The Boom – Study Guide

The Boom – Study Guide

“OILS, CARS & WATER” (Use these words as a memory jogger!)


1) What did crude oil (from the earth) replace as fuel?

2) Key Event: Why did the discovery of oil in Texas change America forever?

3) When oil became cheaper than water, how did that change Americans’ lives?


4) What manufacturing method did Henry Ford create? How does mass production change the world – for workers? For people’s purchasing power?

5) Who could afford the Model T? How did it impact lives?

6) How does the car change American cities? How does it relate to the Am. spirit?


7) Why is the story of the West a story of water?

[Key words: CA, desert, mountains, cities; steel, RR track, powerlines, road]

Key Event: The Los Angeles aquaduct changes the West (43 casualties)

8) How does the aquaduct affect population? The environment? Who opposed it?


9) What does WWI do to the economy?

10) What was the Great Migration? Why did it happen? (Think P.E.R.S.I.A.)

Facts: 1915 – 1930 – 1.5M head north (1 in 7 Blacks!)

11) How did Whites feel about the Great Migration? Be specific – think P.E.R.S.I.A.

Key Event: July 27, 1919 – Chicago – Race Riot of 1919

12) How is this riot a product of de facto segregation up North? How did the events in Chicago affect the nation?

Trivia: The first black Congressman was elected ____ years before Obama became President.


13) 50% of all crimes involves ___________________.

14) Name three reasons why people wanted Prohibition. Which groups lobbied for it?

15) Did Prohibition “work”? Consider the president’s behavior.

Trivia: Muscle cars developed. The Bootleg Turn is still a racing maneuver today.

16) What was Prohibition’s result in cities? (The “dark side” of Prohibition)

17) Chicago 1929 – Biggest Mob hit in history (St. Valentine’s Day Massacre)

• “This is what Prohibition has come to.”

• Ballistic forensics pioneered ( forensic crime labs (grandpa of CSI!) – tech!

18) Which Amendment allowed the Feds to arrest gangster Al Capone? (Amendments changing lives)

REVIEW: Prohibition led to (insert up or down arrows):

____ organized crime

____ Billions in tax revenue (profit) – while gangsters got rich

***All this means: The government needs ca$h!

Key event: Stock Market Crash of 1929 – the gov’t is broke! So…

( December 5, 1933 – Prohibition abolished (the need for cold, hard cash)

The only time in American history that a Constitutional Amendment is repealed!

After 3 decades of economic BOOM (early 1900s), the country has hard times head.


The Great Depression & America’s response to economic BUST

America gets “busted” for its bad economic practices (both by the gov’t & regular ppl)

Summing it up:

1920s – This was a “boom” time for America

• Farmers struggling, but cities (like LA) expand into mega-cities (oil, cars, water)

• Consumerism & capitalism – bad practices “bite us in the butt”

• Key issue: Everything built on CREDIT (most Americans had NO savings at all!!)

1929 (end of the 20s): The turning point from BOOM to BUST

October 1929 – BUST BEGINS – Stock Market Crash

America’s economy teeters on the edge, but still not falling into the abyss

Question for next episode: Why is confidence in bank stability crucial, economically?


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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