Journal of the Institute of Actuaries

Journal of the Institute of Actuaries

Volumes 1 - 69


JIA (Assurance Magazine) v.1 (1848-1851)

|p.I: 1-20 | |Memoir of the early history of auxilliary tables for the computation of life contingencies. - Hendriks, F. |

|p.I: 20-40 | |On a general method of approximation to the values of annuities and assurances for long terms of years, depending on one or two lives.|

| | |- Brown, S. |

|p.I: 40-46 | |The history of assurance - On indirect methods of acquiring knowledge - The method of history - The first table of mortality. - |

| | |Farren, E. J. |

|p.I: 47-49 | |On the liability of the occupier of a tenement for damage done to that of a neighbour by fire kindled through his own or his servant's|

| | |negligence. - Bunyon, C. J. |

|p.I: 50-60 | |Notes on the policy of marine insurance, with suggestions for its revisal, and proposed forms for a new policy. - Hopkins, M. |

|p.I: 60-63 | |Maritime risks - statement of collisions, extracted from Lloyd's List for the years 1845 to 1849 inclusive. - Rucker, J. A. |

|p.I: 63-84 | |Foreign intelligence, I. |

Life assurance companies in France

Government tax proposed to be levied on the French fire insurance companies, for the Corps of 'Pompiers'

Report on government insurance (Belgium)

Project of law. Deferred government annuities (Belgium)

Gotha - Life Assurance Company for Germany

Fire Insurance Company for Germany: Twenty-ninth balance sheet

Fire engine establishment (Berlin)

Mortality amongst European troops, 1840 to 1848 (East and West Indies)

Mortality amongst Europeans in the Bombay army, 1841 to 1848

Census of Bombay

|p.I: 84-87 | |Miscellanea, I. |

The diseases of tradesmen, 1705

Interest of money in 1728

Early tables of compound interest

Rates of interest in 1693

Assurance upon goods from robbers, and upon lives, 1693

Incident in the life of Dr. Price

Competition in fire assurance

A plea for life assurance

|p.I: 87-103 | |Reports of assurance companies, I. |

Ægis Life Assurance Company: Report

Alfred Life Assurance Society: Report

Alliance Marine Assurance Company: Report

Atlas: Report

British Empire Mutual Fire Assurance Company: Report

British Empire Mutual Life Assurance Company: Report

Catholic Law and General Life Assurance Company: Report

Church of England Life and Fire Association: Report

City of London Life Assurance Company: Report

Clerical, Medical and General Life Assurance Society: Report

Colonial Life Assurance Company: Report

Eagle Assurance Company: Report

Edinburgh Life Assurance Company: Report

Engineers, Masonic, and Universal Mutual Life Assurance Society: Report

English Widow's Fund, and General Life Assurance Association: Report

Equitable Society: Report

Equity and Law Life Assurance Society: Report

Gresham Life Assurance Society: Report

|p.I: 103-110 | |[Institute of Actuaries] Annual report, session 1848-1849; Annual report, session 1849-1850. |

Proceedings of the Institute

Results of the examinations

|p.I: 110-112 | |Examination papers, 1850. |

|p.I: 112-114 | |Mental statistics, or Edinburgh in 1850. |

|p.I: 114-121 | |A Bill for regulating the profession and practice of actuaries throughout Great Britain and Ireland. |

|p.II: 1*-8* | |On the values of annuities, which are to pay certain given rates of interest on the purchase money during the whole time of their |

| | |continuance, and to replace their original values, on their expiration, at certain other given rates. - Hardy, P. |

|p.II: 9*-11* | |A general method of obtaining the finite integral of any rational algebraic function of x; or summing any series of which such a |

| | |function is the general term. - Orchard, W. |

|p.II: 12*-18* | |Supplementary remarks on 'Auxilliary tables for life contingencies', including notice of a recent table by W. T. Thomson. - |

| | |Hendriks, F. |

|p.II: 18*-22* | |On the contrivances required to render contingent reversionary interests marketable securities, I. |

|p.II: 22*-29* | |On the determination and division of surplus, and on the modes of returning it to the contributors, I. |

|p.II: 29*-31* | |Mortality amongst lives selected at ages 75 to 81 for government annuities. |

|p.II: 31*-62* | |On the fires in London during the 17 years from 1833 to 1849 inclusive, showing the numbers which occurred in different trades, and |

| | |the principal causes by which they were occasioned. - Brown, S. |

|p.II: 63*-71* | |On the doctrine of constructive total loss. - Hopkins, M. |

|p.II: 71*-75* | |Concerning the proper stamps upon assignments of policies of insurance. - Bunyon, C. J. |

|p.II: 75*-81* | |Foreign intelligence, II. |

Assurances upon the lives of others (France)

Mercantile guarantee risks

The Assurance Magazine

Mecklenburg Hail Insurance Company (Germany): Fifty years' experience of

Results of the government insurance against fire in the 17 years, 1827 to 1844 (Denmark)

Fire insurance by the government (Poland)

|p.II: 81*-92* | |Miscellanea, II. |

The mortality of the Scottish Widows' Fund and Life Assurance Society, 1815 to 1845

Intensity of diseases at different periods of life

Risks from gunpowder in Liverpool

Marine insurance in 1693

Advice to choose honest insurers

The interest of the insured in marine insurance

Whether it be nationally advantageous to insure the ships of our foreign enemies

Corpulence in connection with life assurance

Report in 1761 of the Attorney and Solicitor-General on the petition for a charter for the Equitable Life Assurance Society

|p.II: 92*-103*| |Correspondence, I. |

Life contingency problems, by E. J. Farren

On medical fees paid by the life assurance companies

On the proper mode of estimating the value of permanent and terminable annuities

On the French life assurance companies, by H. W. Porter

On the comparative advantages of the old and the new methods of computation, by P. Gray

On the value of annuities certain, of which the successive payments are the figurate numbers, by W. Orchard

On the value of annuities which are to pay the purchaser given rates of interest, etc

|p.II: | |Review of new work, I. |

|103*-106* | | |

Notes on the pecuniary interests of heirs of entail, with calculations regarding such interests in reference to the Acts of Parliament affecting entails, and tables showing the values of life rent interests, by William Thomas Thomson

Tables and formulæ for the computation of life contingencies, with copious examples of annuity, assurance and friendly society calculations, by Peter Gray

A few thoughts on commission, divisions of profit, selection of lives, the mortality in India, and other subjects relating to life assurance, etc, etc, by Samuel Brown

|p.II: | |Reports of assurance companies, II. |

|107*-119* | | |

British Empire Mutual Fire Assurance Company: Report

Law Life Assurance Society: Report

Legal and Commercial Fire Insurance Company: Report

Legal and Commercial Life Assurance Company: Report

London and Liverpool Insurance Company: Report

London Indisputable Life Policy Company: Report

London Mutual Life and Guarantee: Report

Manchester Fire Assurance Company: Report

Merchants' and Tradesmen's Mutual Life Assurance Society: Report

Metropolitan Counties and General Life Assurance Society: Report

Mutual Life Assurance Society: Report

National Loan Fund Life Assurance Society: Report

National Mutual Fire Insurance Society: Report

National Mutual Life Assurance Society: Report

National Provident Institution: Report

North of England Fire and Life Insurance Company: Report

Norwich Union Fire Insurance Society: Report

Norwich Hail Storm Insurance Company: Report

Norwich Union Life: Report

|p.II: | |The Institute of Actuaries. |

|119*-123* | | |

Session 1850-1851, I - Proceedings of the Institute

|p.II: | |[Institute of Actuaries] Solution of the questions proposed to candidates for the 'Certificate of Competency' at the first |

|123*-136* | |examination held on 10 and 11 June 1850, with an investigation of the principal formulæ required in their solution. - Porter, H. W. |

|p.137-151 | |On the true measure of the probabilities of survivorship between two lives. - Gray, P. |

|p.151-159 | |On the contrivances required to render contingent reversionary interests marketable securities, II. |

|p.159-165 | |On the determination and division of surplus, and on the modes of returning it to the contributors, II. |

|p.166-178 | |On the rates of premium to be charged for assurances on the lives of military officers serving in Bengal. - Jellicoe, C. |

|p.179-202 | |On the value of selection as exercised by the policy-holder against the company. - Higham, J. A. |

|p.203-211 | |French rates for insurance, according to nature of risk, and trades or occupations. |

|p.212-219 | |Marine risks between London and Dungeness, and between the Thames and the Isle of Wight. |

|p.220-234 | |Foreign intelligence, III. |

An Act with respect to Insurances on lives for the benefit of married women (America)

American Mutual Life Assurance Company

New York Life Assurance and Trust Company

Canada Life Assurance Company, Hamilton

Belgian company for general assurance against the risks of fire

Die Berlinische Feuer Versicherungs Anstalt

State of the principal fire insurance companies in Germany

State of the principal life assurance companies in Germany

Imperial First Austrian Fire Insurance Company: Accounts

Die Russiche Gesellschaft sur Versicherung von Capitalien, etc

Riunione Adriatica di Sicurtà in Treiste

|p.234-240 | |Miscellanea, III. |

Sir William Petty's essay on the growth of the City of London

Curious speculation of Sir William Petty's on the number of people at the resurrection

Instances of longevity

|p.240 | |Correspondence, II. |

On the Society for the Investigation of Epidemics, by B. G. Babington

|p.241-245 | |Reviews of new work, II. |

On the mortality of master mariners, by F. G. P. Neison

General average, and the losses and expenses resulting from General Average Acts, practically considered, by Laurence R. Baily

|p.245-262 | |Reports of assurance companies, III. |

Medical, Invalid and General Life Assurance Society: Report

Professional Life Assurance Society: Report

Provident Clerks' Mutual Life Assurance Association: Report

Reliance Mutual Life Assurance Society: Report

Royal Insurance Company: Report

Royal Farmers' Insurance Company: Report

Scottish Amicable Life Assurance Society: Report

Scottish Equitable Life Assurance Society: Report

Scottish Provident Institution: Report

Solicitors and General Life Assurance Society: Report

Sovereign Life Assurance Company: Report

Standard Life Assurance Company: Report

Times Life Assurance and Guarantee Company: Report

United Deposit Assurance Company: Report

United Guarantee and Life Assurance Company: Report

Victoria Life Assurance Society: Report

United Mutual Life Assurance Society: Report

United Kingdom Temperance and General Provident Institution: Report

Widows' Fund of the Faculty of Advocates in Scotland: Report

|p.262-268 | |The Institute of Actuaries. |

Progress of the Bill for regulating the profession of actuaries in Great Britain and Ireland

Annual report, session 1850-1851, II - Proceedings of the Institute

|p.268-271 | |List of members of the Institute, at 30 April 1851. |

|p.273-279 | |The practice and experience of the Clerical, Medical and General Life Assurance Society, chiefly with reference to invalid lives. - |

| | |Pinckard, G. H. |

|p.279-287 | |On the proper allowance to be made for the surrender of policies of assurance. - Jellicoe, C. |

|p.287-293 | |On the contrivances required to render contingent reversionary interests marketable securities, III. |

|p.293-307 | |Sketch of the recent progress of the assurance of life and property on the continent, I [continued in v.2] - Brown, S. |

|p.308-316 | |Statistics of suicide, I [continued in v.2] - Jopling, R. T. |

|p.317-321 | |Increase of fire insurances in Great Britain from 1844 to 1850. |

|p.322-328 | |Rates of maritime assurances as settled by the Paris underwriters. |

|p.329-330 | |Casualties to shipping in the St George's and Liverpool Channels in 1850. |

|p.331 | |Marine insurance in Antwerp. |

|p.332-336 | |Notes and queries. |

Mode of deducing formula for endowment assurances

Method of approximation to the value of p, in the equation [formula]

Equivalence of compound interest with simple interest paid when due

|p.337-350 | |Foreign intelligence, IV. |

Summary of maritime insurances effected by the 'Cercle d'Assureurs Particuliers' from 1841 to 1849 inclusive (Antwerp)

Compagnies d'assurances maritimes souscrivant à Anvers

Summary of the report of the life and fire branches of 'Le Phénix' Assurance Company, to 31 December 1850 (France)

Comparison of some of the principal mutual tontine associations (France)

Conditions of the loan of £208,333 for encouraging free cultivation in the Dutch East Indies

Statement of the progress and position of some of the principal life assurance companies at the close of the year 1849 or 1850 (Germany)

Gotha - Fire Insurance Bank for Germany

Cattle Insurance Company of the Pfalz (Bavaria): Report

The Stockholm City Mutual Insurance Society for Goods and Furniture

|p.351-355 | |Miscellanea, IV. |

The productiveness of marriages in England, 1696

Vital statistics for Iceland - deaths by drowning

Fertility of women in Iceland

Population of New South Wales

Mortality in Schleswig and Holstein

The Irish census

Fires in Paris, and accidents arising from them

|p.355-360 | |Correspondence, III. |

Solutions of the problems proposed at p.92*, by E. J. Farren

On a method of closer approximation in the determination of surplus, by C. Gill

Statement in reference to the Epidemiological Society

|p.360-364 | |Reviews of new work, III. |

Industrial investment and emigration, by Arthur Scratchley

Letters addressed to HRH the Grand Duke of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha, by M. A. Quetelet

Single and annual assurance premiums for every value of annuity, by William Orchard

|p.364-388 | |The Institute of Actuaries. |

Annual report, session 1850-1851, III - Proceedings of the Institute

General meeting of the English and foreign representatives of assurance interests

JIA v.2 (1851-1852)

|p.1-16 | |On the doctrine of successive lives, I. - Gray, P. |

|p.16-32 | |Sketch of the recent progress of the assurance of life and property on the continent, II [continued from v.1] - Brown, S. |

|p.32-54 | |Statistics of suicides, II [continued from v.1] - Jopling, R. T. |

|p.54-56 | |The Epidemiological Society: its views and objects. - McWilliam, J. O. |

|p.57-69 | |On the law of increase of the population of England during the last 100 years. - Edmonds, T. R. |

|p.70-72 | |On the income tax in the kingdom of Saxony. - Masius, E. A. |

|p.72-74 | |On the assurance companies of Belgium. - Flemmich, M. |

|p.75 | |Projet d'union ... [Proposal for the formation of corresponding committees of directors of the maritime assurance companies of Paris, |

| | |Antwerp and Amsterdam] - Santhagens, M. J. J. |

|p.75-79 | |Amount of duty paid to government by fire insurance companies. |

|p.80-91 | |Foreign intelligence, I. |

Commonwealth of Massachusetts - Abstract of the returns of insurance companies

Summary of the amounts insured, premiums and losses in some of the principal Belgian fire insurance companies

Operations of French fire assurance companies - assurance by the state

List of the principal proprietary German fire insurance offices, with their nominal share capital and proportion paid up

Marine insurance in Hamburg in 1850, and summary of the business transacted from 1814-1850 inclusive

|p.91-96 | |Correspondence, I. |

On the value of a contingent reversion under certain limitations, by P. Hardy

New expression for the value of the annual premium for a life assurance, by P. Gray

|p.96-100 | |Reviews of new works, I. |

On the rate of mortality of persons of intemperate habit, by F. G. P. Neison

Public Health Act - summary of the experience on disease, and comparative rates of mortality, by William Lee

Works recently published

|p.100-120 | |Institute of Actuaries. |

General meeting of the English and foreign representatives of assurance interests, appendix A: On maritime assurance (in French)

General meeting of the English and foreign representatives of assurance interests, appendix B: On the various branches of assurance in Germany

|p.121-150 | |Contributions to the history of insurance, and of the theory of life contingencies, with a restoration of the grand pensionary De |

| | |Wit's 'Treatise on life annuities', I. - Hendriks, F. |

|p.151-159 | |Some considerations in the theories of combinations, probabilities and life contingencies, I. - Hardy, P. |

|p.159-166 | |On the contrivances required to render contingent reversionary interests marketable securities. - Jellicoe, C. |

|p.166-170 | |On the extra premium charged for assurance of the lives of persons going abroad. |

|p.171-172 | |Life assurance in England. |

|p.173-179 | |London fires in 1850. - Baddeley, W. |

|p.180-184 | |Form of policy for marine insurance in Paris. |

|p.185 | |Notes and queries, I. |

The Petersburg problem, by W. Orchard

|p.186-193 | |Foreign intelligence, II. |

Table showing as far as it is known the state of life assurance companies in the United States on the 1 January 1851

Sun Mutual Insurance Company (New York): Statement of the accounts for 1848, 1849, 1850

Atlantic Mutual Insurance Company (New York): Statement of the accounts for 1848, 1849, 1850

Present position of 16 proprietary and 23 mutual assurance German companies

|p.194 | |Reviews of new works, II. |

Assurance and annuity tables, according to the Carlisle rate of mortality, at 3 per cent, by Peter Gray, Henry Ambrose Smith and William Orchard

|p.195-212 | |Institute of Actuaries. |

Examination papers, 1851 ***Split out of record ***

General meeting of the English and foreign representatives of assurance interests, appendix C: On the collections of data in the various branches of assurance

General meeting of the English and foreign representatives of assurance interests, appendix D: On the assurance business of Great Britain and other countries

|p.213-222 | |On the inequitable operation of the property and income tax enactment as regards life and other interests; and on the principles by |

| | |which direct taxation should be regulated. - Jellicoe, C. |

|p.222-258 | |Contributions to the history of insurance, and of the theory of life contingencies, with a restoration of the grand pensionary De |

| | |Wit's 'Treatise on life annuities' , II [continued in v.3] - Hendriks, F. |

|p.259-270 | |Some considerations in the theories of combinations, probabilities and life contingencies, II. - Hardy, P. |

|p.271-281 | |On the doctrine of successive lives, II. - Gray, P. |

|p.282-284 | |Circumstances in which a policy effected by a party on the life of another was held to be for behoof of the life assured and not of |

| | |the assured himself (Law report) - Ross, G. |

|p.285-287 | |Where the underwriters on a vessel settle as for a total loss, the damaged vessel being abandoned to them, they are entitled to deduct|

| | |the amount of the freight, in the event of the cargo being delivered, and the freight paid for, the freight being held to be an |

| | |incident of the abandoned vessel; but in that case the owners are entitled to recover from the underwriters on the freight , the |

| | |freight being held to be lost to the owners (Law report) - Ross, G. |

|p.288-293 | |Foreign intelligence, III. |

Astor Mutual Insurance Company (New York): Statement of the affairs

Atlantic Mutual Insurance Company (New York): Statement of the affairs

Union Mutual Insurance Company (New York): Statement of the affairs

Mutual Life Insurance Company (New York): Statement of the affairs

Sun Mutual Insurance Company (New York): Statement of the affairs

Suicide in Berlin (Prussia)

Income tax (Prussia)

|p.293 | |Miscellanea, I. |

American steamboats

|p.294-298 | |Correspondence, II. |

On the desirableness of availing ourselves of the best existing data when such as are perfect cannot be obtained, by Verus

On the value of isolated reversions, by C. G. Shaw

What proportion of my income ought I to save?, by J. A. Higham

On the value of a contingent reversion under certain limitations, by P. Hardy

|p.299-301 | |Reviews of new works, III. |

On the accumulation of capital by the different classes of society, by G. R. Porter

Life assurance investigation tables, showing the value of £100 policy for any number of years not exceeding fifty, interpolated for months, etc, by Benjamin Hall Todd

Works recently published

|p.302-304 | |Annual report, 1851-1852, I. |

Proceedings of the Institute

|p.305-332 | |On a new method of constructing a table of the probabilities of survivorship between two lives, for every combination of ages, etc. |

| | |- Chisholm, D. |

|p.333-341 | |On the conditions which give rise to surplus in life assurance companies, and on the amount of the return or 'bonus' which such |

| | |conditions justify. - Jellicoe, C. |

|p.341-351 | |On the uniform action of the human will, as exhibited by its mean results in social statistics. - Brown, S. |

|p.352-361 | |Table showing the progress of life assurance in Great Britain during the three years 1849, 1850, 1851. |

|p.362-376 | |Marine assurance. - Lance, W. |

|p.376-390 | |Foreign intelligence, IV. |

Commonwealth of Massachusetts - Abstract of the returns of insurance companies incorporated with specific capital; also of mutual marine, and mutual fire and marine insurance companies

Solvency guarantee (La sécurité commerciale) (France)

Aix-la-Chapelle and Munich Fire Assurance Company (Aachener und Münchener Fuer Versicherungs Gesellshaft)

Fire brigade in Berlin

Leipzig Life Assurance Company (Lebensversicherungs Gesellschaft zu Leipzig)

Marine insurance companies; Statistics of the fire societies (Lubeck)

Imp. Reg. priv. Riunione Adriatica di Sicurtà in Trieste: Report

Indian Laudable and Mutual Assurance Society (Calcutta): Report

Assurance companies in Stockholm

|p.390-395 | |Correspondence, III. |

On a method of checking annuity tables, at different rates of interest, by help of one another, by A. de Morgan

On a method of obtaining from a table of assumed 'whole life' premiums the corresponding table of mortality, by W. Wylie

On De Wit's hypothesis as to the rate of mortality, by W. Orchard

|p.395-396 | |Annual report, 1851-1852, II [continued in vol.3] |

Proceedings of the Institute

JIA v.3 (1852-1853)

|p.1-7 | |On the true measure of liability in a system of direct taxation. - Jellicoe, C. |

|p.7-17 | |Remarks on the present state of information relating to the laws of sickness and mortality, as exemplified in the tables of |

| | |contributions, etc used by friendly societies. - Tompkins, H. |

|p.17-28 | |On the influence of the ages of the parents at the time of marriage on the sex of children, and on the prolificness of marriages. - |

| | |Brown, S. |

|p.29-32 | |Mortality among selected lives in Germany. |

|p.33-35 | |Life assurance in England. |

|p.35-44 | |London fires in 1851. - Baddeley, W. |

|p.45-64 | |Foreign intelligence, I. |

Connecticut Mutual Life Assurance Company

American Mutual Life Assurance Company

New England Mutual Life Assurance Company

The Mutual Benefit Life Insurance Company (Newark, New Jersey)

Mutual Life Assurance Company of New York

New York Life Assurance Company

New York Life Assurance and Trust Company

United States Life Assurance, Annuity, and Trust Company

On the combination of mutual fire insurance companies for the purposes of reinsurance, etc (France)

Mutual insurance against hail (France)

New table of mortality, deduced from the experience of benefit societies (France)

Deutsche Lebens Versicherungs Gesellschafr in Lubeck

Gotha Life Assurance Bank (Lebensversicherungsbank für Deutschland in Gotha)

Cattle insurance (Potsdam)

Note on the early history of life assurance (Trieste)

Accounts of proprietary and mutual insurance companies in the Austrian states

|p.65-85 | |Reports of assurance companies, I. |

Accidental Death Insurance Company: Report

Ægis Assurance Company

Agriculturalists' Cattle Insurance Company: Report

Albion Life Insurance Company: Report

Alfred Life Assurance Association: Report

Anchor Assurance Company, for Fire, Life and Annuities: Report

Athenæum Life Assurance Company: Report

British Commercial Life Insurance Company: Report

British Empire Mutual Fire Insurance Society: Report

British Empire Mutual Life Assurance Society: Report

Cambrian and Universal Insurance Company: Report

Catholic Law and General Life Assurance Company: Report

Church of England Life and Fire Assurance Institution: Report

City of London Life Assurance Society: Report

Clergy Mutual Assurance Society: Report

Clydesdale Mutual Cattle Insurance Association: Report

|p.86-87 | |Summary of the accounts registered by the life assurance companies of London, under the Act 7 & 8 Vict., cap.110. |

|p.88-92 | |Annual report, 1851-1852, III [continued from v.2] |

Proceedings of the Institute

Report of Council, 1851-1852

Proceedings at the Annual general meeting, 1852

|p.93-120 | |Contributions to the history of insurance, and of the theory of life contingencies, III [continued from v.2] - Hendriks, F. |

|p.121-133 | |An account of the insurance companies in Austria. - Daninos, A. |

|p.134-147 | |On the life assurance companies of Germany - their constitution, condition and prospects, I. - Hopf, G. |

|p.147-158 | |On the settlement of losses by fire under average policies. - Atkins, R. |

|p.159-168 | |Foreign intelligence, II. |

Centennial meeting of the Philadelphia Contributionship for the insurance of houses from loss by fire

Operations of the French proprietary fire insurance companies for the year 1851

Summary of the operations of the principal German fire insurance companies for the year 1851, I

Aggrippina See Fluss und Land Transport Versicherungs Gesellschaft in Köln

Fuer Versicherungs Gesellschaft Colonia

New Insurance Company of 1847, against fire risks: Balance sheet

Return of casualties in the mines of the Prussian States, in the years 1841 to 1849, in comparison with those in the Kingdom of Belgium

Prussian National Assurance Company: Statement of the accounts

|p.168-172 | |Correspondence, I. |

'Property and income' tax, by J. Hill Williams

Uniform action of the human will, by W. Lazarus

|p.173-181 | |Reports of assurance companies, II. |

Clerical, Medical and General Life Assurance Society: Report

Colonial Life Assurance Company: Report

Consolidated Investment and Assurance Company: Report

County Hail Storm Insurance Company: Report

Defender Fire and Life Insurance Company: Report

Dundee Marine Insurance Company: Report

Engineers, Masonic, and Universal Mutual Life Assurance Society: Report

|p.181-184 | |Reviews of new works, I. |

Life contingency tables - Part I: The chances of premature death and the value of selection among assured lives, by Edwin J. Farren

The prudent man's almanack for 1852; with essays and illustrations of every branch of assurance - Life, fire, marine, freehold, accident, guarantee. Practical suggestions for the extension of the principle of average to sundry national and social purposes, by William Bridges

Report of the mortality of cholera in England in 1848-1849

Works recently published

|p.185-194 | |On the objectional character of certain methods very generally adopted for the determination and division of surplus in life assurance|

| | |companies. - Jellicoe, C. |

|p.195-204 | |An exposé of the fallacy: 'That it is just to tax temporary annuities at the same rate as perpetual annuities' - Hardy, P. |

|p.204-209 | |On the reliability of data, when tested by the conclusions to which they lead. - Farren, E. J. |

|p.209-215 | |On the valuation of life contingencies by means of tables of single and joint lives. - Hargreave, C. J. |

|p.216-219 | |The life assurance controversy. |

|p.220-233 | |On the life assurance companies of Germany - their constitution, condition and prospects, II. - Hopf, G. |

|p.234-235 | |Notes and queries, I. |

On the period intervening between the date of death and payment of the sum assured, by E. J. Farren

|p.236-248 | |Foreign intelligence, III. |

Abstract from the reports, for the year 1851, made to the Comptroller of the State by fire insurance companies possessing a stock capital

Canada Life Assurance Company: Statement of the affairs

Imp. Reg. priv. Riunione Adriatica di Sicurtà in Trieste: Report for the year ending 30 June 1852

Proposition of law for the Prussian Chambers, concerning the regulation of assurance companies

Caisse National Suisse de Prévoyance: Report for 1851

|p.248-254 | |Miscellenea, II. |

A short account of the early bills of mortality in Dublin

Metropolis - table showing the mortality for the year 1852

Provident Institution Savings' Bank, return made by it

Foreign assurance association

|p.255-259 | |Correspondence, II. |

Uniform action of the human will, by G. Hopf

|p.260-266 | |Reviews of new works, II. |

Essays on life assurance, by Edward Sang

Rational arithmetic, by Mrs. G. R. Porter

A treatise on investments; being a popular exposition of the advantages and disadvantages of each kind of investment, and of its liability to depreciation and loss (2nd ed), by Robert Arthur Ward

|p.266-272 | |Reports of assurance companies, III. |

Eagle Insurance Company: Report

Economic Life Assurance Society: Report

|p.272-275 | |Institute of Actuaries. |

Sketch for a plan for the establishment of a professorship in connection with the Institute

Matriculation examination, 1852

|p.275-276 | |Annual report, 1852-1853, I. |

Proceedings of the Institute

Results of the examinations, 1852

|p.277-280 | |On the theory of progressive mortality, and its application to valuations. - Meikle, J. |

|p.280-289 | |Concerning the renewal of leaseholds for lives or years that have been the subject of settlement. - Bunyon, C. J. |

|p.289-293 | |Opinions of an American writer on modes of valuation. |

|p.293-299 | |Assurance Association of Germany. |

|p.300-310 | |Rates of mortality in the United States and in California. |

|p.311-322 | |London fires in 1852. - Baddeley, W. |

|p.323-326 | |Notes and queries, II. |

On the form of the number whose logarithm is equal to itself, by E. J. Farren

Series expressing the rate of interest for immediate annuities, and proof of its convergency, by C. W. Merrifield

Method of obtaining the value of a life annuity at one rate of interest from the value at another given rate, by J. Meikle

|p.327-329 | |Foreign intelligence, IV. |

Aix-la-Chapelle and Munich Fire Insurance Company - abstract of the report and accounts for the year 1852

Russian Company for Fire Insurance - extract from the Statutes, and cash account for the the year 1852

Nadeja St Petersburg Commercial Company for Marine, River and Land Insurance: Report, for the year 1852

|p.330-340 | |Correspondence, III. |

Approximate values of annuities on three joint lives, by P. Hardy

Qualification and enrolment of actuaries

Proper expression for the amount of £1, with the fractional part of a year's interest, by E. J. Farren, D. Chisholm and H. E. Filipowski

|p.340-341 | |Reviews of new work, III. |

Actuarial tables, Carlisle three per cent, single lives, and single deaths; with auxilliary tables, by William Thomas Thomson

Popular tables, arranged in a new form, giving information at sight ..., by Charles M. Willich

|p.342-364 | |Reports of assurance companies, IV. |

Edinburgh Life Assurance Company: Report

Engineers, Masonic, and Universal Mutual Life Assurance Society: Report

English and Cambrian Assurance Society: Report

Era Life and Fire Insurance Company: Report

Equitable Life Assurance Society: Report

Equity and Law Life Assurance Society: Report

European Life Insurance and Annuity Company: Report

Friends' Provident Institution: Report

General Annuity Endowment Association: Report

General Hail Storm Insurance Company: Report

Gresham Life Assurance Society: Report

|p.364-365 | |Annual report, 1852-1853, II [continued in vol.4] |

Proceedings of the Institute

|p.366-368 | |Original tables. |

JIA v.4 (1853-1854)

|p.1-9 | |On the inadequacy of existing data for determining the rate of mortality among select lives. - Spens, W. |

|p.10-21 | |On the sufficiency of the existing companies for the business of life assurance; with a list of the companies at the end of 1852, |

| | |their guaranteed and paid-up share capital, etc. - Brown, S. |

|p.22-26 | |The stamp duties on contracts of assurance. |

|p.27-30 | |On the calculation of tables of mortality. - Quetelet, A. |

|p.31-38 | |The report from the Select Committee on Assurance Associations, I. |

|p.39-51 | |On the rate of mortality amongst Europeans and their descendents residing in the island of Jamaica. - Marshall, J. |

|p.52-58 | |Foreign intelligence, I. |

Statistical Congress to be held in Brussels

Works published in reference to legislation on assurance (Berlin)

Gotha Life Assurance Bank - Extract from the report for 1852

Marine Insurance Companies (Lubeck): Summary of the accounts for 1852

Fire insurance laws (Saxe Meiningen)

|p.58-60 | |[Miscellanea] On the first Parliamentary Committee of Insurance; with remarks illustrative of other facts connected with the |

| | |history of insurance, I. - Hendriks, F. |

|p.61-75 | |Correspondence, I. |

The interest question, by W. Orchard

The results to be looked for on tossing a dynamically true coin, by W. J. Reynolds

The chances of premature death among select lives, by E. J. Farren

On the values of reversions payable at the instant of death, by D. Chisholm

The interest question

On the settlement of losses by fire under average policies, by W. Lazarus

|p.75-80 | |Reviews of new works, I. |

Annals, anecdotes and legends: a chronicle of life assurance, by John Francis

An investigation of the deaths in the Standard Assurance Company, by Dr. Robert Christison

Medical statistics of life assurance - observations on the causes of death among the assured of the Scottish Widow's Fund and Life Assurance Society, from 1846 to 1852, by Dr. James Begbie

The new supplies of gold: facts and statements relative to their actual amount, and their present and probable effects, by William Newmarch

Works recently published

|p.80-85 | |Reports of assurance companies, I. |

Gresham Life Assurance Company: Report

Hope Mutual Life and Honesty Guarantee Society: Report

Householders' and General Life Assurance Company: Report

Industrial and General Life Assurance and Deposit Company: Report

|p.85-87 | |Annual report, 1852-1853, III [continued from v.3] |

Proceedings of the Institute

and report of Council, 1852-1853

Proceedings at the Annual general meeting, 1853

|p.88-92 | |Original tables: Mortality of master mariners. - Galsworthy, E. H. |

|p.93-107 | |Report of the proceedings at the Statistical Congress held at Brussels, 19-22 September 1853, I [continued in v.5] - Brown, S. |

|p.108-118 | |On some points connected with the education of an actuary. - Porter, H. W. |

|p.119-131 | |On the first Parliamentary Committee of Insurance; with remarks illustrative of other facts connected with the history of insurance, |

| | |II. - Hendriks, F. |

|p.131-133 | |The report from the Select Committee on Assurance Associations, II. |

|p.134 | |Notes and queries, I. |

Method of obtaining an approximation to the rate of interest in a life annuity; also to the premium for assuring one life against another during their joint duration, and for n years longer

|p.135-139 | |Foreign intelligence, II. |

Summary of fire insurance companies in France

New business and position of the life assurance companies in the year 1852 (Germany)

Jamaica Mutual Life Assurance Society, Kingston, 1 September 1853: Report

|p.139-142 | |Correspondence, II. |

On the inadequacy of existing data for determining the rate of mortality among select lives, by W. Spens

On the inadequacy of existing data for determining the rate of mortality among select lives, by E. J. Farren

Government interference with assurance companies in Germany, by G. Hopf

|p.142-154 | |Reviews of new works, II. |

On a theory of the conjugate relations of two rational integral functions, comprising an application to the theory of Sturm's functions, and that of the greatest algebraical common measure, by J. J. Sylvester

A treatise on the law of life assurance upon the constitution of assurance companies, etc, by Charles John Bunyon

The results of the census of Great Britain in 1851; with a description of the machinery and processes employed to obtain the returns: also an appendix of tables of reference

|p.154-184 | |Reports of assurance companies, II. |

Industrial and General Life Assurance and Deposit Company: Report

Kent Mutual Life Assurance Society: Report

Kent Mutual Fire Assurance Society: Report

Law Life Assurance Society: Report

Law Property Assurance and Trust Society: Report

Legal and Commercial Life Assurance Society: Report

Legal and Commercial Fire Assurance Society: Report

Life Association of Scotland: Report

Liverpool and London Fire and Life Assurance Company: Report

London and County Life and Fire Assurance Company: Report

London and Provincial Law Life Assurance Society: Report

London Indisputable Life Policy Company: Report

London Life Association: Report

London Monetary Advance and Life Assurance Company: Report

London Mutual Life and Guarantee Society: Report

|p.185-199 | |Account of a correspondence between Mr. George Barrett and Mr. Francis Baily. - De Morgan, A. |

|p.199-215 | |On the rates of mortality prevailing amongst the male and female lives assured in the Eagle Insurance Company during the 44 years |

| | |ending 31 December 1851. - Jellicoe, C. |

|p.216-236 | |Decimal numeration and decimal coinage. - Thomson, W. T. |

|p.236-238 | |On multiplication by aid of a table of single entry. - Sylvester, J. J. |

|p.239-242 | |Operation of the income tax enactment, as regards any abatement on payment of single premiums. |

|p.243 | |Notes and queries, II. |

Fractions representing accumulations of annuities: problem reqiuiring proof

|p.243-261 | |Correspondence, III. |

The interest question, by H. E. Filipowski and B. Gompertz

Calculation of the odds of throwing any specified number with two, three, four, or more dice, by G. Scott

Determination of surplus, by S. Younger

Assurances on one life against another, during their joint duration, and for n years longer, by R. Tucker

The interest question, by H. E. Filipowski

Medical statistics of life assurance companies, by H. W. Porter

|p.262-266 | |Miscellenea, II. |

Mortality in the metropolis for the year 1853

Comparative losses of life from war and pestilence

|p.266-271 | |Reviews of new works, III. |

Twelfth report of the Registrar General of Births, Deaths and Marriages in England

Sickness and mortality in friendly societies. Report by Mr. Alexander Glen Finlaison

Works recently published

|p.272-274 | |Second year's examination, 1853; and Plan of third year's examination. |

|p.274-276 | |Annual report, 1853-1854, I [continued in v.5] |

Proceedings of the Institute

Results of the examinations, 1853

|p.277-282 | |On the demonstration of formulæ connected with interest and annuities. - De Morgan, A. |

|p.282-291 | |On a simple plan of classifying the policies of a life assurance company, so as to possess at any time, by means of forming a table of|

| | |the mortality experienced in the office. - Brown, S. |

|p.291-300 | |On the method of approximating to the values of deferred and other life annuities, when payable half-yearly or quarterly. - Ivory, |

| | |H. |

|p.300-359 | |On the first Parliamentary Committee of Insurance; with remarks illustrative of other facts connected with the history of insurance, |

| | |III; and, A review of some recommendations of the Select Committee of the House of Commons on Assurance Associations, 1853. - |

| | |Hendriks, F. |

|p.360-367 | |Foreign intelligence, III. |

Mutual Life Insurance Company (New York): Accounts

Summary of the operations of proprietary fire insurance companies for 1852 and 1853 (Germany)

Imp. Reg. Privileg. Riunione Adriatica di Sicurtà, in Trieste: Report for 1852-53

|p.367-375 | |Correspondence, IV. |

Formulæ expressing the value of all the fines payable on the renewal of copyhold leases, by E. Ryley

The question of interest in policies upon the life of another, by A. H. Bailey

Decimal numeration and decimal coinage, by A. M. Robertson

|p.375-382 | |Reports of assurance companies, III. |

Clerical, Medical and General Life Assurance Society: Report

Colonial Life Assurance Company: Report

Crown Life Assurance Company: Report

Equitable Life Assurance Society: Report

London Life Association: Report

London Mutual Life and Guarantee Society: Report

Marine Life and Casualty Assurance Society: Report

|p.383-384 | |Original tables: Present value of £1 per annum. - Hardy, P. |

JIA v.5 (1854-1855)

|p.iv | |Erratum, v.5. |

|p.1-6 | |On the summation of a compound series, and its application to a problem in probabilities. - Terrot, B. |

|p.6-25 | |Observations upon the sickness and mortality experienced in friendly societies. - Tompkins, H. |

|p.25-45 | |Report of the proceedings at the Statistical Congress, held at Brussels, 19 to 22 September 1853, II [continued from v.4] - Brown, |

| | |S. |

|p.45-50 | |Suggestions in regard to the regulation of the rate of interest on landed securities. - Thomson, W. T. |

|p.51-52 | |On the amount of reserve made by life assurance companies. |

|p.52-56 | |Notes and queries, I. |

Demonstration of the expression [formula]

Methods for finding the amount and present value of annuities increasing or decreasing by a constant amount

|p.56-72 | |Foreign intelligence, I. |

Royal Octroied Fire Insurance Company at Copenhagen: Statistics

Gotha Mutual Life Assurance Bank

Janus Life and Annuity Insurance Company (Hamburg)

Fire Assurance Company of 1843 (Hamburg)

Assicurazione Generali in Trieste

Jamaica Mutual Life Assurance Society: Extract from the report of the directors

|p.72-78 | |Correspondence, I. |

Suggestions for a better means of making provision for the wives and families of persons engaged in the business of life assurance, by W. Porter

On the interest in assurances made by one person on the life of another, by Verus

|p.78-89 | |Reports of assurance companies, I. |

London Mutual Life and Guarantee Society: Report

Metropolitan Life Assurance Society: Report

Minerva Life Assurance Company: Report

National Life Assurance Society: Report

Palladium Life Assurance Society: Report

|p.90-92 | |Annual report, 1853-1854, II [continued from vol.4] |

Proceedings of the Institute

Report of Council, 1853-1854

Proceedings at the Annual general meeting, 1854

|p.93-99 | |On some questions of combination. - De Morgan, A. |

|p.100-106 | |On the relation which should obtain between the amount assured upon lives, and the sum reserved at the expiration of given terms to |

| | |meet it. - Jellicoe, C. |

|p.107-126 | |On the construction of survivorship assurance tables. - Gray, P. |

|p.127-145 | |On the laws of mortality and sickness of the labouring classes of England. - Edmonds, T. R. |

|p.146-151 | |On a method of substituting francs and centimes for the present English metallic currency. - Yates, J. |

|p.152-155 | |Notes and queries, II. |

Formulæ the amount and present value of annuities increasing by a constant quantity

Determination of the rate of interest in a life annuity, the table of mortality and age being given

Nature of the difference between the value of a premium payable for life and for a term

Demonstration of the expressions [formula] and [formula]

|p.155-161 | |Foreign intelligence, II. |

New insurance companies in Germany

Thuringia Railway and General Reassurance Society

Concordia Life Assurance Society in Cöln

Summary of the new business and position of the life assurance companies of Germany in the year 1853

Frauds in life assurance

Fire insurance in Hamburg - summary of the business there from 1843 to 1852 inclusive

|p.162-170 | |Correspondence, II. |

On the value of contingent reversionary interests, by R. Tucker

The interest in assurances effected by one person on the life of another, by A. H. Bailey

|p.170 | |Works recently published, I. |

|p.171-178 | |Reports of assurance companies, II. |

National Life Assurance Society: Report

Palladium Life Assurance Society: Report

Provident Clerk's Mutual Life Assurance Association and Benevolent Fund: Report

Scottish Amicable Life Assurance Society: Report

Standard Life Assurance Company: Report

Victoria Life Assurance Company: Report

|p.178-179 | |Second year's examination, 1854. |

|p.180-184 | |Original tables: Preparatory columns for finding the values of annuities on 3, 4, 5 and 6 joint lives, also the values of annuities |

| | |deduced therefrom. |

|p.185-196 | |On the improvement of life contingency calculation. - Farren, E. J. |

|p.197-207 | |On the calculation of annuities, and on some questions in the theory of chances. - Lubbock, J. W. |

|p.208-220 | |On the rate of sickness and mortality amongst the members of friendly societies in France. - Brown, S. |

|p.221-238 | |An inquiry into the marine insurance of Hamburg. - Lazarus, W. |

|p.239-245 | |On the methods pursued at the present day for estimating the value of contingent reversionary interests. - Tucker, R. |

|p.245-250 | |On the sickness and mortality amongst the European and native troops of the Madras army. |

|p.251-253 | |Foreign intelligence, III. |

The 'Brandforsikkring for Hose of Gaarde' (Fire Insurance Company for Buildings) - results of business for year ending 30 September 1854

The Life Insurance and Annuity Society at Copenhagen - accounts for the year ending 31 December 1854

Duration of voyages to and from Bremen in 1852, 1853 and 1854

|p.254-256 | |Correspondence, III. |

On the application of the differential and integral calculus to 'Interest' questions, by E. J. Farren

On the facilities afforded by Mr Thomson's actuarial tables in making certain calculations, by R. Tucker

Formula for an approximate value of annuities at simple interest, by P. Hardy

|p.256-260 | |Notices of new works, II. |

On the loans raised by Mr. Pitt during the First French War, 1793-1801, with some statements of defence of the methods of funding employed, by William Newmarch

A treatise on the enfranchisement and improvement of copyhold, life-leasehold and church property; with rules and tables for the formation of copyhold enfranchisements and freehold land societies, and a mathematical appendix (3rd ed), by Arthur Scratchley

Government regulations for the examination of candidates for the appointments to the civil service of the East India Company, etc

|p.260-274 | |Reports of assurance companies, III. |

Amicable Society: Report

Anchor Assurance Company: Report

Clergy Mutual Assurance Society: Report

Clerical, Medical and General Life Assurance Society: Report

Friends' Provident Institution: Report

Law Life Assurance Society: Report

Mutual Life Assurance Society: Report

|p.275-276 | |Annual report, 1854-1855, I. |

Proceedings of the Institute

Results of the examinations, 1854

|p.277-292 | |On the composition of various tables of annuities. - Lubbock, J. W. |

|p.293-303 | |An examination of the objections urged against the plan of decimal coinage proposed by the Royal Commissioners and by the Select |

| | |Committee of the House of Commons. - Jellicoe, C. |

|p.304-309 | |Answers to fallacies on the decimal question: balance of trade, exchanges and common coins. - Brown, W. |

|p.310-315 | |On the valuation of government securities. - Farren, E. J. |

|p.315-323 | |On the analogy existing between the aggregate effects of the operations of the human will and the results commonly attributed to |

| | |chance. - Guy, W. A. |

|p.324-337 | |On the results of the operations of the Gotha Life Assurance Bank for the first twenty-five years of its existence, particularly with |

| | |respect to the mortality amongst the lives assured, I [continued in v.6] - Hopf, G. |

|p.337-348 | |Memoir of the late Griffith Davies, Esq, FRS [Memoirs, I] |

Davies, Griffith

|p.348-349 | |Notes and queries, III. |

Premiums required for life assurance when interest is allowed to the assured upon them

Form of life assurance policy in use a century ago

Relative intensity of diseases amongst the lives assured in the Eagle Company, compared with that affecting the general population of London

|p.350-353 | |Correspondence, IV. |

Original tables - Assurances, joint lives, by W. Braid

On assurances against issue, by R. Tucker

On the solution of a problem recently given by Mr. Tucker

|p.353 | |Works recently published, II. |

|p.354-362 | |Reports of assurance companies, IV. |

Equity and Law Life Assurance Society: Report

Reliance Mutual Life Assurance Society: Report

Rock Life Assurance Company: Report

Scottish Equitable Life Assurance Society: Report

Scottish Widows' Fund Life Assurance Society: Report

Standard Life Assurance Company: Report

Waterloo Life, Education, Casualty and Self-Reliance Assurance Company: Report

|p.362 | |Annual report, 1854-1855, II [continued in vol.6] |

Proceedings of the Institute

|p.363-368 | |Original tables: Tables showing the single and annual premium required to secure an assurance of £100 payable on death of either of |

| | |two assigned lives, according to the Carlisle Table of Mortality, and assuming interest at the rate of three per cent. |

JIA v.6 (1855-1857)

|facing p.1 | |Errata, v. 5 & 6. |

|p.1-15 | |On the results of the operations of the Gotha Life Assurance Bank for the first twenty-five years of its existence, particularly with |

| | |respect to the mortality amongst the lives assured, II [continued from v.5] - Hopf, G. |

|p.15-45 | |The prospectuses of Indian life assurance offices. |

|p.45-46 | |Notes and queries, I. |

The money market

|p.47-57 | |Correspondence, I. |

On certain means furnished by the Census of 1851 for extending the application of the principle of assurance to the social condition, by G. Scott

On the means of approximating to the rate of interest yielded by certain investments

Decimal coinage, by F. J. Minasi

|p.58-60 | |Annual report, 1854-1855, III [continued from vol.5] |

Proceedings of the Institute

Report of Council, 1854-1855

Proceedings at the Annual general meeting, 1855

|p.61-66 | |On the valuation of property held for life and in reversion; and on the due apportionment of it, when so held on the same life, |

| | |between the life tenant and the remainder-man. - Jellicoe, C. |

|p.67-72 | |Abstract of a paper on the physiological law of mortality, and on certain deviations from it observed about the commencement of adult |

| | |life. - Buchanan, A. |

|p.72-74 | |By what means the status of a profession is to be improved. |

|p.74-75 | |The modern method of valuation in life assurance companies. |

|p.75-104 | |Decimal coinage. |

|p.104-105 | |Notes and queries, II. |

The question whether profits are capital or interest

Should not the additions to a policy, as well as the sum assured, be charged with extra premium when extra risk is incurred?

