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Liste de nouveautés en déficience visuelle

Compilation – volume 1, 2010-2014

Considérant le nombre de références relatives à la déficience visuelle, qui ont été compilées depuis 2010, ce présent fichier intègre le contenu de toutes les listes diffusées entre janvier 2010 et décembre 2014. Veuillez vous y référer au besoin et consulter les compilatons ultérieures.

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Accessibilité du transport 6

Accessibilité universelle 9

Accident vasculaire cérébral 16

Activités de la vie quotidienne 17

Adaptation psychologique 19

Adolescent 25

Aide à la mobilité 27

Aide financière 40

Aide visuelle 40

Albinisme 43

Amblyopie 44

Annonce du diagnostic 46

Apprentissage 46

Arts 48

Association (groupement) 49

Attitude face aux personnes handicapées 49

Audiodescription 51

Autonomie 52

Cataracte 53

Chutes 53

Communautés ethnoculturelles 62

Communication 62

Condition physique 63

Conduite automobile 65

Culture 69

Déficience multiple 70

Déficience visuelle 74

Déficience visuelle d’origine corticale 78

Dégénérescence maculaire 82

Démence 103

Dépistage précoce 105

Développement cognitif 105

Développement psychosocial 110

Développement visuel 113

Diabète 113

Diagnostic 115

Droits de la personne 115

Éclairage 118

École spéciale 121

Écriture braille 121

Enfant 128

Ergothérapie 129

Éthique professionnelle 129

Évaluation des besoins 130

Évaluation en basse vision 131

Facteur social 136

Femme 137

Formation professionnelle 138

Glaucome 140

Hémianopsie 146

Intégration au travail 149

Intégration scolaire 157

Intégration sociale 165

Intervention précoce 167

Lecture / écriture 168

Loisir adapté 170

Louis Braille 172

Maladies 172

Maniérisme 173

Médias substituts 173

Milieu familial 179

Motricité 179

Neuropathies optiques 180

Optométrie, ophtalmologie 180

Orientation et mobilité 181

Paralysie cérébrale 198

Parent 198

Perception sensorielle 199

Personne âgée 207

Plasticité du cerveau 213

Posture 214

Prématurité 215

Problème social 216

Processus de production du handicap 216

Psychomotricité 216

Qualité de vie 217

Rapport de conférence 230

Réadaptation 231

Réadaptation visuelle 238

Recherche 241

Relations interpersonnelles 241

Réseau de soutien 242

Rétinite pigmentaire 243

Rétinopathie diabétique 244

Rétinopathie du prématuré 250

Santé 252

Santé et services sociaux 254

Sclérose en plaques 254

Sensibilité au contraste 256

Service de bibliothèque adapté 257

Sexualité 258

Spiritualité 259

Sports 259

Statistique 264

Strabisme 269

Surdicécité 270

Syndromes 281

Technologie 285

Témoignage (genre) 315

Test psychologique 316

Tourisme 318

Transition à la vie active 318

Traumatisme craniocérébral 322

Troubles neurovisuels 324

Urgence 325

Violence 325

Vision artificielle 326

Vision excentrique 327

Web 332

Accessibilité du transport

Alauzet, A., Sanchez, J., & Vleche, D. (2010). Les personnes qui rencontrent des situations de handicap dans les transports et leurs pratiques de déplacement. Rapport final Projet POTAS - Tome 1 [ressource électronique]. Paris: INRETS/LESCOT; CTNERHI. 96 p.

Baudoin, G., Venard, O., & Pretorius, S. (2010, June 2-4). Real time information, communication and localization environment for improving the mobility of travelers with sensory disabilities (visual or audotory) in public transports – The INFOMOVILLE [ressource électronique]. Communication présentée à la 12th International Conference on Mobility and Transport for Elderly and Disabled Persons (TRANSED), Hong Kong.

Blais, D., & Suen, S.L. (2010, June 2-4). Canadian study for R&D needs and priorities in accessible transportation [ressource électronique]. Communication présentée à la 12th International Conference on Mobility and Transport for Elderly and Disabled Persons (TRANSED), Hong Kong.

Casey, H. (2013, September). ‘Is seeing perceiving?’ Exploring issues concerning access to public transport for people with sight loss. British Journal of Visual Impairment, 31(3), 217-227.

Devlieger, P., & Strickfaden, M. (2012). Reversing the {im}material sense of a nonplace: The impact of blindness on the Brussels metro. Space and Culture, 15(3), 224-238.

Feinberg, J. (2011, May). Becoming commuters: Teaching students traveling to work using public transportation. Journal of Visual Impairment and Blindness, 105(5), 262-265.

Gallagher, B.A.M., Hart, P.M., O'Brien, C., Stevenson, M.R., & Jackson, A.J. (2011). Mobility and access to transport issues as experienced by people with vision impairment living in urban and rural Ireland. Disability & Rehabilitation, 33(12), 979-988.

Gässlein, A.K. (2012). PAVIP [Personal Assistant for Visually Impaired People]: Les tests ont commencé: À St-Gall, les bus gazouillent grâce au Milestone [ressource électronique]. Tactuel, (No 1).

Gauthier, M., Lanctôt, S., Bergeron, M., & et al. (2010). Guide pratique pour l'élaboration et la mise en œuvre d'un plan de développement à l'intention des autorités organisatrices de transport [ressource électronique]. Québec : Ministère des transports, Direction des communications. 91 p.

Gauthier, M., Lanctôt, S., Bergeron, M. et al. (2011). Fiches solutions du guide pratique pour l'élaboration et la mise en oeuvre d'un plan de développement à l'intention des autorités organisatrices de transport [ressource électronique]. Québec : Ministère des transports, Direction des communications.

Hunter-Zaworski, K. (2010, June 2-4). The future of accessible transportation: Meeting the needs of travelers with sensory and cognitive disabilities [ressource électronique]. Communication présentée à la 12th International Conference on mobility and transport for elderly and disabled persons (TRANSED 2010), Hong Kong.

Ingber, J. (2012, September). Airline travel information: Before you fly: The Transportation Security Administration and people with visual impairments [ressource électronique]. AccessWorld, 13(9).

Kiritoshi, K., Akiyama, T., Takeyama, Y., Nakayama, Y., Hirakawa, T., & Hashizaka, E. (2010, June 2-4). Constructing the concept of the indicator for the blind in new Chitose Airport International Passenger Terminal Building [ressource électronique]. Communication présentée à la 12th International Conference on Mobility and Transport for Elderly and Disabled Persons (TRANSED), Hong Kong.

