Curriculum Map for (grade and subject) - North Mac Schools

Curriculum Map for High School U.S. History

Teacher: Erik Berkley

School: Girard High School

|Month |Content |Skills |Assessment |Essential Questions |Standards |

|Aug. –Sept. |Sect. 1 Ch.4 The French and Indian |Learn about the causes of the |Quiz: oral or multiple choice, |How did the French and Indian War impact | |

| |Sect.2 Ch.4 Issues Behind the |French and Indian War. |matching, terms |the British policies in the colonies? | |

| |Revolution |Find out how the British won. | | | |

| |Sect.3 Ch.4 Ideas Behind the |See how war weakened the |Chapter Test: multiple choice, |What were the causes and effects of the | |

| |Revolution |relationship between the |matching, essay/short answer |war for independence? | |

| |Sect.4 Ch.4 Fighting for Independence|colonists and British. | | | |

| |Sect.5 Ch.4 Winning Independence |See how and why British | |How did the Constitutional Convention | |

| |Sect.1 Ch.5 Govt. By the States |policies in the colonies | |help to frame the government of the | |

| |Sect.2 Ch.5 The Constitutional |changed after 1763. | |United States? | |

| |Convention |See what ideas and arguments | | | |

| |Sect.3 Ch.5 Ratifying the |are presented in the | |What is the significance of the Preamble | |

| |Constitution |Declaration of Independence. | |and the Bill of Rights? | |

| |Sect.4 Ch.5 The New Government |Find out about the strengths | | | |

| | |and weaknesses of the British | |What were the causes and effects of the | |

| | |and American forces. | |War of 1812? | |

| | |See how American victories in | | | |

| | |the West and South led to the | | | |

| | |end of the war. | | | |

| | |Discover the impact of the | | | |

| | |revolution. | | | |

| | | | | | |

| | |Describe the early government | | | |

| | |of the United States. | | | |

| | |State the reasons for the | | | |

| | |Articles of Confederation. | | | |

| | |Learn the causes of Shay’s | | | |

| | |Rebellion. | | | |

| | |Describe the significant | | | |

| | |events of the Constitutional | | | |

| | |Convention. | | | |

| | |Learn the positions of the | | | |

| | |Federalists and | | | |

| | |Anti-Federalists. | | | |

| | |Find out the arguments for and| | | |

| | |against the Bill of Rights. | | | |

| | |Learn about George Washington | | | |

| | |and the first Cabinet. | | | |

| | |Learn the significance of the | | | |

| | |Preamble, Bill of Rights, and | | | |

| | |Amendments 11-27 in the United| | | |

| | |States Constitution. | | | |

| | |Learn about Alexander | | | |

| | |Hamilton’s program for dealing| | | |

| | |with national and state debt. | | | |

| | |Find out what actions John | | | |

| | |Adams took as President. | | | |

| | |Have an understanding of | | | |

| | |Jefferson’s administration. | | | |

| | |Find out what led to war | | | |

| | |between the United States and | | | |

| | |Native Americans in the Old | | | |

| | |Northwest. | | | |

| | |Find out the cause and effects| | | |

| | |of the War of 1812. | | | |

| | | | | | |

| |Sect. 1 Ch.6 Liberty Versus Order in | | | | |

| |the 1790’s | | | | |

| |Sect.2 Ch.6 The Election of 1800 | | | | |

| |Sect.3 Ch.6 The Jefferson | | | | |

| |Administration. | | | | |

| |Sect.4 Ch.6 Native American | | | | |

| |Resistance | | | | |

| |Sect.5 Ch.6 The War of 1812 | | | | |

|October |Sect.1 Ch.7 Cultural, Social, and |Find out how Americans tried |Quiz: oral or multiple choice, |What were the cultural, social, and | |

| |Religious Life |to advance the culture of the |matching, terms |religious advances when our nation was | |

| |Sect.2 Ch.7 Trails to the West |new nation. | |formed? | |

| |Sect.3 Ch.7 The Great Plains and the |Know the reasons that |Chapter Test: multiple choice, | | |

| |Southwest |Americans expanded across the |matching, essay/short answer | | |

| |Sect.1 Ch.8 Inventions and |Appalachians to the Pacific | |How did the Industrial Revolution begin | |