Comparative value of gold in different countries

Mr. Farren's improved methods of life contingency calculation

|p.106-108 | |Foreign intelligence, I. |

Tables showing the rates of business of the German life assurance companies

|p.109 | |Correspondence, II. |

Annuity and assurance tables for three lives, by W. Braid

|p.110-112 | |Notices of new works, I. |

Hygiène; or the Handbook of health, by Harry W. Lobb

|p.113 | |Obituaries, I. |

Marshall, James

|p.113-114 | |Annual examinations - questions for the third year. |

|p.115-120 | |Original tables: For determining the values of annuities and assurances on three lives. |

|p.121-129 | |On a method of finding the product of two factors by means of the addition and subtraction of natural numbers. - Laundy, S. L. |

|p.129-134 | |Abstract of a paper on the progressive rates of mortality as occurring in all ages, and on certain deviations; also on Dr. Buchanan's|

| | |'Physiological law of mortality' - Reid, J. |

|p.134-147 | |On the origin and progress of the calculus of probabilities. - Brown, S. |

|p.147-159 | |The great powers. |

|p.160-173 | |Table showing the progress of life assurance in Great Britain during the three years 1852, 1853, 1854. |

|p.174 | |Insurance of theatres against fire. |

|p.175-178 | |Correspondence, III. |

On the average duration of human life, as appearing in the census tables and the Registrar-General's returns of births and deaths, by C. W. Merrifield

On the comparative value of gold in different countries, by F. Hendriks

Mr. Galloway's method of adjusting his tables, by C. Watkins

|p.179-180 | |Annual report, 1855-1856, I. |

Proceedings of the Institute

Results of the examinations, 1855

|p.181-199 | |On the tables of single and annual assurance premiums published by the late Mr. William Orchard, and on a theoretical table of |

| | |mortality proposed by him. - Gray, P. |

|p.200-202 | |On the interpolation of logarithmic series. - Meikle, J. |

|p.202-211 | |A problem in fire insurance: to apportion a given loss on property insured by specific policies. - Miller, T. |

|p.211-216 | |Observations on 'On the valuation of property held for life and in reversion' (v.6 p.61) - Wilbraham, H. |

|p.216-227 | |Obituaries and memoirs, II Historical sketch of the life of Charles Gill, Esq. |

|p.228-230 | |Foreign intelligence, II. |

Feuer Assecuranz Compagnie von anno 1843 - Accounts of

The Mecklenburgsche Lebensversicherungs und Spar Bank - Particulars of

The Magdeburger Lebens Versicherungs Gesellschaft - Particulars of

|p.231-233 | |Correspondence, IV. |

On the method of deriving from a table of premiums the rate of mortality on which it is based, by G. Scott

On the relative vitality of the sexes, by S. M. Drach

|p.234-237 | |Notices of new works, II. |

A treatise on annuities, with numerous tables based on the experience of the Equitable Society and on the Northampton rate of mortality, by Griffith Davis

A table of quarter-squares of all integer numbers up to 100,000, by which the product of two factors may be found by the aid of addition and subtraction alone, by Samuel L. Laundy

|p.238-240 | |Annual report, 1855-1856, II. |

Proceedings of the Institute

Report of Council, 1855-1856

Abstract of receipts and payments, for the year ending 31 March 1856

Annual general meeting, 1856

|p.241-254 | |Plan for simplifying and improving the measures, weights and money of this country, without materially altering the present standards.|

| | |- Pasley, C. W. |

|p.254-277 | |On the mortality arising from naval operations. - Hodge, W. B. |

|p.278-287 | |On the possible methods of dividing the net profits of a mutual life assurance company amongst the members. - Wilbraham, H. |

|p.287-290 | |On the practical application of the doctrine of chances as it regards the sub-division of risks. - Young, T. |

|p.290-291 | |On a method of distributing the surplus among the assured in a life assurance office, I. - Sprague, T. B. |

|p.292-293 | |On the value of a policy for surrender. |

|p.293-297 | |Foreign intelligence, III. |

Gotha Mutual Life Assurance Bank - Extract from the report for 1855

|p.297-300 | |Correspondence, V. |

On the equation of arbitrary rates of life premium

On formulæ for using tables of logarithms, by C. W. Merrifield

|p.301-333 | |On the rates of interest for the use of money in ancient and modern times, I [continued in v.7] - Hodge, W. B. |

|p.333-344 | |Some suggestions respecting fire insurance statistics. - Miller, T. |

|p.344-350 | |On a method of distributing the surplus among the assured in a life assurance office, II. - Sprague, T. B. |

|p.351-353 | |A formula for expressing the decrement of human life, I [continued in v.7] - Young, T. |

|p.353-356 | |Foreign intelligence, IV. |

New business and position of the German life assurance companies

|p.357-360 | |Correspondence, VI. |

On a method of adjusting tables of mortality

Mr. Galloway's method of adjusting his tables, by C. Watkins

JIA v.7 (1857-1858)

|facing p.1 | |Errata. |

|p.1-13 | |An investigation into the proper method of determining the amount of an annuity forborn and improved at interest, during the existence|

| | |of a given life. - Hardy, P. |

|p.14-24 | |A formula for expressing the decrement of human life, II [continued from v.6] - Young, T. |

|p.24-37 | |On the settlement of losses by fire under average policies. - Atkins, R. |

|p.37-42 | |On the advantages to statistical science of an uniform decimal system of measures, weights and coins, throughout the world. - Brown,|

| | |S. |

|p.43-51 | |Foreign intelligence, I. |

Statistics of fires in Berlin

Comparison of French maritime losses

Marine insurance in Hamburg

|p.52-60 | |Correspondence, I. |

Mr. Scratchley on Post Obits

On the grant of policies without further payment, in consideration of premiums received, by T. B. Sprague

|p.61-71 | |On certain methods of dividing the surplus among the assured in a life assurance company; and on the rates of premium that should be |

| | |charged to render them equitable. - Sprague, T. B. |

|p.71-77 | |On the use of integral calculus in determining averages, with certain applications to the theory of life contingencies. - Younger, |

| | |S. |

|p.78-80 | |Rate of mortality experienced in the Economic Life Assurance Society. |

|p.80-90 | |On the mortality arising from military operations, I. - Hodge, W. B. |

|p.91-108 | |On the causes of fires in London during the twenty four years from 1833-1856 inclusive; with some remarks on the deduction of correct |

| | |rates of premium for fire insurances. - Fothergill, C. G. |

|p.109-116 | |Correspondence, II. |

On the value of reversionary annuities payable half-yearly or quarterly, by T. Carr

Mr. Scratchley on Post Obits

On Mr. Alexander Glen Finlaison's tables for allowances in sickness, by J. A. Higham

|p.117-120 | |Annual report, 1856-1857. |

Proceedings of the Institute

Report of Council, 1856-1857

Abstract of receipts and payments, for the year ending 31 March 1857

Proceedings at the Annual general meeting, 1857

Results of the examinations, 1856

|p.121-130 | |On Mr. Gompertz's method for the adjustment of tables of mortality. - Gray, P. |

|p.131-135 | |On the data collected by the Council of the Institute, with a view to determine the rates of premium for the assurance of the lives of|

| | |persons residing in foreign climates or engaged in pursuits attended with extra risk. - Jellicoe, C. |

|p.136-148 | |The case book of John Rowe, of London and Exeter, from 1775-1790 (edited from the original manuscript) - Hendriks, F. |

|p.148-150 | |Inquiry into the average longevity of vegetarians, compared with that of persons who live on a mixed diet. - Forster, T. |

|p.151-174 | |On the mortality arising from military operations, II. - Hodge, W. B. |

|p.174-175 | |Notes and queries, I. |

Demonstration of formula

Mismanagement of joint stock companies

|p.176-179 | |Foreign intelligence, II. |

Gotha Mutual Life Assurance Bank

|p.179-180 | |Correspondence, III. |

On the method of valuing whole-term assurances on single lives by classification, by J. Coles

|p.181-183 | |On the expectation of life. - Willich, C. A. M. |

|p.183-187 | |On a method of testing the solvency of an assurance company, with some considerations respecting the terms upon which a society's |

| | |business may be purchased. - Younger, S. |

|p.188-200 | |On the proportion of marriages at different ages of the sexes. - Brown, S. |

|p.201-217 | |On the mortality arising from military operations, III. - Hodge, W. B. |

|p.217-237 | |Foreign intelligence, III. |

The progress and position of assurance companies in Germany in the year 1855, by W. Lazarus

Agricultural insurance, by H. Cozic

|p.238-240 | |Correspondence, IV. |

On the value of an assurance payable at the instant of death, by S. Younger

On the value of contingent assurances with certain limitations, by W. C. Otter

|p.241-254 | |On the investments of the funds of assurance companies. - Brown, S. |

|p.254-258 | |On the principles which should govern assurance companies in amalgamating. - Jellicoe, C. |

|p.259-272 | |On the progress of fire insurance in Great Britain, as compared with other countries, I. - Brown, S. |

|p.273-274 | |Annuities on lives. - Willich, C. A. M. |

|p.275-285 | |On the mortality arising from military operations, IV. - Hodge, W. B. |

|p.286-288 | |A sketch of the life of Henry James Brook, late actuary to the London Life Association. |

|p.289-293 | |Foreign intelligence, IV. |

The progress and position of assurance companies in Germany in the year 1855, by W. Lazarus

|p.294-300 | |Correspondence, V. |

On Mr. Younger's paper as to the method of testing the solvency of an assurance company, etc

On the method of testing the solvency of an assurance company, by S. Younger

On the commutation tables recently published by Mr. David Chisholm, by J. Meikle

Formula for an approximate value of annuities at simple interest, by M. N. Adler

|p.301-310 | |On the terms upon which the business of one insurance company may be equitably transferred to another. - Sprague, T. B. |

|p.311-333 | |On the rates of interest for the use of money in ancient and modern times, II [continued from v.6; and in v.8] - Hodge, W. B. |

|p.333-340 | |On the calculus of finite differences and its application to problems in the doctrine of compound interest and certain annuities, I |

| | |[continued in v.8] - Otter, W. C. |

|p.341-349 | |On the progress of fire insurance in Great Britain, as compared with other countries, II [continued in v.8] - Brown, S. |

|p.350-356 | |Correspondence, VI. |

On certain statements published by Mr. Filipowski, by P. Gray

Formulæ for approximating to the expectation of life, by W. D. Biden

On the method of testing the solvency of an assurance company

On the principles which should govern assurance companies in amalgamating, by T. B. Sprague

|p.356-360 | |Annual report, 1857-1858. |

Proceedings of the Institute

Report of Council, 1857-1858

Abstract of receipts and payments, for the year ending 31 March 1858

Proceedings at the Annual general meeting, 1858

Results of the examinations, 1857

JIA v.8 (1858-1860)

|facing p.1 | |Errata. |

|p.1-12 | |On the settlement of losses by fire under average policies. - Atkins, R. |

|p.12-19 | |On the value of policies of assurance in connection with life interests. - Sprague, T. B. |

|p.19-24 | |On the calculus of finite differences, and its application to problems in the doctrine of compound interest and certain annuities, II |

| | |[continued from v.7] - Otter, W. C. |

|p.24-27 | |Forms of endorsement on policies used in the practice of life assurance. |

|p.27-44 | |On the progress of fire insurance in Great Britain, as compared with other countries, III [continued from v.7] - Brown, S. |

|p.45-54 | |Foreign intelligence, I. |

The progress and position of assurance companies in Germany in the year 1855, by W. Lazarus

New business and position of the German life assurance companies for 1856

|p.54-60 | |Correspondence, I. |

On the best method of constructing an index, by F. A. Curtis

On the advantages of the modern methods of computation in life assurance calculations, by S. L. Laundy

Formulæ for the annual premium for a term assurance on two joint lives, by T. B. Sprague

|p.61-67 | |On the determination of the rate of interest of an annuity. - De Morgan, A. |

|p.68-96 | |On the rates of interest for the use of money in ancient and modern times, III [continued from v.7; and in v.9] - Hodge, W. B. |

|p.96-101 | |The principles which should regulate the reassurance of risks. |

|p.101-108 | |The proposed legislation for the regulation of insurance companies. |

|p.109-120 | |Correspondence, II. |

On the settlement of losses by fire under average policies, by R. Ray

On certain advantages afforded by Mr. Chisholm's tables recently published

Demonstration of formulæ for value of an endowment assurance, by T. B. Sprague

Formulæ for the premium for a term assurance on two joint lives, by W. C. Otter

On certain commutation formulæ

On the advantages of the modern methods of computation in life assurance calculations, by 'Joshua Milne'

|p.120 | |Annual report, 1858-1859, I. |

Proceedings of the Institute

|p.121-127 | |On the improvement of life contingency calculation. Part II: the system of dependent risks. - Farren, E. J. |

|p.127-138 | |On the determination of the rates of premium for assuring against issue. - Day, A. |

|p.139-140 | |On a formula giving the expectation of life approximatively. - Willich, C. A. M. |

|p.140-146 | |A chapter on fire insurance: 'Specific' and 'Average' - Miller, T. |

|p.146-156 | |On the settlement of losses by fire under specific and average policies, separate and combined. - Christie, D. |

|p.156-162 | |An account of the plan, objects and progress of the International Association for obtaining a uniform decimal system of measures, |

| | |weights and coins, I. - Brown, S. |

|p.163-165 | |Foreign intelligence, II. |

New business and position of the life assurance companies of Germany in the year 1857, by G. Hopf

|p.166-179 | |Correspondence, III. |

On a statement revived in Mr. Hodge's paper on interest with reference to the authorship of Graunt's 'Observations', by A. de Morgan

On the incongruity existing between the rates of premium charged at certain ages and the benefits accruing therefrom

On the facilities afforded in the commutation system by the introduction of columns of differences, by S. L. Laundy

New German works on life assurance, by W. Lazarus

As to a certain fire insurance and the mode of settling a loss under it

|p.180 | |Annual report, 1858-1859, II. |

Proceedings of the Institute

Results of the examinations, 1858

|p.181-184 | |On a property of Mr. Gompertz's law of mortality. - De Morgan, A. |

|p.184-204 | |On the mortality amongst American assured lives. - Brown, S. |

|p.205-231 | |John de Witt; or twenty years' interregnum in the Stadtholdership of the seventeenth century. |

|p.232-238 | |Correspondence, IV. |

On the rules for finding the specific sums insured on the divisions of risk under fire insurance, by T. Miller

Reply to Professor De Morgan's remarks as to the authorship of Graunt's 'Observations' , by W. B. Hodge

Professor Sylvester's lectures, by E. J. Farren

|p.239-240 | |Annual report, 1858-1859, III. |

Proceedings of the Institute

Report of Council, 1858-1859

Proceedings at the Annual general meeting, 1859

|p.241-248 | |On the casualties to which contracts of life assurance are liable. |

|p.248-263 | |On the medical estimate of life for life assurance, I. - Ward, S. H. |

|p.263-268 | |An account of the plan, objects and progress of the International Association for obtaining a uniform decimal system of measures, |

| | |weights and coins, II. - Brown, S. |

|p.268-284 | |The first American Life Underwriters' Convention. |

|p.284-297 | |Foreign intelligence, III. |

On insurance in France against hail, frost, inundations and mortality of cattle

|p.297-300 | |Correspondence, V. |

The pamphlet recently published by the Scottish Equitable Society, by Philo-Scotiæ

|p.301-310 | |On the law of mortality and construction of annuity tables. - Makeham, W. M. |

|p.310-316 | |On the rationale of certain actuarial estimates. - Jellicoe, C. |

|p.316-326 | |On a test for ascertaining whether an observed degree of uniformity, or the reverse, in tables of statistics is to be looked upon as |

| | |remarkable. - Campbell, R. |

|p.326-329 | |On the purchase of life assurance policies as an investment. - Day, A. |

|p.329-343 | |On the medical estimate of life for life assurance, II. - Ward, S. H. |

|p.344-348 | |Notes and queries, I. |

Population of Victoria, Australia

First course of lectures by the Tooke Professor of Economic Science etc

Mortality in mines

|p.349-350 | |Notices of new works, I. |

Popular tables, etc, by Charles M. Willich

Theory of compound interest, and annuities, with logarithmic tables, by Fedor Thoman

|p.351-358 | |Correspondence, VI. |

The Leipzieger Krankencasse, by W. Lazarus

As to the authorship of the essay on 'The medical estimate of life for life assurance' , by T. Fraser

On the case recently tried of Black v. the English Widow's Fund Life Assurance Society

|p.359-360 | |Annual examinations. |

|p.360 | |Annual report, 1858-1859, IV; and 1859-1860. |

Proceedings of the Institute

Annual general meeting, and reports of Council and Auditors, 1859

JIA v.9 (1860-1861)

|facing p.1 | |Errata. |

|p.1-12 | |New method for calculating the value of an assurance to the survivor nominated, etc. - Réboul, E. |

|p.12-41 | |On some considerations suggested by the annual reports of the Registrar-General, being an inquiry into the question as to how far the |

| | |inordinate mortality in this country, exhibited by those reports is controllable by human agency, I. - Porter, H. W. |

|p.42-57 | |The life assurance companies of Germany; their business and position in the year 1858. - Hopf, G. |

|p.58 | |Notices of new books, I. |

An essay of life assurance; being a popular exposition of the subject, and a plea for its more general adoption, by H. W. Porter

|p.59-60 | |Annual report, 1859-1860, II [continued from v.8] |

Proceedings of the Institute

Results of the examinations, 1859

|p.61-85 | |On the rates of interest for the use of money in ancient and modern times, IV [continued from v.8] - Hodge, W. B. |

|p.86-89 | |On an unfair supression of due acknowledgement to the writings of Mr. Benjamin Gompertz. - De Morgan, A. |

|p.89-112 | |On some considerations suggested by the annual reports of the Registrar-General, being an inquiry into the question as to how far the |

| | |inordinate mortality in this country, exhibited by those reports is controllable by human agency, II. - Porter, H. W. |

|p.112-115 | |Correspondence, I. |

On a method of using the 'Table of quarter squares' , by S. L. Laundy

|p.115-120 | |Annual report, 1859-1860, III. |

Proceedings of the Institute

and report of Council, 1860

Abstract of receipts and payments, for the year ending 31 March 1860

Proceedings at the Annual general meeting, 1860

Amended syllabus of the annual examinations

|p.121-141 | |On the construction of life tables, illustrated by a new life table of the healthy districts of England, I. - Farr, W. |

|p.141-149 | |On the clearing of the London bankers. - Lubbock, J. W. |

|p.149-167 | |On some considerations suggested by the annual reports of the Registrar-General, being an inquiry into the question as to how far the |

| | |inordinate mortality in this country, exhibited by those reports is controllable by human agency, III. - Porter, H. W. |

|p.167-170 | |On the composition for leave to an assured to reside abroad. - Campbell, R. |

|p.170-184 | |On the discovery of the law of human mortality, and on the antecedent partial discoveries of Dr. Price and Mr. Gompertz. - Edmonds, |

| | |T. R. |

|p.185-187 | |Newton's table of leases. - De Morgan, A. |

|p.188-213 | |On the construction of life tables, illustrated by a new life table of the healthy districts of England, II. - Farr, W. |

|p.214-215 | |On Gompertz's law of mortality. - De Morgan, A. |

|p.216-234 | |On the stability of results based upon average calculations, considered with reference to the number of transactions embraced. - |

| | |Campbell, R. |

|p.234-238 | |The American Life Underwriters' Convention. |

|p.238-244 | |Correspondence, II. |

Authorship of the essay on probability published by the Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge, by A. de Morgan

The late Mr. Hillman's tables of the values of life assurance policies, by S. L. Laundy

Miss Florence Nightingale's 'Notes on nursing', by H. W. Porter

|p.245-259 | |On the rates of premium required to provide certain periodical returns to the assured. - Tucker, R. |

|p.259-269 | |Of compound interest. (Reprinted from Sherwins Mathematical Tables, 1761) - Halley, E. |

|p.270-276 | |Sixth annual report of the Insurance Commissioners of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. |

|p.277-299 | |Correspondence, III. |

Mr. Finlaison's 'Report and observations on the mortality of the government life annuitants', by H. W. Porter

On Mr. Gompertz's law of human mortality, and Mr. Edmond's claims to its independent discovery, by T. B. Sprague

Expression for the value of a term assurance, life against life, by H. A. Smith

Mr. Gompertz' papers, by H. W. Porter

An approximate expression for the value of an assurance, life against life, by A. H. Bailey

|p.299-301 | |Annual report, 1860-1861, I. |

Proceedings of the Institute

Results of the examinations, 1860

|p.301-304 | |[Annual examinations] Examination papers, 1860 - the amended syllabus. |

|p.305-326 | |On the rate of mortality prevailing amongst the families of the peerage during the 19th century. - Bailey, A. H.; Day, A. |

|p.327-341 | |On the law of human mortality, and on Mr. Gompertz's new exposition of his law of mortality. - Edmonds, T. R. |

|p.341-356 | |On the various methods pursued in the distribution of surplus among the assured in a life assurance company, with a comparison of the |

| | |relative merits of such methods. - Pattison, W. P. |

|p.357-367 | |Correspondence, IV. |

Mr. Finlaison's report and the English Life Table, by A. H. Bailey

On the calculation of premiums for assurance on lives and survivorships by the aid of Mr. Gompertz's hypothesis, by W. M. Makeham

On the superannuation of employees in assurance offices

|p.367-372 | |Annual report, 1860-1861, II. |

Proceedings of the Institute

Report of Council, 1861

Abstract of receipts and payments, for the year ending 31 March 1861

Proceedings at the Annual general meeting, 1861

JIA v.10 (1861-1863)

|facing p.1 | |Errata, v.10. |

|p.1-26 | |Seventh census of England and Wales, April 1861 - summary of general results. |

|p.27-28 | |On the rule for finding the value of an annuity on three lives. - De Morgan, A. |

|p.29-44 | |Correspondence, I. |

Mr. Edmonds: College life, by A. de Morgan

Mr. Finlaison's report of the English Life Table, by H. W. Porter

On the recent imputations made as to Mr. Gompertz's accuracy, by T. B. Sprague

On the tables published by the National Debt Office, by J. W. Stephenson

|p.45-59 | |Solutions of the second year's examination questions. |

|p.59-60 | |On the D, N and S columns, Dr Farr's Healthy Life Table. - Davis, W. |

|p.61-82 | |Observations on the tables of the mortality experience of the Scottish Amicable Society. - Spens, W. |

|p.82-84 | |Heppel's logarithms. |

|p.84-104 | |On the construction and use of commutation tables for calculating the values of benefits depending on life contingencies, I. - Gray,|

| | |P. |

|p.104-113 | |On the value of Mr. Gompertz's formula for the number living in terms of the mortality according to age, compared with the value of a |

| | |similar formula published in 1832. - Edmonds, T. R. |

|p.114-117 | |Report to the International Statistical Congress, as the Institute of Actuaries etc. - Brown, S. |

|p.117-120 | |Correspondence, II. |

On the significance of the expression [formula], by P. Gray

On the method of estimating the increase of rate put on endowment assurances to meet deterioration, by H. A. Smith

|p.121-130 | |Observations on Gompertz's law of mortality and the dependence between it and Simpson's rule for finding the value of an annuity on |

| | |three lives. - Woolhouse, W. S. B. |

|p.130-142 | |On the tendency of some systems of distribution of surplus to defeat the object of life assurance. - Terry, J. |

|p.142-147 | |On the principles on which the funds of life assurance societies should be invested. - Bailey, A. H. |

|p.147-169 | |[Memoir of the late John Finlaison] Memoirs, I. |

Finlaison, John

|p.169-180 | |On the construction and use of commutation tables for calculating the values of benefits depending on life contingencies, II. - |

| | |Gray, P. |

|p.180 | |Annual report, 1861-1862, I. |

Proceedings of the Institute

Results of the examinations, 1861

|p.181-196 | |On the statistics of first and subsequent marriages among the families of the peerage, considered specially with reference to the |

| | |calculation of premiums for assurance against issue. - Day, A. |

|p.197-205 | |Observations on mortality experience, supplementary to those contained in no.46 of the Assurance Magazine. - Spens, W. |

|p.205-219 | |Notes on the early history of tontines. - Hendriks, F. |

|p.220-235 | |On the construction and use of commutation tables for calculating the values of benefits depending on life contingencies, III. - |

| | |Gray, P. |

|p.235-237 | |Notes and queries, I. |

Aggregate income etc, of Scottish life offices

The public debt due to the bank

Statistics of human life

|p.237-239 | |Correspondence, III. |

Mr. Woolhouse's recent paper (Observations on Gompertz's law of mortality, by A. de Morgan

Another demonstration of the expressions for the value of single and annual premiums, by P. Gray

|p.239-240 | |Annual report, 1861-1862, II. |

Proceedings of the Institute

|p.241-247 | |Solutions of the compound survivorship assurance problems. - Makeham, W. M. |

|p.247-251 | |On the rejection of the fractions of a pound in extensive valuations. - De Morgan, A. |

|p.252-267 | |On the valuation of policies of assurance, I. |

|p.268-272 | |On a plan for making conditional the payment of extra premium in the case of a life supposed to be diseased or more than ordinarily |

| | |hazardous. - Younger, S. |

|p.272-275 | |Life assurance in England. |

|p.275-281 | |On triadic combinations of fifteen symbols. - Woolhouse, W. S. B. |

|p.281-282 | |Notes and queries, II. |

A query about interest accounts, by A. de Morgan

|p.283-298 | |Correspondence, IV. |

The law of human mortality, by W. Lazarus

Mr. Peter Gray's demonstration of formulæ, by A. Wiegand

On increasing and decreasing scales of premiums, by S. L. Laundy

|p.298-300 | |Annual report, 1861-1862, III. |

Report of Council, 1861-1862

Abstract of receipts and expenditure, for the year ending 31 March 1862

Proceedings at the Annual general meeting, 1862

|p.301-312 | |On the forms under which Barrett's method is presented, and on changes of words and symbols. - De Morgan, A. |

|p.312-322 | |On the proper mode of estimating the liabilities of life assurance companies. - Tucker, R. |

|p.322-326 | |On the valuation of policies of assurance, II. |

|p.326-327 | |A method of multiplication which may be practised mentally. - Oakes, W. H. |

|p.328-337 | |On the methods pursued in valuing the risks of life assurance companies, and on the division of surplus. - Jellicoe, C. |

|p.337-348 | |On weights and measures. - Levi, L. |

|p.348-349 | |Notes and queries, III. |

Suggestion as to the federation of certain cognate societies, by Mr. Newmarch

|p.349-360 | |Correspondence, V. |

On Mr. Samuel Younger's plan for assurance of invalid lives, by E. W. Brabrook, H. A. Smith and P. Gray

Professor De Morgan's query about interest accounts

|p.360 | |Annual report, 1862-1863, I [continued in vol.11] Proceedings of the Institute |

JIA v.11 (1863-1864)

|p.iv | |Errata. |

|p.1-39 | |On the rate of mortality and marriage amongst Europeans in India. - Brown, S. |

|p.40-48 | |On the calculation of survivorship annuities by the columnar method. - Meikle, J. |

|p.49-60 | |Correspondence, I. |

On the assurance of invalid lives, by S. Younger

On the rates to be observed in converting the parts of one pound into decimals, by A. de Morgan

On the facility with which the ordinary annuity and assurance values are derived from the value of the endowment, by S. L. Laundy

|p.61-88 | |On interpolation, summation and the adjustment of numerical tables, I. - Woolhouse, W. S. B. |

|p.89-90 | |On the relation of the Carlisle Table to the Government, the Registrar-General's and other tables of mortality. - Henry, J. |

|p.90-108 | |On certain methods proposed for the valuation of the liabilities of a life assurance company. - Sprague, T. B. |

|p.109-112 | |Correspondence, II. |

Mr. Jardine Henry's paper on the relation of the Carlisle to other tables of mortality, by W. Farr

On the estimates of the liabilities of life assurance companies, by A. H. Bailey

|p.112-120 | |Annual report, 1862-1863 [continued from vol.10] |

Proceedings of the Institute

Report of Council, 1962-1863

Receipts and payments for the years 1856-1865

Proceedings at the Annual general meeting, 1863

|p.121-129 | |On the equitable distribution of surplus. - Homans, S. |

|p.130-150 | |A budget of paradoxes, I. - De Morgan, A. |

|p.150-152 | |Note on the possibility of the division of the law of mortality into geometrical series. - Woolhouse, W. S. B. |

|p.152-171 | |On the influence of railway travelling on public health. - Porter, H. W. |

|p.172-180 | |Correspondence, III. |

On the component parts of a terminable annuity, by P. Gray

On a table indicating the annual premium from the single, and vice versa, by H. A. Smith

On Mr. Samuel Younger's plan for assurance of invalid lives, by H. A. Smith

|p.181-195 | |A budget of paradoxes, II. - De Morgan, A. |

|p.195-224 | |Report on the Fifth International Statistical Congress, Berlin 1863. - Brown, S. |

|p.224-229 | |Cotton-spinning problem. - Woolhouse, W. S. B. |

|p.230-240 | |Correspondence, IV. |

On the facilities afforded by certain logarithmic tables, by P. Gray

On a method of obtaining half-yearly and quarterly premiums from the annual premium, by S. L. Laundy

On Mr. Markham's modification of Mr. Gompertz's theory of the law of mortality, by P. Gray

|p.241-251 | |On the value of a policy. - Meikle, J. |

|p.251-263 | |Determination and distribution of profit. - Meikle, J. |

|p.263-279 | |On the metric [decimal] system of weights and measures, and its proposed adoption in this country. - Brown, S. |

|p.280-284 | |A budget of paradoxes, III [continued in v.12] - De Morgan, A. |

|p.285-299 | |On the principles of marine insurance. - Morrison, R. |

|p.299-300 | |Annual report, 1863-1864, I. |

Proceedings of the Institute

Results of the examinations, 1863

|p.301-332 | |On interpolation, summation and the adjustment of numerical tables, II [continued in v.12] - Woolhouse, W. S. B. |

|p.333-356 | |On the present position of friendly societies in England and Wales. - Brown, S. |

|p.356-362 | |Annual report, 1863-1864, II. |

Proceedings of the Institute

Report of Council, 1963-1864

Receipts and payments for the year ending 31 March 1864

Proceedings at the Annual general meeting, 1864

JIA v.12 (1864-1866)

|facing p.1 | |Errata. |

|p.1-2 | |Some reasons for thinking the system of reassurance undesirable. - Newbatt, B. |

|p.3-32 | |Some considerations on the government Life Annuities and Life Assurances Bill. - Adler, M. N. |

|p.32-48 | |A budget of paradoxes, IV [continued from v.11] - De Morgan, A. |

|p.48-60 | |Correspondence, I. |

On a notation to be used in life assurance computations, by W. Lazarus

The demonstration of certain formulæ, by M. N. Adler

On the payment of 1/m yearly premiums, by A. Wiegand

On the payment of 1/m yearly premiums, by S. L. Laundy

On a particular arrangement of elementary values, W. H. Oakes

|p.62-71 | |Solutions of general problems in survivorships. - Makeham, W. M. |

|p.72-100 | |On a table for the formation of logarithms and anti-logarithms to twelve places, I. - Gray, P. |

|p.101-108 | |A budget of paradoxes, V. - De Morgan, A. |

|p.109-112 | |New works. Reviews, I. |

The English life table [no.3], by Dr. Farr

A treatise on the valuation of life contingencies, by Edward Sang

Fifth report of the Superintendent of the Insurance Department, New York

|p.113-120 | |Correspondence, II. |

On Mr. Bailey's estimate of the liabilities of certain life assurance companies, by T. B. Sprague

On Mr. Hodge's remarks upon three-life survivorships, by W. M. Makeham

|p.121-136 | |On a table for the formation of logarithms and anti-logarithms to twelve places, II. - Gray, P. |

|p.136-176 | |On interpolation, summation and the adjustment of numerical tables, III [continued from v.11] - Woolhouse, W. S. B. |

|p.176-184 | |Correspondence, III. |

Things worth noting, by P. Gray

On the tables of deferred annuities published by the National Debt Office, by J. W. Stephenson

Mr. Sprague's letter 'On Mr. Bailey's estimate of the liabilities of certain life assurance companies' (Correspondence), by A. H. Bailey

Mr. Makeham's letter 'On Mr. Hodge's remarks upon three-life survivorships', by W. B. Hodge

On the communication to the Journal of cases of unusual character or of difficult solution, by Juvenis

New German publications, by W. Lazarus

On the adaptation of assurance formulæ to the arithmometer of M. Thomas, by J. C. Hannyngton

|p.185-206 | |On the statistics of second marriages among the families of the peerage. - Day, A. |

|p.206-212 | |On a problem in annuities, and on Arbogast's method of development. - De Morgan, A. |

|p.212-219 | |On a table for the formation of logarithms and anti-logarithms to twelve places, III. - Gray, P. |

|p.220-229 | |On a method of graduation applied to the peerage mortality deduced by Mr. Bailey and Mr. Day, with tables founded thereon. - |

| | |Berridge, G. W. |

|p.230-232 | |A budget of paradoxes, VI. - De Morgan, A. |

|p.232-233 | |[Things worth noting.] Something more about De Moivre's formula. - Gray, P. |

|p.233-238 | |Correspondence, IV. |

On the calculation of premiums returnable at death or withdrawal, by W. M Makeham

The D, N, etc columns of the Equitable Experience, by W. Morgan

|p.239-244 | |Annual report, 1864-1865. |

Proceedings of the Institute

Report of Council, 1964-1865

Receipts and payments for the year ending 31 March 1865

Proceedings at the Annual general meeting, 1865

Results of the examinations, 1864

|p.245-252 | |On the summation of divergent series. - De Morgan, A. |

|p.252-265 | |On a table for the formation of logarithms and anti-logarithms to twelve places, IV. - Gray, P. |

|p.265-276 | |On government annuity and assurance rates and regulations. - Adler, M. N. |

|p.276-294 | |On the rates of mortality and marriage among Europeans in India. - Brown, S. |

|p.294-301 | |A budget of paradoxes, VII [continued in v.13] - De Morgan, A. |

|p.301-304 | |Correspondence, V. |

On a solution of the problem proposed by Juvenis

On the value of options, by J. W. Stephenson

On the rate of mortality among select lives, by W. Spens

|p.305-327 | |On the principles to be observed in the construction of mortality tables. - Makeham, W. M. |

|p.328-349 | |On the calculation of single life contingencies. - De Morgan, A. |

|p.350-361 | |General average, I [continued in v.13] - Morrison, R. |

|p.362-363 | |Notices of new books, I. |

Table of the reciprocals of numbers, from 1 to 100,000, with their differences, by which the reciprocals of numbers may be obtained up to 10,000,000, by W. H. Oakes

|p.363-364 | |Correspondence, VI. |

On Mr. Stephenson's theory of options, by W. M. Makeham

JIA v.13 (1866-1867)

|facing p.1 | |Erratum, v.7. |

|p.1-20 | |[Memoir of the late Benjamin Gompertz.] Memoirs, I. - Adler, M. N. |

Gompertz, Benjamin

|p.20-39 | |On the limitation of risks; being an essay towards the determination of the maximum amount of risk to be retained by a life assurance|

| | |company on a single contingency. - Sprague, T. B. |

|p.39-51 | |General average, II [continued from v.12] - Morrison, R. |

|p.51-54 | |A budget of paradoxes, VIII [continued from v.12] - De Morgan, A. |

|p.55-60 | |Correspondence, I. |

On the value of options in certain contracts, by S. Younger

The late Mr. Finlaison's tables, by H. A. Smith

On the comparative merits of the old and new methods of solution, by P. Gray

|p.61-75 | |On the construction of tables by the method of differences, I. - Gray, P. |

|p.75-102 | |On the construction of tables of mortality. - Woolhouse, W. S. B. |

|p.103-119 | |Correspondence, II. |

Mr. Stephenson's letter on the value of options, by H. A. Smith

On the value of options in certain contracts, by P. Gray

On Mr. Younger's letter, and on the general solution of problems involving distinct contingencies, by W. M. Makeham

On the tables of deferred annuities as published by the government, by J. W. Stephenson