Meddaugh, J.J. (2012, November). Access to independent travel: Tips and tricks from a blind business traveler: How to manage the airport more effectively [ressource électronique]. AccessWorld, 13(11).

Pardo, F. (2010, mai). Présentation du RAAQ à la Commission des transports et de l’environnement. Info-RAAQ, 30(1), 7-10.

Regroupement des usagers du transport adapté et accessible de l'île de Montréal. (2010). Guide des besoins des personnes ayant des limitations fonctionnelles en matière de transport en commun : Un outil d'aide à la mise en oeuvre de l'accessibilité universelle [ressource électronique]. Montréal: RUTA. 250 p.

Rutenberg, U., & Hunter-Zaworski, K. (2010, June 2-4). Design of a Personal Digital Assistant (PDA) to access real time travel information for sensory impaired travellers [ressource électronique]. Communication présentée à la 12th International Conference on Mobility and Transport for Elderly and Disabled Persons (TRANSED), Hong Kong.

Ryser, A. (2013). Les transports publics ne sont pas une sinécure [Suisse] [ressource électronique]. Tactuel, (No 3).

Strickfaden, M., & Devlieger, P. (2011, October-November). The Brussels metro: Accessibility through collaboration. Journal of Visual Impairment and Blindness, 105(10), 638-647.

Su, J., Chang, C., Ho, W., & Liao, H. (2010, June 2-4). Development of transit information assistant system for the visual impaired in a multimodal transit environment [ressource électronique]. Communication présentée à la 12th International Conference on Mobility and Transport for Elderly and Disabled Persons (TRANSED), Hong Kong.

Accessibilité universelle

Ania, M.-J., & Suris, M. (2011). L’accessibilité des expositions temporaires aux personnes aveugles et malvoyantes (A.Cubeddu-Gerez, P. Claudet, & F. Paghent, trad.). Terra Haptica, (No 2), 87-102.

Argyropoulos, V. S., & Kanari, C. (2015, April-June). Re-imagining the museum through “touch”: Reflections of individuals with visual disability on their experience of museum-visiting in Greece. ALTER - European Journal of Disability Research / Revue Européenne de Recherche sur le Handicap, 9(2), 130-143

Balabanis, G., Mitchell, V.W., Bruce, I.A., & Riefler, P. (2012). A conceptual stress-coping model of factors influencing marketplace engagement of visually impaired consumers. Journal of Consumer Affairs, 46(3), 485-505.

Bernard, S., Demangeon, M., Experton, T., Got-Thepault, L., Jegu, F., Lyazid, M., et al. (2014). Collectivités territoriales: Guide pour l'accessibilité des établissements recevant du public [ressource électronique]. [Paris]: Défenseurs des droits. 79 p.

Bingemann, G. (2011, juin). Après le bâtiment, le génie civil [ressource électronique]. Information UCBA, (No 153), 8-10.

Blouin, D., Lagacé, L., Pinard-Dostie, M., & Brault, D. (2014). L’approvisionnement en biens et services accessibles aux personnes handicapées: Guide d’accompagnement : Volet équipements de bureau [ressource électronique accessible]. Drummondville : Office des personnes handicapées du Québec. 46 p.

Childs, C.R., Thomas, C., Sharp, S., & Tyler, N. (2010, June 2-4). Can shared surfaces be safely negotiated by blind and partially sighted people? [ressource électronique]. Communication présentée à la 12th International Conference on Mobility and Transport for Elderly and Disabled Persons (TRANSED), Hong Kong.

Cho, J. (2010, June 2-4). Signs with large print and braille message at pedestrian crossings to enhance orientation and mobility of the visually impaired by providing them with street names, information and landmarks of the environment [ressource électronique]. Communication présentée à la 12th International Conference on Mobility and Transport for Elderly and Disabled Persons (TRANSED), Hong Kong.

Clarke, P.J., Ailshire, J.A., Nieuwenhuijsen, E.R., & de Kleijn-de Vrankrijker, M.W. (2011). Participation among adults with disability: The role of the urban environment. Social Science & Medicine, 72(10), 1674-1684.

Confédération française pour la promotion sociale des aveugles et amblyopes. (2010). Les besoins des personnes déficientes visuelles: Accès à la voirie et au cadre bâti [ressource électronique]. S.l.: Confédération française pour la promotion sociale des aveugles et amblyopes. 65 p.

Confédération française pour la promotion sociale des aveugles et amblyopes. (2010). Les besoins des personnes déficientes visuelles: Accès aux transports [ressource électronique]. S.l.: Confédération française pour la promotion sociale des aveugles et amblyopes. 111 p.

Dejeammes, M., & Chain, C. (2010, June 2-4). Accessible street environment for people with vision impairment: Research for new specifications in France [ressource électronique]. Communication présentée à la 12th International Conference on Mobility and Transport for Elderly and Disabled Persons (TRANSED), Hong Kong.

Dischinger, M., & Jackson Filho, J.M. (2012). Can tactile tiles create accessible urban spaces? Space and Culture, 15(3), 210-223.

dos Santos, L.N., & de Carvalho, R.J. M. (2012). Ergonomics and accessibility for people with visual impairment in hotels. Work, 41, 1417-1424.

Erin, J.N. (2014, July-August). Practice perspectives: Interdisciplinary planning and universal design. Journal of Visual Impairment and Blindness, 108(4), 341-342.

Faria, M. D. de, Silva, J. F. da, & Ferreira, J. B. (2012). The visually impaired and consumption in restaurants. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 24(5), 721-734.

Foxlin, S.C. (2014, July-August). Practice perspectives: Designing for people with visual impairments. Journal of Visual Impairment and Blindness, 108(4), 342-346.

France, Agence nationale de l'habitat. (n.d.). Adapter le logement pour les personnes mal voyantes [ressource électronique]. Paris: ANAH.

France, Observatoire interministériel de l’accessibilité et de la conception universelle. (2012). Rapport au Premier ministre [ressource électronique]. Paris : Auteur. 156 p.

Fujisawa, S., Yamada, N., Ito, S., Sato, K., Mitani, S., & Sueda, O. (2010, September). Identification of tactile walking surface indicators by white cane. Communication présentée à la 2010 IEEE International Conference on Virtual Environments Human-Computer Interfaces and Measurement Systems (VECIMS), Taranto, Italy.