| |Innovations |Ocean. | |in the U.S. and impact our nation? | |

| |Sect. 2 Ch.8 The Northern Section |Learn how the lives of Plains | | | |

| |Sect.3 Ch.8 The Southern Section |Indians changed from the | | | |

| |Sect.4 Ch.8 The Growth of Nationalism|1500’s to the 1800’s | | | |

| |Sect.5 Ch.8 The Age of Jackson |Find out how the Industrial | | | |

| | |Revolution arrived and spread | | | |

| | |in the U.S. | | | |

| | |Understand the farming, | | | |

| | |industrialization, growth of | | | |

| | |cities, etc. in the North | | | |

| | |Find out why the economy of | | | |

| | |the South remained | | | |

| | |agricultural | | | |

| | |Learn the signs of new | | | |

| | |nationalism after the War of | | | |

| | |1812 | | | |

| | |How did American government | | | |

| | |change under Andrew Jackson | | | |

|Nov. |Sect.1 Ch.9 Reforming Society |Find out why reformers | |What reforms began in the !800’s? | |

| |Sect.2 Ch.9 The Antislavery Movement |launched many movements in the| | | |

| |Sect.3 Ch.9 The Movement for Women’s |1800’s | | | |

| |Rights |Learn how the antislavery | | | |

| |Sect.4 Ch.9 Growing Divisions |movement grew | |Why did the Civil War begin between the | |

| |Sect.1 Ch.10 Two Nations |Find out about private roles | |North and South? | |

| |Sect.2 Ch.10 The Mexican War and |and changes in public roles of| | | |

| |Slavery Extension |women | | | |

| |Sect.3 Ch.10 New Political Parties |Understand why reform | | | |

| |Sect.4 Ch.10 The System Fails |movements heightened tensions | | | |

| |Sect.5 Ch.10 A Nation Divided Against|between the North and South | | | |

| |Itself |Understand the important | | | |

| |Sect.1 Ch.11 From Bull Run to |differences between the North | | | |

| |Antietam |and South | | | |

| |Sect.2 Ch.11 Life Behind the Lines |Learn why the U.S. went to war| | | |

| |Sect.3 Ch.11 The Tide of the War |with Mexico | | | |

| |Turns |How did political parties | | | |

| |Sect.4 Ch.11 Devastation and New |change in the 1850’s | | | |

| |Freedom |Why did violence erupt in | | | |

| | |Kansas | | | |

| | |What event(s) led to the start| | | |

| | |of the Civil War | | | |

| | |What was the significance of | | | |

| | |the First Battle of Bull | | | |

| | |Run | | | |

| | |What kinds of hardships befell| | | |

| | |the North and South during the| | | |

| | |Civil War | | | |

| | |How did the Battles of | | | |

| | |Gettysburg and Vicksburg turn | | | |

| | |the tide of the Civil War | | | |

| | |What was General Grant’s | | | |

| | |strategy for defeating the | | | |

| | |South | | | |

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|Dec.-Jan. |Sect.1 Ch.12 Presidential |How were Lincoln’s and |Quiz: oral or multiple choice, |What were the conditions and changes in | |

| |Reconstruction |Johnson’s Reconstruction plans|matching, terms |the South after the Civil War? | |

| |Sect.2 Ch.12 Congressional |similar | | | |

| |Reconstruction |Understand how Congressional |Chapter Test: multiple choice, | | |

| |Sect.3 Ch.12 Birth of the “New South”|Reconstruction differed from |matching, essay/short answer | | |

| |Sect.4 Ch.12 The End of |Johnson’s plan | |How did the technological revolution | |

| |Reconstruction |Explore the changes in the | |impact Americans in the late 1800’s? | |

| |Sect.1 Ch.13 A Technological |South’s economy after the | | | |

| |Revolution |Civil War | | | |

| |Sect.2 Ch.13 The Growth of Big |Find out how Reconstruction | | | |

| |Business |ended | |Why did the frontier shift westward in | |

| |Sect.3 Ch.13 Industrializatin and |Find out how advances in power| |the late 1800’s? | |