On the value of options in certain contracts, by S. Younger

On the formula for quadratures, by W. S. B. Woolhouse

|p.120-128 | |Annual report, 1865-1866. |

Proceedings of the Institute

Report of Council, 1865-1866

Abstract of receipts and payments, for the year ending 31 March 1866

Proceedings at the Annual general meeting, 1866

Results of the examinations, 1865

|p.129-149 | |On the calculation of life contingencies. - De Morgan, A. |

|p.149-161 | |On the construction of tables by the method of differences, II. - Gray, P. |

|p.161-176 | |General average, III. - Morrison, R. |

|p.176-188 | |A budget of paradoxes, IX. - De Morgan, A. |

|p.188-199 | |On the value of annuities payable half-yearly, quarterly, etc, I. - Sprague, T. B. |

|p.200 | |Correspondence, III. |

On certain formulæ in Mr. David Jones's work on annuities etc, by J. R. Macfadyen

|p.201-221 | |On the value of annuities payable half-yearly, quarterly, etc, II. - Sprague, T. B. |

|p.221-226 | |On annuities and assurances on successive lives. - Weddle, T. |

|p.226-231 | |Eighth census of the United States, in 1860. - Brown, S. |

|p.231-245 | |A budget of paradoxes, X [continued in v.14] - De Morgan, A. |

|p.246-252 | |Correspondence, IV. |

On the conversion of ordinary assurances for the whole term of life into endowment ones by application of bonus

New tables of annuities etc, by Dr. Otto Beeck, of Halle, by W. Lazarus

The formulæ in Mr. David Jones's work, commented on by Mr. Macfadyen, by C. McCuaig

|p.252-253 | |Annual report, 1866-1867, I. |

Proceedings of the Institute

|p.253-260 | |Solutions of the second year's examination questions. |

|p.261-271 | |On the arrangement of the data furnished by certain life assurance companies in Scotland, and on the formation of tables etc |

| | |therefrom; being contributions towards the ascertainment of the rate of mortality of assured lives. - Meikle, J. |

|p.272-293 | |On the mortality in the United States of America, as deduced from the last census, in 1860. - Brown, S. |

|p.293-305 | |On the construction of tables by the method of differences, III. - Gray, P. |

|p.305-324 | |On the value of annuities payable half-yearly, quarterly, etc, III. - Sprague, T. B. |

|p.325-358 | |On the law of mortality. - Makeham, W. M. |

|p.358-381 | |On the value of apportionable annuities; or of annuities in which a proportionate part is payable up to the day of death, I |

| | |[continued in v.14] - Sprague, T. B. |

|p.381-383 | |Correspondence, V. |

'Expectation of life' , by T. B. Sprague

|p.384-396 | |Annual report, 1866-1867, II. |

Proceedings of the Institute

Report of Council, 1866-1867

Abstract of receipts and payments, for the year ending 31 March 1867

Proceedings at the Annual general meeting, 1867

Results of the examinations, 1866

JIA v.14 (1867-1869)

|p.1-36 | |On interpolation; an essay containing a simple exposition of the theory in its most useful and practical applications, together with |

| | |a general and complete demonstration of the methods of quintisection of Briggs and Mouton for equal intervals; and of the process |

| | |explained by Newton in his Principia for intervals of any magnitude whatever. - Maurice, F. |

|p.36-45 | |On the value of apportionable (or complete) annuities [continued from v.13] - Sprague, T. B. |

|p.46-49 | |The Policies of Assurance Act, 1867. |

|p.49-59 | |Home and foreign intelligence, I. |

Law Life Assurance Society: Bonus report

Eagle Insurance Company: Bonus report

Guardian Fire and Life Assurance Company: Bonus report

Northern Assurance Company: Bonus report

English and Scottish Law Life Assurance Association: Bonus report

|p.59-63 | |Notices of new books, I. |

Manual of algebra, by Joseph A. Galbraith

|p.63-72 | |Correspondence, I. |

An assurance fallacy, by P. Gray

On the value of a policy - formulæ - Milne, by A. de Morgan

A practical question

|p.73-88 | |Brigg's method of interpolation; being a translation of the 13th chapter and part of the 12th of the preface to the Arithmetica |

| | |Logarithmetica. - Hill Williams, J. |

|p.89-90 | |Fourier's statistical tables. - De Morgan, A. |

|p.91-102 | |On the rate of interest in loans repayable by instalments. - Gray, P. |

|p.102-106 | |Conditions of assurance. |

|p.106-107 | |The Sales of Reversions Act, 1867. |

|p.107-121 | |A budget of paradoxes, XI [continued from v.13, and in v.16] - De Morgan, A. |

|p.121-144 | |Home and foreign intelligence, II. |

Scottish Widows' Fund Life Assurance Society: Bonus report

London Life Association: Bonus report

Clerical, Medical and General Life Assurance Society: Bonus report

Legal and General Life Assurance Society: Bonus report

Crown Life Assurance Company: Bonus report

|p.144-147 | |Practical questions. |

|p.147-156 | |Solutions of the second year's examination questions (1864-1866) [continued from v.13] |

|p.156 | |Notes and queries, I. |

|p.156-164 | |Correspondence, II. |

Solution of a problem proposed by Professor De Morgan, by T. Marr

On the average amount of a sum invested at compound interest for the life of the investor, by H. A. Smith

On the adjustment of premiums for life assurance in reference to extra risks, by W. M. Makeham

|p.165-175 | |Report of the sixth International Statistical Congress. - Brown, S. |

|p.175-182 | |On the final law of the sums of drawings. - De Morgan, A. |

|p.182-189 | |On the rate of interest in loans repayable by instalments, II. - Gray, P. |

|p.189-199 | |On the theory of annuities certain. - Makeham, W. M. |

|p.200-212 | |On the arrangement of commutation or D and N tables. - Chisholm, J. |

|p.212-226 | |Memoir on instrument for furnishing the D numbers, to four figures each, in two joint life annuity tables, on any basis. - Henry, J.|

|p.226-234 | |Eighth annual report of the Superintendant of the Insurance Department, State of New York. |

|p.235-241 | |Home and foreign intelligence, III. |

Standard Life Assurance Company: Bonus report

Economic Life Assurance Society: Bonus report

Equity and Law Life Assurance Society: Bonus report

|p.242 | |Notes and queries, II. |

Solutions of the second year's examination questions (1864-1866)

|p.242-248 | |Correspondence, III. |

On the adjustment of premiums for life assurance in reference to extra risks, by W. M. Makeham

Demonstration of a formula for interpolation, by G. W. Berridge

On the rate of mortality at the period of early manhood, by A. H. Bailey

German life assurance institute, by W. Lazarus

|p.249-305 | |A comparison of the values of policies as found by means of the various tables of mortality and the different methods of valuation in |

| | |use among actuaries (Messenger Prize essay) - Manly, H. W. |

|p.305-307 | |Conditions of the Messenger Prize 1868. |

|p.307-322 | |On the construction of tables by the method of differences, IV [continued from v.13] - Gray, P. |

|p.322-331 | |The Mutual Life Insurance Company of New York. |

|p.331-340 | |Annual report, 1867-1868. |

Proceedings of the Institute

Report of Council, 1867-1868

Income and expenditure, and balance sheet, for the year ending 31 March 1868

Proceedings at the Annual general meeting, 1868

Results of the examinations, 1867

|p.340 | |Correspondence, IV. |

Fire reinsurance law

|p.341-364 | |Some account of James Dodson, FRS. - De Morgan, A. |

|p.364-382 | |On the application of bonuses to limit either the term of an assurance or the number of payments to be made under it. - Macfadyen, |

| | |J. R. |

|p.382-397 | |On the distribution of profits in mutual insurance societies. - Pell, Professor. |

|p.397-399 | |Further considerations on M. Violeine's solution of a problem on the rate of interest in loans repayable by instalments. - Gray, P. |

|p.399-409 | |Home and foreign intelligence, IV. |

Commercial Union Assurance Company: Bonus report

Gresham Life Assurance Society: Bonus report

|p.409-415 | |Notices of new works, II. |

The insurance guide and hand book, by Cornelius Walford

|p.415-416 | |Correspondence, V. |

On the value of a policy on the longest of two lives, by T. Carr

|p.417-438 | |On the valuation of reversionary life interests. - Sprague, T. B. |

|p.439-459 | |On the determination of the average risk attaching to the grant of assurances upon lives. - Kanner, M. |

|p.460-463 | |German Life Assurance Institute. - Hill Williams, J. (trans) |

|p.463-472 | |Home and foreign intelligence, V (heading missing) |

Scottish Amicable Life Assurance Society: Bonus report

|p.472-476 | |Notices of new books, III. |

The law of fire insurance, by Charles John Bunyon

|p.476-482 | |Correspondence, VI. |

On 'Ten year nonforfeiture policies', by S. Younger

On a formula in the calculus of finite differences, by T. Carr

JIA v.15 (1869-1870)

|p.1-18 | |Railway debenture stocks considered as a security for the investment of the funds of a life assurance society. - Coles, J. |

|p.18-23 | |Extracts from the opening address of the President of Section F (Economic Science and Statistics), of the British Association for the |

| | |Advancement of Science, at the thirty-eighth meeting, at Norwich, August 1868. - Brown, S. |

|p.23-25 | |Government life annuities. |

|p.25-31 | |German Life Assurance Institute: Dr Zillmer on the Arithmometer; and Dr. Wiegand on Antagonism between theory and practice. |

|p.31-54 | |Thirteenth annual report of the Insurance Commissioner of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, January 1, 1868. Part II: Life and |

| | |accident insurance. |

|p.55-75 | |Home and foreign intelligence, I. |

On the condition and progress of the German life assurance offices in the year 1867

London and Provincial Law Assurance Society: Bonus report

Rock Life Assurance Society: Bonus report

Scottish Provident Institution: Bonus report

|p.76 | |Correspondence, I. |

'Evilly disposed', by C. J. Bunyon

On a correction of an error in the English Life Tables (no.1 Males)

|p.77-94 | |On the rates of extra premium for foreign travelling and residence. - Bailey, A. H. |

|p.95-125 | |On an improved theory of annuities and assurances. - Woolhouse, W. S. B. |

|p.126-138 | |On the value of reversionary annuities payable half-yearly, quarterly etc, according to the conditions which prevail in practice. - |

| | |Sprague, T. B. |

|p.138-141 | |On the value of reversionary life interests. - Davies, G. |

|p.141-143 | |On a method of obtaining De Moivre's formula in the simplest terms. - Charlon, H. |

|p.143-145 | |On assurances against the risk of 'invalidity' or permanent inability to work. - Lazarus, W. |

|p.145-148 | |Notes on Newton's formulæ for interpolation, I. - Oppermann, L. |

|p.148-160 | |Correspondence, II. |

On a table for facilitating the valuation of absolute reversions, by H. Mountcastle

On ten-year non-forfeiture policies, by S. Younger

Giving a demonstration of a formula contained in Mr. Higham's paper on the 'Value of selection', by W. Sutton


|p.160-168 | |Annual report, 1868-1869. |

Proceedings of the Institute

and report of Council, 1868-1869

Income and expenditure, and balance sheet, for the year ending 31 March 1869

Proceedings at the Annual general meeting, 1869

Results of the examinations, 1868

|p.169-177 | |On different modes of constructing tables of the values of policies. - Manly, H. W. |

|p.177-179 | |Notes on Newton's formulæ for interpolation, II. - Oppermann, L. |

|p.179-218 | |On the theory of probabilities. - Herschel, J. F. W. |

|p.218-222 | |Home and foreign intelligence, II. |

Westminster and General Life Assurance Association: Bonus report

North British and Mercantile Insurance Company: Bonus report

|p.222-232 | |Notices of new books, I. |

A treatise upon the law of life assurance etc, by Charles John Bunyon

|p.232-244 | |Solutions to the second year's examination questions, 1869, with remarks by the examiners. - Gray, P.; Hardy, R. P. |

|p.244 | |Errata, v.14. |

|p.245-257 | |On some problems in the theory of probabilities. - Lazarus, W. |

|p.257-270 | |Address to the Actuarial Society of Edinburgh. - Sang, E. |

|p.270-292 | |Suggestions for legislation to regulate the calculations and investment of the reserve in life assurance companies. - Hopf, G. |

|p.292-297 | |Notices of new books, II. |

Sterblichkeit und Versicherungswesen, neu behandeldt (Mortality and Insurance, treated in a new manner), by Hermann Scheffler

|p.297-312 | |Correspondence, III. |

On considering the 'paid-up' policy as the equivalent of the ratio the premiums bear to the total number payable, by J. R. Macfadyen

On Mr. Woolhouse's improved theory of annuities and assurances, by W. Sutton

On Brigg's formula for interpolation, by L. Opperman

|p.313-328 | |On general numerical solution. - Woolhouse, W. S. B. |

|p.328-354 | |On the rate of mortality prevailing among assured lives, as influenced by the length of time for which they have been assured. - |

| | |Sprague, T. B. |

|p.354-363 | |On the proper method of loading the premiums required for the assurance of sums at death etc. - Makeham, W. M. |

|p.364-385 | |Home and foreign intelligence, III. |

Law Union Fire and Life Insurance Company: Bonus report

Australian Mutual Provident Society: Bonus report

La Royale Belge: Bonus report

Star Life Assurance Society: Bonus report

|p.385-388 | |Correspondence, IV. |

On the liquidation of an insolvent life office, by D. Pitcairn

|p.388 | |Erratum, v.15. |

|p.389-410 | |Explanation of a new method of adjusting mortality tables, with some observations upon Mr. Makeham's modification of Gompertz's |

| | |theory. - Woolhouse, W. S. B. |

|p.411-432 | |On the proper method of estimating the liability of a life insurance company under its policies. - Sprague, T. B. |

|p.432-446 | |A table for determining the amounts etc, of continuous annuities certain. - Makeham, W. M. |

|p.446-448 | |Home and foreign intelligence, IV. |

Scottish Provincial Assurance Company: Bonus report

|p.449-455 | |Correspondence, V. |

On the objections to the net-premium method of valuation, by W. M. Makeham

On Herr Lazarus's paper 'On some problems in the theory of probabilities', by W. Sutton

|p.455-464 | |Annual report, 1869-1870. |

Proceedings of the Institute

Report of Council, 1870

Income and expenditure, and balance sheet, for the year ending 31 March 1870

Proceedings at the Annual general meeting, 1870

Results of the examinations, 1869

JIA v.16 (1870-1872)

|p.1-18 | |The Life Assurance Companies Act, 1870. |

|p.19-20 | |Married Women's Property Act, 1870. |

|p.20-33 | |American tables of mortality. - McCay, C. F. |

|p.34-42 | |On the method of constructing tables of mortality. - Baumhauer, M. M. von. |

|p.43-44 | |Adjusted table of mortality (British peerage, females), I. - Thiele, T. N. |

|p.44-51 | |A budget of paradoxes, XII [continued from v.14] - De Morgan, A. |

|p.51-74 | |Home and foreign intelligence, I. |

University Life Assurance Society: Bonus report

Universal Life Assurance Society: Bonus report

Atlas Fire and Life Assurance Company: Bonus report

Law Life Insurance Society: Bonus report

Guardian Fire and Life Assurance Company: Bonus report

Law Union Fire and Life Assurance Company: Bonus report

French insurance statistics

|p.75-76 | |Correspondence, I. |

On the construction of tables of policy values, by H. A. Smith

New experience mortality observations, by W. Sutton

|p.77-98 | |On legislation as to life insurance and life insurance companies. - Sprague, T. B. |

|p.98-117 | |On the method of calculating the differential coefficients of a function from its differences; and on their application to the |

| | |interpolation of functions of one, two or three variables. - Makeham, W. M. |

|p.118-120 | |Adjusted table of mortality (British peerage, females), II. - Thiele, T. N. |

|p.120-146 | |Home and foreign intelligence, II. |

Economic Life Assurance Society: Bonus report

Union Assurance Society: Bonus report

Provident Life Office: Bonus report

Equity and Law Life Assurance Society: Bonus report

Royal Insurance Company: Bonus report

City of Glasgow Life Assurance Company: Bonus report

|p.146-152 | |Correspondence, II. |

On a table of mortality deduced from the new experience observations [formula], by W. A. Bowser

On Herr Lazarus's paper on the theory of probabilities, by W. Sutton

|p.153-186 | |On the effects of migrations in disturbing local rates of mortality, as exemplified in the statistics of London and the surrounding |

| | |country, for the years 1851-1860. - Welton, T. A. |

|p.187-216 | |On the rate of mortality amongst the natives compared with that of Europeans in India. - Brown, S. |

|p.216-221 | |On the risk attaching to the grant of life assurances, I. - Bremiker, C. |

|p.221-228 | |Notices of new books, I. |

The life of John Heysham, MD, and his correspondence with Mr. Joshua Milne relative to the Carlisle bills of mortality

|p.229-243 | |On the liquidation and reconstruction of an insolvent life insurance company. - Sprague, T. B. |

|p.244-253 | |On the use of M. Thomas de Colmar's arithmometer in actuarial and other computations. - Hannyngton, J. C. |

|p.253-269 | |On mechanical aids to calculation, with comments by Mr. W. J. Hancock on the arithmometer. - Sang, E. |

|p.269-285 | |On the equitable apportionment of a fund between the life tenant and the reversioner. - Baden, A. |

|p.285-303 | |On the risk attaching to the grant of life assurances, II. - Bremiker, C. |

|p.304-312 | |Annual report, 1870-1871. |

Proceedings of the Institute

Report of Council, 1870-1871

Abstract of receipts and payments, for the year ending 31 March 1867

Proceedings at the Annual general meeting, 1871

Results of the examinations, 1870

|p.313-329 | |On a mathematical formula to express the rate of mortality throughout the whole of life, tested by a series of observations made use |

| | |of by the Danish Life Insurance Company of 1871. - Thiele, T. N. |

|p.329-344 | |On one uniform law of mortality from birth to extreme old age, and on the law of sickness. - Gompertz, B. |

|p.344-354 | |Explanation and example of a method of constructing mortality tables with imperfect data; and of the extension of Gompertz's theory to|

| | |the entire period of life. - Makeham, W. M. |

|p.355-358 | |Net-premium valuations with reference to the American insurance law. - Wright, E. |

|p.358-375 | |The Life Association of America. |

|p.375-377 | |Practical questions. |

|p.377-384 | |Home and foreign intelligence, III. |

Scottish National Insurance Company: Bonus report

Friends' Provident Institution: Bonus report

|p.384-388 | |Correspondence, III. |

American ten year non-forfeiture policies, by J. B. Cherriman

On the equitable apportionment of a fund between the life tenant and the reversioner, by E. Smyth

|p.389-408 | |On insolvency in life assurance companies. - Bailey, A. H. |

|p.408-419 | |On the laws of sickness and invalidism; and their relation to the law of mortality. - Makeham, W. M. |

|p.419-423 | |Life insurance in the time of Queen Elizabeth. An order given by the Judges of the Admiralty , and confirmed by the Privy Council on |

| | |14 March 1587. - Tucker, R. |

|p.424-433 | |Correspondence, IV. |

On the adjustment of mortality tables, by W. Lazarus

Tables deduced from the new experience table [formula] (adjusted), by S. Brown

|p.434-464 | |A course of three lectures addressed to students for the second year's examination. - Sutton, W. |

|p.464 | |Erratum, v.16. |

JIA v.17 (1872-1873)

|p.1-26 | |On the valuation of claims upon current policies in the liquidation of a life office, with reference to the decisions in Bell's and |

| | |Lancaster's cases. - Bunyon, C. J. |

|p.26-36 | |Observations on the rate of mortality in infancy and childhood. - Bowser, W. A. |

|p.37-56 | |On the philosophy of statistics. - Woolhouse, W. S. B. |

|p.56-63 | |On the law of the ages at which life insurances are effected. - Chandler, S. C. |

|p.63-65 | |Extract from the opening address as President of Section F (Economic Science and Statistics) at the meeting of the British Association|

| | |at Edinburgh, 1871. - Neaves (Lord) |

|p.65-76 | |Home and foreign intelligence, I. |

Gresham Life Assurance Company: Bonus report

Crown Life Assurance Company: Bonus report

|p.77-95 | |On 'extra premium' - Macfadyen, J. R. |

|p.95-126 | |The influence of occupation upon health, as shown by the mortality experienced. - Neison, F. G. P. |

|p.127-142 | |Home and foreign intelligence, II. |

English and Scottish Law Life Assurance Association: Bonus report

London and Provincial Law Life Assurance Society: Bonus report

|p.142 | |Correspondence, I. |

Seven-figure logarithms, by E. Sang

|p.143-152 | |Annual report, 1871-1872. |

Proceedings of the Institute

Report of Council, 1871-1872

Income and expenditure, and balance sheet, for the year ending 31 March 1872

Proceedings at the Annual general meeting, 1872

Results of the examinations, 1871

|p.153-161 | |On the means of dispensing with extra premiums for deteriorated health. - Makeham, W. M. |

|p.161-171 | |On the construction of a graduated table of mortality from a limited experience. - Chandler, S. C. |

|p.171-178 | |Reduction of formulæ for annuities and assurances investigated by Mr. Sprague on the common hypothesis of equal decrements in each |

| | |year of life. - Woolhouse, W. S. B. |

|p.178-189 | |On mathematical statistics and its application to political economy and insurance, I. - Wittstein, T. |

|p.189-191 | |The law of life insurance in France as affected by a recent decision of the Supreme Court of Judicature. - Montluc, L. de. |

|p.191-192 | |Note on Mr. Woolhouse's paper 'On the philosophy of statistics' |

|p.192-193 | |Correction of an error in Milne's treatise on annuities and assurances. - Hoskins, H. |

|p.193-200 | |The Life Assurance Companies Act, 1871 and 1872. |

|p.200-223 | |Home and foreign intelligence, III. |

Germany - Life assurance business in 1870

Imperial Life Assurance Company: Bonus report

North British and Mercantile Insurance Company: Bonus report

|p.224 | |Correction of error in list of candidates who passed the second year's examination , 1871. |

|p.224-228 | |Correspondence, II. |

On the partial commutation of premium, by P. Gray

On the relation between the value of a policy and the rate of interest, by W. Sutton

|p.229-248 | |On reversionary life interests as securities for loans. - Sprague, T. B. |

|p.249-266 | |On the arithmometer of M. Thomas (de Colmar), and its application to the construction of life contingency tables, I [continued in |

| | |v.18] - Gray, P. |

|p.266-269 | |Note on a method of finding the value of an annuity on the last survivor of three lives. |

|p.270-291 | |Home and foreign intelligence, IV. |

Northern Assurance Company: Bonus report

Edinburgh Life Assurance Company: Bonus report

Westminster and General Life Assurance Association: Bonus report

|p.291-297 | |Notices of new books, I. |

Life insurance in 1872, by T. B. Sprague

|p.298-304 | |Correspondence, III. |

Mr. Edward Sang's seven-figure logarithms, by A. J. Ellis; J. W. L. Glaisher and R. Tucker

On American ten-year nonforfeiture policies, by E. McClintock

|p.305-327 | |On the integral of Gompertz's function for expressing the values of sums depending on the contingency of life. - Makeham, W. M. |

|p.328-339 | |Notes on the observations of the Rev. John Hodgson MA on the mortality of the clergy of England and Wales, with remarks on the tables|

| | |deduced therefrom by Mr. Samuel Brown. - Bowser, W. A. |

|p.340-351 | |On the application of the binomial law to statistical enquiries, illustrated by the law of the growth of man at different ages. - |

| | |Brown, S. |

|p.352-354 | |On errors in tables of logarithms of numbers. - Glaisher, J. W. L. |

|p.355-369 | |On mathematical statistics and its application to political economy and insurance, II. - Wittstein, T. |

|p.369-378 | |Home and foreign intelligence, V. |

Colonial Insurance Company: Bonus report

Union Assurance Office: Bonus report

|p.379-380 | |Correspondence, IV. |

On the employment of the Institute of Actuaries' Life Tables in finding the value of an annuity on the last survivor of three lives, by E. Smyth

|p.381-416 | |On a general formula for the values of present or future benefits, whether free or burdened with charges; and on the application of |

| | |the formula to determining the surrender values of life policies. - Macfadyen, J. R. |

|p.417-435 | |On mathematical statistics and its application to political economy and insurance, III. - Wittstein, T. |

|p.436-445 | |Home and foreign intelligence, VI. |

London Assurance Corporation: Bonus report

|p.445-449 | |Correspondence, V. |

On the integral of Gompertz's function, by W. M. Makeham

On the relation between the net premium and the rate of interest, by W. Sutton

On the formula for the market value of a complete annuity, by A. Baden

|p.450-457 | |Annual report, 1872-1873. |

Proceedings of the Institute

Report of Council, 1872-1873

Income and expenditure, and balance sheet, for the year ending 31 March 1873

Proceedings at the Annual general meeting, 1873

Results of the examinations, 1872

|p.458-460 | |Second and third years examinations: Examination papers, 1872. |

JIA v.18 (1873-1875)

|p.1-20 | |On the origin and nature of some of those limited and contingent interests in property which are commonly submitted to actuaries for |

| | |valuation. - Bunyon, C. J. |

|p.20-32 | |On the arithmometer of M. Thomas (de Colmar), and its application to the construction of life contingency tables, II [continued from |

| | |v.17] - Gray, P. |

|p.32-47 | |On valuation of policies for proof in liquidation. Law report. |

|p.47-53 | |On the history and tendency of past legislation with reference to friendly societies. |

|p.54-61 | |On rates of mortality and their causes, I. - Lazarus, W. |

|p.61-69 | |Home and foreign intelligence, I. |

Legal and General Life Assurance Society: Bonus report

|p.69-74 | |Practical questions. |

|p.74-76 | |Correspondence, I. |

On the word petroleum, and between Sir Hans Sloane and Mr. John Ray

|p.76 | |Erratums, v.13. |

|p.77-99 | |On the appointment, or division by mutual consent, of a fund between the life tenant and the reversioner. - Sprague, T. B. |

|p.100-106 | |On some legal incidents affecting the duration of base fees in the hands of purchasers. - Bunyon, C. J. |

|p.107-122 | |On the method used by Dr. Price in the construction of the Northampton mortality table. - Sutton, W. |

|p.123-132 | |On the arithmometer of M. Thomas (de Colmar), and its application to the construction of life contingency tables, III. - Gray, P. |

|p.132-143 | |On the solution of problems connected with loans repayable by instalments. - Makeham, W. M. |

|p.143-151 | |Home and foreign intelligence, II. |

Clergy Mutual Assurance Society: Bonus report

|p.151-152 | |Errata, v.15. |

|p.153-177 | |On the rate of mortality found to prevail among residents in India, being subscribers and the male and female nominees of subscribers |

| | |to the Uncovenanted Service Family Pension Fund, between the years 1837-1872. - Finlaison, A. J. |

|p.178-195 | |On the practice of the Eagle Company with regard to the assurance of lives classified as unsound, and on the rates of mortality |

| | |prevailing amongst the lives so classed, assured during the sixty-three years ending 30 June 1871. - Humphreys, G. |

|p.195-211 | |On the method of comparing the expected with the actual experience of a life insurance company, as regards the number of deaths and |

| | |amount of claims. - Low, G. M. |

|p.212-223 | |On rates of mortality and their causes, II. - Lazarus, W. |

|p.224-228 | |Correspondence, II. |

On the formula for the market value of a complete annuity, by T. Carr

|p.229-242 | |A comparison of reserves brought out by the use of different data in the valuation of the liabilities of a life office. - Valentine,|

| | |J. |

|p.242-247 | |On the computation of annuities on Mr. Makeham's hypothesis. - McClintock, E. |

|p.247-251 | |On the value of a complete annuity when payable by m equal instalments in each year. - Carr, T. |

|p.251-262 | |An estimate of the degrees of the mortality of mankind, drawn from curious tables of the births and funerals at the city of Breslaw; |

| | |with an attempt to ascertain the price of annuities upon lives (Reprinted from the Philosophical Transactions for January 1693) - |

| | |Halley, E. |

|p.262-265 | |Some further considerations on the Breslaw bills of mortality. (Philosophical Transactions, March 1693) - Halley, E. |

|p.265-290 | |Home and foreign intelligence, III. |

Norwich Union Life Insurance Society: Bonus report

Clerical, Medical and General Life Assurance Company: Bonus report

London and Lancashire Life Assurance Company: Bonus report

Eagle Insurance Company: Bonus report

|p.290-298 | |Correspondence, III. |

On the formulas for the approximate determination of the rate of interest of an annuity, by J. J. McLauchlan

On the expediency of recording law reports in the Journal, by H. A. Smith

|p.298-304 | |Annual report, 1873-1874. |

Proceedings of the Institute

Report of Council,1873- 1874

Accounts for the year ending 31 March 1874

Proceedings of the Annual general meeting, 1874

Results of the examinations, 1873

|p.305-317 | |On Lubbock's formula for approximating to the value of a life annuity. - Sprague, T. B. |

|p.317-322 | |On an application of the theory of the composition of decremental forces. - Makeham, W. M. |

|p.323-335 | |On the interpretation of the statements required by the Life Assurance Companies Act, 1870, with special reference to the question of |

| | |expenses. - Deuchar, D. |

|p.335-343 | |Does a large new business benefit the policyholders of a life company? - Macfadyen, J. R. |

|p.343-354 | |On the mortality of the clergy. - Stüssi, H. |

|p.355 | |The growth of life companies. |

|p.356-372 | |Home and foreign intelligence, IV. |

Scottish Equitable Life Assurance Society: Bonus report

Life Association of Scotland: Bonus report

|p.372-376 | |Correspondence, IV. |

Communicating tables deduced from Mr. Samuel Brown's combined Indian experience, by H. A. Smith

On the expediency of recording law reports in the Journal, by H. A. Smith

On Mr. Hardy's valuation tables, by G. M. Low

|p.376-380 | |Examination papers, 1873. |

|p.381-390 | |On the rate of mortality among adult government emigrants on the voyage to Australia, during the years 1847-1861 inclusive, as |

| | |determined from the Reports of the Emigration Commissioners. - McLauchlan, J. J. |

|p.390-402 | |Report by Mr. Malcolm and Mr. Hamilton, Assistant Secretaries to the Board of Trade, upon the accounts and statements submitted to the|

| | |Board of Trade, under the Life Assurance Companies Act, 1870. Presented to Parliament by Her Majesty's Command and ordered by the |

| | |House of Commons to be printed, 10 July 1874. |

|p.403-416 | |On the usefulness of mathematical studies to the actuary. - Sprague, T. B. |

|p.416-428 | |On mortality fluctuations. - Macfadyen, J. R. |

|p.428-430 | |Economical rates of reserve and premium. |

| | | |

|p.431-456 | |Home and foreign intelligence, V. |

Scottish Widows' Fund Life Assurance Society: Bonus report

Royal Exchange Assurance Corporation: Bonus report

Provident Life Office: Bonus report

Sovereign Life Assurance Company: Bonus report

JIA v.19 (1875-1876)

|p.1-11 | |The expenses of life assurance companies: how they affect the assured. - Bailey, A. H. |

|p.12-28 | |On the value of a reversionary annuity payable oftener than once a year. - Evans, W. |

|p.28-38 | |On the law of American life as deduced from the experience of the Mutual Benefit Life Insurance Company of New Jersey, analyzed and |

| | |adjusted by Gompertz's law. - Nichols, W. S. |

|p.38-42 | |On a problem occurring in connection with entailed estates in Scotland. - Sprague, T. B. |

|p.42-69 | |Home and foreign intelligence, I. |

The condition and progress of German life insurance companies in the year 1873

Standard Life Assurance Company: Bonus report

|p.69-76 | |Notices of new books, I. |

The insurance cyclopædia, by Cornelius Walford

|p.77-97 | |On the rate of interest yielded by foreign government loans. - Sutton, W. |

|p.97-110 | |Negative policy values. - Deuchar, J. J. W. |

|p.110-118 | |On the hourly distribution of mortality. - Lawson, R. |

|p.118-121 | |On the mortality of males and females from peritonitis at ages between fifteen and fifty. - Robertson, W. |

|p.122-140 | |Home and foreign intelligence, II. |

Liberal Annuity Company of Dublin: Valuation report

Great Britain Mutual Life Assurance Society: Valuation report

|p.141-142 | |Notes and queries, I. |

Actuarial jottings, by J. R. Macfadyen

|p.143-144 | |Correspondence, I. |

On the D and N formula for a term assurance, by H. A. Smith

On the approximate value of a complete annuity payable by instalments, by H. Hoskins

|p.145-152 | |Annual report, 1874-1875. |

Proceedings of the Institute

Report of Council, 1874-1875

Income and expenditure, and balance sheet, for the year ending 31 March 1875

Proceedings at the Annual General Meeting, 1875

Results of the examinations, 1874

|p.153-174 | |The measure of expenses in life assurance companies. - Macfadyen, J. R. |

|p.174-208 | |On female, as contrasted with male lives. - Walford, C. |

|p.209-210 | |Insurances on the lives of females: Report of committee to the Associated Scottish Life Assurance Offices as to. |

|p.210-211 | |Account of a recent change in the law relating to life insurance in the Netherlands. - Pimentel, H. |

|p.211-213 | |Notes and queries, II. |

Mortality among railway engine drivers and stokers

Ashantee expedition

Mortality among pilots

|p.214-223 | |Home and foreign intelligence, III. |

Scottish Commercial Insurance Company: Bonus report

Scottish National Insurance Company: Bonus report

|p.223-227 | |Correspondence, II. |

Indian uncovenanted service life tables, by T. H. Cooke

|p.228 | |List of misprints in the Institute of Actuaries Life Tables. |

|p.229-249 | |A scheme for the collection of data for periodical observation of mortality among lives selected for assurance: illustrated by |

| | |examples from observations of mortality in Austria. - Curtis, F. A. |

|p.250-267 | |Mortality experience of the National Life Insurance Company of Rotterdam. |

|p.268-294 | |On the additional premium required for residence in foreign climates. - Meikle, J. |

|p.295-298 | |Note on the rate of mortality among Europeans resident in India. |

|p.298-303 | |Home and foreign intelligence, IV. |

City of Glasgow Life Assurance Company: Bonus report

|p.303-304 | |Correspondence, III. |

The measure of expenses in life assurance, by D. Deuchar

|p.305-328 | |On the proper method of measuring the expenses of a life insurance company, so as to show the real pressure of the expenditure on the |

| | |bonus-giving power of the company. - Sprague, T. B. |

|p.328-351 | |The finance of fire insurance. - Walford, C. |

|p.351-368 | |On the values of annuities on assured lives. - Berridge, G. W. |

|p.369-371 | |Legal notes: Some observations on mortgages. - Pitcairn, D. |

|p.372-374 | |Solution of a problem in apportionment. - Sprague, T. B. |

|p.374-380 | |Home and foreign intelligence, V. |

Scottish Provincial Assurance Company: Bonus report

Statement of the available means of extinguishing fires in the leading continental cities

|p.381-413 | |On the mortality amongst assured lives, and the requisite reserves of life offices, I [continued in v.20] - King, G. |

|p.414-434 | |Life assurance in France. - Curtis, F. A. |

|p.435-445 | |Some account of the French 'General' and 'National' life insurance companies. |

|p.445-451 | |On the measure of expenses in life insurance companies: further communications. - Macfadyen, J. R.; Sprague, T. B. |

|p.451-456 | |Annual report, 1875-1876. |

Proceedings of the Institute

Report of Council, 1876

Income and expenditure, and balance sheet, for the year ending 31 March 1876

Proceedings at the Annual general meeting, 1876

Results of the examinations, 1875

JIA v.20 (1876-1878)

|p.1-11 | |On the value of selection amongst assured lives, and its effect upon the adjustment of a scale of premiums, as between persons |

| | |assuring at different ages. - Higham, J. A. |

|p.12-34 | |On the principles to be observed in life office valuations made with a view to distribution of profits. - M'Candlish, J. M. |

|p.35-43 | |On the mortality among innkeepers, publicans, and other persons engaged in the sale of intoxicating liquors - being the experience of |

| | |the Scottish Amicable Life Assurance Society during fifty years, 1826-1876. - Stott, J. |

|p.43-73 | |Home and foreign intelligence, I. |

National Mutual Life Association of Australasia, Limited: Bonus report

Life Insurance Act of the Colony of Victoria

|p.73-76 | |Correspondence, I. |

Mr. Deuchar's paper on negative policy values, by W. T. Gray

|p.77-95 | |On mutual assurance; its aims and objects, and the means of attaining them. - Templeton, J. M. |

|p.95-112 | |On the premiums for the insurance of recently selected lives. - Sprague, T. B. |

|p.112-119 | |Notices of new books, I. |

Encyclopædia Britannica - 9th edition - Article: Annuities

|p.119-136 | |Home and foreign intelligence, II. |

Gotha Mutual Life Insurance Office. Extracts from the report for 1874

Life Insurance Act of the Colony of Victoria

|p.137-145 | |Examination papers, 1876. |

|p.145-151 | |Correspondence, II. |

On the loading of assurance premiums, by H. A. Smith

Mr. Deuchar's paper on negative policy values (with reply from Mr. William T. Gray), by G. King

|p.151-152 | |Insurances against issue. |

|p.153-170 | |On the true measure of the death strain on the funds of a life assurance society. - Higham, C. D. |

|p.170-192 | |A comparison of various methods of graduation of a mortality table considered in reference to the valuation of the liability of an |

| | |average life office under its assurance contracts, I. - Sutton, W. |

|p.192-215 | |A comparison of various methods of graduation of a mortality table considered in reference to the valuation of the liability of an |

| | |average life office under its assurance contracts, II. - Sutton, W. |

|p.216-232 | |Does vaccination afford any protection against small-pox? - Sprague, T. B. |

|p.233-280 | |On the mortality amongst assured lives, and the requisite reserves of life offices, II [continued from v.19] - King, G. |

|p.280-291 | |How to wind up an insolvent life insurance company. |

|p.291-297 | |On the causes of insolvency in life insurance companies, and the best means of detecting, exposing and preventing it. - Sprague, T. |

| | |B. |

|p.298-299 | |Married Women's Property Act. Form of procedure in appointing a trustee thereunder. |

|p.300-304 | |Correspondence, III. |

On the determination of an average life office, by G. King

|p.304-308 | |Annual report, 1876-1877. |

Proceedings of the Institute

Report of Council, 1877

Income and expenditure, and balance sheet, for the year ending 31 March 1877

Proceedings at the Annual general meeting, 1877

Results of the examinations, 1876

|p.309-340 | |On certain methods of valuation. - Gray, W. T. |

|p.340-344 | |Actuarial notes. - Sorley, J. |

Results of an unsuccessful attempt to graduate a mortality table by Makeham's method

On the valuation reserve necessary for diseased lives; and for female lives subjected to an extra premium

|p.344-349 | |Actuarial notes. - Samot, D. J. A. |

Formulas for the values of endowment policies

Method of interpolating the values of premiums when these are given only for certain intervals of age

|p.349-355 | |Life insurance and suicide. - Eastwood, J. W. |

|p.355-358 | |Report of the Committee of the British Association appointed to report on mathematical notation and printing, with the view of leading|

| | |mathematicians to prefer in optional cases such forms as are more easily put into type, and of promoting uniformity of notation. |

|p.358-384 | |Home and foreign intelligence, III. |

Cape of Good Hope Mutual Life Assurance Society: Valuation report

Mutual Assurance Society of Victoria, Limited: Valuation report

Valuation report of the New Zealand Government Insurance Department

|p.385-409 | |On the carrying out of reversionary transactions by life assurance companies. - Macfadyen, J. R. |

|p.410-435 | |The computation and adjustment of probabilities derived from observation. - Lazarus, W. |

|p.435-439 | |On the analogy between an annuity-certain and a life annuity. - King, G. |

|p.439-441 | |What to do with insolvent life companies. |

|p.441-454 | |Life Insurance Acts of the Colonies of Tasmania, New Zealand and Canada. |

|p.454-455 | |Correspondence, IV. |

On the purchase of a complete annuity - investigation of formulas, by J. Sorley

|p.455-464 | |Home and foreign intelligence, IV. |

Scottish Provincial Assurance Company: Bonus report

JIA v.21 (1878-1879)

|p.1-37 | |On the scientific application of data to the purpose of deducing rates of premium for fire insurance. - Walford, C. |

|p.37-66 | |On the adjustment of mortality tables; a sequel to former papers on the same subject. - Woolhouse, W. S. B. |

|p.67-70 | |Remarks on a problem in life contingencies. - Gray, P. |

|p.71-74 | |Home and foreign intelligence, I. |

Australian Widows' Fund Life Assurance Society: Bonus report

|p.74-76 | |Correspondence, I. |

How far can we rely on the estimated liability of a life office, calculated by means of a model office?, by D. Carment

|p.77-115 | |How does an increased mortality affect policy-values? - Sprague, T. B. |

|p.115-136 | |The pure premium method of valuation. - Bailey, A. H. |

|p.137-152 | |On the Institute of Actuaries' life tables. - Pell, M. B. |

|p.153-169 | |On the death-rate among assured lives in the West Indies, being the experience of the Scottish Amicable Life Assurance Society during |

| | |thirty years, 1846-76. - Stott, J. |

|p.170-192 | |Address to the members of the Actuarial Society of Edinburgh. - Thomson, S. C. |

|p.192-203 | |On the expenses and selection as affecting the pure premium method of valuation. - Sorley, J. |

|p.204-213 | |On a question in probabilities. With remarks by Professor Cayley and T. B. Sprague. - Woolhouse, W. S. B. |

|p.213-215 | |Correspondence, II. |

On the method of interpolating the values of premiums when those are given only for certain intervals of age, by D. Carment

|p.215-219 | |Annual report, 1877-1878. |

Proceedings of the Institute

Report of Council, 1877-1878

Income and expenditure, and balance sheet, for the year ending 31 March 1877

Proceedings at Annual general meeting, 1878

Results of the examinations, 1877

|p.220 | |Syllabus of Messenger Prizes, 1878. |

| | |Mr Adler's Prize |

|p.221 | |The examinations of the Institute. |

|p.221-228 | |Examination papers, 1877. |

|p.229-257 | |On the construction and use of a series of select mortality tables, to be employed in combination with the Institute HM(5) table. - |

| | |Sprague, T. B. |

|p.257-288 | |On the rates of mortality in New South Wales, and on the construction of mortality tables from census returns; with a note on the |

| | |formation of commutation tables. - Pell, M. B. |

|p.288-295 | |New formulas for the calculation of the probabilities which occur in the question of invalidity, or permanent incapacity for work. -|

| | |Samot, D. J. A. |

|p.295-300 | |Actuarial notes: Who first introduced the symbol d(x)?; Formula for a paid up policy; On the value of an annuity in which a final |

| | |payment is made at the end of the term during which the life fails. - Cherriman, J. B. |

|p.300 | |Note as to the Life Assurance Act of the Colony of Canada. |

|p.301-380 | |The values that should be allowed by a life office for the surrender of its policies, considered under their various aspects, as |

| | |affecting the interests of the office and of the policyholder. (Messenger Prize essay) - Crisford, G. S. |

|p.380 | |Correspondence, III. |

M. Ratcliffe's sickness tables, by F. W. Frankland

|p.381-406 | |On tables for the enfranchisement of copyholds of inheritance. - Smyth, E. |

|p.406-452 | |On the construction of a combined marriage and mortality table from observations made as to the rates of marriage and mortality among |

| | |any body of men; and on the calculation of the values of annuities and assurances that depend on the contingency of marriage as well |

| | |as death, and their application to determine the rate of premium for an insurance against the contingency of a bachelor of a given age|

| | |leaving issue: illustrated by various tables calculated from the experience of the British peerage families. - Sprague, T. B. |

|p.452-454 | |Note on Professor Pell's paper on the Institute of Actuaries' life tables. - Sprague, T. B. |

|p.455-456 | |Correspondence, IV. |

Mr. P. Gray's methods of constructing life tables, by J. C. Hannyngton

JIA v.22 (1879-1881)

|p.1-20 | |A suggestion towards adding a new feature of usefulness to the Institute of Actuaries of Great Britain and Ireland. - Walford, C. |

|p.20-24 | |Law intelligence: London Assurance v. Mansel. |

|p.24-43 | |On the adjustment of mortality tables with reference to the weight of the observations. - McCay, C. F. |

|p.43-55 | |How should the liability of a life office under its policies be estimated? - Higham, J. A.; Bailey, A. H.; Baden, A.; Sprague, T.|

| | |B. |

|p.55-60 | |On the application ov Lubbock's formula ov summation to find the value ov annuities and assurances [On the application of Lubbock's |

| | |formula of summation to find the value of annuities and assurances] - Sprague, T. B. |

|p.60-61 | |Boole's finite differences (Actuarial note) - Wilding, R. |

|p.61-62 | |The market value of an annuity (Actuarial note) - Wilding, R. |

|p.63-67 | |Examination papers, 1879. |

|p.67-72 | |Annual report, 1878-1879. |

Proceedings of the Institute

Report of Council, 1878-1879

Income and expenditure, and balance sheet, for the year ending 31 March 1879

Proceedings at the Annual General Meeting, 1879

Results of the examinations, 1879

|p.73-76 | |List of all members who have passed the examinations of the Institute. |

|p.77-102 | |On the rate ov remarryge among widoers [On the rate of remarriage among widowers] - Sprague, T. B. |

|p.103-117 | |Fire insurance: a theory of statistics. - Miller, T. |

|p.117-129 | |On the probability that there will hereafter be issue of a marriage hitherto childless. - Sprague, T. B. |

|p.129-132 | |Smart's interest tables; and, Formulas for policy-values in terms of premiums (Actuarial note) - Wilding, R. |

|p.132-133 | |What is a policy legally worth to the insured? |

|p.134-143 | |Correspondence, I. |

Retirancts in the eighth year, by T. B. Macaulay

On the relation between the value of a policy and the rate of interest, by W. G. Walton