Fukuda, H., Kuwahara, N., Suzuki, T., & Morimoto, K. (2011). A study on the visibility of the light emitting braille block. Human Centered Design: 2nd International Conference, HCD 2011. In M. Kurosu (Ed.), Lecture Notes in Computer Science (Vol. 6776, pp. 295-303). Berlin: Springer.

Graf-Beilfuss, A. (2011, avril). A quoi faut-il veiller pour obtenir une signalisation homogène [ressource électronique]. Information UCBA, (No 152), 13-16.

Gray, J.A., Zimmerman, J.L., & Rimmer, J.H. (2012). Built environment instruments for walkability, bikeability, and recreation: Disability and universal design relevant? Disability and Health Journal, 5(2), 87-101.

Grossman, M. (2010, November). Greeting card sites, are they accessible to people with vision loss? [ressource électronique]. AccessWorld, 11(7).

Groupement des Intellectuels Aveugles ou Amblyopes. (2013, avril). Dossier – Etre déficient visuel et partir à l’étranger [ressource électronique]. GIAA, Qu’on se le dise, (nouvelle série no 15).

Handa, K., Dairoku, H., & Toriyama, Y. (2010). Investigation of priority needs in terms of museum service accessibility for visually impaired visitors. British Journal of Visual Impairment, 28(3), 221-234.

Hara, K., Azenkot, S., Campbell, M., Bennett, C.L., Le, V., Pannella, S., et al. (2013) . Improving public transit accessibility for blind riders by crowdsourcing bus stop landmark locations with Google street view [ressource électronique]. Communication présentée à la 15th International ACM SIGACCESS Conference on Computers and Accessibility, Bellevue, Washington. 8 p.

Guy, R., & Truong, K. (2012). CrossingGuard: Exploring information content in navigation aids for visually impaired pedestrians[ressource électronique]. Communication présentée à la 2012 ACM annual conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, Austin, Texas, USA.

Havik, E.M., Melis-Dankers, B.J., Steyvers, F.J., & Kooijman, A.C. (2012, September). Accessibility of shared space for visually impaired persons: An inventory in the Netherlands. British Journal of Visual Impairment, 30(3), 132-148.

Hodges, B. (2010, November). Cleaning up online: A review of [ressource électronique]. AccessWorld, 11(7).

Hodges, B. (2011, January). Good news from the big box store: Accessibility features for laundry and kitchen appliances improve [ressource électronique]. AccessWorld, 12(1).

Ingber, J. (2012, August). Accessibility at popular vacation destinations : Accessibility in Colonial Williamsburg, Virginia and the Busch Gardens Amusement Park [ressource électronique]. AccessWorld, 13(8).

Ingber, J., & Huffman, L. (2014, June). Access issues: The Metropolitan Museum of Art sets an example in museum accessibility [ressource électronique]. AccessWorld, 15(6).

Kendrick, D. (2010, November). Website evaluation: Directions for Me, a gift to people who can't read the box [ressource électronique]. AccessWorld, 11(7).

Klass, S.S. (2010). Aging and the inaccessible city. Health Affairs, 29(9), 1741-1744.

Kreis, S., Lanctôt, S., & Michel, T.A. (2012). Guide pour élaborer une muséographie universellement accessible [ressource électronique]. Québec : Service de soutien aux institutions muséales. 99 p.

Kutintara, B., Somboon, P., Buasri, V., Srettananurak, M., Jedeeyod, P., Pornpratoom, K., et al. (2013). Design and evaluation of a kitchen for persons with visual impairments. Disability and Rehabilitation: Assistive Technology, 8(2), 136-139.

Kutintara, B., Somboon, P., Chaengsri, S., Suanlim, S., Phankong, K., Chumnanprai, T., et al. (2010). Accessible market: a prototype for people with disabilities in Thailand. Disability & Rehabilitation: Assistive Technology, 5(4), 240-246.

Lorh, C. (2013). L’absence de barrières ne se fait pas dans la demi-mesure [Suisse]: Le concept «sans barrières» germe d’abord dans les esprits [ressource électronique]. Tactuel, (No 3).

McManus, S., & Lord, C. (2012). Circumstances of people with sight loss [ressource électronique]. London: Natcen ; RNIB. 101p.

Manavella, M. (2010, mai). Nouvelles des institutions financières. Info-RAAQ, 30(1), 12-13.

Manavella, M. (2010, mai). Votre épicerie sur internet. Info-RAAQ, 30(1), 10-11.

Marin-Lamellet, C. (2010, June 2-4). The use of tactile guidance surfaces by persons with visual impairment in public transport [ressource électronique]. Communication présentée à la 12th International Conference on Mobility and Transport for Elderly and Disabled Persons (TRANSED), Hong Kong.

Musée de la musique. (20 mai 2011). Actes du colloque Handicap visuel et exposition [ressource électronique], Paris, France. 74 p.

Nakamura, T., Noriyoshi, A., & Tauchi, M. (2010, June2-4). Evaluation of the differentiability of newly developed low-profile bar-and dotshaped tactile walking surface indicators [ressource électronique]. Communication présentée à la 12th International Conference on Mobility and Transport for Elderly and Disabled Persons (TRANSED), Hong Kong.

Office des personnes handicapées du Québec. (2013). Je veux accueillir et servir tout le monde [site web]. Récupéré de

Point de Vue sur la Ville [site web]. Récupéré de

Pôle Ressources National Sport et Handicaps. (2010). Les piscines: Outil d'évaluation et d'analyse de l'accessibilité [ressource électronique]. Paris: PRNSH. 58 p.

Pôle Ressources National Sport et Handicaps. (2012). Les gymnases: Guide d'usage, conception et aménagements [ressource électronique]. Paris: PRNSH. 71 p.

Pôle Ressources National Sport et Handicaps. (2013). Les piscines: Guide d'usage, conception et aménagements [ressource électronique]. Paris: PRNSH. 59 p.

Québec (Ville). (2010). Vers une ville inclusive : Cadre de référence pour la Ville de Québec en matière d’intégration des personnes vivant des situations de handicap [ressource électronique]. Québec: Auteur. 40 p.

Ratelle, A., Cardinal, I., Zabihaylo, C., Lemay, L., & Lanctôt, S. (novembre 2013). Les déplacements extérieurs des personnes ayant une déficience visuelle: Six fiches pour une accessibilité universelle. Communication présentée au 4ème colloque francophone du Groupe d'Échanges et de Recherches de l'IFSTTAR : COPIE (Comportement du PIéton dans son Environnement), Montréal, Québec (province).

