Bruce W - Life Sciences



Campus Address: 267 Smith Field House

Brigham Young University

Provo, UT 84602-2201

Campus Phone: 801-422-8674


Campus Fax: 801-422-0555


Brigham Young University, Provo, Utah 2008–Present

Department of Exercise Sciences


Stress Management

Graduate Research Methods

Obesity and Weight Management

Health Education and Physical Education (HEPE)

Advanced Obesity and Weight Management

University of Massachusetts Boston, Boston, Massachusetts 2005–2008

Department of Exercise and Health Science


Fitness and Wellness

Fitness Assessment

Exercise Physiology

Energy Balance and Weight Management

University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansas 2002–2004

Department of Health, Sport, & Exercise Sciences


Physical Activity and Public Health (Co-taught)

Introduction to Energy Balance and Weight Management (Co-taught)

Brigham Young University, Provo, Utah 1999–2001

Department of Physical Education

Graduate Teaching Assistant

Responsibilities: Taught activity courses including: weight training,

jogging, tennis, basketball, golf, and racquetball.

Missionary Training Center, Provo, Utah 1996–1999

Language Instructor

Responsibilities: Taught Filipino (Tagalog), missionary skills and

attributes, local customs and generally helped prepare

missionaries to live in the Philippines.


Doctor of Philosophy 2001–2005

Department of Health, Sport, & Exercise Sciences

University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansas

Emphasis: Exercise Physiology

Dissertation: The Influence of Dairy Consumption on Metabolic Risk

Factors for Coronary Heart Disease

Advisor: Joseph Donnelly, EdD FACSM

Honors and Awards: Honors Fellowship, Merit Scholarship (2002–2004)

Master of Science 1999–2001

Department of Physical Education

Brigham Young University, Provo, Utah

Emphasis: Exercise Physiology

Thesis: Change in Physical Activity Intensity Predicts Change in Body Fat

Advisor: Larry A. Tucker, PhD FACSM

Honors and Awards: Valedictorian

Bachelor of Science Magna Cum Laude 1995–1999

Department of Physical Education

Brigham Young University, Provo, Utah

Emphasis: Pre-physical Therapy

Honors and Awards: Phi Kappa Phi Honor Society, Golden Key Honor Society,

Frank and Helen Rist Scholarship, Lillywhite Scholarship,

BYU Academic Scholarship, Dean’s List.


* Student Author, ** Student Author and I was the Primary Mentor, † Senior Author

Firouzi SA*, Tucker LA, LeCheminant JD, Bailey BW. Sagittal abdominal diameter, waist circumference, and BMI as predictors of multiple measures of glucose metabolism: An NHANES investigation of US adults. J Diabetes Res. 2018:36041081-14, 2018. HYPERLINK ""

Bailey BW, LeCheminant G**, Tucker LA, Hope T**, Bell M**. A comparison of the agreement, internal consistency and 2-day test stability of the InBody 720, GE IDXA, and BODPOD gold standard for assessing body composition. Meas Phys Educ Exerc Sci. 22:231-238. HYPERLINK ""

Burrup R*, Tucker LA, Bailey BW, LeCheminant JD. Strength training and body composition in middle-age women. The Journal of Sports Medicine and Physical Fitness. J Sports Med Phys Fitness. 58:82-91, 2018. 

Martinez KE, Tucker LA, Bailey BW, LeCheminant JD. HYPERLINK "" Expanded Normal Weight Obesity and Insulin Resistance in US Adults of the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey. J Diabetes Res.(Epub 2017) 

Carbine KA*, Christensen E*, LeCheminant JD, Bailey BW, Tucker LA, & Larson MJ. Testing food-related inhibitory control to high- and low-calorie food stimuli: Electrophysiological responses to high-calorie food stimuli predicts calorie and carbohydrate intake. Psychophysiology. 54, 982-997, 2017.

LeCheminant GM**, LeCheminant JD, Tucker LA, Bailey BW†. A Randomized Controlled Trial to Study the Effects of Breakfast on Energy Intake, Physical Activity, and Body Fat in Women Who are Nonhabitual Breakfast Easters. Appetite. 2017. 112:44-51.

Carbine KA*, Larson MJ, Romney L*, Bailey BW, Tucker LA, Christensen WF, LeCheminant JD. HYPERLINK "" Disparity in neural and subjective responses to food images in women with obesity and normal-weight women. Obesity (Silver Spring). 2016 Dec 20. [Epub ahead of print]

Nielson CM*, Lockhart BD, Hager RL, George JD, Eggett DL, Steffen PR, Mitchell UH, and Bailey BW. The Effect of CardioWaves Interval Training on Resting Blood Pressure, Resting Heart Rate, and Mind-Body Wellness. International Journal of Exercise Science. Int J Ex Sci. 9(1): 89-100, 2016.

Romney L*, Larson MJ, Clark T*, Tucker LA, Bailey BW, LeCheminant JD. HYPERLINK "" Reduced Sleep Acutely Influences Sedentary Behavior and Mood But Not Total Energy Intake in Normal-Weight and Obese Women. Behav Sleep Med. 14(5):528-38, 2016.

Tucker LA, LeCheminant JD, Bailey BW. Meat intake and insulin resistance in women without type 2 diabetes. J Diabetes Res. (EPUB, July 2015)

Tucker LA, Erickson A*, LeCheminant JD, Bailey BW.  Dairy Consumption and Insulin Resistance: The Role of Body Fat, Physical Activity, and Energy Intake. Journal of Diabetes Research. (EPUB, Jan 2015)

Tucker LA, Tucker J, Bailey BW, LeCheminant JD. A 4-Year Prospective Study of Soft Drink Consumption and Weight Gain: The Role of Calorie Intake and Physical Activity. Am J Health Promot. 2015; 29(4):262-5.

Bailey BW, Perkins AB**, LeCheminant JD, Tucker LA, and Moncur B**. Adherence to the 2010 dietary guidelines for americans and the relationship to adiposity in young women. J Nutr Educ Behav. 2015; 47(1):89-93.

Bailey BW, Borup P**, Tucker LA, LeCheminant JD, Bromley J**. Examining the relationship between physical activity intensity and adiposity in young women. JPAH. 2015; 12(6): 764-9

Tucker LA, Arens PJ*, Lecheminant JD, Bailey BW. HYPERLINK "" Television Viewing Time and Measured Cardiorespiratory Fitness in Adult Women. Am J Health Promot. 2015; 29(5):285-90. 

Tucker LA, Tucker JM, Bailey BW, Lecheminant JD. HYPERLINK "" Dietary Patterns as Predictors of Body Fat and BMI in Women: A Factor Analytic Study. Am J Health Promot. 2015; 29(4):e136-46.

Tucker LA, Bailey BW, LECheminant JD. Test-Retest Reliability of the Bod Pod: The Effect of Multiple Assessments. Perceptual & Motor Skills. Journal of Perceptual and Motor Skills. 2014;118(2):563-70.