Mr. Gray's methods of construction life tables, by J. C. Hannyngton

Can a law of mortality be represented in a mathematical form?, by T. E. Young

Death rates among infants in Scotland, by W. Robertson

|p.143-152 | |Original tables: Annual and single endowment assurance premiums - Institute [formula] 3 per-cent. |

|p.153-190 | |The position of life and other insurance associations in relation to their local medical examiners: Is it satisfactory? - Walford, |

| | |C. |

|p.191-231 | |Notes on the practical applications of Mr. Makeham's formula to the graduation of mortality tables. - King, G.; Hardy, G. F. |

|p.231-232 | |Correspondence, II. |

Formula for the force of mortality, by E. L. De Forest

|p.233-248 | |Remarks as to the influence of marriage on the death rates of males and females. - Stark, J. |

|p.248-249 | |Form of a life policy in the year 1721. |

|p.250-270 | |On the reserve that should be made for policies on recently assured lives. - Teece, R. |

|p.270-285 | |Explanation ov a new formula for interpolation [Explanation of a new formula for interpolation] - Sprague, T. B. |

|p.286-292 | |Bonuses - how earned and how distributed. - Hewat, A. |

|p.293-298 | |On a general expression for the value of an annuity on the last r survivors of m lives; and, On reversionary annuities(Actuarial |

| | |note) - King, G. |

|p.298-304 | |Examination papers, 1880. |

|p.304-308 | |Annual report, 1879-1880. |

Proceedings of the Institute

Report of Council, 1879-1880

Income and expenditure, and balance sheet, for the year ending 31 March 1880

Proceedings at the Annual General Meeting, 1880

Results of the examinations, 1880

|p.309-346 | |Observations on the graduation of mortality tables; with special reference to the conditions under which certain methods are to be |

| | |preferred. - Sorley, J. |

|p.346-352 | |Note on the calculation of logarithms to a large number of places by means of factor tables. - Glaisher, J. W. L. |

|p.352-356 | |On the rates ov marryge among widos and spinsters [On the rates of marriage among widows and spinsters] - Sprague, T. B. |

|p.356-358 | |On the tradition question in probabilities. - Macfarlane, A. |

|p.359-365 | |Note on the probability that a marriage entered into by a man above forty will be fruitful. - Sprague, T. B. |

|p.365-368 | |Scheme for the encouragement of life insurance among the employees of life offices. |

|p.368-380 | |On the application of the arithmometer to the construction of the values of endowment assurance policies. - Carment, D. |

|p.381-391 | |Opening address by the President. - Bailey, A. H. |

|p.391-448 | |On the construction and use ov a series ov select mortality tabls to be employd in combination with the Institute H[superscript M(5)] |

| | |tabl: Part II: Construction (continued); Part III: Use [[On the construction and use of a series of select mortality tables to be |

| | |employed in combination with the Institute H[superscript M(5)] table: Part II: Construction (continued); Part III: Use] - Sprague, |

| | |T. B. |

|p.449-454 | |Home and foreign intelligence, I. |

Friendly societies in New Zealand

|p.454-456 | |Correspondence, III. |

Suggestion as to the statistics of individual sickness, by F. W. Frankland

JIA v.23 (1881-1882)

|p.1-18 | |On the mortality observed amongst the various classes of bonus policies in the British Empire Mutual Assurance Company. - Hardy, G. |

| | |F. |

|p.18-28 | |The position of the insurance press in relation to insurance offices and insurance interests. - Walford, C. |

|p.29-40 | |Notes on the mortality of the Danish clergy from 1650 to 1878. - Westergaard, H. |

|p.40-48 | |The influence of marriage on the death-rate: being observations on Dr. Stark's conclusions. - Spencer, H.; Proctor, R. A.; |

| | |Robertson, W. |

|p.48-52 | |Married Women's Policies of Assurance (Scotland) Act, 1880. |

|p.52-61 | |Home and foreign intelligence, I. |

Madras Equitable Insurance Society: Bonus report

Life insurance in New York in 1880

|p.62-65 | |Correspondence, I. |

On the relation between the height and weight of men, by T. B. Macaulay

|p.66-72 | |Examination papers, 1881. |

|p.72-76 | |Annual report, 1880-1881. |

Proceedings of the Institute

Annual report of Council, 1881

Income and expenditure, and balance sheet, for the year ending 31 March 1881

Proceedings at the annual general meeting, 1881

Results of the examinations, 1881

|p.77-124 | |Law report: Dalchosnie disentail case - McDonald v McDonalds. |

|p.124-128 | |[Law report:] On the valuation in bankruptcy proceedings of an annuity determinable on death or marriage. |

|p.128-139 | |Does life-insurance insure? (From 'Harper’s Monthly Magazine', January 1881) (Reprinted article) - Coan, T. M. |

|p.139-156 | |Life-assurance does assure (Abridged from 'Harper's Monthly Magazine', April 1881 (Reprinted article) - Tyng, S. H. |

|p.157-162 | |Opening address by the President. - Bailey, A. H. |

|p.162-188 | |On the transformation of annuities and annuity-values payable yearly, into the like when payable in fractional intervals of a year, by|

| | |means of constant factors; with specimens of tables computed for this purpose, and examples of their application. - McKenzie, D. J.|

| | |McG. |

|p.188-220 | |On the rates of fatal accidents in various occupations. - Whittall, W. J. H. |

|p.220-222 | |Insurances against issue - table showing the total sums insured and premiums received by British Offices. |

|p.222-223 | |The logic of an unfortunate experience (From the 'Insurance Monitor' of New York) (Reprinted article) |

|p.224-232 | |Correspondence, II. |

Original tables: Values of endowment assurance policies payable at ages 50, 55, 60, 65, or at previous death - HM 3½ per-cent, by D. Carment

|p.233-255 | |On a certain method of distributing the surplus among the assured, and the construction of an equitable scale of office premiums with |

| | |reference thereto. - Manly, H. W. |

|p.256-265 | |On the valuation of policies subject to half-yearly and quarterly premiums. - Sprague, T. B.; King, G. |

|p.266-274 | |On the rate of interest in annuities-certain. - Hardy, G. F. |

|p.274-285 | |An improved method of approximating to the value of annuities involving three lives. - Hardy, G. F. |

|p.285-306 | |On the influence of selection on the mortality from different classes of diseases among assured lives. - Dovey, W. R. |

|p.306-308 | |Valuations of policies in bankrupt life insurance companies (From the 'Spectator' of New York) (Reprinted article) |

|p.309-335 | |On the rates of mortality in Victoria, and on the construction of mortality tables from census returns by the graphical method of |

| | |graduation. - Burridge, A. F. |

|p.335-352 | |On the adjustment of mortality tables. - Higham, J. A. |

|p.352-359 | |On the graduation of mortality tables. - Ackland, T. G. |

|p.359-360 | |A method of solving approximately questions in compound interest, without the aid of tables. - Adler, M. N. |

|p.360-366 | |The cost of life assurance (Abridged and adapted from the 'Review') (Reprinted article) |

|p.366-373 | |Home and foreign intelligence, II. |

Colonial Life Assurance Society, Limited: Bonus report

|p.374-380 | |Examination papers, 1882. |

|p.380-384 | |Annual report, 1881-1882. |

Proceedings of the Institute

Annual report of Council, 1881-1882

Income and expenditure, and balance sheet, for the year ending 31 March 1882

Proceedings at the Annual General Meeting, 1882

Results of the examinations, 1882

|p.385-404 | |Policy life-lines - the relation of tables of mortality to values of policies. - Meikle, J. |

|p.405-420 | |On a method of approximating to the rate of interest in an annuity-certain. - McKenzie, D. J. McG. |

|p.420-435 | |The theory of constant coefficients. - Naylor, J. |

|p.435-436 | |Should the state of health be taken into account in calculating the value of an interest that depends on the duration of life? (From |

| | |the 'Insurance Monitor' of New York) (Reprinted article) |

|p.436-439 | |A new departure in American life insurance (Adapted from the 'Spectator' of New York) (Reprinted article) |

|p.439-464 | |Home and foreign intelligence, III. |

New Zealand Government Insurance Department: Bonus report

National Mutual Life Association of Australasia, Limited: Bonus report

|p.464 | |Erratum. |

JIA v.24 (1883-1884)

|p.1-17 | |Opening address by the President, 1882. - Sprague, T. B. |

|p.17-19 | |Obituaries, I. The late Mr Charles Jellicoe. |

Jellicoe, Charles

|p.19-43 | |On the subject of extra risks, considered in relation to a hypothetical table of mortality based on the [formula] table. - Ryan, G. |

| | |H. |

|p.44-51 | |On the adjustment of mortality tables. - Higham, J. A. |

|p.52-55 | |American life insurance dividends. |

|p.55-76 | |Home and foreign intelligence, I. |

The condition and progress of German life insurance companies in the year 1881

Gotha mortality table (males), unadjusted and adjusted

|p.76 | |Correspondence, I. |

Claim acceleration reserve, by C. D. Higham

|p.77-95 | |On the grant of settlement policies under the provisisons of the Married Women's Property Acts, 1870 and 1882. - Sprague, T. B. |

|p.95-110 | |On some formulas for approximate summation. - Hardy, G. F. |

|p.110-129 | |On the method used by Milne in the construction of the Carlisle table of mortality. - Sutton, W. |

|p.129-136 | |On the formation of the values and amounts of multiple annuities. - Gray, P. |

|p.136-138 | |Notices of new books, I. |

The law of life insurance, with a chapter on accident insurance, by Charles Crawley

|p.138-145 | |Examination papers, 1883. |

|p.145-146 | |Syllabus of the Samuel Brown prizes. |

|p.146-152 | |Annual report, 1882-1883. |

Proceedings of the Institute

Report of Council, 1882-1883

Income and expenditure, and balance sheet, for the year ending 31 March 1883

Proceedings at the annual general meeting, 1893

Results of the examinations, 1883

|p.153-173 | |The mathematical law of mortality. - Wittstein, T. |

|p.173-186 | |On a formula for returning to the assured their contributions to the surplus, compared by numerical examples with the results shown by|

| | |some of the methods in use. - Harvey, C. J. |

|p.186-211 | |On the method used by Milne in the construction of the Carlisle table of mortality. - King, G. |

|p.211-224 | |Home and foreign intelligence, II. |

An enquiry into the healthiness of New Zealand

The German law relating to the insurance of workmen against sickness

|p.224-228 | |Correspondence, II. |

On Mr. G. F. Hardy's plan for the computation of Mr. Woolhouse's method of graduation, by D. Carment

|p.229-242 | |Opening address by the President, 1883. - Sprague, T. B. |

|p.243-251 | |On an easy method of forming logarithms and anti-logarithms correct to ten or eleven places, with the aid of Mr. Peter Gray's tables |

| | |for the formation of logarithms and anti-logarithms to twelve places. - McKenzie, D. J. McG. |

|p.252-255 | |Note on Mr. McKenzie's paper (On an easy method of forming logarithms ..., JIA v.24, p.243) - Hardy, G. F. |

|p.256-296 | |On the probable effect of withdrawals on the rate of mortality among assured lives. - Gray, W. T. |

|p.296-301 | |On an average premium (Actuarial note) - Harvey, C. J. |

|p.301-304 | |Friendly society finance. |

|p.305-327 | |On a method for determining the extra premiums to be charged in respect of two-life assurances. - Ryan, G. H. |

|p.327-333 | |On the calculation of the values of benefits that depend on the death without issue of one or more persons. - Sprague, T. B. |

|p.333-358 | |On the rates of mortality in Australia. - Burridge, A. F. |

|p.359-374 | |Some remarks on the application of the principle of non-forfeiture to ordinary policies. - Sprague, T. B. |

|p.374-384 | |Manchester Corporation Waterworks life annuities: Report. - Finlaison, A. J. |

|p.385-418 | |On extra mortality. - White, F. W.; Whittall, W. J. H. |

|p.418-442 | |On benefits payable fractionally throughout the year, and on complete annuities. - King, G. |

|p.443-449 | |Family phthisis. - Thompson, R. E. |

|p.449-456 | |Examination papers, 1884. |

|p.456-460 | |Annual report, 1883-1884. |

Proceedings of the Institute

Report of Council, 1883-1884

Income and expenditure, and balance sheet, for the year ending 31 March 1884

Proceedings at the annual general meeting, 1884

Results of the examinations, 1884

JIA v.25 (1884-1886)

|p.1-15 | |The Royal Charter of Incorporation of the Institute of Actuaries. |

|p.15-24 | |On the graduation of mortality tables, I. - Higham, J. A. |

|p.24-36 | |Notes on friendly-society legislation, I. |

|p.36-49 | |Discussion on the report of the Royal Commission on Friendly Societies. |

|p.49-54 | |On the rate of mortality in the Navy. - Sprague, T. B. |

|p.55-62 | |On mortgages of reversionary interests. - Godefroi, H. |

|p.63-64 | |Correspondence, I. |

Errata in the Institute of Actuaries' Text-Book, part I, by W. Sutton

|p.65-83 | |Opening address by the President, 1884. - Sprague, T. B. |

|p.83-113 | |Some account of the Census, from 1801 to 1881. - Burridge, A. F. |

|p.114-133 | |History of life assurance in the United Kingdom, I. - Walford, C. |

|p.134-136 | |On the value of the option of second nomination in reversionary annuities (Actuarial note) - Hardy, G. F. |

|p.136-137 | |Value of endowment assurance on joint lives (Actuarial note) |

|p.137-140 | |Notices of new books, I. |

Memoir of Augustus de Morgan, by Sophia Elizabeth de Morgan

|p.141-160 | |On the construction of models of policy-values, and on a new method of comparing the reserves for policies, according to different |

| | |tables of mortality and rates of interest. - Chisholm, J. |

|p.160-184 | |On the probability that a marriage entered into at any age, will be fruitful; and that, if a marriage has been childless for several |

| | |years, it will afterwards become fruitful. - Sprague, T. B. |

|p.184-207 | |Office premium loadings, and how they are dealt with under the various methods of valuation and modes of distribution of profits, I. |

| | |- Crisford, G. S. |

|p.207-216 | |History of life assurance in the United Kingdom, II. - Walford, C. |

|p.216 | |Notes on friendly-society legislation, II. |

|p.217-245 | |On the rates of mortality among the natives of India as deduced from the recent census returns. - Hardy, G. F. |

|p.245-251 | |On the graduation of mortality tables, II. - Higham, J. A. |

|p.251-257 | |Report of the Medical Director of the Union Mutual Life Insurance Company, Portland, Maine, upon the death losses for the eight years |

| | |ending 31 December 1884. - Foster, T. A. |

|p.257-271 | |History of life assurance in the United Kingdom, III. - Walford, C. |

|p.271-276 | |The life assurance companies of the United Kingdom. Summary of the life assurance and annuity revenue accounts for 1883 and 1884. |

|p.277-278 | |Correspondence, II. |

The solution of a problem, by T. B. Sprague

|p.278-287 | |Examination papers, 1885. |

|p.287-292 | |Annual report, 1884-1885. |

Proceedings of the Institute

Report of Council, 1884-1885

Income and expenditure, and balance sheet, for the year ending 31 March 1885

Proceedings at the annual general meeting, 1885

Results of the examinations, 1885

|p.293-313 | |Opening address by the President, 1885. - Sprague, T. B. |

|p.314-326 | |On the income tax, especially in reference to its incidence on assurance companies. - Bailey, A. H. |

|p.327-349 | |Law report: Last v The London Assurance Corporation. |

|p.350-365 | |State supervision in insurance. - Teece, R. |

|p.366-367 | |Correspondence, III. |

'Asset' - 'Outgo', by T. B. Sprague

|p.367-368 | |Miscellanea: Obituaries, I. |

Hannyngton, Major-General J. C.

Hodge, William Barwick

Walford, Cornelius

Wright, Elizur

|p.368 | |New publications in 1885. |

| | |Errata, v.25 |

|p.369-387 | |On average rates of mortality as affected by the grouping of the numbers exposed to risk at different ages. - Gray, W. T. |

|p.387-408 | |Office premium loadings, and how they are dealt with under the various methods of valuation and modes of distribution of profits, II. |

| | |- Crisford, G. S. |

|p.408-432 | |On the assessment of life risks. - Chisholm, J. |

|p.433-437 | |History of life assurance in the United Kingdom, IV [continued in v.26] - Walford, C. |

|p.437-439 | |On the rate of mortality in Central Africa (Actuarial note) - Sprague, T. B. |

|p.439-444 | |Correspondence, IV. |

Assurances on x against y and t years longer, by T. Chatham

On the analogy between an annuity-certain and a life annuity, by G. H. Ryan

JIA v.26 (1886-1887)

|p.1-24 | |History of life assurance in the United Kingdom, V [continued from v.25] - Walford, C. |

|p.24-50 | |The South Australian Life Assurance Companies' Act 1882. |

|p.50-55 | |On Mr. Woolhouse's formula for the adjustment of tables (Actuarial note) - Higham, C. D. |

|p.55-60 | |Correspondence, I. |

Logarithms correct to ten places of decimals, by J. Chisholm

Premiums for contingent assurances, by A. W. Sunderland

|p.60-70 | |Examination papers, 1886. |

|p.71-76 | |Annual report, 1885-1886. |

Proceedings of the Institute

Report of Council, 1885-1886

Income and expenditure, and balance sheet, for the year ending 31 March 1886

Results of the examinations, 1886

|p.77-120 | |The graphic method of adjusting mortality tables: a description of its objects, and its advantages as compared with other methods, |

| | |and an application of it to obtain a graduated mortality table from Mr. A. J. Finlaison's observations on the mortality of the female |

| | |government annuitants, 4 years and upwards after purchase. - Sprague, T. B. |

|p.120-132 | |History of life assurance in the United Kingdom, VI. - Walford, C. |

|p.133-134 | |Payment to trustees. |

|p.134-149 | |Law reports: In re Bellamy; and, In re Flower and the Metropolitan Board of Works. |

|p.149-152 | |A note on determinants (Actuarial note) - Young, T. E. |

|p.153-155 | |The life assurance companies of the United Kingdom. Summary of the life assurance and annuity revenue accounts. (Extracted from the |

| | |Parliamentary return for 1885) |

|p.155-160 | |Annual report, 1885-1886. |

Proceedings at the annual general meeting, 1886

|p.161-181 | |Opening address by the President. - Day, A. |

|p.182-218 | |On the American tontine and mutual assessment schemes. - Manly, H. W. |

|p.218-220 | |Obituaries, I Death of Mr J Hill Williams. |

|p.220-223 | |Phthisis pulmonalis. - Bristowe, J. S. |

|p.223-225 | |Notices of new books, I. |

Algebra - an elementary text book, part I, by G. Chrystal

|p.225-226 | |The actuarial certification of annuity tables under the Friendly Societies Act 1875. |

|p.226-227 | |Syllabus for the Messenger Prizes, 1886. |

|p.228 | |The position of the profession under the Charter. |

|p.229-247 | |Bye-laws of the Institute of Actuaries. |

|p.248 | |The library of the Institute. |

|p.249-275 | |On the method of estimating expected deaths and expected claims; with observations upon certain modes of deducing the number exposed |

| | |to the risk of death. - Ryan, G. H. |

|p.276-301 | |On the numerical calculation of the values of complex benefits, by means of formulas for approximate summation. - King, G. |

|p.301-302 | |Obituaries, II The late Mr Peter Gray. |

Gray, Peter

|p.302-315 | |History of life assurance in the United Kingdom, VII. - Walford, C. |

|p.316-320 | |Mortality experience of the Provident Life and Trust Company of Philadelphia, 1866 to 1885 (Reviewed by T. B. Sprague) - Wing, A. |

| | |S.; Sprague, T. B. |

|p.321-323 | |The life assurance companies of the United Kingdom. Summary of the life assurance and annuity revenue accounts. (Extracted from the |

| | |Parliamentary return for 1886) |

|p.324 | |Correspondence, II. |

A few last words on graduation, by J. A. Higham

|p.325-357 | |A proposal for the amendment of the law relating to the assignment of policies of life assurance. - Higham, C. D. |

|p.357-386 | |On bonuses arising from surplus premiums and surplus interest. - Sunderland, A. W. |

|p.386-387 | |Jubilee address to the Queen. |

|p.387-388 | |Syllabus of prizes offered by Mr. Sprague. |

|p.388-389 | |A note on the word 'Actuary' (Actuarial note) |

|p.389-392 | |Correspondence, III. |

Friendly society laws, by G. King

Insurances against issue, by T. B. Sprague

|p.393-402 | |Examination papers, 1887. |

|p.402-412 | |Annual report, 1886-1887. |

Proceedings of the Institute

Report of Council, 1886-1887

Income and expenditure, and balance sheet, for the year ending 31 March 1887

Proceedings at the annual general meeting, 1887

Results of the examinations, 1887

|p.413-419 | |The mortality experience of the Marine and General Mutual Life Assurance Society in respect of the lives of mariners, from 1852 to |

| | |1879. |

|p.420-425 | |Observations respecting portions of Mr. Sprague's paper on 'The graphic method etc' - Woolhouse, W. S. B. |

|p.426-437 | |Progress of life assurance throughout the world, from 1859 to 1883. - Besso, M. |

|p.436-465 | |History of life assurance in the United Kingdom, VIII. - Walford, C. |

|p.465-471 | |On the value of the option of withdrawal in deferred annuity contracts. - Paterson, W. B. |

|p.471-476 | |Notices of new books, II. |

The Pole Star Life Insurance Company of Stockholm. Its operations during the first 15 years of its existence

|p.476-477 | |Life assurance companies of the Australasian colonies (summary of revenue accounts etc) |

|p.477-480 | |Correspondence, IV. |

The graphic method of graduation, by T. B. Sprague

Claim acceleration reserve, by C. D. Higham

Friendly society laws, by G. F. Hardy

|p.480-488 | |Report of Committee on National Provident Insurance. |

JIA v.27 (1888-1889)

|p.1-30 | |Opening address by the President. - Day, A. |

|p.30-37 | |The liability of life assurance companies to income-tax. Law report: Styles (Surveyor of Taxes) vs The New York Life Insurance |

| | |Company. |

|p.37-48 | |On the relative ages of husbands and wives whose marriages are fruitful. - Chatham, J. |

|p.48-58 | |Statistics of mortality and accidents among miners, and of remarriages among their widows. - Strachan, T. Y. |

|p.58-80 | |Some observations on the life assurance clauses of the 'Married Woman's Property Acts', 1870 and 1882. - Hughes, W. |

|p.81-107 | |On risk premiums for survivorship assurances. - Sunderland, A. W. |

|p.107-122 | |Further remarks on the valuation of reversionary life interests. - Sprague, T. B. |

|p.122-155 | |On integration by means of selected values of the function. - Woolhouse, W. S. B. |

|p.155-159 | |Correspondence, I. |

Rate of mortality among Jews - Pole Star (Nordstjernan) Life Insurance Company, by T. B. Sprague

The heredity and transmission of consumption and of tuberculosis or scrofula, by F. Eve

The true measure of the probabilities of survivorship between two lives, by T. G. Ackland

|p.159-160 | |The result of the Messenger Prize competition, 1886. |

|p.161-195 | |On the mortality of assured lives in the West Indies (chiefly Barbados) - Hardy, G. F.; Rothery, H. J. |

|p.195-214 | |On the probability that a marriage entered into by a man of any age, will be fruitful. - Sprague, T. B. |

|p.214-217 | |A question in probabilities (Actuarial note) - Hardy, G. F. |

|p.218-220 | |On a new formula for deducing the 'exposed to risk', from the records of a life assurance company (Actuarial note) - King, G. |

|p.220-223 | |Correspondence, II. |

Reversionary life interests, by A. W. Sunderland

|p.223-226 | |Examination papers, October 1887. |

|p.226-236 | |Examination papers, April 1888. |

|p.236-244 | |Annual report, 1887-1888. |

Proceedings of the Institute

Report of Council, 1887-1888

Income and expenditure, and balance sheet, for the year ending 31 March 1888

Proceedings at the annual general meeting, 1888

Results of the examinations, 1887-1888

|p.245-348 | |Friendly societies (Messenger Prize essay) - Hardy, G. F. |

|p.349-362 | |Opening address by the President. - Sutton, W. |

|p.362-410 | |Formulas and tables for applying profits to converting whole-life policies into endowment assurances payable at an earlier age. - |

| | |Manly, H. W. |

|p.411-420 | |Friendly societies, under Section 30 of 'The Friendly Societies' Act, 1875' |

|p.420-426 | |Assignments of policies in the Colonies and United States. |

|p.427-430 | |Correspondence, III. |

Graduation formulas, by J. A. Higham

|p.430-432 | |Examination papers, October 1888. |

|p.433-442 | |An easy method of getting out a rough estimate valuation of a whole-life assurance business (discussion on p.450) - Woolhouse, W. S.|

| | |B. |

|p.442-455 | |On the approximate calculation of valuation reserves. - Chisholm, J. |

|p.456-486 | |The Canadian Insurance Act, 1886. |

|p.486-508 | |The recent decline in the English death-rate, and its effect upon the duration of life. - Humphreys, N. A. |

|p.509-512 | |Correspondence, IV. |

The calculation of survivorship premiums, by A. W. Sunderland

Payment to trustees (Trustee Act, 1888), by T. G. C. Browne

|p.512 | |Erratum, v.27. |

JIA v.28 (1889-1890)

|p.1-71 | |The problem of copyhold fine enfranchisement. - Mathews, G. S. |

|p.72-79 | |Examination papers, April 1889. |

|p.79-88 | |Annual report, 1888-1889. |

Proceedings of the Institute

Report of Council, 1888-1889

Receipts and expenditure, and balance sheet, for the year ending 31 March 1889

Proceedings at the annual general meeting, 1889

Results of the examinations, 1889

|p.89-98 | |The mortality experience of the Norwegian General Widows' Fund. - Schjöll, O. |

|p.99-101 | |The liability of life assurance companies to income tax. |

|p.101-112 | |Law report: The Clerical, Medical and General Life Assurance Society v. Carter (Surveyor of Taxes) |

|p.112-136 | |Friendly societies (reprinted from The Quarterly Review, April 1888) |

|p.136-151 | |Expenditure in life assurance offices. - Harding, H. R.; Strachan, T. Y. |

|p.152-159 | |On the further development of Gompertz's law, I. - Makeham, W. M. |

|p.160-167 | |Correspondence, I. |

'The Institute of Actuaries' text-book - part II' (with list of errata), by G. King

The legal stamp duty on re-assurance policies effected by way of guarantee on a copy of the original policy, by E. Colquhoun

|p.167-168 | |Syllabus of prizes offered by Mr. Sprague. |

|p.169-184 | |Opening address by the President. - Sutton, W. |

|p.185-192 | |On the further development of Gompertz's law, II. - Makeham, W. M. |

|p.192-218 | |On a table of coefficients arising out of a given mortality table, for finding annuity-values at any rate of interest that may be |

| | |required. - Searle, T. J. |

|p.218-219 | |Life assurance in Ireland in 1725. |

|p.220-227 | |The mortality experience of the Washington Life Insurance Company. |

|p.227-235 | |The method of quarter squares (reprinted from Nature, October 1889) |

|p.236-238 | |Friendly society finance (reprinted from The Times, August 1889) |

|p.239-242 | |The life assurance companies of the United Kingdom. Summary of the life assurance and annuity revenue accounts. (Extracted from the |

| | |Parliamentary return for 1887) |

|p.243-246 | |The life assurance companies of the United Kingdom. Summary of the life assurance and annuity revenue accounts. (Extracted from the |

| | |Parliamentary return for 1888) |

|p.247-249 | |A method of using Mr. James Chisholm's tables of the values of policies of all durations according to any rate of interest and |

| | |mortality. - McKenzie, D. J. McG. |

|p.249 | |Errata in Erskine Scott's Logarithms, I. |

|p.250-254 | |Correspondence, II. |

Assurances with return of premiums, by G. J. Lidstone

The various classes of assurance business, by A. E. Molyneux

|p.254-256 | |Examination papers, October 1889. |

|p.257-280 | |On bonuses on endowment-assurance policies. - Sunderland, A. W. |

|p.280-315 | |The income tax. - Newbatt, B. |

|p.316-332 | |On the further development of Gompertz's law, III. - Makeham, W. M. |

|p.332 | |Errata in Erskine Scott's Logarithms, II. |

|p.333-350 | |On some of the practical questions raised during the discussion that followed the reading of my paper printed in the Journal (v.27, |

| | |p.362), and on a further use for my tables in applying profits to making annual premiums cease at an earlier age than fixed in the |

| | |policy. - Manly, H. W. |

|p.350-384 | |On the premiums for assurance against issue to widowers, bachelors and married men, or on the calculation of the values of benefits |

| | |depending on marriage and on birth of issue. - Sprague, T. B. |

|p.384-392 | |On the construction and use of the combined marriage and mortality tables for widowers. - Chatham, J. |

|p.393-394 | |Demonstration of a formula relating to the theory of errors (Actuarial note) - Makeham, W. M. |

|p.394-395 | |Correspondence, III. |

Mr. Manly's paper, by H. P. Calderon

|p.395-398 | |Revised rules relating to the examinations. |

|p.398-407 | |Examination papers, April 1890. |

|p.407-416 | |Annual report, 1889-1890. |

Proceedings of the Institute

Report of Council, 1889-1890

Income and expenditure, and balance sheet, for the year ending 31 March 1890

Proceedings at the annual general meeting, 1890

Results of the examinations, 1889-1890

|p.416 | |Errata, v.28. |

|p.417-425 | |On the assessment system of life insurance. - Sutton, W. |

|p.425-436 | |Statistics of insanity in Scotland. - Mitchell, A. |

|p.436-442 | |The foundation of the Institute of Actuaries. |

|p.442-463 | |The progress of life assurance business in the United Kingdom during the last fifty years. - Deuchar, D. |

|p.463-476 | |Reviews, I. |

The assurance risks of warfare

|p.477-480 | |The life assurance companies of the United Kingdom. Summary of the life assurance and annuity revenue accounts. (Extracted from the |

| | |Parliamentary return for 1889) |

|p.481-483 | |On Makeham's extension of Gompertz's law (Actuarial note) - Woolhouse, W. S. B. |

|p.483-487 | |Fines for deferred assurances with deferred premiums (Actuarial note) - Rothery, H. J. |

|p.487-489 | |Correspondence, IV. |

Hypothetical and net policy-values, by H. C. Thiselton

The Rev. John Hodgson's clergy mortality tables, by F. B. Wyatt

|p.489-491 | |New bye-laws. |

|p.492 | |Errata, v.28. |

JIA v.29 (1891-1892)

|p.1-27 | |Opening address by the President. - Newbatt, B. |

|p.28-31 | |English Life Tables nos. III and IV. |

|p.32-59 | |The Western Australian Life Assurance Companies Act, 1889. |

|p.59-71 | |Further remarks on Mr. Woolhouse's method of graduation; with a new adjustment of the [formula] table by the graphic method. - |

| | |Sprague, T. B. |

|p.71-75 | |Some statistics of female assured lives. - Ryan, G. H. |

|p.75-78 | |The practice of life offices in regard to assurances on female lives. |

|p.78-80 | |Examination papers, October 1890. |

|p.80 | |Errata, textbook. |

|p.81-184 | |An examination of the published experience of several life offices and groups of life offices, for the purpose of determining with the|

| | |greatest accuracy obtainable. - Chatham, J. |

|p.185-232 | |On the practice and powers of assurance companies in regard to the investment of their life assurance funds. - Mackenzie, A. G. |

|p.232-236 | |Final remarks on Mr. Woolhouse's method of graduation, with a numerical example showing how far it distorts the law of a perfectly |

| | |graduated series of numbers. - Sprague, T. B. |

|p.236-242 | |Some further observations on the method of adjusting mortality tables. - Woolhouse, W. S. B. |

|p.242-251 | |On the theory of inverse probabilities, I. - Makeham, W. M. |

|p.251 | |Examinations in the colonies. |

|p.252-261 | |Examination papers, April 1891. |

|p.261-268 | |Annual report, 1890-1891. |

Proceedings of the Institute

Report of Council, 1890-1891

Income and expenditure, and balance sheet, for the year ending 31 March 1891

Proceedings at the annual general meeting, 1891

Results of the examinations, 1890-1891

|p.269-380 | |The German laws of insurance against invalidity and old age: a history, analysis and criticism. - Young, T. E. |

|p.381-419 | |Some notes on laws affecting policies of life assurance. - Lemon, W. K. |

|p.419-444 | |On a method frequently adopted of treating under-average lives for assurance purposes, by making temporary deductions from the sums |

| | |assured. - Sunderland, A. W. |

|p.444-459 | |On the theory of inverse probabilities, II. - Makeham, W. M. |

|p.459-470 | |Reviews, I. |

The fluctuations in the rate of mortality in England and Wales (Studies in statistics, by G. B. Longstaff)

|p.471-474 | |The life assurance companies of the United Kingdom. Summary of the life assurance and annuity revenue accounts. (Extracted from the |

| | |Parliamentary return for 1890) |

|p.475-476 | |On a problem in probabilities (Actuarial note) - Makeham, W. M. |

|p.476-479 | |Correspondence, I. |

The twenty-three German offices' experience, by P. L. Newman

'Current age', by T. B. Sprague

|p.479-480 | |Syllabus of the Samuel Brown prizes. |

|p.481-540 | |On legislation affecting life assurance companies, more especially with reference to the Life Assurance Companies Acts, 1870 to 1872, |

| | |and their amendment. - King, G. |

|p.540-541 | |Value of the life interest of a lady in a reversion expectant on her own death. |

|p.541-543 | |The mortality amongst Europeans in certain unhealthy districts. - Lyon, T. G. |

|p.544-549 | |Correspondence, II. |

The Actuarial Society of America, by T. B. Macaulay

The amount of insurances against issue, by T. B. Sprague

|p.550-552 | |Examination papers, October 1891. |

JIA v.30 (1892-1893)

|p.1-8 | |Obituaries, I The late William Matthew Makeham. |

Makeham, William Matthew

|p.9-79 | |Formulas and tables of values for life interests and reversions. - Nightingale, H. E. |

|p.79-96 | |On the formulæ for determining the value of benefits, according to the principle of collective assurance. - Hardy, R. P. |

|p.97-119 | |An attempt to measure the extra risk arising from a consumptive family history when the life proposed for assurance is physically |

| | |sound and healthy (discussion on p.124-131) - Manly, H. W. |

|p.120-131 | |Remarks on consumption in relation to life assurance. - Lyon, T. G. |

|p.131-156 | |On a system of bonus distribution considered in relation to the office premiums and modes of valuation. - Rothery, H. J. |

|p.157-160 | |The life assurance companies of the United Kingdom. Summary of the life assurance and annuity revenue accounts. (Extracted from the |

| | |Parliamentary returns for 1891) |

|p.161-164 | |Correspondence, I. |

The opinion of the late Dr. William Whewell as to the graphic method, by T. B. Sprague

