Aloe, native to Africa, is also known as 'lily of the ...


Aloe vera

Aloe, native to Africa, is also known as "lily of the desert", the "plant of immortality", and the "medicine plant". The name was derived from the Arabic alloeh meaning "bitter" because of the bitter liquid found in the leaves. In 1500 B.C. Egyptians recorded use of the herbal plant in treating burns, infections and parasites. Legend has it that the Aloe Vera was Cleopatra's beauty secret. The Bible speaks of aloe in over a dozen passages, referring to it as the "bitter herb"; supposedly Alexander the Great in 333 B.C. was persuaded by his mentor (1) Aristotle to capture the Island of Socotra in the Indian Ocean for its famed (2) Aloe supplies, needed to treat his wounded (3) soldiers.

Extensive research since the 1930's has shown that the clear gel has a dramatic ability to heal( wounds, ulcers and burns by putting a protective coating (4) on the affected areas and speeding up (5) the healing rate.

The plant is about 96% water. The rest of it contains active ingredients including essential oil, amino acids, minerals, vitamins, enzymes and glycoproteins. Modern healers have used it since the 1930's. Many liquid health treatments are made, some combining aloe juice with other plants and herbs. The juice is soothing to digestive tract irritations, such as colitis and peptic ulcers. As a food supplement, aloe is said to facilitate digestion, aid in blood and lymphatic circulation, as well as kidney, liver and gall bladder(( functions, and as a cosmetic ingredient, its popularity has grown world-wide.


heal ( : to become healthy or normal again. Gall bladder((: the organ which contain the bile, next to the liver.

1. Choose the best option. Please copy the complete option on your answer sheet (1.5 mark).


a. The use of aloe in medicine is relatively new, it dates back to the 1930's.

b. There is a legend that aloe was used in medicine since ancient times, but nothing is really clear about it.

c. Aloe has been used in medicine for thousands of years, and there is written evidence about it.

d. Aloe has been used since ancient times, but its importance in medicine is quite recent.


a. Alexander the Great, Aristotle's mentor, persuaded him to conquer the island of Socotra, because it was rich in aloe.

b. Alexander the Great is said to have been persuaded by Aristotle to conquer the island of Socotra in order to have easy access to aloe vera.

c. Alexander the Great tried to conquer the island of Socotra, but he couldn't do it, because his soldiers were wounded.

d. Alexander the Great conquered the island of Socotra in spite of the fact that his soldiers were wounded.

2. Relate one word or expression as numbered in the text with one word or expression below (1 mark):

Mentor Famed Wounded Coating Speeding up

Well-known and…

Cover and…

Making faster and…

Advicer and ….

Injured and…

3. Complete the sentences using information from the text. PLEASE DO NOT REPRODUCE LITERALLY PHRASES FROM THE TEXT, UNLESS THIS IS UNAVOIDABLE (2 marks)

a. Aristotle....

b. Aloe juice....

c. Cleopatra....

d. Burns ....

plete with one or more adequate words, using information from the text. PLEASE AVOID REPRODUCING LITERALLY WORDS OR PHRASES FROM THE TEXT (1.50 mark)

The best demonstration of the effect of aloe vera that I have ever _________, was shown by Dr. Ivan Danhof, an American physician ___________ has worked with topical aloe products in the cosmetic industry for 30 ____________. When testing new creams, he always applied the material with the fingers of his right hand to the back of his left hand in order to test ______________ texture, smell and penetrability. He now declares that he has one old and one young ____________. One hand is the typical hand of a seventy year old, ___________ the other, his left hand, is clear and smooth and looks 30 years younger.

5. What are, according to the text, the main uses of aloe vera? Answer and explain your answer in your own words (25-50 words) (2 marks).

6. What do you think of "alternative medicine"? Answer and explain your answer in your own words (25-50 words) (2 marks).


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