Society of Hospital Medicine

CHAMP Publications and Presentations

At International, National and Local Conferences

Jan 2004 - May 2009


Podrazik PM and Whelan CT. Acute Hospital Care for the Elderly Patient: Its Impact on Clinical and Hospital Systems of Care. Medical Clinics of North America. 2008;92(2):387-406.

Arora VM, Johnson M, Olson J, Podrazik PM, Levine S, DuBeau CE, Sachs GA, Meltzer DO. Using assessing care of vulnerable elders quality indicators to measure quality of hospital care for vulnerable elders. Journal of American Geriatrics Society. 2007; 55(11): 1705-1711.

Shega J, Emanuel L, Vargish L, Levine SK, Bursch H, Herr K, Karp JF, Weiner DK. Pain in persons with dementia: complex, common, and challenging. Journal of Pain. 2007; 8(5):373-378.

Rodin M. A practical approach to geriatric assessment in oncology. Journal of Clinical Oncology 25(14), 2007.

Holmes HM, Cox-Hayley D, Alexander GC, Sachs GA. Reconsidering medication appropriateness for patients late in life. Arch Intern Med. 2006;166(6):605-9.

Whelan C. Practice based learning and improvement. In Pistoria M., Amin A., Dressler D., McKean S, Budnitz T. Core Competencies in Hospital Medicine, Journal of Hospital Medicine. 2006; 1(S1):87.

Mohr JJ and Batalden PB. Integrating approaches to health professional development with approaches to improving patient care. In: McLaughlin, K and Kaluzny, A., editors. Continuous Quality Improvement In Health Care, 3rd Edition. Maryland: Aspen Publishers. 2005. pp 281 – 296.

Whelan CT, Podrazik PM, Johnson JK. A case-based approach to teaching practice-based learning and improvement on the wards. Seminars in Medical Practice. 2005. Vol 8. 64-74.


American Geriatrics Society Annual Scientific Meeting, April/May 2009


“Effects of the Curriculum for the Hospitalized Aging Patient (CHAMP) on Patient Care Outcomes” Presented by David Meltzer. Authors: Meltzer D, Arora V, Podrazik P, Whelan C, Levine S, DuBeau C, Sachs G

Advances at the Forefront: Translational Medicine at the Bedside

University of Chicago-sponsored national conference

August 2007

“Treatment of Pain” Stacie Levine MD

“Assessing the Vulnerable Elderly: Polypharmacy” Paula Podrazik MD

American Geriatrics Society Annual Scientific Meeting, May 2007

Presidential Poster Session

“Relationship Between Quality of Care and Functional Decline for Hospitalized Vulnerable Elders.” Vineet Arora, M.D.


"The impact of functional status and comorbid illness on the expected benefits of intensive glucose control in older diabetes patients."  Elbert Huang MD, Marshall Chin MD and David Meltzer MD, PhD.

Received the Presidential Poster Award in Preventive Medicine

Society of Teachers in Family Practice, May 2007


“Fostering Geriatric Teaching Through Commitment to Change Contracts.” Stacie Levine MD

“Teaching Geriatrics Across the ACGME Competencies in the Inpatient Setting.” Paula Podrazik MD

CME Lectures at St. Mary’s and St. Elizabeth’s Hospitals, Chicago May 2007


“Incident Delirium in the Hospitalized Senior – Assessment and Prevention.” Don Scott MD, MHS

“Incident Delirium, Part II – Evaluation and Management.” Andrea Bial MD

“Pain Evaluation and Management.” Stacie Levine MD

Annual Assembly of AAHPM and Hospice and Palliative Nurses Association Feburary 2006


"Improving the End-of-Life Care for Persons with Dementia: Hospice Use, Symptom Management, and Medication Prescibing" by Joseph Shega MD, Deon Cox-Hayley DO, and Holly Holmes MD.

University of Chicago Medical Education Day, April 2006


“Assessing Impact of a Geriatrics Faculty Development Program:

Commitment-to-Change (CTC) Contracts.” Levine S, Baron A, DuBeau C, Johnson J, Johnson K, Podrazik P, Sachs G, Scott D, Whelan C, Cook S.

“Measuring Quality of Hospital Care for Vulnerable Elders: Use of ACOVE Quality Indicators.” Arora V, Johnson M, Podrazik P, Sachs G, Meltzer D.

Won an award in its category Medical Education

Society of General Internal Medicine 29th Annual Meeting, April 2006

Oral Abstract

“Measuring Quality of Care for Hospitalized Vulnerable Elders: Use of ACOVE-Based Measures.” Arora V, Johnson M*, Podrazik P, Levine S, Sachs G, Meltzer DO.

Finalist for the Hamolsky Junior Faculty Award – Oral Presentation

American Geriatrics Society Annual Meeting, May 2006



Commitment-to-Change (CTC) Contracts.” Levine S, Baron A, DuBeau C, Johnson J, Johnson K, Podrazik P, Sachs G, Scott D, Whelan C, Cook S.

Presidential Poster Session

“Measuring Quality of Care for Hospitalized Vulnerable Elders: Use of ACOVE-Based Measures.” Arora V, Johnson M*, Podrazik P, Levine S, Sachs G, Meltzer DO.