A long-lived family, by C. D. Higham

|p.164-168 | |New syllabus and rules for the examinations. |

|p.168-177 | |Examination papers, April 1891. |

|p.178-188 | |Annual report, 1891-1892. |

Proceedings of the Institute

Report of Council, 1891-1892

Receipts, expenditure, and balance sheet, for the year ending 31 March 1892

Proceedings at the annual general meeting, 1892

Results of the examinations, 1891-1892

Colonial examinations, 1892

|p.189-212 | |On a method for determining the gain or loss from mortality in an annuity company; and, On a means of calculating the expected |

| | |death-strain in a life office. - Ryan, G. H. |

|p.212-219 | |On an application of the graphic method to obtain a graduated mortality table from a limited experience, by means of comparison with a|

| | |standard table. - Lidstone, G. J. |

|p.219-235 | |Life assurance business in Australasia. |

|p.235-239 | |Provision for old age. |

|p.239-244 | |On Mr. Makeham's theory of inverse probabilities. - Stabler, E. L. |

|p.244-263 | |The Cape of Good Hope Life Assurance Act, 1891. |

|p.263-264 | |Correspondence, II. |

A long-lived family, by A. Day

|p.265-291 | |Opening address by the President. - Hendriks, A. |

|p.291-318 | |On family annuities. - King, G. |

|p.318-319 | |The liability of life assurance companies to pay income tax upon annuities etc. The Gresham Life Assurance Society v. Styles |

| | |(Surveyor of Taxes) |

|p.320-335 | |Law report I from the previous article. |

|p.335-339 | |Correspondence, III. |

Consumptive family history, by T. B. Macaulay and H. W. Manly

|p.340-343 | |Examination papers, October 1892. |

|p.343-344 | |Foundation of the Institute. |

|p.345-405 | |The enfranchisement of leaseholds, and the taxation of ground rents, chief rents and kindred charges on land in England and Wales. I:|

| | |Leasehold enfranchisement (discussion on p.487-492) - Kyd, T. |

|p.405-492 | |The enfranchisement of leaseholds, and the taxation of ground rents, chief rents and kindred charges on land in England and Wales. |

| | |II: The origin and development of leasehold tenure. - Tarn, A. W. |

|p.493-536 | |On the progress of profit in a life assurance fund. - Searle, T. J. |

|p.536-557 | |Contingent reversions, reversionary life interests, and life interests in possession. - Paterson, W. B. |

|p.557-560 | |On a formula for calculating policy values; and, On the transformation of policy values from H [superscript M] to H [superscript |

| | |M(5)] (Actuarial note) - Searle, T. J. |

|p.560-569 | |Examination papers, April 1892. |

|p.570-580 | |Annual report, 1892-1893. |

Proceedings of the Institute

Report of Council, 1892-1893

Receipts, expenditure, and balance sheet, for the year ending 31 March 1893

Proceedings at the annual general meeting, 1893

Results of the examinations, 1892-1893

Colonial examinations, 1893

|p.580 | |Errata, v.30. |

JIA v.31 (1893-1895)

|p.1-27 | |Some of the modern developments of the life assurance system. - Newbatt, B. |

|p.28-68 | |A discussion of some points of life assurance administration in respect of which divergence of practice exists: a plea for |

| | |uniformity. - Thiselton, H. C. |

|p.68-72 | |On the approximate calculation of the values of increasing annuities and assurances (Actuarial note) - Lidstone, G. J. |

|p.72-81 | |Correspondence, I. |

The valuation of policies subject to contingent debts, by D. Carment

The valuation of premiums, by J. Chatham

Consumptive family history, by T. B. Macaulay

Income tax on annuities, by T. G. Ackland

|p.81-84 | |Original tables: Commutation columns, values of annuities, and single and annual premiums ([formula] 3¾ per-cent) - Hardy, R. P. |

|p.85-86 | |The new mortality experience. |

|p.86-154 | |An enquiry into the methods of representing and giving effect to the experience of a friendly society; with some account of the |

| | |Hearts of Oak Benefit Society and its experience for the years 1884-91. - Hardy, R. P. |

|p.154-155 | |Correspondence, II. |

The valuation of premiums, by T. G. C. Browne and J. Chatham

Consumptive family history, by T. G. Lyon

|p.156-159 | |The life assurance companies of the United Kingdom. Summary of the life assurance and annuity revenue accounts. (Extracted from the |

| | |Parliamentary returns for 1892) |

|p.160 | |Erratum, list of members 1893. |

|p.161-205 | |On the methods of deducing the rate of mortality from the experience of assured lives; with some mention of a method adopted in |

| | |investigating the experience of the Clerical, Medical and General Life Assurance Society. - Whittall, W. J. H. |

|p.205-226 | |On the tabulation of the facts extracted from the records of a life office for the purpose of investigating its mortality experience. |

| | |- Sprague, T. B. |

|p.226-228 | |On the mortality among the healthy female lives insured with the Scottish Equitable Life Assurance Society (discussion on p.250-258) |

| | |- Sprague, T. B. |

|p.229-258 | |On a mode of tabulating the facts for the purpose of ascertaining the numbers exposed to risk, and calculating the rate of mortality |

| | |experienced by assurance companies. - Meikle, J. |

|p.259-260 | |Deferred assurances with returnable premiums (Actuarial note) - Stirling, J. |

|p.261-279 | |Notes on the use of scales of premium reduced in anticipation of future bonuses. - Hardy, G. F. |

|p.280-304 | |Reversionary interests contingent on survival of the reversioner. - Warner, S. G. |

|p.304-309 | |On the treatment of incomplete years of exposure in a mortality experience derived from records of assured lives (Actuarial note) - |

| | |Lidstone, G. J. |

|p.309-315 | |The treatment of the discontinuances in the new mortality experience. |

|p.315-319 | |Reviews, I. |

Theories of probability

|p.319-325 | |Correspondence, III. |

Graduation, by J. A. Higham

|p.325-332 | |Australian Mutual Provident Society (appendices to actuarial report) |

|p.333-336 | |The life assurance companies of the United Kingdom. Summary of the life assurance and annuity revenue accounts. (Extracted from the |

| | |Parliamentary returns for 1893) |

|p.337-361 | |On the application of Makeham's modification of Gompertz's expression for the law of mortality to the practical calculation of the |

| | |values of survivorship benefits. - Colenso, F. E. |

|p.362-365 | |Obituaries, I The late W S B Woolhouse. |

|p.366-374 | |Original tables: Tables of the values of endowment assurance policies ([formula] 2½ per-cent) - Besant, A. D. |

|p.375-386 | |Some remarks on the mortality among persons with consumptive family history. - Westergaard, H. |

|p.386-387 | |Correspondence, IV. |

Insurances against issue, by D. Carment

|p.388-401 | |Examination papers, April 1894. |

|p.401-412 | |Annual report, 1893-1894. |

Proceedings of the Institute

Report of Council, 1893-1894

Income and expenditure, and balance sheet, for the year ending 31 March 1894

Proceedings at the annual general meeting, 1894

Results of the examinations, 1894

Colonial examinations, 1894

|p.413-428 | |Opening address by the President. - Finlaison, A. J. |

|p.428-475 | |On an investigation of the mortality and marriage experience of the widows' funds of the Scottish banks. - Hewat, A.; Chatham, J. |

|p.475-494 | |Law reports, I. |

JIA v.32 (1895-1896)

|p.1-25 | |On some considerations suggested by the large number of the existing at the close of the Institute observations of 1863. - Tilt, R. |

| | |R. |

|p.25-55 | |On the standard of solvency in life assurance companies as affected by guaranteed benefits; On certain methods of reconstructing an |

| | |insolvent life assurance company; and, Some observations on insurance matters in Canada and the United States. - Ryan, G. H. |

|p.55-60 | |Correspondence, I. |

The value of a postponed life interest, by J. R. Hart

Mr. Ryan's paper on valuations for solvency, by E. Woods

|p.61-65 | |Assurance legislation in the South African Republic. |

|p.65-70 | |Reviews, I. |

On the geographical distribution of tropical diseases in Africa, by R. W. Felkin

|p.70-72 | |Errata and addenda - System and tables of life insurance. |

|p.73-117 | |On the distribution of the divisible surplus of a life assurance company, with special reference to the method originated by Dr. |

| | |Sprague and other methods derived therefrom. - Lidstone, G. J. |

|p.117-121 | |Correspondence, II. |

Maximum mortality percentages, by T. B. Macaulay

|p.122-125 | |The life assurance companies of the United Kingdom. Summary of the life assurance and annuity revenue accounts. (Extracted from the |

| | |Parliamentary return for 1894) |

|p.126-139 | |Examination papers, April 1895. |

|p.139-152 | |Annual report, 1894-1895. |

Proceedings of the Institute

Report of Council, 1894-1895

Income and expenditure, and balance sheet, for the year ending 31 March 1895

Proceedings at the annual general meeting, 1895

Results of the examinations, 1895

Colonial examinations, 1895

|p.153-159 | |On a method of computing the temporary deductions to be made from the sums assured, upon rated-up lives, in lieu of extra premium |

| | |(discussion on p.180-184) - Hardy, G. F. |

|p.160-184 | |On a new method of performing approximately certain operations in multiplication and division. - Robertson, J. A. |

|p.185-193 | |On the calculation of contingent assurances (Actuarial note) - Colenso, F. E. |

|p.194-197 | |Mr. T. G. C. Browne's method of division of profits. - Browne, T. G. C. |

|p.197-200 | |Correspondence, III. |

Maximum mortality percentages, by T. B. Sprague

|p.200-226 | |The Canadian Insurance Act, 1894 and 1895. |

|p.226-232 | |Additions to the library. |

|p.233-247 | |The International Congress of Actuaries of 1895, at Brussels. - Finlaison, A. J. |

|p.247-260 | |The theory of evolution applied to the system of life assurance and, incidentally, to insurance generally. - Young, T. E. |

|p.260-271 | |A method of approximating to the effect of a reduction in the rate of interest used in calculating reserves under whole-life policies;|

| | |with tables. - Stewart, J. |

|p.272-275 | |The effect of a decreasing rate of interest on annuities and policy reserves. |

|p.276-286 | |The employment of interpolation in statistics. - Westergaard, H. |

|p.286-295 | |Correspondence, IV. |

Some practical applications of simple interpolation formulas, by T. G. Ackland

Graduation - Mr. J. A. Higham's theorem, by A. Levine

Uniform seniority, by R. Henderson

Approximate values of the force of mortality, by H. N. Sheppard

|p.296-300 | |Syphilis as affecting life insurance risks. - Marsh, E. J. |

|p.301-319 | |On some methods of grouping policies for the purpose of valuation. - Schooling, F. |

|p.320-371 | |On the system of bonus distribution to policyholders as a percentage per annum for the valuation period on the sum assured, or on the |

| | |sum assured and existing bonuses, considered in relation to some recent influences on life assurance finance. - Andras, H. W. |

|p.371-378 | |Graduation formulas (Actuarial note) - Hardy, G. F. |

|p.378-390 | |On formulas for graduation by summation (Actuarial note) - Todhunter, R. |

|p.390-392 | |Correspondence, V. |

The general expression for the force of mortality, by G. J. Lidstone

|p.392 | |Errata, v.32. |

|p.393-447 | |On the books and forms to be used in scheduling the particulars of the risks of a life assurance company under its assurance and |

| | |annuity contracts for periodical or interim valuations, distribution of surplus, and for investigation of the rates of mortality, |

| | |surrender and lapse (Messenger Prize Essay) - Chatham, J. |

|p.447-458 | |Original tables: I: Annual and single endowment assurance premiums; II: Values of Log Dxx, Log Nxx, and axx; Hm 2½ per-cent. - |

| | |McDonald, J. |

|p.458-460 | |Correspondence, VI. |

The formulas for complete annuities, by H. N. Sheppard

A life interest in an estate including a reversion expectant on the death of the life tenant in the estate, by J. R. Hart

|p.461-464 | |The life assurance companies of the United Kingdom. Summary of the life assurance and annuity revenue accounts. (Extracted from the |

| | |Parliamentary return for 1895) |

JIA v.33 (1896-1898)

|p.1-38 | |On the necessity for a universal notation (report presented to the International Congress of Actuaries, Brussels 1895) - Bégault, A.|

|p.39-51 | |Examination papers, April 1896. |

|p.51-67 | |Annual report, 1895-1896. |

Proceedings of the Institute

Report of Council, 1895-1896

Income and expenditure, and balance sheet, for the year ending 31 March 1896

Proceedings at the annual general meeting, 1896

Results of the examinations, 1896

Colonial examinations, 1896

Additions to the library, to October 1896

|p.68-96 | |An investigation of some of the methods for deducing the rates of mortality, and of withdrawal, in years of duration; with, the |

| | |Application of such methods to the computation of the rates experienced, and the special benefits granted, by clerks' associations, I.|

| | |- Ackland, T. G. |

|p.97-131 | |Opening address by the President: The nature and history of actuarial work as exemplifying the mode of development and the methods of|

| | |science. - Young, T. E. |

|p.131-203 | |An investigation of some of the methods for deducing the rates of mortality, and of withdrawal, in years of duration; with, the |

| | |Application of such methods to the computation of the rates experienced, and the special benefits granted, by clerks' associations, |

| | |II. - Ackland, T. G. |

|p.204 | |Syllabus of prizes, 1896, offered by Mr. James Chisholm. |

|p.205-245 | |On some legal points arising in life assurance practice. - Barrand, A. R. |

|p.245-261 | |Mortality in the liquor trade. - Associated Scottish Life Offices. |

|p.262-268 | |On the rate of mortality amongst the female nominees of the General Annuity Trust Fund during the period from 1 January 1869 to 31 |

| | |December 1895. - King, G. |

|p.268-273 | |Reviews, I. |

Sickness and mortality experience of friendly societies

|p.273-280 | |Correspondence, I. |

Discontinuances (rates of mortality and withdrawal), by R. Todhunter

Mr. King's inter-valuation formula for Exposed to Risk, by J. Burn

|p.280-284 | |International Congress of Actuaries, 1893. Constitution and bye-laws of the Permanent Committee of International Actuarial |

| | |Congresses. |

|p.285-307 | |On the rates of mortality in certain parts of Africa. - Sprague, A. E. |

|p.307-310 | |On the mortality among government officials on the West coast of Africa. - Hart, J. R. |

|p.311-319 | |On the approximate evaluation of the integral for the compound survivorship annuity. - Todhunter, R. |

|p.320-344 | |On governmental regulation of life insurance in the United States of America. - Homans, S. |

|p.345-349 | |Obituaries, I The late Professor Sylvester. |

|p.349-354 | |On central-difference interpolation formulæ (Actuarial note) - Spencer, J. |

|p.354-356 | |On a method of approximately calculating net premiums for endowment assurances on two joint lives (Actuarial note) - Lidstone, G. J.|

|p.356-359 | |On an approximation to the rate of interest yielded by a bond bought at a premium (Actuarial note) - Todhunter, R. |

|p.359-369 | |Correspondence, II. |

Rates of mortality in West Africa, by L. K. Pagden

Rates of mortality and withdrawal, by T. G. Ackland

The calculations of George Barrett in the early part of this century, by F. Schooling

|p.370-371 | |The Diamond Jubilee: address to Her Majesty Queen Victoria, on the completion of the sixtieth year of her reign. |

|p.372 | |The publications of the Institute. |

|p.373-399 | |On lost policies, certified copy policies, certificates of title, possession of a policy, notice, bankruptcy, and some other practical|

| | |considerations with regard to the titles to policies. - Sprague, T. B. |

|p.399-411 | |The mathematical law of mortality. - Wittstein, T. |

|p.412-413 | |On the calculation of the present value of a series of payments-certain when the reproductive rate of interest differs from the |

| | |remunerative rate (Actuarial note) - Lidstone, G. J. |

|p.414-426 | |Examination papers, April 1897. |

|p.426-448 | |Annual report, 1896-1897. |

Proceedings of the Institute

Report of Council, 1896-1897

Income and expenditure, and balance sheet, for the year ending 31 March 1897

Proceedings at the annual general meeting, 1897

Results of the examinations, 1897

Colonial examinations, 1897

Additions to the library, to October 1897

|p.449-452 | |The life assurance companies of the United Kingdom. Summary of the life assurance and annuity revenue accounts. (Extracted from the |

| | |Parliamentary return for 1896) |

|p.453-485 | |Presidential address: The origin and development of scientific and professional societies, with their bearing upon the Institute of |

| | |Actuaries and its associated profession. - Young, T. E. |

|p.485-516 | |Mortality experience of assured lives and annuitants in France. - Hardy, G. F. |

|p.516-523 | |On the mortality of assured lives in West Africa. |

|p.523-530 | |Are events resulting from the exercise of the human will suitable for the deduction of servicable probabilities? |

|p.530-535 | |Reviews, II. |

Mortality tables and frequency-curves

|p.535-539 | |On the generalization of Simpson's rule for joint-life annuities (Actuarial note) - Allen, J. M. |

|p.539-540 | |On the equated time of payment (Actuarial note) - Levine, A. |

JIA v.34 (1898-1899)

|p.1-61 | |On the treatment of endowment assurance policies in periodical valuations. - Thomson, H. A. |

|p.61-93 | |Some remarks on the valuation of endowment assurances in groups. - Lidstone, G. J. |

|p.93-101 | |On the compound survivorship annuity. - Hardy, G. F. |

|p.102-103 | |Double endowment assurances; and Annuities-certain and income tax (Actuarial note) - Fraser, A. |

|p.104 | |Mr. Chisholm's prize, awarded to Mr. John Nicoll. |

|p.105-144 | |Some observations on industrial assurance. - Rea, C. H. E. |

|p.144-147 | |Obituaries, I Sheppard Homans. |

|p.147-150 | |On Gompertz's law of mortality (Actuarial note) - Govan, J. |

|p.150-153 | |Correspondence, I. |

The grouping of endowment assurances for valuation, by J. Altenburger

|p.154-157 | |The life assurance companies of the United Kingdom. Summary of the life assurance and annuity revenue accounts. (Extracted from the |

| | |Parliamentary return for 1897) |

|p.158-208 | |The relation of the actuarial profession to the state, I. - Nicoll, J. |

|p.209-251 | |The relation of the actuarial profession to the state, II. - Nicoll, J. |

|p.251-281 | |On the mortality of the British navy and army, as shown by the official reports. - McLauchlan, J. J. |

|p.282-295 | |Examination papers, April 1898. |

|p.295-316 | |Annual report, 1897-1898. |

Proceedings of the Institute

Report of Council, 1897-1898

Income and expenditure, and balance sheet, for the year ending 31 March 1898

Proceedings at the annual general meeting, 1898

Results of the examinations, April 1898

Colonial examinations, 1898

Additions to the library, to October 1898

|p.317-346 | |Opening address by the President. - Manly, H. W. |

|p.346-357 | |Some notes on valuation methods with special reference to Mr. Chatham's paper on this subject in the JIA, v.32. - Dovey, W. R. |

|p.358-385 | |On the assurance risks incident to professional military and naval lives; and the rates of extra premiums which should be charged for |

| | |such risks. - Smee, A. H.; Ackland, T. G. |

|p.386-395 | |Reviews, I. |

De Witt and actuarial science in Holland

Lectures on the law or real property, by G. Wood Hill

Lectures on the London daily stock and share list, by George Clare

|p.396-412 | |Original tables: Values of whole-term limited premium policies. - Hume, A. S.; Stott, W. |

|p.413-418 | |Revised rules and syllabus of examinations; and Regulations for the class of probationers. |

|p.418-420 | |Lectures, syllabus of the course on the Companies Acts. |

|p.421-474 | |Debentures of trading companies as investments for life assurance funds, considered in their legal and financial aspects. - Barrand,|

| | |A. R. |

|p.474-509 | |Some considerations in reference to the fall in the rate of interest experienced in the past, and the probability of its continuance. |

| | |- Burn, J. |

|p.510-514 | |Further remarks on the valuation of endowment assurances in groups. - Lidstone, G. J. |

|p.514-516 | |On extra risks in relation to double endowment assurances. - Levine, A. |

|p.517-561 | |Some notes on life assurance in Greater Britain, particularly with reference to the work and development of the native offices. - |

| | |Tarn, A. W. |

|p.562-584 | |Some notes on sinking fund assurances. - Faulks, J. E. |

|p.584-592 | |Reviews, II. |

The declension of phthisis, by Sir Hugh Beevor

On centenarians, by T. E. Young

|p.592-594 | |Correspondence, II. |

Insurance against issue, by M. M. Lees

|p.594-596 | |Prizes: syllabus of Brown and Chisholm prizes. |

JIA v.35 (1899-1901)

|p.1-40 | |On the requirements of the Life Assurance Companies Act, 1870, in regard to valuation returns, with some notes on the classification |

| | |and valuation of special policies. - Todhunter, R. |

|p.40-48 | |Law reports, I. |

|p.49-53 | |Reviews, I. |

Lectures on 'The Companies Acts', by A. C. Clausen

|p.54-57 | |The life assurance companies of the United Kingdom. Summary of the life assurance and annuity revenue accounts. (Extracted from the |

| | |Parliamentary return for 1898) |

|p.58-70 | |Examination papers, April 1899. |

|p.70-96 | |Annual report, 1898-1899. |

Proceedings of the Institute

Report of Council, 1898-1899

Income and expenditure, and balance sheet, for the year ending 31 March 1899

Proceedings at the annual general meeting, 1899

Results of the examinations, 1899

Colonial examinations, 1899

Third International Congress of Actuaries, 1900

Additions to the library, to October 1899

|p.97-112 | |Opening address by the President. - Manly, H. W. |

|p.112-129 | |"Data for the problem of evolution in man. A first study of the inheritance of longevity and the selective death-rate in man" - |

| | |Beeton, M.; Pearson, K. |

|p.130-135 | |The decennial of the Actuarial Society of America. - Pierson, I. C. |

|p.135-150 | |Reviews, II. |

Transactions of the Second International Congress of Actuaries, 1898

The new annuity experience

|p.150-154 | |Correspondence, I. |

The Life Assurance Companies Acts, 1870 to 1872, by T. G. Ackland

Stamps on debentures, by J. E. Faulkes

|p.155-156 | |Rules for the regulation of the library. |

|p.157-199 | |Some notes on Makeham's formula for the force of mortality. - Calderon, H. P. |

|p.199-241 | |On surrender-values and the principles which underlie their calculation. - Fulford, F. W. |

|p.241-244 | |Third International Congress of Actuaries, 1900. |

|p.245-267 | |Increasing reversionary charges. - Paterson, W. B. |

|p.268-332 | |The methods of analysing and presenting the mortality, sickness and secession experiences of friendly societies, with examples drawn |

| | |from the experience of the Manchester Unity of Oddfellows. - Watson, A. W. |

|p.332-336 | |Correspondence, II. |

The grouping of endowment assurances for valuation, by J. Altenburger

|p.337-340 | |The life assurance companies of the United Kingdom. Summary of the life assurance and annuity revenue accounts. (Extracted from the |

| | |Parliamentary return for 1899) |

|p.341-361 | |Census taking. - Dudfield, R. |

|p.361-371 | |Census, 1901. |

|p.371-379 | |On the legal position of a purchaser (for value) from the assignee under a voluntary settlement, in the event of the subsequent |

| | |bankruptcy of the settlor. - Lidstone, G. J. |

|p.379-386 | |Life assurance legislation in Cape Colony. |

|p.386-400 | |Examination papers, April 1900. |

|p.400-424 | |Annual report, 1899-1900. |

Proceedings of the Institute

Report of Council, 1899-1900

Income and expenditure, and balance sheet, for the year ending 31 March 1900

Proceedings at the annual general meeting, 1900

Results of the examinations, 1900

Mr. Chisholm's prizes

Colonial examinations, 1900

Additions to the library, to October 1900

|p.425-452 | |Presidential address: Events and wants. - Higham, C. D. |

|p.452-458 | |On a new interpolation formula. - Everett, J. D. |

|p.458-479 | |"Data for the problem of evolution in man. V: On the correlation between the duration of life and the number of offspring" - |

| | |Beeton, M.; Yule, G. U.; Pearson, K. |

|p.480-484 | |On the solution of a general problem relating to contingent assurances (Actuarial note) - Lidstone, G. J. |

|p.484-488 | |Reviews, III. |

The new mortality experience

|p.488 | |Brown Prizes, 1899. |

|p.489-490 | |Syllabus of lectures on 'The law of mortgage' |

|p.490 | |Obituaries, I. |

| | |New member of Council |

JIA v.36 (1901)

|p.1-4 | |The death of the Queen. |

|p.4-50 | |On the rationale of discounted-bonus premiums. - Moir, H. |

|p.51-81 | |The effects of using the lapse element in calculating premiums and reserves. - Hunter, A. |

|p.81-85 | |Valuations of reversions for estate duty under the Finance Act, 1894. |

|p.85-87 | |The Patriotic Fund. |

|p.87-88 | |Syllabus of Messenger Prizes, 1901. |

|p.89-120 | |The increase of cancer. - Teece, R. |

|p.120-150 | |"On the alleged increase in cancer" - King, G.; Newsholme, A. |

|p.151-196 | |On the rates of mortality in New South Wales and Victoria, and the construction of a mortality table from a single census and the |

| | |deaths in the years adjacent thereto. - Moors, E. M.; Day, W. R. |

|p.197-200 | |Reviews, I. |

Elements of statistics, by Arthur L. Bowley

|p.201-204 | |The life assurance companies of the United Kingdom. Summary of the life assurance and annuity revenue accounts. (Extracted from the |

| | |Parliamentary return for 1900) |

|p.205-208 | |Rules and syllabus of examinations, and regulations for probationers. |

|p.208 | |Errata, v.36. |

|p.209-287 | |On the valuation of staff pension funds: with tables and examples. - Manly, H. W.; Thomas, E. C. |

|p.287-290 | |Reviews, II. |

Lectures on the law of mortgage, by W. G. Hayter

|p.291-303 | |Examination papers, April 1901. |

|p.304-328 | |Annual report, 1900-1901. |

Proceedings of the Institute

Report of Council, 1900-1901

Income and expenditure, and balance sheet, for the year ending 31 March 1901

Proceedings at the annual general meeting, 1901

Results of the examinations, 1901

Colonial examinations, 1901

Additions to the library, to October 1901

|p.329-374 | |The case for census reform. - Ryan, G. H. |

|p.374-385 | |The business management of foreign life insurance companies according to German imperial law. - Samwer, K. |

|p.385-389 | |Reviews, III. |

Institute of Actuaries' text-book, Part I: Interest (including annuities certain), by Ralph Todhunter

|p.389-392 | |On the calculation of deferred annuities (Actuarial note) - Adlard, H. T. |

|p.392-398 | |Correspondence, I. |

The University of London, by T. E. Young

Original tables, by A. S. Hume and W. Stott

|p.399-400 | |Obituaries, I. |

Adan, M. Henri

|p.400 | |Card index of the Journal; and Portraits of past Presidents (note) |

|p.400-404 | |The Patriotic Fund. |

|p.404-408 | |Statistics of Indian government establishments. |

|p.417-564 | |The actuarial aspects of recent legislation, in the United Kingdom and other countries, on the subject of compensation to workmen for |

| | |accidents (Brown Prize Essay) - Nicoll, J. |

JIA v.37 (1902-1903)

|p.1-15 | |Regarding the mortality investigation, instituted by the Actuarial Society of America, and now in progress. - Fackler, D. P. |

|p.15-46 | |An enquiry into the methods and general principles to be adopted in calculating the rates of contribution, or percentage deductions |

| | |from salary, in the case of superannuation funds and pension funds generally. - McGowan, J. |

|p.46-53 | |A few notes upon certain methods of allotting surplus. - Young, T. E. |

|p.54-57 | |On life insurance legislation in Denmark. - Thiele, T. N. |

|p.57-90 | |Some notes on the net premium method of valuation, as affected by recent tendencies and developments. - Warner, S. G. |

|p.91-103 | |American valuation tables. - Hutcheson, W. A. |

|p.104-111 | |Reviews, I. |

Institute of Actuaries' Text-book, part II. Life contingencies (including life annuities and assurances)

A treatise on the mathematics of life insurance

|p.111-112 | |Bust of Dr. Sprague. |

|p.113-192 | |The British offices life tables, 1893; an investigation of the rates of mortality in different classes of the assurance experience, |

| | |and of the resulting net premiums and policy-reserves. - Ackland, T. G. |

|p.193-244 | |On the valuation of staff pension funds [cont from v.36] - Manly, H. W.; Thomas, E. C.; Lewis, J. N. |

|p.245-311 | |Vaccination and the Act of 1908. - Burridge, A. F. |

|p.312 | |Correspondence, I. |

Vaccination, by A. H. Bailey

|p.313-316 | |The life assurance companies of the United Kingdom. Summary of the life assurance and annuity revenue accounts. (Extracted from the |

| | |Parliamentary return for 1902) |

|p.317-320 | |The British census of 1901. |

|p.320-333 | |Examination papers, April 1902. |

|p.334-360 | |Annual report, 1901-1902. |

Proceedings of the Institute

Report of Council, 1901-1902

Income and expenditure, and balance sheet, for the year ending 31 March 1902

Proceedings at the annual general meeting, 1902

Results of the examinations, 1902

Additions to the library, to October 1902

|p.361-384 | |Opening address by the President. - Hughes, W. |

|p.384-401 | |The use of quadrature formulæ and other methods of approximation for the calculation of survivorship benefits. - Buchanan, J. |

|p.402-436 | |The liability of life assurance companies to pay income tax upon income arising from investments in foreign countries. |

|p.437-439 | |On De Morgan's formulas for determining the rate of interest yielded by an annuity (Actuarial note) - Newling, S. W. |

|p.439-442 | |Reviews, II. |

The British Offices life tables, 1893

|p.442-445 | |Fourth International Congress of Actuaries, 1903. |

|p.446-452 | |The Patriotic Fund. |

|p.453-500 | |On the comparative reserves of life assurance companies, according to various tables of mortality, at various rates of interest. - |

| | |King, G. |

|p.501-525 | |Temporary assurances. - Elderton, W. P. |

|p.526-540 | |On the graduation of the British Offices annuity experience (1863-1983) by the graphic method. - Chatham, J. |

|p.541-544 | |Reviews, III. |

The British Offices life annuity tables, 1893

|p.545-627 | |The mortality experiences of the imperial forces during the war in South Africa, 11 October 1899 to 31 May 1902. - Schooling, F.; |

| | |Rusher, E. A. |

JIA v.38 (1903-1904)

|p.1-60 | |Further remarks on the endowment assurances in groups. - Lidstone, G. J. |

|p.61-68 | |Further notes upon the application of Mr. Lidstone's method to the case of joint endowment assurances. - Ackland, T. G. |

|p.69-97 | |Methods of valuation and distribution of profits in the United Kingdom. - Ryan, G. H. |

|p.97-98 | |British offices life tables, 1893: Joint mortality investigation of the Institute of Actuaries and the Faculty of Actuaries in |

| | |Scotland. |

|p.98 | |Errata, Tables. |

|p.98-100 | |Correspondence, I. |

Institute of Actuaries text book, part I (new edition), by R. Todhunter

|p.101-171 | |On the valuation of staff pension funds. Part 2 - widows' and children's pensions. - Manly, H. W. |

|p.172-175 | |The life assurance companies of the United Kingdom. Summary of the life assurance and annuity revenue accounts. (Extracted from the |

| | |Parliamentary return for 1902) |

|p.176-189 | |Examination papers, April 1903. |

|p.189-212 | |Annual report, 1902-1903. |

Proceedings of the Institute

Report of Council, 1902-1903

Income and expenditure, and balance sheet, for the year ending 31 March 1903

Proceedings at the annual general meeting, 1903

Results of the examinations, 1903

Additions to the library, to October 1903

|p.213-272 | |On the comparative mortality among assured lives of abstainers and non-abstainers from alcoholic beverages. |

|p.273-276 | |Correspondence, II. |

Mortality of abstainers and non-abstainers, by G. J. Lidstone and R. M. Moore

|p.276-280 | |Staff pension funds - On the construction of columns for obtaining the value of the return, on death or withdrawal, of the total |

| | |contributions (based on salary) with compound interest at rate j per annum, discounted at rate i per annum (Actuarial note) - |

| | |Thomas, E. C. |

|p.280-287 | |On the determination of the rate of interest in an annuity-certain. - Spencer, J. |

|p.287-295 | |Reviews, I. |

British offices life tables, 1893. Select tables

A digest of the results of the census of England and Wales in 1901, by William Sanders and Thomas Ackland

Aus der Praxis der Gothaer Lebensversicherungsbank

|p.296 | |Fourth International Congress of Actuaries, 1903. |

|p.297-333 | |The income tax as affecting life offices, with special reference to some recent decisions. - Faulks, J. E. |

|p.334-343 | |On the graduation of the rates of sickness and mortality presented by the experience of the Manchester Unity of Oddfellows during the |

| | |period 1893-97. - Spencer, J. |

|p.344-347 | |On the value in practice of a life interest, allowing for income tax. - King, G. |

|p.347-353 | |'The possible association of the consumption of alcohol with excessive mortality from cancer' - Newsholme, A. |

|p.353-356 | |On joint life annuities (Actuarial note) - Curjel, H. W. |

|p.356-378 | |Reviews, II. |

British offices life tables, 1893 - An account of the principles and methods adopted in the compilation of the data, the graduation of the experience, and the construction of deduced tables. Assured lives and annuities

Experience of 34 life companies upon 98 special classes of risks, by the Actuarial Society of America

Sickness and mortality experience (1893-97) of the Manchester Unity of Oddfellows

The amendment of the basis of calculation of the Gotha Life Office, by Dr Johannes Karup

Insurance - a practical exposition for the student and business man, by T. E. Young

|p.378-384 | |The Patriotic Fund. |

|p.385-430 | |A comparison of various methods of grouping whole-life assurances for valuation. - Fraser, D. C. |

|p.431-433 | |Dr. Johannes Karup's formula for valuing policies in groups according to exact duration (Actuarial note) |

|p.433-501 | |An investigation into the rates of re-marriage and mortality amongst widows in receipt of relief from the Patriotic (Russian War) |

| | |Fund, 1854-1900. - Burn, J.; McDonald, J. |

|p.501-532 | |The British offices life tables, 1893. Memorandum on the graduation of the whole-life without-profit mortality table - male lives. |

| | |- Hardy, G. F. |

|p.533-534 | |Correspondence, III. |

Manchester unity experience 1893-7, by A. W. Watson and H. W. Curjel

|p.535-538 | |The life assurance companies of the United Kingdom. Summary of the life assurance and annuity revenue accounts. (Extracted from the |

| | |Parliamentary return for 1902) |

|p.539-618 | |On the valuation of whole-life industrial assurances, with allowance for lapses. - Ackland, T. G.; Bacon, J. |

|p.619-667 | |On life premium book-keeping. - Chatham, J. |

|p.668-681 | |Examination papers, April 1904. |

|p.681-701 | |Annual report, 1903-1904. |

Proceedings of the Institute

Report of Council, 1903-1904

Income and expenditure, and balance sheet, for the year ending 31 March 1904

Proceedings at the annual general meeting, 1904

Results of the examinations, 1904

Additions to the library, to October 1904

|p.702 | |Examinations: Changes in arrangements. |

|p.703-706 | |Rules to regulate examinations, syllabus of examinations, and regulations for probationers. |

JIA v.39 (1905)

|p.1-17 | |Opening address by the President. - Cockburn, H. |

|p.17-117 | |On the retrospective method of valuation. - Bell, F. |

|p.118-119 | |Correspondence, I. |

Insurances against issue, by M. M. Lees

|p.120-125 | |Reviews, I. |

The law of life assurance (4th ed), by C. J. Bunyon

British offices life tables, 1893, select tables, participating and non-participating assurances, by Henry J. Baker and Arthur H. Raisin

|p.126 | |Obituaries, I. |

Day, Archibald

Deuchar, David

|p.127-128 | |Syllabus of Messenger Prizes, 1905. |

|p.129-208 | |On staff pension funds. - King, G. |

|p.208-209 | |Correspondence, II. |

The notation of pension funds, by G. J. Lidstone

|p.209-252 | |Changes in pure premium policy-values consequent upon variations in the rate of interest or the rate of mortality, or upon the |

| | |introduction of discontinuance. - Lidstone, G. J. |

|p.252-254 | |On mortgages of expectancies under wills. - Hart, J. R. |

|p.255-256 | |Note on the methods followed in the registration of deeds affecting land in Scotland. - Donald, A. G. |

|p.257-306 | |Bonuses in model office valuations and their relations to reserves. - Buchanan, J. |

|p.306-324 | |On the importance and practicability of a standard classification of impaired lives. - Carruthers, S. W. |

|p.324-329 | |Law reports, I. |

|p.330-333 | |The life assurance companies of the United Kingdom. Summary of the life assurance and annuity revenue accounts. (Extracted from the |

| | |Parliamentary return for 1904) |

|p.334-336 | |Correspondence, III. |

The notation of pension fund problems, by G. King and G. J. Lidstone

The valuation of policies in groups, by J. Altenburger

|p.336 | |Board of Trade Committee. |

| | |Erratum, v.39 |

|p.337-369 | |Social conditions affecting widows' and orphans' pension funds. - Allin, S. J. H. W. |

|p.370-375 | |On the calculation of contingent assurance premiums, when Makeham's law holds (Actuarial note) - Hume, A. S.; Stott, W. |

|p.376-379 | |Reviews, II. |

On fitting curves to a series of measurements or observations, by Francesco P. Cantelli

The simplification of calculations by mechanical and graphical processes, by Maurice d'Ocagne

|p.379-387 | |Royal Patriotic Fund Corporation. |

|p.388-400 | |Examination papers, April 1905. |

|p.400-420 | |Annual report, 1904-1905. |

Proceedings of the Institute

Report of Council, 1904-1905

Revenue account and balance sheet, for the year ending 31 March 1905

Proceedings at the annual general meeting, 1905

Results of the examinations, 1905

Lectures on the actuarial subjects of parts III and IV of the examinations

Additions to the library, to October 1905

JIA v.40 (1906)

|p.1-14 | |The valuation in groups of whole-life policies by select mortality tables. - King, G. |

|p.15-42 | |A property of the O[M] select tables, and its application to the valuation of whole-life policies. - Diver, O. F. |

|p.42-98 | |Notes on an approximate method of valuation of whole-life assurances, with allowance for selection. - Ackland, T. G. |

|p.99-116 | |Report of the Departmental Committee on Bond Investment Companies. |

|p.116-120 | |An alternative type of formula for approximate summation (Actuarial note) - Elderton, W. P. |

|p.120-124 | |Correspondence, I. |

The determination of average ages by methods of weighting, by S. E. Macnaghten

The use of the O[M] select premiums for valuation purposes, by D. C. Fraser

|p.124 | |Notice of lectures on the actuarial subjects of Parts III and IV of the examinations. |

|p.125-153 | |Canadian vital statistics; with particular reference to the Province of Ontario. - Grant, M. D. |

|p.154-188 | |The variations in masculinity under different conditions. - Lewis, J. N.; Lewis, C. J. |

|p.188-200 | |Some special features of widows' and orphans' funds. - Thomas, E. C. |

|p.200-211 | |The calculation of the contributions to be made to an annuity fund for widows and children, by the members of a society, all of whom, |

| | |whether married or single, are obliged to contribute. - Schjoll, O. |

|p.212-220 | |Historical memorandum on friendly societies in connection with actuarial certificates (extracted from the Report of the Chief |

| | |Registrar of Friendly Societies for the year 1904) |

|p.221-246 | |A form of spurious selection which may arise when mortality tables are amalgamated. - Elderton, W. P. |

|p.246-289 | |Some aspects of registration of title to land. - Hart, J. R. |

|p.289-293 | |Interpolation by finite differences (two independent variables) (Actuarial note) - Edwards, H. H. |

|p.293-301 | |Some practical hints on two-variable interpolation (Actuarial note) - Spencer, J. |

|p.302-304 | |The law of uniform seniority (Actuarial note) |

|p.304-312 | |Correspondence, II. |

'Spurious selection' (JIA 40), by J. Bacon and W. P. Elderton

|p.312 | |Alteration in rules of examination. |

|p.313-316 | |The life assurance companies of the United Kingdom. Summary of the life assurance and annuity revenue accounts. (Extracted from the |

| | |Parliamentary return for 1905) |

|p.317-342 | |Reversionary securities as investments. - Coutts, C. R. V. |

|p.343-368 | |French assurance law, 1905. |

|p.368-374 | |Continuous temporary annuities, O[M] 3¾% |

|p.375-388 | |Examination papers, April 1906. |

|p.389-415 | |Annual report, 1905-1906. |

Proceedings of the Institute - session 1905-1906

Report of Council, 1905-1906

Revenue account and balance sheet, for the year ending 31 March 1906

Results of the examinations, 1906

Proceedings at the annual general meeting, 1906

Additions to the library, to October 1906

|p.416 | |International Congress of Actuaries (5th) |

JIA v.41 (1907)

|p.1-18 | |Address by the President. - Wyatt, F. B. |

|p.18-51 | |Model office reserves for endowment assurances. - Buchanan, J. |

|p.52-54 | |Note on the Report of the Registrar of the Land Registry for the years 1902-1905. - Hart, J. R. |

|p.54-96 | |The error introduced into mortality tables by summation formulas of graduation. - King, G. |

|p.97-100 | |A new demonstration of the formula for the value of an apportionable annuity payable by instalments m times a year (Actuarial note) |

| | |- Lidstone, G. J. |

|p.100-103 | |The determination of the rate of interest in annuities-certain (Actuarial note) - Cantelli, F. P. |

|p.104-107 | |Correspondence, I. |

A fragment of history, by T. E. Young

The valuation of limited-payment policies, by A. Fraser

|p.107-108 | |Obituaries, I. |

Hahn, Ferdinand

|p.109-255 | |Further notes on some legal aspects of life assurance practice. - Barrand, A. R. |

|p.255-267 | |An investigation into the mortality among Scandinavian emigrants to the Congo. - Bergholm, P. |

|p.268-272 | |Correspondence, II. |

Mortality on the Congo, by A. E. Sprague

Royal Patriotic Fund Corporation, by J. S. Young and F. B. Wyatt

|p.272 | |The Institute of Actuaries v 'The Institute of Accountants' |

Split record: Item 2: Messenger Prize essay

|p.273-304 | |Comparative bonuses under whole life and endowment assurances. - Rietschel, H. J. |

|p.305-348 | |The relation between the theories of compound interest and life contingencies. - Allen, J. M. |

|p.348-360 | |The rationale of formulæ for graduation by summation. - Lidstone, G. J. |

|p.361-408 | |Some illustrations of the employment of summation formulas in the graduation of mortality tables. - Spencer, J. |

|p.409-429 | |Legal notes, I. - Barrand, A. R. |

|p.429-442 | |Frequency-curves and moments. - Henderson, R. |

|p.443-453 | |Reviews, I. |

Frequency-curves and correlation, by W. Palin Elderton

Mr. Altenburger on graduation; Beiträge zum Problem der Ausgleichung von Sterblichkeitstafeln. Mitteilungen des Osterreichisch-ungarischen Verbandes der Privat-Versicherungs-Anstalten. New Series, vol I; Versuch einer allgemeiner Theorie der Mechanischen Ausgleichungs-Methoden. Mitteilungen des Osterreichisch-ungarischen Verbandes der Privat-Versicherungs-Anstalten. New Series, vol III

|p.454-456 | |Correspondence, III. |

The general theory of summation formulas, by J. Altenburger

|p.457-460 | |The life assurance companies of the United Kingdom. Summary of the life assurance and annuity revenue accounts. (Extracted from the |

| | |Parliamentary return for 1906) |

|p.461-527 | |Extra premiums. - Lutt, H. E. W. |

|p.527-530 | |New York State standardized policies. |

|p.530-565 | |Notes on summation formulas of graduation, with certain new formulas for consideration. - King, G. |

|p.566-570 | |The application of the law of uniform seniority to any select table graduated by Mr. G. F. Hardy's adaptation of Makeham's formula, so|

| | |that the value of an annuity on two of more joint lives, commencing at any time during the period of selection, may be replaced by the|

| | |value of an annuity on a single life, with payments varying so long as the effect of selection is operative, and at a different rate |

| | |of interest (Actuarial note) - Goodman, G. |

|p.570-578 | |Legal notes, II. - Barrand, A. R. |

|p.579-584 | |Reviews, II. |

British Offices life tables, 1893. Select tables, O[M] and O[NM]. Valuation tables, OM

|p.584-599 | |Examination papers, April 1907. |

|p.599-624 | |Annual report, 1906-1907. |

Proceedings of the Institute - session 1906-1907

Report of Council, 1906-1907

Revenue account and balance sheet, for the year ending 31 March 1907

Results of the examinations, 1907

Proceedings at the annual general meeting, 1907

Additions to the library, to October 1907

JIA v.42 (1908)

|p.1-35 | |The valuation of staff pension funds. Part 2 - widows' and children's pensions (continued) - Manly, H. W.; Workman, W. A. |

|p.36-79 | |A pension fund problem; with some remarks on the deduction of salary-scales. - Bacon, J. |

|p.79 | |Errata. |

|p.80-90 | |Legal notes, I. - Barrand, A. R. |

|p.90-106 | |Employers' Liability Insurance Companies Act, 1907: An Act to apply the provisions of the Life Assurance Companies Acts, 1870 to |

| | |1872, to companies carrying on the business of insuring employers against liability to pay compensation or damages to workmen in their|

| | |employment. |

|p.106-141 | |The rationale of formulæ for graduation by summation [continued from v.41] - Lidstone, G. J. |

|p.141-144 | |Correspondence, I. |

The expression for the spurious selection introduced by amalgamating a number of experiences, by J. Buchanan

|p.145-161 | |The method of Dr. Johannes Karup of valuing in groups endowment assurances, and policies for the whole of life by premiums limited in |

| | |number. - King, G. |

|p.161-177 | |Bonus reserve valuations. - Coutts, C. R. V. |

|p.177-188 | |Legal notes, II. - Barrand, A. R. |

|p.188-205 | |Historical notes relating to the discovery of the formula, ax = vpx(1 + ax+1); and to the introduction of the calculus in the solution|

| | |of actuarial problems. - Young, T. E. |

|p.205-211 | |Reviews, I. |

Actuarial theory: notes for students on the subject-matter required in the second examinations of the Institute of Actuaries and the Faculty of Actuaries in Scotland, with numerous practical examples and exercises, by William A. Robertson and Frederick A. Ross

|p.211-219 | |Mr. Lidstone's 'Z' method for the valuation of endowment assurances (Actuarial note) |

|p.219-222 | |International Congress of Actuaries, 1909 (6th) |

|p.222-224 | |Correspondence, II. |

The valuation of endowment assurances in groups, by R. S. B. Savery

|p.225-294 | |The construction of mortality tables from census returns and records of deaths. - King, G. |

|p.294-336 | |A review of the investments of offices in recent years, with notes on stock exchange fluctuations and the future rate of interest. -|

| | |Newman, P. L. |

|p.336-369 | |Reversionary bonuses as affected by expenses and variations in rates of mortality. - Austin, H. H. |

|p.369-400 | |Osculatory interpolation by central differences; with an application to life table construction. - Buchanan, J. |

|p.401-408 | |Legal notes, III. - Barrand, A. R. |

|p.409-417 | |Mr. Lidstone's 'Z' method for the valuation of endowment assurances (Actuarial note) |

|p.418-424 | |Memorandum as to alterations in examination syllabus. |

|p.424 | |Errata, v.42. |

|p.425-472 | |The select and ultimate method of valuation. - Dawson, M. M. |

|p.472-480 | |Legal notes, IV. - Barrand, A. R. |

|p.480-495 | |Examination papers, April 1908. |

|p.496-522 | |Annual report, 1907-1908. |

Proceedings of the Institute - session 1907-1908

Report of Council, 1907-1908

Revenue account and balance sheet, for the year ending 31 March 1908

Results of the examinations, 1908

Proceedings at the annual general meeting, 1908

Additions to the library, to October 1908

|p.522 | |Synopsis of British Offices Life Tables (1893) |

|p.523-532 | |Annuity values on two joint lives, by Om table at 2¾% (Original tables) |

|p.533-536 | |The life assurance companies of the United Kingdom. Summary of the life assurance and annuity revenue accounts. (Extracted from the |

| | |Parliamentary return for 1907) |

JIA v.43 (1909)

|p.1-22 | |Address by the President. - Hardy, G. F. |

|p.23-84 | |The methods of ascertaining the rates of mortality amongst the general population of a country, district or town, or amongst different|

| | |classes of such population, by means of returns of population, births, deaths and migration (Messenger Prize Essay: Abstract of |

| | |essay) - Wickens, C. H. |

|p.84-89 | |Legal notes, I. - Barrand, A. R. |

|p.90-98 | |An Act to provide for old age pensions. |

|p.99-103 | |A note on complete annuities (Actuarial note) - Elderton, W. P. |

|p.103-105 | |The calculation of limited payment life policy-values (Actuarial note) - Williams, F. A. |

|p.105-107 | |Correspondence, I. |

The effect of a rise, or fall, in market values of securities, on the financial position and reserves of a life office, by D. P. Moll