Tucker LA, Strong JE, Tucker J, Bailey B, LeCheminant JD. Meat intake increases risk of weight gain in women: A prospective cohort investigation. Am J Health Promot. 2014; 29(1):e43-52. doi: 10.4278/ajhp.130314-QUAN-112. 

Tucker LA, LeCheminant JD, Bailey BW. Effect of two jumping programs on hip bone mineral density in premenopausal women: A randomized controlled trial. Am J Health Promot.  (EPUB, Jan. 2014)

Tucker LA, Nokes NR*, Bailey BW, Lecheminant JD. HYPERLINK "" Cardiorespiratory fitness and hip bone mineral density in women: a 6-year prospective study. Percept Mot Skills. 2014; 119(2):333-46. doi: 10.2466/06.10.PMS.119c19z2.

Bailey BW, Allen M**, LeCheminant JD, Tucker LA, Errico B**, Hill M**. Objectively measured sleep patterns in young adult women and the relationship to adiposity. Am J Health Promot. Am J Health Promot. 2014;29(1):46-54. doi: 10.4278/ajhp.121012-QUAN-500.

Moncur B**, Bailey BW†, Lockhart B, LeCheminant JD, Perkins A**. The relationship between body size and adiposity to source of self-esteem in college women. American Journal of Health Education. 2013; 44(6): 299-305.

Tucker J, Tucker LA, LeCheminant JD, Bailey B. Obesity increases risk of declining physical activity over time in women: A prospective cohort study. Obesity.  2013;21(12): E715-720.

Bailey BW, Borup P**, Tucker LA, LeCheminant JD, Allen M**, Hebbert W** and LeCheminant JD. Steps measured by pedometry and the relationship to adiposity in college women. J Phys Act Health. 2014;11(6):1225-32. doi: 10.1123/jpah.2012-0255.

Tucker LA, Folsom E*, Bailey BW, LeCheminant JD. HYPERLINK "" Is the Dose Response Relationship Between Body Mass and Hip Bone Mineral Density in Women Influenced by Diet, Physical Activity, or Menopause? Am J Health Promot. 2014;28(5):325-7. doi: 10.4278/ajhp.120921-ARB-460.

Goodsell T, Harris BD*, and Bailey BW. Family status and motivations to run: A qualitative study of marathon runners. Leisure Sciences. 2013;35: 337-352.

LeCheminant JD, Christenson E*, Bailey BW, Tucker LA. Restricting night-time eating reduces daily energy intake in healthy young men: A short-term cross-over study. Br J Nutr. 2013; 110(11):2108-13.

LeCheminant JD, Hinman T*, Pratt KB*, Earl N*, Bailey BW, Thackeray R, Tucker LA. Effect of resistance training on body composition, self-efficacy, depression, and activity in postpartum women. Scand J Med Sci Sports. 2012; (EPUB, Jun 28).

Washburn RA, Kirk EP, Smith BK, Honas JJ, LeCheminant JD, Bailey BW, Donnelly JE. One set resistance training: Effect on body composition in overweight young adults. J Sports Med Phys Fitness. 2012;52(3):273-9.

Hager R, George J, LeCheminant J, Bailey BW. Evaluation of a university general education health and wellness course delivered by classroom lecture or online. J Am Coll Health. 2012; 26(5): 263-9.

Hanlon B*, Larson MJ, Bailey BW, LeCheminant JD. Neural response to pictures of food after exercise in normal-weight and obese women. Med Sci Sports Exerc. 2012;44(10):1864-70.

Bailey BW, McInnis K. A comparison of the energy cost of six forms of exergaming. Arch Pediatr Adolesc Med. 2011;165(7):597-602. Google Scholar Cites: 194, ISI Cites:

Hinton PS, Rector RS, Donnelly JE, Smith BK, Bailey B. Total body bone mineral content and density during weight loss and maintenance on a low- or recommended-dairy weight maintenance diet in obese men and women. Eur J Clin Nutr. 2010;64(4):392–399.

Bailey BW, Sullivan DK, Kirk EP, Donnelly JE. Dietary predictors of visceral adiposity in overweight young adults. Br J Nutr. 2010;103(12):1702–5.

Kirk EP, Donnelly JE, Smith BK, Honas J, LeCheminant JD, Bailey BW, Jacobsen DJ, Washburn RA. Minimal resistance training improves daily energy expenditure and fat oxidation. Med Sci Sports Exer. 2009;41(5):1122–9.

Zemel MB, Donnelly JE, Smith BK, Sullivan DK, Richards J, Morgan-Hanusa D, Mayo MS, Sun X, Cook-Wiens G, Bailey BW, Van Walleghen EL, Washburn RA. Effects of dairy intake on weight maintenance. Nutr Metab (Lond). 2008;24:5:28.

Bailey BW, Jacobsen DJ, Donnelly JE. Weight loss and maintenance outcomes using moderate and severe caloric restriction in an outpatient setting. Dis Manag. 2008;11(3):176–80.

Gibson CA, Smith BK, Dubose KD, Greene JL, Bailey BW, Williams SL, Ryan JJ, Schmelzle KH, Washburn RA, Sullivan DK, Mayo MS, Donnelly JE. Physical activity across the curriculum: Year one process evaluation results. Int J Behav Nutr Phys Act. 2008;5:36.

Whiteley JA, Bailey BW, McInnis K. Using the internet to promote physical activity and healthy eating in youth. Am J Lifestyle Med. 2008:2 (2):159–177.

LeCheminant JD., Jacobsen DJ, Bailey BW, Hill JO, Donnelly JE.  The effects of long-term exercise on EPOC.  Int J Sports Med. 2008;29(1):53–8.

Bailey, BW, Sullivan D, Donnelly JE.  The influence of calcium consumption on weight and fat alterations following 9 months of exercise in men and women. J Am Diet Assoc. 2007;26(4):350–355.

Bailey BW, Tucker LA, Peterson TR, LeCheminant JD.  HYPERLINK "" A prospective study of physical activity intensity and change in adiposity in middle-aged women.  Am J Health Promot. 2007;21(6):492–497. Google Scholar Cites: 27, ISI Cites:

LeCheminant JD, Kirk EP, Hall MA, Bailey BW, Jacobsen DJ, Stewart E, Donnelly JE. Impact of different levels of weight loss on blood pressure in overweight and obese women. Dis Manag. 2007;10(2):83–90.

Kirk EP, Washburn R, Bailey BW, LeCheminant JD, Donnelly JE. Six months of supervised high-intensity low-volume resistance training improves strength independent of changes in muscle mass in young overweight men. J Strength Cond Res. 2007;21(1):151–6.

Gibson CA, Bailey BW, LeCheminant JD, Kirk EK, Donnelly JE. Author contacts for retrieval of data for a meta-analysis on exercise and diet restriction. Int J Technol Assess Health Care. 2006;22(2):267–70.

