahead of last year Yellow = Behind plan, but ahead of last year Red = Behind plan and behind last yearRGGGGGGOn-time delivery for Marketing Services in June 2012 was 97%. Only three tactics were considered "late" and all of the late tactics were completed within five days of the due date. A couple of the jobs that were late were caused by a problem with Web Trends, which has now been resolved. ASQ Performance – Learning and Growth DimensionStaff RetentionMeeting Goal? JanFebMarAprMayJuneJulyAugSepOctNovDecYTDGreen = At plan or ahead of last year Yellow = Behind plan, but ahead of last year Red = Behind plan and behind last yearRYYRRRRRetention remained flat at 78% in the rolling 12 months that includes June; this is 7% below our goal of 85% and 8% below last year. There were nine hires and two exits in the month. All exits were voluntary. The Distribution Center facility closure accounted for five of eight exits in April and these were excluded from the calculation.ASQ Performance – Learning and Growth DimensionRevenue Per StaffMeeting Goal? JanFebMarAprMayJuneJulyAugSepOctNovDecYTDGreen = At plan or ahead of last year Yellow = Behind plan, but ahead of last year Red = Behind plan and behind last yearYYRRGYYRevenue decreased by ~$7k in rolling 12-month period that includes June. See revenue analysis in the finance charts for more detail. Total FTE's (full-time equivalency) increased .38 this period at 172.47. These two facts caused Revenue per FTE to decrease ~$480 to $198k in this 12 month period. This is just below goal and ahead of last year. NOTE: Beginning January 2012 the financial numbers include ASQ Global and the FTE count includes ASQ Global Milwaukee staff.ASQ Performance – Learning and Growth DimensionTotal Compensation/Operational RevenueMeeting Goal? JanFebMarAprMayJuneJulyAugSepOctNovDecYTDGreen = At plan or ahead of last year Yellow = Behind plan, but ahead of last year Red = Behind plan and behind last yearGGRGGGGRevenue decreased by ~$7k in rolling 12 month period that includes June. See revenue analysis in the finance charts for more detail. Total compensation (payroll + benefits) increased by ~$58k in this rolling 12 month period at $13,343,283. The relative increase in revenue and the increase in total compensation caused the measure to increase (bad) this period by .2% to 39% which is ahead of goal and behind last year. Note: Labor recording process in JDE causes some fluctuation month to month. NOTE: Beginning January 2012 the financial numbers include ASQ Global and the FTE count includes ASQ Global Milwaukee staff. ................

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