Imperialism Web Quest

Imperialism Web Quest

1. Recalling the Monroe Doctrine

• What was the Monroe Doctrine?

• How did it return to U.S. politics in 1904?

• How did some Latin American nations perceive “help” from the United States?

2. The Spanish-American War

• What was the Maine?

• Captain Sigsbee commented that in the moment of the explosion and sinking, what instinct set in?

• How many seamen died in the explosion?

• How many were wounded?

• What is meant by yellow journalism?

• How was William Randolph Hearst true to his word after he sent Frederick Remington a famous message about inciting war with Spain?

3. The Panama Canal

• How did Theodore Roosevelt become president at the age of 42?

• Discuss the challenges faced by the building of the Panama Canal.




• Why did some Americans not support President Roosevelt’s behavior?

4. U.S. Intervention in Latin America

• How many times did the U.S. send troops to Latin America between the Spanish-American War and the Great Depression?

• How did President Roosevelt use his policing power?

• What role did Cornelius Vanderbilt play in U.S.-Latin American relations?

• Who was William Walker and why is he significant?

5. The Boxer Rebellion

• What is meant by the “Open Door” policy?

• What exactly was the Boxer Rebellion?

• How did it end?

• Why is the Boxer Rebellion important?

6. Video Viewings

Browse Social Studies, then choose History and Government, select U.S. History, scroll down to Imperialism, and view China, The Spanish-American War, The Panama Canal, Dollar Diplomacy, and Roosevelt Corollary. Provide a synopsis for each one of these:


The Spanish-American War

The Panama Canal

Dollar Diplomacy

Roosevelt Corollary


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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