LeCheminant JD, Tucker LA, Bailey BW, Peterson TR. The relationship between intensity of physical activity and HDL cholesterol in 272 Women. J Phys Act Health. 2005;3:333–334.

Gibson CA, Kirk EP, LeCheminant JD, Bailey BW, Donnelly JE. HYPERLINK "" Reporting quality of randomized trials in the diet and exercise literature for weight loss. BMC Med Res Methodol. 2005;5:9.

Jacobsen DJ, Bailey BW, LeCheminant JD, Hill JO, Donnelly JE.  A comparison of three methods of analyzing post-exercise oxygen consumption. Int J Sports Med. 2004;25:1–5.

Donnelly JE, Smith BK, Jacobsen DJ, Washburn R, Kirk EK, Bailey B.  The role of exercise for weight loss and maintenance.  Best Pract Res Clin Gastroenterol. 2004;18(6):1009–29. Google Scholar Cites: 119, ISI Cites:


* Student Author, ** Student Author and I was the Primary Mentor, † Senior Author

Compton S**, Larsen MJ, LeCheminant JD, Tucker LA, Larsen B**, Bailey BW†. The Effects of Long-Term Increases in Physical Activity on Food Attention Allocation in College Freshman Women. (In Review: Frontiers of Psychology)

Anderson J**, Glenn C**, Larsen MJ, Tucker LA, LeCheminant JD, Bailey BW†. Neural Response to Food Cues After Moderate and Vigorous Exercise in Women: A Randomized Crossover Trial. (In Review: Frontiers of Neuroscience)

Smith J**, Larsen MJ, Tucker LA, LeCheminant JD, Chistenson W, Bailey BW. Response Inhibition to High Calorie Food Cues Among Adolescents Following Active and Sedentary Video Game Play Using a Go/No-Go Task: A Randomized Crossover Study. (Completed and in preparation for submission)

Bailey BW, Sessions W**, LeCheminant JD, Tucker LA, Gladson B**, Morrow L**. Evaluating relationship between sleep and next day physical activity in young women. (This paper is 80% complete)

Bailey BW, Smith BK, Sullivan D, Gibson CA, Donnelly JE. Dairy consumption has no impact on metabolic syndrome during weight maintenance in weight reduced adults. (In Preparation)

PUBLISHED ABSTRACTS (* Student Author, ** Student Author and I was the Primary Mentor)

* Student Author, ** Student Author and I was the Primary Mentor, †Senior Author

Bailey BW, Anderson J**, Glenn C**, Larson M, LeCheminant JD. Neural Response to Food Cues After Moderate and Vigorous Exercise in Women: A Randomized Crossover Trial. 3102 Board #7 June 2 200 PM - 330 PM. Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise. 49(5S):874, May 2017.

White M**, Hebert W**, LeCheminant JD, Bailey BW†. HYPERLINK "" Stress, Psychological Well-being And Dietary Quality In College Women: Examining The Confounding Factors Of Physical Activity And Sleep. Med Sci Sports Exerc. 48(5 Suppl 1):692-3, 2016.


Bailey BW, Errico W**, Compton S**, LeCheminant G**. HYPERLINK "" The Impact Of Three Progressively Higher Step Recommendations On Weight And Body Composition Over The Freshmen Year. Med Sci Sports Exerc. 48(5 Suppl 1):608-9, 2016.

Bailey BW, Compton S**, Hardy T**, Larson M. The Effects of Long-Term Physical Activity on Food Attention Allocation in College Freshmen Women. Obesity. 2014;22:T-2533-P.

Bailey BW, LeCheminant G**, Hope T**, Bell M**, LeCheminant JD. A comparison of the internal consistency and test stability of the Inbody 720, Bod Pod® gold standard and GE IDXA. Med Sci Sports Exer. 2014;46(5 Supplement):S611-624.

Bailey BW, LeCheminant G**, Hope T**, Bell M**, LeCheminant JD. Body Composition Agreement between the GE Lunar iDXA, BOD POD Gold Standard and InBody 720. Obes Res. 2013;21:S249.

Errico W**, Perkins A**, LeCheminant JD, Bailey BW†. Adherence to the 2010 Dietary Guidelines for Americans and the Relationship to Adiposity in Young Women. Obes Res. 2013;21:S240.

Morrow L**, Sessions W**, Hope T**, LeCheminant JD, Bailey BW†. Relationship Between Objectively Measured Sleep and Next Day Physical Activity. Med Sci Sports Exer. 2013;45(5):S1152.

Hope T**, Sessions W**, LeCheminant JD, Bailey BW†. The Relationship Between Objectively Measured Sleep and Diet Quality in College Women. Med Sci Sports Exer. 2013;45(5):S1461.

Bailey BW, Allen M**, Hill M**, LeCheminant JD. The Relationship Between Objectively Measured Sleep and Adiposity in College Women. Med Sci Sports Exer. 2012;44(5):S509.

Christensen E*, Bailey BW, Tucker LA, LeCheminant JD. The effect of 2 weeks of night eating restriction: a randomized and counter-balanced study. Med Sci Sports Exer. 2012;44:S167.

Clark T*, Hanlon B*, Bailey BW, Larson M, LeCheminant JD. Effect of a 45-minute exercise session on total activity in normal-weight and obese women. Med Sci Sports Exer. 2012;44:S635.

LeCheminant JD, Hanlon B*, Roberts J*, Larson M, Bailey BW, LeCheminant JD. Effect of a 45-minute exercise session on neural Responses to pictures of food in normal-weight and obese women. Med Sci Sports Exer. 2012;44:S646.

Bailey BW, Borup P**, LeCheminant JD. Intensity of Physical Activity and Body Composition: A Cross-Sectional Analysis of college women. Obes Res. 2012;20:S193.

LeCheminant JD, Romney L*, Clark T*, Black A*, Bailey BW, Larson M. The effect of sleep deprivation on free-living physical activity: A cross-over study. Obes Res. 2012;20:S150.

Bailey BW, Smith BK, Sullivan DK. The Effects of Dairy Consumption on Metabolic Risk Factors for Ischemic Heart Disease. Obes Res. 2011;19:S112.

Hebbert WA**, Perkins A**, Bailey BW, Moncur B**, Borup P**, LeCheminant JD. The Relationship between Diet Quality and Body Composition in College Women: a Cross-sectional Analysis. Obes Res. 2011;19:S213.

Borup P**, Bailey BW, Allen M**, Hill M**, Smith J**, LeCheminant JD. Steps Measured by Pedometry and the Relationship to Adiposity in University Women: A Cross-sectional Analysis. Obes Res. 2011;19:S204.

LeCheminant JD, Thackary R, Hinman T*, Pratt KB*, MacLennan K*, Earl N*, Bailey BW. The effect of resistance exercise training on depressive symptoms in postpartum women. Obes Res. 2011;19:S199.