| |Workers |and communication affected | | | |

| |Sect. 4 Ch.13 The Great Strikes |Americans in the late 1800’s | | | |

| |Sect.1 Ch.14 Moving West |Why were industrialists called| | | |

| |Sect.2 Ch.14 Conflict With Native |“robber barons” and “captains | | | |

| |Americans |of industry” | | | |

| |Sect. 3 Ch.14 Mining Ranching, and |What was factory work like at | | | |

| |Farming |the turn of the 19th century | | | |

| |Sect.4 Ch.14 Populism |What were the causes and | | | |

| | |outcomes of the major strikes | | | |

| | |in the late 1800’s | | | |

| | |Learn the conditions that | | | |

| | |lured people to the West | | | |

| | |Study the factors that caused | | | |

| | |change in the life of the | | | |

| | |Plains Indians | | | |

| | |Learn how mining, ranching, | | | |

| | |and farming helped shape the | | | |

| | |West | | | |

| | |Discover the Populists’ key | | | |

| | |goals | | | |

| | | | | | |

|Jan. |Sect.1 Ch.15 Politics in the Gilded |Learn the effects the spoils |Quiz: oral or multiple choice, |How did business influence politics | |

| |Age |system, depression, and |matching, terms |during the Gilded Age? | |

| |Sect. 2 Ch.15 People on the Move |prosperity had on the U.S. | | | |

| |Sect.3 Ch.15 The Challenge of the |Govt. during the Gilded Age |Chapter Test: multiple choice, | | |

| |Cities |Learn an understanding of |matching, essay/short answer | | |

| |Sect.4 Ch.15 Ideas for Reform |experiences that immigrants | |What were the experiences of immigrants | |

| |Sect.1 Ch.16 The Expansion of |had in the late 1800’s/early | |in the late 1800’s and early 1900’s? | |

| |Education |1900’s | | | |

| |Sect.2 Ch.16 New Forms of |Understand how living | | | |

| |Entertainment |conditions in cities changed | | | |

| |Sect.3 Ch.16 The World of Jim Crow |during the late1800’s/early | | | |

| |Sect.4 Ch.16 The Changing Roles of |1900’s | | | |

| |Women |Understand reforms for the | | | |

| | |immigrants and needy in the | | | |

| | |late 1800’s/early 1900’s | |What were areas of reform for women and | |

| | |Learn how and why public | |the needy during the late 1800’s and | |

| | |schools expanded during the | |early 1900’s? | |

| | |late 1800’s | | | |

| | |Discover the new forms of | | | |

| | |entertainment during the late | | | |

| | |1800’s | | | |

| | |Have an understanding of | | | |

| | |African American | | | |

| | |discrimination and resistance | | | |

| | |to it | | | |

| | |Examine how women began to | | | |

| | |work outside of the home | | | |

| | |during the late 1800’s/early | | | |

| | |1900’s | | | |

|Feb. |Sect.1 Ch.17 The Pressure to Expand |Find out about the factors |Quiz: oral or multiple choice, |What factors led to the growth of | |

| |Sect.2 Ch.17 The Spanish-American War|that led to the growth of |matching, terms |imperialism in the late 1800’s? | |

| |Sect.3 Ch. 17 A New Foreign Policy |imperialism | | | |

| |Sect.4 Ch. 17 Debating America’s New |Learn the events leading up to|Chapter Test: multiple choice, | | |

| |Role |and during the |matching, essay/short answer | | |

| |Sect.1 Ch. 18 The Origins of |Spanish-American War | |How did American actions start a war with| |

| |Progressivism |Understand T. Roosevelt’s “big| |Spain in 1898? | |

| |Sect.2 Ch.18 Progressive Legislation |stick” diplomacy | | | |

| |Sect.3 Ch.18 Progressivism Under Taft|Examine arguments made by | | | |

| |and Wilson |anti-imperialists | | | |

| |Sect.4 Ch.18 Suffrage at Last |Understand the development of | | | |

| |Sect.1 Ch.19 The Road to War |the Progressive Movement | | | |

| |Sect.2 Ch.19 The United States |Know municipal, state, and | | | |

| |Declares War |federal reforms of the | |What Progressive ideas were implemented | |

| |Sect.3 Ch.19 Americans on the |Progressives | |between 1890 and 1920? | |

| |European Front |Understand the conflicts and | | | |

| |Sect.4 Ch.19 Americans on the Home |policies of President’s Taft | | | |

| |Front |and Wilson | | | |

| |Sect.5 Ch.19 Global Peacemaker |Know the factors that led to | | | |

| | |final victory for women’s | |Why did the U.S. declare war in 1917? | |

| | |suffrage | | | |

| | |Identify the main causes of | | | |

| | |World War I | | | |

| | |Find the steps the United | | | |

| | |States took toward war in | | | |

| | |early 1917 | | | |

| | |Analyze the preparations of | | | |

| | |the United States for World | | | |

| | |War I | | | |

| | |Find out how the war changed | | | |

| | |the lives of Americans on the | | | |

| | |home front | | | |

| | |Understand the provisions of | | | |

| | |the Paris Peace Conference | | | |

| | | | | | |

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|March |Sect.1 Ch.20 Society in the 1920’s |Learn how women’s roles |Quiz: oral or multiple choice, | | |

