American Journal of Medicine Manuscript Submission Checklist

American Journal of Medicine Manuscript Submission Checklist

Article Type: ________________________

Please use this checklist to ensure that your manuscript is complete and in compliance with the AJM Guide for Authors. The online Guide for Authors includes specific details and further explanation for each AJM article type.

|( |Manuscript File: Required Components and Formatting |

| |Title page |

| |Word count (See Guide for Authors for the word count for each article type) |

| |Title does not exceed word limit for the specified article type (See Guide for Authors) |

| |Structured abstract, unstructured abstract or none (See Guide for Authors) |

| |Running head |

| |Keywords |

| |Statement that all authors participated in the research and preparation of the manuscript |

| |Figure and table legends |

| |References are superscript in text. All references listed in end notes are cited within text. |

| |Text is in Microsoft Word, 12 point, double-spaced. |

| |Acronym use is limited. |

| |Manuscript has been checked for spelling and grammar. |

| |Article type is correct. |

|( |Supporting Files (Attached as Separate Documents) |

| |Cover letter |

| |Clinical Significance Bullet Points (70 words) |

| |Conflict of Interest Statement |

| |Written permission for usage of photographs, illustrations, figures, or text from another source. |

| |Photographs and illustrations are 300 dpi (or greater) tiff files (not Microsoft Word or Power Point). |

| |Line art figures are Microsoft Word or Power Point. |

| |Text in figures or graphics is not less than 12 point and not more than 14 point. |

| |Tables included in one single file; figures, photographs, or illustrations in separate files. |


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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