Earl N*, Clyson P*, Larson MJ, Bailey BW, LeCheminant JD. Neural response to pictures of food in overweight/obese and normal-weight women. Obes Res. 2011;19:S174.

Moncur B**, Bailey BW, Bailey A**, Borup P**.  The relationship between source of self-esteem and body composition in college women. Obes Res. 2010;18:S121.

Bailey BW. Relative impact of gender and excess body weight on energy expenditure during exergaming in children. Obes Res. 2009;17(Suppl 2):S131.

Kirk EP, LeCheminant JD, Bailey BW, Donnelly JE. Long-term aerobic exercise combined with an ad libitum diet reduces abdominal adipose tissue in overweight individuals. Obes Res. 2009;17(Suppl 2):S105.

Bailey BW, Roling L, Smith BK, Sullivan DK, Donnelly JE. Trans fatty acid consumption and the effect on lipids in young adults: Jayhawk Observed Eating Study (JOE). Med Sci Sports Exer. 2009;41(5):S201.

Bailey BW, Marcelus F, Lujares M, Kennard L, McInnis K.  Energy cost of exergaming in adolescents. Obes Res. 2008;16:S77.

Kirk EP, Donnelly JE, Smith BK, J. Honas, LeCheminant JD, Bailey BW, Washburn RA. Low volume resistance training improves body composition in young overweight adults, a group with a high risk of developing obesity. Obes Res. 2008;16:S123.

Bailey BW, Milliken L, McInnis K. An interactive nutrition and physical activity program for middle school-aged girls: Girls on the go. Med Sci Sports Exer. 2007;39(5):S192.

Kirk EP, Washburn RA, Smith BK, LeCheminant JD, Bailey BW, Donnelly JE. Six months of moderate- or high-intensity resistance training does not favorably alter the lipoprotein-lipid profiles in young adults. Med Sci Sports Exer. 2007;39(5):S296.

Bailey BW, Whiteley J, Wyson A, Milliken L, McInnis K. A pilot project of an innovative diet and physical activity program for middle school-aged girls: Girls on the Go. Obes Res. 2006;14:A179.

Whiteley J, Milliken L, Bailey BW, Wyson A, McInnis K. Differences in perceived physical activity behaviors and barriers among ethnically and racially diverse girls. Obes Res. 2006, 14:A239.

Milliken L, Whiteley J, Wyson A, Bailey BW, McInnis K. Differences in perceived physical activity behaviors and barriers among ethnically and racially diverse girls. Obes Res. 2006;14:A255.

Bailey BW, Sullivan DK, Smith BK, Donnelly JE. The influence of dietary fat on HDL cholesterol. Med Sci Sports Exer. 2006;38(5):S57.

Tucker LA, Peterson TR, Bailey BW, LeCheminant JD, Davidson L. Objectively measured physical activity and body fat gains in women: A 4-year prospective study. Med Sci Sports Exer. 2006;38(5):S57.

Bailey BW, Gibson CA, Sullivan DK, Donnelly JE. The influence of a curriculum-based physical activity intervention on activity patterns in children: Physical activity across the curriculum (PAAC). FASEB. 2005;19:A66.

Roling LC, Bailey BW, Sullivan DK, Donnelly JE. Dietary predictors of visceral adiposity in college-age adults. FASEB. 2005;19:A1170.

LeCheminant JD, Stewart E, Gibson CA, Sullivan DK, Bailey BW, Smith BK, Hall MA, Jacobsen DJ, Donnelly JE. Weight loss improves features of the metabolic syndrome in overweight and obese women. FASEB. 2005;19:A46.

Tucker LA, LeCheminant JD, Peterson TR, Bailey BW. HDL cholesterol: A comparison of the contributions of intensity and volume of physical activity. Med Sci Sports Exer. 2005;37(5):S184.

Kirk EP, Washburn RA, Bailey BW, LeCheminant JD, Donnelly JE. Effect of 6 months of supervised resistance training in overweight young men: A realistic approach. Med Sci Sports Exer. 2005;37(5):S185.

Speer GA, Bailey BW, Smith BK, Spaeth KR, Sullivan DK, Donnelly JE. Late night energy intake influences weight gain in college students. Med Sci Sports Exer. 2005;37:S269.

Bailey BW, Jacobsen DJ, LeCheminant JD, Kirk EP, Donnelly JE. The contribution of physical activity to weight loss at three levels of energy intake. Med Sci Sports Exer. 2004;36(5):S96.

Bailey BW, Jacobsen DJ, LeCheminant JD, Sullivan D, Donnelly JE. The influence of calcium consumption on weight and fat alterations following 9 months of exercise in men and women. Obes Res. 2004;12:A34.

LeCheminant JD, Bailey BW, Kirk EP, Donnelly JE. Differences in weight loss and metabolic risk factors in upper and lower body obese adults. Obes Res. 2004;12:A50.

Gibson CA, Kirk EP, LeCheminant JD, Bailey BW, Donnelly JE. Reporting quality of randomized trials in the diet and exercise literature. Obes Res. 2004;12:A66.

Kirk EP, Washburn R, Smith BK, LeCheminant JD, Bailey BW, Donnelly JE. The effect of 24 weeks of resistance training on 24-h energy expenditure and body composition in overweight young men. Obes Res. 2004;12:A131.

Dubose K, Gibson CA, Hall M, Bailey BW, Kirk E, LeCheminant JD, Donnelly JE. The effects of diet and/or exercise on weight loss in randomized controlled clinical trials: a meta analysis. Obes Res. 2004;12:A204.

Bailey BW, Jacobsen DJ, LeCheminant JD, Kirk EP, Donnelly JE. The contribution of physical activity to weight loss at three levels of energy intake. Med Sci Sports Exer. 2004;36(5):S96.

LeCheminant JD, Jacobsen DJ, Bailey BW, Kirk EP, Donnelly JE. Is greater than 10 percent weight loss associated with further risk reduction in obese women? Med Sci Sports Exer. 2004;36(5):S82.

Kirk EP, Smith BK, Jacobsen DJ, Hill JO, LeCheminant JD, Bailey BW, Donnelly JE. Reduction in abdominal adiposity and its association with lipoprotein subfractions: The Midwest Exercise Trial (MET). Med Sci Sports Exer. 2004;36(5):S82.

Bailey BW, Jacobsen DJ, Donnelly JE. Weight reduction using moderate and server caloric restriction. Obes Res. 2003;11:A89.

Sullivan D, Bailey BW, Gibson CA, Jacobsen DJ, Donnelly JE. An important factor related to underreporting energy intake. Obes Res. 2003;11:A93.

LeCheminant JD, Donnelly JE, Jacobsen DJ, Bailey BW, Kirk EP. A comparison of Orlistat and meal replacements in weight management after a very low-calorie diet. Obes Res. 2003;11:A23.