Institute text-book, part I, by R. Todhunter

|p.108 | |Examinations, 1909. |

| | |Obituary: Pierson, Israel C. |

|p.109-184 | |A new method of constructing and of graduation mortality and other tables. - King, G. |

|p.185-217 | |An approximate method of valuation of whole-life assurances, grouped according to attained ages with allowance for selection on the |

| | |basis of O[M] mortality. - Brown, E. H. |

|p.217-221 | |Note on the application of Mr. E.H. Brown's method to select valuations by the British Offices whole-life non-participating O[NM] |

| | |table. |

|p.222-229 | |Legal notes, II. - Barrand, A. R. |

|p.230-235 | |Reviews, I. |

Supplement to the 65th Annual Report of the Registrar-General of Births, Deaths and Marriages in England and Wales

|p.235-241 | |The graphic delineation of interpolation formulæ (Actuarial note) - Fraser, D. C. |

|p.241-244 | |Premiums for whole-life assurances payable by instalments (Actuarial note) - Shovelton, S. T. |

|p.244 | |International Congress of Actuaries, 1909 (6th) |

|p.245-280 | |Some financial and statistical considerations of the old age pension scheme. - Marr, V. |

|p.281-342 | |The annuity business of British offices and the valuation thereof. - Oakley, H. J. P. |

|p.342-351 | |Legal notes, III. - Barrand, A. R. |

|p.351-362 | |English Life Table no.6 (Original tables) |

|p.362-363 | |International Congress of Actuaries, 1909 (6th) |

|p.364 | |Obituaries, II. |

Hendriks, Frederick

|p.365-407 | |Notes on mortality and life assurance in India. - Winter, A. T. |

|p.407-413 | |Legal notes, IV. - Barrand, A. R. |

|p.414-426 | |Formulas for the force of mortality (Actuarial note) - Fraser, D.C. |

|p.426-440 | |Examination papers, April 1909. |

|p.441-470 | |Annual report, 1908-1909. |

Proceedings of the Institute - session 1908-1909

Report of Council, 1908-1909

Revenue account and balance sheet, for the year ending 31 March 1909

Results of the examinations, 1909

Proceedings at the annual general meeting, 1909

Additions to the library, to October 1909

|p.471-476 | |Reviews, II. |

The theory of the construction of tables of mortality and of similar statistical tables in use by the actuary. A course of lectures by George F. Hardy

|p.477-480 | |The life assurance companies of the United Kingdom. Summary of the life assurance and annuity revenue accounts. (Extracted from the |

| | |Parliamentary return for 1908) |

JIA v.44 (1910)

|p.1-55 | |Assurance Companies Act, 1909. |

|p.55-87 | |American railway securities as investments for insurance companies. - Ansell, H. |

|p.87-99 | |Legal notes, I. - Barrand, A. R. |

|p.100-103 | |Reviews, I. |

Stock exchange investments in theory and practice

|p.103-104 | |International Congress of Actuaries, 1909 (6th) |

|p.105-168 | |The mortality of female assured lives, with graduated tables deduced from the British Offices' Experience, 1863-1893. - Kenchington,|

| | |C. W. |

|p.168-261 | |Some points of interest in the operations of friendly societies, railway benefit societies and collecting societies. - Watson, A. |

|p.261-283 | |Formulæ for the valuation of premiums payable more frequently than once a year. - Lidstone, G. J. |

|p.284-293 | |Legal notes, II. - Barrand, A. R. |

|p.293-301 | |Some approximations to the values of joint life annuities etc, where the mortality tables employed are not graduated by Gompertz's or |

| | |Makeham's law (Actuarial note) - Elderton, W. P.; King, A. E. |

|p.301-302 | |Milne, Joshua (Editorial note) |

|p.303-305 | |The death of King Edward VII. |

|p.306-345 | |Some notes on the establishment of the office of Public Trustee in England. - Sharman, W. C. |

|p.345-394 | |The valuation of the payment on the death of a pensioner of the excess of his contributions, with or without interest, over his |

| | |pension payments; and: A method of scheduling particulars for the valuation in certain cases, of prospective pensions based on |

| | |terminal salaries. - Tinner, T. |

|p.394-402 | |Legal notes, III. - Barrand, A. R. |

|p.402-411 | |Practical hints to students on the application of the formula for integration by parts to life contingency problems (Actuarial note) |

|p.412-414 | |Reviews, II. |

The German insurance lexicon

|p.415-452 | |Analysis and apportionment of the expenses of management of a life office with a view to ascertaining the office premium loadings. -|

| | |Rietschel, H. J. |

|p.452-462 | |Legal notes, IV. - Barrand, A. R. |

|p.462-469 | |Assurance Companies Act, 1909: Order of the Board of Trade, making rules and regulations and prescribing forms, under the Act |

| | |(Extracts) |

|p.469-484 | |Examination papers, April 1910. |

|p.485-510 | |Annual report, 1909-1910. |

Proceedings of the Institute - session 1909-1910

Report of Council, 1909-1910

Revenue account and balance sheet, for the year ending 31 March 1910

Results of the examinations, 1910

Proceedings at the annual general meeting, 1910

Additions to the library, to October 1910

|p.510 | |Errata. |

|p.511-518 | |Extracts from address to the Economic Science and Statistics section of the British Association. - Smith, H. L. (Sir) |

|p.519-522 | |The life assurance companies of the United Kingdom. Summary of the life assurance and annuity revenue accounts. (Extracted from the |

| | |Parliamentary return for 1909) |

JIA v.45 (1911)

|p.1-26 | |Address by the President. - Ryan, G. H. |

|p.27-62 | |Abstract of Report of the Departmental Committee appointed by the Board of Trade on Railway Superannuation Funds [Cd. 5349] |

|p.62-73 | |Legal notes, I. - Barrand, A. R. |

|p.73-76 | |A brief account of the medico-actuarial mortality investigation now being conducted by the Actuarial Society of America and the |

| | |Association of Life Insurance Medical Directors. - Hunter, A. |

|p.76-79 | |Reviews, I. |

A pioneer of actuarial science, by Marco Besso

|p.79-84 | |Correspondence, I. |

Uniform seniority and last survivor annuities, by A. E. Sprague

The relation between rates of sickness and size of lodge, by A. T. Traversi

|p.85-94 | |Tables of the values of endowment assurance policies (O[M(5)] 3½ per-cent) - Besant, A. D. |

|p.95-97 | |Extracts from report by Mr. George King on the Elementary School Teachers' Deferred Annuity Fund. - King, G. |

|p.97-100 | |Institute of Actuaries Students' Society. |

|p.101-149 | |The valuation of the liabilities of an insurance company under its employers' liability contracts. - Penman, W. |

|p.149-229 | |Staff pension funds: the progress of the accumulation of the funds; the identity of a valuation with the future progress of a fund; |

| | |the manner of dealing with funds which are insolvent; and sundry observations. - Manly, H. W. |

|p.229-231 | |Note on accumulation formulas. - Thomas, E. C. |

|p.231-240 | |Abstract of Report of the Departmental Committee appointed by the Board of Trade on Railway Superannuation Funds [Cd. 5349]: Tables. |

|p.241-249 | |Legal notes, II. - Barrand, A. R. |

|p.249-253 | |Note on stamp duties. - Robertson, J. L. |

|p.254-255 | |Institute of Actuaries Students' Society. |

|p.255-256 | |Obituaries, I. |

Adler, Marcus Nathan

|p.257-335 | |The Assurance Companies Act, 1909. Some explanatory notes on such portions of the Act as relate to the business of life assurance. |

| | |- Barrand, A. R. |

|p.336-386 | |State insurance against invalidity and old age - the actuarial basis of the Austrian method. - Richmond, G. W. |

|p.387-391 | |Legal notes, III. - Barrand, A. R. |

|p.392-401 | |Dealings with reversions. - Withers, A. H. |

|p.401 | |Errata, v.45. |

|p.402-405 | |The National Insurance Bill, 1911 (President's remarks) |

|p.406-455 | |Report of the actuaries in relation to the scheme of insurance against sickness, disablement etc, embodied in the National Insurance |

| | |Bill, 1911. - Hardy, G. F.; Wyatt, F. B. |

|p.456-475 | |Actuarial report on the scheme for insurance against unemployment embodied in Part II of the National Insurance Bill. - Ackland, T. |

| | |G. |

|p.476-483 | |The curve of deaths when the force of mortality is expressed by Makeham's formula. - Fraser, D. C. |

|p.483-491 | |The equation of payments, and generally the determination of the weighted mean value of a variable (Actuarial note) |

|p.491-498 | |A general method of determining the value of a variable corresponding to a given value of a function (Actuarial note) |

|p.498 | |Institute of Actuaries Students' Society. |

|p.499-502 | |Reviews, II. |

An introduction to the theory of statistics, by G. Udny Yule

|p.502-503 | |Correspondence, II. |

Policies for the benefit of married women, by F. J. Cameron

|p.504 | |Ryan, Gerald Hemington: Coronation honours, 1911. |

|p.505-584 | |Notes on the Insurance Act, 1910, Dominion of Canada. - Bradshaw, T. |

|p.585-590 | |Legal notes, IV. - Barrand, A. R. |

|p.591-609 | |Examination papers, April 1911. |

|p.609-635 | |Annual report, 1910-1911. |

Proceedings of the Institute - session 1910-1911

Report of Council, 1910-1911

Revenue account and balance sheet, for the year ending 31 March 1911

Results of the examinations, 1911

Proceedings at the annual general meeting, 1911

Additions to the library, to October 1911

|p.635-647 | |Contingent assurance and joint annuity tables O[NM] and O[af] 3½ per-cent. - Blanchard, N. |

|p.648-657 | |Tables of temporary life annuity-values according to the O[M] table at 3¾ per-cent interest. - Cross, H. T. |

|p.658-661 | |The life assurance companies of the United Kingdom. Summary of the life assurance and annuity revenue accounts. (Extracted from the |

| | |Parliamentary return for 1910) |

JIA v.46 (1912)

|p.1-64 | |A new method of approximating to the values of last survivor annuities on two or more lives, and to the values of joint life annuities|

| | |when the advantages of Makeham's law are not available, I. - Lidstone, G. J. |

|p.64-84 | |National Insurance Act: Report on the revision or extension of the original estimates, caused by changes effected in Committee in |

| | |Part I of the Bill. - Hardy, G. F.; Wyatt, F. B. |

|p.85-92 | |National Insurance Act: Report on the estimated financial effect of amendments introduced in Committee in Part II of the Bill. - |

| | |Ackland, T. G. |

|p.93-96 | |Legal notes, I. - Barrand, A. R. |

|p.96-99 | |Reviews, I. |

Insurance companies accounts (2nd ed), by A. E. Sprague

|p.99-100 | |Institute of Actuaries Students' Society. |

|p.100-104 | |Indian life assurance legislation; National Insurance Bill (the Institute President's remarks) |

|p.104 | |Lectures on friendly societies. |

|p.105-134 | |Some recent statistical results. - Elderton, W. P. |

|p.134-168 | |The investment of life assurance funds. - May, G. E. |

|p.168-185 | |A new method of approximating to the values of last survivor annuities on two or more lives, and to the values of joint life annuities|

| | |when the advantages of Makeham's law are not available, II. - Lidstone, G. J. |

|p.186-193 | |Legal notes, II. - Barrand, A. R. |

|p.193-197 | |Aids to calculation, with special reference to some recently published tables. - Plummer, H. C. |

|p.197-201 | |Reviews, II. |

Insurance law, by E. J. MacGillivray

|p.202-203 | |Correspondence, I. |

Friendly society reserves and margins of surplus, by G. J. Lidstone

|p.203-204 | |International Congress of Actuaries, 1912. |

|p.205-260 | |The principal provisions of the law of bankruptcy in England, with references to some decisions of interest to life insurance |

| | |companies. - Carter, N. J. |

|p.260-281 | |Notes on the construction of mortality tables. - Elderton, W. P.; Fippard, R. C. |

|p.282-308 | |The Indian Life Assurance Companies Act, 1912. |

|p.308-314 | |Note on mortality on the West coast of Africa. - Hart, J. R. |

|p.314-317 | |Legal notes, III. - Barrand, A. R. |

|p.317-322 | |An enquiry into the existence of historical analogies to life assurance. - Young, T. E. |

|p.322-323 | |Reviews, III. |

Interest and bond values, by M. A. Mackenzie

The student's guide to life assurance, by Arthur W. Tarn

|p.324-325 | |Correspondence, II. |

Sickness notation, by J. H. Schooling

|p.325-326 | |International Congress of Actuaries, 1912. |

|p.326 | |Erratum, life tables. |

|p.327-384 | |The superannuation and pension funds of certain metropolitan borough councils, their establishment, administration and actuarial |

| | |investigation. - Manly, H. W.; Ackland, T. G.; Clinton, L. E. |

|p.384-394 | |The medico-actuarial investigation of the mortality of American and Canadian life assurance companies. - Hunter, A. |

|p.394-401 | |Legal notes, IV. - Barrand, A. R. |

|p.401-405 | |A practical formula for the value of a loan repayable by a cumulative sinking fund operating at every p-th interest date (Actuarial |

| | |note) |

|p.406-407 | |Solution of a problem in reversions (Actuarial note) |

|p.407-409 | |Reviews, IV. |

The insurance guide and handbook (5th ed), by Henry W. Andras (ed)

|p.409-429 | |Examination papers, April 1912. |

|p.429-456 | |Annual report, 1911-1912. |

Proceedings of the Institute - session 1911-1912

Report of Council, 1911-1912

Revenue account and balance sheet, for the year ending 31 March 1912

Results of the examinations, 1912

Proceedings at the annual general meeting, 1912

Additions to the library, to October 1912

|p.457-458 | |Obituaries, I. |

Hughes, William

Bailey, Arthur Hutcheson

JIA v.47 (1913)

|p.1-19 | |Address by the President. - Schooling, F. |

|p.19-66 | |Some observations on the currency and credit and their influence on trade and exchange. - May, W. T. |

|p.66-86 | |Mortality of Government life annuitants: Copy of report of the actuary of the National Debt Office, dated the 12th day of October, |

| | |1910, on the mortality of Government life annuitants. - Blakey, J. |

|p.87-94 | |Legal notes, I. - Barrand, A. R. |

|p.94-97 | |The value of a loan repayable by a cumulative sinking fund (Actuarial note) - Petter, H. |

|p.98-106 | |Reviews, I. |

Victorian friendly societies experience, 1903-1907, by A. M. Laughton

Japanese three offices life tables (1910)

|p.107-186 | |Some aspects of the National Insurance Act, 1911 [Part 1 - National Health Insurance] - Simmonds, R. C. |

|p.186-284 | |'House purchase' companies: the 'bond investment' sections of the 1909 Act and some actuarial features of the business returned |

| | |thereunder. - Maltby, C. H. |

|p.284-298 | |The graduation of mortality tables by interpolation. - Shovelton, S. T. |

|p.298-309 | |Legal notes, II. - Barrand, A. R. |

|p.309-312 | |Reviews, II. |

Friendly society finance considered in its actuarial aspect. A course of lectures delivered at the Institute of Actuaries, by Alfred William Watson

|p.312-314 | |Obituaries, I. |

Hardy, Ralph Price

|p.315-393 | |The estimated age-distribution of the Indian population, as recorded at the Census of 1911, and the estimated rates of mortality, |

| | |deduced from a comparison of the census returns for 1901 and 1911. - Ackland, T. G. |

|p.394-414 | |The estimated age-distribution of the Indian population, as recorded at the Census of 1911, and the estimated rates of mortality, |

| | |deduced from a comparison of the census returns for 1901 and 1911: Discussion. - Ackland, T. G. |

|p.414-421 | |The medico-actuarial investigation of the mortality of American and Canadian life assurance companies. - Hunter, A. |

|p.421-426 | |Legal notes, III. - Barrand, A. R. |

|p.426-432 | |Reviews, III. |

The mortality of Hungarian assured lives. Published by the Central Office for Hungarian Assured Lives

Versicherungs-Lexikon, by Alfred Manes

Nozioni di scienza attuariale, by Gennaro Minutilli

Calculation of moments of an abrupt frequency-distribution, by W. F. Sheppard

On the fitting of Makeham's curve to mortality observations, by J. F. Steffensen

|p.433-539 | |An investigation into the effects of family and personal history upon the rates of mortality experienced in various classes of life |

| | |assurance risks, with special reference to tuberculosis. - Rusher, E. A.; Kenchington, C. E. |

|p.539-548 | |The medico-actuarial investigation of the mortality of American and Canadian life assurance companies. - Hunter, A. |

|p.548-559 | |National Insurance Act, 1911. Life tables based on the estimated population of England and Wales on 30 June 1909 and the deaths |

| | |registered in the three years 1908-1910, and adopted in computing reserve values for the purposes of the Act. |

|p.560-564 | |Legal notes, IV. - Barrand, A. R. |

|p.565-586 | |Examination papers, April 1913. |

|p.586-610 | |Annual report, 1912-1913. |

Proceedings of the Institute - session 1912-1913

Report of Council, 1912-1913

Revenue account and balance sheet, for the year ending 31 March 1913

Results of the examinations, 1913

Proceedings at the annual general meeting, 1913

Additions to the library, to October 1913

JIA v.48 (1914)

|p.1-32 | |Approximate valuation of endowment assurances. - Elderton, W. P. |

|p.32-45 | |A novel superannuation scheme. - Manly, H. W. |

|p.45-103 | |Whole life non-profit assurances. - Cameron, F. J. |

|p.103-107 | |Legal notes, I. - Barrand, A. R. |

|p.107-109 | |The valuation of whole-life policies by select tables (Actuarial note) - Tayler, H. H. |

|p.109-116 | |Reviews, I. |

National Insurance Act, 1911. New tables of sickness and issue rates

The theory of money, by D. A. Barker

The evolution of German banking, by Leopold Joseph

Valuation tables, by Richard Parry

|p.117-120 | |Correspondence, I. |

Whole life non-profit assurances, by N. Blanchard

|p.121-171 | |The extension of existing valuation methods of grouping policies by the employment of a system of weights. - King, A. E. |

|p.171-185 | |Graduation by reduction of mean square of error, I. - Sheppard, W. F. |

|p.186-197 | |The medico-actuarial investigation of the mortality of American and Canadian life assurance companies. - Hunter, A. |

|p.197-204 | |Legal notes, II. - Sharman, W. C. |

|p.204-215 | |Reviews, II. |

Bunyon on the law of life assurance (5th ed), by J. V. Vesey Fitzgerald, A. R. Barrand and Cecil A. Hunt

The Census of 1911. Report on the graduation of ages, by George King

Grondbeginselen der Levensverzekerings-Wiskunde (Elements of actuarial science), by P. Schouten

|p.216 | |Resolution of congratulation to Sir George F. Hardy, KCB. |

Split record : Item 2: Erratum, v.48

|p.217-261 | |The valuation of benefits dependent upon promotion to a higher status. - Thomas, E. C. |

|p.261-293 | |The treatment of the depreciation in assets due to an enhanced rate of interest. - Tilt, R. R. |

|p.294-303 | |A short method of constructing an abridged mortality table. - King, G. |

|p.303-310 | |Legal notes, III. - Sharman, W. C. |

|p.310-312 | |Reviews, III. |

The construction of mortality and sickness tables, by W. Palin Elderton and H.C. Fippard

Théorie et practique des opérations financières, by Alfred Barriol

|p.312-313 | |Correspondence, II. |

Select net premiums for endowment assurances, by W. E. Norton

|p.314 | |International Congress of Actuaries, 1915. |

|p.315-390 | |Section 72 of the National Insurance Act. Some other features of friendly societies and national insurance, including a note on the |

| | |proposed Belgian National Insurance Act. - Nathan, E. B. |

|p.390-412 | |Graduation by reduction of mean square of error, II [continued in v.49] - Sheppard, W. F. |

|p.404 | |Errata, v.48. |

|p.413-422 | |Legal notes, IV. - Sharman, W. C. |

|p.422-425 | |Reviews, IV. |

The English convict (a statistical study), by C. Goring

|p.426-447 | |Examination papers, April 1914. |

|p.448-472 | |Annual report, 1913-1914. |

Proceedings of the Institute - session 1913-1914

Report of Council, 1913-1914

Revenue account and balance sheet, for the year ending 31 March 1914

Results of the examinations, 1914

Proceedings at the annual general meeting, 1914

Additions to the library, to October 1914

JIA v.49 (1915)

|p.1-14 | |Obituaries and Memoirs, I. |

Hardy, Sir George Francis, KCB

|p.14-32 | |Address by the President. - Woods, E. |

|p.33-89 | |Canadian mortgages regarded as a field for the investment of the funds of British life assurance companies, with some general notes on|

| | |Canadian indebtedness. - Besant, A. D. |

|p.89-96 | |Legal notes, I. - Sharman, W. C. |

|p.96-107 | |The new English Life Tables. |

|p.107-109 | |Reviews, I. |

Vital statistics explained, by Joseph Burn

|p.110 | |Correspondence, I. |

Mr. Nathan's paper on Section 72 of the National Insurance Act, by R. G. Maudling

Separate from record: Item 2: Watson, Sir Alfred: New Year honours, 1915.

|p.111-148 | |The analysis of life office expenses. - Maltby, C. H. |

|p.148-157 | |Graduation by reduction of mean square or error (III) [continued from v.48] - Sheppard, W. F. |

|p.156 | |Erratum, v.48. |

|p.158-165 | |The medico-actuarial investigation of the mortality of American and Canadian life assurance companies. - Hunter, A. |

|p.165-170 | |Legal notes, II. - Sharman, W. C. |

|p.170-175 | |Reviews, II. |

Stone's insurance cases, by Gilbert Stone and Keith Grimble Groves

On the graduation of mortality tables by G. F. Hardy's modification of method of moments, by J. F. Steffensen

Tafels der Englesche Maatschappijen

The Assurance Magazine, vol.1 (reprint)

|p.175-180 | |Obituaries and Memoirs, II. |

Manly, Henry William

Hardy, Sir George Francis, KCB

|p.180-181 | |The Institute of Actuaries: Sessional meetings. |

|p.181 | |International Congress of Actuaries, 1915. |

Separate record: Item 2: Erratum, v.43

|p.193-254 | |Practical points in connection with the formation and valuation of pension funds, with a note on group assurances. - Burn, J.; |

| | |Symmons, F. P. |

|p.254-282 | |Two notes on questions of office practice. - Todhunter, R. |

|p.282-290 | |Legal notes, III. - Sharman, W. C. |

|p.290-295 | |Practical formulæ for the valuation of a loan repayable by a cumulative sinking fund operating at every p-th interest date (Actuarial|

| | |note) |

|p.296 | |Obituaries, III. |

Elliott, Christopher Jonathan (Died of wounds, 1915)

Pollock, George Henry (Killed on patrol duty, 1915)

Corble, Edgar (Killed in action, 1915)

Mann, Frederick Christmas (Killed in action, 1915)

|p.297-354 | |The new national life tables. - King, G. |

|p.355-359 | |The relation between the method of moments and the method of least squares. - Steffensen, J. F. |

|p.359-366 | |Legal notes, IV. - Sharman, W. C. |

|p.366-369 | |The determination, by means of bond-value tables, of the rate yielded by a redeemable bond when income tax is taken into account |

| | |(Actuarial note) [Continued in v.50] |

|p.369-375 | |Osculatory interpolation, where the given values of the function are at unequal intervals (Actuarial note) |

|p.375-379 | |Reviews, III. |

Legal risks incident to investment in reversionary interests in personalty, by A. H. Withers

Improved four-figure logarithm table, by George C. McLaren

|p.380-383 | |Correspondence, II. |

Limited payment policies. Mortality and special reserves, by A. Fraser

|p.383-405 | |Examination papers, April 1915. |

|p.406-432 | |Annual report, 1914-1915. |

Proceedings of the Institute - session 1914-1915

Report of Council, 1914-1915

Revenue account and balance sheet, for the year ending 31 March 1915

Results of the examinations, 1915

Proceedings at the annual general meeting, 1915

Additions to the library to October 1915

|p.436 | |Obituaries, IV. |

Phillips, Hubert Henry (Died of wounds, 1915)

Jennings, Alexander (Killed in action, 1915)

Bidwell, Claude (Killed in action, 1915)

Young, David Goldie (Killed in action, 1915)

Wellisch, Frederick (Killed in action, 1915)

JIA v.50 (1916-1917)

|p.1-14 | |The valuation of double endowment assurances. - Vaughan, H. |

|p.15-33 | |Notes on finite differences. - Fraser, D. C. |

|p.33-47 | |Legal notes, I. - Sharman, W. C. |

|p.47-49 | |Friendly society valuations. |

|p.49-54 | |A formula for the rate of interest in an annuity-certain (Actuarial note) - Steffensen, J. F. |

|p.55-73 | |Reviews, I. |

The mortality experience of 17 Swedish life companies

Mortality laws and statistics, by Robert Henderson

Table of compound interest at per-cent and of antilogarithms to 60 figures to base 1.00125, by J. J. Stuckey

A course in interpolation and numerical integration for the mathematical laboratory (Edinburgh Mathematical Tracts, no.2), by David Gibb

Five-figure mathematical tables, compiled by E. Chappell etc

An elementary manual of statistics (2nd ed), by Arthur L. Bowley

An inquiry into the statistics of deaths from violence and unnatural causes in the United Kingdom, by William A. Brend

La mortalité chez les neutres en temps de guerre, by L. Hersch

|p.73-75 | |Correspondence, I. |

Limited payment life policies. Special reserves for profits and expenses, by A. D. Watson

|p.75-82 | |The Sir George Hardy memorial. |

|p.83 | |Suspension of sessional meetings and examinations of the Institute. |

|p.83-84 | |Obituaries, I. |

Gumprecht, Ernest Harold Marden (Killed in action, 1915)

Tombs, John Bernard Evelyn (Died of dysentry, 1915)

Gravatt, Hubert Charles Alfred (Killed in action, 1915)

Fippard, Richard Clift (Killed in action, 1915)

|p.85-99 | |Central-difference interpolation formulæ. - Sheppard, W. F. |

|p.99-118 | |National Insurance Acts. The Departmental Committee's reports. |

|p.118-123 | |Legal notes, II. - Sharman, W. C. |

|p.123-125 | |The determination, by means of bond-value tables, of the rate yielded by a redeemable bond when income tax is taken into account |

| | |(Actuarial note). [Continued from v.49] |

|p.126-132 | |Ordinary and osculatory interpolation (Actuarial note) |

|p.133-137 | |A general method of obtaining interpolation formulas (Actuarial note) |

|p.137-140 | |Notes on the mortality experience of missionaries of the Wesleyan Methodist Missionary Society (Actuarial note) |

|p.140-151 | |Reviews, II. |

Royal Commission on Venereal Diseases. Final report [Cd. 8189]. Minutes of evidence etc [Cd. 7474 and 8189]

Matemáticas financieras - primera parte - Intereses y annualidades ciertas, by José González Galé

|p.151-154 | |Correspondence, II. |

Mortality among neutrals in war-time, by D. S. Savory

The Sir George Hardy memorial, by S. G. Warner

|p.154-171 | |Annual report, 1915-1916. |

Report of Council, 1915-1916

Revenue account and balance sheet, for the year ending 31 March 1916

Proceedings at the annual general meeting, 1916

Additions to the library, to October 1916

|p.172-175 | |Obituaries, II. |

Ackland, Thomas Gans

Kerr, Donald (Killed in action, 1916)

Kemp, Ernest Charles (Killed in action, 1916)

Grantham, George Henry (Killed in action, 1916)

Wallis, Harry (Killed in action, 1916)

Field, John Morton (Killed in action, 1916)

Davies, Leslie (Killed in action, 1916)

Snowdon, Sidney Frank (Killed in action, 1916)

Emery, Walter Sydney (Killed in action, 1915)

|p.176 | |Sessional meetings of the Institute. |

|p.177-200 | |Address by the President. - Warner, S. G. |

|p.201-221 | |Frequency curves and correlation. Addendum (with diagram) and errata. - Elderton, W. P. |

|p.221-231 | |National Insurance Acts. The Departmental Committee's further and final reports. |

|p.231-242 | |Continuous valuation machinery. - McCormack, P. H. |

|p.243-247 | |Legal notes, III. - Sharman, W. C. |

|p.247-250 | |A method of determining approximately the rate yielded by a redeemable bond (Actuarial note) - Armstrong, J. R. |

|p.251-259 | |Graduation by Makeham's hypothesis (Actuarial note) - Elderton, W. P.; Rowland, S. J. |

|p.259-265 | |Summation formulæ with second difference errors (Actuarial note) - Watson, A. D. |

|p.266 | |Obituaries, III. |

Davis, Percival James (Died of wounds, 1916)

McLean, John Victor (Died of wounds, 1916)

Benjamin, Stanley Octavius (Died of wounds, 1916)

Ledger, Robert John (Died on service, 1917)

Fyfe, Austyn James Claude (Killed in action, 1917)

Grant, Frederick John (Killed in action, 1916)

Burrows, George Eustace (Killed in action, 1917)

|p.267-294 | |Inflation: in what sense it exists; how far it can be controlled. - Foxwell, H. S. |

|p.294-300 | |Joint-life annuities by two Makeham tables with different constants; with an application to the Government annuity experience, |

| | |1875-1904. |

|p.301-304 | |Legal notes, IV. - Sharman, W. C. |

|p.305-312 | |Summation formulæ introducing second difference errors, and formulæ correct to third differences derived therefrom (Actuarial note) |

| | |- Watson, A. D. |

|p.313-314 | |Surrender values of altered-class policies (Actuarial note) - Fraser, A. |

|p.315-321 | |Reviews, III. |

The combination of observations, by David Brunt

On a formula facilitating the application of select mortality for all durations, by J. F. Steffensen

Su una relazione fra l'annualità vitalizia di gruppo e l'annualità semplice, nell'ipotesi di Makeham, by F. Insolera

|p.321-338 | |Annual report, 1916-1917. |

Proceedings of the Institute, session 1916-1917

Report of Council, 1916-1917

Revenue account and balance sheet, for the year ending 31 March 1917

Proceedings at the annual general meeting, 1917

Additions to the library, to October 1917

|p.338 | |Errata, v.50. |

|p.342 | |Obituaries, IV. |

Ellis, Reginald George Gregson (Died of wounds, 1917)

Fielden, Gilbert Sutcliffe (Died on service, 1917)

Williamson, Edgar Rowe, MC (Killed in action, 1916)

Blake, Francis Seymour (Killed in action, 1916)

Reeve, Gilfrid Montier (Killed in action, 1916)

Fromant, Herbert Dudley Sands (Killed in action, 1917)

Marlin, James Harold (Killed in action, 1917)

Hog, James (Killed in action, 1916)

Hawkins, Lionel Frank (Killed in action, 1916)

Lobb, Melville Elliott (Killed in action, 1915)

Holgate, Thomas (Killed in action, 1917)

JIA v.51 (1918-1919)

|p.1-24 | |Address by the President. - Warner, S. G. |

|p.24-31 | |Yields on redeemable securities. |

|p.32-38 | |Investments a hundred years ago. - Elderton, W. P. |

|p.38-44 | |A general expansion formula. |

|p.45-53 | |Legal notes, I. - Sharman, W. C. |

|p.53-54 | |Annuity reserves and rates in the United States. |

|p.54-56 | |The United States government life assurance scheme for officers, men and nurses on active service. |

|p.56-62 | |Reviews, I. |

The mathematical theory of population, of its character and fluctuations, and of the factors which influence them, by G. H. Knibbs

Du calcul dans les jeux de hasard (extrait des œuvres complètes de Christiaan Huygens: Tome XIV), by D. J. Kortweg (ed)

Interest and bond-values (2nd ed), by M. A. Mackenzie

|p.62-71 | |Correspondence, I. |

Annuity-values on Makeham's hypothesis, by F. Insolera

Mortality among neutrals in war-time, by D. S. Savory

Industrial mortality in 1915-1917 (with diagram), by J. Burn

|p.71-72 | |The Institute of Actuaries: re position of candidates for the examinations in view of the situation created by the War. |

|p.72-75 | |Regulations and syllabus of examinations. |

|p.75-76 | |Regulations for probationers. |

|p.76 | |Obituaries, I. |

Smith, Walter Ernest (Died of wounds, 1917)

Hammond, Hugh Jerrold (Died of wounds, 1918)

Needell, Brian (Killed in action, 1917)

Doucet, Gerald Danby (Killed in action, 1917)

Orrell, Harry (Killed in action, 1917)

Weatherdon, Sidney George (Killed in action, 1917)

Askwith, Thomas Nowell (Killed in action, 1917)

Askham, William (Killed in action, 1918)

|p.77-106 | |Newton's interpolation formulas. - Fraser, D. C. |

|p.106-117 | |Notes on some recent developments of pension problems in America, I. - Whittall, W. J. H. |

|p.118-126 | |A method of approximate valuation. - Henry, A. |

|p.126-129 | |Decreasing debts on endowment assurances. - Ashley, C. H. |

|p.129-135 | |Mathematical symbols. |

|p.135-140 | |Legal notes, II. - Sharman, W. C. |

|p.141-144 | |The United States moratorium in respect of the life assurance premiums of officers, men and nurses on active service. |

|p.144-149 | |A comprehensive table for the calculation of yields (gross and net) on redeemable securities (Actuarial note) - Armstrong, J. R. |

|p.150-160 | |Correspondence, II. |

O[M] 5 per-cent annuities: Original tables, by C. K. Granger

|p.161-175 | |Annual report, 1917-1918. |

Proceedings of the Institute, 1917-1918

Report of Council, 1917-1918

Revenue account and balance sheet, for the year ending 31 March 1918

Proceedings at the annual general meeting, 1918

Additions to the library, to October 1918

|p.175-178 | |New bye-laws. |

|p.178-183 | |Course of reading. |

|p.183-184 | |Obituaries, II. |

Goodyear, Frederick George, MC (Died of wounds, 1917)

Dove, Edward Maddison, MC (Killed in action, 1918)

Carter, George Leslie Lewis (Died on service, 1918)

Keable, Henry Batten (Died on service, 1918)

Steed, Alan Davidson (Killed in action, 1918)

Gregory, Arthur Skelton (Killed in action, 1918)

Clarke, Edwin Charles Kaye, MC (Killed in action, 1918)

Robinson, Hugh Thomas Kay, DSO (Killed in action, 1918)

|p.185-210 | |Address by the President. - Marks, G. |

|p.211-232 | |Newton's interpolation formulas: further notes. - Fraser, D. C. |

|p.233-244 | |Notes on some recent developments of pension problems in America, II. - Whittall, W. J. H. |

|p.245-259 | |Note on a fundamental question underlying the pension problem; with a reference to the School Teachers' Superannuation Act, 1918. - |

| | |Whittall, W. J. H. |

|p.259-267 | |The American-Canadian mortality investigation, 1900-1915, I. |

|p.267-270 | |Two recent legal decisions affecting titles to reversions. - Withers, A. H. |

|p.270-273 | |Legal notes, III. - Sharman, W. C. |

|p.274-297 | |Certain inequalities and methods of approximation. - Steffensen, J. F. |

|p.297-300 | |Claim acceleration reserve for endowment assurances (Actuarial note) |

|p.300-303 | |Reviews, II. |

Standard mortality ratios incident to variations in height and weight among men. Report of the Joint Committee of the Actuarial Society of America and the Association of Life Assurance Medical Directors

Simple Interest tables (£ s. d.), by William Schooling

|p.304-309 | |Correspondence, III. |

The relations between the rates of mortality, or decrement, from particular causes, and the rates from all causes, with some remarks upon the prevalent misuse of the term 'rate' , by A. T. Traversi

The nationality of J. N. Tetens, by J. F. Steffensen

|p.309-310 | |Address to the King, on the signing of the Armistice. |

|p.311-312 | |Obituaries, III. |

Alexander, John William Ewart (Died on service, 1916)

Brown, Harry Walter (Died on service, 1917)

Bradley, Wilfred (Died of wounds, 1917)

Shilson, Charles Sidney (Killed in action, 1916)

Bristow, Frederick Lighton (Killed in action, 1916)

Hurley, John Cromwell (Killed in action, 1917)

Grigg, Malcolm Howard (Killed in action, 1916)

Gale, Ralph George (Killed in action, 1917)

Cole, Raymond (Killed in action, 1916)

Cunliffe, Thomas Graham (Killed in action, 1917)

Middleton, Thomas (Killed in action, 1916)

Austin, Vincent John (Killed in action, 1916)

Harriss, Alfred Richard (Died of wounds, 1918)

Roberts, Donald Arthur (Died on service, 1918)

Gifkins, Charles George (Killed in action, 1918)

Maddox, Cyril Percy (Killed in action, 1917)

Newland, Edward Albert (Killed in action, 1918)

Defries, Frederick (Killed in action, 1918)

Ascott, George Frederick Thomas (Killed in action, 1918)

Mills, Henry Jackson (Killed in action, 1918)

Orr, James Henry (Killed in action, 1917)

|p.313-337 | |Group insurance. - McCormack, P. H. |

|p.337-346 | |The American-Canadian mortality investigation, 1900-1915, II. |

|p.347-356 | |Legal notes, IV. - Sharman, W. C. |

|p.356-362 | |Graphic method of obtaining the yield on a redeemable security (Actuarial note) - Diver, O. F. |

|p.362-364 | |The valuation of victory bonds held to pay estate duty (Actuarial note) |

|p.364-369 | |Reviews, III. |

Pensions for hospital officers and staffs: Report of a sub-committee of the Executive Committee of King Edward's Hospital Fund for London

Actuarial studies: No.1, Sources and characteristics of the principal mortality tables; No.4, graduation of mortality and other tables

|p.370-388 | |Examination papers, June 1919. |

|p.388-407 | |Annual report, 1918-1919. |

Proceedings of the Institute - session 1918-1919

Report of Council, 1918-1919

Revenue account and balance sheet, for the year ending 31 March 1919

Results of the examinations, June 1919

Proceedings at the annual general meeting, 1919

Additions to the library, to October 1919

|p.407-409 | |Encouragement of actuarial research. |

|p.410-411 | |Lectures on finance. |

|p.411 | |Obituaries, IV. |

Heald, Geoffrey Yates (Killed in action, 1916)

|p.412 | |The nationality of J. N. Tetens. |

| | |Errata, v.51 |

JIA v.52 (1920-1921)

|p.1-37 | |The reversionary (or prospective) and collective methods of valuing widows' funds. - Howell, C. E. |

|p.38-48 | |A new method of valuing policies in groups. - Trachtenberg, H. L. |

|p.48-67 | |Some further suggestions on the subject of approximate valuations. - Henry, A. |

|p.68-72 | |Valuation of redeemable securities with allowance for tax. |

|p.72-80 | |Unemployment Insurance Bill: Report by the Government Actuary on the financial provisions of the bill. |

|p.81-90 | |National Health Insurance Bill: Report by the Government Actuary upon the financial proposals of the bill. |

|p.91-101 | |Legal notes, I. - Sharman, W. C. |

|p.102-106 | |An elementary demonstration of Stirling's approximate formula for the value of factorial n. |

|p.106-109 | |Reviews, I. |

Pulmonary tuberculosis: Mortality after sanatorium treatment, by Noel D. Bardswell

|p.109-110 | |Correspondence, I. |

The yield on a redeemable bond when income-tax is taken into account, by O. F. Diver

|p.111-114 | |Admission of women to membership. |

|p.114-115 | |Results of the examinations, December 1919. |

|p.116 | |Lectures on statistics (syllabus) |

Obituaries, I - separate the record Clare, Arthur Vernon (Killed in action, 1916)

