Poetry Anthology Assignment

Poetry Anthology Assignment

Harlem and Beyond…

One of the major assessments for this unit, “Living the American Dream?”, will be a Poetry Anthology. What’s an anthology? A collected group of poems that will center around a common theme…

The Assignment:

You will create a Poetry Anthology book that presents a variety of poems studied in class, poems you have written, and poems from modern day.

It Must Include:

• 20 Poems (8 from class, 5 written yourself, and 7 miscellaneous choices)

• Each poem must include 5 annotations at the bottom of the page

o Number 1 must always be a THEME STATEMENT (e.g. “It is hard to be alone in the world with no one to talk to)

o The other four should be literary terms (e.g. metaphor, alliteration, rhyme scheme, free verse, simile, etc.)

• The piece must be professional and include a picture/visual item with each poem

Due Date:_______________________


Poem 1


by: K. Sophiea

When rain

falls and thunder

storms, the crashing is not

heard, because of the cracking of

my heart

1. Theme: When one has a broken heart, nothing else seems to matter or can be heard

2. Assonance: ‘a’ sound = crashing, cracking

3. Consonance: ‘n’ sound = when, rain, thunder

4. Free Verse: No definite rhyme or rhythm

5. Imagery: Uses words such as falls, storms, crashing

Poetry Anthology Rubric

• 20 poems /20

(1 point each)

• 20 illustrations/visuals /10

(1/2 point each)

• Poem type (8 class, 5 self, 7 misc.) /10

(1/2 point each)

• Poetry Literary Devices /40

(e.g. Alliteration, Onomatopoeia, rhyme scheme

hyperbole, metaphor, simile, personification,

oxymoron, symbolism, repetition, assonance,

consonance, etc.)

(1/2 point each, 2 points per poem)

• Theme Statements /20

(1 point each)

• Professionalism/Presentation /10

(1/2 point each)

TOTAL: /110

|1.) Theme: |6.) Theme: |11.) Theme: |16.) Theme: |

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|2.) Theme: |7.) Theme: |12.) Theme: |17.) Theme: |

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|3.) Theme: |8.) Theme: |13.) Theme: |18.) Theme: |

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|4.) Theme: |9.) Theme: |14.) Theme: |19.) Theme: |

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|5.) Theme: |10.) Theme: |15.) Theme: |20.) Theme: |

|LT: |LT: |LT: |LT: |


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