Ratelle, A., Douville, M., Landry, J., Wanet-Defalque, M.-C., & Couturier, J.-A. (2010, June 2-4). Accessibility challenges of expansive outside spaces for persons with blindness or visual impairment: Effectiveness of guidance lines in winter conditions [ressource électronique]. Communication présentée à la 12th International Conference on Mobility and Transport for Elderly and Disabled Persons (TRANSED), Hong Kong.

Ratelle, A., Lemay, L., Kreis, S., Zabihaylo, C., & Lanctôt, S. (2010, June 2-4). Designing indoor and outdoor environments to enhance orientation and mobility for people who are visually impaired [ressource électronique]. Communicaton présentée à la 12th International Conference on Mobility and Transport for Elderly and Disabled Persons (TRANSED), Hong Kong.

Ratelle, A., Lemay, L., Zabihaylo, C., Cardinal, I., & Lanctôt, S. (2013). Critères d’accessibilité universelle :Déficience visuelle, aménagements extérieurs [ressource électronique]. Longueuil: Institut Nazareth et Louis-Braille; Montréal: Société Logique.

Reinhardt, J.D., Miller, J., Stucki, G., Sykes, C., & Gray, D.B. (2011). Measuring impact of environmental factors on human functioning and disability: a review of various scientific approaches. Disability and Rehabilitation, 33(23-24), 2151-2165.

Riazi, A., Boon, M.Y., Bridge, C., & Dain, S. J. (2012). Home modification guidelines as recommended by visually impaired people. Journal of Assistive Technologies, 6(4), 270-284.

Rosenberg, D.E., Huang, D.L., Simonovich, S.D., & Belza, B. (2013). Outdoor built environment barriers and facilitators to activity among midlife and older adults with mobility disabilities. The Gerontologist, 53(2), 268-279.

Slade, J. (2013). Update on inclusive society [ressource électronique]. London: RNIB. 44 p.

Strechay, J., & Annis, T. (2012, February). Access to museums and parks for patrons who are blind or visually impaired [ressource électronique]. AccessWorld, 13(2).

Thies, S.B., Kenney, L.P.J., Howard, D., Nester, C., Ormerod, M., Newton, R., et al. (2011). Biomechanics for inclusive urban design: Effects of tactile paving on older adults' gait when crossing the street. Journal of Biomechanics, 44(8), 1599-1604.

Thomas Pocklington Trust. (2010, December). Design guidance for people with dementia and for people with sight loss [ressource électronique]. Research findings, (35), 8 p.

Turner, S.E., Anderson, E.F., Frith, K.H., & Couch, B. (2011). Evidence-based design for a safer environment without construction. Journal of Nursing Care Quality, 26(4), 364-370.

Accident vasculaire cérébral

Bowen A,H. C., Pollock A, Lincoln NB. (2013). La rééducation cognitive pour la négligence spatiale suite à un AVC : Résumé en langue simplifiée. Centre Cochrane Français.

Martin, M. (2012). Sight loss following stroke: Impact and rehabilitation [ressource électronique]. Research Discussion Paper(10), 21 p.

Mödden, C., Behrens, M., Damke, I., Eilers, N., Kastrup, A., & Hildebrandt, H. (2012). A randomized controlled trial comparing 2 interventions for visual field loss sith standard occupational therapy during inpatient stroke rehabilitation. Neurorehabilitation and Neural Repair, 26(5), 463-469.

National Clinical Guideline Centre. (2013). Stroke rehabilitation: Long term rehabilitation after stroke [ressource électronique]. London: National Institute for Health and Care Excellence.

Pollock, A., Hazelton, C., Henderson, C.A., Angilley, J., Dhillon, B., Langhorne, P., et al. (2010). Interventions for age-related visual problems in patients with stroke. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, (3).

Pollock, A., Hazelton, C., Henderson, C.A., Angilley, J., Dhillon, B., Langhorne, P., et al. (2012). Interventions for age-related visual problems in patients with stroke. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, (3), 1-37.

Pollock, A., Hazelton, C., Henderson, C.A., Angilley, J., Dhillon, B., Langhorne, P., et al. (2010). Interventions for disorders of eye movement in patients with stroke. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, (3).

Pollock A., Hazelton, C., Henderson, C.A., Angilley, J., Dhillon, B., Langhorne, P., et al. (2011). Interventions for disorders of eye movement in patients with stroke. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, (10). 35 p.

Pollock, A., Hazelton, C., Henderson, C.A., Angilley, J., Dhillon, B., Langhorne, P., et al. (2010). Interventions for visual field defects in patients with stroke. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, (3).

Pollock, A., Hazelton, C., Henderson, C. A., Angilley, J., Dhillon, B., Langhorne, P., et al. (2011). Interventions for visual field defects in patients with stroke. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, (10), 86 p.

Pollock, A., Hazelton, C., Henderson, C. A., Angilley, J., Dhillon, B. Langhorne, P., et al. (2012). Interventions for visual field defects in patients with stroke. Stroke, 43(4), e37-e38.

Rowe, F. (2013). Symptoms of stroke-related visual impairment. Strabismus, 21(2), 150-154.

Rowe, F. (2014, May). Vision care for stroke survivors [ressource électronique]. Research Findings(40), 5 p.

Activités de la vie quotidienne

Annis, T., & Huffman, L. (2011, May). Selecting products for seniors with vision loss [ressource électronique]. AccessWorld, 12(5).

Barstow, B.A., Bennett, D.K., & Vogtle, L.K. (2011). Perspectives on home safety: Do home safety assessments address the concerns of clients with vision loss? American journal of occupational therapy, 65(6), 635-642.

Daien, V., Peres, K., Villain, M., Colvez, A., Carriere, I., & Delcourt, C. 2014). Visual acuity thresholds associated with activity limitations in the elderly. The Pathologies Oculaires Liées à l'Age study. Acta Ophthalmologica, 92(7), e500-e506

Giguère, D., Gouin, N., & Odgers, P. (2011). Conseils pour se faciliter la vue [ressource électronique]. Québec: Institut de réadaptation en déficience physique de Québec. 29 p.