Watson, Harry (Killed in action, 1916)

|p.117-135 | |Newton's interpolation formulas. Further notes. - Fraser, D. C. |

|p.135-140 | |A note on Mr. King's method of graduation and its relation to graphic method. - Yule, G. U. |

|p.141-161 | |Actuarial aspects of industrial assurance, with special reference to the report of the Departmental Committee on the business of |

| | |industrial assurance companies and collecting societies. |

|p.161-162 | |Stirling's approximate formula for n! |

|p.162-170 | |Legal notes, II. - Sharman, W. C. |

|p.171-179 | |Obtaining values of life annuities at isolated rates of interest (Actuarial note) - Lever, E. H. |

|p.179-184 | |Reviews, II. |

Ministry of National Service, 1917-1919. Report, vol. I, upon the physical examination of men of military age by National Service Medical Boards from 1 November 1917 to 31 October 1918

The assessment of physical fitness, by Georges Dreyer, in collaboration with G. F. Hanson

|p.184-186 | |Correspondence, II. |

re. Letter from A.T. Traversi (JIA 51), by G. Balducci

|p.187-204 | |Examination papers, December 1919. |

|p.204-221 | |Examination papers, June 1920. |

|p.222-240 | |Annual report, 1919-1920. |

Proceedings of the Institute - session 1919-1920

Report of Council, 1919-1920

Revenue account and balance sheet, for the year ending 31 March 1920

Results of the examinations June 1920

Proceedings at the annual general meeting, 1920

Additions to the library, to October 1920

|p.241-259 | |Memoirs, II. |

Sprague, Thomas Bond

|p.259-285 | |Address by the President. - Watson, A. W. |

|p.286-341 | |A short method of constructing select mortality tables. - King, G. |

|p.341-384 | |The Census of 1921. Some remarks on tabulation. - Menzler, F. A. A. |

|p.384-388 | |National health insurance. |

|p.389 | |Valuation of redeemable securities with allowance for tax. |

|p.389-402 | |Reviews, III. |

Zur Ausgleichung von zweifach abgestuften statistischen Reihen, by Hofrat Prof E. Blaschke

Elements of statistics, by Arthur L. Bowley

Lezioni di statistica metodologica, by Prof F. Insolera

Pension endowment, life assurance, and other schemes for employees of commercial companies, by Harold Dougharty

Supplement to the 75th Annual Report of the Registrar-General of Births, Deaths and Marriages in England and Wales. Part II. Abridged life tables

On a class of graduation formulæ, by Catherine W. M. Sherriff

Reduction of error by linear compounding, by W. F. Sheppard

|p.402-403 | |Correspondence, III. |

A new method of valuing policies in groups, by H. L. Trachtenberg

|p.405-453 | |Superannuation funds. Notes on some post-war problems, together with an account of a pensioners' mortality experience (civil service |

| | |pensioners, 1904-1914) - Epps, G. S. W. |

|p.453-488 | |Modern developments in the methods of industrial assurance valuations. - Kenchington, C. W. |

|p.488-491 | |A group-check for endowment assurance net premiums, by means of mean ages based on the Z method. |

|p.491-514 | |Legal notes, III. - Bateman, R. A. |

|p.514-515 | |Correspondence, IV. |

Approximate calculations of joint-life annuity-values, by G. J. Lidstone

|p.516-531 | |Examination papers, December 1920. |

|p.531-552 | |Examination papers, June 1921. |

|p.552-574 | |Annual report, 1920-1921. |

Proceedings of the Institute - session 1920-1921

Report of Council, 1920-1921

Revenue account and balance sheet, for the year ending 31 March 1921

Results of the examinations, December 1920

Results of the examinations, June 1921

Proceedings at the annual general meeting, 1921

Additions to the library, to October 1921

|p.574 | |Obituaries, II. |

Twentyman, Joseph Jefferson (Died on service, 1919)

Martin, Ernest Milton (Killed in action, 1918)

Langstaff, James Miles (Killed in action, 1917)

Separate the record: Item 2: Errata, v.48 & 52

v.53 (1922)

|p.1-42 | |An investigation into the mortality experienced by life tenants under reversions, with some conclusions drawn therefrom. - Lever, E.|

| | |H. |

|p.42-60 | |The relation between the course of wholesale prices of commodities and the market value of various classes of securities. - Perry, |

| | |S. J. |

|p.61-67 | |Another method of valuing policies in groups. - Trachtenberg, H. L. |

|p.67-71 | |Pension funds and income tax. |

|p.72-78 | |Legal notes, I. - Bateman, R. A. |

|p.78-96 | |Reviews, I. |

A treatise on probability, by John Maynard Keynes

Medical examinations for life insurance, by Thomas D. Lister

Tracts for computers, by Karl Pearson (ed)

On the remainder of certain formulas of mechanical quadrature, by J. F. Steffensen

|p.96-97 | |Correspondence, I. |

Mr. Lidstone's method of approximating to the values of joint-life and last survivor annuities, by D. C. Fraser

|p.98 | |Erratum, v.52. |

|p.99-104 | |Report of the speeches at the unveiling of the Institute of Actuaries war memorial. |

|p.104-166 | |A short method of constructing select mortality tables. Further developments. - King, G. |

|p.167-191 | |Results of an investigation into the effect of different valuation bases upon surplus. - Maltby, C. H. |

|p.192-201 | |Certain formulas of approximate summation and integration. - Steffensen, J. F. |

|p.201-206 | |Legal notes, II. - Bateman, R. A. |

|p.206-208 | |Reviews, II. |

The use of death rates as a measure of hygienic conditions, by John Brownlee

|p.209-250 | |Austrian national life tables. - Richmond, G. W. |

|p.250-284 | |The valuation of endowment assurances by select tables. - Brown, E. H. |

|p.285-289 | |Local Government and other Officers' Superannuation Act, 1922. |

|p.289-300 | |Legal notes, III. - Bateman, R. A. |

|p.301-303 | |Extra premiums on limited payment policies (Actuarial note) |

|p.303-313 | |Reviews, III. |

National health insurance: valuations of approved societies as at 31 December 1918; Report by the Government Actuary

A correlation formula, by J. F. Steffensen

Frequency arrays, by H. E. Soper

La misura delle grandezze ed il problema delle prove ripetute nel calcolo delle probabilità, by Silvio Minetola

Depreciation, by V. H. Veley

Tables of the incomplete G-function. Computed by the staff of the Department of Applied Statistics, University of London, University College, by Karl Pearson (ed)

0[M] values of D, N S and a for quinquennial ages and a series of rates of interest

Complementi di matematica, by S. O. Carboni

|p.313-323 | |English Life Table no. 8. Force of mortality and 3½ per-cent functions. - Ashley, C. H. |

|p.324-346 | |Examination papers, April 1922. |

|p.346-370 | |Annual report, 1921-1922. |

Proceedings of the Institute - session 1921-1922

Report of Council, 1921-1922

Revenue account for the year ending 31March 1922

Examination results, April 1922

Proceedings at the annual general meeting, 12 June 1922

Additions to the library, to October 1922

|p.370-380 | |Memorandum as to alterations in examination syllabus. Regulations and syllabus of examinations for admission to the classes of |

| | |student, Associate and Fellow. |

|p.380 | |Errata, v.53. |

JIA v.54 (1923)

|p.1-23 | |Address by the President. - Phelps, W. P. |

|p.24-42 | |Notes on the treatment of extra risk. - Elderton, W. P. |

|p.43-90 | |Report on the results of an investigation of the mortality experience of life annuitants during the period 1900-1920. - Elderton, W.|

| | |P.; Oakley, H. J. P. |

|p.91-95 | |Legal notes, I. - Bateman, R. A. |

|p.96-103 | |Net premiums for endowment assurances and temporary assurances, also values of temporary annuities, in the case of three or four joint|

| | |lives (Actuarial note) - Robertson, F. W. |

|p.103-119 | |Reviews, I. |

Life contingencies, by E. F. Spurgeon

Calculus and probability for actuarial students, by Alfred Henry

La théorie des opérations viagères, by L. Maingie

The insurance guide and hand-book (6th ed): vol.I: Life assurance, by R. C. Simmonds (ed); vol.II: Fire insurance &c, by J. H. Matthews (ed)

Tables of applied mathematics in finance, insurance, statistics, by James W. Glover (ed)

|p.119-121 | |Correspondence, I. |

Relativity and the duration of life, by R. D. Anderson

|p.121-122 | |The Institute of Actuaries [re: advertising of services/tendering for business] |

|p.122 | |Errata, v.53. |

|p.123-149 | |Damaged lives and options. - McCormack, P. H. |

|p.150-203 | |The scheme of national health insurance considered in relation to the valuations of approved societies as at 31 December 1918. - |

| | |Harvey, P. N. |

|p.204-207 | |Reviews, II. |

The mathematical theory of probabilities, Vol.I (2nd ed), by Arne Fisher

An elementary treatise on frequency curves and their application in the analysis of death curves, by Arne Fisher

Vorlesungen über die Grundzüge der Mathematischen Statistik, by C.V.L. Charlier

A first course in statistics, by D. Caradog Jones

A critical analysis of industrial pension systems, by Luther Conant

|p.208-216 | |Correspondence, II. |

Calculus and probability, by A. Henry

Approximate integration, by C. H. Wickens

Heights and weights, by A. Levine

|p.217 | |Staple Inn Hall. |

|p.219-269 | |Notes on some actuarial aspects of the Local Government and other Officers' Superannuation Act, 1922, and on a method suitable for the|

| | |initial valuation of a small fund of the 'Officer' type. - Besant, A. D. |

|p.269-284 | |Mortality of annuitants, 1900-1920. A report on graduation and presentation of monetary tables. - Elderton, W. P. |

|p.285-290 | |Further notes on the mortality experienced by life tenants under reversions. - Lever, E. H. |

|p.290-297 | |Legal notes, II. - Bateman, R. A. |

|p.298-304 | |Reviews, III. |

Statistical method, by Truman L. Kelley

Chance and error, by Marsh Hopkins

Nature and purpose of the measurement of social phenomena (2nd ed), by A. L. Bowley

Guide to current official statistics: first issue (1922)

Versicherungs-Bibliothek, by A. Manes (ed)

Sozialversicherung (5th ed), by A. Manes

Interpolation formulas, with one and more variables, by J. F. Steffensen

Factorial moments and discontinuous frequency functions, by J. F. Steffensen

Tracts for computers, no.IX: Log G(x) from x=1 to 50.9 by intervals of .01, by John Brownlee

A short course in interpolation, by E. T. Whittaker and George Robinson

|p.305-327 | |Examination papers, May 1923. |

|p.328-348 | |Annual report, 1922-1923. |

Proceedings of the Institute - session 1922-1923

Report of Council, 1922-1923

Revenue account and balance sheet, for the year ending 31 March 1923

Results of the examinations, May 1923

Proceedings at the annual general meeting, 1923

Additions to the library, to November 1923

|p.349 | |Examination regulations. |

| | |Errata: the new text-books. |

JIA v.55 (1924)

|p.1-27 | |Notes on the interpretation of 'select' rates of mortality. - Elderton, W. P.; Oakley, H. J. P. |

|p.27-83 | |Notes on the Industrial Assurance Act, 1923. - Murray Laing, J. |

|p.83-88 | |Remarks on Trachtenberg's method (no.1) of valuing policies in groups. |

|p.88-98 | |Legal notes, I. - Bateman, R. A. |

|p.98-99 | |The determination of the rate of interest in an annuity-certain by quadrature (Actuarial note) |

|p.99-105 | |Reviews, I. |

Matematisk Iagttagelseslœre, by J. F. Steffensen

Tracts for computers, no.X: On quadrature and cubature, or On methods of determining approximately single or double integrals, by J. O. Irwin

Assurances sur la vie. Calcul des primes, by H. Galbrun

Die prinzipien der Lebensversicherungs-technik, by Alfred Manes

|p.105-106 | |Correspondence, I. |

'Formula 39(a)' , by A. Henry

|p.106 | |The library. |

|p.107-130 | |Some suggested amendments to the Assurance Companies Act, 1909. - Maltby, C. H. |

|p.131-143 | |The inclusion of disability and fatal accident benefits in life assurance contracts: Abstract of the discussion. |

|p.144-159 | |Mortality experience of government life annuitants, 1900-1920. |

|p.160-177 | |Notes on recent reports on the mortality of annuitants. - Fraser, D. C. |

|p.177-180 | |General relations between central sums and central terms. |

|p.181-195 | |Legal notes, II. - Bateman, R. A. |

|p.196-201 | |A modification of Simpson's rule for finding the values of joint life annuities and survivorship assurances when more than two lives |

| | |are involved (Actuarial note) - Evans, A. W. |

|p.202-207 | |Reviews, II. |

The calculus of observations; a treatise on numerical mathematics, by E. T. Whittaker and G. Robinson

Introduction to medical biometry and statistics, by Raymond Pearl

Mathematical tables, by G. H. Bryan

Tables logarithmiques á treize décimales, by H. Andoyer

Life assurance, by Joseph B. Maclean

On Laplace's and Gauss's summation-formulas, by J. F. Steffensen

Versicherungs-Mathematik, by Alfred Loewy

|p.207-210 | |Correspondence, II. |

Approximate differentiation, by C. H. Wickens

|p.211-238 | |Further notes on the annuity business of British offices and the valuation thereof. - Elderton, W. P.; Oakley, H. J. P. |

|p.238-242 | |A simple group-check for the valuation of whole-life assurances. |

|p.242-250 | |Legal notes, III. - Bateman, R. A. |

|p.251-255 | |The use of term-certain functions in valuation (Actuarial note) - Inglis, J. |

|p.255-259 | |Approximation by interpolation to the values of actuarial functions depending on two or more lives (Actuarial note) |

|p.260-262 | |Mortality of pensioned officials (males) of the Mysore government service. |

|p.263-269 | |Reviews, III. |

The mortality of annuitants, 1900-1920. Investigations and tables, by W. P. Elderton and H. J. P. Oakley

Supplement to the 75th Annual Report of the Registrar-General for England and Wales. Part IV. Mortality of men in certain occupations in the three years 1910, 1911 and 1912

Guide to current official statistics of the United Kingdom. Volume II, 1923

English life table no.8. Three per-cent functions, by C. H. Ashley

|p.269-271 | |Notes on Post Office life insurance in Japan. - Willoughby-Meade, G. |

|p.272-294 | |Examination papers, May 1924. |

|p.294-323 | |Annual report, 1923-1924. |

Proceedings of the Institute - session 1923-1924

Report of Council, 1923-1924

Revenue account and balance sheet, for the year ending 31 March 1924

Trust funds - Income and expenditure account, for the year ending 31 March 1924

Results of the examinations, May 1924

Proceedings at the annual general meeting, 1924

Additions to the library, to November 1924

|p.324 | |Examination syllabus and Course of reading. |

JIA v.56 (1925)

|p.1-25 | |Address by the President. - Besant, A. D. |

|p.25-72 | |The value of a deferred annuity with special reference to the valuation of mineral property. - Carpmael, C. |

|p.72-79 | |The tercentenary of common logarithms. |

|p.79-94 | |Legal notes, I. - Bateman, R. A. |

|p.95-98 | |An approximation to the yield on a bond bearing a varying rate of dividend (Actuarial note) - Wood, C. F. |

|p.98-102 | |A method of valuation when the valuation factors are dependent upon two independent variables (Actuarial note) - Melville, L. G. |

|p.102-104 | |A problem in probability (Actuarial note) |

|p.104-113 | |Reviews, I. |

Life insurance examination, by Frank W. Foxworthy (ed)

The elements of statistical method, by Willford I. King

Mathematical analysis of statistics, by C. H. Forsyth

An introduction to mathematical probability, by Julian Lowell Coolidge

The mathematical groundwork of economics. An introductory treatise, by A. L. Bowley

Richard Price, philosopher and apostle of liberty, by Roland Thomas

Complementi di mathematiche generali, by F. Insolera

Summation formulas of Lubbock's type; and, On Charlier's generalized frequency-function, by J.F. Steffensen

Bain's apportioning tables, by Alexander Bain

Versicherungs-Lexikon (2nd ed), by A. Manes (ed)

|p.113-117 | |Correspondence, I. |

Interpolation formulae, by E. H. Brown

Approximate differentiation, by C. H. Wickens

|p.118-119 | |Comparative statement of investments of British assurance companies. |

|p.120 | |Terms of compounding for future subscriptions. |

Obituaries, I - separate the record:Moors, Professor E. M.

|p.121-152 | |Notes on life assurance investment policy. - Coutts, C. R. V. |

|p.152-180 | |Winding up a life assurance company under the provisions of Section 17 of the Assurance Companies Act, 1909. - Collins, F. L. |

|p.180-198 | |The statistical basis of the Pensions Bill. |

|p.199-202 | |Note on plans for joint mortality investigations in America. - Hunter, A. |

|p.202-218 | |Legal notes, II. - Bateman, R. A. |

|p.219 | |Local Government and other Officers' Superannuation Act, 1922. |

|p.220-225 | |The calculation of contingent assurances and the compound survivorship annuity when Makeham's Law holds (Actuarial note) - Evans, |

| | |A. W. |

|p.225-228 | |A problem of apportionment (Actuarial note) - Carter, N. J. |

|p.228-235 | |Reviews, II. |

Elements of statistics, by Frederick C. Kent

How to calculate correlations. A non-mathematical book of instructions, by Godfrey H. Thomson

Social consequences of business cycles, by Maurice Beck Hexter

Frequency curves in Herring investigation, by Einar Lea

The elements of vital statistics in their bearing on social and public health problems, by A. Newsholme

Life assurance from proposal to policy, by H. Hosking Tayler and V. W. Tyler

The student's book of life assurance, by R. E. Underwood

|p.235-240 | |Correspondence, II. |

The value of a deferred annuity, by J. A. Archer

Heights and weights, by G. J. Lidstone

|p.241-242 | |Departmental Committee on the Assurance Companies Act, 1909. |

|p.243-263 | |Apportionment of a trust fund between life tenant and reversioner. - Anderson, R. D. |

|p.263-301 | |Some approximations from valuation statistics. - Elderton, W. P.; Rowell, A. H. |

|p.301-307 | |The average value and the standard deviation of a life annuity based on a given experience. - Tinner, T. |

|p.308-318 | |Legal notes, III. - Bateman, R. A. |

|p.318-320 | |Note on H.L. Trachtenberg's method (no.1) of valuing policies in groups (Actuarial note) - Polden, L. S. |

|p.320-321 | |Reversed selection in industrial companies mortality (Actuarial note) - Ashley, C. H. |

|p.322-332 | |Reviews, III. |

The life, letters and labours of Francis Galton, by Karl Pearson

Statistical methods for research workers, by R. A. Fisher

The fundamental of statistics, by L. L. Thurstone

Reversions and life interests. A course of lectures, by F. L. Collins

Foreign exchange, from the investor's point of view. A course of lectures, by Ernest Harry Lever

Summation of series, collected by L. B. W. Jolley

|p.332-333 | |Correspondence, III. |

The number of years in which premiums amount to twice the total sum paid, by P. D. Touzel

|p.334-354 | |Examination papers, May 1925. |

|p.355-375 | |Annual report, 1924-1925. |

Proceedings of the Institute - session 1924-1925

Report of Council, 1924-1925

Revenue account and balance sheet, for the year ending 31 March 1925

Trust funds - income and expenditure account, for the year ending 31 March 1925

Results of the examinations, May 1925

Proceedings at the annual general meeting, 1925

Additions to the library, to November 1925

|p.376-377 | |Conditions of admission of Fellows of the Institute to the Chartered Insurance Institute Fellowship. |

JIA v.57 (1926)

|p.1-35 | |Some notes on the changes made by the new Law of Property Acts, with special reference to life assurance practice. - Houseman, D. |

|p.35-44 | |Experience of American companies in regard to blood pressure. - Hunter, A. |

|p.45-69 | |Legal notes, I. - Bateman, R. A. |

|p.70-78 | |A simple group method of obtaining approximately the special reserve required in the case of terminable premium policies for expenses |

| | |and profits after cessation of premiums (Actuarial note) - Gunlake, J. H. |

|p.78-86 | |Reviews, I. |

An introduction to statistical methods, by Horace Secris

Statistical methods, by F. C. Mills

Mathematics of finance, by Lloyd L. Smail

Mathematics of life insurance, by L. Wayland Dowling

Internal migration and its effects upon the death-rates: with special reference to the county of Essex, by A. B. Hill

Guide to current official statistics of the United Kingdom, vol.III (1924)

Rapid business arithmetic, by R. W .M. Gibbs

Rapid calculations, by A. H. Russell

Geschichte der Lebensversicherung und der Lebensversikerungstechnik, by Heinrich Braun

La comptabilite des emprunts à long terme, by H. Galbrun

Sulla frequenza della invalidità, by M. Castellan

Allmänna Pensionsförsäkringsbolaget 1898-1922. A technical investigation of 25 years of business

|p.87 | |Correspondence, I. |

The number of years in which premiums amount to twice the total sum paid, by W. P. Elderton

|p.88-126 | |Proposed extension of professional scope. |

|p.127 | |The death of Queen Alexandra. |

|p.129-159 | |An investigation into the mortality experienced by pensioners of the staffs of banks and insurance companies, with a note on the |

| | |mortality experienced by deferred annuitants. - Warren, C. F. |

|p.159-191 | |On the distribution of life office profits. - Coutts, C. R. V. |

|p.192-231 | |The bonus earning power of a new business fund. - Recknell, G. H. |

|p.231-235 | |Notes on a stationary insurance fund and on a uniformly progressive insurance fund. - Fraser, D. C. |

|p.235-250 | |Mortality in India among insured lives. - Hunter, A. |

|p.250-271 | |Legal notes, II. - Bateman, R. A. |

|p.271-280 | |Reviews, II. |

Report on the age distribution and rates of mortality deduced from the Indian census returns of 1921 and previous enumerations, by H. G. W. Meikle

Notes on the calculus of finite differences, by Joseph D. Grant

Tracts for computers no.XIII: Biblioteca tabularum mathematicarum, being a descriptive catalogue of mathematical tables, Part I: Logarithmic tables, by James Henderson

Le assicurazioni sociali

The origin and early history of insurance, including the contract of bottomry, by C. F. Trenberry

The student's guide to life assurance in theory and practice, to which are added chapters on other branches of insurance (except fire and marine), by A. W. Tarn

|p.280-283 | |Correspondence, II. |

The number of years in which premiums amount to twice the total sum paid, by L. S. Polden

The values of p[x] at various rates of interest by different mortality tables, by C. H. Wickens

|p.284 | |Investments of British assurance companies. |

|p.285-320 | |Notes concerning some practical points that arise in the valuation of widows' funds. - Simmonds, R. C. |

|p.320-335 | |Legal notes, III. - Bateman, R. A. |

|p.335-337 | |Reviews, III. |

Guide to current official statistics of the United Kingdom, vol.IV, 1925

Statistics relating to health and mortality in the mercantile marine. Report of the Sub-committee of the Permanent Consultative Committee on Official Statistics

Explanatory notes on title to English and Scottish life assurance policies (2nd ed), by C.L. Izod and L. D. Eldridge

Elements of mathematics for students of economics and statistics, by D. Caradog Jones and G. W. Daniels

|p.338-350 | |Obituaries, I. |

Todhunter, Ralph

Henry, Alfred

|p.350-372 | |Examination papers, May 1926. |

|p.373-396 | |Annual report, 1925-1926. |

Proceedings of the Institute - session 1925-1926

Report of Council, 1925-1926

Revenue account and balance sheet, for the year ending 31 March 1926

Trust funds - income and expenditure account, for the year ending 31 March 1926

Results of the examinations, May 1926

Proceedings at the annual general meeting, 1926

Additions to the library, to November 1926

JIA v.58 (1927)

|p.1-20 | |Address by the President. - Burn, J. |

|p.21-52 | |Mortality of Europeans in British West and British East Africa. - Raynes, H. E. |

|p.53-95 | |Newton's interpolation formulas. An unpublished manuscript of Sir Isaac Newton. - Fraser, D. C. |

|p.95-104 | |Legal notes, I. - Bateman, R. A. |

|p.105-114 | |Reviews, I. |

German life office tables, 1926

Compound interest and annuity tables, by Frederick C. Kent and Maude E. Kent

Actuarial science, by R. A. W. Davidson

Logarithmica Britannica, being a standard table of logarithms to twenty decimal places. Part VIII (the second to be published): numbers 80,000-90,000, by Alexander John Thompson

Advanced life insurance, with illustrations of the principles and practices of actuarial science, by Charles K. Knight

Sui metedi di calcolo nelle assicurazione sociali, by Francesco CantelliReprint of articles and reviews in the 'Journal of the British Astronomical Association', vol.36 (1926), by L. J. Combie

Assurance Companies Act, 1909. Report to the Right Honourable the President of the Board of Trade, by the Departmental Committee appointed to inquire and report what amendments are desirable in the Assurance Companies Act, 1909

|p.114-116 | |Memoirs, I. |

Lefreux, Omer

|p.116 | |International Congress of Actuaries, 1927. |

|p.117-159 | |Observations on (1) Errors of age in the population statistics of England and Wales, and (2) the changes in mortality indicated by the|

| | |national records. - Derrick, V. P. A. |

|p.160-195 | |The actuary in commerce and industry. - Phillips, E. W. |

|p.195-234 | |A new method of calculating model office reserves. - Trustam, C. F. |

|p.234-253 | |Legal notes, II. - Bateman, R. A. |

|p.254-257 | |Reviews, II. |

Staff pension schemes in theory and practice. A guide to their formation and management, by H. H. Edwards and R. Murrell


Complete surrender value ready reckoner, by Fackler and Breiby

Note sur le système monétaire français, by Robert Wolff

Guide to the official statistics of the United Kingdom, vol.V (1926)

|p.257-260 | |Obituaries, II. |

Karup, Johannes

|p.260-264 | |Official publications, I. |

|p.265-310 | |Casualty insurance in the United States of America. - Baker, J. G.; Stockman, G. D. |

|p.310-311 | |An illustration of adjusted differences. |

|p.312-322 | |Legal notes, III. - Bateman, R. A. |

|p.323-324 | |The Danish writers on interpolation. |

|p.325-336 | |Reviews, III. |

Interpolation, by J.F. Steffensen

The story of reckoning in the Middle Ages, by Florence A. Yeldham

Medical insurance examination: modern methods and rating of lives for medical practitioners and insurance officials, by J. Paterson MacLaren

English Life Table no. 9

|p.336 | |Erratum. |

|p.337-341 | |Official publications, II. |

|p.342 | |The proper standards of professional conduct. |

|p.343-366 | |Examination papers, May 1927. |

|p.366-390 | |Annual report 1926-1927. |

Proceedings of the Institute - session 1926-1927

Report of Council, 1926-1927

Revenue account and balance sheet, for the year ending 31 March 1927

Trust funds - income and expenditure account, for the year ending 31 March 1927

Results of the examinations, May 1927

Additions to the library, to November 1927

JIA v.59 (1928)

|p.1-7 | |Presentation of an Institute Gold Medal to Mr. George King. - King, G. |

|p.8-21 | |Address by the President: The eighth International Congress of Actuaries. - Burn, J. |

|p.21-50 | |The place of ordinary stocks and shares (as distinct from fixed interest bearing securities) in the investment of life assurance |

| | |funds. - Raynes, H. E. |

|p.51-66 | |Some recent Italian work on the mathematical basis of actuarial science (Actuarial note) - Trustam, C. F. |

|p.66-68 | |Generation tables (Actuarial note) - Smither, H. B. |

|p.68-89 | |Legal notes, I. - Bateman, R. A. |

|p.90-97 | |Rule of law against perpetuities. |

|p.98-106 | |Reviews, I. |

Assurances sur la vie. Calcul des reserves, by Galbrun

Frequency curves and correlation, by W. P. Elderton

Mathematical statistics, by Henry Lewis Rietz

Interest table for all amounts, without limitation, by H. M. C. Evers

Festgabe für Alfred Manes (souvenir volume for Alfred Manes) in recognition of 25 years’ service as Secretary of the German Society for Insurance Science, presented by Hanns Dorn (Munich), and collaborateurs

An insurance lexicon; comprising 2,500 legal, medical and technical insurance terms used in the business of life, accident and guarantee insurance, by Bernard Campbell Hoskins

|p.107-109 | |Obituaries, I. |

Blaschke, Ernst

|p.109 | |Erratum, v.52. |

|p.109-115 | |Official publications, I. |

|p.116-123 | |Correspondence, I. |

Royal Exchange Assurance. Mortality experience, 1721-1830, by T. F. Anderson

Valuation of reversions for estate duty, by H. E. Melville and H. J. P. Oakley

|p.124 | |New bye-law. |

|p.125-187 | |Notes on the new national life tables (1921 census) - Laing, J. M. |

|p.188-221 | |Notes on the new national life tables (1921 census): Discussion. - Laing, J. M. |

|p.221-256 | |Further notes on an investigation into the mortality experienced by pensioners of the staffs of banks and insurance companies. - |

| | |Warren, C. F. |

|p.256-288 | |Notes upon experiments with actuarial functions and Fourier's series. - Anderson, T. F.; O'Brien, H. |

|p.289-295 | |A note on certain probabilities (Actuarial note) - Green, G. |

|p.296-318 | |Legal notes, II. - Bateman, R. A. |

|p.318-322 | |Great Britain life tables. - Watson, A. W. |

|p.323-332 | |Eastern counties rural districts male mortality 1920-22. - Smither, H. B. |

|p.333-340 | |Reviews, II. |

Shipping problems, 1916-1921, by W. P. Elderton

Report of the Departmental Committee on the Superannuation of Local Government Employees

Guide to current official statistics of the United Kingdom

|p.340-344 | |Official publications, II. |

|p.345 | |Errata, v.59. |

|p.345-346 | |Correspondence, II. |

A comparison of the gains from investments in bonds and in stocks, by H. A. Fortington

|p.347-387 | |War-time finance - a résumé of financial conditions during and after the war as they affected life insurance companies. - Crump, P. |

| | |C. |

|p.387-398 | |Report on results of the continuous investigation of the mortality experience of life annuitants, 1921-1925. - Elderton, W. P.; |

| | |Oakley, H. J. P. |

|p.398-399 | |A property of the expression [formula] (Actuarial note) - Tinner, T. |

|p.399-402 | |Combined group mortality experience, 1913-1927 (Actuarial note) - Hunter, A. |

|p.402-405 | |The approximate calculation of increasing benefits (Actuarial note) - Evans, A. W. |

|p.405-411 | |Perpetually renewable leaseholds (Actuarial note) - Collins, F. L. |

|p.411-422 | |Legal notes, III. - Bateman, R. A. |

|p.422-428 | |Reviews, III. |

F. Y. Edgeworth's contributions to mathematical statistics, by A. L. Bowley

Probability and its engineering uses, by Thornton C. Fry

An elementary manual of statistics, by A. L. Bowley

A table of interpolation multipliers for obtaining through the means of calculating machines intermediate rates bond values at yield intervals of one ten-thousandth per cent, by Arthur S. Little

Report of the Industrial Assurance Commissioners for the year ended 31 December 1927

ABC guide to the Companies Act, 1928, by Herbert W. Jordan and Stanley Borrie

An arrangement of the Companies (Consolidation) Act, 1908, as amended by the Companies Act, 1928, by W. Annan

|p.429-434 | |Official publications, III. |

|p.434-456 | |Examination papers, May 1928. |

|p.457-480 | |Annual report, 1927-1928. |

Proceedings of the Institute - session 1927-1928

Report of Council, 1927-1928

Revenue account and balance sheet, for the year ending 31 March 1928

Trust funds - income and expenditure account, for the year ending 31 March 1928

Results of the examinations, May 1928

Proceedings at the annual general meeting, 1928

Additions to the library, to November 1928

|p.480 | |Errata, v.59. |

|p.481-492 | |Regulations and syllabus of examinations for admission to the classes of student, Associate and Fellow, applicable to the examinations|

| | |to be held in May 1929, and thereafter until further notice. |

JIA v.60 (1929)

|p.1-4 | |Memoirs, I [Mr Samuel George Warner] |

Warner, Samuel George

|p.4-24 | |Address by the President. - Levine, A. |

|p.24-82 | |Life insurance in Australia. - Thodey, R. |

|p.82-83 | |Mr. John Finlaison's life table for male annuitants (Actuarial note) |

|p.84-95 | |Legal notes, I. - Bateman, R. A. |

|p.96-100 | |Reviews, I. |

Statistique mathématique, by G. Darmois

Population statistics and their compilation, by Hugh H. Wolfenden

Income tax in Great Britain, including a description of other Inland Revenue taxes, by André Bernard

Insurance office organization and routine, by J.B. Welson and F.H. Sherriff

Pension and superannuation funds: their formation and administration explained, by Bernard Robertson and H. Samuels

|p.100-102 | |Correspondence, I. |

Tables to convert q[x] to m[x], and m[x] to q[x], by W. A Forster

|p.103-160 | |Some actuarial aspects of unemployment insurance. - Kyd, J. G.; Maddex, G. H. |

|p.161-179 | |An experience of Indian insured lives in the state of Mysore. - Bacon, J. |

|p.180-223 | |Mortality of Indian assured lives. - Vaidyanathan, L. S. |

|p.224-229 | |The mathematical papers submitted at the eighth International Congress of Actuaries, 1927 (Actuarial note) - Trustam, C. F. |

|p.229-232 | |Yield on bonds redeemable by purchases below par or drawings at par (Actuarial note) - Diver, O. F. |

|p.232-238 | |Industrial Assurance and Friendly Societies Act, 1929. |

|p.239 | |Reviews, II. |

Reviews - split the recordElementary applications of statistical method, by H. Banister

Bankers' balances. A study of the effects of the Federal reserve system on banking relationships, by Leonard L. Watkins

The Morris plan of industrial banking, by Peter W. Herzog

Add separate record for Erratum, v.59

|p.240 | |Memoirs, II. |

Wyatt, Frank Bertrand

|p.241-250 | |Official publications, I. |

|p.251-296 | |The classification and duration of compensation claims in the mining industry. - Maudling, R. G. |

|p.297-338 | |Financial conditions in Canada as affecting life insurance. - Parker, J. G. |

|p.339-340 | |General relations between central sums and central terms (Actuarial note) - Aitken, A. C. |

|p.341-345 | |The yield on a debenture bought at a premium (Actuarial note) - Craig, J. I. |

|p.345-348 | |A method for approximating to increasing annuities (Actuarial note) - Evans, A. W. |

|p.349-352 | |The derivation of Everett's interpolation formulae (Actuarial note) - Lidstone, G. J. |

|p.353-358 | |Legal notes, II. - Bateman, R. A. |

|p.358-365 | |Occupational mortality investigation, 1928. - Hunter, A. |

|p.365-376 | |Reviews, III. |

Bond values: tables edited by Einar Huss and K.G. Hagstrom

Leibrenten. Einmalprämien Jährliche Nettoprämien und Pämienreserven ... (Annuities, single and annual premiums and reserves for endowment assurances, based on the 17 English Offices Table at 4%), by Fritz Schmieter

Private sickness insurance in Germany. 1: Tarife und Bedingungen (Premium rates and policy conditions) 1929. 2: Die private Krankenversicherung (Private sickness insurance 1927-1928)

Die Luftversicherung, Entwicklung, Recht und Technik (Air insurance, its development, law and technique), by Hermann Doring

The life assurance text-book, by R.C. Simmonds and P.F. Hooker (eds)

The Registrar-General's decennial supplement: England and Wales, 1921. Part II: Occupational mortality, fertility and infant mortality

A new manual of logarithms (16th ed), by Dr. Bruhns

The new company law as it affects a) private companies; b) public companies, by Herbert W. Jordan

Reminders on reversions, being a summary of the law and practice relating to the investigation of title to, and the completion of purchases and mortgages of, life and reversionary interests and policies of life insurance, by Andrew Henry Withers

Guide to current official statistics of the United Kingdom

Insurance law (2nd ed), by Sanford D. Cole

|p.377-384 | |Official publications, II. |

JIA v.61 (1930)

|p.1-7 | |Presentation of an Institute and Faculty Gold Medal to Mr. George James Lidstone. - Lidstone, G. J. |

|p.9-62 | |Notes on a short method of valuation of pension funds. - Freeman, H. |

|p.63-85 | |A valuation of non-participating policies without classification. - Tappenden, H. J. |

|p.86-89 | |A short method of deriving values of l[x] and D[x] in connection with the construction of life tables, valuation of pension funds and |

| | |similar problems. - Hickox, W. E. H. |

|p.90-95 | |British offices' assurance experience 1863-1893. - McTaggart, I. A. |

|p.96-105 | |Irish Free State life table. - Brown, P. G. |

|p.106-112 | |On a generalization of formulae for polynomial interpolation (with note by the editors) - Aitken, A. C. |

|p.113-116 | |Extension of Aitken's general theorem of interpolation to the Everett types. - Lidstone, G. J. |

|p.117-134 | |Legal notes, I. - MacGillivray, E. J.; Levine, S. H. |

|p.135-142 | |Notes on foreign actuarial journals, I. - Elderton, W. P.; Richmond, G. W.; Smither, H. B. |

|p.143-157 | |Reviews, I. |

Heredity in man, by R. Ruggles Gates

Sterilization for human betterment, by E. S. Gosney and P. Popenoe

The adjustment of errors in practical science, by R. W. M. Gibbs

Laplace, notes on his ancestry and life, by L'Abbe G. A. Simon, M. le Comte de Colbert-Laplace and Karl Pearson

Versicherungswesen: System der versicherungswirtschaft: vol.I Allgemeine versicherungslehre (Insurance, a system of insurance economics: vol.I The general theory of insurance, by Alfred Manes

Svenska Aktuarieföreinengen 1904-1929 (Swedish Actuarial Society, 1904-1929), by R. Palmquist

Mathematics preparatory to statistics and finance, by George N. Bauer

Reminders for company secretaries, by Herbert W. Jordan

Reminders for secretaries, directors, managers and officers of limited companies, compiled by F. J. Varley

Interest, annuities and bonds, by Herbert Tate

Standard table of square roots, by L. M. Milne-Thomson

Mathematical tables and formulas, by Percy F. Smith and William Raymond Longley

Introduction to the mathematics of statistics, by Robert Wilbur Burgess

Mortality ratings for occupation, by Arthur Hunter

Studies in the history of statistical method, by Helen M. Walker

An approach to definite forecasting, by Lincoln W. Hall

|p.158-164 | |Official publications, I. |

|p.165-213 | |Australian mortality. - Wickens, C. H. |

|p.214-267 | |Disability benefits in conjunction with life insurance policies. - File, L. K. |

|p.268-292 | |Experiments in modified forms of select mortality tables. - Wood, C. F. |

|p.293-339 | |Notes on the relative mortality of married men and on an experiment in forecasting the mortality over a limited period. - Harvey, P.|

| | |N. |

|p.340-353 | |Notes on Professor Steffensen's first lecture: Some recent researches in the theory of statistics and actuarial science. - |

| | |Lidstone, G. J. |

|p.354-367 | |Legal notes, II. - MacGillivray, E. J.; Levine, S. H. |

|p.368-369 | |Notes on the Transactions of the Faculty of Actuaries. |

|p.370-378 | |Notes on foreign actuarial journals, II. - Elderton, W. P.; Richmond, G. W.; Smither, H. B. |

|p.379-394 | |The Actuaries' Investment Index. Explanatory memorandum; Statement of indexes to be compiled and circulated; List of securities |

| | |employed. |

|p.395-404 | |Reviews, II. |

The quicksands of the City and a way through for investors, by Hartley Withers

Dictionary of life assurance, by G. W. Richmond (ed)

Guide to current official statistics of the United Kingdom

Leerboek der Interesrekening (Text-book of interest calculations), by M. van Haaften

Versicherungs-Lexikon (Insurance lexicon), by Alfred Manes

Die Spartenkombination in der deutschen Privateversicherung (The history of composite insurance companies in Germany), by Rudolf Herr

Schwedisches Gesetz über den Versicherungs-Vertrag mit dem wesentlichen Teil der Begründung (Swedish law of insurance contracts)

Der Geldwert des Menschenlebens und seine Beziehungen sur versicherung (The cash value of human life in relation to assurance), by Ida Meyer

Some recent researches in the theory of statistics and actuarial science, by J. F. Steffersen

Medical insurance examination: modern methods and rating of lives, by J. Paterson MacLaren

Pension and superannuation funds: their formation and administration explained, by Bernard Robertson

|p.404 | |Errata, v. 55, v.58, v.61. |

|p.405-413 | |Official publications, II. |

|p.414-418 | |Correspondence, I. |

A question of priority: Augustus de Morgan's On the method of calculating uniformly decreasing or increasing annuities, by G. J. Lidstone

Valuation of reversions etc for death duties, by C. H. Maltby

JIA v.62 (1931)

|p.1-11 | |Opening address by the President. - Trouncer, H. M. |

|p.12-61 | |The analysis of a sickness experience. - Watson, A. W. |

|p.62-95 | |Valuations in modern conditions. - Elderton, W. P. |

|p.96-98 | |The 'bonus reserve' method. - Sprague, T.B. |

|p.99-108 | |Notes on the life table and the limit of life. - Steffensen, J. F. |

|p.109-116 | |Mortality tables giving the same policy values (translated by G. J. Lidstone) - Dumas, S.; Lidstone, G. J. |

|p.117-118 | |The geometrical mean. - Steffensen, J. F. |

|p.119-125 | |Formulae for approximate valuation: a comparison. - Joseph, A. W. |

|p.126-136 | |On the substitution of a term certain for an age-status, with particular reference to an approximate method of calculating last |

| | |survivor annuities on three or four lives. - Evans, A. W. |

|p.137-146 | |The mathematical papers submitted at the ninth International Congress of Actuaries, 1930. - Trustam, C. F. |

|p.147-162 | |Legal notes, I. - MacGillivray, E. J.; Levine, S. H. |

|p.163 | |Notes on the Transactions of the Faculty of Actuaries. |

|p.164-173 | |Notes on foreign actuarial journals, I. - Elderton, W. P.; Richmond, G. W.; Smither, H. B. |

|p.174-177 | |Notes on frequency-constants. - Wishart, J. |

|p.178-189 | |Reviews, I. |

Economic aspects of sovereignty, by R. G. Hawtrey

Probabilités et statistiques, by R. de Montessus de Ballore

Number, the language of science, by Tobias Dantzig

A first book of economics, by Norman Crump

The smoothing of time series, by Frederick R. Macaulay

Insurance as a career, by F. H. Sherriff

Barlow's tables of squares, cubes, square roots, cube roots and reciprocals of all integer numbers up to 10,000 (3rd ed), by L. J. Comrie (ed)