Kirk EP, Donnelly JE, Jacobsen DJ, LeCheminant JD, Bailey BW. Reductions in abdominal obesity does not improve metabolic fitness: The Midwest Exercise Trial (MET). Obes Res. 2003;11:A79.

Bailey BW, Jacobsen DJ, Donnelly JE. The effect of analysis method in determining change in post-exercise oxygen consumption. Med Sci Sports Exer. 2003;35(5):S181.

Gibson CA, Carper MJ, Huang G, LeCheminant JD, Bailey BW, Kirk EP, Hulver M, Tran ZV, Donnelly JE. Author contacts for retrieval of data for a meta-analysis on exercise and diet restriction. Med Sci Sports Exer. 2003;35(5):S308.

LeCheminant JD, Donnelly JE, Jacobsen DJ, Bailey BW, Kirk EP. The effects of 16 months of supervised verified exercise on excess post-exercise oxygen consumption: The Midwest Exercise Trial (MET). Med Sci Sports Exer. 2003;35(5):S181.

Kirk EP, Donnelly JE, Jacobsen DJ, Bailey BW, LeCheminant JD. The effect of 16 months of aerobic exercise on regional adiposity: The Midwest Exercise Trial (MET). Med Sci Sports Exer. 2003;35(5):S225.

Bailey BW, Jacobsen DJ, Donnelly JE. The effects of 16 months of aerobic training on RMR: The Midwest Exercise Trial (MET). Med Sci Sports Exer. 2002;34(1):S212.

Bailey BW, Kirk EP, Donnelly JE, Jacobsen DJ. Changes in total daily energy expenditure as a result of 16 months of aerobic training: The Midwest Exercise Trial (MET). Am J Clin Nutr. 2002;75:S180.

LeCheminant JD, Tucker LA, Bailey BW, Peterson TR. A 20-month prospective study of physical activity and the cholesterol profile of 224 women. Med Sci Sports Exer. 2002;34(1):S60.

Tucker LA, Peterson TR, LeCheminant JD, Bailey BW. Changes in physical activity intensity predict changes in body fat: A prospective 20-month study of women. Obes Res. 2001;9(3):99S.

Davidson L, Tucker LA, Peterson TR, Bailey BW, LeCheminant JD. Objectively measured changes in physical activity predict changes in abdominal fat: A prospective 20-month study. Obes Res. 2001;9(3):203S.

Bailey BW, Tucker LA, Peterson TR, LeCheminant JD. Test-retest reliability of body fat percentage results using dual energy x-ray absorptiometry and the BOD POD. Med Sci Sports Exer. 2001;33(5).

LeCheminant JD, Tucker LA, Peterson TR, Bailey BW. Differences in body fat percentage measured using dual x-ray absorptiometry and the BOD POD in 100 women. Med Sci Sports Exer. 2001;33(5).

Bailey BW, Tucker LA, Peterson TR, LeCheminant JD. Objectively measured physical activity and cardiorespiratory fitness in 218 middle-aged women. Med Sci Sports Exer. 2000;32(5):S210.



SelfHelp Works

PI: Bruce W. Bailey November, 2018

Title of Project: The Effect of 12-weeks of SelfHelpWorks “LivingLean” program on body weight and composition

Amount: $76,138

Status: This application was originally accepted for funding but was put on hold as the company management changed.

Zija Corperation

Co-PI: Pat Vehrs, Bruce W. Bailey, James LeCheminant, November, 2012

Title of Project: The Effects of a Weight Loss Supplement on Energy Expenditure at Rest and During and Following Exercise.

Amount: $19,200

Status: This application was accepted for funding by Zija Corperation, however the application was denied by the University because the supplement contained caffeine.

The American Heart Association: Western States Affiliate Innovative Science Award January 2012

PI: James LeCheminant

Co-Investigator: Bruce W. Bailey

Title of Project: Does restricting night-time eating influence metabolic risk in normal-weight and obese adults, and adults with or at high risk for sleep apnea? A randomized trial.

Amount: $313,149 (not funded)

Boston Obesity Nutrition Research Center Pilot Funding Grant June 2007

PI: Bruce W. Bailey

Title of Project: The Influence of Active Gaming on Body Composition and Time Spent in Moderate to Vigorous Activity in Overweight Adolescents

Amount: $30,000 (Funded)

National Institutes of Health July 2009

Federal Identification Number: 043167352

PI: Scott Crouter

Co-Investigator: Bruce Bailey

Title of Project: Novel Techniques for the Assessment of Physical Activity in Children

Amount: $423,500 (Funded)

National Dairy Council June 2007

PI: Bruce W Bailey

Title of Project: The Effects of Exercise in Combination with Dairy Products on Body Composition and Weight Management in Adolescents

Amount: $75,000 (Not Funded)

Dana Farber Cancer Institute and Harvard School of Public Health January 2007

New Nodal Award

PI: Bruce Bailey

Title of Project: A targeted program of fitness promotion and disease risk reduction in adolescent survivors of cancer

Amount: $125,000 (Not Funded)

Department of Education April 2006

Carol M. White Physical Education Program (PEP Grant)

Submitted By: United Way of Central Massachusetts

Title of Project: Worcesester’s Go-Kids-Go: A Citywide After School Physical Education and Teacher Education Initiative

Amount: (Not Funded)

Lance Armstrong Foundation June 2006

PI: Bruce W Bailey

Title of Project: An Interactive Web-Based Intervention to Increase Physical Activity and Improve Physical Fitness of Childhood Survivors of Cancer

Amount: $100,000 (Not Funded)

Charles H. Hood Foundation July 2006

Child Health Research Awards Program

PI: Bruce W Bailey

Title of Project: Physical Activity and Healthy Diet in Overweight Middle School-Aged Children from Low-Income and Racially Diverse Backgrounds

Amount: $150,000 ($75,000 per year) (Not Funded)

National Cancer Institute.  1U56CA118635 September 2005

PIs: Gary Bennett, Kyle McInnis

Co-Investigator: Bruce Bailey

Title of Project: Health e-Solutions: A Pilot and Feasibility Study of e-Health for Promoting Weight Loss in Ethnically and Racially Diverse Women.

Amount: $192,995 (Funded)

American Heart Association Heartland Affiliate, AHA Identification Number: 0410104Z 2004

PI: Bruce W. Bailey

Title of Project: The effects of dietary calcium intake on metabolic risk factors for ischemic heart disease

Amount: $25,000 per year for 2 years ($50,000, Funded)


Mentoring Environments Grant January 2015

PI: CONTACT _Con-3B4733EE6D Bruce Bailey.

Co-Investigator: James LeCheminant, Michael Larsen

Title of Project: Neural inhibition to high calorie food cues among adolescents following active and sedentary video game play using a Go/No-Go task.