Hanafusa, A., Terada, S., Miki, Y., Sasagawa, C., Ikeda, T., & Fuwa, T. (2010). Makeup support system for visually impaired persons: Overview of system functions. Dans K. Miesenberger, J. Klaus, W. Zagler & A. Karshmer (Éds.), Computers Helping People with Special Needs (Vol. 6180, pp. 338-345). Berlin: Springer.

Hanney, N.M., & Tiger, J.H. (2012). Teaching coin discrimination to children with visual impairments. Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis, 45(1), 167-172.

Hochberg, C., Maul, E., Chan, E.S., Van Landingham, S., Ferrucci, L., Friedman, D.S., et al. (2012). Association of vision loss in glaucoma and age-related macular degeneration with IADL disability. Investigative Ophthalmology & Vision Science, 53(6), 3201-3206.

Holzschuch, C., Allaire, C., Bertholet, L., Agius, C., Méheust, C., (dir.). (2008). Quand la malvoyance s’installe: Guide pratique à l’usage des adultes et de leur entourage [ressource électronique]. Saint-Denis, France: INPES. 160 pages.

Kim, D.H., Newman, A.B., & Lipsitz, L.A. (2013). Prediction of severe, persistent activity-of-daily-living disability in older adults. American Journal of Epidemiology, 178(7), 1085-1093.

Lam, B.L., Christ, S.L., Zheng, D.D., West, S.K., Munoz, B.E., Swenor, B.K., et al. (2013). Longitudinal relationships among visual acuity and tasks of everyday life: The Salisbury Eye Evaluation Study. Investigative ophthalmology & visual science, 54(1), 193-200.

Lancioni, G.E., O’Reilly, M.F., Singh, N.N., & Oliva, D. (2011). Enabling two women with blindness and additional disabilities to make phone calls independently via a computer-aided telephone system. Developmental Neurorehabilitation, 14(5), 283-289.

Latham, K., Waller, S., & Schaitel, J. (2011). Do best practice guidelines improve the legibility of pharmacy labels for the visually impaired? Ophthalmic and Physiological Optics, 31(3), 275-282.

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Adaptation psychologique

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Aide à la mobilité

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Conduite automobile

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Faubert, J., & Watanabe, D., & Bellavance, F. (2014, July). Dynamic scene processing and driving skills in older drivers with road accidents. Visibility, 8(1), 10-11.

Green, K.A., McGwin, G., & Owsley, C. (2013). Associations between visual, hearing, and dual sensory impairments and history of motor vehicle collision involvement of older drivers. Journal of the American Geriatrics Society, 61(2), 252-257.

Hamel, J., Kraft, A., Ohl, S., De Beukelaer, S., Audebert, H.J., & Brandt, S.A. (2012). Driving simulation in the clinic: Testing visual exploratory behavior in daily life activities in patients with visual field defects [pdf et vidéo]. Journal of visualized experiments, (67), e4427.

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Niewoehner, P.M., Henderson, R.R., Dalchow, J., Beardsley, T.L., Stern, R.A., & Carr, D.B. (2012). Predicting road test performance in adults with cognitive or visual impairment referred to a Veterans Affairs Medical Center Driving Clinic. Journal of the American Geriatrics Society, 60(11), 2070-2074.

Ortiz, C., Castro, J.J., Alarcón, A., Soler, M., & Anera, R.G. (2013). Quantifying age-related differences in visual-discrimination capacity: Drivers with and without visual impairment. Applied Ergonomics, 44(4), 523-531.

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Déficience multiple

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Helps, D.H., & Herzberg, T.S. (2013, May-June). The use of an iPad2 as a leisure activity for a student with multiple disabilities. Journal of Visual Impairment and Blindness, 107(3), 232-236.

Jacquier, M.T. Pathologies ophtalmologiques de l'enfant cérébrolésé et du polyhandicapé. Motricité Cérébrale: Réadaptation, Neurologie du Développement, 31(2), 45-59.

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Taylor, K., & Preece, D. (2010). Using aspects of the TEACCH [Treatment and Education of Autistic and related Communication-handicapped Children] structured teaching approach with students with multiple disabilities and visual impairment: Reflections on practice. British Journal of Visual Impairment, 28(3), 244-259.

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Déficience visuelle

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Furtado, J.M., Winthrop, K.L., Butler, N. ., & Smith, J.R. (2013). Ocular toxoplasmosis I: parasitology, epidemiology and public health. Clinical & Experimental Ophthalmology, 41(1), 82-94

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Kallie, C.S., Legge, G.E., & Yu, D. (2012). Identification and detection of simple 3D objects with severely blurred vision. Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science, 53(13), 7997-8005.

Kennedy, R.D., Spafford, M.M., Parkinson, C.M., & Fong, G.T. (2011). Knowledge about the relationship between smoking and blindness in Canada, the United States, the United Kingdom, and Australia: Results from the International Tobacco Control Four-Country Project. Optometry, 82(5), 310-317.

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Lamirel, C., Newman, N., & Biousse, V. (2009). Les troubles visuels transitoires: démarche diagnostique. Journal Français d'Ophtalmologie, 32(10), 760-764.

Leat, S.J., Chan, L.L., Maharaj, P.-D., Hrynchak, P.K., Mittelstaedt, A., Machan, C.M., et al. (2013). Binocular vision and eye movement disorders in older adults. Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science, 54(5), 3798-3805.

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Déficience visuelle d’origine corticale

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Dégénérescence maculaire

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Développement psychosocial

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Développement visuel

Atkinson, J., & Braddick, O. (2012). Visual attention in the first years: typical development and developmental disorders. Developmental Medicine & Child Neurology, 54(7), 589-595.

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Droits de la personne

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Suivi de :

Beccari, M. (2010). Comment scolariser ou donner une formation professionnelle aux personnes déficientes visuelles ? [ressource électronique]. Réadaptation, (No 568), 21-22.

Mattinson, J.M. (2012). Appropriate testing accommodations for blind test-takers: high stakes examinations [ressource électronique]. The Journal of Blindness Innovation and Research, 2(1).

Meunier, E. (2010). Adapter sa pratique professionnelle à l’égard des personnes handicapées: Rapport de consultation sur les tâches, les gestes clés, les compétences générales et les connaissances requises pour des services et des interventions adaptés aux besoins des personnes handicapées [ressource électronique]. Drummondville: Office des personnes handicapées du Québec. 110 p.

