University of Southern Maine

UNDERGRADUATE MAJOR: Political Science – Political Science Track CREDITS REQUIRED IN MAJOR: 39FOUNDATION/REQUIRED MAJOR COURSESCOURSE NUMBERCOURSE NAMECREDITSPREREQUISITESPOS 101Introduction to American Government3POS 104Introduction to International Relations3POS 203Introduction to Political Science Research3POS 205?Introduction to Comparative Politics3POS 290Introduction to Political Theory3MAJOR ELECTIVES: 24 CREDITS Students may choose from any of the major’s other offerings to fulfill remaining credit hours, with the requirement that at least 12 hours be completed at or above the 300-level.POS 102People and Politics3POS 120Government and Politics of Maine3POS 234Race and Ethnicity in U.S. Politics3POS 245French Politics and Government?3ENG 100, 104, or equivalentPOS 256Media and Politics3POS 101 or POS 102 or permission of the instructor.POS 261The American Congress3POS 101 or permission of the instructorPOS 262The American Presidency3POS 101 or permission of the instructorPOS 280?Issues Before the United Nations3POS 310Internet and Politics3POS 315Media Law3POS 101 or CMS 103 or permission of the instructorPOS 333Theories of Democratization3POS 205 or equivalent or permission of the instructorPOS 335European Politics3POS 101 or permission of the instructorPOS 340The Politics of Developing Nations?3POS 104 or permission of the instructorPOS 342Government and Politics of the Middle East?3POS 345British Politics3POS 101 or permission of the instructorPOS 347The Politics of China3POS 349The Middle East in International Politics3POS 104 or permission of the instructorPOS 354African Americans and American Justice3EYE and sophomore status, or permission of the instructorPOS 360?Terrorism and the American Public3POS 361Public Administration3POS 101 or permission of the instructorPOS 374United States Foreign Policy3POS 101 or permission of the instructorPOS 380Topics1-3POS 385Conflict and Security in Contemporary World Politics3POS 104 or permission of the instructorPOS 390Ancient and Medieval Political Theory3POS 290, or sophomore status, or permission of the instructorPOS 391Modern Political Theory3POS 392American Political Thought I3POS 290 or PHI 109 or HTY 121 or HTY 122 or permission of the instructorPOS 393American Political Thought II?3POS 395Independent Study I3By permission of the political science facultyPOS 396Independent Study II3By permission of the political science facultyPOS 405The European Union3POS 101 or POS 102 or POS 104 or POS 205, or permission of the instructorPOS 406Research in the European Union3Recommended, but not required: POS 205 or any other course with an international contentPOS 445MeMUNC Conference Planners3Permission of the instructorPOS 446Global Educators3Permission of the instructorPOS 463Supreme Court and Constitutional Law3POS 101POS 464American Civil LibertiesPOS 101 or permission of the instructorPOS 470Electoral Politics Internship6Open to selected students from any majorPOS 471Internship in Private and Semi-Public Organizations6Open to selected students from any majorPOS 472Not-for-Profit Internship6Open to selected students POS 473Municipal Administration Internship6Open to selected students POS 474Federal Executive Internship6Open to selected students POS 475Congressional Internship6Open to selected students POS 476Internship in Washington D.C.6Open to selected students POS 477State Internship6Open to selected students POS 478State Judiciary Internship6Open to selected students POS 479State Legislative Internship6Open to selected students POS 480International Affairs Internship?6Open to selected students MAJOR COURSES OVERLAPPING IN THE CORE:CORE AREACOURSE NUMBERCOURSE NAMEREQUIRED BY MAJOR?SCA, DIV, INTPOS 280?Issues Before the United NationsNoSCAPOS 101Introduction to American GovernmentYesSCAPOS 102People and PoliticsNoSCA, DIV, INTPOS 104Introduction to International RelationsYesSCAPOS 205?Introduction to Comparative PoliticsYesINTPOS 245French Politics and Government?NoText from the 2015 – 2016 Catalog:The Political Science Program offers students a choice of two tracks:?Political Science Track?and?International Studies Track.? Only one track must be completed to earn the B.A. in Political Science. Most majors complete the?Political Science Track; however, students who have an especially strong interest in world affairs should consider the International Studies Track.Political science is the systematic study of politics and government and is widely recognized as one of the core disciplines within the liberal arts curriculum. The political science major provides a substantive and analytic preparation that can lead to a variety of professions, giving the students access to a vast array of future careers. For instance, this discipline often serves those with an interest in entering politics and government. Yet, political science majors equally go on to become civic leaders, town managers, city planners, budget specialists, foreign service officers, CIA analysts, FBI agents, policy researchers, and to hold a variety of management positions in local, state, national, and international organizations.Beyond government, a political science degree leads naturally to graduate training, including law school. Similarly, teaching has been a traditional career for many political science students, who have combined their interest for domestic and international issues with a call to service in the community. Many journalists and broadcasters were political science majors. Business has also recognized the analytic and management skills obtained through training in political science. Other rapidly developing fields such as polling, communications, campaign management, consulting, private and public interest group activity, and data analysis also value a political science degree when making hiring decisions. A political science degree, therefore, opens many doors in different professional directions.The major administers an elaborate, carefully structured internship program, open to majors and non-majors alike. Political science majors are especially encouraged to take advantage of the variety of internship opportunities as part of their undergraduate program to help them establish a professional presence in the working community.The Political Science faculty strongly urges its majors to take courses in economics, history, sociology, and business. All political science students are encouraged to undertake at least one year of university-level foreign language study. Additional language study is recommended for those majors with an interest in comparative or international politics and for those considering graduate school.Core curriculum codesEYE – Entry Year ExperienceCW – College WritingQR – Quantitative ReasoningCE – Creative ExpressionSCA – Socio-cultural AnalysisCI – Cultural InterpretationSE – Science ExplorationEISRC – Ethical Inquiry, Social Responsibility, & CitizenshipDIV – DiversityINT – InternationalCAP - Capstone ................

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