Amount: $20,000

Mentoring Environments Grant January 2012

PI: CONTACT _Con-3B4733EE6D Bruce Bailey.

Co-Investigator: James LeCheminant

Title of Project: The Influence of Three progressively higher Step Recommendations on the Prevention of Weight Gain in College Women.

Amount: $20,000

Mentoring Environments Grant January 2011

PI: James LeCheminant

Co-Investigator: Bruce Bailey

Title of Project: The Influence of Sleep Deprivation, Energy Intake, Physical Activity, and Cardio-Metabolic Risk: A Comparison of Lean and Obese.

Amount: $20,000

College of Health and Human Performance Research Award January 2010

PI: Bruce W. Bailey

Title of Project: Physical Activity Trends in College Women and the Influence on Weight Change.

Amount: $3,920

Mary Lou Fulton Grant June 2009

PI: Breckann Moncur

Faculty Mentor: Bruce Bailey

Title of Project: Self-Worth and Self-Acceptance as Predictors of Body Weight/Composition in College Women.

Amount: $1,800

Mary Lou Fulton Grant November 2008

PI: Bruce W. Bailey

Title of Project: Predictors of Weight Gain in College Women.

Amount: $8,000

Mentoring Environments Grant February 2009

PI: CONTACT _Con-3B4733EE6D James LeCheminant

Co-Investigator: Bruce Bailey

Title of Project: Influence of Resistance Training on Body Weight/ Composition in Postpartum Women.

Amount: $20,000

Joseph P. Healey Grant Program May 2007

PI: Bruce W. Bailey

Title of Project: Evaluation of Active Video Gaming in Normal and Overweight Adolescents.

Amount: $6,890


* Student Author, ** Student Author and I was the Primary Mentor

Evaluating the impact of exercise intensity on auditory processing speed and flexibility, and calculation ability. Presentation at the American College of Sports Medicine Conference, Southwest Chapter, Costa Mesa, CA, Oct. 2018. (LaCouture H**, Marsh H**, McCutcheon C**, Bailey BW)

Effects on short-term memory after moderate and vigorous exercise. Presentation at the American College of Sports Medicine Conference, Southwest Chapter, Costa Mesa, CA, Oct. 2018. (Marsh H**, McCutcheon C**, LaCouture H**, Bailey BW)

Three hours of sedentary screen time after school reduces cognitive control in children compared to active play: a randomized crossover study. Presentation at the American College of Sports Medicine Conference, Southwest Chapter, Costa Mesa, CA, Oct. 2018. (McCutcheon C**, White M**, March H**, LaCouture H**, Bailey BW)

Evaluating the impact of three hours of active play after school on executive function in children: a randomized crossover trial. Presentation at the Art and Science of Health Promotion conference, San Diego, CA. Mar 2018. March 2018 (Bailey BW, White M**, Marsh H**, McCutcheon C**, LaCouture H**, Johnson L**).

Subjective Ratings of Hunger, Energy Level and Thirst Following Moderate and Vigorous Exercise in Women: A Randomized Crossover Trial. Presentation at the Art & Science of Health Promotion Conference, Colorado Springs, Colorado. (Bailey BW, Anderson J**, Glenn C**, LeCheminant JD).

Examining food-related inhibitory control: Neural electrophysiological responses to food stimuli predict caloric intake. Symposium talk presented at annual meeting of the Society of Psychophysiological Research, Minneapolis, MN. Sept. 2016 (Carbine KA*, Christenson E*, LeCheminant JD, Bailey BW, Tucker LA, & Larson MJ).

Ratings of Hunger, Thirst, Energy level, and Stomach Discomfort after Moderate and Vigorous Exercise in Women: A Randomized Crossover Trial. Presentation at the American College of Sports Medicine Conference, Southwest Chapter, Costa Mesa, CA, Oct. 2016. (Wu K**, Anderson J**, Glenn C**, Bailey BW)

Psychological Well-being and Dietary Quality of College Women: Examining the Confounding Influence of Season, Physical Activity, and Sleep. Presented at the American College of Sports Medicine Conference, Southwest Chapter, Costa Mesa, CA, Oct. 2015. (Huffaker T**, Hebert W**, LeCheminant JD, Bailey BW)

The impact of three progressively higher step recommendations on weight and body composition over the freshmen year. Presented at the American College of Sports Medicine Conference, Southwest Chapter, Costa Mesa, CA, Oct. 2015. (Bringhurst G**, Compton S**, Bailey BW)

The Effects of Long-Term Physical Activity on Food Attention Allocation in College Freshmen Women. Presented at the American College of Sports Medicine Conference, Southwest Chapter, Costa Mesa, CA, Oct. 2014. (Hardy T**, Compton S**, Larson M, Bailey BW)

Adherence to the 2010 Dietary Guidelines for Americans and the Relationship to Adiposity in Young Women. Presented at the American College of Sports Medicine Conference, Southwest Chapter, Newport Beach, CA, Oct. 2013. (Jackson N**, Bell M**, Errico B, Bailey BW)

A Comparison of the Internal Consistency and Test Stability of the InBody 720, Bod Pod Gold Standard and GE iDXA. Presented at the American College of Sports Medicine Conference, Southwest Chapter, Newport Beach, CA, Oct. 2013. (Bell M**, LeCheminant G**, Hope T, Bailey BW)

Relationship Between Objectively Measured Sleep and Next Day Physical Activity. Presented at the American College of Sports Medicine Conference, Southwest Chapter, Newport Beach, CA, Oct. 2012. (Sessions W**, Hope T**, LeCheminant JD, Bailey BW)

The Relationship Between Objectively Measured Sleep and Diet Quality in College Women. Presented at the American College of Sports Medicine Conference, Southwest Chapter, Newport Beach, CA, Oct. 2012. (Hope T**, Sessions W**, LeCheminant JD, Bailey BW)

The Relationship Between Objectively Measured Sleep and Adiposity in College Women. Presented at the American College of Sports Medicine Conference, Southwest Chapter, Reno, NV, Oct. 2011. (Allen M**, Hill M**, LeCheminant JD, Bailey BW)

The Relationship Between Calcium Consumption and Visceral Adiposity. Presented at the American College of Sports Medicine Conference, Central States Chapter, Kansas City, KS, Oct. 2004. (Bailey BW, Smith BK, Sullivan DK, Donnelly JE)

Late night eating and the relationship to weight gain in college students. Presented at the American College of Sports Medicine Conference, Central States Chapter, Kansas City, KS, Oct. 2004. (Spears G*, Bailey BW, Sullivan DK, Donnelly JE)

The Independent Contribution of Physical Activity at Three Levels of Energy Intake. Presented at the American College of Sports Medicine Conference, Central States Chapter, Kansas City, KS, Oct. 2003. (Bailey BW, Jacobsen DJ, Donnelly, JE)