Meunier, E. (2010). Adapter sa pratique professionnelle à l’égard des personnes handicapées: Document de synthèse et d’accompagnement [ressource électronique]. Drummondville: Office des personnes handicapées du Québec. 19 p.

Montréal (Québec). (2005). Charte montréalaise des droits et responsabilités [ressource électronique]. [Montréal]: la Ville, Service des communications et des relations avec les citoyens. 11 pages en imprimé et 38 pages en braille abrégé.

Office des personnes handicapées du Québec. (2010). Mise en oeuvre de la politique gouvernementale À part entière: Pour un véritable exercice du droit à l’égalité afin d’accroître la participation sociale des personnes handicapées: Bilan annuel 2009-2010 [ressource électronique]. Drummondville: Auteur. 122 p.

Office des personnes handicapées du Québec. (2011). Mise en oeuvre des dispositions à portée inclusive de la Loi assurant l’exercice des droits des personnes handicapées en vue de leur intégration scolaire, professionnelle et sociale: Rapport de janvier 2005 à septembre 2010 [ressource électronique]. Drummondville: Auteur. 104 p.

Office des personnes handicapées du Québec. (2010). Plan stratégique 2009-2014 [ressource électronique ou en braille]. Drummondville: Auteur. 27 p.

Québec (province), Ministère de la Santé et des Services sociaux. (2011). Plan d’action 2011-2014, pour l'intégration scolaire, professionnelle et sociale des personnes handicapées [ressource électronique]. Québec : MSSS.

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Vendruscolo, N., Bodgat, L., Dogué, K., Eusepi, E., Fradet, M., & Peter Felicitas, K. (2011). Personnes handicapées au Québec : Un état des lieux du droit [ressource électronique]. Montréal: Association québécoise des personnes de petite taille. 211 p.


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École spéciale

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Écriture braille

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Éthique professionnelle

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Évaluation des besoins

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Évaluation en basse vision

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Facteur social

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Intégration scolaire

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Bishop, D., & Rhind, D.J.A. (2011, September). Barriers and enablers for visually impaired students at a UK Higher Education Institution. British Journal of Visual Impairment, 29(3), 177-195.

Blackshear, J. (2014, November-December). Practice perspectives: The guys group: Navigating the terrain of adult life using aspects of the expanded core curriculum. Journal of Visual Impairment and Blindness, 108(6), 491-495.

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Capella McDonnall, M.C., Cavenaugh, B.S., & Giesen, J.M. (2012). The Relationship between parental involvement and mathematics achievement for students with visual impairments. The Journal of Special Education, 45(4), 204-215.

Claiborne, L.B., Cornforth, S., Gibson, A., & Smith, A. (2011). Supporting students with impairments in higher education: social inclusion or cold comfort? International Journal of Inclusive Education, 15(5), 513-527.

Cobb, R. (2010, July). Hear me out: Listening to blind and partially sighted children and young people [ressource électronique]. The Educator, XXIII(1), 18-25.

Correa-Torres, S.M., & Durando, J. (2011, September). Perceived training needs of teachers of students with visual impairments who work with students from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds. Journal of Visual Impairment and Blindness, 105(9), 521-532.

Daugherty, W. (2014, November-December). Practice perspectives: A brief history of how and why the Texas School for the Blind and Visually Impaired developed its diversified model of service delivery. Journal of Visual Impairment and Blindness, 108(6), 487-491.

Diamond, K.E., & Hong, S.-Y. (2010). Young children’s decisions to include peers with physical disabilities in play. Journal of Early Intervention, 32(3), 163-177.

Douglas, G., McLinden, M., Farrell, A.M., Ware, J., McCall, S., & Pavey, S. (2011). Access to print literacy for children and young people with visual impairment: Implications for policy and practice. European Journal of Special Needs Education, 26(1), 39-46.

Driver, F., & Belusic, O. (2011, March). Blind immersion: A proposal for a new approach to the education of blind children [ressource électronique]. Braille Monitor, 54(3).

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Engel-Yeger, B., & Hamed-Daher, S. (2013). Comparing participation in out of school activities between children with visual impairments, children with hearing impairments and typical peers. Research in Developmental Disabilities, 34(10), 3124-3132.

Erin, J.N. (2014, November-December). Practice perspectives: Building on existing resources to create new learning options for students with visual impairments. Journal of Visual Impairment and Blindness, 108(6), 485-487.

Forlin, C. (2010). The role of the school psychologist in inclusive education for ensuring quality learning outcomes for all learners. School Psychology International, 31(6), 617-630.

Frank, H., McLinden, M., & Douglas, G. (2014, September). Investigating the learning experiences of student physiotherapists with visual impairments: An exploratory study. British Journal of Visual Impairment, 32(3), 223-235.

Gale, E., Trief, E., & Lengel, J. (2010, November). The use of video analysis in a personnel preparation program for teachers of students who are visually impaired. Journal of Visual Impairment and Blindness, 104(11), 700-704.

Gässlein, A.-K. (2012). L’enseignement spécialisé reste d’actualité [Suisse]: Etude sur la situation actuelle et à venir [ressource électronique]. Tactuel, (No 2).

Giesen, J.M., Cavenaugh, B.S., & Capella-McDonnall, M. (2012). Academic supports, cognitive disability and mathematics achievement for visually impaired youth: A multilevel modeling approach. International Journal of Special Education, 27(1), 17-26.

Gilson, C. (2014, November-December). Practice report: Braille training for blindness professionals at The Hadley School for the Blind. Journal of Visual Impairment and Blindness, 108(6), 505-510.

Gourgey, K., Seyfert, D., & Tatum, L. (2012, August). Building competence and confidence: A summer program for middle and high school students at Baruch College [ressource électronique]. AccessWorld, 13(8).

Haegele, J.A., Lieberman, L.J., Lepore, M., & Lepore-Stevens, M. (2014, November-December). A service delivery model for physical activity in students with visual impairments: Camp abilities. Journal of Visual Impairment and Blindness, 108(6), 473-483.

Harris, B.A. (2011, August). Effects of the proximity of paraeducators on the interactions of braille readers in inclusive settings. Journal of Visual Impairment and Blindness, 105(8), 467-478.

Jones, R.D. (2014, May). Pharos: Self-Assessment tools for service development and improvement for schools, educational, and support services for young learners with visual impairment. British Journal of Visual Impairment, 32(2), 170-174.

Kaiser, M.A. (2014, November-December). Comment: The common goals and elusive solutions for providing access to students with visual impairments to standardized testing. Journal of Visual Impairment and Blindness, 108(6), 511-512.