| |Sect.2 Ch.20 Mass Media and the Jazz |changed in the 1920’s |matching, terms |What were the social changes after World | |

| |Age |Learn how the mass media | |War I between 1920 and 1929? | |

| |Sect.3 Ch.20 Cultural Conflicts |helped create common cultural |Chapter Test: multiple choice, | | |

| |Sect. 1 Ch.21 A Republican Decade |experiences |matching, essay/short answer | | |

| |Sect.2 Ch.21A Business Boom |Learn why the 1920’s are | | | |

| |Sect.3 Ch.21The Economy in the Late |called the Jazz Age | | | |

| |1920’s |Understand Prohibition, | |How did the economy boom and then bust in| |

| | |racism, and the Scopes Trial | |the late 1920’s? | |

| | |Learn the Harding and Coolidge| | | |

| | |presidential policies/issues | | | |

| | |Understand how industrial | | | |

| | |growth affected the economy in| | | |

| | |the 1920’s | | | |

| | |Learn the danger signs of the | | | |

| | |U.S. economy in the late | | | |

| | |1920’s | | | |

| | | | | | |

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| | | | | | |

|March-April |Sect.1 Ch.22 The Stock Market Crash |Learn the events that led to |Quiz: oral or multiple choice, |What caused the Stock Market Crash in | |

| |Sect. 2 Ch.22 Social Effects of the |the stock market’s Great Crash|matching, terms |1929? | |

| |Depression |in 1929 | | | |

| |Sect.3 Ch.22 Surviving the Great |Learn how poverty caused other|Chapter Test: multiple choice, | | |

| |Depression |problems during the Great |matching, essay/short answer | | |

| |Sect.4 Ch.22 The Election of 1932 |Depression | | | |

| | |Understand the ways Americans | |How did poverty impact American life | |

| | |pulled together to survive the| |during the Great Depression? | |

| | |Great Depression | | | |

| | |Understand the significance of| | | |

| | |the election of 1932 | | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

|April |Sect.1 Ch.23 Forging a New Deal |Learn the major New Deal |Quiz: oral or multiple choice, |What were the main New Deal programs | |

| |Sect.2 Ch.23 The New Deal’s Critics |Programs |matching, terms |designed to bring our nation out of the | |

| |Sect.3 Ch.23 Last Days of the New |Understand the complaints of | |Great Depression? | |

| |Deal |FDR’s New Deal |Chapter Test: multiple choice, | | |

| |Sect.1 Ch.24 The Rise of Dictators |Examine the effects attributed|matching, essay/short answer | | |

| |Sect.2 Ch.24 Europe Goes to War |to the New Deal | | | |

| |Sect.3 Ch.24 Japan Builds an Empire |See how Hitler rose to power. | | | |

| |Sect.4 Ch.24 From Isolationism to War|Understand the German invasion| |How did World War II bring our nation out| |

| |Sect.1 Ch.25 Mobilization |of Poland. | |of the Great Depression? | |

| |Sect.2 Ch.25 Retaking Europe |Discover the causes and | | | |

| |Sect.3 Ch.25 The Holocaust |effects of Japan’s growing | | | |

| |Sect.4 Ch.25 War in the Pacific |military power. | | | |

| |Sect.5 Ch.25 The Social Impact of the|See how American involvement | | | |

| |War |in the European conflict grew | | | |

| |Sect.1 Ch.26 Origins of the Cold War |from 1939-1941. | |Why did Germany develop a policy of | |

| |Sect.2 Ch.26 The Cold War Heats Up |Find out how Roosevelt | |genocide against the Jews? | |

| |Sect 3 Ch. 26 The Korean War |mobilized the armed forces. | | | |

| |Sect.4 Ch.26 The Continued Cold War |Find out how the Allies | | | |

| | |regained control in Europe. | | | |

| | |See how Germany’s policies | | | |

| | |toward Jews developed from | |Why was 1945 a critical year in foreign | |

| | |murder to genocide. | |policy for the U.S.? | |

| | |See which Allied victories | | | |

| | |turned the tide of the war in | | | |

| | |the Pacific. | | | |

| | |Learn how Americans | | | |

| | |experienced the war here at | | | |

| | |home. | | | |

| | |Learn about U.S. postwar goals| |What policy did our nation take in Asia | |

