
Seventh Grade Social Studies - Mrs. DeAngelis


The 7th Grade American History Curriculum is the beginning of a two-year program. The themes that we will be working with are:

1. United States Mapping Skills

2. Our Colonial Heritage

3. American Revolution

4. A New Nation – Forming a Government

5. The New Republic Jefferson Era, The Age of Jackson

6. The Nation Expands The North, The South

7. The Nation Breaks Apart A Divided Nation, The Civil War


o Have a working pen or pencil with you everyday and a pencil on test days.

o Have a 2-inch binder and bring it to class everyday.

o Have 5 dividers in your binder labeled “I can”, Notes, Vocabulary, Homework, and Tests

o Have a composition book/spiral notebook to be used as a class journal/do now/vocabulary list to be brought to class everyday.

o Have a highlighter and color pencils for various activities

Bonus Points Supplies:

Box of tissues

Hand sanitizer

Classroom Behavior:

o Be on time for class, in your seat, ready to work WHEN the bell rings.

o Have only Social Studies materials on your desk.

o Hand in homework and projects on time.

o Listen to others while they are talking

o Understand that everyone has his or her own opinion – Respect that.

o Please participate – we would all like to hear what you have to say

o Make all questions and comments relevant to the discussion

o If your question is off topic write it down and ask it later

Electronic Devices:

The presence and/or use of ALL electronic devices seen or used in class will be immediately confiscated and turned in to the main office. Parents/guardians will then be required to pick up these items at their convenience. DO NOT make this an issue.


Please do not ask to leave the room unless it is an emergency or you have a signed pass from another teacher. Make sure to have your necessary supplies in class, you will not be allowed to your locker, as it is disruptive to the class. If you must use the lavatory please do so at the beginning of the period; there will be passes in the front of the room and a sign out book.


Your grades will be calculated using E-schools the computer program for the parent portal. They will be calculated as follows:

Tests 25% Classwork 25% Homework 10% “I can”/Journal 10%

Projects 10% DBQ’s 10% Vocabulary 10%

Final Course Grade:

1st quarter: 22% 2nd quarter: 22% 3rd quarter: 22% 4th quarter: 22% Final Exam: 12%

Paper Heading:

Make sure to put your name on the top of every paper that you hand in along with the date, my name, the class period and what the assignment is. Please utilize the following example:

A+ Student September 1, 20__

Mrs. DeAngelis Per. 1

Homework #17


It is beneficial for each student to be in class each day. If you are absent from school upon your return make a point to see me before class begins to find out the work that was missed. It is your responsibility. All missed tests must be made-up during a time that is convenient to the student and the teacher within one week of the absence. If a student does not make up a test in the allotted time it will be calculated as a “zero” in the students average.

Extra Help:

The days and times will be posted within the first two weeks of school.

Parental Concern:

The best and fastest way to contact me is by email at Ldeangelis@.

Your parent or guardian may also call the office to leave a message. I will return their call within 24 hours from receiving the message.


is a one-way text messaging and email system. All of your personal information remains completely confidential (as does mine) but I will be able to send reminders by text message or email. Please sign up for this wonderful service, as it will assist me in keeping you and your parents updated about tests, projects and just simple reminders. The signup information is attached.


is an Internet site that allows the students to study for each chapter by playing games, using flash cards and taking practice tests. I suggest that each student use the website on a regular basis to help them with the topics we will be studying. When you go to the site you can search using my name: MSDEANGELIS and then the chapter we are working on.

Seventh Grade Social Studies - Mrs. DeAngelis


Please read the attached course outline with your parents/guardians, sign and return this form to class by Friday.

Thank you.

L. DeAngelis

I certify that I have read a copy of the 7th Grade Social Studies Course Outline and I understand all of the course requirements and the course grading procedures.

Name of Student (Printed) __________________________________________

Signature of Student _______________________________________________

Class Period ____________ Date Signed _______________

Name of Parent/Guardian (Printed) ___________________________________

Signature of Parent/Guardian ________________________________________

Date Signed ________________

Daytime Telephone number _________________________

Evening Telephone number __________________________

E-mail address of Parent/Guardian ___________________________________


I certify that I understand that plagiarism is not an acceptable practice conducive to the educational practice. Whenever assignments are given I pledge to do my own work and not copy from other students or the Internet. If I have not done my own work I will not receive credit for the assignment until I do it on my own.

Signature of Student _____________________________________________

Signature of Parent ______________________________________________


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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