Kamei-Hannan, C., Holbrook, M.C., & Ricci, L. A. (2012, February). Applying a response-to-intervention model to literacy instruction for students who are blind or have low vision. Journal of Visual Impairment and Blindness, 106(2), 69-80.

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Kibla Lartec, J., & Panas Espique, F. (2012, Summer). Communication strategies of teachers educating students who are legally blind in the general education setting. Insight: Research and Practice in Visual Impairment and Blindness, 5(2), 70-82.

Lamichhane, K. (2010, Spring). A comparative study of integrated educational facilities in Nepal. AER Journal : Research and Practice in Visual Impairment and Blindness, 3(2), 34-40.

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Levin, D.S., & Rotheram-Fuller, E. (2011, June). Evaluating the empowered curriculum for adolescents with visual impairments. Journal of Visual Impairment and Blindness, 105(6), 350-360.

Lynch, P., McCall, S., Mapondera, A., Limpemba-Kaphwiti, M., & Kaunda, V. (2010, July). Inclusion – Listening to children and young people’s voices in Malawi [ressource électronique]. The Educator, XXIII(1), 26-29.

McMahon, E. (2014, November-December). The role of specialized schools for students with visual impairments in the continuum of placement options: The right help, at the right time, in the right place. Journal of Visual Impairment and Blindness, 108(6), 449-459.

Mamiseishvili, K., & Koch, L.C. (2011). First-to-second-year persistence of students with disabilities in postsecondary institutions in the United States. Rehabilitation Counseling Bulletin, 54(2), 93-105.

Miller, J. (2014, November-December). Practice perspectives: Meeting the expectations of the workplace in the schoolplace. Journal of Visual Impairment and Blindness, 108(6), 495-499.

Oren, T., & McLeod, M. (2011, September). Practice perspectives: The marker is empty: Lessons learned from the student-teaching experience of an individual who is visually impaired. Journal of Visual Impairment and Blindness, 105(9), 516-520.

Pevsner, D., Sanspree, M.J., & Allison,C. (2012, Summer). Teaching strategies for learning styles of students with visual impairments. Insight: Research and Practice in Visual Impairment and Blindness, 5(2), 59-69.

Pogrund, R.L., Darst, S., & Boland, T. (2013, January-February). Evaluation study of short-term programs at a residential school for students who are blind and visually impaired. Journal of Visual Impairment and Blindness, 107(1), 30-42.

Reed, M., & Curtis, K. (2012, July). Experiences of students with visual impairments in Canadian higher education. Journal of Visual Impairment and Blindness, 106(7), 414-425.

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Smith, D.W., & Amato,S. (2012, May). Synthesis of available accommodations for students with visual impairments on standardized assessments. Journal of Visual Impairment and Blindness, 106(5), 299-304.

Smith, K.A., & Herlich, S. (2014, November-December). Practice report: Separated by a driveway: Collaboration between two state specialized schools to assess students with deafblindness. Journal of Visual Impairment and Blindness, 108(6), 501-505.

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Whitburn, B. (2014, May). A really good teaching strategy: Secondary students with vision impairment voice their experiences of inclusive teacher pedagogy. British Journal of Visual Impairment, 32(2), 148-156.

Wild, T.A., Hilson, M., & Farrand, K. (2014). Preparing for an inquiry-based summer camp experience for students with visual impairments: What do the campers think? Journal of Blindness Innovation and Research, 4(2).

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Intégration sociale

Anastasiou, D., & Kauffman, J. (2011). A social constructionist approach to disability: Implications for special education. Exceptional Children, 77(3), 367-384.

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Goodwin, D.L., Lieberman, L.J., Johnston, K., & Leo, J. (2011). Connecting through summer camp: Youth with visual impairments find a sense ofcommunity. Adapted Physical Activity Quarterly, 28(1), 40-55.

Graefe, P., & Levesque, M. (2010). Accountability and funding as impediments to social policy innovation: Lessons from the labour market agreements for persons with disabilities. Canadian Public Policy, 36(1), 45-62.

Hewett, R., Douglas, G., Ramli, A., & Keil, S. (2012). Post-14 transitions: A survey of the social activity and social networking of blind and partially sighted young people: Technical Report [ressource électronique]. London: RNIB.

Kendrick, M.J. (2011). Mobility as a means to an end: Acquiring valued social roles. International Journal of Orientation & Mobility, 4(1), 48-53.

Naraine, M.D., & Fels, D.I. (2013, September). The importance of ‘strategic chat time’ for people who are blind or low vision. British Journal of Visual Impairment, 31(3), 208-216.

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Intervention précoce

Cugini, D. (2012). Le plus tôt est le mieux [Suisse]: Une thérapie ciblée peut être primordiale dès les premiers mois de vie [ressource électronique]. Tactuel, (No 2).

Ely, M.S. (2014, July-August). Effective strategies for preschool peer group entry: Considered applications for children with visual impairments. Journal of Visual Impairment and Blindness, 108(4), 287-297.

Epley, P.H., Summers, J.A., & Turnbull, A.P. (2011). Family outcomes of early intervention. Journal of Early Intervention, 33(3), 201-219.

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Slade, J. (2014, march). Early intervention support in eye clinics: An overview of emotional and practical support in UK eye clinics for the year 2012/13 [ressource électronique]. London: RNIB. 35 p.

Lecture / écriture

Blackmore-Wright, S., Georgeson, M.A., & Anderson, S.J. (2013). Enhanced text spacing improves reading performance in individuals with macular disease [ressource électronique]. PLoS ONE, 8(11), e80325.

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Burton, M., Knipe, C., Midtdal, V., Rathwell, D., & Wong, F. (2008). Reading strategies for students with visual impairments: A classroom teacher’s guide [ressource électronique]. S.l.: Special Education Technology British Columbia. 26 p.

Carlson, E., Bitterman, A., & Jenkins, F. (2012). Home literacy environment and its role in the achievement of preschoolers with disabilities. The Journal of Special Education, 46(2), 67-77.

Erin, J.N. (2014, March-April). Practice perspectives: Adaptation of a reading program to meet the needs of braille readers. Journal of Visual Impairment and Blindness, 108(2), 145-146.

Hatton, D.D., Erickson, K.A., & Brostek Lee, D. (2010, December). Phonological awareness of young children with visual impairments. Journal of Visual Impairment and Blindness, 104(12), 743-752.

