COURSE TITLE: Introduction to Healthcare Science


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| |COURSE TITLE: Introduction to Healthcare Science |

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| |CAREER PATHWAY: Medical Services |

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| |Gainesville Middle School |

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|Instructor: Annette Cochran |

|Email: annette.cochran@ |

|School Website: |

|School Phone: 770-534-4327 |

Introduction to Healthcare Science

I. Course Description:

Introduction to Healthcare Science is the foundational course for all Health Science pathways and is a prerequisite for all other Healthcare Science pathway courses. This course will enable students to receive initial exposure to the many Healthcare Science careers as well as employability, communication, and technology skills necessary in the healthcare industry. The concepts of human growth and development, interaction with patients and family members, health, wellness, and preventative care are evaluated, as well as the legal, ethical responsibilities of today’s healthcare provider. Fundamental healthcare skills development is initiated including microbiology, basic life support and first aid. This course will provide students with a competitive edge to be the better candidate for either entry into the healthcare global marketplace and/or the post-secondary institution of their choice to continue their education and training.

II. Pre-Requisite: Administrator Approved

III. Textbook/materials: Diversified Health Occupations, 6th/7th ed., Delmar Publishing will be the reference text used for the course. Supplemental texts, publications, handouts, and materials will be utilized as appropriate. The American Heart Association’s media will be utilized for CPR and First Aid Instruction.

IV. Course Content: The students will have the opportunity to develop understanding of and reasonable proficiency in the following areas:

• History of Healthcare

• Healthcare Systems

• Cultural Diversity

• Personal Qualities of Healthcare Workers

• Communication Skills

• Life Changes – Growth & Development

• Ethical and Legal Roles & Responsibilities

• Preventative Health Behaviors

• American Heart Association Heartsaver CPR

• Safety Practices and Infection Control

• Career Exploration and Research

V. Special Requirements/Supplies:

|2-4GB USB drive |

|Pencils, Pens, Highlighters, Index cards |

|Suitable clothing for lab experiences are required |

|$5.00 for CPR & AED Certification Card |

|$5.00 for First Aid Safety Card |

VI. Expectations and Requirements: Each student is responsible for the following:

• Coming to class on time and being prepared for every class

• ALL assignments, projects, & labs whether or not he/she was present; includes make-up work. A maximum of 3 days is allowed for the student to get the assignment and then a total of 5 days from the absence to turn in the assignment per high school policy. Assignments not made up during this time frame, will receive a zero.

• Daily start up activities and weekly medical terminology/abbreviation lists are class requirements.

• Professionalism, good work ethic & willingness to work HARD!

VII. Instruction Resources: A variety of instructional methods are used. These include group assignments, discussion, role-playing, and hands on activities, guest speakers, audiovisual presentations, anatomical models, and projects.

VIII. Evaluation and Grading Scale:

A: 90 and above

B: 80 – 89

C: 74 – 79

D: 70 – 73

F: 69 or below

Students will be graded in the following manner-

• Exams, Skill Performance Check Offs, Projects 45%

• Medical Terminology, Pop Quizzes, Daily activities/assignments 35%

• Final Exam (Comprehensive) 20%

**Digital Portfolio must be kept in sequences of units. Organization is very important. Portfolio checks may occur weekly. It is the students’ responsibility to keep the portfolio updated. **

**Work Ethic is a grade that monitors the student’s classroom conduct. It will be recorded weekly. **


1) Attendance: attends class, arrives/leaves on time; notifies instructor in advance of planned absences; makes up assignments punctually.

2) Character: displays loyalty, honesty, trustworthiness, dependability, reliability, initiative, self-discipline, and self-responsibility.

3) Teamwork: respects rights of others; is a team worker, is cooperative, is assertive; displays a customer service attitude; seeks opportunities for continuous learning; displays mannerly behavior.

4) Appearance: displays appropriate dress, grooming, hygiene, and etiquette.

5) Attitude: demonstrates a positive attitude; appears self

-confident; has realistic expectations of self.

6) Productivity: follows safety practices; conserves materials; keeps work area neat and clean; follows directions/procedures.

7) Organizational skills: manifests skill in personal management, time management, prioritizing, flexibility, stress management, and dealing with change.

8) Communication: displays appropriate verbal and non-verbal skills.

9) Cooperation: displays leadership skills; appropriately handles criticism and complaints; demonstrates problem-solving capability; maintains appropriate relationships with supervisors and peers; follows chain of command.

10) Respect: deals appropriately with cultural/racial diversity; does not engage in harassment of any kind.


“Cheating includes any attempt to defraud, deceive, or mislead a teacher in arriving at an honest evaluation of student achievement.”

Cheating is inexcusable conduct and will be dealt with strictly. A zero will be given for the assignment, the teacher will contact the parent(s), and a record of the incident will be placed in the student’s disciplinary file.

XI. DRESS CODE: Healthcare is a profession that requires proper dress attire. I hold this standard in my class. I value professionalism among my peers and my students. Student and parent/guardian must sign acknowledgement form. No open toe shoes on lab days, this is a safety issue. Scrubs are encouraged or a lab coat on lab days. No hats on in class.

Classroom Electronic Use Policy:

1. Electronic devices (cell phones, iPads, tablets, music players, etc.) are to remain on silent and put away during class time, unless the teacher has instructed to use them for a class activity. Failure to follow this guideline will result in confiscation of the electronic device. Continued failure to follow this guideline will result in disciplinary referral.

2. Practice appropriate digital citizenship at all times when using electronic devices. For our classroom, Digital Citizenship is defined as:

    "Critical thinking and ethical choices about the content and impact on oneself, others, and one's community of what one sees, says, and produces with media, devices, and technologies." [i]         In other words: THINK before you engage in online activities.


[1] Collier, Anne. "A Definition of Digital Citizenship."





I have read and understand the syllabus for the class. I am aware that a copy of the syllabus needs to be kept in my notebook/portfolio at all times. I am fully aware of the grading system, absentee and tardy policy.




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