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ACE American History

Chapter 8: Securing the Republic, Group Worksheet

Identify the following:

War hawks:

Whiskey Rebellion:


Alien & Sedition Acts:

Gabriel’s Rebellion:

Embargo Act:

Virginia & Kentucky Resolutions:

Discussion Questions. Write a response to the questions below using evidence such as people, events, vocabulary, legislation/laws, etc. to support your conclusions.

1. Alexander Hamilton’s plan called for commercial industrialization. This is something many Americans viewed positively. Explain why some Americans opposed Hamilton’s position. What were some of the alternative plans for development?

2. Women were increasingly coming to believe that they too had the right to knowledge, education, public discourse, and employment. Discuss the various arguments being made in the late eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries by women as to their changing roles in the new republic.

3. In what ways can Thomas Jefferson’s presidency be considered a revolution? Did his presidency deliver an “Empire of Liberty” as he envisioned? Why or why not? Consider the experience of the many different groups of people in society.


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