The Effects of Meal Replacements or Orlistat on Fruit and Vegetable Intake in Men and Women. Presented at the American College of Sports Medicine Conference, Central States Chapter, Kansas City, KS, Oct. 2003. (Roberts JE, Bailey BW, Jacobsen DJ, Donnelly JE)

The Effect of Analysis Method in Determining Change in Post-Exercise Oxygen Consumption. Presented at the American College of Sports Medicine Conference, Central States Chapter, Kansas City, KS, Oct. 2002. (Bailey BW, Jacobsen DJ, Donnelly JE)

The Effects of 16 Months of Supervised Verified Exercise on Excess Post-Exercise Oxygen Consumption: The Midwest Exercise Trial (MET). Presented at the American College of Sports Medicine Conference, Central States Chapter, Kansas City, KS, Oct. 2002. (LeCheminant JD, Kirk EP, Bailey BW, Jacobsen DJ, Donnelly JE)

The Effect of 16 Months of Aerobic Exercise on Regional Adiposity: The Midwest Exercise Trial (MET). Presented at the American College of Sports Medicine Conference, Central States Chapter, Kansas City, KS, Oct. 2002. (Kirk EP, Bailey BW, LeCheminant JD, Jacobsen DJ, Donnelly JE)

Changes in Physical Activity Intensity Predict Changes in Body Fat: A Prospective 20-Month Study of Women. Presented at the American College of Sports Medicine Conference, Central States Chapter, Kansas City, KS, Oct. 2001. (Bailey BW, Tucker LA, Peterson TR, LeCheminant JD)

Planning and Processing of Meta Analytical Research. Presented at the American College of Sports Medicine Conference, Central States Chapter, Kansas City, KS, Oct. 2001. (Gibson CA, Carper MJ, Huang G, Kirk EP, LeCheminant JD, and Bailey BW)

Test-Retest Reliability of Body Fat Percentage Results Using Dual Energy X-Ray Absorptiometry and the BOD POD. Presented at the National American College of Sports Medicine Conference, Baltimore, MD, submitted for presentation in May 2001. (Bailey BW, Tucker LA, Peterson TR, LeCheminant JD)

Changes in Physical Activity Intensity Predict Changes in Body Fat: A Prospective 20-Month Study of Women. Presented at the American College of Sports Medicine Conference, Central States Chapter, Kansas City, KS, Oct. 2001. (Bailey BW, Tucker LA, Peterson TR, LeCheminant JD)


Differences in Body Fat Percentage Measured Using Dual Energy X-ray Absorptiometry and the BOD POD in 100 Women. Sixth International Symposium, “In Vivo Body Composition Studies,” Rome, Italy, October 2002. LeCheminant JD, Bailey BW, Tucker LA, Peterson TR.


Committee Chair

Breckann Moncur master’s student (Exercise Sciences), December 2010

Annette Bailey Perkins master’s student (Exercise Sciences), December 2010

Pam Borup master’s student (Exercise Sciences), April 2012

Whitney Hebbert master’s student (Exercise Sciences), December 2012

Sharla Henry master’s student (Exercise Sciences), August 2013

Gabrielle LeCheminant master’s student (Exercise Sciences), December 2014

Jillesa Cunico master’s student (Exercise Sciences), June 2015

Mary White master’s student (Exercise Sciences), April 2018

Landon Deru master’s student (Exercise Sciences), Not done yet

Ciera Bartholomew master’s student (Exercise Sciences), Not done yet

Josh Smith doctoral student (Exercise Sciences), December 2017

Committee Member

Tiffany Hinman master’s student (Exercise Sciences), Graduation — December 2010

Katherine Pratt master’s student (Exercise Sciences), Graduation — December 2010

Charity Breneman master’s student (Exercise Sciences), Graduation — April 2011

Nonie Bliss Hanlon master’s student (Exercise Sciences), Graduation — December 2011

Elizabeth Fosson master’s student (Exercise Sciences), Graduation — April 2012

Lora Romney master’s student (Exercise Sciences), Graduation — December 2012

Geoffrey Loomis master’s student (Exercise Sciences), Graduation — August 2013

Pete Arens master’s student (Exercise Sciences), Graduation — August 2013

Nathan Earl master’s student (Exercise Sciences), Graduation — December 2014

Ed Christensen master’s student (Exercise Sciences), Graduation — December 2014

Andrea Erickson master’s student (Exercise Sciences), Graduation — April 2014

Rachelle Burrup master’s student (Exercise Sciences), Graduation — Winter 2014

Keilah Martinez master’s student (Exercise Sciences), Graduation — Winter 2016

Shelby Williams master’s student (Exercise Sciences), Graduation — Winter 2017

Sandra Marks master’s student (Exercise Sciences), Graduation — Summer 2018

James Fowler master’s student (Exercise Sciences), Graduation — Not Graduated

Mark Lott doctoral student (Physiology), Graduation — August 2014

Undergraduate Mentees & Related Research Projects

Students Mentored 2018: Landon Johnson, Hunter LaCouture, Scott Marrott, Harrison Marsh, Chance McCutcheon, Chet Oxborrow, Tanner Ward, Spencer Barlow, Ciera Bartholomew, Landon Deru, Joseph Hicks, Anna Lightheart, Ryland Savage, Matt Starr, Andrew Stevens, Caleb Summerhays, Timothy Swingle, Tanner Ward, Sara Keenan, Adrianna Pulsipher, Jason Allred.

Students Mentored 2017: James Whitlock, Kekoa Wu, Tyler Huffaker, Tyler Ocon, Summer Moffat, Tanner Poulton, Marshall Miner, Jason Allred, Diera Bartholomew, Joseph Hicks, Landon Johnson, Hunter LaCouture, Scott Marrott, Harrison Marsh, Chance McCutcheon, Chet Oxborrow, Tanner Ward, Hiilei Ellis.

Students Mentored 2016: Ben Cheney, Chase Glenn, James Whitlock, Kekoa Wu, Tyler Huffaker, Tyler Ocon, Summer Moffat, Mary White, Tanner Poulton, Marshall Miner, Erin Moderstizki, Kaylie Carbine, Tyshae Davis.

Students Mentored 2015: Chase Glenn, Chase Murphy, William Errico, Garret Bringhurst, Michelle Ratigan, Millie Olsen, Summer Moffat, Taylor Call, Tyler Huffaker.