Methods for the investigation of the mortality of assured lives; The development of Norwegian life insurance technique; The mortality within some groups of sub-standard risks. An investigation of the experience of Norwegian life companies, by F. Lange-Nielsen

Tafeln zur Mathematik des Geldverkehrs und der Versicherung, compiled by W. Lorey and G. Beyrodt

Deutsch-englisches levensversicherungstechnisches Wörterbuch, compiled by W. F. Gardner and C. W. Sachs

Versicherungswesen: System der Versicherungswirtschaft, by Alfred Manes

The 'ideal' interest tables, by J. Gall Inglis

Logarithmica Britannica, being a table of logarithms to twenty decimal places, part V, by A. J. Thompson

|p.190 | |Memoirs, I. |

Stoltz, Gustaf Vincent

|p.191-199 | |Official publications, I. |

|p.200 | |Correspondence, I. |

Construction of mortality tables, by J. M. Allen

|p.201 | |Notes on foreign actuarial journals, I (addendum) - Elderton, W. P.; Richmond, G. W.; Smither, H. B. |

|p.201 | |Errata, v.23, v.52, v.55. |

|p.203-232 | |Suggestions on the legal aspects of life office practice. - Houseman, D. |

|p.233-242 | |The variations under altered conditions in the bonus provided by a given scale of premiums. - Pollock, W. |

|p.243-275 | |Notes on the practical application of the contribution method of distributing surplus. - MacLean, J. B. |

|p.276-312 | |Amalgamations of life assurance companies. - Britt, K. J. |

|p.313-320 | |Official publications, II. |

|p.321-324 | |The Actuaries' Investment Index. Memorandum regarding the index of yields upon earnings in respect of ordinary shares. |

|p.325-328 | |Memoirs, II. |

Whittall, William Joseph Hutchings

Browne, Thomas Gillespie Chapman

von Bortkiewicz, Ladislaus

|p.329-330 | |Notes on the Transactions of the Faculty of Actuaries. |

|p.331-335 | |Notes on foreign actuarial journals, II. - Elderton, W. P.; Richmond, G. W.; Smither, H. B. |

|p.336-349 | |Legal notes, II. - MacGillivray, E. J.; Levine, S. H. |

|p.350-364 | |Reviews, II. |

Official medical history of the Great War casualties and medical statistics, by T. J. Mitchell and G. M. Smith

Halley Stewart Lectures, 1930. Health and social evolution, by Sir George Newman

Centenaire de la Nationale, 1830-1930

An introduction to medical statistics, by Hilda M. Woods and William T. Russell

Annuities and sinking funds: simple and compound interest tables together with notes (2nd ed), by Harold Dougharty

Tyler's day-decimal table, compiled by F. W. Tyler

Guide to current official statistics of the United Kingdom

Institute of Actuaries text book on compound interest and annuities certain, by Ralph Todhunter (3rd ed by R. C. Simmonds and T. P. Thompson)

An elementary treatise on actuarial mathematics, by H. Freeman

|p.365-367 | |An actuarial inequality (Actuarial note) - Craig, J. I. |

|p.367 | |Erratum, v.62. |

JIA v.63 (1932)

|p.1-11 | |Currency. - Goodenough, F. C. |

|p.12-57 | |On some experiments in the graduation of mortality statistics. - Perks, W. |

|p.58-59 | |The notation of binomial coefficients. - Lidstone, G. J. |

|p.60-65 | |Review of the recent trend of mortality in England and Wales. - Brown, P. G. |

|p.66 | |Errata, textbook and JIA v.62. |

|p.67-69 | |On the calculation of contingent assurance values and of compound survivorship annuities (Actuarial note) - Callaway, V. G. C. |

|p.70-81 | |On the relationship between life annuities at different rates of interest. - Evans, A. W. |

|p.82-83 | |A general formula for policy values. - Marples, W. F. |

|p.84-111 | |Reviews, I. |

Japanese experience life tables, 1912-27

A treatise on algebraic plane curves, by Julian Lowell Coolidge

Medical impairment study, 1929

Comments on the medical impairment study 1929, by Arthur Hunter

Advanced calculus: a sequel to 'An elementary treatise on the calculus', by George A. Gibson

Northern Ireland vital statistics and life tables

Smertnist v 4-x Naibilshix Mistax USSR y 1923-1929 (Mortality of the four largest towns in the Ukraine during 1923-1929), by George Korchak-Chepurkivski

Festgabe Moser: Versicherungswissenschaftliche, juristiche und mathematische Untersuchungen (Moser commemoration: actuarial, legal and mathematical investigations)

Dódeligheten blandt Sanatoriebehandlede Tuberkulóse (Mortality after sanatorium treatment), by F. Lange-Nielsen

The Taylor series, by P. Dienes

|p.112 | |Memoirs, I. |

Tilt, Robert Ruthven

|p.113 | |Correspondence, by K. Pearson. - Pearson, K. |

Correspondence, by K. Pearson

|p.114 | |Correspondence, I. |

References to William Morgan, by W. P. Elderton

|p.115-137 | |Is disability insurance practicable? - Rhodes, E. E. |

|p.138-172 | |On disability benefits. - Clay, H. P. |

|p.173-217 | |Selection of risks for life assurance. - Hunter, A. |

|p.218-229 | |On the mortality of assured lives in the West Indies (chiefly Barbados) - Watson, J. D.; Gopp, J. I. |

|p.230-244 | |Legal notes, I. - MacGillivray, E. J.; Levine, S. H. |

|p.245-251 | |Notes on foreign actuarial journals, I. - Elderton, W. P.; Richmond, G. W.; Smither, H. B. |

|p.252 | |Notes on the Transactions of the Faculty of Actuaries. |

|p.253-262 | |Official publications, I. |

|p.263-265 | |Reviews, II. |

Pulmonary tuberculosis. A report on the experience of the patients of the King Edward VII Sanatorium, Midhurst, with particular reference to their mortality after treatment, by R. R. Trail and George D. Stockman

|p.265-269 | |Erratum, textbooks. |

|p.271-306 | |On paid-up policies and surrender values under the Industrial Assurance Acts. - Tayler, H. H. |

|p.307-382 | |On friendly societies since the advent of national health insurance. - Burrows, V. A. |

|p.383-403 | |Eastern Counties Rural Districts male mortality 1920-22, combined with the Independent Order of Oddfellows, Manchester Unity, Friendly|

| | |Society Sickness Experience 1893-97, Occupation group AHJ. - Woodrow, G. |

|p.404-423 | |Linear difference equations. An elementary treatment. - Marples, P. M. |

|p.424-428 | |A general method in the theory of compound interest introducing difference equations. - Craig, J. I. |

|p.429-430 | |A symmetric notation for binomial coefficients. - Sós, E. |

|p.431-436 | |A note on the function [formula] in a Makeham table. |

|p.437-442 | |Valuation of policies assuring the amount outstanding under a loan. - McAlpin, R. |

|p.443-483 | |On Stieltjes' integral and its applications to actuarial questions. - Steffensen, J. F. |

|p.484-488 | |Notes on foreign actuarial journals, II. - Elderton, W. P.; Richmond, G. W.; Smither, H. B. |

|p.489-495 | |Official publications, II. |

|p.496-527 | |Reviews, III. |

Contributions to the history of statistics, by Harald Westergaard

Encyclopaedia Britannica. The articles on insurance and cognate subjects in the 14th edition

Japanese experience life tables, 1912-27. Monetary tables

Valuation and surplus, by R. K. Lochhead

Tables for statisticians and biometricians, part II, by Karl Pearson (ed)

British Association for the Advancement of Science. Mathematical tables, vol.1

I nuovi fondamenti scientifici delle tavole di mortalità di assicurati e prime applicazioni biometriche e attuariali (The new scientific bases for mortality tables of assured lives, with biometrical and actuarial applications)

Nuovi fondamenti alla costruzione delle tavole selezionate di mortalità (New bases for the construction of select life tables)

Sulla mortalità degli assicurati in rapporto alla mortalità generale della populazione (The mortality of assured lives compared with that of the general population)

Annali di statistica. Tavole di mortalità della populazione Italiana (Statistical annals. Mortality tables of the Italian population), by C. Gini and L. Galvani

Accumulated interest, ammortization, lucrativeness of investments and loans, by Kamilo Bosnjak

Netto rechnung auf Grundlage der von Dr. Abel ausgeglichenen Aggregattafel [formula] für normal versicherte Männer mit ärztlicher Untersuchung zu 4.5% (Net values at 4.5%, deduced from the aggregate table graduated by Dr. A. Abel [formula] of normal assurances on medically examined male lives, by J. Schulz

The real meaning of social insurance. Its present status and tendencies, by Hugh H. Wolfenden

Base techniques pour l'assurance de groupes, établies par le Bureau Fédérale suisse des assurances (Technical bases for group insurance, established by the Swiss Federal Insurance Department)

Bases techniques pour caisses de pensions (Technical bases for pension funds), by F. Deprez

Vorlesungen aus dem Gebeite der angewandten Mathematik . Band I: Wahrscheinlichkeitsrechnung und ihre Anwendung in der Statistik und theoretischen Physik. (Lectures in applies mathematics. Vol I: Probabilities, and their applications in statistics and theoretical physics), by Richard V. Mises

Versicherungswesen: system der Versicherungswirtschaft, band III: Personenversicherung (Insurance: a system of insurance economics, vol.III: Personal insurance), by Alfred Manes

Grundzüge des Versicherungswesens (The elements of insurance), by Alfred Manes

Medicine and the state. The relation between the private and official practice of medicine with special reference to public health, by Sir Arthur Newsholme

The London Mathematical Society: notes on the preparation of mathematical papers

Guide to current official statistics of the United Kingdom, vol.X, 1931

|p.527 | |Errata, textbook. |

|p.528-531 | |Memoirs, II. |

King, George

Woods, Ernest

|p.532-548 | |Legal notes, II. - MacGillivray, E. J.; Levine, S. H. |

|p.549-550 | |Correspondence, II. |

Blood pressure, by G. H. Recknell

JIA v.64 (1933)

|p.1-11 | |Opening address by the President. - Elderton, W. P. |

|p.12 | |Mr. Phelps's presentation [of Council table and chairs] |

|p.13-45 | |A 'money-purchase' pension scheme. - Underwood, R. E. |

|p.46-48 | |Review of the recent trend of mortality in England and Wales. - Brown, P. G. |

|p.49-52 | |Official publications, I. |

|p.53-66 | |Reviews, I. |

Le calcul des différences finies et ses applications, by Alfred Henry (trans A. Sallin)

An introduction to the theory of life contingencies, by M. A. Mackenzie and N. E. Sheppard

Statistics in theory and practice, by L. R. Connor

Les préludes antiques de la théorie des probabilités, by K.-G. Hagstroem

Les operations viagères (Life contingencies), by L. Maingie and H. Maurice

Ausbau der allgemeinen Bezeichnungsweisen für die Versicherungsrechnung (Expansion of methods for actuarial notation), by Professor Alfred Loewy

De norske livsforsikringsselskapers statistiske erfaringer for premie-fritagelse ved invaliditet (Statistical experience of Norwegian life offices as to the cessation of premiums on invalidity), by F. Lange-Nielsen

Internationale Rückversicherung (International reinsurance), by Carl H. von Hollitscher

Die Erfolgsrechnung der Versicherungsbetriebe (Profits and losses of insurance undertakings), by Max Gurtler

Naturalersatz als Leistungsprinzip in der individualversicherung (Benefits in kind in private insurance), by Walter Rothkegel

Wohnungsbau und Lebensversicherung (Dwelling construction and life assurances), by Rudolf E. Blumenthal

Tropical Diseases Bulletin, Summary of medical and sanitary reports from British colonies, protectorates and dependencies for the year 1930

Traité du calcul des probabilités et de ses applications. Tome III: Les applications de la théorie des probabilités aux sciences economiques et aux sciences biologiques. Fascicule III: Applications de la statistique à la démographie et à la biologie, by R. Risser

|p.67-70 | |On accumulation factors (Actuarial note) - Wood, C. F. |

|p.71-97 | |Uniqueness versus multiplicity of the rate of interest in a purely financial transaction. - Misra, D. P. |

|p.98-105 | |The construction of tables for the rapid calculation of increasing joint life annuities, contingent probabilities and contingent |

| | |assurances, when Makeham's Law holds. - Callaway, V. G. C. |

|p.106 | |Correspondence, I. |

Construction of table of heights and weights, by F. H. Sherriff

|p.106 | |Errata, v.63. |

|p.107-127 | |Unemployment insurance. - Trouncer, H. M. |

|p.128-159 | |Notes on orthogonal polynomials and their application to least-square methods of 1) Fitting polynomial curves to data; 2) Graduation |

| | |by weighted means. - Lidstone, G. J. |

|p.160-164 | |Finite integration by parts. - Lidstone, G. J. |

|p.165-168 | |On the definition of the central factorial. - Steffensen, J. F. |

|p.169-171 | |On multiplicity in the determination of the rate of interest. - Steffensen, J. F. |

|p.172-180 | |Minoru. - Joseph, A. W. |

|p.181-197 | |Legal notes, I. - MacGillivray, E. J.; Levine, S. H. |

|p.198-202 | |Assurance Companies (Winding Up) Act 1933. |

|p.203-206 | |Capital values of life interests under the Administration of Estates Act, 1925. - Murrell, R. |

|p.207-240 | |The effect of a change in the rate of mortality upon the value of sickness benefits. - Brodie, R. R. |

|p.241-263 | |The work of George King. |

|p.264-312 | |On a modification of the net premium method of valuation of participating assurances and on the application of the n-ages method to |

| | |the valuation of assurances grouped by years of entry and to the approximate calculation of isolated values of actuarial functions. |

| | |- Perks, W. |

|p.313-317 | |A note on Henry's method. - Joseph, A. W. |

|p.318-324 | |A note on the n-ages method. - Jones, H. G. |

|p.325-328 | |On the application of the n-ages method to the valuation of limited payment whole-life assurance grouped by year of entry. |

| | |Supplementary note. - Perks, W. |

|p.329-349 | |The sum and integral of the product of two functions. - Joseph, A. W. |

|p.350-363 | |A new method for determination of the rate of interest. - Luckhaub, J. |

|p.364-365 | |Morgan, William, FRS, 1750-1833. |

|p.366-373 | |Notes on foreign actuarial journals, I. - Elderton, W. P.; Richmond, G. W.; Smither, H. B. |

|p.374-379 | |Official publications, II. |

|p.380-382 | |Reviews, II. |

Traité du calcul des probabilités et de ses applications. Tome I: Les principes de la théorie des probabilités. Fascicule IV: Les principes de la statistique mathématique, by R. Risser and C. E. Traynard

Alcohol and man. The effects of alcohol on man in health and disease, by Haven Emerson (ed)

|p.383 | |Memoirs, I. |

Dovey, William Roadley

|p.384-385 | |Erratum, v.64. |

|p.387-427 | |A review of investment principles and practice. - Penman, W. |

|p.428-448 | |Summation formulas of graduation with a special type of operator. - Vaughan, H. |

|p.449-453 | |On factorial nomenclature and notation. - Aitken, A. C. |

|p.454-459 | |Approximate integration. - Kerrich, J. E. |

|p.460-464 | |An approximation to the values of joint-life and reversionary annuities involving the use of two tables of mortality. - McAlpin, R. |

|p.465-477 | |A practical experiment with frequencies and probabilities. - Carter, W. H. |

|p.478-489 | |The application of the Z-method of valuing endowment assurances to valuations based on the new A 1924-29 mortality table. - |

| | |Lidstone, G. J. |

|p.490-494 | |The application of the Z-method of valuing endowment assurances to valuations based on the new A 1924-29 mortality table (by G. J. |

| | |Lidstone). Addendum. - Reid, W. C. |

|p.495-510 | |Legal notes, II. - MacGillivray, E. J.; Levine, S. H. |

|p.511-517 | |Notes on foreign actuarial journals, II. - Elderton, W. P.; Richmond, G. W.; Smither, H. B. |

| | | |

|p.518 | |Obituaries, I. |

Toja, Guido

Sestilli, Gino

Lindeberg, J. W.

Wessell, Emil

Fleury, Emile

|p.519-523 | |Official publications, III. |

|p.524-546 | |Reviews, III. |

Friendly societies, by C. H. L. Brown and J. A. G. Taylor

Japanese experience life tables 1912-27: Supplements

Industrial pension systems in the United States and Canada; and Trade union pension systems, by Murray Webb Latimer

The Hollerith and Powers tabulating machines, by L. J. Comrie

British Association for the Advancement of Science. Mathematical tables, vol III

Guide to current official statistics of the United Kingdom, vol.IX, 1932

Logarithmetica Britannica, being a standard table of logarithms to twenty decimal places, part VI, by A. J. Thompson

Reversions (2nd ed), by A. H. Withers and W. S. Wigglesworth

Building society finance, by Joseph L. Cohen

Geschichte des Verbandes Deutscher Lebensversicherungsgesellschaften von 1896 bis 1932 (History of the Association of German Life Offices from 1896-1932), by Karl Samwer

Lifförsäkrings-aktiebolaget Thule, 1872-1932 (Records of the Thule Life Assurance Company, 1872-1932)

Tropical Diseases Bulletin, Summary of medical and sanitary reports from British colonies, protectorates and dependencies for the year 1931

Report of the Committee on industrial assurance and assurance on the lives of children under 10 years of age (1933)

|p.547-549 | |Memoirs, II. |

Hutton, William

Young, Thomas Emley

|p.550-551 | |Programme of the Tenth International Congress of Actuaries, Rome , May 1934. |

|p.552 | |Correspondence, II. |

Multiplicity of the rate of interest, by W. J. Courcouf

|p.558 | |Corrigendum, v.64. |

JIA v.65 (1934)

|p.1-36 | |An approximate law of survivorship and other notes on the use of frequency curves in actuarial statistics. - Elderton, W. P. |

|p.37 | |Memoirs, I. |

Tinner, Thomas

Buchanan, James

|p.38-77 | |The measurement of the rate of population growth. - Rich, C. D. |

|p.78-85 | |Note on blood pressure, electrocardiograms and blood sugar tests. - Hunter, A. |

|p.86-93 | |Selecting an operand for a summation formula of graduation. - Vaughan, H. |

|p.94-100 | |Note arising out of a pension scheme. - Carter, W. H. |

|p.100 | |Errata, v.42 & 64. |

|p.101-102 | |Notes on the Transactions of the Faculty of Actuaries. |

|p.103-105 | |Official publications, I. |

|p.106-120 | |Reviews, I. |

Report of the Departmental Committee on Sterilisation

Census of India, 1931, vol.1: India. Part 1: Report, by J. H. Hutton and L. S. Vaidyanathan

Law and practice of life assurance and provident insurance in India, by Taradas Dutt

Elementary statistical methods, by E. C. Rhodes

An introduction to the computation of statistics, by Shepherd Dawson

Annalen der Betriebswirtschaft (Annals of Business Economics), vol.5(2) on Insurance

Die Rechtsvorschriften über die Kapitalanlagen der privaten Versicherungsunternehmungen in den Hauptkulturstaaten der Erde (Legislative regulations in the leading countries of the world affecting investments by insurance institutions), by Hans Ullrich

Continuous investigation into the mortality of assured lives - statistics for the six years 1924 to 1929

|p.121 | |Memoirs, II. |

Allin, S. J. H. W.

|p.122-156 | |Family income policies. - Raynes, H. E. |

|p.157-189 | |Foreign exchange restrictions. - Lever, E. H. |

|p.190-228 | |Notes on special contingencies arising in reversionary transactions and the policies to cover these risks. - Lafford, H. G. |

|p.229-232 | |The yield on a cumulative sinking fund (Actuarial note) - Joseph, A. W. |

|p.233-253 | |Legal notes, I. - MacGillivray, E. J.; Levine, S. H. |

|p.254-260 | |Notes on foreign actuarial journals, I. - Elderton, W. P.; Richmond, G. W.; Smither, H. B. |

|p.261-266 | |Official publications, II. |

|p.267-276 | |Reviews, II. |

Capital and income, by W. H. Gover

Unemployment funds. A survey and proposal, by Hugh H. Wolfenden

Reversions and life interests, by H. J. Tappenden

Insurance funds and their investment, by F. W. Paish and G. L. Schwartz

Logarithmetica Britannica, being a standard table of logarithms to twenty decimal places. Part 1 (the sixth to be published)

Traité du calcul des probabilités et de ses applications. Tome III: Les applications de la théorie des probabilités aux sciences economiques et aux sciences biologiques

|p.277-309 | |Further notes on the sum and integral of the product of two functions. - Joseph, A. W. |

|p.309 | |Errata, v.59 & 64. |

|p.310-316 | |Mortality investigations in America. - Hunter, A. |

|p.317-321 | |Old-established friendly societies. From the Report of the Chief Registrar of Friendly Societies for 1932. |

|p.322-326 | |Notes on foreign actuarial journals, II. - Elderton, W. P.; Richmond, G. W.; Smither, H. B. |

|p.327-331 | |Official publications, III. |

|p.332-347 | |Legal notes, II. - MacGillivray, E. J.; Levine, S. H. |

|p.348-352 | |Memoirs, III. |

Carment, David

Quiquet, Albert

Kenchington, Charles William

|p.353-356 | |Correspondence, I. |

Note on blood-pressures, by I. A. Miller

The yield on a cumulative sinking fund, by A. W. Joseph

|p.357-364 | |Reviews, III. |

Supplement to the 78th annual report of the Registrar-General for Scotland

Guide to current official statistics of the United Kingdom, vol.XII 1933

Forsikringsmathematik, by J. F. Steffensen

|p.365-401 | |Compound interest tables. - Forster, W. A. |

JIA v.66 (1935)

|p.1-12 | |Opening address by the President. - Coutts, C. R. V. |

|p.13-16 | |Notes on John Nicholls Cossham's manuscript (appendix to Presidential address by C. R. V. Coutts) - McCormack, P. H. |

|p.17-62 | |The curve of deaths. - Phillips, E. W. |

|p.63-87 | |On pseudo-analytical graduation. - Nybölle, H. C. |

|p.88-124 | |Systems of osculating arcs. - Kerrich, J. E. |

|p.124 | |Errata. |

|p.125-136 | |The pseudo-analytical graduation of mortality tables (abstract and translation of 'Uber die pseudo-analitsche Ausgleichung von |

| | |Sterblichkeitstaflen', by J. F. Steffersen) - Kerrich, J. E.; Steffensen, J. F. |

|p.137-140 | |The valuation of benefits dependent upon promotion (Actuarial note) - Price, J. L. |

|p.141-144 | |Official publications, I. |

|p.145-157 | |Reviews, I. |

Assurances sur la vie. Exercises techniques (Formules, problemes, solutions et reponses), by Charlie Jequier

Tables of the complete and incomplete elliptic integrals

British Association for the Advancement of Science. Mathematical tables, vol.IV: Cycles of reduced ideals in quadratic fields, prepared by E. L. Ince

Tropical Diseases Bulletin, vol.31, Supplement December 1934: Medical and sanitary reports from British colonies, protectorates and dependencies for the year 1932, by H. Harold Scott

Lifförsakrings-Aktiebolaget de Förenade, 1933 (I: Mortality in industrial life assurance, by Petrus Mattsson; II: On the numerical application of the collective theory of risk, by F. Lundberg)

Year's purchase of life interests on the single and dual rate principles, by W. R. Jenkins

|p.158-162 | |Memoirs, I. |

Chatham, James

Clinton, Louis Ernest

Charlier, C. V. L.

|p.163-165 | |Correspondence, I. |

The curve of deaths, by G. F. Llewellyn

|p.165 | |Errata, v.63. |

|p.166 | |Syllabus of Schertlin Prizes, 1935. |

|p.167-197 | |Factors controlling the rate of interest on long-term investments (with notes by H. P. Clay) - Raynes, H. E.; Clay, H. P. |

|p.198-247 | |Some considerations affecting the transaction of overseas life business. - Gardner, W. F. |

|p.248-267 | |Legal notes, I. - MacGillivray, E. J.; Levine, S. H. |

|p.268-274 | |Notes on foreign actuarial journals, I. - Elderton, W. P.; Richmond, G. W.; Smither, H. B. |

|p.275 | |Notes on the Transactions of the Faculty of Actuaries. |

|p.276-281 | |Official publications, II. |

|p.282-284 | |Memoirs, II. |

Higham, Charles Daniel

Palme, Sven

|p.285-291 | |Reviews, II. |

Building society practice, by G. S. Riley

Insurance companies' investments, by H. E. Raynes

The construction of a mortality and sickness table (3rd ed, a primer), by W. P. Elderton and Richard C. Fippard

|p.292-294 | |Correspondence, II. |

The curve of deaths, by E. W. Phillips

The curve of deaths, by C. D. Rich

|p.295-368 | |Summary of the report of the Committee on industrial assurance and assurance on the lives of children under ten years of age (with |

| | |comments by J. Murray Laing) - Murray Laing, J. |

|p.369-412 | |Notes on death duties (with special reference to reversions) and on the valuation of reversions for estate duty purposes etc. - |

| | |Thurston, O. I.'A. |

|p.413-423 | |The practical calculation of annuities for any number of joint lives on a mortality table following the double geometric law; with |

| | |notes on some associated laws and on the form of the curve [formula] - Lidstone, G. J. |

|p.424-427 | |Notes on foreign actuarial journals, II. - Elderton, W. P.; Richmond, G. W.; Smither, H. B. |

|p.428-432 | |Official publications, III. |

|p.433-440 | |Model office reserves and the A 1924-29 tables. - Bunney, I. J.; Falconer, W. J. |

|p.441-457 | |Legal notes, II. - MacGillivray, E. J.; Levine, S. H. |

|p.458-462 | |Assurance Companies (Winding up) Act 1935. |

|p.463-498 | |Further enquiries into the summation method of graduation. - Vaughan, H. |

|p.498 | |Errata, v.65. |

|p.499-508 | |Reviews, III. |

The mortality investigation of Japanese Post Office Life Insurance for the fiscal years 1928-29, 1929-30 and 1930-31

Guide to current official statistics of the United Kingdom, vol.XIII 1934

Insurance organization and management, by J. B. Wilson and F. H. Sherriff

Insurance as a career (2nd ed), by F. H. Sherriff

Neue rechnungsgrundlaen für pensionsversicherungen, abgeleitet aus den Beobachtungen der Pensionskasse der deutschen Verbrauchergenossenschaften für das Jahzehnt 1924-33, 3.5, 4.0, 4.5 % v.H Zinneszinsen (New valuation tables for pension insurances, based on the experience of the German Co-operative Societies' Pension Fund during the decennium 1924-33, at 3.5, 4.0 and 4.5 % interest), by Walter Kading

Tropical Diseases Bulletin, vol.32, Supplement November 1935: Medical and sanitary reports from British colonies, protectorates and dependencies for the year 1933, by H. Harold Scott

|p.509-511 | |Memoirs, III. |

Thodey, Robert

Loewy, Alfred

Moser, Christian

|p.512-513 | |Correspondence, III. |

Factors controlling the rate of interest on long-term investments, by H. Vaughan

|p.513 | |Errata v.41, 64, 65, 66. |

JIA v.67 (1936)

|p.1-2 | |The death of King George V, and Memorial to King Edward VIII. |

|p.3-30 | |Civil aviation hazards. - Richardson, C. F. B. |

|p.31-65 | |Some further notes upon experiments with actuarial functions and Fourier's series. - Anderson, T. F.; O'Brien, H. |

|p.66-75 | |The arithmetic of graduation by summation. - Lidstone, G. J. |

|p.76-83 | |A note on graduation formulae. - Fraser, D. C. |

|p.84-87 | |Official publications, I. |

|p.88-97 | |Reviews, I. |

La notion de probabilité et la science actuarielle, by J. P. van Rooijen

Factor table giving the complete decomposition of all numbers less than 100,000, by J. Peters, A. Lodge, E. J. Termouth and E. Gifford

Nomographische Lösung von Kurs- und Rentabilitätsaufgaben (Nomographic solution of problems regarding market value and yield), by I. A. Gabel

Archer's loan repayment and compound interest tables, by C. M. Cordingley and P. G. Brown

|p.98-99 | |Memoirs, I. |

Cockburn, Henry

|p.99 | |Schaertlin Prize essays. |

|p.100-102 | |Subjects to be discussed at the XIth International Congress of Actuaries, Paris 1937. |

|p.102 | |Errata. |

|p.103-134 | |The official universal notation adopted by the Second International Actuarial Congress, 1898 (Schaertlin Prize Essay) - Ogborn, M. |

| | |E. |

|p.135-186 | |The official universal notation adopted by the Second International Actuarial Congress, 1898 (Schaertlin Prize Essay) - |

| | |Gastineau-Hills, M. H. |

|p.187-221 | |Binary calculation. - Phillips, E. W. |

|p.222-268 | |Surrender values and paid-up policy amounts. - Hickox, W. E. H. |

|p.269-277 | |Notes on foreign actuarial journals, I. - Elderton, W. P.; Richmond, G. W.; Smither, H. B. |

|p.278-279 | |Deaths among actuaries abroad. |

Guldberg, Alf

Hintikka, E. A.

Laurin, P. G.

|p.280 | |Notes on the Transactions of the Faculty of Actuaries. |

|p.281-298 | |Legal notes, I. - MacGillivray, E. J.; Levine, S. H. |

|p.299-310 | |Reviews, II. |

De Norske Livsforsikringsselskapers Statistike Erfaringer I. Dødeligheten blandt Norske Livsforsikrede inntil 1925 (Statistical experience of Norwegian life offices, vol.I, Mortality of Norwegian assured lives up to 1925)

Lebensversicherung in fremder Währung (Life assurance in foreign currency), by Kurt Rentner

Examples in finite differences, calculus and probability, by Harry Freeman

The elements of actuarial science (3rd ed), by R. E. Underwood

The principles underlying the construction and use of building societies' share, subscription redemption and withdrawal tables, by H. Dougharty

The Registrar-General's decennial supplement, England and Wales, 1931, Part I: Life tables

|p.311-316 | |Official publications, II. |

|p.317-321 | |XIth International Congress of Actuaries. Committees of management and organization, and regulations. |

|p.322 | |Correspondence, I. |

Bureau of Post Office Life Assurance, Tokyo, Mortality Investigation, 1928-31, by T. Kameda

JIA v.68 (1937)

|p.1-7 | |Memoirs, I. |

Watson, Sir Alfred W., KCB

|p.8-53 | |Some observations on 'Family Annuities', considered with reference to national statistics. - Maddex, G. H. |

|p.54-101 | |Some points that have arisen out of the continuous investigation into the mortality of assured lives 1924-1929. - Elderton, W. P.; |

| | |Oakley, H. J. P.; Smither, H. B. |

|p.102-147 | |Some points that have arisen out of the continuous investigation into the mortality of assured lives 1924-1929 (discussion) - |

| | |Elderton, W. P.; Oakley, H. J. P.; Smither, H. B. |

|p.148-167 | |Legal notes, I. - MacGillivray, E. J.; Levine, S. H. |

|p.168-172 | |Note as to the new statutory provisions regarding the value of industrial assurance policies in the Irish Free State. - Honohan, W. |

| | |A. |

|p.173-177 | |Official publications, I. |

|p.178-182 | |Notes on foreign actuarial journals, I. - Elderton, W. P.; Richmond, G. W.; Smither, H. B. |

|p.183-186 | |Memoirs, II. |

Pearson, Professor Karl

Schooling, Frederick

Friedli, Professor Werner

|p.187-201 | |Reviews, I. |

Elements of probability, by H. Levy and L. Roth

The first national life tables for Egypt, by M. R. El-Shanawany Effendi

Use of sinking funds etc for capital purposes, by Ernest Long and Eric Maxwell

Guide to current official statistics of the United Kingdom

Report of a committee on pensions to widows and orphans of officers in the colonial service and on colonial provident funds

Population movements, by Robert R. Kuczynski

World population, past growth and present trends, by A. M. Carr-Saunders

The struggle for population, by D. V. Glass

The teaching of arithmetic through four hundred years 1535-1935, by Florence A. Yeldham

Inwood's tables of interest and mortality for the purchase of estates and valuation of properties including logarithms of natural numbers and logarithmic interest and annuity tables and moneylenders' tables (32nd ed), by Sir William Schooling

Tropical Diseases Bulletin, vol.XXXIII, Supplement October 1936: Medical and sanitary reports from British colonies, protectorates and dependencies, by P. Granville Edge

Veröffentlichungen des Deutshcen Vereins für Versicherungs-Wissenschaft (Publications of the German Society for Insurance Science): No.54: Über das Industrie-Geschäft der deutschen Feuerversicherungs-Aktiengesellschaften in den Jahren 1900-1932 (Progress of the German fire insuance offices 1900-1932), by Jochen Meschke

Veröffentlichungen des Deutshcen Vereins für Versicherungs-Wissenschaft (Publications of the German Society for Insurance Science): No.55: Die mehfache Versicherung desselben Interesses (Multiple insurance of the same interest), by William Kisch

Veröffentlichungen des Deutshcen Vereins für Versicherungs-Wissenschaft (Publications of the German Society for Insurance Science): No.56: Einführung in die Sachversicherungs-Mathematik (Introduction to the mathematics of non-life assurance), by P. Riebesell

Über graphische Methoden in der Versicherungs-Mathematik (On graphic methods in actuarial mathematics), by Wilhelm Schweer

The mortality among Norwegian assured lives until 1925

|p.202-203 | |The valuation of double endowment assurances by the A1924-29 mortality table (Actuarial note) - Vaughan, H. |

|p.204-205 | |Correspondence, I. |

Distribution of deaths in the first year of life, by D. H. Shaw

|p.205 | |Erratum, v.67. |

|p.207 | |Loyal address. |

|p.208-222 | |Opening address by the President. - Brown, H. |

|p.223-266 | |Select mortality tables, with special reference to the A1924-29 mortality tables. - Anderson, R. D. |

|p.267-296 | |Notes on interpolation. I: The derivation of the general divided-difference formula. II: Aitken's new processes for direct and |

| | |inverse interpolation. III: Special devices (the throw-back etc) - Lidstone, G. J. |

|p.297-303 | |Mortality investigations in America. Gastric and duodenal ulcers; gallstones. Their influence on longevity. - Hunter, A. |

|p.304-305 | |Memoirs, III. |

Westergaard, Professor Harald

|p.306-308 | |Official publications, II. |

|p.309-313 | |Reviews, II. |

Pensions and widows' and orphans' funds, by D. A. Porteous

The law of life assurance, by David Houseman

English life table no.10, Males. Mortality functions and monetary tables, by Cyril Clegg

|p.315-322 | |Correspondence, II. |

Some notes on a nomogram giving the relation between price and yield of terminable bonds bearing a fixed rate of interest, by J. G. Wilson

Actuarial notation, by M. H. Gastineau-Hills

|p.323-368 | |The estimated population of Great Britain, 1941-1971. - Honey, F. J. C. |

|p.369-410 | |Classification and valuation of industrial assurance policies. - Fulford, W. J. |

|p.411-415 | |Official publications, III. |

|p.416-430 | |Legal notes, II. - MacGillivray, E. J.; Levine, S. H. |

|p.431-437 | |Reviews, III. |

Nombres de commutation et primes pures calculés d'après les Tables de mortalité de la population Suisse 1021-30 et 1929-32

Grundzüge der Rechnungslegung und Betriebsführung der Versicherungsunternehmungen. Zum Gebrauch für kleinere Versicherungsvereine, Sterbekassen und Begräbniskassen (A primer on organization, bookkeeping and statistical records, for the use of smaller insurance institutions, collecting societies and funeral funds), by Kurt Rentner

Rechnungsgrundlagen für Pensionsversicherung (Valuation tables for pension insurance), by Walter Meewes and Walter Meissner

MacGillivray on insurance law (2nd ed), by E. J. MacGillivray and Denis Browne

|p.438-441 | |Memoirs, IV. |

Ryan, Sir George Hemmington, Bart

Phragmen, Edvard

|p.442-445 | |Correspondence, III. |

Alignment charts, by K. Camp

The rate of interest and the duration of life, by A. T. Traversi

|p.445 | |Errata and corrigendum, v.68. |

|p.447-482 | |The taxation of the annuity fund and some practical points arising therefrom. - Rowland, S. J.; Wales, F. H. |

|p.483-507 | |Equities and fixed interest stocks during twenty-five years. - Raynes, H. E. |

|p.508-512 | |Mortality of annuitants in the United States and Canada. - Hunter, A. |

|p.513-520 | |Continuous investigation into the mortality of annuitants experience for the 10 years 1926-35. |

|p.521-525 | |The recent trend of mortality in England and Wales. - Hocking, W. S. |

|p.526-534 | |Graduation by double geometric laws supplementary to Makeham's basic curve. With an application to the graduation of the A1924-29 |

| | |(ultimate) table. - Olifiers, E. |

|p.535-540 | |Some properties of Makeham's second law of mortality and the double and triple geometric laws. - Lidstone, G. J. |

|p.541-550 | |The application of uniform juniority to a mortality table graduated by the multiple geometric law. - O'Brien, H.; Cameron, J. A. |

|p.551-553 | |The representation of l[x] in the form of an integrable function (Actuarial note) - Rich, C. D. |

|p.554-581 | |Legal notes, III. - MacGillivray, E. J.; Levine, S. H. |

|p.582-594 | |Notes on foreign actuarial journals, II. - Elderton, W. P.; Nicholl, C. C.; Seal, H. L. |

|p.595-597 | |Notes on the Transactions of the Faculty of Actuaries. |

|p.598-602 | |Official publications, IV. |

|p.603-605 | |Memoirs, V. |

Moir, Henry

Smither, Herbert Buxton

|p.606-612 | |Reviews, IV. |

Industrial assurance - an historical and critical study, by Sir Arnold Wilson and Hermann Levy

An introduction to the theory of statistics, by G. Udny Yule and M. G. Kendall

Guide to current official statistics of the United Kingdom

Tropical Diseases Bulletin, vol.XXXIV, Supplement November 1937: Medical and sanitary reports from British colonies, protectorates and dependencies, by P. Granville Edge

|p.613 | |New bye-laws. |

|p.614 | |Errata and corrigenda, v.66, 67, 68. |

JIA v.69 (1938)

|p.1-7 | |Presentation of an Institute and Faculty Gold Medal to William Palin Elderton. - Elderton, W. P. |

|p.8-9 | |XIth International Congress of Actuaries held in Paris, 17-24 June 1937. |

|p.10-49 | |Some reflections on long-term investments with particular reference to the business of life assurance. - Lever, E. H. |

|p.50-85 | |Expense investigations and kindred problems. - Miller, I. A.; Richardson, C. F. B. |

|p.86-87 | |A new approximation to the value of an increasing assurance (Actuarial note) - Worger, H. O. |

|p.88-91 | |Official publications, I. |

|p.92 | |Notes on the Transactions of the Faculty of Actuaries. |

|p.93-98 | |Local Government Superannuation Act, 1937. |

|p.99-101 | |Reviews, I. |

Principles of medical statistics, by A. Bradford Hill

Frequency curves and correlation (3rd ed), by W. Palin Elderton

The birthplace and genesis of life assurance, by J.G .Anderson

Tests of normality, by R. C. Geary and E. S. Pearson

|p.102-104 | |Correspondence, I. |

A feature of the 'Z' method of valuing endowment assurances, by K. J. Hedley

|p.104 | |Corrigendum, v.68. |

|p.105 | |New Year honours, 1938: Sir William Palin Elderton. |

|p.106-135 | |Recent decisions affecting the law of life assurance. - Levine, S. H. |

|p.136-163 | |The census method of investigating mortality with special reference to the annuitants experience 1931-35. - Smither, H. B. |

|p.164-171 | |Non-forfeiture regulations: a graphical method of application. - Lockwood, A. F.; Fairburn, P. |

|p.172-178 | |On a method of forecasting the future pension outgo of a staff superannuation fund. - Llewellyn, G. F. |

|p.179-187 | |Notes on foreign actuarial journals, I. - Elderton, W. P.; Nicholl, C. C.; Seal, H. L. |

|p.188-192 | |Official publications, II. |

|p.193-197 | |Reviews, II. |

Random variables and probability distributions, by Harald Cramér

Dødeligheten Blandt Lungetuberkuløse, by Julie E. Backer

On the collapse treatment of pulmonary tuberculosis, by C. M. F. Sinding-Larsen

Guide to current official statistics of the United Kingdom, vol.XVI (1937)

|p.198-221 | |Legal notes, I. - MacGillivray, E. J.; Levine, S. H. |

|p.221 | |Errata, v.69. |

|p.223-227 | |Memoirs, I. |

Marks, Geoffrey, CBE

Coutts, Charles Ronald Vawdrey

|p.228-273 | |Dividing friendly societies. - Moore, J. M. |

|p.274-300 | |Some observations on the rate of interest as affecting pension funds. - Brown, C. H. L.; Taylor, J. A. G. |

|p.301-304 | |Official publications, III. |

|p.305-310 | |Notes on foreign actuarial journals, II. - Elderton, W. P.; Nicholl, C. C.; Seal, H. L. |

|p.311-326 | |Legal notes, II. - MacGillivray, E. J.; Levine, S. H. |

|p.327-330 | |Reviews, III. |

Lectures and conferences on mathematical statistics, by J. Neyman

Tafels van e[power of x], by H. W. Holtappel

Duodecimal arithmetic, by George S. Terry

Tropical Diseases Bulletin vol.XXXV, Supplement: Medical and sanitary reports from British colonies, protectorates and dependencies for the year 1936, by P. Granville Edge

|p.331-333 | |Memoirs, II. |

Schaertlin, Gottfried

Dumas, Samuel


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