Hispanic / Latina/Latino Americans

Hispanic / Latino Americans—Lecture Outline

Size and origin of largest Hispanic sub-groups (Schaefer ch 9)

Key role of contemporary immigration in make-up of Hispanic population

Pan-ethnicity identity of Hispanic / Latino label Vs. Country of Origin & American identity

(Schaefer ch 9)

Immigration --– The Latino portion of US immigrants , & potion of Latino population that is immigrant (lecture only)

Mexican Americans (citizens) especially are likely to face scrutiny from authorities and public as “suspected illegal aliens.” (Schaefer ch. 10)

Socio-Economic Status (SES) data (from Schaefer Ch. 9 & 10) on Hispanics and key sub-groups.

Note patterns in data (not exact #’s) –some of similarities and differences between main sub-groups -- Cuban Ams. & South Americans, compared to Mexican Ams., Puerto Ricans, & Central Ams.

Education & why lower for Mexican Americans and Puerto Ricans (Schaefer, Ch 10)

& Mexican American de jure school segregation went on much longer, until late 1970s… (lecture only)

& Recent Education increase data, esp. for college attend by HS grads (lecture only)

Language Assimilation data—How long does it take? Compared to other immigrant groups? Hispanic views on learning English? (Schaefer Ch. 9)

How various Hispanic sub-groups came to be part of the US? (drawing together info. from Schaefer) – Via War/Conquest & Immigration, key role of US Foreign Policies & Immigration policies in this.

Mexicans – Conquest , plus later immigration (long, cyclical contradictory history of immgn. & US response) (Schaefer ch. 10)

-- US immigration policy & Mexican immigrants (contradictory – welcoming & hostile) 1848-1924 (open), 1930s deportations/repatriation, 1942-64 Bracero program / labor recruitment, 1953-54 “Op. “wetback,” 1965-present including 1986—88 Amnesty for undocumented immgs. (Schaefer ch. 10 & a little extra from me)

Puerto Ricans – Conquest / colonial status, commonwealth status, plus citizenship & later migration to mainland. (Schaefer ch. 10)

Cubans – More for political reasons (anti-communist 1959 onward)– US Response more welcoming “Wet Foot/Dry Foot” policy. Contrast to how all other Latino immigrant treated— (Schaefer ch. 9)

Central Americans -- US role in CA in 1980s-90s wars there. US Response not welcoming to CA immigrants; important large group in this are El Salvadorans. (Schaefer, ch. 9)

Dominicans (from the Dominican Republic) -- US role, 1965 invasion of DR– US Response not welcoming generally

Video clip from “Faces of America” – on Eva Longoria’s family history – Mexican American

History of conflict between Mexican Americans and Anglos after Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo in 1848 through early 20th century (Schaefer Ch. 10). 1915 uprising of Texas Mexicans / Tejanos, & brutal repression of it by Texas Rangers. Reasons for uprising? Land dispossession…(Garcia web rdg.)

Borderlands as hybrid zone -- lots of cross-border mixing culturally and economically (Schaefer Ch. 9), but political border real & obstacle to many immigrants.

Puerto Rican Women face burden and obstacles of stereotypes (sexual and occupational) and misinterpretations / culture class (re: styles of dress, etc.) (Cofer rdg. 8 in H&A)

Mixed (immigration ) Status Families / Households (Schaefer ch. 10) -- & difficulties this poses for those households and families…

Puerto Ricans citizens, but those on Island cannot vote in US elections – commonwealth status, legacy of colonialism

“Culture of Poverty” theory and critique of it. (Schaefer, ch. 10)

“Color gradient” as way of seeing /categorizing races, esp. in Puerto Rico (Schaefer, ch. 9 & 10)

Did discuss in class. Or very little, but you should know:

The importance of family life and religion to Hispanics, in general. (Schaefer ch. 10)

Remittances & home town clubs – what are they & how much have they helped Mexicans & related to immigration? (ch. 9)

Puerto Ricans (Schaefer ch. 10)

-- A little on PR colonial history & acquisition by the US

-- Migration to mainland and SES status & general experience on mainland

Mexican Americans (Schaefer ch. 10)

Chicano Civil Rights movement 1960s and 1970s

Cesar Chavez—key Mexican American leader & what he did.

& See also Group Discussion Questions for topic to see list of key issues, most covered in lecture.


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