AAUW La Crosse (WI) Branch

Breaking through Barriers

American Association of University Women

AAUW La Crosse Branch

P.O. Box 2112

La Crosse, WI 54602

This application is also available on the AAUW-La Crosse website at: HYPERLINK

"" lacrosse-wi.scholarships


AAUW La Crosse Branch Holistic Nursing Undergraduate Scholarship

at Viterbo University

NOTE: AAUW scholarship funds are managed and distributed by the La Crosse Community Foundation.

Purpose: AAUW is a national organization that advances equity for women and girls through advocacy, education, philanthropy and research. AAUW La Crosse Branch offers our scholarships to male or female students. This scholarship was established in 2018 to assist nursing students in the pursuit of holistic nursing certification. AAUW scholarships are funded in part by profits from the annual La Crosse AAUW Art Fair on the Green.

The AAUW will award one $1000 scholarship.

Eligibility {NOTE: The review committee will not review an incomplete application

or a late arriving application}

An applicant must have:

(A) completed two semesters in the undergraduate professional

nursing sequence,

(B) achieved an undergraduate Nursing GPA of at least 3.0, (C) enrolled full time for

the next academic year at Viterbo University, and (D) prepared to incorporate holistic nursing practices in the personal career of choice. The review committee will give preference to applicants with a plan to work as a professional in public health nursing and/or with a plan to seek holistic nursing certification.

An applicant must submit a 600 word essay including current APA referencing

in which the applicant identifies one holistic nursing theory, describes that theory in relation to the applicant’s philosophy of nursing, and shares an example of how the applicant has incorporated holistic nursing into present clinical experience/practice.

An applicant must submit a transcript (official or unofficial).

An applicant must submit all required materials by the deadlines indicated at the bottom

of this form.

An applicant must include on a cover page the following information and signature.

Student Name ___________________________

Parent/Guardian Name________________________




Semesters in College Completed________

Anticipated Graduation Date ______________________

Signature of the Applicant: _______________________________________

Date: ______________

[With your signature, you attest to the accuracy of all the information included

in your application.]

By February 8th:

Take your completed application with all required materials to Viterbo’s Financial Aid Office in the Murphy Center, Room 218. A member of the AAUW Scholarship Committee will collect the completed applications at the start of the business day

on 02/09/21. If you need to mail the completed application, address the envelope

to the AAUW address listed at the top of this application and postmark the application by 02/05/21.


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