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Laroche, L., Boulé, J., & Wittich, W. (2012, January). Reading speed of contracted french braille. Journal of Visual Impairment and Blindness, 106(1), 37-42

McGowan, V.A., Paterson, K.B., & Jordan, T.R. (2013). Age-related visual impairments and perceiving linguistic stimuli: The rarity of assessing the visual abilities of older participants in written language research. Experimental Aging Research, 39(1), 70-79.

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Nguyen, A.M., van Landingham, S.W., Massof, R.W., Rubin, G.S., & Ramulu, P.Y. (2014). Reading ability and reading engagement in older adults with glaucoma. Investigative ophthalmology & visual science, 55(8), 5284-5290.

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Ramulu, P.Y., Swenor, B.K., Jefferys, J.L., Friedman, D.S., & Rubin, G.S. (2013). Difficulty with out-loud and silent reading in glaucoma. Investigative ophthalmology & visual science, 54(1), 666-672.

Ramulu, P.Y., Swenor, B.K., Jefferys, J.L., & Rubin, G.S. (2013). Description and validation of a test to evaluate sustained silent reading. Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science, 54(1), 673-680.

Rowley, R., McCarthy, M., & Carlone Rines, J. (2014, March-April). Practice perspectives: Adaptation of the Wilson Reading System for Braille Readers. Journal of Visual Impairment and Blindness, 108(2), 146-150.

Rubin, G.S. (2013). Measuring reading performance. Vision Research, 90, 43-51.

Savaiano, M.E., & Hatton, D.D. (2013, March-April). Using repeated reading to improve reading speed and comprehension in students with visual impairments. Journal of Visual Impairment and Blindness, 107(2), 93-106.

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Uysal, S.A., & Aki, E. (2012). Relationship between writing skills and visual-motor in low-vision students. Perceptual and Motor Skills, 115(1), 111-119.

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Zheng, Y., Lamoureux, E.L., Chiang, P.P., Cheng, C.-Y., Anuar, A.R., Saw, S.-M., et al. (2011). Literacy is an independent risk factor for vision impairment and poor visual functioning. Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science, 52(10), 7634-7639.

Loisir adapté

Annis, T. (2011, November). Accessible holiday gifts: Choosing toys for children with vision loss [ressource électronique]. AccessWorld, 12(11).

Benton, K. (2011, Fall). Developing a multi-sensory outdoor education program [ressource électronique]. Insight: Research and Practice in Visual Impairment and Blindness, 4(4), 177-179.

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Hénault, C. (2010). « J’aime le jeuxs jolis ! » GIAA, Qu’on se le dise, (nouvelle série no 5), 8-10.

Kleege, G. (2014, January). What does dance do, and who says so? Some thoughts on blind access to dance performance. British Journal of Visual Impairment, 32(1), 7-13.

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Radiguet, P. (2012). Suppléance sensorielle et aviation de tourisme : Des aveugles aux commandes. Bulletin ARIBa, (No 28), 14-15.

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Sassier, N. (2010). Odimo : La console qui révolutionne les loisirs des malvoyants. GIAA, Qu’on se le dise, (nouvelle série no 5), 7-8.

Louis Braille

Huffman, L. (2012, January). AccessWorld celebrates the birthday of Louis Braille [ressource électronique]. AccessWorld, 13(1).


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Molloy, A., & Rowe, F.J. (2011). Manneristic Behaviors of Visually Impaired Children. Strabismus, 19(3), 77-84.

Médias substituts

Aasen, G., & Nærland, T. (2014). Observing the use of tactile schedules. Journal of Intellectual Disabilities, 18(4), 315-336.

Adetoro, N. (2012). Alternative format preferences among secondary school visually impaired students in Nigeria. Journal of Librarianship and Information Science, 44(2), 90-96.

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Milieu familial

Joselin, L. (2010). Images de la famille de l'enfant déficient dans la littérature jeunesse. Dialogue, 2(188), 109-121.


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Neuropathies optiques

Altpeter, E.K., Blanke, B.R., Leo-Kottler, B., Nguyen, X.N., & Trauzettel-Klosinski, S. (2013). Evaluation of fixation pattern and reading ability in patients with Leber hereditary optic neuropathy. Journal of Neuro Ophthalmology, 33(4), 344-348.

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Optométrie, ophtalmologie

Backman, H. (2013, Septembre/octobre). L’assurance maladie au Canada [ressource électronique]. L’Optométriste, 35(5), 16-23.

Blanchet, K., Gilbert, C., & de Savigny, D. (2014). Rethinking eye health systems to achieve universal coverage: the role of research. British Journal of Ophthalmology, 98(10), 1325-1328.

Bomal, A.-M (2014, Juillet/août). La luminosité et son action sur la choroïde : Une avancée pour l’étude de la myopie [ressource électronique]. L’optométriste, 36(4). 26-28.

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Elam, A.R., & Lee, P.P. (2013). High-risk populations for vision loss and eye care underutilization: A review of the literature and ideas on moving forward. Survey of Ophthalmology, 58(4), 348-358.

Jaunay, V. (2011, janvier). L’implant rétinien: Ce que nous pouvons espérer de lui [ressource électronique]. L’Auxiliaire des Aveugles et des Malvoyants, (No 155), 2.

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Orientation et mobilité

Afonso, A., Blum, A., Katz, B. F. G., Tarroux, P., Borst, G., & Denis, M. (2010). Structural properties of spatial representations in blind people: Scanning images constructed from haptic exploration or from locomotion in a 3-D audio virtual environment. Memory & Cognition, 38(5), 591-604.

Alexandre, R., Cordovil, R., & Barreiros, J. (2012). Children's locomotion on slopes given visual, acoustic, and tactile information. Perceptual and Motor Skills, 115(1), 197-212.

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Rapport de conférence

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Témoignage (genre)

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Transition à la vie active

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Traumatisme craniocérébral

Alvarez, T.L., Kim, E.H., Vicci, V.R., Dhar, S.K., Biswal, B.B., & Barrett, A.M. (2012). Concurrent vision dysfunctions in convergence insufficiency with traumatic brain injury. Optometry & Vision Science, 89(12), 1740-1751.

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Troubles neurovisuels

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Vision artificielle

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Vision excentrique

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Francine Baril

Centre de documentation, INLB

Courriel : francine.baril.inlb@ssss.gouv.qc.ca

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