Students Mentored 2014: William Errico, Tanner hardy, Jeff Peterson, Chase Murphy, Jacob Bromley, Tim Hope, Lendrum Morrow, Tim Zimmerman

Students Mentored 2013: Matthew Allen, Jeff Kimball, Wyatt Sessions, Jillesa Cunico, Ben Larsen, Tim Hope, Jacob Bromley, William Errico, Tim Zimmerman, Matthew Bell

Students Mentored 2012: Trevor Batty, Matthew Allen, Marshal Hill, Chase Nelson, Jeff Kimball,

Wyatt Sessions, Jillesa Cunico, Dan Baird, Ben Larsen, Bill Errico, Nick Jackson, Tim Hope, Matthew Bell, Brett Gladson, Lendrum Morrow, Evan Finlay, Matt Wilde, Jacob Bromley

Students Mentored 2011: Matthew Allen, Marshal Hill, Barbara Simmons, Wyatt Sessions, Jillesa Cunico, Nick Jackson, Tim Hope, Matthew Bell

Undergraduate Mentored Students Research: Freddie Marcelus, Mark Lujares, Larry Kennard, Raven Ladon, Trevor Batty, Matthew Allen, Marshal Hill, Barbara Simmons, Chase Nelson, Jeff Kimball, Wyatt Sessions, Jillesa Cunico, Dan Baird, Ben Larsen, Bill Errico, Nick Jackson, Tim Hope, Matthew Bell, Brett Gladson, Lendrum Morrow, Evan Finlay, Matt Wilde, Jacob Bromley, Tanner.


Editorial Board Member for the American Journal of Health Promotion 2013-Present

Member of the Executive Committee of the Boston Obesity and Nutrition

Research Center 2007–2009

Student Representative of the Central States Chapter of the American College

of Sports Medicine 2001–2004

Member of the American College of Sports Medicine Student Affairs Committee 2001–2004

Reviewer for the following Academic Journals:

Journal of Physical Activity and Health 2006–Present

Obesity Journal 2006–Present

Obesity Reviews 2007–Present

Archives of Pediatric and Adolescent Medicine 2010–Present

American Journal of Lifestyle Medicine 2007


Mentoring Environments Grant Reviewer 2017

Department of Exercise Science Curriculum Committee 2011–Present

Exercise and Wellness Program Director 2011–Present

Exercise Science Search Committee 2018–

Exercise Science Awards Committee 2011–2016

Grant Proposal Reviewer: Office of Research and Creative Activities Student Grants 2010–2015

Grant Proposal Reviewer: Graduate Research Fellowship Awards (Life Sciences, BYU) 2009–2010

Annual Fund Raising Rep (Exercise Sciences, BYU) 2008–2009

United Way Rep (Exercise Sciences, BYU) 2008–2009

Director of the Exercise Physiology Laboratory (University of Massachusetts Boston (UMB)) 2005–2008

Personnel Committee (Exercise and Health Science, UMB) 2005–2008

Curriculum Committee (Exercise and Health Science, UMB) 2006–2008

Search Committee (Exercise and Health Science, UMB) 2006–2007


American College of Sports Medicine 2001–Present

The Obesity Society 2004–Present

Boston Obesity and Nutrition Research Center 2007–2009


Brigham Young University, Provo, Utah

A randomized controlled trial to study the effects of breakfast on energy intake, physical 2013-2014

activity, and body fat in non-breakfast eating women

The Influence of Three Progressively Higher Levels of Steps on Weight Gain Prevention 2011-2014

in College freshmen

Predictors of Weight Gain in College Women. 2009–2013

Responsibilities: Principal Investigator

Influence of Resistance Training on Body Composition in Postpartum Women. 2009–2010

Responsibilities: Co-Investigator

University of Massachusetts Boston, Boston, Massachusetts

UMB-DF/HCC Comprehensive Cancer Partnership Program (U56).  2005–2008

The goal of the UMass Boston and Dana Farber Cancer Institute/Harvard Cancer Center partnership is to address health disparities in minority populations, and to improve research, training, and outreach opportunities for minority students, nurses, and scientists. Through the U-56 partnership, a pilot project is being conducted to examine the use of ehealth technologies for weight loss in ethnically and racially diverse women.

Responsibilities: Co-Investigator

National Cancer Institute.  1U56CA118635

(Co-PI Emmons, Co-PI Bennett).

Evaluation of Active Video Gaming in Normal and Overweight Adolescents. 2007–2008

Responsibilities: Principal Investigator

Joseph P. Healey Grant Program

Fencing for Fitness in Survivors of Cancer 2005–2007

Responsibilities: Co-Investigator

University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansas

The Effects of Dairy Intake on Weight Maintenance and Metabolic Profile 2004–2007

Responsibilities: Project coordinator, subject recruitment, data collection,

data entry/analysis, database management, class


Dairy Management, Inc. (Midwest Dairy Council)

Resistance Training for the Prevention of Obesity 2003–2005

Responsibilities: Subject recruitment/retention, data collection, data entry/analysis.

NIH DK06832

Low Carbohydrate vs. Low Fat Diet Intake Following Weight Loss for Weight

Maintenance and Prevention of Weight Regain 2003–2005

Responsibilities: Data collection, data entry/analysis.

Atkins Foundation and Health Management Resources

Prevention of Obesity in Children with Physical Activity Across the Curriculum (PAAC) 2003–2006

Responsibilities: Data collection, data entry/analysis.

NIH DK061489

The Jayhawk Observed Eating Trial 2001–2006

Responsibilities: Subject recruitment/retention, data collection, data entry/


NIH DK058385

University of Kansas Weight Control Research Project 2001–2005

Responsibilities: Subject recruitment/retention, data collection, data entry/

analysis, class management, class instruction.

Energy Balance and Smoking Cessation: A Mechanistic Study. 2001–2003

Responsibilities: Subject recruitment/retention, data collection, data entry/


AHA-Heartland 0151427Z

Meta-Analysis (Effects of Physical Activity and Diet on Weight) 2001–2002

Responsibilities: Read and code articles, data entry, quality assurance.

NIH DK56303

Brigham Young University, Provo, Utah

BYU Lifestyle Project 1999–2001

Responsibilities: To help in all areas of this study from subject recruitment/

retention, to data collection, to data entry/analysis.


Joseph E. Donnelly, PhD (advisor) Jessica Whiteley, PhD

University of Kansas University of Massachusetts Boston

Department of Health Sport and Exercise Science Department of Exercise and Health Science

100 Robinson Center University of Massachusetts Boston

1301 Sunnyside Drive 100 Morrissey Boulevard

Lawrence, KS 66045 Boston, MA 02125

785-864-0789 508-536-5552

Cheryl A. Gibson, PhD Debra Sullivan, PhD, RD, LD

University of Kansas Medical Center University of Kansas Medical Center

General and Geriatric Medicine Dietetics and Nutrition

5026 Wescoe Pavilion 4019 Delp Pavilion

Mail Stop 1020 Mail Stop 4013

3901 Rainbow Boulevard 3901 Rainbow Boulevard

Kansas City, KS 66160 Kansas City, KS 66160-7250

913-588-7207 913-588-5357

Larry A. Tucker James D. LeCheminant

Brigham Young University Brigham Young University

Department of Exercise Sciences Department of Exercise Sciences

237 SFH 269 SFH

Provo, UT 84602 Provo, UT 84602

801-422-4927 801-422-1285

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