Presidential Poster Session

“Foley Catheter Census Audits: Teaching Practice Based Learning and Improvement with Geriatric Content in Real-Time Inpatient Practice.” DuBeau C, Whelan C, Johnson J, Podrazik P, Cook S.

“Enhancing Teaching and Clinical Care on the Inpatient Setting: Evaluation of a Faculty Development Program.” Martin J, Baron A, DuBeau C, Levine S, Johnson J, Podrazik P, Sachs G, Scott D, Whelan C, Cook S.

“Frequency and Accuracy of Functional Status Assessments by Physicians and Nurses in Hospitalized Vulnerable Elders.” Jared Olson*, Vineet Arora MD, Greg A. Sachs MD, David Meltzer MD, PhD.

Oral Paper

Scott D. “Practice Makes Perfect: Assessment of a Geriatrics Observed Structured Teaching Evaluation (OSTE) for Non-Geriatrics Faculty.”

Society of Hospital Medicine Annual Meeting, May 2006


“Bringing Systems Based Practice and Practice Based Learning and Improvement to the Bedside.” Chad Whelan MD, Julie Johnson PhD and Paula Podrazik MD.

Abstract received an award


“Measuring Quality of Care for Hospitalized Vulnerable Elders: Use of ACOVE-Based Measures.” Arora V, Johnson M*, Podrazik P, Levine S, Sachs G, Meltzer DO.

12th International Ottawa Conference on Clinical Competence, May 2006


“Recognizing and Improving Your Teaching Process.” Julie Johnson PhD, Paula Podrazik MD, Chad Whelan MD.

Accreditation Council on Graduate Medical Education Annual Education Conference, March 2005


“Using Microsystems Tool to Evaluate, Assess, and Educate About Systems Based Practice.” Rubinfeld I, Jordan J, Mohr J, Shepard A, Woodward A, Horst H, Dulchavsky S.

The Association of Program Directors in Medicine 2005 Spring Conference

“Bringing Systems Based Practice and Practice Based Learning and Improvement to the Bedside.” Holly Humphrey, MD; Julie Mohr, PhD; Paula Podrazik, MD; and Chad Whelan, MD

American Geriatrics Society Annual Meeting, May 2005


“Pressure Ulcers in Hospitalized Vulnerable Elders: Quality of Care and Nurse/Physician Roles.” Doeing DC*, Arora V, Meltzer D, Sachs GA.

Presidential Poster Session

Student Research Award

“Attending and Resident Perceptions of Teaching and Learning Geriatric Skills on Inpatient General Medicine Rotations: Are Geriatricians Better?” J Martin, Arora V, Cook S, Podrazik P, Meltzer DO, and Sachs GA.

Teacher’s Swap—Residency

CHAMP (Curriculum for the Hospitalized Aging Medical Patient)—

Teaching ACGME Competencies at bedside on the inpatient wards

Podrazik P, Levine S.

Society of Hospital Medicine Annual Meeting, May 2005


“The Prevalence and Recognition of Functional Limitations in Hospitalized Vulnerable Elders.” Adam D. DeVore*, MD, Vineet Arora MD, Diane Doeing MD, Greg Sachs MD; David Meltzer MD, PhD

Poster and Handout

“CHAMP: Curriculum for the Hospitalized Aging Medical Patient.” Paula Podrazik MD, Sandy Cook PhD, Catherine DuBeau MD, Stacie Levine MD, Don Scott MD, MHS, Greg A. Sachs MD

Received Honorable Mention

Society of General Internal Medicine 28th Annual Meeting, May 2005


“Teaching on Today’s Wards: Recognizing and Improving Your Teaching Process.” Julie Mohr MPH, PhD, Paula Podrazik MD, Chad Whelan MD


“Bringing Systems Based Practice and Practice Based Learning and Improvement to the Bedside.” Chad Whelan MD, Julie Mohr PhD


“Inpatient Geriatrics for Non-geriatricians.” Brent Williams MD, Scott Flanders MD, Donald Scott MD, MPH, Chad Whelan MD

VA Quality Scholars Summer Institute, August 2005


“Teaching on Today’s Wards. Recognizing and Improving Your Teaching Process.” Julie Mohr MPH, PhD, Paula Podrazik MD, Chad Whelan MD.

Practice-based Learning and Improvement 2005 Conference

Co-sponsored by the American Board of Medical Specialties (ABMS) and the Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education (ACGME), September 2005


“Bringing Systems Based Practice and Practice Based Learning and Improvement to the Bedside.” Chad Whelan MD, Paula Podrazik MD, Julie Mohr PhD.

University of Chicago Quality Fair, October 2005


“Quality of Care for Hospitalized Vulnerable Elders: Use of ACOVE Quality Indicators.” Arora, V, Johnson M, Podrazik P, Levine S, Sachs G, Meltzer D.

Won an award

The 11th International Ottawa Conference on Medical Education, July 2004

“Bringing Systems Based Practice and Practice Based Learning and Improvement to the Bedside.” Chad Whelan, MD; Julie Mohr, PhD; Paula Podrazik, MD

ABMS/ACGME Conference on Systems Based Practice, September 2004

“What Practicing Physicians Need to Know About Systems Based Practice.” Splaine M, Mohr J, Miles P.


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