World History

World History

3rd Quarter Test Review

1. Why were cuneiform and hieroglyphics important?

2. What was Hammurabi’s Code?

3. What is the practice of agriculture?

4. What were the characteristics of Athenian Democracy?

5. What is a Direct Democracy?

6. How was a tyrant different from other leaders in ancient Greece?

7. Why did Constantine build a new capital?

8. What factors contributed to the Fall of Rome?

9. Roman law is the foundation of what kind of law today?

10. Why did Christians object to the presence of icons?

11. What was the schism of 1045?

12. Who introduced Christianity to England?

13. What did the Eastern Roman Empire become known as?

14. Why did the pope name Charlemagne the Emperor of the Roman people?

15. Why did Europe become a feudal society?

16. When did the Christians drive the Moors out of Spain?

17. Why was the pope so influential in the Middle Ages?

18. What effect did the feudal system have on Kings?

19. What was the Economic System of Medieval Europe called?

20. Why did the West evolve into separate ruling nations?

21. What was the goal of the first crusade?

22. What effect did the Crusades have on European kings?

23. What was the end result of the War of the Roses?

24. What did the Black Death lead to?

25. Who won the 100 Years War?

26. Who built the largest empire in South America?

27. What caused the end of the Inca Empire?

28. How did the Aztec Empire grow rich?

29. What led to the downfall of the Aztec and Inca Empire?

30. What was the ultimate goal of the Portuguese explorers?

31. Where were most slave forts located?

32. Where were most slaves taken?

33. What was the voyage of African slaves called?

34. What was a voyage on a slave ship like?

35. What were Europeans trying to find of their voyages of discovery?

36. How did the Renaissance contribute to the Age of Discovery?

37. Why did European investors willingly invest in overseas trade?

38. How did colonization affect the merchant class?

39. What would Mercantilist advocate?

40. What was the effect of the Columbian Exchange?

41. What did Humanism inspire interest in?

42. What are Shakespeare’s works known for?

43. Why did more people learn to read after the 1400’s?

44. Why was Johannes Gutenberg’s invention revolutionary?

45. The belief that God knows who will be saved is called_______________?

46. Whose famous works include the Mona Lisa and The Last Supper?

47. What was the new way of thinking in the 1500’s called?

48. Who argued that people have a right to overthrow their government to protect their natural rights?

49. Which philosopher suggested that power should be balanced between Legislative, Judicial and Executive branches?

50. Which artist created a statue of David and painted the Sistine Chapel?

51. What happened as a result of Martin Luther’s stand against indulgences?

52. What movement was inspired by a Church’s scholastic education giving way to subjects such as humanities?

53. How did the work of the Flemish School differ from Italian Renaissance painting?

54. What did European monarch’s work to do in the 1500’s and 1600’s?

55. Which king is most associated with absolute monarchy in France?

56. What was a key goal of Peter the Great?

57. How did the Glorious Revolution affect England?

58. Who were the traditional authorities until the Scientific Revolution?

59. Why did scientist study the natural world more in the mid 1500’s?

60. What new approach allowed scholars to gain new scientific knowledge?

61. Who advocated Free Market Capitalism, Laissez Faire, and the Laws of Supply and Demand in his book “The Wealth of Nations”?

62. What is John Locke best known for?

63. The Enlightenment idea that government should be created and controlled by the people is called__________________.

64. Why was the Bill of Rights added to the Constitution?

65. Why did the French and Indian War lead to increased taxes on the American colonies?


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