| | |and the Soviet Iron Curtain. | |concerning communist aggression? | |

| | |Realize how Communist advances| | | |

| | |affected American foreign | | | |

| | |policy. | | | |

| | |Learn who fought in the Korean| | | |

| | |War and the war’s three | | | |

| | |stages. | | | |

| | |See how the Cold War was waged| | | |

| | |in Southeast Asia, the Middle | | | |

| | |East, and Latin America during| | | |

| | |the 1950’s. | | | |

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|May |Sect.1 Ch.28 Demands for Civil Rights|See how minorities began to |Quiz: oral or multiple choice, |How did leaders respond to demands for | |

| |Sect.2 Ch.28 Leaders and Strategies |demand civil rights in the |matching, terms |Civil Rights in the 1960’s? | |

| |Sect.3 Ch.28 The Struggle Intensifies|1960’s. | | | |

| |Sect.4 Ch.28 The Political Response |Find out how early groups laid|Chapter Test: multiple choice, | | |

| |Sect.5 Ch.28 The Movement Takes a New|the foundation for the civil |matching, essay/short answer | | |

| |Turn |rights movement. | | | |

| |Sect.1 Ch.31 The War Unfolds |Learn about Freedom Rides, | | | |

| |Sect.2 Ch.31 Fighting the War |Integration, and other | |What political and military responses | |

| |Sect.3 Ch.31 Political Divisions |practices that changed our | |were made in Vietnam from 1950-1975? | |

| |Sect.4 Ch.31 The End of the War |nation’s attitude toward the | | | |

| | |civil rights movement. | | | |

| | |Learn about President | | | |

| | |Kennedy’s approach to civil | | | |

| | |rights. | | | |

| | |Find out how violence and | | | |

| | |tragic events in 1968 changed | | | |

| | |the nation. | | | |

| | |Learn about the events that | | | |

| | |led to war between North and | | | |

| | |South Vietnam. | | | |

| | |Be able to describe the course| | | |

| | |of the war between 1965 and | | | |

| | |1968. | | | |

| | |Learn why President Johnson | | | |

| | |decided not to seek | | | |

| | |reelection. | | | |

| | |Learn how President Nixon’s | | | |

| | |policies led to American | | | |

| | |withdrawal from Vietnam. | | | |

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| |Erik Berkley World History Curriculum| | | | |

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|Aug.-Sept. |Content |Skills |Assessment |Essential Questions | |

| | | | | |Standards |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

| |Sect.1 Ch.1 Understanding our Past |How are geography and history |Worksheet over sect.1 and oral |How did conditions in some river valleys | |

| |Sect.2 Ch.1 The Dawn of History |linked? |questions. |favor the rise of early civilizations? | |

| |Sect.3 Ch.1 Beginnings of |How do historians try to | | | |

| |Civilization |reconstruct the past? |Quiz over Sect.1,2 ch.1 | | |

| | |What advances did people make |Oral questions | | |

| | |during the Old Stone Age? |Worksheet over Sect.3 and oral | | |

| | |How did the first cities |questions | | |

| | |emerge? |Ch.1 test | | |

| | | | | | |

| |Sect.1 Ch.2 Ancient Kingdoms of the | | | | |

| |Nile |How did trade and warfare | |Explain the moral and ethical beliefs of | |

| |Sect.2 Ch.2 Egyptian Civilization |affect Egypt and Nubia? |Sect.1 Worksheet |the Egyptians and Sumerians. | |

| |Sect.3 Ch.2 City-States of Ancient |How was Egyptian society |Sect.1,2 Quiz | | |

| |Sumer |organized? |Sect.3 Worksheet | | |

| |Sect.4 Ch.2 Invaders, Traders, and |What were the main features of|Sect.3,4 Quiz | | |

| |Empire Builders |Sumerian civilization? |Sect.5 Worksheet | | |

| |Sect.5 Ch.2 Roots of Judaism |How did the Persians unite a |Ch.2 Test | | |

| | |huge empire? |Oral questioning | | |

| | |What were the main events in |Class Discussion | | |

| | |the early history of the | | | |

| | |Israelites? | | | |

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| |Sect.1 Ch.3 | | | | |


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